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First Madrigal Dinner j§

To Debut This Weekend
n g B i B y Mary Jo Allen E f P ^
I MERC1AD Feature Editor t i be served oniwooden slabs,Jbut
| Students of the D'Angelo utensils will;be provided by the 4
School of Music and the Hotel table-waiting "serfs". 1 8 I El 4

Restaurant Management Depart- I Chiarelli also I did extensive

ments are | working together to research into the time periodfto
present a "Madrigal Dinner" this make sure all facets of the enter-
weekend. J The three day event tainment fit into the 16th Century
represents the first time these two mood., Asr a part I of this,
departments have worked jointly Renaissance Christmas carols will
on a project, i J I I ^P*qf a be featured! before each course
I "Madrigal Dinner"Jis*a com- and I a 25 minute concert f will
bination of a 16th Century feast follow the meal.
and musical entertainment <. from The Madrigal Dinner will even
that 1 time period. .Frank Pauze, feature a "Jester" to be played by
HRM director and co-coordinator John Wolper. Audience participa-
of the event, hopes this will be the tion* is encouraged with many
start of a new Mercyhurst series numbers I designated -: as '' sing
Frank Pauze warms up the oven as Joseph Chiarelli begins to sing the Madrigal songs much like the annual summer alongs" and guests are invited to
Canterbury * Feast. "This first dress in period costumes.
Madrigal Dinner will be the begin- '?' The period costumes of the

Sgorts Medicine ning of a college tradition to take

places the first weekend every
December," Pauze said.? * ±
Renaissance which the serfs and
singers win wear are due to the
work of a guest fashion designer.

Propd'sedfFbrTal 1*1984
Joseph it Chiarelli, acting direc- Ruby Ming, recently of the
tor of music and the other coor- Philadelphia Opera Company i
dinator agrees with this goal. "It's- Design Department, reseached the
only natural that two departments 1500's for appropriate dress. She
like? HRM and Music combine found each toned tunics and
By Martha Camp committee." ground floor'' with its new major, their efforts to hold a traditional bodkins made of upholstery
A four-year Sports Medicine The new program will be divid- according to the written proposal. Madrigral Dinner," he explained. fabric would be most appropriate
major, proposed for introduction ed-into |two emphases: wellness R "It's quite possible that a pro- • B o t h Pauze and HRM instruc- for the mood being created.
in the fall of 1984, has been pass- and athletic training. gram like this is the first of its tor John Wolper researched the The Madrigal Dinner will be i
ed through the Academic Policies ^Largely interdisciplinary, kind," I Palmer said, citing the food of the 1500's|toiinsure held tonight, Saturday, December
Committee and is being sent to the Palmer said that relatively few wellness emphasis. This thrust will historical accuracy. The menu 3 and Sunday, December 4 at St.
Senate for approval, according to "new" courses will have to be in- be unique according jj to Dr. reflects this with its promised fare Mark's Center. Tonight and
Academic Dean David Palmer. stituted forfthe Sports „Medicine Keelor, a nationally-known expert of fresh fruits, home-churned but- Saturday evening, the dinner will
If the proposal is approved by major. "The courses, except for a in the field. .* - ter and rye bread, corn-on-the- begin at 6 p.m. and Sunday will be
Senate, it will then be passed few new ones in the Physical "In a sense, this is a pioneering cob, chicken and the absence of a matinee beginning at 1 p.m.
through the Dean's Office before Education Department, are program in the country," Palmer tea and coffee* The beverage serv- Tickets may still be purchased for
final review by President of the already here," he said. "That commented. ed will be "Wassail," a spice- the event through the D'Angelo i
college, Dr. William P. Garvey. makes it a lot easier to The groundwork for the new flavored ciderf drink. Quests will School of Music at 825-0296.
"In the Five Year Plan, Sports implement." program has been being laid for
Medicine was one of the future several years, Palmer explained.
Lv h W J J
• i

programs that was to be Brad Jacobsen, Mercyhurst

developed," Palmer said. Athletic Trainer, who holds a
Although final approval hasn't
been given and there are still
details to be worked out, Palmer
Master's Degree in Sports
Medicine, was "hired with an eye
toward working on the sports
MSG Invited To Joinj /

is confident that the new major

will be instituted.
In fact, he said, candidates to
medicine proposal," Palmer
Palmer added, "another im-
Model United Nations
serve as director of the program petus to instituting the new major After a three week layoff due to last position required for MSG
have already been considered; was the development of the Thanksgiving vacation, the Mer- approval is a student alternate.
Although the position hasn't been wellness program." cyhurst Student Government will Robinson also announced that
filled, one of the names Palmer The program consists | of 23 assemble to discuss some old the shuttle service that MSG of-
mentioned was Robert Sturm, major courses from nine depart- business on Sunday, December 4, fered to students needing a ride to
currently an Associate Professor ments, supplemented by core in 114 Zurn. B the I Pittsburgh Airport before
of Sociology. f Robert Sturm p courses and electives. ;First, MSG has been invited to Thanksgiving Break was a suc-
' 'At thistime,it's so embryonic "We< can handle most of the The proposal Palmer projected participate in a Model United Na- cess J The service will also be
there's only one goal that I have," courses in the program, but we an enrollment of 12 to 15 new tions during winter term. Model available at Christmas Break. All
Sturm said, "assisting the Admis- will have to seek cooperation students eachJ year. "There are U.N. is a panel discussion that in- interested students should sign up
sions Department in recruiting from Hamot Hospital in teaching already students on campus who volves colleges and universities in the MSG office on the second
high caliber students." . the Exercise Physiology class," he have expressed an interest in the from across the nation. Dave floor of Old Main before Wednes-
Sturm also said that he hopes to explained. major who can take the courses Robinson, president of MSG, said day, December 7.
a committee will be formed to

