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Chapter I
A1 Describe the real number system, integers, rational numbers, irrational numbers and real numbers.
A1.1 Review operations on whole numbers.
A1.1.1 Additional and subtraction.
A1.1.2 Multiplication
A1.1.3 Division
A1.2 Describe opposite quantities in real life situation
A1.3 Determine the absolute value of a number
A1.4 Solve simple absolute value equations using the number line
A1.5 Perform fundamental operations on integers
A1.5.1 Addition
A1.5.2 Subtraction
A1.5.3 Multiplication
A1.5.4 Division
A1.6 Illustrate the different properties of real numbers
A1.6.1 Commutative
A1.6.2 Associative
A1.6.3 Distributive
A1.6.4 Identity
A1.6.5 Inverse
A1.7 Solve problems involving integers
A1.8 Perform operation on fractions
A1.8.1 Addition
A1.8.2 Subtraction
A1.8.3 Multiplication
A1.8.4 Division
A1.9 Solve problems involving fractions
A1.10 Perform operations on decimals
A1.10.1 Addition
A1.10.2 Subtraction
A1.10.3 Multiplication
A1.10.4 Division
A1.11 Solve problems involving decimals
A2. Demonstrate knowledge and skills in solving square roots of positive rational numbers
A2. 1 Define the square root of a rational number/give examples of irrational numbers
A2.2 Approximate the square root of a positive rational numbers
A2.3 Identify the square roots which are rational and which are irrational
A2.4 Identify the square roots which are rational and determine two integers or rational numbers between
which it lies

Chapter II
B1 Demonstrate knowledge and skill in measurement and use of measuring devices, conversion of unit’s
measurement, and solving real-life problems
B1.1 Illustrate of measurement from primitive to the present international system of units
B1.2 Use instrument to measure:
B1.2.1 Length/area
B1.2.2 Volume and capacity/mass
B1.2.3 Temperature/ angle
B1.3 Convert measurement from one unit to another
B1.3.1 Length/distance
B1.3.2 Area
B1.3.3 Volume and capacity/ mass
B1.3.4 Temperature
B1.3.4.1 Convert degree Celsius to degree Fahrenheit
B1.3.4.2 Convert degree Fahrenheit to degree Celsius
B1.3.5 Time
B1.4 Express relationship between two quantities using ratios
Chapter III
C1 Demonstrate knowledge and skills in simplifying and performing operations on polynomials
C1.1 Define constant, variable and algebraic expression
C1.2 Simplify numerical expressions involving exponents and grouping symbols
C1.3 Translate verbal phrases to mathematical expressions and vice-versa
C1.3.1 Translate verbal phrases to mathematical expressions
C1.3.2 Translate mathematical expression to verbal phrases
C1.4 Evaluate mathematical expressions for given values of the variable/s involve
C1.5 Apply the laws of exponents
C1.5.1 Product law
C1.5.2 Power of a power law (am)n=amn
C1.5.3 Power of a product law (ab)m=ambm
C1.5.4 Quotient law am/an=am-n
C1.5.4.1 Where m-n is a positive number if m>n
C1.5.4.2 Where m-n is a negative number if m<n
C1.5.5 power of a quotient law (a/b)m=am/bm
C1.6 Express numbers in scientific notation
C1.7 Define polynomials. Classify algebraic expressions as polynomials/ non-polynomials
C1.8 Perform operations on polynomials
C1.8.1 Add polynomials
C1.8.2 Subtract polynomials
C1.8.3 Multiply a polynomial by a monomial
C1.8.4 Multiply a binomial by another binomial
C1.8.5 Multiply a polynomial by another polynomial
C1.8.6 Divide a polynomial by a monomial
C1.8.7 Divide a polynomial by binomial
C1.8.8 Divide a polynomial by another polynomial
C1.9 Solve word problems involving polynomials
Chapter IV
D1 Demonstrate knowledge and skill in transforming and solving first degree equation and inequalities in
one variable
D1.1 Distinguish equations from inequalities
D1.2 Translate a verbal statement involving general or unknown quantities to an equation and vice-versa
D1.3 Translate a verbal statement involving general or unknown quantities to an inequality and vice-versa
D1.4 Determine the solution set of a first degree equation or inequality using:
D1.4.1 Number line
D1.4.2 Replacement set
D1.4.3 Inspection
D1.5 State/ illustrate the different properties of equality
D1.6 Apply the properties of equality in finding the solution set of a first degree equation
D1.6.1 Addition/subtraction properties of equality
D1.6.2 Multiplication/Division properties of equality
D1.7 Apply the properties of inequality in finding the solution set of a first degree inequality
D1.8 Solve word problems using first degree equations and inequalities in one variable
D1.8.1 Numbers
D1.8.1.1 Number relation
D1.8.1.2 Consecutive numbers
D1.8.2 Geometry
D1.8.3 Business
D1.8.4 Uniform motion
D1.8.5 Money problems
D1.8.6 Work
D1.8.7 Mixture
Chapter V
E1 Demonstrate knowledge and skill about linear equations in two variables and apply these in solving real
life problems
E1.1 Describe the Cartesian coordinate plane
E1.2 Given a point on the coordinate plane, give its coordinates
E1.3 Given a pair of coordinates, Plot the point. Given the coordinate of a point, determine the quadrant
where it is located
E1.4 Define/identify the linear equation in two variables: Ax + By = C
E1.5 Construct a table of values for x and y given a linear equation in two variables Ax + By = C. Define
the domain and range.
E1.6 Identify a table of values for x and y given linear equation in two variables Ax + By = C
E1.7 Identify the graph of Ax + By = C based on a table of values for x and y
E1.8 Draw the graph of Ax + By = C based on a table of values for x and y
E1.9 Define x and y intercepts and slope

