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A. Background of Study

Many people consider that English is very important in our life. English

becomes a tool for international communication in transportation, commerce,

banking, tourism, process technology, diplomacy and scientific research. English

has become increasingly important as a medium through which people from a

range and of culture can share their experiences and knowledge of globalization.1

Therefore, mastering English is one of the important things in order to be able to

survive in this modern era.

The development of science and technology influence all aspects of

human life, including education. People understand the importance of education

and it is believed that education is the best way to make the quality of Indonesian

people better to follow the development of the other countries. Here English is

intensively used in international communication, in written as well as in spoken

communication. In addition, many books of science, technology, art and other

published issues are written in English.

English is a foreign language for Indonesian students. In learning a foreign

language, students should master the four skills of English; those are speaking,
1 Galuh Nur Rahmah, Facing the Complexities of Writing (Malang: UIN-Malang Press, 2008), 10.


reading, writing, and listening. So students not only should master

communication in oral (speaking and listening), but also in written (writing and

reading) form. Beside they should master speaking skill, they also should master

writing. To support those skills above, the students should know and understand

vocabulary, spelling, pronunciation, and grammar.

Learning language is a process which takes long times. Learning language

is like entering a new world.2 Learning English is the same thing. Many

individuals who attempt to learn the language need to struggle at first, and

sometimes some individuals give up before they become fluent and master the

English itself. Some people feel difficult to learn English because English is not

their first language, the other reason that the English language features is different

sentence structure from many other commonly spoken languages. Actually every

language will not be very difficult to learn if he or she learns it seriously and

intensively, and English is too. It is easier to learn the language when someone

can take their time, and ensure that they are learning it correctly.3

Indonesian government realizes the importance of English. Now, all

students in every level of school from Kinder Garden, Elementary School, Junior

High School, and Senior High School up to University are taught English. Even

they are recommended learn English through taking course or in informal

institution. In fact the graduates from Senior High School are still lack of ability

2 Ibid.,24.
3 http://

to communicate English in both oral and written. Actually learning language is

always possible to improve. I think the teaching writing is too.

Here teacher has important role in education. If the teachers teach well,

some students will succeed because of the teachers' excellent in teaching. Then

they might go on to get more advanced qualifications and skills. They might get a

career, indeed a whole life, built on teachers' excellent teaching.4 Lynne T. Diaz-

Rico states that;

Teachers influence the daily life of students in the classroom. They

can create a climate of warmth, acceptance, and high achievement
for English learners, supporting the hone language while fostering
the growth of English. Conversely, they can allow policies of the
school to benefit the English-dominant students at the expense of
English learners. As relative newcomers to English, English
learners mar need their instructor’s support to negotiate their way
in a new culture. Teachers of English learners can not ignore the
effect of power and policy issues. Teacher of English learners have
a special role in the classroom: as a language emissaries and
mediators; as agents of introduction to the target culture; and as
sources of professional knowledge for their colleagues. Teachers
who are aware of students’ needs at various stages of their
adjustment to the academic demands of schools and the stresses of
life will help students to be more successful learners and
intellectual partners.5

Today writing is very important, it is a key to get success at school, at

work, and in the personal life.6 By the development of computer technology,

writing has become the choice communication tool of people use computer and

internet in a wide variety of fields. Writing is also the important one to get a job
4 Geoff Petty, Evidence Based on Teaching (United Kingdom: Nelson Thornes, 2006), ix.
5 Lynne T. Diaz-Rico, Teaching English Learners Strategies and Methode (San Bernandino:
California State University), 21.
6 Carol Carter,, Keys to Effective Learning (London: Person Education Ich, 2002), 3rd Edition,

in this era.

Here, we can see that writing is an important skill that has to be learned

beside the other skills. The students of tenth year of senior high school are

obliged to learn writing skill. Writing involves some language components

(spelling, grammar, vocabulary, and punctuation). These components are

important to be mastered in order to be able to produce good writing. When

students want to write something they should have a lot of information, and ideas

so that they be able to express them into sentences, paragraphs, and an essay.

There are some problems found in the teaching learning process when

teacher giving writing materials to the students, especially to write narrative. The

first problem is that the students’ writing is not comprehensible, because the

content of the composition is not relevant to the topic, the ideas are not clearly

stated, the ideas and sentences are not well organized. The second problem is that

there are many errors in vocabulary, grammar, and spelling. Another problem is

the students have low motivation and are not interested in doing the task since the

writing activities are not interesting. Usually, the students are asked to write

sentences and paragraphs without being given some clue so that it is difficult for

them to express their ideas on a piece of paper. Besides that, the students have

difficulty at telling their experience. This is because writing is difficult for them

since they have to master enough vocabulary, spelling, and grammar.

Many of students’ of Senior High School are not good enough in writing,

including the students of MA. Raudlatul Ulum. The teacher said that they get

difficulties to produce English written. Students often get difficulty to write in the

target language because they often make mistakes in grammar and language

features of text. Moreover, they are not able to express their written ideas well.

For examples, they can not write such simple composition in the writing class.