begin to build a job market for It's important for us to get the now," Palmer said;
Finally, work on the construc-
students graduating from the backing of the NATA (National "I don't know whether such research and prepare for the ting the glass wall of the video
program. h Athletic Trainers Association)," figures are predictable," Sturm forum. Robinson encouraged any room began Wednesday,
"I have personally contacted Palmer said. "We are working to said. "It depends first on recruit- interested student-to attend the November 30. Robinson said that
Dr. Vinos Rogers, the head of satisfy their requirements from ment, second on the caliber of the meeting on Sunday. £ & the wall will be completed during
Sports Medicine at Hamot the start." | *p actual program ... and third on Other new business will include Christmas Break and that the
Hospital," he explained. "He has A relatively new field, Mer- whether the first graduates of the Robinson's final nomination for a room will be iin operation for
agreed to serve on .an advisory cyhurst hopes to "getJin on the program get jobs." seat on the Judicial Board. This winter term. I
Sports Medicine Major
Would Benefit;Mercyhurst
Mercyhurst College may possibly undergo another
academic period of expansion and excitement if a four year
Sports Medicine major is approved.
& Currently, the proposed program which would debut in the
fall of 1984 has been accepted by the Academic Policies Com-
mittee. The college Senate will review the Sports Medicine
major at an upcoming meeting. If approved by the Senate
body, Dr. David Palmer, academic dean will re-examine the
proposal. I Lastly, President of the college J Dr. William P. mmmmmfflmmm *mmmm mmwwwmmmmmmmmm • THE MERCIAD welcomes the
Garvey will then take the necessary steps tofinalize,or make ^^'^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^mm I expressions of its readers m
l y
further recommendations concerning the Sports Medicine ^ 83 ^ 5 ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 'Tour] Opinion." All letters
major. ? s ™ *-^ •"• •--•••••• • - • must be signed and should con-
E 8 S8se s aa
If the program is inducted, it will focus on the two divisions ^^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ « ^ • tain an'address or telephone
of athletic training and wellness, a rather unique and appeal- v<> t, „. number to be used for verifica-
ing combination. The emphasis will prove to be very _"* _" Z ^ . -1 f l tion purposes only. Contribu-
beneficial in tight of the mentally and physically health aware LOttGr I I tions will be edited for gram-
society of today. More and more positions with such an em- f^ i • • (f\ •r fiifmr ggnpfr § ag* I niatical or spelling errors. Let-
StUQGntS OD6GI1V ters muj be submitted by noon
phasis are opening up in the job market, which makes the 1 "^ i ^ A m 1 4i I on
Tuesd^s j^prec^ng
Sports Medicine major especially interesting for students A , ,1wbf!cat,0Bf
.Many Sports Medicine program specifics have been deter- &£
mined, and Mercyhurst could easily implement the proposed
lfrbfarV DefrCTeffcjles^^^
Dear Editor: | | i i | an embarrassment, in both j the and allow their money to| be
major. With these facts in mind, the adoption of the major to Have you ever tried to write a current up to date holdings and thrown out the window, while our
the curriculum would be a wise decision for the college. term paper and found you didn't A physical appearance (i.e., inade- library is in such deplorable con-
First of all, the Physical Education department currently have enough sources or that these quate furniture, mold on the ceil- dition? If you feel the way we do,
sources were out of date? If so, ing, and burned out lights). start to voice your opinion so the
offers most of the necessary courses for the major, along with did you try "Plan B," getting on ! Ignoring the situation docs not students can get what they
very competent professors qualified to teach Sports Medicine the bus and going downtown to Jmake the problem any less real, deserve. Let's speak out and see
classes. Gannon or perhaps the public The motto of this institution is this condition resolved. Take the
Seeking cooperation from Hamot Medical Center is also an library? 4 ,, "Carpe Diem" - "Seize the Op- time and express your views.
outstanding idea. Afterall, one of Hamot's most unique pro- If you can answer yes to these portunhy." Does that opportuni- Sincerely,
questions, you probably never |ty exist? % Certainly not in the Karen Miskiv
grams is its Sports Medicine Clinic. Information and advice had a "Plan A": settling for what library. How can students sit by Mary Catherine Gwiazdowski
from the hospital could easily be supplied to the college as is available at the Mercyhurst ~ !§&.&' % IIP1 !
well. library. - ^Wfflflft^
Since the Sports Medicine major is a rather unique program In all seriousness, the intent of ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
in the country today, Mercyhurst could take great pride by in- this letter is not to degrade our ^ ^ t f l ^ H ! ! ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ^
stituting this "pioneering" major. In addition, the program library, but rather to make the ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ «
Mercyhurst community aware f§SiH
would prove to be extremely successful at Mercyhurst since that serious deficiencies exist. ! » { &
many students have expressed interest in the major. Currently, the Mercyhurst College K l i f t i »
Lastly, 1983-84 is considered the year of Holistic Health at library literary holdings are far I *Stdff BOX
Mercyhurst College. So, the Sports Medicine will build even from up to date and lacking in I r-j. 0 4 *% j , ** .
g* more euphoria and a healthy feeling at the college. sufficient quantities to provide the I f ™ * _ | „_ ••- Cana J. Anderson
students with the opportunity to I Assistant Editor ......................Martha J. Camp
research and develop well-written I Human Resources ..........................Fran Moavero
papers and pursue matters of in- I News Editor ........—.........•«....Karen Merkle
terest. students are concerned I Feature Editor ..........................Mary Jo Allen
that they do not have access to I Sports Editor r ...............Stephanie Hultbera
T h e Merciad sources that would allow them to I Photo Editor ... MM „. „ Rich Forsqren
worktothebertofthehpot<mdal. I Copy Editor ._ Chuck Straub
* Staff I < Let's face it, our pnority is I n*SjL KAU**
education. A good deal of our !&!?*?[ "
---Grace Rtecl*
Christmas P a r t y learning comes from research, not Business Manager Darlene Nolan
is Wednesday, just from the classroom and co- I Business Sales ..........................Jack Holland
ops. it comes down to one point, I Circulation Mgr. ....................Amy Woodworth
December 7 we are being hindered and forced I Cartoonist" ........................Mathew Duska
to settle for less than the best. In I Cartoonist ...................................Tim Hoh
J at 7:30 P.M. the years, we have attended this I Advisor ......Mr. Richard Garcia
college we are unaware of8 any I Reporters: Darlene Nolan, Amy Woodworth, Chuck Straub,
In The Faculty Dining. Room significant advancements that I Brent Scarpo Debbie Hlson, Chris Chmielewski,
show progress towards his goal. I Wydetta Carter, Barb Gaydos, Greg Yoko, Naomi
Don't forget to bring Where is ike money bemg spent Typists: R e ^ S i ^ ^
your secret gift! besides on the material beauty of I Photos: Fred Redler, Elaine Norton
this campus? New signs and I Kr g j g ' l j ;nnsyt
the student-edited
n,a 16546 1,Snewspaper off Mercyhurst College. 501 East 38
shrubberv are not 8eoine to hdn
nCip m I li ,,!?
d w l\n"&Z?.
o Xt
0n 8 2 M^J
3 7 e • * • • « • officetolocated in the basement of
V «-ZIv2l ^ - \?l T I ^ ^ 7%L^ ^- - **• •»»••* »» Printed by Brown-Thompson
Wnte term papers. This library IS
• T H E M E R C I A D
I newspapers lit Union Ctty, Pennsylvania.
What Ever|Happened To...?
By Kathy Kohnke J seniors and rarely discussed as an I such as entertaining, night life and
i Changes, yes there have been a academic highlight for those col- I basic all around socializing. The
few at Mercyhurst in the past four lege students that experienced it. 1 administration cut out Interses-
years, some go noticed and others It was more famous for the?, shall Ssion fori a number of reasons
go unnoticed but the fact is the I put it, social* highlights it I which made fall term the fourteen
'Hurst is on the move. But these possessed. Intersession ran from Sweek, four course ? semester we
changes are only noticed by very Thanksgiving i break until -have now.- All in all we seniors will
few of us; by those of us called Christmas fbreak. It was three * always remember those three hour
Seniors, because we are the ones
that have experienced this type of classes! like nuclear arms,
transition. J | < |Coaching the Woman Athlete or
fMixology and the memories of
Let's talk about some of the big those late night get togethers, stu-
changes and I'll give you a hint it dying of course, that we all in-
^didn't take place in the menu at dulged in. £%
?the cafe. ^ ?^|SP
B The addition of football to the Intersession would be going on
school on the hill has been one of right now if it still existed. It was a
the biggest differences. When I time where dorms took that little
was a freshman, rinding a man on extra decorating for Christmas,
campus was hard, ^harder than getting together and celebrating
most of youfindit today believe it the Holidays. Now the time is
or not, but I'm talking about the Kathy Kohnke' • spent cramming for finals, ending
number of men. The ratio of weeks where students took one internships and handing in last
women to men was 3 to 1 in 1980 class for three hours once a day. minute projects, *~
and now I believe it's just about Many students took this time to Yes, Mercyhurst College has
even. Iv^llill take classes that they • were in- changed from the eyes of a senior
H In 1980, Homecoming weekend terested in outside of their own good or bad, who is to say it's all
was a first at the 'Hurst but there major, some used these three the same in the experience we call
was no long, no queen, no foot- weeks to brush up on other skills, College. J
ball game, just a weekend that in-
cluded a dinner-dance and an ex- if*** cec/tres mey
citing soccer game between vices /tno vcujeatxe
Behrend and the Lakers. Now
changes have been added to this
festive weekend in an attempt to
make Homecoming what it should!
l>e on a college campus.
But these are just a few
that have taken place. One other*'
that took place was in the
academic calendar for the 1981-82
school year, and if you ask any
senior, it's a change that is sadly
missed. The concept of "Interses-
sion" is only remembered by -4

