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El ciervo con astas Hermosa. The Stag with Beautiful Antlers.

One morning, a stag, drinking from a pond, saw his reflection in the water. He thought to himself, What beautiful antlers I have. Dont I look elegant? But my legs are a sorry sight in contrast! So spindly and bony.

The stag was still admiring his antlers when he heard the baying of hunters dogs. He dashed away from the pond and ran to hide in the the woods. His legs carried him swiftly and surely, but as he passed under a leafy tree, his antlers gor caught in its branches.

The stag tried to free his antlers, but each time he shook his head, the more entangled he became. The dogs were closing in on him. The stag gave one last, desperate tug and managed to free himself.

Once he was in the woods and able to catch his breath, he thought, The antlers I admired so much nearly killed me, while the legs I hated so much saved my life Una maana, un ciervo, bebiendo de un estanque, vio su reflejo en el agua. l pens: "Qu cuernos hermosos que tengo. No me veo elegante? Pero mis piernas son un triste espectculo en contraste! As delgadas y huesudas. " El ciervo estaba admirando sus astas al or los ladridos de los perros cazadores. Se precipit fuera de la charca y corri a esconderse en el bosque. Sus piernas lo llevaron con rapidez y sin duda, pero al pasar bajo un rbol frondoso, sus astas gor atrapados en sus ramas. El ciervo trat de liberar a sus astas, pero cada vez que neg con la cabeza, el ms enredado que se convirti. Los perros se acercaban a l. El ciervo dio un ltimo tirn, desesperada y logr liberarse. Una vez en el bosque y es capaz de recuperar el aliento, pens, "Los cuernos que yo admiraba mucho casi me mata, mientras que las piernas me odiaba tanto me salv la vida

Muchas veces, a quienes creemos ms indiferentes, son quienes nos dan la mano en las problemas, mientras que los que nos adulan, ni siquiera se asoman.

Often, those who believe most indifferent are those who give us hand in the problems, while those who flatter us, not even poke fox

Con sus negros y legaosos ojos, el cuervo observaba al zorro que se hallaba en el suelo, all abajo. Lo mir saltar una y otra vez al rbol en que l estaba posado, chillando desaforadamente. Los dems cuervos graznaban alarmados, desde las ramas altas, hasta que aquel clamoreo llen los aires. Pero el cuervo negro callaba, porque sujetaba con fuerza en su pico un gran trozo de queso amarillo. Cuando el astuto zorro comprendi, por fin, que no podra alcanzar el queso del cuervo, trat de obtenerlo de algn otro modo. -Mi querido, mi queridsimo cuervo! -le dijo suavemente-. Oh beldad del bosque! Tu fuerza es mayor que la del guila de anchas alas, tu vuelo tiene ms gracia que el de la golondrina, tu reluciente plumaje negro brilla ms que el del pavo real! Lstima que, aunque tienes todos esos dones, la naturaleza se haya negado a darte una voz! Los negros ojos del cuervo haban centelleado de alegra ante la adulacin del zorro, pero sus ltimas palabras lo irritaron. Qu quera decir al afirmar que no tena voz? -Quiz esto ltimo sea falso -dijo el zorro en tono amistoso-. Puede ser que el envidioso ruiseor haya difundido esa mentira para desterrar del bosque la nica voz que puede superar a la suya en belleza. Ojal quisieras cantar, aunque slo fuese unas pocas notas, hermoso cuervo, que me permitieran oir la msica de tu cancin. E hizo chasquear sus labios, como un anticipo del deleite que iba a sentir. La exhortacin del taimado zorro result demasiado fuerte para la vanidad del cuervo. Grazn sonoramente, el trozo de queso se le cay del pico, y el zorro lo atrap y se fue con l. -Si tu sentido comn hubiese sido la mitad de grande que tu vanidad, tendras an tu queso -dijo el viejo cuervo negro que encabezaba la bandada. Y grazn, disgustado, levantando el vuelo.

With their black and rheumy eyes, the raven watched the fox was in the ground down there. He looked again and again jump to the tree he was sitting, screeching wildly. The other crows cawing in alarm, from the high branches until that clamor filled the air. But the black raven was silent, because they held her tightly in his beak a large piece of yellow cheese. When the cunning fox realized finally that it could not reach the crow's cheese, tried to get otherwise. - My dear, my dear Raven! "I said softly. Oh beauty of the forest! Your strength is greater than the broad-winged eagle, your flight has more grace than the swallow, your shiny black plumage is brighter than that of the peacock! Too bad, though you have all these gifts, nature has refused to give a voice! Crow's black eyes were twinkling with joy at the flattery of the fox, but it irritated her last words. What did he mean by saying that he had no voice? "Maybe the latter is untrue," said the fox in a friendly tone. It may be that the envious nightingale has spread the lie to banish the forest the only voice that can surpass his beauty. I wish I wanted to sing, if only a few notes, beautiful raven, to let me hear the music of your song. And he snapped his lips, in anticipation of the delight he would feel. The call of the wily fox proved too much for the vanity of the crow. Squawked loudly, the piece of cheese fell out of his beak, and the fox caught him and went with him. "If your common sense would have been half the size of your vanity, you would still your cheese," said the old black crow who was leading the flock. And croaked in disgust, flying off. -

Crane invited to eat a real turkey of course, disputes about what was best natural brands, and opening the peacock tail, said that as rich array of feathers was not anything to equal it. Certainly, "said Crane, " I confess that you are more beautiful bird than me, your feathers are more colorful than mine, but you can not fly, and I with mine I can get up and watching the clouds go up under my feet all the wonders the world.

Moral: No one should be neglected, because everyone has special qualities and perfections
Nuevo! Haz clic en las palabras que aparecen arriba para ver traducciones alternativas. Descartar

Convidada a comer una grulla por cierto pavo real, disputaban acerca de cul tena mejores prendas naturales, y abriendo el pavo real su cola, deca que aqul abanico de tan ricas plumas no tena cosa que se le igualara.

Ciertamente -respondi la grulla-, confieso que eres ms hermosa ave que yo, tus plumas son ms vistosas que las mas, pero no puedes volar, y yo con las mas puedo levantarme y subir hasta las nubes contemplando debajo de mis pies todas las maravillas del mundo. Moraleja: Nadie debe ser despreciado, porque cada quien tiene cualidades y perfecciones particulares

the full vanity and pride are not good counselors makes you believe in lies and stop as you see

Moraleja: Nadie debe ser despreciado, porque cada quien tiene cualidades y perfecciones particulares

La Gallina de los huevos de Oro Erase una Gallina que pona un

huevo de oro al dueo cada da. Aun con tanta ganancia, malcontento quiso el rico avariento descubrir de una vez la mina de oro y hallar en menos tiempo ms tesoro.

Matla; abrile el vientre de contado; pero despus de haberla registrado, qu sucedi? Que. Muerta la Gallina, perdi su huevo de oro, y no hall mina.

Cuntos hay que, teniendo lo bastante, enriquecerse quieren al instante, abrazando proyectos a veces de tan rpidos efectos, que slo en pocos meses, cuando se contemplaban ya marqueses, contando sus millones se vieron en la calle sin calzones!

The hen that lays golden eggs Once upon a goose that laid a golden egg every day the owner. Even with so much profit, wanted the old miser malcontent find out once and gold mine in less time and find more treasure. Matola, John opened the cash belly, but after you have registered, what happened? Que. Hen dead, lost his golden egg, and did not find mine.

How many are taking enough, want to get rich instantly projects embracing sometimes so rapid effects, only in a few months when it looked as marquees,

counting his millions were seen in the street without pants!


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