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NorthRidge Church & Christian Academy

Haines City Florida
Volume 3, Issue 6

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Our News Reaching You; Reaching Out to You

A Message From Pastor David

Why Do So Many Marriages Fail?
That seems to be a fair question in light of the marriage statistics in America.
Consider this, Sweden has the highest failure rate at 55% of all marriages; America
comes in second at 45.8%. Why?
A Wrong View of Marriage
When coming together in marriage, husbands and wives usually develop their own
natural, human plan for marital happiness. The couple‟s separate plans are based on
the unique personalities and personal differences of each partner, including different family influences, role
models, books, and often-different church experiences. Because their plans for marriage happiness are
different, conflict usually results.
Since each of us is self-centered, we constantly want to know what our spouse has done for us lately. Sadly, as
time passes, we subconsciously revert to the “greener pasture syndrome” where we begin to compare our
spouse‟s performance with our own pre-conceived ideas and expectations, making satisfaction with our
spouse more and more elusive.
Six Factors That Destroy Marriages
Following are the six primary factors that destroy marriages. They are commonly found in natural, human
1. Couples fail to anticipate differences resulting from diverse cultural backgrounds, differing family
experiences, gender, and so on.
2. Couples buy into the notion of a “fifty-fifty” relationship, meaning they honestly expect their spouses
to meet them halfway.
3. Society has taught us that mankind is basically good. Therefore, couples fail to anticipate their self-
centered natures that demand their own way.
4. Couples fail to cope with life‟s trials. When painful trials come into the marriage, instead of standing
together through them, couples tend to blame each other or think something is wrong with the
spouse and the way they handle the pain.
5. Many people have a fantasy view of love. They quickly feel stuck with an unloving person and
become deceived into believing that the next one will be better.

Many people lack a vital relationship with Jesus Christ. It could be that they have never come to a specific
point in time when they asked Christ into their lives and therefore He has no impact on the marriage

(continued on next page)


God’s Solution – The Pattern for Success

Is there hope for marriage? Absolutely, YES! Please hear me to acknowledge that what may seem to be
broken can and will be fixed if only we apply God‟s Principles into our lives and our homes. God has
designed us as humans to walk together, not alone. This is found in the first marriage as God told Adam
that it is not good for man to be alone – so God made him a helpmate, a partner for life. (Genesis 2:16-25).
This passage ends with a command for Adam (and all other husbands) to leave father and mother and be
united to his wife. The emphasis is to be understood that the two are to become one flesh. In contrast,
society focuses upon our identity, our ideals, our dreams as individuals – God focuses upon the union. The
spectrum is broad and marriages are scattered all across its broadness – from isolation to oneness. God has
designed the relationship of marriage to know oneness – intimacy – beauty and fulfillment to the nth degree
– if we will only do relationships God‟s way.
I know the problems are plentiful and the solutions seem few – but I believe with all my heart and will stake
my 26 years of ministry upon the fact that God will and does take marriages (wherever they are) and grows
them to blossom; IF we are willing to listen and follow His Pattern for Success.
Earlier this year, we began a process to intentionally focus upon helping good marriages become great.
Over the summer you will begin to see opportunities for small groups that will assist the families of
NorthRidge Church to grow successful marriages. I am confident that every marriage represented in our
church family can be better – we want to help you to discover what better can be. Sign ups begin on June
12th. Look for it at our next Connect Sunday.

-Pastor David
Expressions of Worship:

A movie came out several years ago included a famous scene that involved a
vagabond shouting, “Welcome to Hollywood! What‟s your dream!?” This scene
has been played over and over throughout the years as the movie comes on the
television screen; but whether or not you have ever seen this film or know the
scene that I am talking about, it is likely that you have considered what your
vision for the future is.

Since my completion of school, I have been asked numerous times, „Now what?‟, as if this new degree has
suddenly given me some revelation that I did not have before grad school began. However, I want to be
completely clear that no amount of education is ever a substitute for a God-centered calling. Of course, over
the course of the last few years, there have been natural ideas that have surfaced that have pushed me to
consider my motives and purposes, but they are sometimes confused with godly plans. Regardless, to answer
the question, I must simply say that I am more eager now than ever before to be the best I can be at
whatever I do, whether in worship ministry or in my personal walk with God and to stretch myself beyond
where I am presently.

However, I am finding that unless I operate outside of the norm (my comfort level), I have found that at
times, I have a tendency to accept a lesser plan. I have mentioned previously that I love a certain amount of
consistency and expectancy, but I am afraid that too much of that may lead me to diminish God‟s plans for
my life. I wonder when the last time was that you asked God to give you a dream. Do you envision a broader
impact upon your family and friends for the cause of Christ? Do you consider your present state to be a place
of perfection?