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itfifrffiftSffi <4yaaoflia^>x*flA<ao

Recent'Hurst Graduate
Wins School Board Seat
^ Brian Dougherty, a 1983 Mer- said, will be "getting the ad-
cy hurst graduate, Jhas recently ministration and the board all
become one of the youngest.per- working together instead of
sons ever to be elected to the Erie against one another."
School Board. $ "I would like to see computers
Winning by a margin of 51 and high technology implemented
votes, ,he beat out Erie school on a high scale in the schools,"
director Eva Tucker for the final Dougherty added.
available four-year seat on the In working with the Board, he
Board, i f said his age will be both an advan-
Despite the slim victory, tage and a disadvantage.
Dougherty said that he never "I'm sure some Board members
thought he was going to lose. will look upon me as inexperienc-
"Even when the morning paper ed," he said, "but I'll also be br-
hadt me down by 19 votes, I still inging a lot of new ideas."
thought! I had won," i he com- Brian Dougherty *|
One of the ideas will be a strong
mented. "I knew the recount emphasis on discipline. . S Democratic! Executive ^Council
would be in my favor." S "There has to be something and also chairman of the Young
To be sworn in on December 5, done about absenteeism," Democratic* Committee of Erie,
Dougherty said that he ran for the Dougherty said. He cited the need Dougherty said that he is undecid-
office because of "inefficiencies" to create programs to keep ed about plans to run fortother
he saw on the Board. students in school instead of political offices in the future. fli
One means he hopes to use to punishments like suspensions. | gr "That's a question I really can't
correct these "inefficiencies," he A member of the Erie answer for four years," £he
concluded. ife "r m 8Z> t W

