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leeibIe london
A wayhndine study
leeibIe london
A wayhndine study
Narch '%%+
eV\Z (
whlsi i s geuerallv agreed ihai Loudou s a wouderul civ io explore ou ooi, ihere are
uuuerous barrers io geiiug uore people io buld walkug uio iher regular rouiue,
wheiher or lesure, couuuiug, shoppug, or iuess. / prucpal barrer s aiiiudual.
Nauv people avod walkug i requres iheu io uavgaie ihrough au uuaular
ierriorv. The seuse o ihe uukuowu how loug wll i iake, where a sireei leads io
creaies 'rsk', especallv o geiiug losi or ucreased ouruev iues.
Suce is earlesi davs, Ceuiral Loudou ariuershp |CL) has prouoied ihe ueed io uake
Loudou a uore walkug reudlv civ, borue rou ihe bele ihai a civ ihai provdes au
urasiruciure ihai s pleasaui or walkug, aud lugerug, s puiiug people ai ihe heari
o is prories. lu doug so, i creaies ihe cluaie or success: euhauced qualiv o le s
uiegral io a civ's couiuued ecououc vbraucv aud coupeiiveuess.
or several vears a plauk o CL's walkug siraiegv has beeu io 'gve people ihe
coudeuce io gei losi' - sae u ihe kuowledge ihai i s possble io gei back ou ihe beaieu
irack. 0ue o ihe uosi uudaueuial aspecis u buldug ihs coudeuce s provdug au
uiegraied, coussieui aud userreudlv wavudug svsieu. Nore receuilv, ihe CL/
chared walkug /dvsorv auel has hghlghied ihe uporiauce o such a svsieu io
achevug ihe Navor's aus o uakug Loudou ihe uosi walkug reudlv civ bv 2UI3.
The 0lvupc deadlue has also ocused uuds, aud ihe ueed io upleueui a svsieu u
kev areas ahead o 2UI2 s provdug a uriher upeius.
li s or ihs reasou ihai we ai CL are delghied io have had ihe chauce io work wih
ihe ceuiral Loudou local auihories aud Trauspori or Loudou |TL) ou ihs uporiaui
uiaive, Legble Loudou: / wavudug Siudv, whch recouueuds a wav orward u
creaiug a cross bouudarv, uiegraied wavudug svsieu. li has beeu couducied ou our
behal bv /lC, aud l would lke io ihauk iheu, aud ihe sia u ihe local auihories aud
TL or iher hard work aud cooperaiou u producug ihs siudv.
whlsi ihe siudv's recouueudaious have beeu agreed u prucple bv ihe uau
upleueuiaiou pariuers, ihere are uauv ihugs ihai have io be cousdered aud plauued
io iake ihs uiaive orward. These rauge rou agreeug ihe coupoueuis aud deialed
desgu o a ual svsieu, ihe 'place uarkeiug' aud braudug uplcaious, io reuovug
curreui sireei cluiier io uake wav or ihs uew pece o urasiruciure. Crucallv, i has
io siari wih cousuliaiou wih a wde rauge o pariuers wih eiher au uieresi or role u
upleueuiug ihe ual produci.
The eud gaue s io creaie a uued svsieu ihai provdes pedesiraus wih a sei o
ueasures ihai helps iheu io do so wih ease aud coudeuce. rovdug ihs kud o
suppori sguals ihai Loudou cares aboui ihe people who choose ihs civ as a place io
lve, work or vsi. /s such, irauslaiug ihs siudv uio a iaugble produci s uuch uore
ar reachug ihau sguage aud uoveueui, bui s au uporiaui ulesioue or Loudou's
couiuued success as a world class place or people aud busuess.
Patricia 8rown
fhief fxecutive
fentraI london Partnership
Lxecuive Suuuarv +
8ackgrouud Scope -
0becives -
esearch aud cousuliaious .
The case or walkug The walkug euvrouueui &%
8eueis o walkug &%
luporiauce o uoruaiou &&
The preseui siuaiou Loudou &'
ursdcious &'
Curreui polcv &'
rousou o sgus &)
how do pedesiraus ud iher wav aboui &-
Chaugug ihe culiure Loudou s chaugug '%
walkable ouruevs '%
whai cau be acheved '%
rovdug a beiier servce '&
Cusiouerled ueihod ''
/ uuliaceied approach '(
Lucouragug ihe walkug opiou '(
8uldug beiier kuowledge ')
luoruaiou vou cau irusi ')
Loudouwde or 8orough bv 8orough '-
Towards a soluiou / cohereui wavudug svsieu (%
The Lvug Nap ('
The advauiages o uap based sguage ()
Nauug polcv (*
Sgu ivpes (+
aue's walk sceuaro (-
laceueui )%
rogressve dsclosure )%
requeucv )&
0esgu )'
Cosieeciveuess ))
Couclusou )*
/ppeudces / - /lC|LSL Cies User esearch Siudv )+
8 - reluuarv sgu audi ),
C - Noies ou desgu aud uauieuauce *(
0 - 0rai proeci plau aud cosi esiuaie *-
eereuces +%
/ckuowledgeueuis +'
0s |ucludug a large ivpe versou)
o ihs siudv, ihe aue's walk uove
aud addioual updaies uav be
obiaued bv regsierug ai
eV\Z + aZ\^WaZ adcYdc!V lVncY^c\ hijYn eV\Z , V^\ adcYdc '%%+
how io develop eecive wavudug across whai s arguablv ihe uosi orgauc aud
couplex civ u ihe world s looked ai u ihe lghi o sceuic research, paricularlv uio
ihe process o 'ueuial uappug'. Legble Loudou recouueuds a ueihodologv desgued
io suppori ihs process, drawug ou exauples o besi pracice as well as svsieus ihai
have siood ihe iesi o iue - ucludug ihe UK oad Sgu svsieu |luoruaiorv Sgus or
use ou allpurpose oads, Nusirv o Trauspori, Iu6=) uiroduced u Iu6=.
Legble Loudou proposes creaiug a 'Lvug Nap' as a ceuiral, cousiauilv updaied
daiabase. Ths would be capable o servcug uoi usi uaps, sguage, CS aud oiher
iechuologes or use bv ihe publc, bui also orus a uasier iool io euable Loudou's
bodes io upleueui a relable aud coussieui wavudug svsieu u a coorduaied
uauuer. Legble Loudou looks ai a rauge o oiher ssues, ucludug qualiv ueihods,
a coussieui uauug polcv, a rauge o sgu ivpes, placeueui o sgus aud ihe
cousderaious uvolved u desguug or uaxuuu uclusviv aud eeciveuess.
The couclusou s ihai asde rou ihe oiher beueis, we propose a cohereui wavudug
svsieu as ihe uosi cosieecive ueaus o uiroducug exira capaciv uio ihe publc
irauspori svsieu. Thereore, ihe developueui aud uiroduciou o a sguage svsieu
s recouueuded as beug u ihe uieresis o all siakeholders. / drai proeci plau or
sgucaui rolloui bv 2UIUII s appeuded io ihe repori.

Legble Loudou looks ai how pedesiraus ud iher wav aboui Loudou, aud cousders
how people cau be eucouraged io walk uore ihrough beiier publc uoruaiou aud
sguage. The siudv was couducied bv /ppled luoruaiou Croup uuder ihe supervsou
o a Sieerug Croup esiablshed bv Ceuiral Loudou ariuershp |CL).
walkug has reduced bv 2U% u ceuiral Loudou over ihe lasi decade, aud bv
I3% u Loudou as a whole |source: TL). eversug ihs ireud would have a uaor
beuecal upaci ou ihe irauspori svsieu, as well as delverug beueis or ihe sireei
euvrouueui, ihe ecououv aud publc healih.
/ uaor probleu s preseuied bv ihe 32 dereui pedesirau wavudug svsieus used
u ihe ceuiral Cougesiou Chargug Zoue aud cousequeuilv people's overrelauce ou
ihe iube uap, whch dsioris dsiauces. Legble Loudou ouud ihai 3% o passeugers
exiug Lecesier Square iube siaiou had siaried rou a siaiou less ihau 8UUu awav.
Lucouragug ihese people io walk usiead would sgucauilv reduce pressure ou ihe
iube svsieu, siuulaie ihe local ecououv, eucourage greaier sireei le, aud poieuiallv
uprove persoual saeiv. 8ased ou a siudv o ceuiral Loudou, Legble Loudou exauues
ihe poieuial or a couuou approach across ihe 33 boroughs ihai iakes accouui o ihe
vews o all coucerued aud uakes Loudou easer io uavgaie or pedesiraus.
Legble Loudou uds broad agreeueui uoi oulv aboui ihe beueis o walkug, bui also
ihai: good sguage ucreases walkug: ihere s liile Loudouwde coorduaiou: aud
ihere s a deuaud or gudauce rou urbau plauuers across ihe capial.
whaiever ihe ueris o soue o ihe wavudug svsieus u ceuiral Loudou, ihe
haphazard uaiure o ihs sguage s uoi besi suied io ihe ueeds o eiher pedesiraus
or ihe sgu provders. redciable, coussieui aud auihoriaive publc uoruaiou s
ihe kev io buldug coudeuce. Legble Loudou uds cousderable scope or ucreasug
walkug ihrough uproved uoruaiou - aud deuies relaied beueis such as
reducug sireei cluiier aud vaudalsu, aud ecououes o scale u purchasug aud
Lxeculive summary
fxecutive summary
eV\Z - aZ\^WaZ adcYdc!V lVncY^c\ hijYn eV\Z . V^\ adcYdc '%%+
we uusi also iake uio accouui ihe ueeds o ihe boroughs aud oiher siakeholders, rou
resdeuis aud properiv developers ihrough io irauspori orgausaious. /ll o ihese have
legiuaie coucerus ihai uusi be recoucled io uake a svsieu work.
8eore we develop uew deas we uusi iake ull accouui o whai s ihere ai ihe uoueui
- boih phvscallv aud u ierus o polces, regulaious aud respousblies - io decde
whai ueeds io siav, go, or be uproved.
Research and consuItations
we have siuded ihe uuuerous exsiug sgu svsieus, revewed exsiug lieraiure aud
polcv io deuiv ihe uaor ssues. The resulis o ihs research are suuuarsed u ihe
repori aud greaier deial s gveu u ihe /ppeudces.
lu ihe course o our research we have uei wih ocers rou a wde rauge o
orgausaious io buld up a balauced overvew. These uclude:
Trauspori or Loudou
Creaier Loudou /uihoriv
Loudou 0evelopueui /geucv
Civ o wesiuusier
Loudou 8orough o Caudeu
Loudou 8orough o Souihwark
Corporaiou o Loudou
/ walkug Siraiegv or
wesiuusier - wesiuusier
Civ Couucl
/ciou lau or Ceuiral Loudou
- Ceuiral Loudou ariuershp,
The TL 8usuess lau 2UU3
- Trauspori or Loudou
Caudeu 8orough Speudug
lau 2UU3|U6
luoruaiou or edesiraus
- Cudauce or Loudou
8oroughs, TL
Nakug Loudou a walkable Civ
- The walkug plau or Loudou
- Trauspori or Loudou|Navor
o Loudou, 2UU=
NuliNodal uierchauge
sgus siaudard or Loudou
- Trauspori or Loudou
0u ihe Nove: bv ooi - /
0scussou aper, 2UU3
rouoiug walkug u Loudou
/ 0rai 8usuess Case - Cehl
0ualiv Sireeis CL, 2UU3
ealsug ihe poieuial
walkug aud Cvclug u Loudou
- Trauspori 2UUU Trusi, 2UU=
Sireeis or /ll - / gude io
ihe uauageueui o Loudou's
sireeis - Luglsh heriage,
The Naioual walkug Siraiegv
- Lvug Sireeis, 2UU3
The wesiuusier wav - ublc
ealu uauual or ihe Civ
- Civ o wesiuusier, 2UU3
Towards a ue Civ or eople
- ublc Space aud ublc Le,
Cehl /rchiecis|CL|TL, 2UU=
Urbau 0esgu - /uiuuu 2UU=
lssue u2
walkug aud Cvclug: /u
/ciou lau- 0epariueui or
Trauspori, 2UU=
Lucouragug walkug:
/dvce io Local /uihories
- 0epariueui o Luvrouueui,
Trauspori aud ihe egous,
lus all docuueuis
suuuarsed ou pp 6U6I
Primary documents reviewed
Loudou 8orough o lslugiou
Loudou 8orough o Laubeih
Lvug Sireeis
waierloo 0uarier 8usuess /llauce
Coveui Cardeu 8usuess oruu
Souih 8auk Luplovers Croup
/lC was asked bv Ceuiral Loudou ariuershp io repori ou how pedesiraus ud
iher wav aboui Loudou, aud ou how ihs cau be uproved ihrough ihe wav u whch
uoruaiou s provded.
lu accordauce wih ihe bre, ihe area we have siuded s ihe curreui Cougesiou
Chargug Zoue |CCZ), bui ihe prucples aud proposed soluious are applcable io all
33 Loudou boroughs. The wavudug svsieus aud soluious we ocus ou u ihs repori
serve pedesiraus. wheu we reer io svsieus or iravellers bv car, bus or irau, ihs s
clearlv siaied.
0ur au s io deuiv a couuou soluiou io wavudug aud ouilue ihe prucples o a
pedesirau sguage svsieu ihai eucourages walkug, iakes uio accouui ihe vewpouis
o all siakeholders, uakes Loudou easer io uudersiaud or pedesiraus, aud uliuaielv
delvers ihe beueis ihai ucreased walkug brugs.
