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A. Background Nowadays English has become the international language.

Everybody is enabled to communicate to all over the world by using English. This phenomena makes English become the important language to be mastered. This phenomena is also interested to be discussedon how people are to communicate each others with the difference of culture and background. Language is a way to communicate ideas comprehensibly from one person to another in such a way that the other will be able to act exactly accordingly (by Language is a city to the building of which every human being brought a stone (Emerson via Fromkin, Blair andCollins, 2008:396). Language enable us to communicate each other. Language also can enable us to deliver the information. Every day people use language to give and to accept the information from each other. Every people use language in conveying their social meaning. The problems above are explained in Sociolinguistics. Sociolinguistics will be concerned with investigating the relationships between language and society with the goal of better understanding of the structure of language and of how languages function in communication (Wardhaugh, 1988:12). And also the varieties of language are discussed in Sociolinguistics. Conveying of a social meaning is also involving the different culture of speakers. The different culture of speakers also bring their own dialect in it. The dialect of a single language may thus be defined as mutually intelligible forms of a language that differ in systematic ways from each other (Fromkin, Blair andCollins, 2008:399). Belitongnese will not have the same dialect as Jogjanese. But it is not easy to decide whether the systematic differences between two speech communities reflect two dialects or two different languages or not. Hudson (1980, p. 24 via Wardhaugh,1988:22) defines a variety of a language as a set of linguistic items with similiar distribution, a definition that allows one to say that all of the following are varieties; English, French, London English, the English football commentaries, and so on. This Phenomena also happen in UAD especially in DeCo. DeCo is the abbreviation of Debating Community. Deco is a debating group in order to accomodate the willingness of the UAD students who are intersted in debating and developing their skill in speaking English. The varieties of language are clearly seen. Because Deco also accomodate the students who are coming from different region in Indonesia. This difference makes the speech of DeCos member become more variety in dialect aspect. A language is a dialect wtih an army an navy (Weinreich via Fromklin, Blair, and Collins,2008 : 396). From Max statement it is clear enogh that, every member in DeCo may

have the difference in dialect, but they still have the same purpose in delivering their speech or society meaning in a forum, in this case DeCo forum of English. The difference of dialect also willl create the unique of a speech. The unique itself is owned by every people. The unique itself will also create thedifference in pronunciation. The Unique characteristics of the language of an individual speaker are referred to as the speakers idiolect (Fromkin, Blair andCollins, 2008:396). English may then be said to consist of 400.000.000 idiolects, or the number equal to the number of speakers of English (which seems to be growing every day). Beyond these individual differences, the language of one group of people may have regular variations from that used by other groups speakers of that language.The nature of human while speaking is finding the variation of language in delivering the speech. Realize or not variation of language also will create the tendency of people to use any certain words. The certain words are also used as the bridge in explaining their purposes as their proposal. The words can be: Ladies and gentlement, we believe, we think, actually, so that, and many others. Sometimes it is disturbing the other people in hearing the English speech. Because the body of the speech also can not be heard well because the words are alway used while they are delivering their speech to the adjudicators, lecturers, or audiences in an certain occasion. The writer always consider that, those words as the bridge of statement. It is meant the words sometimes used to connect from one statement to the othe statement or we can say as the statement connector. Actually for discussing this topic have another interest for the English teacher. That interest is that, While we are teaching speaking to the students and the students appear the dominant words in speaking, it doesnt matter, it is the one way to kill the nervous and to fulfill the defined time. Perhaps, it is disturbing for our hearing to listen the content of the speech, but it is fine for the fluency of the students, because speaking needs to be fluent. So this topic also will enrich the English teacher knowledge in idiolect of every student.

B. Identification of the Problem Considering the background above, the researcher identified the problem of this research as the analysis of the tendency the debaters of Ahmad Dahlan University to use the certain dominant words and the frequency of using the words. This research concerns to the hypothesis of the dominant words used by the debaters, and the frequency of using the words. In matter of hypothesis the debaters usually use the dominant words very often and very variable of words. This research will concern on the tendency of using of the dominant words and the frequency of using the dominant words( idiolect). This topic is very interesting to be researched, because the debaters have fluent in speaking but sometimes we are disturbed with the dominant words and the frequency of using. So by doing this research, the researcher try to give much information to the speaking teacher of English to teach speaking.