Film Review
AlllThelRight Moves'
Doesn't Move AslltlShould
By Laura Ruby than anything. A football scholar- tive. You were left with a shallow
li. Football? For some it's a way ship was his only shot. j ^ ^ ^ _ _ feeling, anti
^Hftfe^Th'frfthe'rTaJ? tnoscTwho In many ways, the film was lappen next.
simply eat, sleep, and breath the realistic. For many kids today, an ^ There was one scene in the film
game. For Tom Cruise in extra-curricular J activity, such as that I feltl was visually excep-
ALL! THE RIGHT MOVES, football, isiithe only way to get tional. The?scene was a football
football was his only chance. - through college. Dealing with peer game between tworival^schools.
The film, ALL THEJJRIGHT pressures, family hardships and Halfway throughout the game it
MOVES, ..written by I Michael self-growth, the film was a good began to |rain. The turbid at-
Kane, directed by Michael Chap- representation of struggle. mosphere mixed with the intense
man and produced j by Stephen For the J most part, the acting expressions of a fighting football
Deutsch stars Tom Cruise, Lea was decent. Tom Cruise seemed to teamj made this the; only eye-
Thompson and Gary Graham. be a natural! in front of the blinking scene in the film.
The film! focused around the camera. With;; a? better role, he "Never ^quit" wasj the basic
lives of high school kids and their may have had more of an impact. theme of ALL THE RIGHT
desires to make something * of It seems as though there were too MOVES. Maybe the producers of
themselves. Stephan Georgovitch many undeveloped characters in the film should have. ALL THE
(Tom Cruise), fthe protagonist, the film that took away from the RIGHT MOVES seemed to make
was faced with the fear of pot get- emotional feffect. Many of the avlot off wrong moves. If you
Old Man Winter sneaks into Erie ting accepted into a good college scenes were either cut too short or decide you want to see the film,
for an education he wanted more dragged out too long to be effec- make the right move / and don't.



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Prospective Students
Aided By Campus Club
The Admissions Club is an that they were going through the
organization that was created last admissions process. I • • H B

year through the Admissions Of- Overall, the Admissions Club is Htsli
fice at Mercyhurst. The* club's looking for those students that By Debbie
main goal is to seek out and talk have a dynamic personality, enjoy
to as many high school seniors as Mercyhurst College, like speaking E3S&8 piiilipa^ _
possible, so as to generate an in- with and meeting new people, and :
terest in coming to Mercyhurst having-fun. f c # j ^ p i | | 8 ; ^ ^ p t ^ «a!iuaf
In addition, students in the club Pat Callahan, a former Admis-
help out by giving tours to pro- sions Club volunteer said, "I had
spective freshmen, aiding the Ad- a lot of fun last year working in
missions Office during the sleep- the Admissions iClub. As a pe|p0oil||^|il^^pc^|ln g
ing bag weekends, and a host of freshman, it was the best ex- to f^ba^lHflii^p^l^
other projects. % f perience for me'. I met many peo-
ple, both students and administra-
This year, Rich Lanzillo, ad- tion." The best part of it was the
missions counselor and Brent helping out with and meeting of

Scarpo, student worker, will be the prospective freshmen, *he
forming the club'. Lanzillo hopes added. «.
the club will be a big success. He M»M
said, "Our; main goal is to The first meeting of the Admis- LWVW1


One Week Away

generate high school seniors to sions Club will be Thursday,
become interested in Mercyhurst November 8 at 8 Jp.m. in the
College, and at the same time I Faculty Dining Room, (across
would like the club members to from the cafeteria entrance). All
have fun during the process." students* are welcome, and The annual senior dinner is just Stephanie Hultburg said "it will
The club itself will meet | bet- refreshments will be served. a week away. The newly acquired be an evening other than gradua-
ween once and twice a month. Students unable? to attend the St. Mark's facility will be the site tion where all the seniors will be Mercyburs^|pifeiii|ak€ advaifl
There is no cost involved and it is meeting, should stop by the Ad- of this year's dinner. -JJSH together." •& * tage offgoiagpo the Christmas
open| to gall ^students, especially missions Office and leave their The festivities will begin at 7:30 Senior Darlene Nolan said, "I formal tolbegm Iheif Chrjfetiias
freshmen, for it was only last year name and phone number. p.m. with a wine and cheese par- think it will be J nice Aor all "'the •** v

ty. Dinner will be served from 8 to seniors to get together and have i M M h w ^ be!
9 p.ITW The evening will conclude one big party."
with dancing to the? sounds of While the dinner and-dance is ffSQfg c o l m
Prophecy. the highlight of the | evening, a :
The dinner is free to? Mer- special award commemorates the pThe c | | | 0 § the Iformal fs; $3
cyhurst seniors.*Guests may at- dinner.l|% I
SkleYs* Prefcfeire'To" tend* the dinner for" a-cost of
$15.00*[ - r * \ ^
The dinner menu includes:
The Sister** Carolyn Herman
Senior service award will be
presented to the student who has
be purchased in the $t$0£ c4jffcce+

