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Eastleigh College (College House)

Inspection report for further education college

Unique reference number SC061273

Inspection date 16 March 2011
Inspector Gavin Thomas
Type of Inspection Key

Address Shepherds Lane

SO21 2AB
Telephone number 01962 712 816
Registered person Eastleigh College (College House)
Head of care Tracey McAdam
Head / Principal Tony Lau-Walker
Date of last inspection 30 January 2008
Inspection Report: Eastleigh College (College House),16 March 2011

© Crown copyright 2011


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You can obtain copies of The Children Act 2004, Every Child Matters and The National Minimum Standards for
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Inspection Report: Eastleigh College (College House),16 March 2011 3 of 10

About this inspection

The purpose of this inspection is to assure children and young people, parents, the public, local
authorities and government of the quality and standard of the service provided. The inspection
was carried out under the Care Standards Act 2000.
This report details the main strengths and any areas for improvement identified during the
inspection. The judgements included in the report are made in relation to the outcome for
children set out in the Children Act 2004 and relevant National Minimum Standards for the
The inspection judgements and what they mean
Outstanding: this aspect of the provision is of exceptionally high quality
Good: this aspect of the provision is strong
Satisfactory: this aspect of the provision is sound
Inadequate: this aspect of the provision is not good enough
Inspection Report: Eastleigh College (College House),16 March 2011 4 of 10

Service information
Brief description of the service
College House is a residential educational facility operated by Eastleigh College offering a 24
hour curriculum for 14 young people of mixed gender aged between 16 and 19 years of age
with moderate learning difficulties. It is open from Monday to Friday during the main College
term time. Students are in residence from Monday evening until Friday morning, returning
home for weekends and holidays.

Running for more than 20 years, it is the only residential unit of its kind nationally that is
attached to a mainstream General Vocational Further Educational College. All College House
residents are students on Eastleigh College's 'Skills for independence and work' course. It is
run over two years for school leavers with moderate learning difficulties who wish to develop
their all-round confidence and essential skills. The course concentrates on life, literacy, numeracy,
ICT, and work related skills to support students as they make the transition into adulthood.

College House is situated in a semi-rural setting six miles from the main college site. It
concentrates on providing the holistic support that the students need in order to develop the
necessary skills required to work towards increasing independence based on their individual

There are six single and four shared bedrooms. One single bedroom has been adapted with en
suite facilities designed for students with limited mobility. There are also two independent
living flats within the house, which individual students can access for varying periods. When
in the flats, students plan menus, purchase their own food, cook for themselves and clean.
They also arrange and prepare a number of social events by inviting guests for an evening meal.

At the time of this inspection, 14 students were resident and all took part in the inspection
This was a full inspection which was announced at very short notice. All of the key national
minimum standards under the Every Child Matters outcomes and organisation were assessed.
The recommendation from the previous inspection in January 2008 was also followed up.

The 'whole college' approach provides a seamless service to students. Consultation with students
is one for the outstanding features of this service. Strategies for consulting with students
ensure that they are well represented on various forums and their views are taken seriously.

Management systems are robust and evolving to promote and sustain best practice. The quality
of documentation and evidence of student support is exemplary. Two areas of significant
development since the last inspection are self evaluation and monitoring processes.

Everyone involved with students and their welfare speak overwhelmingly about this service.
Parents in particular comment on the efficiency of the staff team, their satisfaction with
students' progress and outcomes which exceed their expectations.

Students say they are very happy at College House. They speak very highly of opportunities
which are helping them become more aware of life skills and the reality of independence as
Inspection Report: Eastleigh College (College House),16 March 2011 5 of 10

they transition into adulthood. Examples include safety awareness activities, developing their
social skills and active participation in the community.

Students summarise their experiences as 'the best place ever', 'it's great' and 'I'm learning to
live on my own'.

