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H i VI

I MmMlliini( lf(gillUiF WwMJ

H ;

. CORDON of winged aon- -
T V'7 tries, extending from the
H A 'V' northeastorn point of
WM , Maine to the southern
H h point of Toxas, and from
) A the southern Up of Call- -
H '
fornla to tho northern 'l .
H " . boundary of Washington; 5 i
(, s- -f
! a llno of keen-eye- d

hawks, watching- our entire coast line flying fur

j out to sea on tho lookout for an approaching
H enemy in tinio of war, and In time of peace
H merely patrolling tho coast to take note of
H floating derelicts or vessels In distress and
H communicating information by wireless to sta- -
H tlons on shoro; such is the suggestion for one i V I
H means of increasing our coast defense.
H . Already preparations have been mado for the
H establishment of the first of these connecting
Hc t zones, on Cas-c- Bay, near Portland, Me., and
H j' it is hoped that in a few months other units
H , will have been established at various points on 1

tho Atlantic and Pacific seaboards.
WM Roar Admiral Robert E. Peary Is the father j
H j, of tho project, which Is receiving tho activo j
X&-rJ- ?

lrJ"'' ....... - inrfr

H support of tho Aero Club of America, and tho f
H Malno station was established principally
kU 1 through tho efforts of Peary. 5
solved by the application of alir craft as wonder-
H At present itho plan Is to divide tho entire i jj ful as any economist could wlBh; opportunities j
mwM il coast line Into sections of convenient length j ? to gain distinction splendid enough to satisfy ,

and In cach'scctlon to establish a station con- - S the most ambitious person. By Including mill- -
H sistlng of a hangar for housing a seaplane fg tan" dolegates it will bo possible to evolve per- - j

Sjj feot and of aeronau- - j

H ;
and an equipment sufficient to make all minor S
tical resources which will bo of utmost value i

H 1
repairs with larger stations at Intorvals, where 3
j for the maintenance of the Monroe doctrine and
the protection of tho American continents from .
H more complicated repairs could be made. Each g j
H station would have a seaplane, to carry a driver Z
j without

, and an observer, and equipped with wireless

S "Thoro will undoubtedly be thousands of ae- -
4 roplanes put in uso Lr sporting and commercial
H apparatus for communicating with stations $ purposes in South Amerrca in the coming few
kmm on shore. I years. As soon as there are 10,000 aeroplanes In

La Tho present plan is to have patriotic citizens J use, the American nations will bo in the position
. of the porcupine, which spends its days in
fl of tho coast communities furnish funds for the peaceful pursuits, harming no one, birt is over
Wt I
erection of the station, the upkeep and main- - 'J ready to defend Itself."
H J'
tonanco devolving upon the naval militia of Jon Barrett, director general of tho Pan- -
the various' coast states. ? :jl American Union, says regarding It:

WM Jj The plan of the Aero Club has been In- - 'j
"The aeroplane may yet become the moBt
rh poworful physical influence to bind tho Amor- - '

dorsed "
President Wilson, formor Secretary i H Jean natiorrs togetlier and to make the Monroe
H Garrison and Secretary Daniels and numerous l ;a doctrine a Influence. There is '
B ' '
aeronautical authorities. if no other portion of the world where tho aoro- -
plane in ito ultimate efficiency can accomplish

i. i

l v vrJ more for communication than In many sections

ijj of Latin America. Such large portions of
M Central and South America are characterized
..- - j'

A rough outline of tho suggested work of this
B k aerial patrol I3 to have the seaplanes in each
H(! I Bection tako their position some fifty miles off by precipitous mountain ranges nnd vast jungle
ureas that long years must elapse before rail- -
P '
Jhoro and patrol their beats continuously back
load construction can "master tho difficulties

B , and forth. In dear weather they could fly that these physical conditions present. During
H 000 feet or more above the eca level, and at tho period while scientists, engineers and con- - '
H j night or in fog much lower. structors are harnessing the water powers of j"

H j By means of tho wireless, information could men under training. Preparations are also un- the mountains and conquering the jungles for
H j. mances, but, with the exception of a few iso- railway lines that will bring all these regions
le iuickly sent to headquarters of the char- - der way by the Aero Club to establish aviation lated engagements botwoen hostile aircraft, Into close contact with the cantors of popula- -
a,cr', number and probable destination of any training
H I schools in numerous cities throughout nothing has been dono along that line. Who
the country, and more tion, the aeroplane builder and tho aeronaut 4j
liostlio vessels. Uian 51100,000 has boon Knows but what there yet will be waged a must thread lines and routes through the skiss
f! I Tho syatem as a whole Is a national- - prop- -
osltlon, 'but each section 1b a local matter,
raised by private subscription in various states.
Since tho beginning of tho war it Jias been gigantic aerial battle between the German Zop-peli-
that, though invisible, will bind tho portions
H !' and the .money nilsed for equipment and up- - Hhown that Germany had made more progress and their auxiliary airplanes and tho of America with such'intimate and useful tiesx t
new typo of craft now being developed for tho and means of communication that there will be
U keep ofach section sljould flow to tho com- - than any of her enemies In the art of flying, allies.
tho balance of power bolng In tho Zeppelins. no possible disruption or separation of tha
Hm munlty equipping It. According to tho plans,
Since tho war began the German Fokkcr has nations and their peoples, Included in

tho total cost would be fJOO.OOO, and the dl- - Although the English, French, Italian and Rus-
H j
vision Into fifty inlts or fifty stations would sian aerial service has dono considerable work, boon developed, and It Is said that this 1ms and which
stand 'for '

Hr make the cost to each community $10,000. Iho aviation department of Germany excels all caused numerous casualties to enemy craft ism."
H !
Peary, tho Aero Club and others behind tho others, Just as tho German development In ar- on account of Its speed, and zlzo, which offers Alan R. Hawloy, president of the Aoro Club
H !)!
movement are enthusiastic over the prospcctB tillery and submarines han been far ahead of but a small apot as a target for attack. of America, says: i
H j!
of its success. any othor nation. It is krrown that many American aerial in- "I believe, with Mr. Santos-Dumon-
t. that j!