To desgu auv eecive sguage svsieu, we uusi be uudul o whai uaiiers io ihe
dereui kuds o walkers u our civ, be ihev resdeuis, vsiors or couuuiers.
The curreui Cougesiou
Chargug Zoue
eV\Z && V^\ adcYdc '%%+
The walkug lau publshed u 2UU= bv ihe Navor o Loudou siaies ihai: 'walkug as
au aciviv s accessble io all socal groups, ages, relgous aud culiures. Lucouragug
people io walk s ihe ceuiral eleueui o ihs lau. li aus io provde beueis ucludug:
greaier use o publc irauspori
a beiier euvrouueui
socal uclusou
healiher lesivles
au uproved ecououv
Lvervoue should be able io choose io walk as pari o a ouruev, or u preereuce io auv
oiher oru o irauspori.'
Importance of information
There s broad agreeueui ihai: walkug s good: ihai eecive uoruaiou ucreases
walkug: aud ihai ihere s curreuilv liile Loudouwde coorduaiou o pedesirau
uoruaiou svsieus.
we agree ou ihe beueis o walkug aud ihe uporiauce o publc uoruaiou. whai s
lackug s a clear dea o how we cau besi use publc uoruaiou io acheve ihese goals.
Loudou has a vared ux
o pedesiraus rou dalv
couuuiers io ouceualeiue
fase study: Perth, AustraIia
'Information can be eective'
/ civ cougesied wih uoior
vehcle irac - 8U% o all irps
bv car. The uau barrer io, u
ihs case, oiher irauspori usage
proved io be au uuuorued
publc. Uilsug 'udvdualsed
uarkeiug' e dsirbuiug
uoruaiou io resdeuis
aboui iher irauspori opious
resulied u a 33% ucrease u
walkug, 6I% u cvclug aud
I7% u publc irauspori: aud a
reduciou u car usage o IU%.
lu addiou, ihese chauges have
beeu susiaued. The uereuce
here s ihai people chauged
behavour wheu ihev learui
1he waIkine environment
walkug accouuis or 8U% o irps uuder a ule aud s ihe uau wav u whch publc
irauspori s accessed u Loudou. however, alihough ihere are ucreases u soue
localies, walkug overall has reduced bv 2U% u uuer Loudou over ihe lasi decade, aud
bv I3% u Loudou as a whole |source: 2UUI L/TS Survev, TL).
eversug ihs ireud would have a uaor upaci ou relevug cougesiou ou ihe publc
irauspori aud road svsieu, as well as delverug oiher beueis deuied u ihs repori.
8enehts of waIkine
who beueis we walk uore Lxauuaiou o exsiug plaus, siraieges aud research,
ucludug The walkug lau or Loudou, ihe Cehl repori 'Towards a ue Civ or eople'
aud ihe 8orough siraieges, shows a broad couseusus aboui ihe ve prucpal beueis o
walkug s healihv aud s a ree oru o exercse. The uproveueui u publc healih
also beueis healih servces. Thriv uuuies a dav o uoderaie walkug wll oulv be
acheved bv helpug people io buld aciviv uio iher dalv lves" /uuual epori o ihe
Che Nedcal 0cer, 2UU2.
walkug s good or busuess aud ihe local ecououv. ooiall" beueis local busuess.
Nuch o ceuiral Loudou s devoied io reial aud lesure use or Loudouers aud vsiors
alke. 8eiier wavudug oers a uore uviug expereuce or all.
walkug s good or ihe euvrouueui. li s a susiauable oru o irauspori. walkug has
liile or uo euvrouueuial upaci, causug uo ar polluiou or accdeuis. / coorduaied
sgu svsieu would also allow uuch sireei cluiier io be reduced or reuoved.
ublc irauspori svsieus beuei. Nore walkug cau uoiceablv reduce pressure ou ihe
iube aud bus svsieus. Nooue lkes cougesiou. / proacive walkug siraiegv cau plav
a posive aud sgucaui pari u achevug a uodal shi awav rou cougesied publc
irauspori io walkug.
Nore people ou ihe sireeis creaies a saer couuuuiv: uore eves ueaus less rsk o
ihei aud assauli.
The case for walkine
1he case for waIkine
eV\Z &% aZ\^WaZ adcYdc!V lVncY^c\ hijYn
eV\Z &( V^\ adcYdc '%%+
hidden destinations
Naor desiuaious are oieu
obscured bv oiher buldugs
aud oulv appear wheu drecilv
fompact street network
There are oieu ighi ueiworks
o sireeis aud suall uucious.
Perceptions of distance
luporiaui uodes are uoi ar
apari bui eel uriher awav.
0iverse Iandmarks
Loudou s rch wih lauduarks,
desiuaious aud aud siroug
uodal pouis.
waIkine barriers
The Thaues acis as a barrer aud
s dsoreuiug as i appears io
be siraghi.
arious street erids
/reas are dsiugushed aud
separaied bv ihe grd lavouis
ouud u dereui paris o
ceuiral Loudou .
few straieht paths
There are verv ew loug siraghi
vews aud rouies.
There's uo place lke Loudou auvwhere u Lurope or ihe resi o ihe world. 0ur civ s
ull o preuuu desiuaious aud lauduarks, vei i's uoiorouslv hard or ihe walker
io uavgaie above grouud. The aci s we are a rch colleciou o ueghbourhoods aud
boroughs, wih au uuplauued uaze o sireeis, uuuerous obsiacles aud deuse irac.
l auv place ou earih s a challeuge or ihe urbau uoruaiou desguer, Loudou s.
lu ihe CCZ ihere are uuuerous bodes wih respousbliv or desgu aud uauieuauce
o ihe sireei euvrouueui. The Loudou boroughs iake respousbliv or all roads oiher
ihau ihe TLN |Trauspori or Loudou's oad Neiwork), whch s ihe respousbliv
o Trauspori or Loudou. Neiwork al uauages ihe uau ralwav siaious. Loudou
Uudergrouud uauages ihe iube siaious. lu addiou ihere are uauv developueui,
busuess aud properiv groups dealug wih specc areas, ucludug ihe 8usuess
luproveueui 0sircis, Ceuiral Loudou ariuershp, Cross ver ariuershp, ihe oval
arks, ihe ool o Loudou ariuershp aud ihe Souih 8auk Luplovers Croup.
furrent poIicy
The walkug lau or Loudou aud ihe borough siraieges sei oui ihe preseui polces.
/uv uew, cohereui pedesirau wavudug svsieu or Loudou wll uvolve a depariure
rou ihe exsiug TS&C0 |Trac Sgu egulaious aud Ceueral 0recious Iuu=)
requreueuis, bui ihs should uoi siaud u ihe wav o cousderug au urgeui ueed. The
1he present situation
espousbliv or uoruaiou s
dvded auougsi a large uuuber
o orgausaious u Loudou.
The presenl silualion
eV\Z &' aZ\^WaZ adcYdc!V lVncY^c\ hijYn
eV\Z &* V^\ adcYdc '%%+
Iust some of the varied pedestrian
wayhndine systems in centraI london
lease reer io /ppeudx 8 or a deialed
audi o ihese sgu svsieus.
0epariueui or Trauspori has udcaied ihai i would perui ihe developueui o such a
svsieu. /dvce s gveu u TS&0C 2UU2 |Seciou 7, ari \lll) ou suggesied pedesirau
sivles aud ihe use o bespoke pedesirau sguug s eucouraged aud allowed wihu ihe
/ll boroughs have, io a greaier or lesser exieui, polces u respeci o ihe provsou o
pedesirau uoruaiou svsieus provded bv ihe borough. Nuch o ihs gudauce s
verv basc aud uoi uecessarlv coussieuilv appled ihroughoui au area. There are uo
exauples ouud o gudauce or prvaie sguug uiaives |eg Caruabv Sireei). The
ueihodologes aud caiegorsaiou o 'whai cau be sgued' aud 'where sgus should be
posioued' are oieu lackug u sophsicaiou aud are uudersiaudablv ucoussieui
rou borough io borough.
Profusion of siens
we have used sireei aud desk research alougsde a qualiaive aud quauiiaive survev
io buld up a clear overvew o ihe preseui siuaiou ou ihe sireeis.
we have deuied uo ewer ihau 32 separaie wavudug svsieus u ceuiral Loudou.
/pari rou sharp dereuces u uoruaiou, desgu aud qualiv, uauiauug such a
prousou o svsieus s cosilv.
0esiuaiou uaues are ucoussieui, as are udcaious o dsiauce. 0esgus varv wdelv
as io colour, shape, ivpeace, uaierals aud braudug. Svsieus are uauiaued bv
varous ageuces wih ucoussieucv u siaudards aud uauieuauce regues, soueiues
gvug au appearauce o uegleci whch u iuru eucourages grai aud vaudalsu. There
s uo couuou siaudard or where u ihe sireei sgus should be posioued. lu couirasi,
road sgus or uoior vehcles have resolved all ihese ssues decades ago.
Loudou s a couplex civ aud ihese svsieus have coue uio beug u order io servce
a wde vareiv o ueeds. Thereore all ihe ihugs ihai are successullv acheved bv ihe
preseui sguage svsieus would ueed io be careullv cousdered u auv uew svsieu.
The deuug characiersic o ihe preseui siuaiou, vewed as a whole, s ihai i s
provderled aud uoi cusiouerled. we kuow rou ihe worlds o couuerce aud udusirv
ihai ihs s uoi ihe besi wav o ueeiug ihe ueeds o ihe verv provders who, bv deauli,
have had io usiiuie ihese svsieus. lu oiher words, we ihuk aboui ihe ueeds o
pedesiraus we wll be uore eecive u eucouragug iheu io walk ihau we ocus
pruarlv ou our owu ueed io prouoie a paricular rouie or desiuaiou.
The presenl silualion
eV\Z &) aZ\^WaZ adcYdc!V lVncY^c\ hijYn
eV\Z &, V^\ adcYdc '%%+
london street name pIates
Navgaiug bv sireei uaues cau
be probleuaic. Sgus are oieu
obscured rou vew.
Sireei uaue plaies are u a
vareiv o dereui sivles,
soueiues u ihe saue sireei.
Recent additions
Soue uew svsieus ucludug
u Upper Sireei lslugiou aud
ihe uew svsieu u ihe Civ o
Loudou show a uore coussieui
0ieu ihev are ussug
oor uauieuauce aud qualiv
serouslv aecis ihe abliv o
ihe sgu io be aciuallv uoiced
aud used. li also duushes
irusi ihai auv o ihe uoruaiou
s correci or sill vald.
The presenl silualion
0ierent systems
Soueiues wih couciug
0istance information
Nuuies, ules, ueires or vards
/cross ihe svsieus ihere are
ucoussieuces whch cau be
couusug or a pedesirau.
Lei, Uueasblv iall siruciures
creaie legbliv ssues.
fineer posts
/ wdelv used ueihod, cau
be couusug aud soueiues
overwheluug - aricularlv
wheu uoruaiou s
eV\Z &+ aZ\^WaZ adcYdc!V lVncY^c\ hijYn
eV\Z &- aZ\^WaZ adcYdc!V lVncY^c\ hijYn eV\Z &. V^\ adcYdc '%%+
fommon situation!
Sheer sze aud couplcaied
sireei lavouis uake auv large
civ a challeuge io wavud.
These ivpcal siuaious
llusiraie oreuiaiou, plauuug
aud ihe search or advce.
li s uukuowu how uauv iues
vsiors eel losi, bui wih 27
ullou vsiors a vear, a loi uore
cau be doue io avod ihs.
SuddenIy a priority
Ths ladv was uoi askug or a
cab bui or drecious - walkug
arouud a euce ouio ihe hghwav
as ihe ueed io kuow whch wav
io go was parauouui.
how do pedestrians hnd their way about!
Navgaioual siraieges used bv pedesiraus uclude a ux o plauuug |oieu wih
uaps) aud doug |walkug aloug decpherug ihe sireei aud lookug or uarkers). rou
ihe research carred oui or ihs siudv we learui ihai ihe uosi couuoulv used iool or
plauuug u advauce was ihe iube uap |==.7% o respoudeuis) ollowed bv oulue
|2U%) aud ihe /Z or gudebook |8.3% each). 0usireei sguug was oulv beug used bv
3.7% o people. |8v couirasi, a receui N0l survev has showu ihai =u% had seeu aud
used ihe uewlvusialled, welldesgued pedesirau sgu svsieu u lslugiou.)
Sguage s uoi ihe oulv ueaus people use io ud iher wav rou / io 8. Lauduarks, publc
ari, lghiug, urbau laudscapug aud urbau plauuug all plav iher pari u eucouragug
legbliv aud deuug Loudou's kev characiersics, such as ihe rver Thaues,
uuderpasses, iuuuels aud allevwavs. 0ulue uoruaiou, rou TL's ouruev plauuer
aud ihe // websie io vsiloudou.cou, are becouug ucreasuglv popular ueaus o
plauuug rouies beore seiiug oui. ruied uaps aud soue ousireei wavudug kosks
are also pari o ihe preseui ux.
Nosi o ihese uoruaiou sources were uoi desgued speccallv or pedesiraus,
bui all have uporiaui lessous or developug a cusiouerled approach io pedesirau
wavudug u Loudou.
The presenl silualion
Lauduarks aud dsiucive
sireei characier plav a
large pari u supporiug ihe
uudaueuial legbliv o ihe
civ or pedesiraus.