The outcomes of interviews, discussions, observations and assessment of documentation,

demonstrates the success of this service and positive outcomes for students.
The overall quality rating is outstanding.
This is an overview of what the inspector found during the inspection.
Improvements since the last inspection
At the last inspection, a recommendation was made to improve environmental safety by
upgrading some of the windows. This recommendation has been fully implemented and has
improved all-round safety. Replacement windows have also extended to the first floor.
Helping children to be healthy
The provision is outstanding.
Procedures and practices for the administration of medications and first aid are followed
consistently. Parents are familiar with procedural guidance and required to give consents for
emergency medical treatments. Policies on medical intervention are strictly adhered to and this
information is disseminated effectively throughout the college. All staff have valid first aid
certificates and procedures for recording accidents and injuries are robust. Appropriate facilities
are provided for the safe storage of medications. Staff are vigilant in ensuring that medication
administration records are up to date. These records are also monitored for quality control
purposes. Arrangements for the exchange of medications between family homes and College
House are well established and work well in practice. However, there are no written records of
medications received or returned to family homes. Staff attend relevant training to ensure
students safety. This includes training in the use of an epi pen.

Holistic and vigorous assessments are undertaken with all students prior to offer of a placement
at College House. This includes in-depth health related assessments. Parents and students are
included in these assessments as much as possible. In doing so, this enables staff to prevent
inconsistencies or inadequate services. Parents say that they are extremely satisfied with ways
in which management and staff intervene to support students' health needs. Health related
records are robust and written to a very high standard. The robustness of records demonstrates
the whole college approach to ensuring that students' holistic health needs are met.

Students say they that they 'love' the food at College House. Food preparation and cooking is
an activity which all students enjoy. The atmosphere in the kitchen during meal preparation is
unquestionable. Students are eager to experiment with new dishes. They take pride in preparing
meals and are proud of their achievements. Parents praise this opportunity which they say is
having a very positive impact on how students perceive and relate to food and diet. Staff place
great emphasis on student participation in menu planning and teaching students about personal
safety in the kitchen. This integrated approach enables students to progress successfully to
the independence flats where they continue to develop a wide range of life skills.
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Protecting children from harm or neglect and helping them stay safe
The provision is outstanding.
The emphasis placed on countering bullying throughout the college is effective. This is
demonstrated through students' awareness of the various types of bullying including cyber
bullying. The methodology used for reinforcing anti-bullying behaviours is structured and
introduced at levels which are appropriate to students' understanding. For example, exposure
to the internet and use of social sites is managed in ways to educate students in their preparation
towards more independent living. An abundance of information is accessible to students on
countering bullying. This is given to students at the start of their placement. It is also vividly
displayed at College House. Students say they have no concerns regarding bullying.

Extensive work is undertaken across the college to ensure student safety and protection,
including the monitoring of practice through various committees. The safeguarding training
undertaken by staff and facilitated by the college is wide ranging and student focused. In
addition, staff are given opportunities to develop their understanding of wider issues through
in-house training and forums. Documentation relating to safeguarding and protection is
comprehensive. Student safety is embedded within the ethos of the college. For example, this
is evident through risk management, recruitment processes, the matching of placements and
supervision of students. Students say they feel safe in the college environment and at College
House because staff care about them.

Management report that physical restraint is not permitted. Forms of reasonable intervention
and diffusion techniques are set out in a written policy and associated procedural guidance.
All staff across the college are required to adhere to these guidelines. Sanctions are extremely
rare and no sanctions have been imposed at College House since the last inspection. Behavioural
management is dealt with sensitively and students' backgrounds and circumstances are carefully
considered at all times. Parents and students are included decision-making processes. This
contributes to the college's transparent approach when supporting students through difficult

Students say they are happy at this college and their residence. Observations of interactions
among students and staff confirm this. Students are very aware of the complaints procedure.
Students say that they would not hesitate to speak to the manager, the staff or their parents
if they were worried or had any concerns. There have been no complaints since the last
inspection. Parents are satisfied with the information they receive on how to make a complaint.
However, currently they do not have any concerns about service provisions.

Students are familiar with fire safety and evacuation procedures. This staff say is taken very
seriously by all students and fire drills take place at all times of the day. Fire drills take place
at least monthly and this exceeds the frequency as set out in the national minimum standard.
Vigorous processes are in place for ensuring student, staff and visitors' safety. This includes
regular visual checks of fire fighting equipment, the testing of the fire detection equipment
and routine checks undertaken by approved contractors.