Third Grading Period

E1.10 Determine the properties of the graph of a linear equation Ax + By = C
E1.10.1 Slope
E1.10.2 Trend
E1.10.3 Intercepts
E1.10.4 Domain and range
E1.11 Given a linear equation Ax + By = C, rewrite i9n the form y=mx + b
E1.12 Given a linear equation y=mx + b, rewrite in the form Ax + By = C
E1.13 Draw the graph of a linear equation in two variables describe by an equation using:
E1.13.1 The intercepts
E1.13.2 Any two points
E1.13.3 The slope in a given point
E1.14 Obtain the equation of the line given:
E1.14.1 Slope and intercept
E1.14.2 The intercepts
E1.14.3 Any two points
E1.14.4 Slope and a point
E1.15 Use linear equation in two variables to solve problems
E1.15.1 Number
E1.15.2 Motion
E1.15.3 Age
E1.15.4 Work
E1.16 Find the solution of an absolute value equation
E1.17 Draw the graph of absolute value equations
Chapter VI
F1 Demonstrate knowledge and skill in finding special products and factors of certain polynomial
F1.1 Identify Special products
F1.1.1 Polynomial whose terms have a common monomial factor
F1.1.2 Trinomial which is a product of two binomials
F1.1.3 Trinomial which is a product of the square of a binomial
F1.1.4 Product of the sum and difference of two quantities
F1.1.5 Cube of a binomial
F1.2 Given the factors, find the special product
F1.2.1 Polynomial whose terms have common monomial factors
F1.2.2 Trinomial which is a product of two binomials
F1.2.3 Trinomial which is a product of the square of a binomial
F1.2.4 Product of the sum and difference of two quantities
F1.2.5 Cube of a binomial
F1.3 Factor polynomial
F1.3.1 Polynomial whose terms have a common monomial factor
F1.3.2 Trinomial which is a product of two binomials where c is positive
F1.3.3 Trinomial which is a product of two binomials where c is negative
F1.3.4 Trinomial which is a product of two binomial where a is not equal to 1
F1.3.5 Trinomial which is not a product of two binomials where a is equal to 1
F1.3.6 Trinomial which is a square of a binomial
F1.3.7 Difference of two squares
F1.3.8 Difference of two cubes
F1.4 Given a polynomial factor completely
F1.5 Factor polynomial by groupings