C. Limitation Of the Problem Considering the identification problem above, the researcher is going to limit the problem into the use of dominant words of debaters and the frequency in using the words. The researcher is going to limit the research to the qualitative descriptive as the part of the phenomena of language that is used by the certain community. So in this case the researcher will combine the question why is it happened? and how is it used?. And in this research the researcher will try to expose the answer of those questions.

D. Formulating of the Problem There are so many questions possible to be appeared. But in this case we try to concern on the questions: 1. Are all of debaters have the tendency to use the dominant words? 2. What are the dominants words which is used by the debaters? 3. How much the words appear in one speech of the debaters? 4. Are there the same words that is used among the debaters?

E. Objectives of the Study 1. To find out that all debaters use the dominant words. 2. To find out the dominant words that is uses by the debaters. 3. To computate the words that is used by the debaters 4. To find out the same words that is used among the debaters.

F. Significance of the Study The significance of the study will be devided into some points: To the researcher : to find out the dominant words that is used by the debaters and the frequency of using that words. To the students : it can help them to understand that those words are not disturbing and help them in improving their ability in speaking. To the readers : the researcher hopes that, it can increase their knowledge in language variety and the researcher also hopes that this topic will be the reference to help them in doing another research in different topic.

G. Theoritical Framework 1. Idiolect Idiolect is one of the language phenomena in the society. The Unique characteristics of the language of an individual speaker are referred to as the speakers idiolect (Fromkin, Blair andCollins, 2008:396). The researcher also justify the definition of the language experts. Language as the form of conveying the social meaning also believe with this unique of individual. In conveying the information or the social meaning, sometimes speakers appear the unique of speech also. The unique is the dominant words that is always appeared by the speaker. But then some people think that it is very disturbing, but actually it is still justifiable to be appeared by the speaker. Because the researcher believe that in speaking is very needed to be fluent by ignoring all of the aspect structurely, in order to motivate the students and the people who learn speaking for debating exactly. The researcher also believe with the dominant words that is appeared by the speakers are really disturbing, but in learning speaking, the learners need the fluency first to increase the motivation in learning speaking. So that the dominant words (idiolect) is still justifiable.

2. Sociolinguistics Sociolinguistics will be concerned with investigating the relationships between

language and society with the goal of a better understanding of the structure of language and of how languages function in communication (Wardhaugh,1988:12). The view we shall take is that both sociolinguistics and the sociology of language require a systematic of language and society if they are to be successful (Wardhaugh, 1988:13).

3. Variety Realizing language can be used to convey the social meaning, but another phenomena is the variety of language. (Hudson, 1980:24) define a variety of a language as a set of linguistic items with similiar distribution. (Ferguson, 1971:30) offers another definition of variety: Any body of human speech patterns which is sufficiently homogenous to be analyzed by available techniques of synchronic description and which has a sufficiently large repertory of elements and their arrangements or processes with broad enough semantic scope to function in all normal contexts of communication.

4. Language and Dialect Language can be used to refer either to a single linguistic norm or to a group of related norms, and dialect to refer to one of the norms; but the norms themselves are not static (Wardhaugh, 1988:25).

5. Analysis Based on linguistic, analysis can be defined as the study which is done to the language to research the structure of he language deeply (Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia The anlysis can be categorize into:

Qualitatif Research Data : include any type of research based on the percentage, average, chi-square, and other statistical computations. Such observation, open interview, examining records, diaries, and other documents, the data are usually in the form of words in oral or written modes.

Quantitatif Research Data is a method of inquiry appropriated in many different academic dicpilines, traditionally in the social sciences, but also in market research and further contexts. Qualitative research seeks out the why.

The researcher concern on the point of how the idiolect is exist in DeCo.

6. Debate Debate based on Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English is a formal discussion of a particular problem, subject etc in which people express different opinions, and smetimes vote on them. Debate itself can be dividen into 3 system: a. Asian-Parliamentary System

b. Australasian Parliamentary System c. British Parliamentary System

7. Debaters Debater based on Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English is someone who speaks in a formal debate. In this case the debaters that the researcher means are the debaters of Ahmad Dahlan University that have good ability in speaking.

8. DeCo DeCo is the abbreviation of Debating Community. DeCo is a study group that is concerning in debating. In DeCo the students of Ahmad Dahlan University can improve their ability in speaking especially in debating. This year DeCo of Ahmad Dahlan University will be the host of NUEDC (National Universities English Debate Championship). Beside that achievement, DeCo of Ahmad Dahlan University alsa has achieved many achievements, a few of them are the 3rd winner of NUEDC kopertis 2009 and the 3rd winner of PIMNAS 2009.