Tackle The Slopes choice of prime rib or stuffed

chicken breast, French* onion
soup, an ti pas to,, corn Mexicano,
devoted much time to the college
community. *
Seniors who had not confirmed
•~W- m H mfcv. A

Any one who enjoys skiing member of the Ski Club should baked potatoes and chocolate ice their reservation but still want to Get Ready
might consider joining t h e have their money in Jby Friday, cream cake roll. attend this£ event| may purchase a FINALS
1983-84 Mercyhurst Ski Club. December 9, to Jennifer Shreve in Many seniors are already an- tickets at the door Friday evening.
Beginning in January, there will Baldwin room 215. ticipating the evening. Senior December
be eight* weekly&trips to Peak ' n
Peek Ski Resort in Clymer, New
York. | o
The cost for eight trips, eight
lessons and eight lift tickets is
$70.00. In addition, there is a van
Tony Sabella's Genuine i
i i
i i
fee of $13.00 and a club member-
ship of $2.00. This covers eight
weeks. If skis are needed, a $35.00'
Pizza and Delicatessen i i
rental fee, which also covers eight i i
weeks, is charged.
For beginners, the ski club is of-
The Fresh Dough Pizza i
fering an $11.00 * Beginner's i i
Package. For $11.00, the beginner
will receive a ^beginner's lift
ticket, one lesson, and rentals for
iu brazier o

one night of skiing. (This does not 3 ^

include the van fee.) If the begin-

ner would want to continue with
To ad dorms and college apartments Any Royal Treat
the Ski Club, the $11.00 wouW be
credited to the. rest of the amount. Sunday-Thursday - 7-10 o.
for only CO

Friday-Saturday - 7-12

The;van,? driven Iby Dr. Paul

Edwards, the club faculty advisor, m
will leave Baldwin Hall at approx-
imately 5:15 ?p.m. and return 3018 State Street 455-6119 I
around 11:00 p.m. every Tuesday.
$ Peak ' n Peek Resort has been
working on its snow-making i
equipment and slope. They have
also added new bindings, along Large Pizza* with Cheese 1 coupon per visit
with ski brakes to all of their skis. i excluding sale items.
According to Sue Bennett, "last Plus two FREE items of your
winter's ski conditions ended up i Store Hours: I
being not very good for skiers, but i I
this year, fit should be a better J Monday thru Sunday 11 a.m.-11 p.m.
season!" I I
Any one wishing to become a CLIP AND SAVE
Financial Aid
Committee Established
To Organize Activities Banks Say Loans May
A new committee (has been
formed, to organize and coor-
include making sure a film projec-
tor will be at Zurn'.Hall for the
BecomeiThing Of Past
dinate the events sponsored by the film for discussion, confirming
various departments of the col- that publicity has been completed Though two major banks warn- backs, pay at interest rates below
lege. The external committee is for an upcoming event. "It's real- ed that Guaranteed Student Loans what the banks could charge to
the name of the organization ly a check and balance system," may, out of necessity, become a other customers, explained
developed by Mary Daly, director Daly said. thing of the past, Mercyhurst William Stallkemp of Mellon
of external affairs. Daly initiated the committee financial aid officials are not con- Bank. *I
The committee consists % of because an event recently spon- cerned about the possibility. iBoth Floyd and Stallkemp
various persons who are responsi- sored by the* college lacked At a recent convention of the recommended changing the GSL
ble for the tasks which affect the organization.- As a result,iDaly National? Council of Higher program to allow banks to charge
organization of specific events. did not want the incident to occur Education Loan ^Programs, more| interest to 'students once
again, so she took it upon herself Mary Daly i representatives of the - Florida they leave school. Under current
Some of the members include,
Conine Halperin, director of the to organize the committee. each event, the external commit- Federal Savings and | Loan rules, interest rates cannot be in-
Office of Community Education. However, she does not single tee is also looking for ways to help Association and Pittsburgh's creased during the life of the loan.
Phyllis Aiello, director of housing herself out as a chairperson the Mercyhurst community ease Mellon Bank expressed concern 2 Sr. Michele believes this action
and safety, Donna Peterson, because she considers the commit- the tension of preparing for an about their lack of profit' from will not reach Erie, $or even ex-
public relations director for the tee a group which meets informal- event. A book instructing students student loans. pand to a national trend.
music department, Sharon Sisco, ly. Although the committee just and faculty members how to ob- But, | Assistant Director of "The banks in Erie are too
director of media services, Bertha began meeting three weeks ago, tain specific materials will be Financial Aid, Sister | Michele family oriented," she said. "If
Kiewice, director of housekeeping Daly believes it has already pro- made in the 1 near future. "This Leehan doubts that this trend will this was a serious consideration,
and John Washington, Supervisor ven successful. f will develop a structure for plann- spread or even continue.* we would have had some inkling
of K.C. Foods/ $ I gg The college has not had such a ing," Daly said. m "I don't 3 think there's any of it." *& I
committee in the past, because the The external committee is also reason for worry," Sr. Michele .But according to CPS, Floyd
i The committee has developed a planning to make a recommenda-
motto which clearly defines the college has never flourished with said, citing that so far only two thinks that,\ "down the road,
an abundance of events until this tion to Dr. William P. Garvey, banks have mentioned the you'll see a massive withdrawal"
purpose of the external commit- president of the college. The
tee. "It lets the right hand know year, she explained. f possibility of cutting back on the of banks from the GSL program.
Celebration of the arts, the recommendation calls for a loans.
what the left hand is doing," Daly master calendar to be devised to
said. Peterson views the commit- Mercyhurst Student Government According to College Press Ser-
lecture series, film for discussions, inform the college community of vice (CPS), Lawrence Floyd of
tee as an organization which the events taking place around the
"makes the whole college run theatre and dance department Florida [ Federal Savings said if
productions and the expansion of campus. In the future, Daly segments of the student popula-
smoothly." K * would like to see a calendar
The committee meets every the HRM and music departments tion were to be "chopped out" of
have all contributed to the forma- printed every term listing all the loan receiving opportunities, the
Monday to oversee that the events special eventsi occurring at Mer-
scheduled for the next two weeks tion of the external committee. first to go would probably be
In the midst of preparing ifor cyhurst College. students at private, vocational
are thoroughly planned. This may
colleges, who generally borrow
less money than other students.
Seven Erieites j . , * 4
As a result, their loans are less
profitable for the bank to make,
Only 2 3 Days
Receive Scholarships • | Until \
Floyd said. |v
Student loans also become un-
profitable to banks after Jhe
students graduate, when the
By Naomi Romanchok $
MERCIAD Staff Reporter
the award. "It helped me further
my education." CHRISTMAS! #M*
students who do begin loan pay
"It's my way of beating the
high cost of sending out cards
Seven Mercyhurst College Channel Pulliam, another this year" kL "EF
students from the Erie area were freshman and CMIS majors who
recently announced as recipients graduated from Academy High The awards stem from the col-
of two prestigious local School in Erie, said, "the scholar- lege's commitment to social
scholarships. ship especailly influenced my deci- justice. Both scholarships are in
Winners of the Bishop Jeffer- sion to come to Mercyhurst Col- memory of two area men who
son Davis Myers Scholarship were lege." Other winners were undertook the cause of black
Melinda Connor, Toni Myers and unavailable for comment at press ministry and eventual social
Channel Pulliam. Recipients of time. justice.
the Reverend Ernest T. Smith
Scholarships were Tyrone Battles, *4
Bernard Lofton, Anthony Mc-
Cullum and Trudie Tate.
The scholarship judging was
based on high school academic \c
performance, church service,
community service and the recom-
mendations^ of their respective
pastor. J $
I The Bishop Myers Scholarships
were awarded for academic ac-
complishment. Each carries a
38th and Pine Ave.