PIannine tooIs
The iube uap douuaies as
ihe uosicouuoulv used iool
io plau a walkug ouruev.
Ths appears io be due io is
suplciv, abuudauce aud ihe
aci ihai uearlv all desiuaious
are wihu a walkug dsiauce
o a iube siaiou. Ths sad,
i s whollv uadequaie wheu
uavgaiug ihe lasi ule aud s
usleadug wheu i coues io
udgug dsiauce.
0iher popular sources such as
ihe / io Z gudes caier uore or
ihe uoiorsi aud cau also be
decepive or pedesiraus.
eV\Z '% aZ\^WaZ adcYdc!V lVncY^c\ hijYn eV\Z '& V^\ adcYdc '%%+
wav. Naps had asssied 66% wih iher ouruev, wih =7% savug ihai ihe uaps had
'eucouraged' iheu io walk. 0ulv 3% sad ihai ihev dd uoi ud iheu useul.
whai ihs suggesis s ihai au uiegraied sguage aud uoruaiou siraiegv io suppori ihe
ueeds o walkers cau be expecied io delver subsiauial dvdeuds.
ouruev iue s a uore uporiaui acior ihau dsiauce wheu i coues io decdug wheiher
io walk, wih 73% o respoudeuis descrbug a ouruev u uuuies, raiher ihau ueires
or ules. Naps aud sgus cau plav au uporiaui pari u oruug ihese udgueuis |aud
udeed uosi had looked ai ihe local area walluap beore leavug ihe iube siaiou). 8ui
ueiher ihe / io Z uaps desgued or drvers, uor eveu less ihe dagrauuaic iube uap,
are relable reereuces or assessug ihe walk uvolved. we uusi ihereore look ai whai s
requred rsi rou ihe walker's poui o vew.
walkug s a popular wav o geiiug aboui, bui ihe avalable uoruaiou ieuds io
dscourage i. /s a resuli, publc healih suers, local busuess loses oui, aud ihe sirau
ou our publc irauspori svsieu s ar greaier ihau uecessarv.
london waIkine distance
/ I2-I3 uuuie walk s
cousdered a walkable ouruev
u Loudou. Ths eecive
dsiauce wheu ueasured rou
iube siaious couuecis vllages,
adaceui iube siaious aud
uaor desiuaious.
waIkabIe tube map
wih beiier uoruaiou i would
be easer io udge wheu a walk
s closer aud easer ihau goug
bv iube. /bove -iube siaious
ihai are qucker io walk beiweeu
ihau go bv uudergrouud.
Chaneinelhe cullure
london is chaneine
The capial s goug ihrough a perod o chauge aud reuewal, wih lauduarks lke 3U
Si Narv /xe |'The Cherku') aud Taie Noderu - chaugug ihe civscape or breaihug uew
le uio our heriage - auoug ihe brghiesi exauples o uauv ihrvug developueuis.
8usuess luproveueui 0sircis aud oiher siakeholder orgausaious plav au uporiaui
pari u uakug sure ihe chauges are beuecal.
The uosi sgucaui chauge s usi arouud ihe coruer: ihe 2UI2 Loudou 0lvupcs
requre us io uake sure Loudou s welcouug, easv io uudersiaud aud uavgaie or au
uuprecedeuied uuuber o people rou wihu Loudou aud rou all over ihe world. Cveu
ihe uvesiueui Loudouers wll be uakug u ihe 0lvupcs, ihe Loudou siakeholders
share a respousbliv io eusure ihai ihev delver lasiug beueis or ihe capial.
waIkabIe journeys
The siudv we carred oui or ihs repori u ceuiral Loudou |The /lC|LSL Cies Siudv,
2UU3) showed ihai iwo oui o everv ve iube ouruevs iakeu rou Noorgaie are less
ihau iwo kloueires u leugih. Lveu across ihe iube ueiwork as a whole, oue u ieu
ouruevs are ihai shori - aud so are aluosi hal o all bus irps.
3% o iube irps beiweeu soue ceuiral Loudou siaious s a dsiauce o less ihau 8UU
ueires rou soue ceuiral Loudou siaious, whch ueaus ihev would iake less ihau
ieu uuuies io walk. TL gures show ihai a reduciou u passeugers o usi 3% would
sgucauilv reduce iube crowdug.
li's clear uauv ouruevs are 'walkable' - bui how uauv people could be persuaded io
walk, uerelv ihrough beiier uoruaiou / siudv bv esearch 8usuess luieruaioual
|2UU2) ouud ihai 66% o iravellers sad ihev would cousder walkug usiead, aier
beug showu a walkug uap. |/uoug ioursis i's as hgh as 8U%, aud eveu auoug civ
wse couuuiers ihe gure was 6U%.)
what can be achieved!
0ur siudv also ouud ihai u oui o IU people exiug rou Lecesier Square iube siaiou
sad ihev euoved" walkug u Loudou: aud uosi agreed ihai - aier beiier weaiher
aud less irac - uproved sguage would be ihe besi wav o eucouragug people io
walk uore. These udugs are supporied bv a N0l siudv or ihe Loudou 8orough o
lslugiou, whch reporied u 2UU3 ihai =u% o respoudeuis had seeu aud used uap
based sgus, aud o ihese 83% were saised ihai ihe sgus had helped iheu ud iher
fhaneine the cuIture
eV\Z '' aZ\^WaZ adcYdc!V lVncY^c\ hijYn eV\Z '( V^\ adcYdc '%%+
A HuIti-faceted approach
/ uuliaceied approach s requred io acheve a subsiauial ucrease u walkug u
fncouraeine the waIkine option
/s we have seeu, people are opeu io ihe dea o walkug ihev eel ihe irp s
uauageable, aud ihev udge ihs bv ihe auouui o iue a ouruev s lkelv io iake.
Ths ueaus we cau acheve a cousderable beuei rou provdug uoruaiou aboui ihe
alieruaive walkug opiou ai ihe poui ai whch publc irauspori ouruevs couueuce.
Showug ai Charug Cross ihai Lecesier Square s a veuuuie walk, ihe Lubaukueui
iwo uuuies, aud ihe Souih 8auk Ceuire aud Coveui Cardeu sx uuuies each, s lkelv
io have a sgucaui upaci ou ihe iravel choces paricularlv o vsiors, bui also o
Loudouers - eucouragug people io walk usiead o uakug shori iube ouruevs.
Ths approach cau be uaxused aud supporied wih a ux o uoruaiou, ucludug
walkug uaps, local area uaps aud eu rouie sguage.
waIker's scaIe
8ased ou a walkug dsiauce
o I2I3 uuuies, uoruaiou
should dsplav ihe couuecious
io adaceui dsircis aud
AIternative to the tube
Nake i easv io uudersiaud how
vllages couueci, how ar awav
desiuaious reallv are aud
suppori ouruevs beiweeu.
Chaneinelhe cullure
Providine a better service
Cohereui uoruaiou aloug all paris o ihe ouruev s ihe prucpal requreueui or
eucouragug walkug.
The oulv cohereui, Loudouwde wavudug svsieu we curreuilv provde speccallv or
walkers s ihai o exi uoruaiou aud local area walluaps u iube siaious, whch our
siudv showed are used bv ihree oui o our vsiors io ihe capial.|The /lC|LSL Cies
Siudv, 2UU3.)
8v couirasi, ewer ihau oue u 23 people sav ihev use sireei sgus io help iheu walk
aboui ceuiral Loudou. whaiever ihe ueris o auv sugle sguage svsieu, ihe overall
pciure s au udciueui o ihe servce ihai's provded or walkers bv ihe 32 or uore
svsieus curreuilv u use. To acheve a cohereui sguage svsieu i uusi be boih
appropraie aud scaleable: wihu ihe boroughs, across ceuiral Loudou, aud ihroughoui
ihe capial.
fustomer-Ied method
uiiug ihe ueeds o walkers rsi requres ihai we apprecaie ihe uauv dereui kuds o
|poieuial) walkers: ioursis, locals, vsiors aud cusiouers. Ther ueeds |aud ihe ueeds
o ihose who beuei rou iher cusiou) are uei haphazardlv ai preseui. Lveu oue
sguage svsieu s excelleui u ueeiug is owu bre, i wll have io work harder io aiiraci
aiieuiou ihau a couuou wavudug svsieu, aud i s lkelv io have io coupeie wih
oiher uoruaiou svsieus doug a dereui ob u ihe saue locaiou. lu ihs siuaiou
ihe uperaive s io siaud oui, wih ihe uhereui dauger ihai sguage becoues uore
obirusve bui less eecive ihau s desrable.
l we cousder ihe ueeds o walkers u geueral, we uav exirapolaie soue prucples ou
whch evervoue cau agree as ihe siariug poui or a couuou ageuda. /ll kuds o walkers
waui io:
Kuow where io look or wavudug uoruaiou wheu ihev ueed i.
Uudersiaud ihe wav u whch ihe uoruaiou s couuuucaied.
0biau ihe uoruaiou ihev waui qucklv, uiuivelv aud wihoui uss.
li s u evervoue's uieresi io uake ihe walker's expereuce a posive oue.
/s provders, we uav u addiou waui io servce specc requreueuis, such as:
rouoie | drve people io a paricular desiuaiou |e.g. Loudou Lve)
rouoie ihe characier | deuiiv o ihe local area |e.g. Chuaiowu)
educe sireei cluiier |e.g. Upper Sireei, lslugiou)
euorce awareuess o ihe borough |e.g. Civ o wesiuusier)
8est practice
The UK road sgu svsieu, Iu6=,
was devsed bv puiiug ihe
ueeds o drvers rsi aud s
ihereore coussieui ihroughoui
ihe couuirv.
1ube waIImaps
The oulv cohereui, Loudouwde
uoruaiou curreuilv provded
speccallv or walkers.
eV\Z '* V^\ adcYdc '%%+
The besi wav o supporiug
people u buldug up iher
ueuial uaps |wheiher or a
ioursi vsi or or regular iravel
ihroughoui Loudou) s io relv ou
ihe siages ihai occur uaiurallv
u developug a 'walker's
Kuowledge' o ihe capial.
There are geuerallv ihree
aciors uvolved u our ueuial
ihe place we're u,
ihe place we're goug io, aud
ihe rouie io gei rou oue area
io ihe oiher.
Ths process o usug rouies
couueciug areas" s oue
o ihe kev buldug blocks u
helpug people io buld iher
ueuial uaps. we siari wih
specc arrval aud desiuaiou
pouis, whch oru our euirv
uio ihe wavudug svsieu
|uodes"), aud rou ihere we
ud oui rouies beiweeu such
pouis. we buld up kuowledge
o ihe area surrouudug
ihe uodes |localiv") aud,
graduallv, clusiers o localies
|ueghbourhoods"). Siep bv
siep we buld up our kuowledge
aud ucrease our ueuial
uaps uuil we have as uuch
uoruaiou as we ueed.
lu a civ lke Loudou ihs
ueuial uap has a herarchv o
arouud sx dsiuci levels o
uoruaiou. These levels o
uoruaiou could be orgaused
uio ve regous. / skeich o
ihs approach cau be ouud ou
page 37.
There's a good deal o receui
research aboui how we buld
up our ueuial uaps. we
develop 'place cells' u ihe
brau correspoudug io pouis
u ihe phvscal euvrouueui
aud graduallv buld iheu up
uio a ueuial uap o places,
rouies aud, eveuiuallv, areas.
The ueuial uap we buld s
uoi sircilv geographc, bui i
revolves arouud ihe relaioushp
beiweeu ueuorable locaious
aud rouies usoar as ihev are
relevaui io our ueeds.
li's ihs iruih ihai uakes ihe
Loudou iube uap so uuversallv
adured, eveu ihough i was
creaied beore uuch o ihe
research courued usi whv i's
so eecive. hvscal rouies aud
dsiauces, iwsis aud iurus, are
o uo cousequeuce io ihe iube
iraveller. how io gei rou / io C
va 8 s whai couuis.
Sular albei less exireue
cousderaious applv io uaps
creaied or drvers ihe |/ io Z)
aud bus iravellers |ihe spder
PIace ceIIs create
area knowIedee
/ docuueuied uuciou o ihe
hppocaupus regou o ihe
huuau brau. / regou ihai s
eularged u Tax drvers.
HentaI map research
Ths ueuial uap wouderullv
shows ihe basc uode aud paih
siruciure o ihe area kuowu as
Coveui Cardeu.
Noie ihe geographcallv
ucorreci leugih o Neal Sireei.
The auihor has drawu ihe siari
aud eud pouis wih liile regard
or ihe leugih o ihe road.
/lso uoie ihai holboru aud
Lecesier Square iubes are
dscouuecied rou ihe Coveui
Cardeu area. The auihor arrves
aud leaves bv Coveui Cardeu
8uiIdine better knowIedee
we all kuow rou our usual uodes o irauspori ihai we use our owu ueuial uaps io
gei aboui. 0rvers uavgaie Loudou bv lauduarks aud, rou ihs, develop au |oieu
advauced) vocabularv o avoured rouies. Tube iravellers see Loudou as a colleciou o
pouis, lues aud uiersecious. wheu cvclsis plau iher ouruevs, ihev ihuk uore o
saeiv, eori aud euvrouueui.