Students and their parents share similar views about privacy arrangements. They speak highly
of the arrangements in place for respecting students' privacy and confirm that this is not
compromised in any way. Some students are very pleased that their wishes to share bedrooms
have been acknowledged. Students are respectful towards each other. They do this by knocking
Inspection Report: Eastleigh College (College House),16 March 2011 7 of 10

on private doors and are very aware of personal spaces. Staff are respectful towards students'
privacy and confidentiality. This is reinforced through data protection, conversations with and
on behalf of students and the safe storage of confidential records. A policy is in place for
ensuring that students' privacy is respected in the event that conducting a room search was

Recruitment and selection procedures are vigorous and the depth of screening and vetting
deters potential abusers from gaining access to students. There has been no new staff appointed
to College House since the last inspection. However, recruitment records examined, demonstrates
full compliance with the national minimum standard. In addition, robust systems are in place
for monitoring the renewal of suitability checks such as Criminal Records Bureau checks. Staff
involved in the recruitment processes attend updated training on best practice.

Students are not exposed to unauthorised adults. Visitors are appropriately vetted and positive
proof of identity is required from visitors before gaining access to the building. Students are
appropriately supervised and report that they feel safe at College House. Staff report that the
security and monitoring of the premise is effective in practice.

The thoroughness of risk management is a strong basis for ensuing that students are safe but
not restricted from engaging in learning opportunities. Risk assessments relating to students
activities are wide ranging and considers all potential risks. The openings of windows on the
first floor are restricted for maximising student safety. All other types of risk assessments ensure
that the premises, grounds and high risk areas are carefully monitored.
Helping children achieve well and enjoy what they do
The provision is outstanding.
Student support is exemplary and accessible in a variety of forms. Counselling, key working,
tutorials and consistency of staff in residence are examples of how students are supported at
all times of the day. The emphasis placed on assessment and transition creates an environment
which enables students to achieve their goals successfully. Matters such as home sickness,
coping in group environments and embarking on new challenges are supported sensitively. The
culture of this college embraces transparency and an environment whereby students can access
services without fear or concern. The rapport between staff and students is strong. This enables
students to confidently express their feelings and needs.

Anti-discriminatory practice and attitudes are integral to college life. A range of initiatives and
the cross-college approach supports this. Staff are kept abreast of best practice though attending
a range of training courses. Equality and diversity is also taken very seriously with students at
interview and throughout the duration of their placement. Relevant information is accessible
to students and individual needs are addressed through student support services. In addition,
students attend a range of forums which help raise their awareness about equality and diversity
Helping children make a positive contribution
The provision is outstanding.
Consultation with, and on behalf of, students is extensive and wide ranging. This whole team
effort across the college ensures that students are engaged in meaningful discussions and
debates regarding their care, welfare and education. Popular groups include student
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representation on the steering group, the 'coffee and chat mornings' and the 'decorating group'.
Students say they enjoy being consulted on matters such as menu planning, activities and
planning for their independence. Key working is central to many aspects of students affairs.
Parents say that methods of consultation exceed their expectations. As a result, both them and
the students are never exempt from key decision-making processes.

Contact with parents and families is effective. Strong links are established with families before,
during and in some cases, following a student's placement. Parents say that the frequency and
manner of contact gives them reassurance, particularly at the start of residential placements
at College House. Students have access to a payphone. However, mobile phones are increasingly
popular with students.

