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INTRODUCTION I am not in hurry in my life except in emergency. I believe that hurrying up doe s not bring our purposes to be fulfilled.

If hurrying up does bring purpose to f ulfilment, time and the earth will have been the fastest in creation, yet they a re not, and God fulfils them. I prefer to learn from the earth and not the tortoise, which though have many ti tles and certificates, do not use them to benefit itself and others. On the other hand, I will not like to copy the chameleon, the hypocrite and the most compromising creature in life. Jesus said that a man built a house in the sand instead of building it on a rock and this building was destroyed in time due to a storm that came. The point is where am I grounded? That will tell where I will end up. Where I pu t myself, my seeds (hope, love, treasure...) are important. This same parable also talks about purpose, reason, faith and... We cannot thriv e well in every place. There is a specific place where we all can thrive well. T his house was built in the wrong place. If it was founded on a rock, it will hav e been there through all times like old houses in Italy (they are old and some a re not beautiful, yet strong). We cannot plant maize in a swamp and see it grow to maturity and produce seeds. However, if we plant it in a loamy soil, it will thrive well and bring great see ds. The fact that you have loosed a particular job for not performing well does not mean you cannot perform better in another place. Stop the lamenting and cryi ng which blocks vision and arise to where you belong to. I grew up in Northern Nigeria. Because I was not a Muslim, I suffered rejection and beatings that made me to be the inward type. This helped me to ask myself li fes questions and answer them. Through this God opened my eyes to many things and have helped me to be a writer. Today, rejection to me is like nothing, but normal in life. I do not get worried if somebody hate me, see what is in me or talk evil about me. One thing I know is that God loves me and I am important to Him as a righteous person in Jesus Ch rist. I know from my experience that, I am not born into this world for everybody. I a m born for the sake of some few people and those people will appreciate, like, l ove and be part of me till my time is up. Not knowing this and seeking to be a man of all will only lead me to frustration . Paul the apostle became frustrated after all his learning, because he did not kn ow what to do with his knowledge; he therefore started to do nothing but persecu te the saints. However, God who knows all things called him to where he belongs to and he made a mark and left a great legacy for all of us believers. My dear believer, we are the architects and creators of our success, problems and mountains. There is a saying in the Ghanaian languages that, the way you lay yo ur bed that is how you will lie on it. My question is, do you see yourself the way God way others see you, or want to see you? If you do not see yourself the way God sees you to ask Him to help you see yourself the way he God saw Joseph as a great person and showed it differently until the appointed time of God. sees you or you see yourself the then you are missing it and need sees you. to him, but his brothers saw him

Remember, God said, He created you and me to have dominion (Genesis 1 vs. 27). H

e created us to be kings and as (gods) over what he has created, and he will be the ultimate ruler. To be able to make impact in life, you need to conquer your emotions. It is one of the great hindrances to our breakthrough. A lion is said to be king of the jungle not because of anything but because it s fearless and strong. However, should the lion hear the sound of a machine in he forest where it abides, it will run madly. Let a cat go and lie down under a car. When you spark the car the cat will run ike somebody is chasing it, but nobody. A mountain is a big thing to admire and see, but small dynamite can destroy it nd pieces it into stones. Very many children are afraid of animals (pets) that they did not heir homes. According to my personal notice, most of the children who did not uch animals, and yet do not fear them are fearless, and can grew fearlessness in them to make exploits even in terrifying areas of uperior IQs. The secret is they have GREAT SELF IMAGE. i t l a

grew with in t grew up with s up with this life without s

To make conquests in life, you need to see yourself as a hero and able as David before Goliath. Goliath saw himself a giant without and David saw himself a hero within. He knew the God who created him was with him. Dear special friend, if the mosquitoes and the bees are making impact in their o wn fields, then you can do greater than better. All you need is similar boldness and confession of Esther. Without such a radica l step, Satan will make fun of you. Remember the promise of God in ZECHARIAH VS. 6 and JOHN 4 VS. 24. God had a plan for the man Samson, but forces of darkness planted lust in him t hat made his impact limited, however upon calling upon God after coming back to himself, he did wonders whilst dying (Judges 13 vs. 3 and 16 vs. 25.). Lets think also of Gideon (Judges 6 vs. 1124). God had a mighty plan for him, but he had wanted to limit himself like some of the spies in the time of Moses who s aw themselves as grasshoppers and not human beings who are created with abilitie s. However, the merciful GOD OPENED HIS EYES TO BEHOLD THE MESSAGE. My dear lovely one in Jesus Christ, as a believer, God is with you. Once you abi de in Him you will bear fruit because he will not leave you to do it alone. Grandfather of ours in the faith, Peter did cut somebodys ear in the name of defe nce and later on denied Jesus. But when he got the Holy Spirit which you have by now, he did exploits for God beyond imagination of ours. The message is, eliminate the BUTS and WHAT IFS from your mind and message, and see yourself as the dominator God created you to be without riding on people(pride) , and you will do excellently wonderful . SAFE SAILING AND MAY GOD HELP US ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