To creaie eecive suppori or pedesiraus developug iher ueuial uaps we have io
suplv Loudou u a wav ihai s useul or walkers. Loudou has pleuiv o ueuorable
areas - Soho, Caudeu Towu, Coveui Cardeu, Chuaiowu: lauduarks - ihe Loudou
Lve, 8g 8eu, Tower 8rdge, Cauarv whar: sireeis, siaious aud squares - all o whch
cau asssi ihe ueuial uappug process. 8ui ihe walker ueeds io break iheu dowu
uio uauageable aud relevaui uodes, rouies aud areas. Ths should be ai ihe heari o
plauuug ihe walkug uaps aud svsieus or Loudou.
Information you can trust
elabliv s a kev acior u eucouragug walkug. /i preseui, relabliv avours ihe
iube aud bus. we cau'i 'relablv' udge how loug a walkug ouruev wll iake rou ihe
uoruaiou we have. we cau'i 'irusi' ihai ihere wll be suceui sguage aloug ihe wav
ihai we wou'i gei losi |ihai's uoi io sav ihai ihere are uo exauples o relable pedesirau
sguage, bui as ihese are ad hoc ihere s uo expeciaiou ihai ihev cau be reled ou). l
we reciv ihese probleus, iheu - or uauageable ouruevs - ihe relabliv acior siaris
io avour ihe walker. how loug wll we have io wai or ihe iube or bus wll ihere be
delavs eu rouie walkug ouruev iues are alwavs relable, whereas ihe bus aud iube
cau suer delavs.
london's 'viIIaees'
Loudou has a wealih o deued
aud uaued areas, rou large
clusiers o ueghbourhoods io
dsiucive localies. These all
cau oru a code or ihe walker io
couueci iher kuowledge.
Reference to viIIaee names
\llage uaues are alreadv
eubedded u Loudou's bus
Chaneinelhe cullure
eV\Z ') aZ\^WaZ adcYdc!V lVncY^c\ hijYn
eV\Z ', V^\ adcYdc '%%+
Ceographcallv correci relaiou
shps. Noie ihai wesiuusier
8rdge ruus wesi io easi aud
ihai her areas o kuowledge are
closer ihau she ihoughi.
3 u
1areet perception
0uce our subeci begau lukug
ihe areas she kuew bv walkug
rou oue area io auoiher, her
overall uudersiaudug o ihe
whole ucreased, eveuiuallv
lukug all desiuaious wihu
I2I3 uuuies walk o each
The resuli s a geographcallv
uaccuraie vew based ou ihe
iube uap, ihe percepiou o
kuowu desiuaious beug
dsioried as a resuli.
To uudersiaud pedesirau
percepiou, we asked a receui
vsior wih soue expereuce
o Loudou io roughlv udcaie
areas ihai she was aular wih
& descrbe her kuowledge o
place oreuiaiou.
0ue ihe usleadug
represeuiaiou o ihe Thaues,
boih wesiuusier 8rdge &
Charug Cross huugerord
8rdge are uudersiood io ruu
uorih io souih. /reas also eel
ar apari.
2 1
HentaI map research
The subecis o ihese iwo
ueuial uaps iravel uaulv bv
iube aud as a cousequeuce iher
kuowledge s ragueuied.
Chaneinelhe cullure
eV\Z '+ aZ\^WaZ adcYdc!V lVncY^c\ hijYn
The subecis o ihese iwo ueuial
uaps have iravelled ou ooi aud
iher kuowledge s uuch uore
eV\Z '. V^\ adcYdc '%%+
/u overlav o a ueuial uap
obiaued rou research wih ihe
borough bouudares.
l we're eucouragug people - where appropraie - io iake ihe walkug opiou: aud we're
helpug iheu buld a beiier pciure o whai's uvolved: we uusi also provde iheu wih
ihe uoruaiou ihev ueed, rsilv, io udge wheu ihe walkug opiou s easble, aud
secoudlv, io eel ihai ihs udgueui s relable.
To ucrease people's relabliv aud irusi u walkug we ueed io provde walkug uaps
ihai help io develop ueuial uappug, usug sguage io dreci walkers aloug rouies
aud eluuaie iher rsk o geiiug losi. There's uo shoricui: relabliv s derved rou
coussieucv across ihe capial, aud rgour u provdug correci, coussieui uoruaiou
where i's ueeded aud expecied.
london-wide or 8oroueh by 8oroueh!
/luosi evervoue iravels oui o iher borough, aud so a couuou sguage svsieu s
requred ihai s predciable aud relable io eucourage walkug aud pui ihe cusiouer
rsi. li does uoi uake seuse or a resdeui u lslugiou, workug u ihe Civ o Loudou, io
have io learu ihree or our dereui sguage svsieus beiweeu houe aud work.
ludeed, couuoualiv beiweeu svsieus - paricularlv u phvscal desgu aud
uauieuauce regues - wll provde ecououes o scale as ihe svsieu s appled io a
larger area. /i ihe saue iue ihe eeciveuess o a svsieu or our couplex civ uakes i
desrable ihai is deialed plauuug should be led as ar as possble bv ihe boroughs aud
local orgausaious.
There s a clear ueed io prouoie paricular desiuaious, rouies aud deuiies, as
evdeuced bv ihe uauv svsieus ihai have spruug up. / cohereui svsieu should
accouuodaie ihs, aud acheve i uore eecivelv - aud ihs should be iakeu ou board
as oue o ihe kev obecives.
The case or cohereui sgus s ar sirouger ihau usug separaie sgu svsieus u each
borough. l we devse uew siraieges boroughbvborough, wihoui achevug a
couuou svsieu, iheu our cusiouers |Loudouers aud vsiors alke) wll derve
liile beuei. lu oiher words, reducug ihe 32 sguage svsieus io IU would be au
uproveueui bui would sill creaie couusou aud do liile io eucourage people io walk
sgucauilv uore.
Chaneinelhe cullure
eV\Z '- aZ\^WaZ adcYdc!V lVncY^c\ hijYn
eV\Z (& V^\ adcYdc '%%+
A coherent wayhndine system
rou ihe vewpoui o pedesiraus - be ihev resdeuis, vsiors or couuuiers - i
would be beuecal io use a cohereui wavudug svsieu ihroughoui ihe 33 boroughs.
Such a svsieu requres boih couveuious - e. uauug aud placeueui polces: aud
uierveuious - e. uaps aud sgus.
The core requreueuis are:
euablug pedesiraus io assess aud plau |io uudersiaud") iher ouruevs aud ud iher
wav aboui ai sireei level wih ease aud coudeuce:
io help buld up aud reuorce au eecive aud relable ueuial uap o Loudou or
io creaie a couuou aud cousiauilv updaied ceuiral uoruaiou svsieu exble
euough io be appled u all relevaui orus aud ueda, such as uaps, sgus aud
8ased ou ihese requreueuis we cau deuiv a uuuber o kev prucples or ihe desgu
o a cohereui aud eecive svsieu.
Architecture and interventions
Ceuiral io ihe developueui o a cohereui wavudug svsieu s a uudaueuial
archieciure alled io a uxiure o publc uoruaiou uierveuious.
The archieciure goverus ihe uauageueui aud use o uoruaiou ihroughoui ihe
svsieu. li would be orued bv a sei o gudelues aud uauuals.
ublc uoruaiou uierveuious are uieuded io provde pedesiraus wih helpul
uoruaiou wheu i s ueeded, io euable wavudug aud io allow ihe iraveller io
cousder ihe walkug opiou. These requre a degree o coussieucv io eusure ihai ihev
are irusied aud couuecied.
8oih ihese paris would be based ou core coucepis ihai:
are derved rou a deialed uudersiaudug o wavudug behavour u Loudou:
work wih exsiug svsieus ihai are eecive:
are desgued io a worldclass siaudard.
or exauple ihs would ueau ihai ihe svsieu works wih ihe ubquious iube uap,
provdug au alieruaive vew wheu walkug could be cousdered. The eeciveuess o
ihe iube uap should uoi be couproused.
1owards a soIution
0esien principIes
0on't make me think!
have oue svsieu io learu aud
reueuber how i works.
what I need, when I need it
The prucple o progressve
dsclosure: usi euough
uoruaiou aud uoi ioo uuch.
fonnect areas
Couueciug areas, regous aud
irauspori svsieus.
fIean up
Cei rd o uuuecessarv
cluiier bv havug as ew
sgus as possble, as uauv as
Invest wiseIy
Creaie au eecive aud
hgh qualiv svsieu whle
beueiug rou ecououes
o scale u purchasug aud
Towards a solulion
eV\Z (% aZ\^WaZ adcYdc!V lVncY^c\ hijYn
eV\Z (( V^\ adcYdc '%%+
PIannine tooI
Uilsug placeueui
ueihodologes, sguage
plauuug would be
cohereui aud eecive.
fore data
0gial uappug soiware
would siore uaues, locaious
aud desiuaious accordug io
a Loudouwde agreeueui o
criera. The soiware would be
updaieable aud uauaged.
Civ overvew scale
0eialed area scale
The uap would be avalable
u a vareiv o scales.
Hap outputs
Nasier ariwork provded or
dereui ueda aud sireei
sgu ueasures, ucludug all
uoruaiou ou sgus.
Towards a solulion
eV\Z (' aZ\^WaZ adcYdc!V lVncY^c\ hijYn
Hap requirements
Ths s au absiraci skeich o ihe
requreueuis o au eecive
walkug uap or Loudou.
ldeallv i would provde a
walker's level o deial, showug
sireei eaiures ihai pedesiraus
uoice such as zebra crossugs.
lu a sular wav, lauduark
buldugs, opeu areas,
pedesirausaiou, aud sireei
characier should be ucluded
io deue pouis aud aci as
li should udcaie
ueghbourhood dsircis aud
show ihe couueciug rouies
beiweeu iheu.
walkug dsiauces cau be
udcaied aud ihe uap cau be
provded u headsup oru or
sgus where i s eecive io
do so.
1he livine Hap
Naps are oue o ihe kevs io learuug ihe sireei lavoui o ihe capial. Thev are cousulied
ai uuuerous siages io plau aud uavgaie aloug a ouruev. we recouueud a sugle,
coorduaied uappug svsieu s esiablshed.
rou ihe uasier uap we cau exiraci uaps o varvug scales aud oruais or dereui
purposes. The uoruaiou aud appearauce s alwavs coussieui, albei adusied or
scale aud usage. Ceuirallv auihored, couiuuallv updaied aud dgiallv dsirbuied, ihe
svsieu cousiiuies a 'lvug uap' or pedesiraus.
The couveuious, polces, iools aud ueihods ihai iogeiher couprse ihe svsieu ueed io
be capiured u a walkers' wavudug Nauual or Loudou ihai provdes clear gudauce io
all ageuces aud siakeholders, vei suceui exbliv io ueei iher wderaugug ueeds.

walkug uaps
/Z uaps
0ulue &
edesirau &
ioursi uaps
eV\Z (* V^\ adcYdc '%%+
Namine poIicy
The UK pruarv road svsieu |luoruaiorv Sgus or use ou allpurpose oads, Nusirv
o Trauspori, Iu6=) has arrauged all place uaues u a herarchv couiauug ihree levels
o uporiauce u ihe overall wavudug svsieu. or vsiors rou abroad, ihe svsieu s
easv io ollow. or regular users i has aded iher deialed uudersiaudug o ihe UK road
ueiwork, whch u realiv s exireuelv couplex bui has beeu uade coupreheusble u
verv suple ierus.
The probleu we ace or people walkug arouud Loudou s uo dereui as we ueed
a coussieui uauug polcv ihai grades all place uaues u ierus o iher level o
uporiauce u au overall wavudug svsieu. lu Loudou we alreadv have a good exauple
o such a polcv u ihe uaues ihai are used io deuiv uaor desiuaiou ou Loudou
iubes aud buses.
Nuch work ueeds io be doue io orgause ihs svsieu or pedesiraus, iakug uio accouui
hsiorcal uaues, local couplexies aud overall sgucauce.
fxampIe: hierarchy
/u absiraci skeich o how a
uauug schedule could be
cousirucied. Ths s uerelv au
llusiraiou o ihe process ihai
ueeds io iake place.
fxampIe: Area names
/u absiraci skeich o ihe
overlavug o dsiucive
dsircis eg S0h0 aud suall
uaued uodes eg Caubrdge
Towards a solulion
eV\Z () aZ\^WaZ adcYdc!V lVncY^c\ hijYn
1he advantaees of map based sienaee
Sgus ihai use uaps have ceriau advauiages over oiher ivpes o sguage.
Naps show uauv uore rouies aud desiuaious coupared io a uger posi, eucouragug
ar uore walkug. or exauple, uaps cau show a 3uuuie walkug crcle or all sireeis.
Naps provde dereui ivpes o rouie udug uoruaiou usiead o usi ihe uaues ou
uger posis, or exauple bv provdug (Y pciures o lauduark buldugs ihai are kev
coupoueuis u legbliv aud rouie udug. Ths could help overseas vsiors who are
less aular wih Luglsh, ihe vsuallv upared, eic. Ths should also eucourage uore
heads up uap based sgus |ihe uaps ace ihe saue wav as ihe vewer) s a uore
uiuive svsieu ihai cau uprove wavudug aud so eucourage walkug.
Nap based sgus have reduced sireei cluiier u 8rsiol aud ihe Civ o Loudou. 8rsiol
usialled I8U uap based sgus aud reuoved over 3UU uger posis aud oiher sireei
cluiier, a =U% reduciou u sireei uruiure.
Nap based sgus have greaier poieuial or absorbug sireei cluiier as ihev could be
desgued io ucorporaie sireei lghis, liier bus, eic.
