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LINUX IDEAS Linux is open source software (oss); it means software in which source code is freely available to all.

The OSS is also called as free software movement. Free software means:-(1) The source code must be available so that others can study how it works. (2) The Software must be freely executable for any purpose. (3) The Software must be freely redistributed. (4) All are free to modify the software. LINUX ORIGIN In 1984 the GNU project and free software distribution were established. GNU project began to writing replacement tools for UNIX (bash, ls etc.) eventually created a complete set of tools, libraries and other material. To advance their idea of software freedom they created and then put their software under the GPL (General Public License). GPL is a license that enforces the four freedom espoused by the free software foundation. LINUS BENEDICT TROVALDS Linus Trovalds a graduate student in Finland from university of Helsinki began developing UNIX-like kernel in late 80s and early 90s. He first announced his work in a now famous e-mail message on the COMP.OS.MINIX mailing list on 25th Aug 1991. A kernel is the most fundamental part of an operating system, providing services to others users-level commands, such as the ability to communicate with hard disk and other piece of hardware.

NOTE ON SOFTWARE LICENSE Most software distributed with red hat enterprise Linux is distributed under the GPL. Some software packages in the distribution; e.g. Xorg software are covered by other similar licenses, and a few applications have their own licensing agreement. RED HAT ENTERPRISE LINUX PROVIDE (1) Stable, thoroughly tested software. (2) Professional support services. (3) Centralized management tools for large networks. FEDORA PROJECT SUPPORTS (1) More newer applications. (2) Community supported (no official red hat support). (3) For personal systems. LINUX PRINCIPLES (1) Everything is a file (including Hardware):-- The UNIX security model is based on the security of files. You can secure access to hardware in the same way as you secure access to a document. (2) Small single purpose programs:-- UNIX provides utility which performs one task very well. When new functionality is required , the general philosophy is to create a separate programs. (3) Ability to chain programs together to perform complex task:-- a core design feature of unix is that the output of one program can be input for another . This gives a user the flexibility to combine many small programs together to perform a larger, more complex task. (4) AVOID CAPTIVE USER INTERFACE:- Interactive commands are rare in unix. Most commands

expect their options and argument to be typed on the command-line when the command is launched. The commands completes normally, possibly producing output, or generates an error message and quits. (5) CONFIGURATION DATA STORED IN TEXT:Storing configuration in text allow an administrator to move a configuration from one machine to another machine easily.

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