I believe God‟s word gives us clear picture of God‟s plan for EVERYONE! Jeremiah 29:11 is not just for
young people who have graduated recently. It is pertinent to every single child of God. Consider this as you
read this verse.
„For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare (peace) and not for evil, to give you a future
and a hope.’
Has God given you a vision? If not, you might consider asking him what he wants for you and how you can
be a part of his great plan. This may or may not involve going back to school or beginning a new ministry; it
may simply mean that you are to thrive in the present areas in which you are operating. It may mean moving
forward in some personal way or even as a family. This month, consider asking God to give you a fresh and
renewed sense of purpose as you consider the question, “What‟s your dream!?”

-Pastor Terrill
From the Desk of Pastor Harold
I love to meet new people. One way I do this is through leading the
membership class at NorthRidge. Many of you have heard me say, “One of
the things I love to do most in my realm of responsibilities is leading the
membership class.” Meeting new people is only a small part of why I enjoy
this so much. I believe in church membership. I love the idea of belonging;
of having a place to call home; having a family to which I can turn; of knowing
I am accountable and there are brothers and sisters in Christ who love me
enough to pray for and care for me and my biological family, and the list of
benefits could go on and on. I love it for myself personally, but also for the
church body as a whole. It is vital to belong. But more than all that I believe church membership is
Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they keep watch over your souls as those who will give an account. Let them do
this with joy and not with grief, for this would be unprofitable for you. Hebrews 13:17 (NASB)
The writer of Hebrews is speaking to believers who are part of the church. Verse one of this chapter
begins with, “Let love of the brethren continue.” So the context of the passage is to those who are in
the family of God.
Verse seventeen refers back to the leaders mentioned in verse seven. “Obey your leaders and submit to
them.” What leaders? If there is no understanding of local church membership, then who are we to
submit to and obey? Is it anyone with the title „leader‟ or „pastor‟? Should you as a Christian obey and
submit to leaders in any local congregation that call themselves Christian? No, I believe the writer is
referring to the local church expressly.
What about the leaders who, “keep watch over your souls as those who will give an account?” Will
leaders be required to give an account for all Christians in every congregation? No, the writer again is
speaking about the local church specifically.
In Romans chapter twelve, Paul is clear about being members of a body. In verse five, “members of one
another,” literally means intimately united in Christian fellowship. How can one be intimately united
without a commitment to being a member? It is unheard of to have intimate unity with any kind of club
or civic organization without a firm commitment to membership. You won‟t hear, “I attend the Lion‟s
Club,” or, “I attend the Country Club.” It is always “I am a member of…” Why? Even the secular
world views membership as valuable. However, some will want the benefit of the local church without
ever making a personal investment or commitment.
Acts chapter six gives some instruction on how to meet needs in the local church. There are many other
Scriptural references to the local church, but I will stop here. I hope and pray that you are a dedicated
member to the local church. I love the local church and believe from the bottom of my heart that God
wants every Christian to belong to a local body. It is a place where you and I can be loved, matured,
lovingly confronted, confess and repent. It is a place I can serve and grow with accountability as I do
my part to build the Kingdom of God.

-Pastor Harold
Sonshiner’s monthly luncheon:
June 2nd @ Noon

Do you know someone who is

lonesome or does not get out much?
Invite them to come and enjoy
Christian fellowship at our monthly
Come enjoy good times and good
food with God‟s good people.

Home-bound Ministry
This is the current group of Home-bound with addresses that are being ministered to at this
time. If you know of others that would benefit from this ministry, please contact Rowena Daley or
call the church office @ 863.422.4488

Ms. Ruth Copeland Ms. Vera Cook

Ms. Lucille Tiner Mr Charles Mayberry
Savannah Court assisted living. Brandywyne Health Care Center
301 Peninsular Drive 1801 Lake Mariam Drive
Haines City, FL 33844-5046 Winter Haven, FL 33884
(863) 422-5204 (863) 293-1989

Ms. Ina Foley

Ms. Irma Swain
Spring Haven Retirement LLC Haines City Health Care
1225 Havendale NW 409 South 10th Street
Winter Haven, Florida 33881 Haines City, FL 33844-5603
(863)-293-0072 (863) 422-8656
Kid’s Korner with Pastor Bill

July 10-17, 2011

Summer Music Camp

is for Children who have completed K5
through 5th grade
Cost is $25 for 1st child
$15 for each additional child per family
Sunday, July 10
6:00 - 7:30 PM Kick Off Party
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 - 12:00 noon
Friday: 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM (Lunch Provided)
Sunday, July 17
10:30 AM Mini Performance
6:30 PM Full Performance

Drama Auditions will be held: CLICK BELOW
Tuesday, June 14 6:00-8:00PM
Thursday, June 16, 6:00-8:00 PM
Those wishing to audition for lead roles should register for
one of the audition dates on the registration form.
Drama Auditions will be held:
Tuesday, June 14 6:00-8:00PM
Thursday, June 16, 6:00-8:00 PM
Those wishing to audition for lead roles should register for
one of the audition dates on the registration form.