UNDER THE SHADOWS OF SOMEONE We all live under shadows of heaven. When there are clouds, we enjoy the shadows of the clouds too. Besides, we always enjoy the shadow of our houses, tents and trees. We cannot do without the shadows of heaven (psalm 91), because that is our origi n. But, if we are to live our lives under the shadows of created things, we will miss life (its meaning). We can enjoy the shadows of someone, something (tree) for some time, but when it becomes permanent its not a good thing-- meaning we are out of focus. When a tree produces fruit and when the fruits are ripe, the farmer collects the m and replants them somewhere and they produce well. Those seeds that fall under the same tree and germinate grow poorly because of the shadow. The same thing is with mankind, people who live under mum and dad and never go o ut hardly make it when mum and dad die. One can be trained by mum to go out but not to remain with herwe teach how to fish not giving fish always. Many people chose their careers because that is what daddy likes and... Counsel is good, but live under the shadow of the MOST HIGH, not that of mankind .

PROBLEM SOLVING The roots of every tree move downwards to search for nutrients for the tree. Eve ry day, birds and animals move from one place to the other in search for food. T he fact is simple, every creature has a problem to solve every time; and human b eings are like that. This is the main reason why we migrate. Many people do avoid people because they think human beings are problems. The tr uth is human beings are not problems but have problems and goes to where these p roblems can be solvedwhere they cannot find solution they avoid, even animals too . If you look at the story of Joseph in the Old Testament, his dreams were problem s to his brother and they decided to eliminate him. Joseph was not having proble ms but they because they were not willing and able to help him. Years after years, Joseph learnt to solve his problems of dream and began to hel p others, this led him into great position and his brothers later on came with t heir problem of food and he never mind but helped them beyond measure. Another example is Jesus Christ, He was a problem solver and went around solving peoples problem, revealing the hidden truth, and solving the problem of sin of sin, food, sickness and .... Like Joseph, this problem led him to hate and was later crucified, but the cruci fixion led him back into higher glory than before.

The question is, are you a problem solver? Promise to solve a problem of someone even if you dont know her or him. The reward is little and can even be hatred bu t the secret is it will lead you to your fulfilment in life. INFORMATION There is something essentially vital in every life. This is nothing but informat ion. None can do much in life without it. We are who we are because of informati on. People are where they are because of information. If you see somebody heading a place and living well or better, that person is not better than you(ordinary per son doing extraordinarily) he or she is there because there is a particular info rmation he or she has that you dont have, and that has landed him or her there. Today, there are people who call themselves lawyers, doctorsall they have is info rmation about something. QUALIFICATIONS OF WHAT-SO EVER ARE NOTHING BUT INFORMAT ION PASSED ON TO THE PERSON THROUGH YEARS OF STUDIES -- (PHD, MBA AND...). Some people are terrors because they have bad and wrong informationMOTIVES. Our world is what it is and it will be whatever it will be because of informatio n. Are you making it to the top or you are struggling; are you successful or not? T he answer depends on information. There is one observation I have made; there those that never search for informat ion at all, there those that have it but never use it and there are those that s earch to get it and use it. These people are really successful. To succeed in life, one important thing needed is information and with it you ca n make it from every scratch. The Bible says train up a child the way he should go and when... This simply means passing the right information to the child and nothing muchinfo rmation about God and information on how to live rightlymoral ethics. Proverbs 24 verses 4, says and by knowledge Shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches. Knowledge is information passed on from otherspeople are where they are (high ranks) because o f knowledgeinformation. The book of 1 Chronicles 4 verses 9, talks about Jabez; someone whose destiny wa s diverted because of something, but, thank God he was informed by those before him. This is because he was not aware and cannot recall the day of his birth. B ased on this, he prayed to God and made it greatly in life. In the first place J ibes had no problem with honour through birth as the Bible recorded; his problem was with something related to his environment where he began. It is good for yo u to pray for God to deliver you from evil and put his hand upon you; then, ask him to enlarge your coast at last as Jabez. But, remember prayer is information to God. On the other side in the book of Judges 14---16, the Bible records of a man call ed Samson; this man ended his destiny untimely because he refused counsel (right information). Do you want to make it in life, seek information the right information- the truth and it will be well. This is wisdom. FROM DISORDER TO ORDER Life on earth is a journey into eternity. To arrive or not depends on the decisi on of the traveler; and to arrive at a peaceable destination or not also depend on him or her. As a traveler faces problems and difficulties so will we all face. It is like a constructor making a way; he will meet trees, rivers and ponds, hills and mounta ins. Meeting Mountains will not stop him; he will erode the mountains and make t hem flat. Whilst eroding these mountains, he will get precious stones of which s

