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The Rights of Children

Can we honestly say that children are being born into this world with a fair chance of flourishing? Should a Childs life really be based primarily on a parental right of possible hindrance and restriction towards their human rights? How can we resolve the increasing problems of children in Britain? I will

A World Fit



briefly explore challenges of parenting rights and the

rights of children within the 21st century, and conclude with a recommendation that could create a world that is better fit for children.

Please read the highlighted sections within the universal declaration of human rights before reading further.

Childrenhave faith that right makes might: Let us ..

and in that faith let us to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it


(Lincon, 1860)

Intergenerational Responsibility
The Parental Right over responsibility
According to article 16; it is a human right to have children, but this parental right can be limited to protect innocent people (Lafollette, 2004). For instance, the biological right to have children is not

When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursing invariable the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is there right, it is their duty to

throw off such government, and to provide new guards for

their future security

(Declaration of independence, 1860)

regulated by the same forms of safeguarding children that is imposed

by the adoption process, or surrogacy (see Cots 2011). Even though both forms of childbirth bear the same responsibility, this automatic biological right to have children illustrates how children are being

We are at a crucial moment, where humanity is facing humanity itself, were living in a historical moment where the rights and responsibilities of parents and teachers are standing tall above Children, but morally speaking are reducing the human rights of children. It is evident that responsibilities required to meet the needs of a child are unregulated, in which case the state of British children is being systematically approved. So how can we resolve the increasing problems of

born into this world, both unregulated and unprotected.

A Parents Right to determine a Childs life

Parental rights are so powerful, currently taking precedence over the
protection of innocent children from potentially harmful and incompetent parenting (See Westman, 2004); the conflicting rights of parents, over their responsibilities not to restrict or hinder the human

children in Britain? We need to lift children of the next generation to be of the

world, with a morality of peace and tranquility, every time more dignified as a species of humankind, towards their future destiny. But this aspiration is not possible unless we achieve a new cultural respect for the rights of children, a

rights of children needs to be tackled within the 21st century as, All
are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law (UDHR: article 7, 1948). But unfortunately Children are still suffering from maltreatment across

common well-being, collective happiness and social justice. It is in the hands of

parents, teachers and the government to help children, the innocent, but not with an authoritarian force, but helping them experience a more just upbringing. Effectively meeting their primary needs, helping them by sharing knowledge,

various forms of abuse and neglect (see CDC, 2010; ACYF, 2008).

living in a dignified and respected manner, not by child rearing but experiencing
life in order to overcome the problems that they will face during childhood. Helping them to understanding their beliefs, their dignity, what it means to be a human with rights regardless of how vulnerable and fragile they may be, it is time to stop treating children as simple components of future commodity, recognizing children as human beings, that feel, that suffer, that cry. Its time to recognize our biggest dream of humanity, the dream to live in peace, the dream to be free, the dream to fight for our children, and for our childrens children, for a better world; lead by good will and equal rights. How easy could it be to obtain a better world, but unfortunately the terms of human rights for all have been undermined by the current perception that parents, teachers and the government have a

The State of Britains Children

According to the Good Childhood Inquiry research revealed that 30,000 children within Britain suffer at the hands of both parents and teachers, whos rights can both hinder and restrict the freedom and selfdetermination of children. Furthermore, evidence suggests that childrens problems are increasing due to; family pressures, unprincipled and sexualized pressure within the media and advertising, an overly competitive education system, an economy that accepts income inequality, child unkindness and the subordinated role that children possess within society (ibid, 2006).

particular power over children, this pattern of thought and misguided

understanding of human life needs to be rewired within the 21st century.

ACYF Childrens Bureau: Child Welfare Information Gateway: What is Child Abuse and Neglect, Internet WWW page at URL: (accessed 04/04/2011) CDC - Centres for Disease Control and Prevention National Centre for Injury Prevention and Control: Understanding Child Maltreatment Fact sheet, Internet WWW page at URL: (accessed 04/04/2011) COTS, - Childlessness Overcome Through Surrogacy: Providing advice, help and support to surrogates and intended parents, Internet WWW page at URL: (accessed 04/04/2011) Declaration of Human Rights, Internet WWW page at URL: (accessed 04/04/2011) Lafollette, H. (2004) Licensing Parents, in P. Title (ed.), Should Parents be Licensed, NY: Prometheus Books, pp. 51-63. Lincoln, et al (1776) The Declaration of Independence, Internet WWW page at URL: (accessed 04/04/2011) The Good Childhood Inquiry (2006), Internet WWW page at ULR: (accessed 04/04/2011) UDHR: article 7, (1948) The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Internet WWW page at URL: (assessed 04/04/2011) Westman, J. (2004) Arguments against licensing parents. In P. Title (ed.), Should Parents Be Licensed? Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, pp. 333-356.

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