monetary value of between $1,150
and $2,300. The Reverend Smith Presents
Scholarships were granted to Friday, December 2 -
students who show future promise D.J.
with the help of a Mercyhurst iter and The Phantom
education. Both awards can be with a tribute to Elvis 10 - 2 '
21st & BROWN AVE.
renewed yearly. £ Monday: Wing Night
Toni Myers, a graduate of Mer- H OPEN g Tuesday: Pony Night 3 f o r i
cyhurst Prep, felt that the scholar- Mon.-Thurs.: 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.
ship was, "a well-earned pay-off Fri.-Sat.: 9:30 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. Wednesday: Ladles Night & Draft Night
|for all of my high school work." Thursday: D J . Call
Myers is a freshman majoring in 459-8109
Computer Management Informa-
tion Systems. Home Delivery j Happy Hour - S S S i * ^ 4te
Freshman Trudie Tate, also a We Specialize In Keg Beer •^SPECIAL PRICES TO MATCH THE DECADE
CMIS major and a graduate of Drive Thru
1 East High School, was happy with



THE MERC IAD reserves the right to review all

classifieds to prevent libelous statements, and
to maintain ethical standards.

Staff - Pm so happy! Thanks for Fozz: FMH! 1 Communications Data Processing Main. Also on sale will be a Goose
getting ail yoor stories in by 2
p.m. It's much easier this way, Mom and Dad, I love you! See ya I 3 Meeting Association Raffle tickets at 50 cents each or
three for a dollar. Finally, a sale
and now I get to watch G.L. Love soon - Love Bug J There will be a Communications An organizational meeting of the will j take place on ] December 8
yaaH, Chief. I % I $£ § Department meeting for all ma- Mercy hurst College chapter of the from s8 a.m. to 4 p.m. outside
Bill and Mame: Just wanted to say jors and minors on Wednesday, DPMA (Data Processing Manage- Campus Ministry.
To the 4 ballerinas in Townhouse hi and that everything's okay. The December 7, at 3:30 p.m. in the ment Association) will be held on
8: Pher! HI queen is really getting on my case - Media Services Projection Room, Wednesday, December 7, at 8 Need a Check Cashed?
but what else is new? We're get- The meeting is expected to last p.m., fin Room 200 Main.
Mom and Dad: Teddy had a great ting a tree this weekend - ho, ho, one hour. \. Membership is open to any full- The student government offers a
break. He sends hugs and kisses to ho! Love, Jane. time Mercyhurst student. check cashing service. It is
Cotty. I miss you! Love^Dingy. available to all full time students.
Fi,m at
Shane:' Eai"an^ jfea la^r? Gannon There is a two dollar registration'
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY A film entitled "A Matter of Egan Scholar fee. For each check cashed, a 25
cent fee is charged. I Personal
MARTHA!! LOVE, THE THOMAS - HAVE THE HAP- Choice'»will be shown at the Gan- Christmas Party
P I E S T 22nd B I R T H D A Y , non University Student Service checks cannot exceed $75.00.
STAFF I Check cashing accounts can be
DEARI f Center on Monday, December 5, The Egan Scholar Christmas Par-
at 7:30 p.m. at 5th and Peach Sts. opened in 209 Main.
Mr. Jones lives! ty wiD be held on Sunday,
I want my presents on SATUR- For more information,! contact December 4 at 8:30 p.m. in the
FAA is responsible for the death DAY, DECEMBER 11! I swear Campus Ministry at 211 Main, faculty dining room. x Counseling Services
of Mr. Jones. this date is correct! He he! Love Ext. 429. Have a problem and need so-
ya, Teddy. f' t |, meone to listen and help you to
Answer: Dinner for four. (Ques- v••••• ParkingiRestrictions Holiday Airline Rates overcome your difficulties? In
tion comes next week) MARTHA AND FRAN: Did the * Through cooperative agreement complete confidence you can talk
ship sink? Let's go crazy! (Happy AU
vehicles parked in the between Mercyhurst College and to Dr. Warren Hohwald, the col-
Karen-are you in the archives? B-day, M.C.!) Love, K. restricted parking lots after 10 Jet Stream International Airlines, lege's part time counselor. His of-
p.m. will be towed away at significantly reduced rates are be- fice is located across from the
owner's risk and expense. These ing offered for the holiday vaca- Campus Ministry * room and his
lots are posted with signs that pro- tion period. Eastern airports ser- hours are Wednesdays 2-5 p.m.
hibit parking from 10 p.m. to 6 viced by Jet Stream International and Thursdays, 5-9 p.m. An ap-
a.m., from November 15 to are JFK and Philadelphia. Please pointment i can be made through

