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Aeropuerto ficcin

Y a quin le das la mano si sabes que no hay dedos que capturen la plstica luz de los amautas. Quin entonces ahumar tu cadver bueno con inciensos. Los que cren pilotos tendrn kamikazes por ensayo.

Aeropuerto ficcin / Airport fiction

And to whom then will you give your hand if you know there are no fingers that can capture the plastic light of the amautas. Who then will smoke your good cadaver with incense. Those who raise pilots shall have kamikazes through practice.

Airport fiction / Llulla aryupwirtu

Pitam makikitapis qunki yachaptiki mana kanchu rukana charinanpaq Qawchu micha amawtakunapa. Pim chaymanta quntachinqa allin waushqaykita insyinsuwan. Uywakuq pilutukunata kamikasikunayuq pukllananpaq.
(Poem of Ybrahim Luna, translated by Corazn Irizarry Inglish, and Jacinto Cerna Cabrera - Quechua)


Revista piloto
Como excusa del acabamiento el traje no acomoda en el gris; y el sol pequeo de las siete es tragado por un reflexivo y temprano pjaro amarillo.

Revista Piloto / Pilot magazine

As an excuse of finishing suit does not fix in grey and the little sun of seven is eated by an reflexive and early yellow bird

Pilot magazine / Rikarina pilutu

Awanchayshina ushyanapa ruranam mana allin suqunpi; taksha rupay qanchis uraspa mikushqam yuyashqapis yuraqachi qarwa pishqu.

(Poem of Ybrahim Luna, translated by Rger Santivaez Inglish, and Jacinto Cerna Cabrera - Quechua)


Despierta el hombre, aromado de aceite de maguey, y sus llagas le consienten coger fuego y descamar peces. La necesidad domestic la magia; y el deseo, un universo inmediato El hambre lo hizo poltico y descendi al valle para matar con los espritus. Regres a casa con el corazn hirviente y el infinito satisfecho. Expres su amor modificando el celo; y la supervivencia, con el error demogrfico. Cuando la candela, y sobre todo el humo, lo hicieron sabio, otro cazador ya le apuntaba por la espalda para convertirlo en mito.

Conjeturas / Guessworks
The man, scented with maguey oil, awakes, and his wounds let him

to seize the fire and to scale fishes. The need domesticated the magic; and the desire, an immediate universe Hunger made him politician And he descended to the valley to kill with the spirits He came back home with heart boiling and the infinite fulfilled. He expressed his love modifying the jealousy; and the surviving with the demographic mistake. When the fire, And, above all, the smoke, made him wise, another hunter was aiming an arm at him on his back to transform him in a myth.

Guessworks / Taripanay
Runam riqchakan, ashnashpa wiran maqiypa chuqrinkunam richin ninata charinan challwata siprananpaq Munashpa maqyata charirqan munaqpis, suq pacha kaypilla Mallaqmi rurarqan pulitiku panpaman ishkirqan ayakunawan wanchinapaq. Wasinman kutirqan tinpushpa shunqunwan anaq pachapis untashqana.

Nirqan truykashpa kuyayninta washaptin; mana allin kawsaypis, pantayninwan llaqtanchiqpa Ninaqam, maski tukuy quntaymanta, rurarqan suq amawtata, suq chakuq waqtanta manchachirqan truykananpaq willananpi.

(Poem of Ybrahim Luna, translated by Cerna Cabrera - Quechua)

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