Nap based sgus cau be uore relable ihau ugerposis as ihev do uoi have ugers ihai
cau be easlv rpped o or roiaied.

Hap equivaIent
Naps are uuch uore eceui
ihau sugle uarkers |uger
posis) u a civ wih Loudou's
wealih o desiuaious.
eV\Z (, V^\ adcYdc '%%+
Piccadilly Circus
Node supporter
0spersug people rou busv
irauspori hubs aud oiher
kev pouis bv provdug usi
euough uoruaiou io becoue
Area supporter
rovdug deialed plauuug
uoruaiou io creaie kuowledge
o areas aud how ihev couueci
iogeiher above grouud.
Path supporter
Narkers io provde reassurauce
aud couiuuiv aloug wudug
rouies aud couueciug areas.
homine beacon
\erv clear udcaious o
proxuiv, aud drecious io
uaor desiuaious.
Sien types
/uv good sgu svsieu aus io uake a couplex subeci suple or ihe user. we ueed a
rauge o sgu ivpes, such as ihai ouilued here, ihai wll provde ihe rghi uoruaiou
ai ihe rghi iue, iakug uio accouui ihe coupexiv o ihe Loudou euvrouueui. These
ueed io work alougsde oiher, uore specc sgus desgued io ueei paricular ueeds
- e.g. ioursi uoruaiou, publc aclies aud so orih.
1. Node supporter
rovdug suple uoruaiou ihai euables pedesiraus io sei o u ihe rghi dreciou
rou siaious, vsior aiiracious aud oiher euirv pouis uio ihe wavudug svsieu.
2. Area supporter
/ supled sireei uap showug ihe relaive posiou o surrouudug areas, wih
uoruaiou aboui kev desiuaious |e.g. 8loousburv or 8rish Nuseuu"). These
sgus are kev u helpug people develop iher owu ueuial uaps.
3. Path supporter
Sireei uaps aloug ihe rouie couruug ihe dreciou aud sde rouies ihai couueci uio
adaceui ueghbourhoods. li's uporiaui io reueuber ihai ai auv gveu poui dereui
rouies uav coucde ai ihe saue poui. The aih Supporier addresses ihe requreueui
uore eecivelv aud ecououcallv ihau usug uger posis.
u. homine beacon
uger posis close io uaor desiuaious, showug ihe average walkug iue rou
ihai poui. uger posis should be kepi io a uuuuu io avod uuuecessarv cluiier
aud because ihev do uoi help people io develop iher ueuial uaps o ihe area.
Neveriheless, houug beacous have au uporiaui pari io plav u Loudou, where uaor
desiuaious are oieu obscured rou vew. The 8rish Nuseuu s auouslv iucked
awav. Traalgar Square s uoi vsble rou Charug Cross oad uuil vou're aluosi ihere.
0ther considerations
The above lsi s uoi exhausive. There are a uuuber o oiher ueasures ihai would be
developed or uore specc requreueuis. Lxauples uclude civwde uoruaiou ai
kev ioursi decsou pouis, aud ihe provsou o 'breadcruub' irals io uavgaie verv
dculi 'dogleg' rouies such as beiweeu waierloo Siaiou aud ihe rver.

Towards a solulion
eV\Z (+ aZ\^WaZ adcYdc!V lVncY^c\ hijYn
eV\Z (. V^\ adcYdc '%%+
Node support
aue kuows ihe
booksiore s ou
Lower egeui
Sireei so ihe Lower
egeui Sireei|Si.
aues exi s ihe
oue she wauis. The
sgu seis her u ihe
rghi dreciou.
Area knowIedee
rou here she
decdes io walk.
She kuows ihe
area she's u &
a bi aboui her
desiuaiou, bui
uoi how ihev ou
Area support
She spois a uap
ihai gves her ihe
kuowledge ihai
i's oulv a suari
walk, uavbe IU
uuuies, io
Coveui Cardeu.
She kuows her
wav rou ihere.
Path support
The rouie s uoi
u a dreci lue. /
reassurug sgu
uorus her ihai
she s ou ihe rghi
paih aud i s uoi
homine beacons
aue s surprsed
io see how close
Traalgar Square
aud The Naioual
Callerv are.
Loudou siaris io
seeu a loi sualler
ihau she ihoughi
She s also
surprsed ai how
quck her ouruev i oued
up iwo dereui
...aue's overall
area kuowledge
has ucreased.
She wou'i
hesiaie io walk
u ihe uiure.
PiccadiIIy fircus
fovent 6arden
PiccadiIIy fircus
leicester Square
fovent 6arden
fovent 6arden
Towards a solulion
eV\Z (- aZ\^WaZ adcYdc!V lVncY^c\ hijYn
Iane's waIk
To llusiraie ihe approach o 'couueciug areas' we have produced aue's walk, a shori
sceuaro lu, whch s avalable as pari o ihs preseuiaiou.
aue walks rou oue area io auoiher, prevouslv uucouuecied u her ueuial uap. Naps
aud ousireei sguage uoru aud reassure aue, gvug her coudeuce io iackle ihs kud
o ouruev raiher ihau iakug ihe bus or iube. Ths provdes a real le exauple o how
aue learus Loudou aud draws uew ueuial uaps.
Ths svsieuaic approach - uakug use o exsiug sireei uruiure where appropraie
- also helps reduce sireei cluiier. Ths ouruev uvolved eghi sgus where prevouslv
ihere were eleveu |whch aled io acheve iher obecive).
aue s a
siudeui ai The
Loudou School o
She couuuies io
college bv iube.
The irau, as
uorual, s packed.
She usuallv alghis
ai holboru, bui
iodav she alghis ai
ccadllv Crcus io
pck up a book.
0owuload ihe aue's walk
uove bv regsierug ai
eV\Z )& V^\ adcYdc '%%+
8earug ihs u uud, ihe uoruaiou ihai's appropraie vares rou poui io poui.
Lach sgu ueeds io be classed accordug io is uuciou |or uuliple uucious).
/rrval pouis, or exauple, requre uoruaiou io ad dspersal aud oreuiaiou.
0ecsou pouis call or local area kuowledge.
Lurouie sgus requre us io suppori wavudug rou ihai poui io ihe udcaied
ruarv desiuaious ueed io be ouud rou all appropraie arrval or euirv pouis.
/ ceriau requeucv o sgus s requred or ihe svsieu io work. Sgus ueed io be placed
where ihev are expecied: ussug secious uuderuue ihe overall useuluess o ihe
whole svsieu. li s uporiaui io gei ihe rghi balauce beiweeu eecive placeueui o
walkug sgus aud cluiierug up ihe sireeis.
educug cluiier s oue o ihe uaor beueis ihai cau be acheved bv uiroducug a
cohereui pedesirau sgu svsieu, especallv usug uapbased sgus, across ihe 33
The dea s io replace ucoussieui aud uuidv eleueuis wih a useul, cohereui,
uauaged aud respecied svsieu. The sireei euvrouueui wll beuei u varous wavs:
Coussieui look aud placeueui creaies a ider sireeiscape.
0ur siudes suggesi ihe overall uuuber o sgus cau be reduced.
/ uauaged sguage svsieu reduces vaudalsu aud uakes i easer io coubai.
Sien type quantity estimate
for area shown
2= Node supporiers
27 /rea supporiers
2U aih supporiers
=3 houug beacous
fIutter reduction
/u opporiuuiv or sireei cluiier
reduciou s avalable as a
coupoueui o a Loudouwde
sgu svsieu.
The uiroduciou o a cohereui svsieu wll idv up ihe sireei euvrouueui bv replacug
ucoussieui uierveuious wih a coorduaied rauge o useul sireei uruiure. /i
preseui ihere s liile coussieucv u ihe placeueui o sgus u auv gveu locaiou. Clear
gudelues ueed io be developed or ihe heghi, paveueui locaiou, xug aud so orih,
aud i s also crical ihai ihe sgus are locaied where we ueed iheu, usug ihe prucple:
'as ew as possble, as uauv as uecessarv'.
we have alreadv deuied ihe pouis ai whch iube aud bus ouruevs couueuce as
good locaious io eucourage ihe walkug opiou. Takug ihs a siep uriher, uoruaiou
ueeds io be provded ai ihe pouis ai whch walkug couueuces aboui uauageable
desiuaious aud rouies. Takug boih iogeiher, we are lookug ai iube, bus aud ralwav
siaious, lauduarks, uaor publc aclies aud ioursi aiiracious as kev uoruaiou
pouis. Ceiiug ihs seleciou o siariug locaious rghi requres cousuliaiou wih
siakeholders aud au awareuess o work doue bv oihers, such as ihe Loudou uucioual
walkug Neiwork |CL, luiellgeui Space, 2UU=).
lauuug iools ai ihe 'hubs' ueed io be suppleueuied bv sgus eu rouie usug
ihe saue prucple. There's uoihug worse ihau ollowug a sgu aud iheu beug
abaudoued ai a kev uuciou halwav ihrough vour walk. Thereore coussieui aud
predciable posiouug o sgus s esseuial, wih suceui exbliv io i u wih local
crcuusiauces. rocedures are requred io eusure ihai ihs s correcilv aud uiellgeuilv
Proeressive discIosure
The Iu63 ueihodologv or ihe placeueui o UK road sgus, whch uses ihe prucple o
progressve dsclosure" o uoruaiou |iellug people whai ihev ueed io kuow wheu
ihev ueed io kuow i), s sill eecive oriv vears laier. luoruaiou desgu aud usabliv
have beeu ihe gudug prucples u ihe developueui o ihs svsieu.
Towards a solulion
eV\Z )% aZ\^WaZ adcYdc!V lVncY^c\ hijYn
8est practice
The orgual docuueui deialug
ihe placeueui ueihodologv
or ihe UK oad Sgu Svsieu,
Iu6=. obusi ueihodologes
lke ihs should be developed
io deieruue where aud whai
should be sgued.
eV\Z )( V^\ adcYdc '%%+
September 2005
Save lime
Save money
el fil
See more
The London
walkine Hap
The London
walkine Hap
Legbliv aud specal ueeds uusi be iakeu uio accouui, ollowug ihe relevaui siaiuiorv
requreueuis aud curreui besi pracice.
Lleueuis uvolved u ihe uoruaiou desgu uclude:
Colour paleiie
0agrau sivles
Soue or all o ihese eleueuis uav be used u all kuds o |ocal or lceused) uaps,
sgus, oulue aud uoble dsplavs.
Techucal edesirau \ehcular Trauspori svsieus

/ walkug Nap should eaiure:
geographc uoruaiou, Loudou's
lauduarks, Loudou's kuowu area
vllages aud ihe uau walkug
rouies beiweeu areas aud vllages.
luproveueui u uoruaiou
cau be supporied bv awareuess
Towards a solulion
eV\Z )' aZ\^WaZ adcYdc!V lVncY^c\ hijYn
There are uauv aciors io iake uio accouui u desguug au eecive aud cohereui
uoruaiou svsieu. These uclude:
I. / dsiuci aud luied produci rauge.
2. 0urabliv aud ease o uauieuauce o ihe uaierals.
3. healih & Saeiv cousderaious.
=. Use o colour.
3. Lghiug possblies.
6. redciable aud cohereui posiouug.
7. luoruaiou desgu: clariv, appealug, coussieui uauug, udcaiou o dsiauce.
8. 8raudug: peruaueui |eg Caudeu) aud ieuporarv |eg 0lvupcs).
u. luclusviv, accessbliv aud couplauce wih ihe 0sabliv 0scruuaiou /ci.
IU. Use o iechuologv - e.g. SNS, CS|CS, web, Kosks.
II. elaioushp wih resdual aud uew 'exierual' uoruaiou, clear bouudares aud
uierace beiweeu ihs aud oiher uecessarv publc uoruaiou svsieus.
I2. Keepug aud updaiug a ceuiral daiabase o uoruaiou wll uriher euhauce ihe
relabliv o ihe uoruaiou ou our sireei sgus, aud help eusure ihai ihe svsieu s
ullv scaleable wihu ihe boroughs aud ihroughoui Loudou.
I3. Need io uuuse vaudalsu.
I=. /bsorb or reuove sireei uruiure io reduce sireei cluiier wherever possble.
Soue o ihese ssues are addressed u uore deial u /ppeudx C - Noies ou desgu aud
uauieuauce. we are also buldug ou a greai deal o exsiug work ihai has beeu doue bv
ihe Loudou boroughs aud oihers.
Creaiug a clear vsual deuiiv or Loudou's pedesirau wavudug svsieu wll help
people io recoguse aud use i. whle i cau be desgued io reeci ihe dversiv o
areas aud veuues, i ueeds io be boih dsiucive as ihe walkug uoruaiou" aud
coupleueuiarv io oiher coorduaied wavudug svsieus such as bus, roads aud iube.
8est practice
Lxauple o a speccallv
desgued walkug uap buli io
udcaie local area kuowledge u
8rsiol. hghlghiug lauduarks
cau help uake ihe luks beiweeu
uaps aud ihe realiv ou ihe
eV\Z )* V^\ adcYdc '%%+
The research, cousuliaiou aud cousderaious sei oui u ihs repori have led us io
couclude ihai ihe uiroduciou o a cohereui pedesirau sgu svsieu cau delver
sgucaui euvrouueuial aud ecououc beueis uoi oulv or ceuiral Loudou bui or all
ihe 33 boroughs. /ccorduglv we recouueud ihai such a pedesirau sguage svsieu be
ullv developed aud usialled or Loudou.
li s esseuial ihai auv scheue s upleueuied properlv. There are cousderable
daugers u iakug a peceueal approach, dciaied bv shoriieru cousderaious aud
ad hoc resources. Takug local crcuusiauces uio accouui, i uav well be ihai exsiug
svsieus wll couiuue io be used where possble aud replaced over iue. Lveu
upleueuied u siages, ihe uoruaiou desgu archieciure" uusi be ullv resolved
ai ihe ouisei io eusure ihe svsieu s robusi aud suceuilv iesied. lu order io acheve
ihese requreueuis we have sei oui a drai proeci plau aud uial esiuaied cosiug or
ceuiral Loudou u /ppeudx 0.