Haw Something March 31 to facilitate snow

contact John Nesbit or JoyJMo the freshman studies office.
Quillen at Ext. 270 or*271 for
information. #> * * ** Basket bail Broadcasts
W « To Sell? 0 PIPlBible StudyUPP*
Campus Ministry ; will conduct Cancer Research
Hey.flf you can't make it to the^j
Mercyhurst Basketball games
Have Something weekly ecumenical Bible Study
sessions during the winter term. Fundraisers**
Saturday or Monday, you can
check all the action by listening to

§ ToSay? Priests and ministers of different

denominations wilT participate.
Meeting times will be determined
Three fund-raisers to benefit Sr. the radio. And, the radio station
Eymard's cancer research will be is WMCY, 880 am. WMCY win
held by Campus Ministry during broadcast all 'Hurst away games
0a H Through the Classified by participants during the i first
session. Interested persons may
December. Christmas cards, at 20 beginning with a pre-game show
cents each or 10 for $1.50 will be at 7:45 p.m. Listen to the voice of
sign up in Campus Ministry. ?| for sale in the CM center, 211 the Lakers, WMCY 880 am.


flC^ »»-

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Interstate 90 and 97,
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*-s State St Exit at Rainbow Gardens
Mr. Sam Covelll
Stop by after the game!! Owner-Operator If 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
MC Refreshments will be served
McDonalds Saturday, December 3
Mall Shopping Trip
Friday, December 9
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One coupon per customer per visit. I
on Sunday, December
Coupon Expires 12/12/83 \ \ Cash value 1/20 of a cent | 114Zurn
• a
Division II colleges also did. Union of New York.

Voice's Ower In case some of you missed \

Jack Polancy's columns a few I Here are some basketball scores
of local interest from the
weeks ago in The Morning News,
Easy he felt just about the same way.
Polancy called Creehan's style of
weekend: Edinboro 73, Pitt-
Bradford 64; Gannon 106,
coaching "bush". Alliance 67; Niagara 105, St. John
If perhaps you don't know Fisher 73; Robert Morris 86, Lock
what happened in the ball game, Haven St. 63;1 St. Vincent 79,
let me enlighten you. Besides ob- Frost burg Sti 51.
viously outmanning Mercy hurst,
Edinboro made it even more While I'm on Basketball, I
apparent, f •* f can't leave out the Lakers. After
Creehan kept the first) string two regular season games, the
ballplayers in the contest for all team has looked good. ' 1 \
5 but the last few minutes of*, the
game. To add fnjury to insult,
The 'Hurst adapted well to the
Houghton College style of play as
with the Fighting Scots leading the team was forced to play a
58-7, Edinboro attempted a

slowly paced game. It didn't
2-point conversion after their hinder them as the Lakers finished
touchdown. * the contest on top, 63-48. John
Then moments later, Edinboro Green had a game high 23 points Lakers Dave Marshall (42), Todd Lee (32) and Marty Cams (34) put