Pastor Bill, Sabra, and Pam Mixon are leading Summer Music Camp again this year, but they need an army
of volunteers to help out. There are opportunities ranging from Bible teaching to snacks and
crafts. Please contact one of them if you would be interested in helping in any way!
Vacation Bible School
It will be here before you know it…
We have three very unique and distinct opportunities to reach out to Children this summer through three
different VBS strategies. Check them out!

VBS at NorthRidge TO
June 20-24, 2011 REGISTER
9 am - noon
Many of you have volunteered to teach and BELOW
lead in VBS, but we still have numerous
opportunities for leaders. We have openings
for teachers, crafters, and plenty of assistants.
For more details, contact Pastor Bill.

VBS at Your House

Times TBD (by you)
Would you like a great strategy for reaching
the kids in your neighborhood with the
gospel of Christ? Can‟t get them to come to Mission VBS
VBS here? Then take VBS home to them!
We have scheduled an Informational Home Suites of Davenport
Meeting/Luncheon on Sunday, April 17, July 23-26, Evenings
immediately following the worship service.
We need you to register for the luncheon so Please begin praying about your involvement in this
we have enough food for everyone. You may mission opportunity. We have the chance to minister to
sign up by e-mailing Pastor Bill. 40+ families who have lost their homes in the recent
financial recession. Volunteers must be at least 16 years old. We will have an informational meeting after church

VBS Movie in the “Park”

Saturday, June 18th 6 - 9pm
Food, Games, Fun, Plus a Fun Movie !!! New
Meet us in the “park” beside the brick courtyard as the
evening begins. Then join us in the NCA gym for the Feature Presentation!

VBS Help
Summer Vacation will be here before you know it, and so will Vacation Bible School. We are putting the
finishing touches on the plans, but we still need help. If you are interested please contact Pastor Bill ASAP.
Eternal Youth
To my wonderful church family,
The month has finally arrived. On June 12th, we will be getting on the bus and
driving to Ridgecrest, North Carolina, to take our students to Centrifuge. It will
be a week of fun, learning, and most importantly, being challenged to live out
our lives in a way most pleasing to God. Our students have worked hard to
earn the money needed to be able to go to this camp. My entry this month
serves two purposes.
The first purpose is the say thank you to all of you. I know that everyone
reading this letter has supported us from day one. Whether it is through prayer,
financially, or by showing support at our fundraisers, you all have helped make
this possible. This is my tenth year doing youth ministry, and since my first job
as youth pastor I have wanted to take a group of kids to Ridgecrest so that they could have the same
experiences that I was able to have when I was a teenager. You have made this happen. Thank you so much
for supporting these teens. God is going to continue doing amazing things, and I can not wait to get back
from camp so you can hear how God has moved in the lives of the people going on this trip.
The second purpose is to come to you all again asking for prayer. I know that when God is moving in
people's lives that Satan loves to try to mess that up. I am asking that as a church family, you pray for the
people going to this camp by name. I know first-hand how powerful prayer is, and I know that you will pray
for the these teens.
Alyssa Matthues Aubrey Johnson Kristen Yurick Courtney Wiley Sam Ryan Amanda Buchanan
Breckon Hatley Briana Wiley Grace Myers Amber Hanrahan Anthony Harrell Fred Waggy Stevie Pierce
Branson Hatley Aaron Schumacher Pryce Newberg Nathaniel Solis Bryan Hatley Bradley Fowler.
Also, please pray for the adult leaders who are brave enough to take this amazing group of teens on this trip.
Dawn Wiley Ruth Gilley Terrill Gilley Derrick Whiteman
Thank you all so much for the love and support that you have given us. I am looking forward to sharing with
all of you what God has done during this week of camp.
-Stepping out in Faith,
Derrick Whiteman
Disaster Relief Ministry