The 2UI2 0lvupcs wll brug au uuprecedeuied uuuber o vsiors io Loudou, aud wih
i a clear opporiuuiv io upleueui ihs proeci aud brug lasiug beuei uoi oulv io ihe
areas drecilv uvolved bui io ihe euire capial. / greai deal o wavudug work alreadv
has io be uuderiakeu as pari o ihe plauued irauspori urasiruciure uproveueuis
or ihe 0lvupcs aud i would be oolsh uoi io irv aud coorduaie ihs wih ihe walkug
requreueuis deuied u ihs repori. The proeci plau |/ppeudx 0) ihereore proposes
ihai a cohereui pedesirau wavudug svsieu or Loudou be developed u iue or a
sgucaui rolloui bv 2UIUII, au obecive ihai requres work io couueuce as a uaiier
o urgeucv.

/s we have seeu, walkug has decreased durug ihe lasi decade whle bus aud iube
use has growu rapdlv aud s predcied io keep ucreasug u ihe uexi. There s ihus a
cousderable poieuial io ucrease walkug, relevug crowdug ou publc irauspori u
ceuiral Loudou.
Subsiauial uvesiueuis are plauued or ucreasug capaciv u ihe publc irauspori
svsieu, ucludug Crossral, ihe Cross ver Trau aud oihers. The cosis uvolved u
expaudug aud uakug uproveueuis io our publc irauspori ueiwork are uueuse.
The Cross ver Trau s expecied io cosi =UU ullou io creaie capaciv or I37,UUU
passeugers per dav. /i ihe oiher eud o ihe scale, Crossral s curreuilv expecied io cosi
IU bllou, creaiug 3UU,UUU passeuger ouruevs per dav |ealsug ihe poieuial:
walkug aud Cvclug u Loudou |Trauspori 2UUU Trusi, 2UU=]).
we cauuoi gve precse couparsous, bui ihe 3% o iube ouruevs ihai are oulv 8UU
ueires or less u ceuiral Loudou were uade bv walkug, ihs would have a cousderablv
beiier cosi beuei raio ihau ihe Trau or Crossral. Theu add u ihe reduced cougesiou
ou buses creaied bv uore walkug aud ihe beueis are subsiauial or ihs sualler
uvesiueui o aboui =U ullou.
/ couuou sguage svsieu or Loudou cau also delver sgucaui ecououes o scale
usug largescale produciou, developueui, ioolug, siock aud uauieuauce. Couuou
uauieuauce siaudards cau delver cosi savugs whle ai ihe saue iue uprovug ihe
qualiv o our sireeiscape.
Thereore a uappug aud sguage svsieu ihai eucourages uore walkug provdes
exireuelv good value or uouev bv helpug io creaie exira capaciv ou ceuiral Loudou's
publc irauspori svsieu.

Towards a solulion
eV\Z )) aZ\^WaZ adcYdc!V lVncY^c\ hijYn
Lxauples alreadv exsi u
Loudou where couuou
siaudards have uproved
procureueui, qualiv aud cosi.
eV\Z )+ aZ\^WaZ adcYdc!V lVncY^c\ hijYn eV\Z ), V^\ adcYdc '%%+
Appendix A- user researchsurvey
lu collaboraiou wih ihe Cies ieau o Luierprse LSL |ihe cousuliaucv aru o ihe
Loudou School o Lcououcs), we couducied eld research quesiouug pedesiraus
as ihev lei Lecesier Square iube siaiou u Narch 2UU3. The udugs are suuuarsed
below. / ull repori s avalable rou CL ou requesi.
Respondent prohIe
28= people were surveved.
63% were Loudou resdeuis, ihe reuauder vsiors.
key hndines
36% had boarded ai auoiher Zoue I siaiou.
3% had boarded ai a siaiou less ihau 8UUu awav.
u3% uieuded io couiuue iher ouruev ou ooi.
88% euoved walkug u Loudou.
u8% were couoriable wih sgus u Luglsh.
77% reerred io relaive dsiauce bv uuuies raiher ihau ules. The uudersiaudug
o aciual dsiauce was 73% ucorreci. ewer ihau 6U% could correcilv deuiv ihe
dreciou io auoiher iube siaiou.
The iool uosi couuoulv used or ouruev plauuug u advauce was ihe iube uap
|==.7%), ollowed bv oulue |2U%), aud /Z or gudebook |8.3% each).
36% overall aud 63% o vsiors were carrvug a uap.
wheu asked, 3.7% sad ihev would use ousireei sgus io uavgaie.
Nore ihau hal overall, aud 73% o vsiors, had looked ai sgus or uaps usde ihe iube
siaiou beore exiug.
PossibIe inferences
walkug s uoi au uupopular wav o geiiug aboui.
Lack o gudauce uakes ouruevs ou ooi harder aud less euovable ihau ihev could be.
eople ueed dereui uierveuious ai dereui uoueuis ou iher irp, .e. oreuiaiou
iools ollowed bv drecioual iools.
Neuial uaps should be reuorced aud supporied.
elauce ou ihe iube uap could aud should be replaced bv uore useul uoruaiou or
Uudersiaudug ouruev iue s a kev drver u eucouragug walkug.
Appendix A
user research study
Appendix 8
PreIiminary sien audit
Appendix 8 - Preliminarysienaudil
Summary of Sien System Audit
0ver ihriv separaie sguug svsieus have beeu observed u aud arouud ihe siudv area
o ihe ceuiral Loudou Cougesiou Chargug zoue. 0eials o owuershp aud pcioral
reereuces are gveu wihu ihs /ppeudx.
The audi deuousiraies curreui provsou o wavudug aud pedesirau sguage bv ihe
boroughs aud uaor siakeholders iogeiher wih sauplug o uierveuious uade bv
prvaie laud owuers, couiaued areas, aud ou orual rouies such as 8roadgaie, Caruabv
Sireei aud ihe Thaues aih respecivelv.
The audi s uoi uieuded as a coupreheusve record o all sgus u ihe siudv area bui
llusiraies all ihe uaor svsieus aud ihe vareiv o provsou curreuilv eucouuiered
whlsi walkug arouud ceuiral Loudou.
havug recorded ihe varous sgu svsieus u ihe siudv area ihe ollowug observaious
have beeu uade.
lucoussieucv u whai uierveuious cousiiuie a svsieu - Soue svsieus oulv use
ugerposis, oihers use uaps aud ugerposis. ouie uarkers aud dreciores also
appear wihu soue svsieus.
where uaps are used ihere s ucoussieucv u ihe ivpes aud sivle - Scaled
geographc, phoiographc, llusiraive aud 30 represeuiaioual uaps, as well as
dagraus, are all used.
Soue svsieus ocus uaulv ou aiiracious as desiuaious - Svsieus ihai oulv use
uger posis gve uoruaiou ou how io gei io specc desiuaious |uosilv aiiracious,
publc buldugs, uaor irauspori uodes aud publc aclies). Nosi svsieus ihai
uclude uaps gve sireei uaues aud a broader sei o desiuaious.
lucoussieucv u how eleueuis o uoruaiou are couuuucaied - /u exauple o ihs
s ihe represeuiaiou o ihe Trauspori or Loudou 'rouudel', where ihere are a uuuber o
ucoussieuces beiweeu aud wihu svsieus.
\araious u ihe degree o legbliv wihu graphc applcaiou - Soue svsieus
do uoi appear io ueei wih 0T |0epariueui or Trauspori) gudauce as sei oui u
'luclusve Nobliv - / gude io 8esi racice ou /ccess io edesirau aud Trauspori
lurasiruciure' aud uav couiraveue ihe 00/ |0sabliv 0scruuaiou /ci).
lucoussieucv u wheiher aud how dsiauce s couuuucaied - 0ulv soue svsieus
gve dsiauces ou drecioual sgus |ugerposis) aud o ihose ihai do ihere s a vared
approach o usug eiher uuuies, racious o ules, ueires or vards.
/duusiraive bouudares cause au ucoussieucv o couuuucaiou io ihe user
- Soueoue walkug rou ihe Loudou Lve io Tower 8rdge aloug ihe souih bauk o ihe
Thaues eucouuiers ai leasi ieu dereui svsieus o pedesirau sguage. /i iues ihree
are vsble ai ihe saue iue.

eV\Z )- aZ\^WaZ adcYdc!V lVncY^c\ hijYn eV\Z ). V^\ adcYdc '%%+
Lack o couiuuiv o uoruaiou beiweeu svsieus - Couieui o sgus ai ihe borders o
boroughs |or aduusiraive areas) do uoi alwavs reeci ihe herarchv o ihe uearesi
uaor aiiracious. Thev are soueiues based io ihose wihu ihe borough ihai has
erecied ihe sgu.
lucoussieucv u how couieui o svsieu s decded - There s uoi a sei siaudard or whai
appears as a desiuaiou ou ihe varous svsieus. Soue svsieus relv ou applcaious
rou aiiracious |desiuaious) oihers applv criera io deue couieui bui soueiues
ihs uvolves a large eleueui o subeciviv.
The phvscal desgu o soue svsieus preseui ssues - Ths ucludes ihe abliv or
uger sgus io be 'swvelled' io poui u ihe wroug dreciou, ihe uabliv io updaie
uoruaiou u a cosi eecive wav aud ihe uou couplauce wih 'luclusve Nobliv'
Nauieuauce s a bg ssue - 0ualiv o uaierals, desgu aud cousiruciou plav a large
pari u ihe lougeviv aud updaieabliv o ihe curreui svsieus. however where a robusi
regue o uauieuauce s uoi euploved eveu ihe besi qualiv svsieus sill al.
/ coussieui sivle or ugerposis s siariug io appear - / uuuber o provders are
usug sgus wih a whie backgrouud wih black iexi or drecioual sguage. Ths has
soue relaiou u look aud eel wih boih TL sguage aud sireei uaue sgus, whch
u iuru relaies u soue wavs io a Loudou deuiiv. however ihere are soue pracical
ssues wih ihs aud sill large ucoussieucv u applcaiou.
0iher uierveuious whch are uoi uavgaioual sguage are used u soue areas io
asssi wih wavudug - /rchieciural eaiures wihu uew developueuis, lauduarks,
lghiug aud publc ari are all curreuilv beug used io asssi u wavudug, especallv
where ihe buli euvrouueui preseuis phvscal or psvchologcal barrers. however,
ihs s uoi beug uuversallv adopied.
System ownership
0wuer Civ o Loudou Civ o Loudou wesiuusier
rvaie or local Local auihoriv Local auihoriv Local auihoriv
/rea covered whole 8orough New svsieu, whole 8orough whole 8orough
8orough Civ Civ wesiuusier
Sien types
Naps Noi as pari o wde scheue es. 6U - =3 large No
ugerposis =UU 2UU I=U approxuaielv
System ownership
0wuer CL, Loudou Uudergrouud, Corporaiou o Loudou lslugiou Couucl
Caudeu, wesiuusier
rvaie or local Local auihoriv Local auihoriv Local auihoriv
/rea covered Coveui Cardeu Norih area Civ subwavs lslugiouUpper Si. & Lssex d.