A1.1 Define a system of linear in two variables

A1.2 Given a pair linear equation in two variables, identify those graphs whose graph
A1.3 Given a system of linear equation in two variables, find the solution graphically
A1.4 Given a system of linear in two variables, find the solution with elimination
A1.5 Use systems of linear equations to solve problems
A2.1 Define a system of linear inequalities
A2.2 Translates certain situation in real life to linear inequalities
A2.3 Draw the graph of a linear inequalities two variables
B1.1 Distinguish a quadratic equation fro linear equation
B1.2 Determine the solution set of a quadratic equation ax2+bx+c= 0 by algebraic
B1.3 Solve rational equation which can be reduced to quadratic equation
B1.4 Use quadratic to solve problem
C1.1a Define rational algebraic expression
C1.2b Define the domain of rational algebraic expression
C1.2 Translate verbal expression into rational algebraic expression
C1.3 Simply rational algebraic expression
C1.4 Perform rational equation and check for extraneous solution
C1.5 Simply rational algebraic expression
C1.6 Solve rational equation and check for extraneous solution
C1.7 Solve problem involving rational algebraic expression
D1. Demonstrate knowledge of variation relationships and apply these in problem solving
D1.1 Demonstrate understanding of expression with
• Positive exponent
• Negative exponent
• Zero exponent
D1.2 Evaluate numerical expression involving integral exponent
D1.3 Rewrite algebraic expression with zero & negative exponent
D1.4 Solve problems involving expression with exponent
E1.1 Identify expression which are perfect square and perfect cubes
E1.2 Find the square root or cube root of expression
E1.3 Given the number inequalities the form where x is not a perfect cubes
E1.4 Use laws of exponents to simplify expressions containing rational exponent
E1.5 Rewrite expressions with rational exponents radical expressions and vice-versa
E1.6 Simplify the radical expressions inequalities such a way that the radical contains no
Nth root
E1.7 Rationalize a friction whose denominator contains square roots
E1.8 Perform operations on radical expressions
E1.9 Solve radical equations
E1.10 Solve problems involving radical expressions
F1.1 List the few terms
F1.2 Derive from pattern searching A mathematical expression (rule) for generating the
F1.13 Describe an arithmetic sequence by any of ff. ways
• Giving the first few terms
• Giving the formula for the nth term
• Drawing the graph
F1.4 Given the first few term of as arithmetic sequence find the
• Common difference
• Nth term
F1.5 Given two terms of an arithmetic sequence find the
• Nth term
• Common difference or A specified
F1.6 Solve problems involving arithmetic means
F1.9 Solve problems involving arithmetic sequence
F2.1 Describe A geometric sequence inequalities any of ff ways
• Giving the first few terms of the sequence giving the formula for the nth term
• Drawing the graph
F2.2 Given the first few terms of geometric sequence, find the
• Common ratio
• Nth term
F2.3 Given two specified terms of geometric sequence, find the
• First term
• Common ratio
F2.4 Solve problems involving geometric means
F2.6 Find the sum of the terms of geometric sequence
F2.8 Solve problems involving geometric sequence
(First Quarter)


1 Undefined Terms
Describe the ideas of points, lines, and planes.
Define, identify, and name the subsets of a line.

1 Angles
Name and identify an angle.
Name and identify parts of an angle.
Find the measurement of an angle.
1 Name, identify and identify the different kinds of

Geometric Relations
Define a midpoint.
1 Apply the definition of betweens in determining
which point is between the other two.
Define a midpoint .
1 Formulate conclusions based from the definition of
an midpoint.
Apply the definition of a midpoint in finding the
coordinate of the midpoint of a segment.
Define and identify an Angle Bisector.
Formulate Conclusions based from definition of an
1 Angle Bisector.
Apply the definition of an Angle Bisector in finding
the measurement of an angle.
Define and identify the different Angle Pairs.
1 Find the measure of an Angle by applying the
relationships of the different Angle Pairs.
Solve problems by applying the relationships of the
1 different Angle Pairs.
Define and identify perpendicular lines.
Define and identify the Perpendicular bisector of a
1 segment.
Formulate conclusions based from the definition of
perpendicular lines and Perpendicular Bisector and