H ijl
The plan is in line with the general proparcd- - But whon Americans sot out in earnest to de- ventors are now working in the service of tho tho aeroplanes of today, which already make r
R,j' velop along a given lino they generally out- allies, and it may be safe to say that whop the it possible to carry a dozen passengers and :t
ricss movement of tho countr The valuo of I

H j! aerial observation has been fully demonstrated strip all rivals, and it is believed this will bo United States once decidea to fully develop an ton of useful load at a speed of clghty-Ilv- o
mljcs per hour, can solve nrost difficult prob- -
Hl jj In the present war, and Inventors are work- - the result In tho present movomont' In aero- aerial branch of tho army and navy it will be
Hj i lng constantly to Increase the scope and elH- - nautics. It Is known that many aeroplanes are oxcellod by none in the world. lems of transportation, and that if applied for
HI elency of the airship. As an offensive proposl- - being mado In this country for tho use of the
allies, and only recently It was btatcd that a
- this purposo as well as for sport in and be- -
tween tho nations of tho Western Hemisphere.
Hj n Hon, its valuo is almost nothing. Truo it is
will have charge, of the regulation of aeronau- thoy will becorno ono of the most effective
j (he Zeppelins have done some damage in Eng- -
land and France, and the aeroplanes of the
allies have mado reprisal? in kind, but none of
new monster plane was being developed here,
which would be six times larger than any yet
tried, and would bo able to carry sufficient gaso-
Aeronautics tics on the American continent; it will be di-
rected and administered by tho usual officers
factors in bringing these nations Into closer
and most friendly alliance. In the words of

K these actions have beep of great military value. line to give It a cruising range of moro than - . EPRESENTAT1VES of lead- - and a board consisting of five delegates from Mr. Santos-Dumon-
'the aeroplane will knit
each country.
"Women and children have been the principal
victims in these air raids, and if any military
600 miles at a speed of seventy-fiv- e miles an
hour. Tho power plant consists of seven mo-
tors, bIx of ICO

Ln )
'ns: aero assocla(Ions of
tho Unitcd statcg and tnc An effort will be mado to make New York tho
headquarters of tho federation, whero perma-
In the westorn hemisphere.
In discussing thiB. Henry Woodhouso, presi-
the states of tho Westorn Hemisphere Into an
Integrally united, and friendly )
Hj; stores were destroyed they were of little 1m- -
JJ combination, allied for their
and ono of 40 Principal countries of Cen- - dent of tho Aoro Club, says: ' It Is expected that sport.
well-bein- :

Hl portuncc, horse-pow- er
With about eight passengers, nent ofllccB will bo maintained. trade and commerce, as well as for strength In t
(his machino has a further capacity for carry- &4s. tral and South America
The Aero Club of America has made an offer the of the aeronautic engineers of tlmo of possible war.'
jn tthlh connection tlc avjatlon department aviation trophy, to each country will result in Important scientific
of le national militia is receiving considerable ing 700 gallons of gasoline, 00 gallons of oil I
y. will meet at Santiago, of a $10,000
developments. Thoro are problems of engineer- "There aro thousands of places not yet con- - Si

nttention,JUBt now. The New York branch has and a useful load of 3000 pounds. It is equipped I
Chile, next month for. tho be competed for by tho representatives of tho nccted by railways or roads right In the Unitcd 6
. ing to bo solved as huge ns were solved by
different countries, tho first contest for which

two. 'aeroplanes, and has issued an appeal for with a now type of gun. States, and there must bo tens of thousands in !
r "nTV I y
Purposo of forming an ae- - is to tako place at Rio Janeiro. Tho club has
se- Qoothals, McAdoo and othor muster bulldors;
funds 10 increaKo tho acofjc of Its work. It is It was Btatcd that this 'aeroplane would bo ,.,hrr,. ronautlc federation of t as itsropro-senlatl- juridical and legal questions to bo decided as the Western Hemisphere whert aeaopluirof
could transport mall and 'express merchandise Jl
proposed (0 establish an aviation school In
Now Tork, In charge
commander of the
of'l-lou- t.

R. C Boiling,
York National Guard
used for bombarding Gormnn ports next spring.
When hostilities began In Europe there was
constant expectation of great aerial battles.
i; o1Wm
,1 ,t
mP?erq" In brJer' th0 Proposed or- -
bC a Unlon ot cl
lected Albcrtos Santos-Dumo-
at tho Chile meeting, and the noted
aviator is now on ills wn.y there. out,
stupendously dlfllcult as any Gladstone would
wish' them; possibilities for the development of
International relations greater than were ever
at a fraction of the lime required at the prcs
cnt time."
aWatlon department, who alieady has-J- dozn such as had been predicted In warfare-- - ro- - trieu-p- JBf
Aernaul,C8 ,n their respective coun- - The organization, if successfully carried Tho proposed federation is Indorsed by many M
American continent Tho federation would mean a wonderful impetus to aeronautics conceived; problems pf transportation to bo

other authorities. ' H

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