attempted an onside kick. How's for the Blue and Green. forth a team effort during the St. Francis game.
that for class coaching? |
Personally, I'm not shedding Against the Red t Flash of St.
any tears over the fact that the
Mercyhurst-Edinboro series may
Francis, Mercyhurst played well,
but not well enough to win. The
Lakers win; Lakers Lose
Allot of interesting events oc- be over. In fact, if it were feasible, game, which was held at the Brie by Yoko v
Red Flashi J.D. Berkeley led the
curred over the recent break I'd like to drop Edinboro from all Civic j Center, was an exciting MERCIAD Sports Staff E 'Hurst in scoring and rebounding
which I think are worth noting. our sports schedules. game with both squads running St. Francis Head Basketball with 18 points andflO rebounds.
After Edinboro's Denny I But, since | that isn't realistic, Coach Kevin Porter had a game The Blue and Green was hurt by
and gunning. i i t
Creehan's Fighting Scots proved how about a payback. Nothing as plan in mind when he came to Erie turnovers, they threw away the
S T h e Lakers fell short 89-75.
how classy they were by running lowdown, but effective. Like and it worked. The Lakers drop- ball 18 times. Berkeley also led
A sidelight of the two cage's has ped their first game 89-75 to the this category with six.
up the score against the Lakers, perhaps a big basketball victory. been the play of freshmen \ Matt Red Flash.
they sat back proudly and eagerly It's convenient too. Mercyhurst In the* season opener against
Nesser and Todd Lee. These two Porter, a former NBA star for
waited for an invitation to the entertains Edinboro on Monday, Houghton, the Lakers used 62.5
guys have been performing like 11 years, wanted his club to
NCAA Division^ II playoffs. *I December 12$ at the Campus juniors instead of first year col-
percent shooting from the field to
guess Coach Creehan figured the Center. Let's all go out there and bother and contain John Green. defeat the visitors. The 'Hurst led
lege players. Check them out. Green, who scored 35 u points
76-13 trouncing of the 'Hurst root for the Lakers in this one. from the start of this game and
would impress the JNCAA last year; against the Red Flash, maintained their lead throughout.
I think everyone was upset with
officials. 5 Staying with football for a mo- the turnout of last Monday's was held to ten. Green was high scorer for the
I suppose it's my duty to report ment. The Division III playoffs game. Hie game was scheduled "We put our big guard, 'Hurst with 23, Kenny Moss'had
to you the sad turn of events. O Napoleon Lighting |(6-4), on 10, and Rodney Coffield and Eric
have produced the .Jjnal Jwo for the Civic Center well in ad^ Green so that he'd have a big man
hope the sarcasm wasn't too ob- teams .^t wfl! befAugustaTOiri 1 ^ vance^t ltafrto^eTrt'ayed there/ "Peel^added ^line^^piece^TTie
vious.) The Edinboro Fighting in his face to shoot over. Our key Lakers take to the-road for games
team that held, the number gone yet neither the \ Mercyhurst Stu- to winning the game was contain-
Scots had to sit back and watch ranking throughout the season, dent Government nor the Student this Saturday and Monday before
the playoffs commence without ing Green," said Porter. coming home next Wednesday.
facing the squad which was rank- Activities Committee scheduled a
their presence like the majority of The Lakers fought valiantly but All games will be carried on
ed eighth most of the year,/ Mt. shuttle. Let's get with it people.
the Lakers couldn't overcome the WMCY 880 AM. S

Verilla And Callahan f

Take X-Country On The Road
By Debbie Hison | jf was just an off day for us," said min. "37 sec. which ghe ran last
Four month of excruciating Verilla. April in the Boston Marathon.
training, waking up at .7 a.m. Of the 6,000 starters only about Of course they are disappointed
weekends for a daily 15 mile run 2,100 runners finished the race. with their performance in
and countless hours of condition- Verilla finished A approximately Philadelphia \but this has (given
ing. These are just a? few of the 300, and Callahan dropped out of them", the incentive to try even
numerous qualities that go into the race at 17 miles with stomach harder next time.
the making of a marathon runner. and intestinal cramps. "I went to One goal of Callahan's is to run
Striving to be the best, that's Philadelphia in hopes of qualify- in this year's upcoming Boston
what .Ron Verilla and Pat ing "for the Boston Marathon, Marathon. He'll have to do this
Callahan are trying to obtain, f: although at five miles I was on by qualifying in another race in
Ron and Pat participated in the pace,? the cramps became too less than 2:30:00. Because of
25k International Peace race, in severe," he said* He will try to Verilla's finish in last year's
Youngstown, Ohio a few weeks qualify again in the Cleveland- Marathon he j was 'invited back
ago. Callahan placed third in his Revco Marathon. | again. |
Pat Callahan, Coach Mike Speros and Ron Verilla discuss strategy age group with a time of one Verilla was not really in top J In the next four months both
Ohio 25K. ^ hour, 38 minutes. Verilla came in shape for the race because of a leg runners will be training very hard
22 overall out of 600 starters with strain a few weeks prior to the to | accomplish and obtain the
Swimming vs. Niagara Results a fourth place finish and a time of
one hour, 29 minutes.
event. "At 10 miles I was on|a goals they have set for themselves.
2:30:00 pace, physically I felt We wish them luck! <
MEN •DOUBLE WINNERS WOMEN Just this past Sunday, O.K. but mentally I didn't train Ron and Pat would like to
- Julie Jucncmann -200 Fre November 27, they both ran in the hard enough. I'll train harder for thank Dr. William Garvey for all
Free, Mary Beth Joseph - 200 Philadelphia Marathon. Overall Boston." The best time for Verilla bis support.
Relay -200 Free Relay, Kelli M Pat and Ron did not fair well. "It so far his been his time of 2 hr. 37
200 Medley Relay-200 Free Rd
MEN •SINGLE WINNERS WOMEN Lady Lakers Scrimmage Results
Matt White SOFree Mercyhurst Mens* Basketball j £*,
- Lynn Robinson - 50 Free, Heidi Jenci Mercyhurst - 79 f Penn State-Snenango Valley 99 Mercyhnnt«3 f Houghton 48
- 200 Medley Relay, Jill Snyder - 200 High Scorer • Sherry Putnam 23 points k High Scorer - John Green 23 v
Medley Relay, Laurie Albrecht - 200 High Rebounder - Sherry Putnam 20 ft } High Rcbounder-Eric Peek 4%
Free Relay, Lynn Fusco -{200 Free Mercyhurst 80 T> , Jamestown C.C. 56 •J.D. Berkeley 4
Relay. 1 • High scorer - Sherry Putnam 22 points * A WMCY MVP - John Green
High rcbounder - Sherry Putnam 19 Mercyhurst 75 %
SCORES Mercyhurst 80 \ | Behrend99 y High Scorer - Berkeley 18 I*
St. FrancisflPa) 89
Mercyhurst 18 *- Mercyhurst 49 High scorer - Bea Tomczak 20
High rcbounder - Sherry Putnam 16
v-. ' "*3 High Rcbounder - Berkeley 10.
WMCY MVP - J.D. Berkeley
Niagara 47 - Niagara 45 THE MERCIAD

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