All staff involved in student assessment and selection processes for residence at College House
are committed to ensuring that this is a positive experience for all students. The holistic approach
to assessing and offering students a placement is effective in practice. Students also benefit
immensely from the continuous work undertaken by staff that evaluate and plan their transitions
at the end of the two year placement. These processes have evolved since the last inspection.
For instance, forms of 'outreach' work are proving successful for some students who move onto
semi or supported living. Parents summarise placement arrangements as 'outstanding' and
'impressive'. Parents are extremely positive about the two year programme and the many
opportunities offered to students during this time. The college's own quality assurance processes
have identified areas of change for developing placement arrangements. Students describe
their initial experiences of College House as 'welcoming' and 'friendly'.
Achieving economic wellbeing
The provision is outstanding.
The accommodation has many contributing factors which helps create a comfortable and
practical environment. Students are very pleased about the options of single and shared
bedrooms. The two self-contained flats situated on the first floor provides opportunities for
students to practice the skills they are taught earlier on in their placement. Students can relate
to the benefits of staying in the flats and examples of their experiences include: making
constructive use of their time; safety awareness; developing social skills; and learning how to
budget. The choice of two lounge areas, a dining room and a student office, provides ample
space for ensuring that students are not confined to restricted areas.

Student accommodation is situated on the ground and first floors. The ground floor bedroom
has en suite shower and toilet facilities. These facilities are adapted and suitable for students
with limited mobility. The overall numbers of bathing and toilet facilities exceed the ratio as
set out in National Minimum Standard 40. Students say there are no issues regarding their
privacy when using bathing or toilet facilities. These facilities are currently split for separate
use by both sexes.
The organisation is outstanding.
The Statement of Principles and practices are explicit in a range of documents accessible to
students and everyone interested in their welfare. Supporting evidence issued to students is
clear and concise. This includes the varying support and services available throughout the
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college. In addition to booklets, key information is vividly displayed in the students office for
easy access.

Robust management processes are in place for ensuring that risk assessments and quality of
records are maintained to a high standard. These processes are achieved through the vigorous
checks and monitoring undertaken by the manager and delegated staff. Recorded information
is used effectively to influence change and for evaluating outcomes for students. Significant
work is being done since the last inspection for further developing quality assurance and
monitoring systems.

Students and their parents speak extremely highly of their relationships with all staff. The staff
team is small, but stable and consistent. Staff are self-motivated and very enthusiastic about
their work with the students. The deployment of staff ensures that staffing ratios reflect
students' needs for organised trips and off-site learning activities. The supervision of students
is risk assessed and additional staffing is arranged when required. In addition, risk management
strategies take into account the expectations that students will develop independence skills in
structured and well-managed environments.

All staff are confident about their roles and responsibilities. Induction and professional
development opportunities for staff are comprehensive and wide ranging. Staff attend mandatory
training and refresher courses which are relevant to their development and involvement with
the students. Staff conduct and performance is evaluated and supported through team events,
regular supervisions and annual appraisals. Staff say that these processes are purposeful and
engaging. Documentation supporting staff development such as induction programmes, training
records and appraisal systems are comprehensive and kept up to date.

Students are supported by a staff team who are suitably qualified and have a wealth of
experience. The combination of experiences and expertise throughout the college contributes
to students' confidence and motivation to successfully complete the two year residential
placements. This includes consistency in implementing practice and effective communication
with students and their families. Staff have access to an abundance of information and procedural
guidance in support of their day-to-day work. This includes an up-to date staff handbook,
access to policies and procedures and the college data base. Staff have no concerns about the
support they receive on welfare practice. Staff are familiar with core practices such as
safeguarding, working with students and families and upholding the Statement of Principles
through their direct work with students.

The promotion of equality and diversity is outstanding. This is evident in all of the Every Child
Matters outcomes and organisation. The depth of work undertaken for ensuring that individual
needs are met is remarkable. Students are thriving as a result of securing a placement at the
college with a residential placement at College House. Parents are elated with what their sons
and daughters are achieving as a result of their residential placements. Management and staff
are committed to ensuing that students are supported in a non-judgemental environment. As
a result, students are making strides in many ways. They are growing in confidence, competence
and discovering more about their capabilities. The diversity of students' needs is highly respected
and supported in meaningful of ways.
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What must be done to secure future improvement?

Statutory requirements
This section sets out the actions, which must be taken so that the registered person meets the
Care Standards Act 2000, and the National Minimum Standards. The Registered Provider must
comply with the given timescales.

Standard Action Due date

To improve the quality and standards of care further the registered person should take account
of the following recommendation(s):
• review medication records to include the receipt and return of medications. (NMS 14.9)

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