9. Observation Patton (1990:202) suggest s that observational data should be enabled the researcher to enter and understand the situation that is being described. Observations consist of: 1. A highly structured 2. An unstructured observation 3. Traditionally observation Observation methods are powerful tools for gaining insight into situation.

H. Research Method 1. Descriptive Research


The research is related to the analysis of the natural and empirical phenomena of language spoken or used by the community in the daily life.

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The researcher only describes what happen in the community as what they are. The researcher does not discuss the correctness and wrongness of the language phenomena.

Descriptive research is used to obtain information concerning the current status of the phenomena to describe what exist with respect to variables or condition in a situation. The method involved range from the survey which describes the status quo, the correlation study which investigates the relationships between variables, to

developmental studies which seek to determine changes over time. In this case the researcher would like to describe the phenomena of language in Debating Community of Ahmad Dahlan University. On the research will be taken in describing the unique of individual language among the DeCos member. This research will involve the fundamental question:
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Why do they have a tendency to use the diction? How much do they use the words in one speech?

So in this case the researcher tries to answer the fundamental question in describing the problem or the language phenomena in DeCo.

2. Data, Research Object and Data Source The data that the researcher tries to reveal at the first place about the tendency of diction that the debaters use in one speech and counting the diction that is used by the debaters in the form of idiolect. In this case the researcher tries to analyze the problem among DeCos member as the part of research object. The researcher believes that this research object is more tangible to be done, because DeCo as the study club that is concern on the English speech. So it is easier to be done because every day the members of DeCo are to debate or speak in English. As the explanation above, it is more tangible to research the members of DeCo. Because they are hoped to speak and to deliver their speech in English. So in this case data source can be the members of DeCo.

3. Techniques for Collecting Data Techniques in collecting data are focused in observing of the unique of language among DeCos member. Technique for collecting data will be done in recording the speech that is delivered by the debaters from DeCo in Ahmad Dahlan University. This kind of technique will help the researcher in answering the questions in the identification problem.

4. Techniques for Analyzing Data

1. Typholgy A classification system, taken from patterns, themes, and other kinds of groups of data (Patton pp. 393,398) John Lofland & Lyn Lofland. Ideally, categories should be mutually exclusive and exhaustive if possible, often theyaren't. 2. Domain Analisis Analysis of language of people in a cultural context James Spradley

( Describe social situation and the cultural patterns within it. Semantic relationships.Emphasize the meanings of the social situation to participants.Interrelate the socialsituation and cultural meanings.Different kinds of domains: Folk domains (their terms for domains), mixed domains,analytic domains (researcher's terms for domains). select semantic relationships prepare domain analysis worksheet select sample of field notes (statements of people studied) look for broad and narrow terms to describe semantic relationships formulate questions about those relationships repeat process for different semantic relationship list all domains discovered

3. Discourse Analysis (Linguistic analysis of ongoing flow of communication) James Gee

( Usually use tapes so they can be played and replayed. Several people discussing, notindividual person specifically. Find patterns of questions, who dominates time and how,other patterns of interaction.

4. Narrative Analysis (Studythe individuals speech) Catherine Reisman


Overlaps with the approaches (is it

distinctive?).Discourse analysis look at interaction, narrative is more individual. The story is what a person shares about self. What you choose to tell frames how you willbe perceived.

Always compare ideas about self. Tend to avoid revealing negatives aboutself. Might study autobiographies and compare them. context-situation core plot in the story told about self basic actions Narrative analysis could involve study of literature or diaries or folklore.

Fromklin, Victoria, David Blair and Peter Collins,1996.An Introduction to Language. Australia: Harcort Autralia Pty Limited. Wardhaugh, Ronald,1988. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. New York: Basil Blackwell Inc. Cohen, Louis, Lawrence Manion, and Keith Morrison, 2000. Research Methods in Education. USA and Canada: RoutledgeFalmer. http//, retrieved on April 24, 2010
http//Definition of Language by SignGenius.htm, retrieved on April 13, 2010 http//Analisis - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas.htm, retrieved on April 13, 2010

Lectured by : Muhammad, M.Hum.

Prepared by : Ris Alyzar (07004223) Arif Setiawan (07004222)


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