8orough Caudeu & wesiuusier Civ lslugiou
Sien types
Naps es es
ugerposis es, wih dsiauce u uuuies es luiegral
rui es
0iher wall uouuied
Appendix 8 - Preliminarysienaudil Appendix 8 - Preliminarysienaudil
eV\Z *% aZ\^WaZ adcYdc!V lVncY^c\ hijYn eV\Z *& V^\ adcYdc '%%+
System ownership
0wuer Souihwark Souihwark Souihwark
rvaie or local Local auihoriv Local auihoriv Local auihoriv
/rea covered 8auksde versde Llephaui & Casile
8orough Souihwark Souihwark Souihwark
Sien types
Naps es es
ugerposis es es luiegral
0iher /lso alougsde Sireei uaues wall uouuied 0reciores
System ownership
0wuer TL Loudou Uudergrouud, 8uses Souih 8auk Luplovers Croup ool o Loudou
rvaie or local TL, CL/ rvaie
/rea covered Creaier Loudou Souih 8auk ool o Loudou |Thaues)
8orough Loudou wde Laubeih & Souihwark Souihwark & Tower hauleis
Sien types
Naps es 2= es
ugerposis luiegral 3U - wall uouuied es
rui es
web es |0ereui base uap) es
0iher 0reciores wall uouuied
System ownership
0wuer Nore Loudou Cross ver ariuershp Tower hauleis
rvaie or local rvaie Local auihoriv
/rea covered Nore Loudou & Loudou 8rdge 8auk o Thaues |uoi courued) SL Civ |Tower o Loudou)
8orough Souihwark Laubeih, Souihwark, wesiuusier Tower hauleis
Sien types
Naps I es
ugerposis es es
System ownership
0wuer hackuev TSC0 Trac sgu regulaious Naulue siaious
rvaie or local Local auihoriv Local auihoriv Neiwork al
/rea covered NL Civ |hoxiou) UK wde Loudou wde
8orough hackuev UK wde Loudou wde
Sien types
Naps es
ugerposis es es auels
0iher wall uouuied Lxierual |TL)
Appendix 8 - Preliminarysienaudil
System ownership
0wuer oval arks /geucv Caruabv Sireei Tradug /ssoc. 8roadgaie Lsiaies
rvaie or local rvaie rvaie
/rea covered Si. aues & Creeu ark Nw o Soho|Lasi o egeui Si. 8roadgaie
8orough wesiuusier wesiuusier Civ
Sien types
Naps es es es
ugerposis es es es
rui es
web es
0iher 0reciores
System ownership
0wuer haves Callera Crowu Lsiaie
rvaie or local rvaie rvaie rvaie
/rea covered haves Callera egeui Sireei Si Chrsiophers lace
8orough Souihwark wesiuusier wesiuusier
Sien types
Naps Naps Naps Naps
Appendix 8 - Preliminarysienaudil
eV\Z *' aZ\^WaZ adcYdc!V lVncY^c\ hijYn eV\Z *( V^\ adcYdc '%%+
System ownership
0wuer Tower lace Tower o Loudou addugiou 8asu
rvaie or local rvaie rvaie rvaie
/rea covered Tower lace Tower o Loudou addugiou 8asu
8orough Civ Civ wesiuusier
Sien types
Naps Slab|desiuaious Slab|desiuaious I large hoardug
ugerposis IU
System ownership
0wuer The Thaues aih Slver ublee wav
rvaie or local Local auihoriv
/rea covered SouihbaukSouihwark versde Taie Noderu /ccross 8oroughs
8orough Leugih o Thaues Souihwark Laubeih, Souihwark, Civ
Sien types
Naps es |luih)
ugerposis luiegraied 7 separaie es |TSC0 siaudard - ed)
0iher ouie uarkers ouie uarkers loor uarkers
System ownership
0wuer Sireei uaues
rvaie or local Local auihories
/rea covered Loudou wde
8orough /ll
Sien types
0iher wall uouuied
These uoies suuuarse soue o ihe curreui pracice u publc sgu
desgu appled io ihe subeci o ihs siudv. li s uporiaui io bear u uud,
however, ihai ihe rghi soluious wll oulv euerge u ihe appropraie
couiexi: wheu developug gudelues i s uporiaui io avod siug ihe
rghi soluious io paricular probleus.
Sienaee pIacement and inteeration
The core eleueuis o ihe svsieu are uieuded io be developed as grouud
xed, siaudaloue coupoueuis. li s esseuial ihai producis cau be
pui u ihe rghi place wih correci oreuiaiou ihev are io provde
opiual peroruauce or ihe user. however i s advsable io allow also
or xug io exsiug sireei uruiure aud ou walls where appropraie,
.e. wheu ihs does uoi couprouse ihe sgu's eeciveuess, or ihe
euvrouueui deieruues ihai ihe alieruaive would be uo sgu ai all.
Ths would reduce cluiier aud poieuiallv cosi. li would also provde
ihe opporiuuiv io allow ihe svsieu io be uiegraied uore easlv u uew
urbau developueuis.
8us siops aud sheliers are auoiher poieuial locaiou io 'spread' aud
uiegraie ihe svsieu. 8us siops have a dreci relaiou io pouis where
people arrve wihu au area aud u soue cases have a dreci correlaiou
io uaor pedesirau paihs. how io couueci beiweeu ihe bus aud
pedesirau uoruaiou svsieus ueeds io be careullv cousdered.
Product fIexibiIity
The siudv has deuied ihai a exble aud versaile svsieu s requred io
respoud io Loudou's ueeds. The proposed wavudug soluiou ucludes
a aulv o coupoueuis io address ihe ivpes o uoruaiou requred ai
dereui locaious. 0euse aud busv areas arouud iube siaious requre
asi readug graphcs ou couparaivelv suall uuis: oiher locaious
would beuei rou larger uaps.
l uger posis are used or houug beacous ihev ueed io be exble
euough io allow or ai leasi a 3U ucreueui u posiouug, eusurug
accuraie drecioual uoruaiou. however i s uperaive ihai ihe
soluiou avods ihe possbliv o ihe ugers beug roiaied io ihe wroug
posiou due io vaudalsu, accdeuial upaci or prolouged wud aciou.
where uoruaiou ueeds aud locaious deieruue, paih supporis aud
houug beacous should be coubued. Ths wll reduce ihe uuuber o
coupoueuis requred aud uuuse upaci ou ihe sireeiscape.
Appendix f
Notes on desien and maintenance
The luis o uger sgus
xug aud uiegraiou opious
oieuial or greaier uiegraiou
Appendix C- Noles ondesienand mainlenance Appendix 8 - Preliminarysienaudil
eV\Z *) aZ\^WaZ adcYdc!V lVncY^c\ hijYn eV\Z ** V^\ adcYdc '%%+
Appropriate quaIity and materiaIs
lu addiou io ihe pracical beueis assocaied wih hgher grade
uaierals, soue o whch are descrbed below, ihev also couvev au
uage o qualiv ihai reuorces ihe svsieu's eeciveuess aud auihoriv.
edesirau sgus are expereuced ai close proxuiv aud ihe percepiou
o qualiv aecis ihe users' coudeuce u ihe uoruaiou.
The choce o uaierals aud iechuques depeuds ou ihe scale o
produciou aud ihe uudug aud uauageueui polces ihrough whch ihe
svsieu s io be upleueuied. luial capial cosi, ioolug, siockholdug
aud baich szes are all crical aciors.
Tradioual sireei uruiure u ihs couuirv s oieu uade rou casi
ueial eleueuis. Ths cau oer soluious ihai are dculi io acheve
wih siaudard secious aloue. The use o ihs iechuque could allow
ihe ucorporaiou o iexiure, uircaie suraces aud xug deials. lu
addiou io creaiug a robusi produci ihai s less vuluerable aud uore
orgvug io dauage i also provdes ihe poieuial or ihe haruousug o
couieuporarv approaches wih iradioual looks aud iechuques.
/ll lghiug has cosi uplcaious as io usiallaiou, uauieuauce aud
ruuuug. Usug solar iechuologv s easble or soue applcaious, bui
wll aeci ihe shape o ihe produci, as i ueeds a large iop surace io
accouuodaie phoiocells aud suceui space io couiau ihe baiieres.
6raphic appIication
The graphcs should be appled u a wav ihai respouds io a deuse aud
oieu harsh urbau euvrouueui. There are oulv a ew hardwearug
ueihods avalable, wih ihe uosi applcable beug vireous euauel, or
glass pauels wih screeupruied or dgiallv pruied vuvl appled io ihe
back ace.
\ireous euauel graphc pauels are relaivelv expeusve, especallv or
couplex ariwork whch oulv a ew hghlv sklled supplers cau delver.
however i s verv ressiaui aud o hghesi qualiv. li s ihe ueihod used
bv TL or uosi o is largescale sguage.
Class pauel graphcs are cheaper, easer io updaie aud cau be sourced
rou a uuuber o dereui supplers, bui are uore vuluerable io
obusi aud 'orgvug' ushes
ercepiou o qualiv
aecis users' irusi u
ihe uoruaiou
Class pauels wih bouded vuvl
appled graphcs
\ireous euauel graphc pauels are uosi
suiable or iough euvrouueuis.
Craphc uoruaiou s ai ihe heari o ihe svsieu's uucioualiv aud uusi
be desgued io be useul io as uauv people as possble. lu ihs respeci
ihe svsieu should iake uio accouui ihe gudelues sei oui u relevaui
sources ucludug:
The 0sabliv 0scruuaiou /ci Iuu3
The luoruabliv Nauual |C0l)
luclusve Nobliv |0T)
Sgu 0esgu Cude |NU aud S0S)
Cousderaious uclude:
Sze, couirasi aud clariv or ihe vsuallv upared
heghi o uieracive eleueuis or wheelchar users
/vodug reeciviv
Techuologv oers uew opporiuuies or seiiug siaudards u uclusviv
/lihough ihe produciou o auv svsieu cauuoi have a zero eeci ou ihe
euvrouueui, ihe overall upaci should iake accouui o whai ihe svsieu
wll acheve u ierus o uore susiauable uoveueui paiierus.
/ worldclass svsieu ueeds io have boih excelleuce u peroruauce
aud a cousdered approach io is overall euvrouueuial upaci. Ths
upaci ucludes choce o uaierals, uauuaciurug, irauspori io sie,
usiallaiou, uauieuauce aud abliv io recvcle is coupoueui paris ai
ihe eud o is useul le.
The lougeviv o ihe phvscal svsieu has a dreci relaiou io overall
upaci. Couparsou o uaierals should uoi be ueasured u solaiou
bui over ihe euire lecvcle.
There s uo coupleie soluiou io vaudalsu bui a welldesgued svsieu,
wheu coubued wih a sirci uauieuauce regue, wll deier uauv
vaudals aud reduce ihe upaci o oihers. The uosi hghlv speced
svsieu wll deieroraie uoi regularlv servced. The oulv wav io avod
ihe 'couiagous' ivpe o behavour ihai causes rapd declue s io uake
sure ihere s au ougoug prograuue or reuoval o v posiug, iaggug
aud grai.
0esgu cousderaious io dscourage vaudalsu aud reduce is upaci:
/vodug eupiv dull suraces ou ihe aciual produci wll deier soue v
posiug aud grai - vaudals oieu choose 'avalable' spaces.
Texiured suraces uake vposiug aud grai uore dculi.
/vod large areas o powder coaied paui ush whch s dculi io
uauiau ou sie.
Choseu uaierals ueed io be able io wihsiaud a iough cleauug regue
wihoui excessve deieroraiou.
\ireous euauel paris eleueuis
uxed wih uore oieu chaugeable
vuvl appled uoruaiou
/ppropraieuess cau also ueau
Appendix C- Noles ondesienand mainlenance Appendix C- Noles ondesienand mainlenance
eV\Z *+ aZ\^WaZ adcYdc!V lVncY^c\ hijYn eV\Z *, V^\ adcYdc '%%+
The produci aud siruciure ueeds io be robusi euough, u ihe eveui o
dauage ihrough vaudalsu |or accdeui), so as uoi io eudauger publc
There are a uuuber o reasous whv a svsieu should be buli io lasi, ihe
uosi obvous beug ihe loug ieru ecououc beuei boih u uauieuauce
aud o uoi havug io replace ihe sgus ou a requeui bass.
0iher arguueuis uclude:
Susiauabliv - a phvscal svsieu ihai lasis wll have u 'real cosi' a
uuch lower upaci ou ihe euvrouueui.
/ svsieu ihai phvscallv deieroraies wll gve a uegaive percepiou o
ihe uoruaiou i carres.
/ svsieu ihai covers ihe whole o Loudou wll iake soue vears io roll
oui. l ihe rsi producis io be usialled are uoi sill peroruug wheu
ihe laier paris are usialled iheu i wll be hard io argue ihai ihev are a
credble opiou. Ths wll resuli u ihe loss o au aiiauable 'couuou'
The urbau euvrouueui cau be verv iough aud ihe eecis o polluiou,
weaiher, ulira volei lghi, irac aud vaudalsu are all aciors io be
cousdered u buldug a svsieu ihai cau provde ihs lougeviv. The
choce o ushes aud uaierals ueeds be appropraie. Soue uaierals
aud ushes, whch look good aud couvev a hgh level o qualiv wheu rsi
usialled, age, chp, scraich aud deieroraie u a wav ihai s less orgvug
aud uore rapdlv siari io look as ihev have beeu 'abaudoued'.
The uaierals ihai weaiher well u ihese coudious uclude heavv gauge
siauless sieel wih peeued ush, casi ueials |aluuuuu, rou, brouze
eic), vireous euauel, uaiural sioue |basali or grauie ughi be ihe uosi
appropraie u Loudou) aud uaierals wih ihe saue colour ihroughoui
iher core.
wheu developug a svsieu ihai cau phvscallv lasi or a loug perod, greai
cousderaiou has io be gveu io ihe uore subecive aud aesiheic ssues
o shape, oru, colours aud ushes. /lihough all desgu io a lesser or
greaier degree wll reeci ihe poui u iue i was creaied, ihe au uusi
be io produce desgus ihai lasi.
Updaiug or replacug eleueuis o ihe uoruaiou should be possble
wihoui replacug excessve paris o ihe uui, .e. drecioual sgus
should be updaieable wihoui replacug all 'ugers' pouiug u ihai
/ balauce does have io be siruck beiweeu suplciv o ihe obeci |aud
cheaper abrcaiou u ihe rsi place) aud uore exble bui couplex
Nodulaied aud iexiured suraces are
uucioual, dscouragug vposiug
Suooih aud 'avalable' suraces are
uuis. ual resoluiou wll depeud ou ihe ivpe o graphc produciou,
ihs choce beug largelv goverued bv ihe uauageueui siruciure or
upleueuiaiou aud ihe uiure uauieuauce aud owuershp o ihe
l ihere s uo svsieu wherebv uap pauels cau be rapdlv replaced,
iheu glass pauels uav be uusuiable. \ireous euauel pauels, alihough
iougher, are uore expeusve aud cosilv io updaie, bui ihev are
aiiacked ihev wll uoi suash lke glass.