Due to the recent outbreak of disasters, the Florida Baptist Disaster

Relief Ministry is in need of volunteers. We are receiving invitations
to respond in Illinois, Mississippi, and Louisiana for flood relief. If
you are able to go, please contact Travis Pike, NorthRidge Church‟s
Disaster Relief Coordinator, at In
order to participate, you must have attended a training event
in recent years and have current credentials. If you would like to
participate and have not yet been through state training or would like to receive additional training in a
specialty area, please consider going to our local training event.
June 18 - Region 4 Training Bethel Baptist Church, Lakeland (Training is from 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM)
First Time Volunteers
Registration Fee ($30 per person)
 First Time volunteers will participate in our New Volunteer Class that is designed to prepare volunteers to
be able to respond effectively with our ministry. Information will be shared to help answer the questions that
all new volunteers typically have. The class lasts all morning.
 After lunch, first time volunteers will be able to choose one to attend a Ministry Area Class to get
specialized training in the area they most likely want to work. (Water Purification is only available for Returning
 You can cross train in other Ministry Areas by attending another regional training event.
Price includes: background check fees, lunch, training materials, ID badge, t-shirt, hat and pin.
Returning Volunteers
Registration Fee ($15 per person)
 Returning volunteers have several options:
 During the morning, they may choose to get additional training in their primary ministry area in a specialized
class or they may participate in our Spiritual Care class.
 Volunteers that are interested in being trained for water purification will attend an all day class that is only
open to returning volunteers.
 After lunch, they may choose to attend another ministry area class to receive training in another specialty
thus expanding their ability to minister.
Price includes: background check fees, lunch, training materials and t-shirt.

For more information on Florida Baptist Disaster Relief, visit or
Prism Weight Loss

Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is
your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your
mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Romans 12:1-2

The Prism Christian Weight Loss Program is now in full swing. Our first group is about to complete the
fourth week of Phase One. This first phase is a 6 week program and is the first step in our weight loss
journey. We have 12 people participating in this first group, and I think everyone is very happy with their
success. For many of us, this is the first time we have participated in a weight loss program without feeling
hunger cravings. We accomplish this by keeping a daily food journal to help us understand just how much
we are eating. In doing this, we are all finding that there is no more 'mindless eating' day or night. The
potato chips and ice cream are not tempting us anymore as we realize that good health is much more
important than any particular food. I believe this is due to the help of God and His Spirit working in us.
Even though we will not weigh in until the end of week 6, we are already seeing results. Not only are we
feeling more energetic, but we are even able to wear some clothing that we had put away!
After this group completes Phase Two, we will begin an additional group (hopefully around the end of July).
If you or someone you know has interest, feel free to see me for more information or talk to any of our
members that you know are presently going through the program. We also covet your prayers as we
continue to take steps in our ongoing weight loss adventure.

Ann Barnes


June Sunday services
Sunday Morning Café -8:45am
Noreen Nixon 1 Sunday School -9:20
Denice Tyler 1 Worship Service -10:30am
Tammy Farrens 2 (also Kids' Church K5-3rd)
Caroline Farrens 6
Daniel Cameron 7
Matthew Harrold 7
Jordyn Conerly 8
Lynda Coots 8
Alex Smith 8
Megan Kachmarik 9
Bill Hatley 10
Elaine Higgins 10
Amanda Watts 10
Russell Watts 10
Sara Williams 11
Faith Pike 12 5:45-6:45 -Prayer in Sanctuary
Gissell Alba 15 6:45-7:45 -Coffee and Bible study in Fellowship Hall
David Clement 15
Karen Myers 15
Silas Rowell 15 Meeting Wednesday Nights
Cheryl Yurick 15 6:30-8:00 PM
Kayleigh Butler 16 Cubbies are ages 3-4 Years
Til Fellows 16 Sparks are in K5-2nd Grade
Jen Fetes 17 T&T Adventurers are in 3rd-4th
Janice Kobs 17 Grades
Caley Coots 18 T&T Challengers are in 5th Grade
Cherrie Jordan 18
Dawn Wiley 18
Marie Charles
Bryan Hatley
Church Office
Amanda Menendez 20
Martin Jenkins 21 Hours-Monday -Thursday 8:00am-4:00pm. If you need to contact
Roger Lee 21 the Pastor On Call you can at any time by calling the Church
Todd Trierweiler 21 Office 863-422-4488 and leaving a message in the “On Call”
Melinda Heverly 22 mailbox (ext. 2104) The Pastor that is on call for the week will
Tom Yurick 22 return your call ASAP.
Pat Teske 23
Teri Schaeffer 25
Ed Newberg 26
Gary Moyer 28

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