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1 SQL does not provide the programming techniques of conditional checking a. TRUE b. FALSE Question2 The ______ attribute is used to declare variables based on definitions of columns in a table. a. %TYPE b. %ATTRIBUTE c. %ROWSET d. %NOTFOUND Question3 The syntax used to create a user with the name "John" with a password "john123@" is: a. CREATE USER John b. CREATE USER JOHN BY john123@ c. CREATE USER John IDENTIFIED BY john123@ d. CREATE USER John, john123@

1 Match the following: Redo Log Buffer

A c irc u la r b u f f e r th at s to r e s all c h a n ge s ma d e in th e d a ta ba s e . It c o n tains a r e tra n s f e r r e d p e rio dic a lly f ro m me mo r y to th e o n line re d o lo g

Datab ase Buffer Cache Share d Pool

A n ar e a in me mo ry th at h o ld s a ll th e blo c ks re a d in f r o m d is k f or q u er y o r mo d if ic a tio n .

The c o n te n ts o f th is me mo ry a r e a ar e s h a re d b y mu ltip le u s er s a n d he n c e th e n a me s ha r e d p o o l.

Librar y Cache

It is r e s p on s ib le f o r s to r ing a n d r e us in g f r e qu e n tly u s e d S Q L s ta te men ts , th e ir e x e c u tio n p la n s a n d s to r e d p r o c ed u r e s .

Question2 The ______ offers a comprehensive set of middle-tier services. a. Client Applications b. Server Applications c. Business logic d. Application Server Question3 The ________ provides programmatic accesses, centralized management, and multi-channel delivery of internet services. a. Business Intelligence Capabilities b. Recovery c. Open Framework d. Integrated Manageability

1 Match the following terms with their corresponding definitions: Schem a
A c o lle c tio n o f d a ta b a s e o b je c ts o w n e d b y a d a ta b a s e us e r a n d h a s th e s a me n a me a s tha t u s e r .

Cluste rs
G ro u p s of o n e o r mo r e ta b le s p h y s ic a lly s to re d to g e th e r w h ic h in tu rn imp ro v e s th e d is k a c c e s s time .

Extent s
A s p e c if ic n u mb e r o f c o n tig u o u s d a ta b lo c ks , o b ta in e d in a s in gle a llo c a tio n , u s e d to s to r e a s p ec if ic ty p e o f in f o r ma tio n .

Segm ents
A s e t of e x te nts a llo c a te d f o r a c e rta in lo g ic a l s tru c tu re .

Question2 A ________ stores information about the physical structure of a database, name of the database, and locations of the database. a. Record b. Table c. Column d. Schema Question3 A ________reliably manages a large amount of data in a multiuser environment so that many users can concurrently access the same data. a. Server b. Database c. Client d. User Question4. The _________ structures are those that can be seen and operated on from the operating system, such as the physical files that store data on a disk. The ______ structures are created and recognized by Oracle Database and are not known to the operating system. a. Logical, Physical b. Physical, Logical c. Database, Schema d. Logical, Database Question5. The ___________ objects are the logical structures that directly refer to the database's data which include structures like tables, views, and indexes. a. Database

b. Server c. Schema d. Software

1 A _______ is a network of databases managed by multiple database servers used together. a. Centralized Databases b. Distributed Databases c. Local Databases d. Physical Databases

1 1. Decomposes the distributed calculus query into an algebraic query on global relations. 2. The information needed for this transformation is found in the global conceptual schema describing the global relations. 3. The information about data distribution is not used here but in the next layer. 4. The techniques used by this layer are those of a centralized DBMS. The above statements are the properties of ______________ a. Data Localization b. Global Query Optimization c. Query Decomposition d. Local Query Optimization Question2 Designing the _______ database maps the conceptual schema to the storage areas and determines the appropriate access methods. a. Physical b. Logical c. Symmetric d. Distributed

1 Match the following features of Heterogeneous services: Transpa rent SQL access Procedu ral Access

In te g ra te d a ta f ro m n o n - O r a c le s y s te ms in to th e O ra c le e n v iro n me n t a s if th e d a ta is s to r e d in o n e s in g le , lo c a l d a ta b a s e .

Pr o c e d u ra l s y s te ms , like me s s a g in g a n d q u e u in g s y s te ms , a r e a c c e s s e d f r o m a n O ra c le 9 i s e rv e r u s in g PL /SQ L re mo te p ro c e d u re c a lls

Passthrough SQL

O p tio n a lly , a p p lic a tio n p ro g ra mme rs c a n d ire c tly a c c e s s a n o n -O ra c le s y s te m f r o m a n O ra c le a p p lic a tio n u s in g th e n o n -O ra c le s y s te m's

MultiThreade d Agents

Ta ke a d v a n ta g e o f y o u r o p e r a tin g s y s te m's th r e a d in g c a p a b ilitie s .