ome will aid him in making the road. If things come to worse, he will channel th e road into the mountains and keep on. Life is like this, we should not avoid problems, we give them chance of enlargin g themselves to us; instead, we should call them challenges to face or battles. Nothing is easy to come by, creation is not easy, you must seat is the law. In G enesis 1 verses 13 of the Bible, God demonstrated something worth learning: In th e beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form , and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God mo ved upon the face of the waters. And said, Let there be light and there was ligh t. This God who created the things seen and unseen and spoke into darkness is your creator who created you in His likenessthis means you and I are Gods glory made manifest in flesh with his spirit in us. We can change situations only if we ar e willing; though it will not be easy or cheap, but we must be holy because this God is holy. Before explaining the above, may I please let you know that, as a farmer will ne ver stop disturbing the earth in his search for food and as baby will not stop w orrying the mother; so will we never be totally free from challenges. It is only when we get to heaven that we will be free. What the above Biblical text teaches me are these: 1. BUILDING: If you want to build a house, first you need to level the land and make sure all your materials are ready on the land. With the materials ready, th e buildings will start; this makes the place dirty with things scattered, but as time goes on things will begin to take shape with the place being neat as you c arry on--- disorder before order. 2. PAINTING: Think about painting a room for an instance, if you want to paint a room, the room will by all means be spitted with paint and later after the pain ting the room will be cleaned and the place will look beautiful ---- disorder be fore order. 3. RELOCATION: Assuming you live in a place and you move to a place, after pack ing all your goods into the new place it will make the place so scattered, but a s you gradually take your time to arrange, things will take shape and the beauty will come --disorder before order. 4. MEDICAL OPERATION: If someone is suffering of particular abdominal issue that needs operation, the body must be cut to restore that order. The surgeons will not like it but it must be done -- disorder before order. With above examples you can understand that every process of life starts with di sorder--(uncomforting before comfort).There is a price to pay for all that we wa nt, and if we will patiently tackle things we will attain victories. God spoke to make things be in order to serve as an example to us and you and I can learn. PULLING OTHERS UP There is a saying that God proposes and man disposes, this is true but not all men do agree. My Pastor Paul Takyie Gbinu Ahialey once said in one of his messages that some p eople are like crabs. When you put a number of crabs in an item that a little ra t or ant can get out of, you will come and meet these crabs dabbling and struggl ing in, in spite of their strength. The reason is simple, each does not want the other to get out and instead of focusing to escape, and they focus on strugglin g amongst themselves. This is exactly what is happening amongst many on the earth today including some of our so many leaders; they talk about immigrants and make laws against them n ot remembering their genealogy. Instead of focusing on solution to help, they fo cus on how to eliminate migration which no one can ever stop it till The Great O wner come to rule his world, because for every house is the owner that rules not strangers as God has given us the opportunity and we are destroying it.can you b uild a house and give to someone to rule as God has done and have the patience e

ven as they are destroying it as its happening on earth today? My senior Pastor W. F. Kumuyi also said that we should be in the business of lif ting others up, we should not be like African witches whose business is to pull others down and are the same and dirty as they were twenty years ago. He made it clear that, for one to lift someone up, she or she must be up (standi ng); and for one to pull someone up, that person must be down on the floor. Both pastors are all right and have reasoned practically greatly. As you look at creation, man and trees, they all grow up towards heaven. This is because there is someone there who is in the business of drawing up all unto Himself and this is GOD. But, as he is pulling up, many too here pull down. Think about the abortion that human commit, think about the way many slice other s, think about killing otherscan they make or create a hair? Vices are beyond mention, and the story of JOSEPHS in Bible are great to me beca use all these Josephs interpreted others dreams and help them --- Joseph, the so n of Jacob; Joseph the care taker of Jesus and Joseph of ARIMETHEA. Among these, am interested in the first. God planned a very great destiny for hi m but his brothers made all plans to tarnish this destiny but God that can chang e destinations from that of mankind to his changed the plans from bad to good an d He will do that for you now, Amen. Though Joseph went through hells, at the end what God has said came to be and al l his brothers bowed to him. The brothers at the time of Josephs greatness were p oorer than they were but Joseph as one who knows the principle and laws governin g life uplifted them. NEVER PULL ANY DOWN, with your mouth or body, never and God will pull you to gre ater heights.