Angles formed by Parallel Cut by Transversal

Define and identify parallel lines.
1 Define and identify a transversal.
Identify the angles formed by lines cut by a
1 Prove the relationships of the angles formed by
lines cut by a transversal.
1 Find the measures of angles by applying the relationships of the angles formed by lines cut by a
1 Find the measures of angles by applying the
relationships of the angles by the lines cut by transversal.
1 Find the measures of angles by applying the
relationships of the angles formed by // lines cut by a transversal.
1 Polygons
Define and identify a polygon.
Identify the different kinds of polygons and their parts
Define a triangle.
1 Identify the different kinds of triangles according to sides and angles.
1 Name and identify the Basic and Secondary Parts of a T triangle.
1 Find the measures of the interior angles and relationships of a triangle.
1 Identify the measurements which could be the possible sides of a triangle and range of values for the third
1 Determine the sum of the measures of the interior angles of convex polygon .
1 Find the perimeter of a triangle.
1 Derive and apply the formula in finding the area of a triangle.
1 Name, define, and identify a quadrilateral and its parts.
1 Name, identify the different kinds of quadrilaterals
1 Derive and apply the formula in finding the perimeter square and rectangle.
1 Find the perimeter of polygons.
1 Derive and apply the formula in finding the area of square.
Derive and apply the formula in finding the area of a rectangle.
1 Derive and apply the formula in finding the area of parallelogram.
1 Derive and apply the formula in finding the area of a trapezoid.
1 Name, define, and identify the parts of a circle.
1 Derive and apply the formula in finding circumference of a circle.
1 Derive and apply the formula in finding the area of a circle.

Solid Figures
1 Define a solid figure.
1 Identify solid figures and their parts.
1 Derive and apply the formula in finding the Surface Area of a cube.
1 Derive and apply the formula in finding the Surface Area of a Rectangular Prism.
1 Derive and apply the formula in finding the Surface Area of a Square Pyramid.
1 Derive and apply the formula in finding the Surface Area of a Cylinder.
1 Derive and apply the formula in finding the Surface Area of a Cone.
1 Derive and apply the formula in finding the Volume of a Cone.
1 Derive and apply the formula in finding the Volume of a Cube.
1 Derive and apply the formula in finding the Volume of a Rectangular Prism.
1 Derive and apply the formula in finding the Volume of a Square Pyramid.
1 Derive and apply the formula in finding the Volume of a Cylinder.
1 Derive and apply the formula in finding the Volume of a Cone.
1 Derive and apply the formula in finding the Volume of a Sphere.

(Second Quarter)
Recitation Days Specific Competencies
Triangle Congruence
Conditions for Triangle Congruence
1 a. Define congruent triangles and identify the corresponding congruent parts.
a. Use the symmetric, reflexive, and transitive
1 properties of congruence in proving conditions for triangle congruence.
b. Apply SSS Congruence in proving that two
1 triangle are congruent.
1 a. Apply SAS Congruence in proving that two triangles are congruent.
1 a. Apply the ASA Congruence in proving that two triangles are congruent.
1 a. Apply SSA Congruence in proving that two triangles are congruent.
Congruence Segments and Congruent Angles
1 a. Use the definition of congruent triangles and conditions for triangle congruence in proving congruent
segments and angles between two triangles.
Congruence Between Right Triangles
1 a. Prove LL Congruence
b. Apply LL Congruence in proving triangles are congruent.
1 a. Prove HyL Congruence
b. Apply the HyL Congruence in proving two congruent right triangles.
1 a. Prove HyA Congruence
b. Apply the HyA Congruence in proving two congruent right triangles.
Slide and Angle Relations in a triangle
1 a. Prove Isosceles Triangle Theorem and its Converse.
b. Apply the ITT in finding the measure of
b.1 Base angles of a triangle.
1 b.2 Length of legs of a triangle.
Inequalities in a Triangle
a. Name the angles of a triangle in increasing/ decreasing order given the lengths of its sides.
1 b. Name the sides of triangle in increasing/ decreasing given its measure of angles.
1 a. Recall different kinds of quadrilaterals.
b. Define and identify parts of a quadrilateral.
The Trapezoid and its Properties
1 a. Prove the midline of a triangle
b. Find the measure of the midline of a triangle
a. Apply the midline of a Triangle Theorem in proving the Median of a Trapezoid Theorem.
1 b. Apply the Median of a Trapezoid Theorem in finding:
b.1. The length of the median.
1 b.2. The length of the base.
1 b.3. Solve problems involving median a trapezoid.
Isosceles Trapezoid
1 a. Prove that the base angles and diagonals and isosceles trapezoid congruent.
b. Apply the properties of an isosceles trapezoid in finding.
b.1. The length of its diagonal.