Wisnubroto said that generally composition is classified into three models;

they are narrative, descriptive, and exposition. This research focuses on the

production of narrative text in teaching writing at second class of Senior High

School.7 In narrative writing, students allow to tell sequence events or actions in

written form. Narrative is a story of human experience, so that the students

arrange easily the composition. Narrative text is a text that amuses, entertains, and

deals with actual or various experiences in different ways.

Many factors influence the students to get success in writing including the

way and strategies of teacher in teaching or the media that the teachers use in

teaching. So the teacher should choose the appropriate media that will produce

good result in teaching narrative writing. For beginner, we need to force them to

write. It is easier to do if there is media which is used to simulate to write. Good

stimulus that we can use is picture.8

There are several media that can be used in teaching English, but among

the teaching media, pictures are commonly used as a visual one. Besides their

simplicity, pictures are relatively cheap to use in the classroom. Picture can help

7 Wisnubroto Widarso, Kiat Menulis dalam Bahasa Inggris (Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 1996), 46.
8 Ibid.,48.

teacher to reach instructional purpose.9 Because of the picture, the understanding

and the experience of students can be more clear, then the lesson will not easy to

forget. This is in line with the result of study was done by Sri Widdhiyana

Pratami who focused the study on using picture series in teaching writing to the

first year students Junior High School of IPIEMS Surabaya. The result showed

that picture series can help the learner in teaching writing easier. 10

Base on the statements above, the researcher is interested to research the

use picture to write narrative in teaching writing. Many students have problem in

writing. They got a difficulty in controlling and expressing their ideas into


B. The Problem of Study

Based on the background above, the problem of this study is:

1) What kind of pictures are used by the teacher to teach narrative writing?

2) How to use the pictures in teaching narrative writing?

3) How is the result of students’ writing narrative text by using picture?

9 Ahmad Rohani, Media Instruksional Edukatif (Jakarta: PT.Rineka Cipta, 1997), 76.
10 Sri Widdhiyana Pratami, “Using Picture Series in Teaching Writing”, Laporan Penelitian
(Surabaya: Universitas Surabaya, 2006).

C. The Objective of The Study

The objectives of study are:

1) To know kinds of use pictures are used to teach narrative


2) To explain how to use picture in teaching narrative in

teaching writing.

3) To know the result of students’ writing narrative by using


D. The Significance of Study

From the objective above, this study is to know the use of picture to write

narrative text in teaching writing at MA. Raudlatul Ulum Klampis Bangkalan.

The results of this study are expected to:

1) To give contribution as reference in English teaching

learning especially in teaching writing skill.

2) To provide English teacher by using picture to write

narrative text in teaching writing.

E. The Scope and Limitation of Study

This study was limited in the second class of second semester at MA.

Raudlatul Ulum Klampis Bangkalan in 2009-2010 academic year.


It is focused on the writing activity by using picture to write narrative in

teaching and learning process. The first is about the kind of pictures are used by

teacher to teach narrative writing. The second is the use of picture to write

narrative text in teaching writing. The third is about the result of students’ writing

narrative text by using picture.

F. The Definition of Key Terms

 Skill is the ability to do something well.11 Here includes of the four skills

of language those are listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

 Writing is the act of forming graphic symbol which have to be arranged

according to certain convention to form words, then words have to be

arranged to be sentences. It is partial representation of units of language

expression. Like Susanto Leo stated that writing is a process of expressing

ideas or thoughts in words.12 It is a powerful instrument of thinking

because it provides students with a way of gaining control over their


 Narrative is text that tells about events or activities according to sequence

of time. Narrative writing tells a story.13

 Picture is a part of visual aids in one form that can help students enter an

imaginative experience. Pictures are photograph like representations of

11 Oxford, Advanced Learner’s Dictionarry, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1995), 1109.
12 Susanto Leo, Essay Writing, (Yogyakarta: CV ANDI OFFSET, 2007), 1.

people, places, and things.14 Picture is the pictures are used by teacher in

teaching narrative writing in the class.

G. The Organization of Paper.


Chapter one discusses about introduction that consists of

background of study, the problem of study, the objective of

study, the significant of study, the scope and limitation of the

study, the definition of key terms, the research methodology

(that consists of research design, place of the research, data

collecting technique, data analysis technique and analysis of

the instrument), and the organization of paper.


Chapter two discusses about frame of theories that consists of

the nature of writing, the important of writing, the process of

writing, the important of teaching writing, the nature of

narrative, the kind of narrative, the generic structure of

narrative, the language feature of narrative, the nature of

picture as media, the types of picture, the advantages of

picture, the using of picture to write narrative text.

14 John Willey and Sons, Instrucsional Media and The New Technologies of Instruction (Singapore:
MacMillan Publishing Company, 1985), 103.


Chapter three discusses about the research design, the subject

of study, the setting of study, the setting of study, the data

collection technique, the instruments of the study, and the

data analysis techniques.


Chapter four discusses about research result and discussion

of the findings.


Chapter five discusses about conclusions and suggestions.

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