THE LAW OF PROCESS AND PROCEDURE There is one basic thing that we need to embrace besides our salvationHOPE. What is hope? The HO means hold on, help others. The O means, keep operating in your field assigned to you and be OPEN to people and opportunities, because the ways of success are very deceptive. The PE means Pursue, and the E is exceedingly to the end. Many years ago, a man came to my fathers school in Nigeria to seek admission for his child into the nursery school, but later on changed his mind. When my father contacted him, he told my father that he changed his mind because he has got a school that can enable the child to be a graduate by 18. What a go od father with great zeal and plan for his child? Although this man has a plan for his child, God may have something different. Many of us dreamt becoming Lawyers, Medical Doctors, Dentists, but eventually sw itched off. God has a purpose and plan for us all. Without operating in that plan, life can turn out to be miserable, sad, bitter and finally regretful. The animals I know that can survive in the water and on the earth are toad, crocodile, turtle and h ippopotamus. The rest are either on land or in the water. You and I cannot function everywhere, trying to function everywhere is missing i t, and that will lead us into frustration. On the other side, to pretend also is an act of inferiority complexthis is self-deception. God is not a human being. He has his ways and procedures. Going contrary is harm ing ourselves and denying ourselves from good (Psalm 18 vs. 25, 26 and Isaiah 55

vs. 812). We must be willing to follow his order and rules. We must be willing to follow o rder, procedures, process and patterns. Things did not come to be in a day. It t ook time. We cannot go contrary and expect to eat the benefit or fruit. If we do , we will invite failure and great regret. The traffic light we see on the road did not come to be there itself. It took ti me and procedure. This means that whenever the colour is red (danger), we must o bey it and stop. Refusing to do so is inviting is inviting punishment upon ourse lves. To go to heaven, we must accept Jesus and live as he lived all through our lives . The farmer who needs oranges must plant them, nurture them, weed around and wait in patience. He cannot plant and expect fruits the same day. Life has an order. Because of this, we must respect time and authority (Romans 1 3). This means that we need to follow and accept Gods procedure and process. To do th is, we need PATIENCE and HUMILITY, and we must be willing to help others without demanding a fee. God show Joseph who he will be, but did not show him the procedure through which Joseph will be great. Because, we cannot know and understand the ways of God, let us be patient in our acts and confession. Patience is something we learn. It cannot be automatic. Please, let us train our selves to do that. Think about the second Joseph in the Bible, if he had angrily threw away Mary; we will have missed the saviour I think. Success is deceptive. We should therefore try and obtain that kind of patience t hat will enable us see the bones of a mosquito and hear the sound of a flying bu tterfly. From now, I will be patient the more like a patient. You? May God open our eyes to see where we should function and stop the struggling.

The wisdom to see the potential in an ant by Solomon, and the wisdom to see the potential in seeds by the LORD JESUS is an unfathomable wisdom. Taking your time to look at these will open your eyes to greater heights in life. One thing that is important in life is knowing what you exactly want, then inten ding(being flexible) to go for that thing as a hungry lion after an antelope, o r snake after a mouse .In life, without stretching yourself like a elastic or ca tapult, you can reach nowhere. Look at a snake. It has no legs yet it can run faster than most of us. The secre t is, self stretching. Do you think it does not feel pains? It does. But because of PURPOSE, it must go. Purpose is what drives us to do what we do, and are doing. It is purpose that ma de us to take an adventure into this world. It is purpose that makes us to trave l. But, the sad thing is that, this purpose has dried in many owing to condition s. MY CALL FOR YOU IS ARISE, O GREAT GIANT LIKE A CATERPILLAR, AND LET THE envir onment shake. Dear, develop that interest again to win and be great. Because you were born to win. Interest is what gives birth to ideas, wisdom and invention. Interest will bring focus and purpose again to you, and all will be possible. Having arrived here l ets jump into our topic---- WEALTH.