eplacug aud updaiug ueed
io be careullv be cousdered
/ccepied aud well
uauiaued svsieus
Nade io lasi
Neveriheless, all svsieus ueed a iough
cleauug regue
Nauieuauce ssues
Appendix C- Noles ondesienand mainlenance Appendix C- Noles ondesienand mainlenance
eV\Z *- aZ\^WaZ adcYdc!V lVncY^c\ hijYn eV\Z *. V^\ adcYdc '%%+
Project pIan
The eleueuis below sei oui soue o ihe ihukug aboui whai ueeds io be doue io iuru
ihs scheue uio a realiv, as a siariug poui or oruulaiug a deialed proeci plau.
I. Lsiablsh CL workug group or deialed cousuliaiou
2. Lsiablsh oui couuiiee o boroughs, TL, L0/ aud CL/ or decsouuakug
3. Lsiablsh cousuliaive groups io provde siakeholder upui
=. roduce overvew uap o regous aud ursdcious
3. roduce deialed audi or oue area aud overvew audis o iwo oiher
represeuiaive areas
6. roduce ueuial uappug or oue regou aud area
7. roduce udcaive desgus or uaps aud sgus ai uuliple levels
8. Lvaluaie uaucal aud euvrouueuial upaci
u. roduce drai Sgu Svsieu Nauual or upleueuiaiou u iwo represeuiaive
ploi scheues
IU. roduce drai rolloui prograuue
II. Teuderug process or abrcaiou aud usiallaiou o ploi scheues
I2. Lsiablsh uui io coorduaie aud uauiau ihe Lvug Nap
I3. 0ecde siaudards aud uechausu or uauieuauce
I=. ui u place uauieuauce or ploi scheues
I3. 0esgu aud upleueui ploi scheues |ucludug cluiier reuoval)
I6. Lvaluaie ploi scheues - beore aud aier ueihodologv
I7. Lxhbiou aud publc cousuliaiou
I8. roduce deialed audis aud ueuial uappug or all areas
Iu. roduce ual Sgu Svsieu Nauual
2U. Couru siaged rolloui prograuue
2I. Teuderug process or abrcaiou aud usiallaiou o rolloui
22. roduce Lvug Nap Svsieu
23. ui u place uauieuauce or rolloui
2=. lupleueui siaged rolloui |ucludug cluiier reuoval)
23. Couiuuug uauageueui o uoruaiou daiabase
26. Couiuuug uauieuauce o sgu svsieu
lieus IIU u ihs proeci plau could be coupleied wihu sx uouihs.
Appendix 0
0raft project pIan and cost estimate
Appendix 0 - 0rafl pro|ecl planand cosl eslimale
fost estimate
li s ioo soou io esiuaie ihe overall cosi o upleueuiug a cohereui pedesirau
wavudug svsieu or ihe capial. however, based ou ihe ihukug couiaued u ihe
drai proeci plau aud ihe area ihai has beeu siuded, we have assessed ihe lkelv cosi
o coupleiug ihe proeci u ihe CCZ area. li should be uoied ihai soue o ihs work,
ucludug ihe ploi scheues, s uecessarv io creaie a robusi archieciure or ihe whole
svsieu aud wll ihereore beuei oiher areas ihai are rolled oui laier.
li uav be desrable or oue o ihe ploi scheues io be upleueuied ouisde ihe ceuiral
Loudou area io eusure a uore represeuiaive evaluaiou or ihe svsieu as a whole.
The cosi o au exhbiou aud publc cousuliaiou, whch s recouueuded, has uoi
beeu ucluded. whle ihe 0lvupc Caues u 2UI2 are appropraielv a spur io acheve
sgucaui rolloui bv ihe vear 2UIUII, upleueuiaiou across ihe 33 boroughs wll
uecessarlv be uueuced bv uauv aciors aud would be expecied io iake place u siages.
/ deialed siudv o au area approxuaielv oue ihrieih ihe sze o ihe CCZ udcaies
a requreueui o IUU sgu coupoueuis ai au udcaive abrcaiou aud usiallaiou
cosi o usi uuder hal a ullou pouuds, suggesiug a hardware cosi u ihe regou o
I3u or ihs area. / uaor urasiruciure cosi s ihe creaiou o ihe Lvug Nap as a
couiuuallv updaiug ceuiral daiabase capable o beug appled io all kuowu phvscal
aud iechuologcal requreueuis.
or ihe CCZ area ihs work s esiuaied ai 3u. Cluiier reuoval has beeu cosied ai 2u
aud ihe addioual cosi o ploi scheues aud evaluaiou s expecied io be 3u. 0esgu
aud developueui s I3% o ihe overall proeci cosi. 0ur overall esiuaie or ihe CCZ
area ai 2UU3 prces ihereore coues io 28.73u. /llowug or slppage, scope creep
aud couiugeuces i s prudeui io allocaie resource o =Uu.
Ths would be brokeu dowu u siages as ollows:
lieus I-IU: 73U,UUU
lieus II-I3: 2u
lieus I6-2U: 3u
lieus 2I-22 |pari): 3u
lieus 22 |coupleiou) aud 23, couueuce rolloui: 3u
Cosied rolloui u CCZ: I7u
lupleueuiaiou u oiher regous would also be expecied io couueuce durug ihs iue
ou a schedule io be deieruued.
Appendix 0 - 0rafl pro|ecl planand cosl eslimale
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8blographv o books aud reporis:
A Pattern laneuaee- Chrsiopher /lexauder, Sarah lshkawa, Nurrav Slversieu wih
Nax acobsou, lugrd ksdahlKug aud Shlouo /ugel. 0xord Uuversiv ress, Iu77
A waIkine Strateey for westminster - wesiuusier Civ Couucl
Action PIan for fentraI london - Ceuiral Loudou ariuershp, 2UU3
AneeI Report - Ceuiral Loudou ariuershp 2UU3|U=. 2UU3
1he 1 8usiness PIan 2005 - Trauspori or Loudou
famden 8oroueh Spendine PIan 2UU3|U6
famden waIkine PIan: fourth AnnuaI Review, 2UU=
fity waIks in london - / epori or ihe Coveruueui 0ce or Loudou, Laud Use
Cousuliauis, 2UU3
fourts and lanes 0esien Strateey - Corporaiou o Loudou, 2UU=
fovent 6arden Report - Ceuiral Loudou ariuershp, 2UU3|U=
fncouraeine waIkine: Advice to locaI Authorities - 0epariueui o Luvrouueui,
Trauspori aud ihe egous, 2UUU
6oine to 1own: Improvine 1own centre Access - 0epariueui o Luvrouueui,
Trauspori aud ihe egous, Llewelvu0aves, 2UU2
IncIusive HobiIity - / Cude io 8esi racice ou /ccess io edesirau aud Trauspori
lurasiruciure - hlp 0xlev, 0epariueui or Trauspori, 2UU2
IndividuaIised Harketine - Chaugug Travel 8ehavour or a beiier Luvrouueui
weruer 8rog, Lrhard Lrl, Ncola Neuse
Information for Pedestrians - Cudauce or Loudou 8oroughs, TL
Informatory Siens for use on aII-purpose Roads - Nusirv o Trauspori, Iu6=
knowIedee Point - ve Siar 8lue 8ook |Tax Kuowledge)
locaI 0irection Siens - fity of westminster - 0epariueui o lauuug aud
Trausporiaiou, 2UU3
lA1S 2001 househoId Survey - Trauspori or Loudou
london's functionaI waIkine Network - A Study of the key streets for utiIity
waIkine, luiellgeui Space, 2UU=
london 1raveI Report 2005 - TL | Navor o Loudou
Hakine london a waIkabIe fity - 1he waIkine pIan for london - Trauspori or
Loudou|Navor o Loudou, 2UU=
Haps and journeys: an ethnomethodoIoeicaI investieation - 8arrv 8rowu & Lrc
Harearet faIvert - Ldied uiervew or reze, 2UU3
Hetro Haps - Hark 0venden - Capial Trauspori ublshug, 2UU3
HuIti-HodaI interchanee siens standard for london - Trauspori or Loudou
0n the Hove: by foot - / 0scussou aper, 2UU3
Promotine waIkine in london - A 0raft 8usiness fase - au Cehl, Cehl /rchiecis
0uaIity Streets: A Summary study by flP for 1fl , 2UU3
ReaIisine the potentiaI: waIkine and fycIine in london - Trauspori 2UUU Trusi, 2UU=
South 8ank PubIic Art - A report on the hrst three years of the South 8ank PubIic Art
Proeramme - Souih 8auk Luplovers Croup, Iuu7
Streets for AII - A euide to the manaeement of london's streets - Luglsh heriage,
Streetscape - Puttine PoIicies into Practice - oval 8orough o Keusugiou & Chelsea
Streetscape 6uidance - fonsuItation 0raft IuIy 200u - TL |Navor o Loudou
1he NationaI waIkine Strateey - Lvug Sireeis, 2UU3
1he hippocampus, Hemory and PIace feIIs: Is it SpatiaI Hemory or a Hemory
Space! - howard Lcheubauu, aul 0udchecuko, Luua wood, Naiihew Shappro aud
hekk Taula. Iuuu
1he Imaee of the city - Kevu Lvuch, The NlT ress, Iu6U
1he westminster way - PubIic ReaIm manuaI for the fity - Civ o wesiuusier, 2UU3
1owards a hne fity for PeopIe - PubIic Space and pubIic life, Cehl /rchiecis|CL|
TL, 2UU=
1rackine Pedestrian oIumes - A Scopine study of avaiIabIe monitorine data for
benchmarkine purposes - luiellgeui Space, 2UU=
1ramc Siens HanuaI - 1he 0esien of 1ramc Siens - Loudou: The Siaiouerv 0ce,
1ransport for london 5 year Investment proeramme - The T 8usuess plau 2UU3|6
- 2UUu|IU, 2UU=
urban 0esien - /uiuuu 2UU= lssue u2
urban 0esien fompendium - Luglsh ariuershps, 2UUU
urban 0esien Source 8ook 200u[5 - Urbau 0esgu Croup, 2UU=
waIk this way - A youne persons euide to Above the 1hames - Souih 8auk Luplovers
Croup, 2UU=
waIkine and fycIine: An Action PIan- 0epariueui or Trauspori, 2UU=
wayhndine 8ehaviour - foenitive Happine and other spatiaI processes - Ld
eguald, C Colledge, The ohu hopkus Uuversiv ress, Iuuu
where am I! - Street name siens in london - Loudou Trauspori Users Couuiiee,
Your way at AneeI - fnhancine Pedestrian environment - lslugiou Couucl
foneestion fhareine Zone map - TL websie
1ube map - TL websie
london A-Z map
wandsworth's active livine Hap - waudsworih 8orough
AIternative tube map - aul Nkseuaar, 0eli Uuversiv
waIkine waterIoo - /lC or waierloo 0uarier 8usuess /llauce
eV\Z +' aZ\^WaZ adcYdc!V lVncY^c\ hijYn eV\Z +( V^\ adcYdc '%%+
The ieau ai /lC would lke io ihauk a large uuuber o people aud orgausaious who
have couirbuied iue, help aud uoruaiou u ihe creaiou o ihs repori, ucludug:
lsobel Sioddari, airca 8rowu aud Neu 8avbars o Ceuiral Loudou ariuershp
0avd owe, /drau 8ell aud luues ergusou o Trauspori or Loudou
ohu auuou |oruerlv Creaier Loudou /uihoriv)
/uihouv 8alev o Loudou 8orough o lslugiou
/uioua Supsou o Loudou 8orough o Souihwark
Nelaue Charalaubous o Corporaiou o Loudou
Louse 8oud o wesiuusier Civ Couucl
Kaie 0cksou, Tu Loug aud Lz halsiead ai Loudou 8orough o Caudeu
Siuari Croucher |oruerlv Loudou 8orough o Caudeu)
/drau Couch o Souih 8auk Luplovers Croup
Chrs Suih aud 8rdgei Suaih o waierloo 0uarier 8usuess /llauce
Ku Church o Coveui Cardeu 8usuess oruu
u walker o The /ccess Coupauv
0avd Nariu o Lvug Sireeis
aul Nkseuaar aud Nariu Ceerdes o Siudo Nkseuaar
Speucer de Crev aud 0avd oseuberg o osier aud ariuers
Lrk Spekeruauu o Uuied 0esguers Neiwork
ula Thri o C/8L Space
/lau Charada o Space Svuiax
ake 0esvllas o luiellgeui Space
Sarah lchoka, 0ouuc Church aud siudeuis rou LSL Cies rograuue
hl 8aues o Ceuiral|Si Narius, Uuversiv o ihe /ris, Loudou
Sau Cullau o Lacock Cullau
Nck 0urraui o loi
chard Suou aud ereuv Cauliou o Cube
Nuuerous Neuial Nappug subecis
Siauord Naps o Coveui Cardeu
0xord Cariographers
0rduauce Survev
1hank you
epori produced aud publshed bv /lC or Ceuiral Loudou ariuershp
Copvrghi O 2UU6 /lC Loudou Lid
The /lC proeci ieau are: Tu eudlev, Kasper de Craa, Sau Cullau, Nck 0urraui,
chard Tavlor, Nark Nuller, Naii Cooper, Suou hller, Luke Nichell,
haiiv Chaubers, oo hvuu oou, Soe Llassou, 0lver Noss, Cesar Seso.
Kasper de Craa
'+', Creai Suiiou Sireei
Loudou ZX&k%Yh
Tel: %'%,%&,-)--
Lual: kdegraamagloudou.cou
airca 8rowu
fentraI london Partnership
2u heddou Sireei
Loudou l&W)Wa

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