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counted, acquainted, linked

One year ago I proposed to Vittorio the idea of taking into the stage his book, but as it often happens, we failed the priorities and put off the project. Today I realize it was a bad mistake. I want to use Vittorios words to summarize what we will do: Readings could be managed in various cities (I could attend them telephonically, all events might be advertised on the Manifesto, our blogs on internet) and these could even be nice happenings to get counted, acquainted and linked. We are not just few guys, we are a lot and we might indeed have voice, believe me. The project is not only meant as a tribute to Vittorio and his job, but it has the aim to bring together every international organisation and association into one voice and let it operate in favour of finding a definitive solution to the Israeli-Palestinian tragedy. We are a lot of people and stronger than ever to keep moving what someone else was able to stop once more.
Fulvio A.T. Renzi Azione Sperimentale



written by Vittorio Arrigoni

The group Azione Sperimentale is active in various fields of art and culture. A group of artists and professionals who trust in the power of the message of the various art languages, moving from music to visual art, theater, video art, event organization up to documentary production. Our role is not that of playing the journalists, or the news broadcasters, or the politicians; we are not interested in commemoration, and are neither financed by any organisation, nor belong to any political or religious group. We are artists now producing a work of art aimed at giving voice to Vittorios words that will be translated and subtitled in several languages and disseminated for free globally with the one and only purpose of doing justice to those who have no more voice, perhaps to those who has never had ears to listen (Vittorio Arrigoni), by breaking with the power of artistic language the deafening silence of the so-called civil world. His witnessing voice has been put down on paper for the sake of the whole world, in order for everybody to know what has happened and is still happening in Palestine, but also having in mind any other peoples who find themselves in the exact same conditions, and any other individuals who are suffering the same destiny and fate. His witnessing helps to transform all of us into further witnesses, and now we have the moral duty to spread it. We are acting for the benefit of knowledge, to cancel all sorts of individualistic fight and to unite in view of a single objective: spreading truth.
Opening conference: "Activism and Art: how to express the dissent" - Brera Academy of Fine Arts - Milan Relators from left: Francesco Giordano, Fabio Rodriguez Amaya, Maria Elena Delia, Giovanni Bottiroli, Fulvio A.T. Renzi, Massimo Arrigoni, Luca Incorvaia, Massimo Pellegrinetti.

Stay Human - The Reading Movie have 19 chapters for 19 readers. Each chapter will be read from

personalities chosen for having worked to support cultural and human and in particular the Israeli-Palestinian issue: Akiva Orr, Amira Hass, Brian Eno, Desmond Tutu, Egidia Beretta, Hilarion Capucci,
Huwaida Arraf, Ilan Papp, Mairead Corrigan-Maguire, Massimo Arrigoni, Mohamed Bakri, Moni Ovadia, Nelson Mandela, Noam Chomsky, Norman Finkelstein, Oren Ben-Dor, Rabbi David Weiss, Roger Waters, Tariq Ali. Stay Human - The Reading Movie will be subtitled into the following 16 (or more) languages: Italian, English, Spanish, German, Portuguese, French, Romanian, Greek, Norwegian, Swedish, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Farsi, Hindi-Urdu.

The project is patronaged by: Palestinian Center for Democracy and Conflict Resolution (PCDCR), Palestinian Center of Human Right (PCHR), Jos Saramago Foundation, Free Gaza Movement, International Solidarity Movement (ISM), Freedom Flotilla, Department of Science of Languages and Cultural Communication Studies of Bergamo University, Brera Academy of Fine Art.

Project and coorditation:

Are with us:

Media Partners:

Azione Sperimentale - Cultural Association President
Fulvio A.T. Renzi Vice president Luca Incorvaia

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