What is wealth? Since I do not like using dictionary, but my mind to give defini tions, I will define wealth as anything that makes life smooth. So health is wealt h, property is wealth and money which is the least is also wealth. You cannot talk of wealth without talking of investments. Solomon was rich becau se he studied the investment secrets of the ants and applied them in his life. I t was investment that saved Egypt and many, including Israel when it was not yet a nation. May I kindly ask you to please ask yourself this: HAVE I SOMETHING TO FALL ON, SH OULD HARD TIMES COME MY WAY? Please, be WISER like the ants and plan ahead for yourself and children. See how you want your descendants to be when you are not here. Do you want them to be l ike Bill CLINTON or you want them to be like the Zingari nomads? Do not let your present day circumstances prevent you. Be creator of circumstances, not creatur e of circumstances! To create wealth, means disciplining yourself, because it is only discipline tha t can shape you to take up great challenges of life. It is discipline that will help you to put your finance and every area of your life in order. Do you know t hat the best medication to obesity is self-discipline and the same affects every area of our life? Having known this, may I please plead with you to avoid instant gratification. I nstead of going to restaurant always, you can make it once a while. Instead of s pending your time on TV read or do a distance course. To be wealthy is beginning to see yourself better and best in 100 years ahead. Y ou may never know you may be the next billionaire in life. But, all start from y ou awaking and rising up as a giant. (Isaiah 50 verse 1).Have you not read about the prodigal son, it was when he came to himself and awoke that things changed in his life. Do not tell me it is hard to make it greatly in Italy. All things are possible ( Luke 1 verse 37); all is seek for information by asking questions and turning ev ery stone you meet, because success is secretive and every secret thing hate sla ckness. Before I conclude, let us look at creation. The bible says, God after creating t he heaven and earth saw that things were not in order, and he spoke to create th e orderliness. Let me illustrate that: to paint your room, your room will be soiled with paint; and, after that you clean, isnt? To make roads, many mountains and houses are destroyed and after that beautiful road for me and you, isnt? For any good thing to come, something must be sacrificed. Jesus sacrificed himse lf to purchase us. Friend, there is nothing cheap or without a price. Start to pay for what you wan t, and do not forget to let us hear of your success and promotion in life.

THE 2US . The first U is Urgent, and the second U is Using. So our discussion is urgently use what you have to get what you want. God created us with a body. Each body has its use. The hand is used for multi-di sciplinary activities like writing, eating, driving and Our mind is used to think and reason, our eye is used to see, our ear to hear an d . This implies that whatever we have is given to us for a particular purpose, and we must use it without thinking of the barriers, without fearing any human being . To some of us, God has given us the mouth to talk and convince others, sing etc. To others, he has given the ability to write and write beyond comprehension. The question is, are you using what you have? I mean the certificates you have earned at school, the skills you have and those great talents in you. Are you allowing them to get wasted due to human barriers like bureaucracy which I call bureau crazy. One secret is, if we fail to use what we have at its right place, we will fail a nd miss it. I believe you know Psalm 1 verse 3, the bible says, a tree planted by the river side shall be ever-green (mine ENGLISH).This is true. But, do you know something , if the tree refuses to extend its roots into the soil and tap water it will di e? If the tree uses its roots, we also must use what we have to get what we want. Let me tell you a story about the tortoise. The tortoise is the animal that has more qualifications (diplomas, degrees) than all the others on its back, yet it is poor. Yes, it is because it is not using what it has to get what it wanted. On the other, the lion is a king not because of its hugeness, beauty, but becaus e of its intelligence and courage. Think of the ants too. My dear great one in Christ, you are going to be great if you use what have. Whe n you use what you have you will get what you want. Jesus used bread to get bread from heaven. With nothing, we will get nothing. Le t us use what we have, and we will get what we want in Jesus name. SEEING POTENTIAL Jacob saw the potential birth-right and lured Esau to obtain it through food. Wh at Jacob did was a fulfillment of what Esau sold through food. Very many men do sell their birth-right through sex to strange women in life.........

THE SECRETS OF KENNEDY Without pain, there will not be gain. Without pain, there will never be pearls. To obtain there will be obstacles.

To progress, you will face problems. Without programs, you will not achieve progress. With love, you will live longer. With hatred, you will hurt your heart. With peace, you can plan better. Buttery life does not lead to better life. You are enjoying what you are enjoying because somebody struggled, suffered and paid with pain.

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