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Timpul viitor (Future Tense)

Future Tense Simple (viitorul simplu) – determina o actiune ce are loc intr-un moment viitor. Se formeaza din subiect + shall sau will + verbul la infinitivul scurt (S
+ shall/ will + V1)
Afirmativ: Interogativ: Negativ:
I shall (I’ll) play tennis (Eu voi juca tenis) Shall I play tennis? (Voi juca eu tenis?) I shall not play tennis (Eu nu voi juca tenis)
You will (You’ll) play tennis (Tu vei juca tenis) Will you play tennis? You will not play tennis
He/ She will play tennnis (El/ Ea va juca tenis) Will he/ she play tennis? He/ she will not play tennis
We shall (We’ll) play tennis (Noi vom juca tenis) Shall we play tennis? We shall not play tennis
You will (You’ll) play tennis (Voi/ Dvs. veti juca tenis) Will you play tennis? You will not play tennis
They will (They’ll) play tennis (Ei/ Ele vor juca tenis) Will they play tennis? They will not play tennis

Future Tense Continuous (viitorul continuu) – determina o actiune ce are loc intr-un moment viitor, ca si viitorul simplu, dar se foloseste cu expresia temporala
„on this time”. Se formeaza din subiect + shall sau will + be + V1+ing
Afirmativ: Interogativ: Negativ:
I shall be playing tennis tomorow on this time Shall I be playing tennis tomorow on this time? I shall not be playing tennis tomorow on this time
(Eu voi juca tenis maine pe vremea asta.) (Voi juca eu tenis maine pe vremea asta?) (Eu nu voi juca tenis maine pe vremea asta)
You will be playing tennis... Will you be playing tennis...? You will not be playig tennis...
He/ She will be playing tennnis... Will he/ she be playing tennis...? He/ she will not be playing tennis...
We shall be playing tennis... Shall we be playing tennis...? We shall not be playing tennis...
You will be playing tennis... Will you be playing tennis...? You will not be playing tennis...
They will be playing tennis Will they be playing tennis...? They will not be playing tennis...

„shall” se foloseste pentru persoana I sg. si pl. (Eu, Noi). Astfel: I shall make (Voi face), We shall make (Vom face)
„ will” se foloseste pentru persoanele a II-a si a III-a sg. si pl. (Tu, Voi, El/Ea, Ei/Ele). Astfel. You/ He/ She/ It/ We/ They will make (Vei, Veti, Va, Vom, Vor face)

Propozitii (Sentences):
I’ll be there at eight o’clock. (Voi fi acolo la ora 8)
Will you visit the exhibition? (Vei vizita expozitia?)
I’m sure the owner will arrive on time. (Sunt sigur ca proprietarul va sosi la timp)
Therefore, Ms. Popescu will buy the villa. (Prin urmare/ Asadar, Dna. Popescu va cumpara vila)
He will call at the office in order to find out more details. (El va suna la birou pentru a afla mai multe detalii)
Her idea (It) will convince nobody. (Ideea ei nu va convinge pe nimeni) Her idea will not convince. (Ideea ei nu va convinge)
There is no doubt the commission will come soon. (Fara indoiala, comisia va sosi curand)
We shall find out all the properties. (Vom afla toate proprietatile). We shall find all the properties. (Vom gasi toate proprietatile)
You’ll build the house till the end of 2011. (Veti construi casa pana la sfarsitul lui 2011)
I think they will buy the land as legal persons/ individuals. Or maybe not. (Cred ca vor cumpara terenul ca persoane juridice/ persoane fizice. Sau poate ca nu)

exemplu pt viitorul continuu: It will be raining tomorow on this time. (Maine pe vremea asta va ploua)

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