Question2 A ______ transaction is a transaction that includes one or more statement that, individually or as a group, _____ data on two or more distinct nodes of a distributed database. a. update, delete b. distributed, delete c. distributed, update d. update, delete Question3 If there is no provision for the local site to function as a ______DBMS, then the system has no local autonomy. a. stand-alone b. Functional c. relational d. Non - relational Question4. The statements in a _____ transaction can reference any number of local or remote tables. The _____ RDBMS guarantees that all nodes involved in a distributed transaction take the same action: they either all commit or all roll back the transaction. a. single, MS- Access b. single, Oracle c. multiple, SQL Server d. Concurrent, MySQL Question5. The _________ automates the process of updating Heterogeneous Services configuration data on remote hosts, ensuring correct operation over heterogeneous database links. a. Multi-Threaded Agents

b. Pass-through SQL c. Agent Self-Registration d. Data Dictionary translations

1 Match the following: Client
A node that references information in a database belonging to a dif ferent node.

Database Server
A node that receives a request for information from another node.

Local Coordinat or

A node that is f orced to reference data on other nodes to complete its part of the transaction.

Global Coordinat or

The node that originates the distributed transaction.

Question2 A _____ is a part of the application. One application issues a begin_transaction primitive; from this point onwards, all actions which are performed by the application, until a commit or _____ primitive is issued are to be considered as one compete transaction. a. transaction; abort b. function; lock c. query; abort d. function; abort Question3 In the ____ phase, the initiating node in the transaction asks the other participating nodes to promise to commit or roll back the transaction. During the ____ phase, the initiating node asks all participating nodes to commit the transaction. If this outcome is not possible, then all nodes are asked to roll back. a. commit; abort b. initiate; abort c. prepare; commit d. commit; abort Question4 With respect to site failures, an algorithm is said to be ____ if it works properly even if K sites are down. a. resilient b. non- resilient c. 1- resilient d. K - resilient Question5 ________ requires that if a transaction is interrupted by a failure its partial results are not at all taken into consideration and the whole operation has to be repeated.

a. Atomicity b. Durability c. Consistency d. Isolation

1 Match the following: timeout method
A trans ac tion is aborted af ter a giv en time interv al has pas s ed s inc e the trans ac tion entered a w ait s tate.

communic ation primitivepublication Totem

Makes all rec ipients deliv er a mes s age at the s ame logic al time c alled the public ation time.

A s y s tem that c ould prov ide an implementation f or the property of total ordering of mes s ages ac ros s groups .

latency penalty
The additional delay bef ore a mes s age is rec eiv ed due to the ordering mec hanis m

Question2 In "Write-locks-all, read-locks-one" locking scheme, ____ locks are acquired on all copies, while ________ locks are acquired only an arbitrary copy. a. exclusive, shared b. shared, exclusive c. shared, shared d. exclusive, exclusive Question3 In Distributed transaction concurrency control, the ______________can lock and unlock local data items. a. External Agents b. Legal Agents c. Local Agents d. Non-local agents Question4 In ________ mode of Transaction locking, mode________ the transaction wants only to read the data item a. Shared b. Exclusive c. Shared and Exclusive d. Isolated

Question5 The existence of the deadlock situation corresponds to the existence of a ______ in the wait-for graph. Therefore a system can discover deadlocks by _______ wait-for graph and analyzing whether there are cycles in it. a. flow, cycle b. cycle, constructing c. constructing, cycle d. constructing, constructing

1 Match the following RAID Levels with their concepts. RAID level 2
Know n as memory-style error correcting-code (ECC) organization, employs parity bits

RAID level 3
Has bit-interleaved parity organization

RAID level 4
Has block-interleaved parity organization

RAID level 5
Has block-interleaved distributed parity

Question2 A fundamental requirement for any type of system is its ____. a. Scalability b. Portability c. Flexibility d. Adaptability Question3 RMAN can create data files automatically when the user executes _____ or ______ commands. a. RESET, RESTORE b. RECEIVE, ROLLBACK c. RESTORE; RECOVER d. ROLLBACK, RESTORE Question4 The ______ has finite space for records of backup activities, while a ____ can store a much longer history. a. control file, recovery catalog b. log file, control file

c. control file, log file d. recovery catalog, log file Question5 With the ______ database command, you can quickly revert a database to a previous time--without restoring data files and performing media recovery. a. backup b. run c. Flashback d. rollback

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