Learning competencies in Math IV


1.1 Define a function.
1.2 Differentiate and identify a function from a mere relation given
a. The set of ordered pairs
b. Graph of the given set of ordered pairs
c. Vertical line test
d. Equation
1.3 Express the given equation in function notation f(x).
1.4 Find the value of f(x) given the value of x.
1.5 Perform operation on functions:
a. Perform addition and subtraction of functions.
b. Perform multiplication and division of functions.
1.6 Find the composition of functions.
a. Evaluate composition of functions.
1.7 Identify and cite examples of real life relations involving functions.
1.8 Express the given situation as an equation/function notation.
1.9 Solve word problems involving functions.
2.1 Define and identify linear functions from equation, table of values and graphs.
2.2 Transform Ax + By = C to y – form and express it in function notation.
2.3 Transform y – form of linear function to standard form.
2.4 Given f(x) = mx + b, find the slope, trend, intercepts and some points.
2.5 Given the graph of f(x) = mx + b, find the slope, trend, intercepts and some points.
2.6 Analyze the effects of the slope m and y – intercepts b in the graph of linear functions.
2.7 Determine f(x) = mx + b given
a. slope and y – intercepts
b. x and y – intercepts
c. slope and 1 point
d. any two points
2.8.1 Determine the slopes of parallel lines.
2.8.2 Find the equation of the line parallel to another line passing through a given point.
2.9.1 Determine the slopes of perpendicular lines.
2.9.2 Find the equation of the line perpendicular to another line passing through a given point.
3.1 Define and identify quadratic functions given the equations and table of values.
3.2 Rewrite quadratic functions f(x) = x² + bx + c to f(x) = (x- h)² + k.
3.3 Rewrite quadratic functions f(x) = x² + bx + c to f(x) = a(x - h)² + k.
3.4 Rewrite quadratic functions f(x) = a(x – h)² + k to f(x) = x² + bx + c.
3.5.1 a. Draw and analyze the changes of a in the graph of quadratic function of the form f(x) = ax²
B. construct the graph of quadratic functions of the form f(x) = ax² where
a = 1, a = 2, a = ½, a = -1, a = -2, a = -½.
C. analyze the effects of the changes of a in the graph of f(x)= ax².
D. determines the line of symmetry and the vertex of each graph.
3.5.2. a. construct the graph of quadratic function in the form f(x)=ax²+k.
B. analyze the effect of the changes of a and k in the graph of f(x)=ax²+k.
C. determines the line of symmetry and the line of each graph.
3.5.3. a. Construct the graph of quadratic function of the form f(x)=a(x-h)².
B. analyze the effect of the changes of a and h in the graph of f(x)=a(x-h)².
C. determines the line of symmetry, the vertex and direction of the opening of the graph.
3.5.4. a. construct the graph of the quadratic function of the form f(x)=a(x-h)²+k.
B. analyze the effect of the changes of a, h, and k in the graph of f(x)=a(x-h)²+k.
C. determines the line of symmetry, the vertex and direction of the opening of the graph.
3.6. a. determine the function whose movement is being described given f(x)= ax².
B. describes the movement of the graph given the function.
3.7. Find the zeros of the functions and the roots of the related quadratic and find the
roots of quadratic functions.
A. by factoring method
B. by quadratic formula
C. by completing the squares
C.1. a=1
C.2. a=1
3.8. Derive the quadratic function given
A. zeros of the function
B. by quadratic formula
C. table of values or set of ordered pairs
C.1. when one or more of the ordered pairs have 0 as x and / or y.
C.2 when the given ordered pairs have no 0 as values of x or y
3.9. Solve word problems involving quadratic functions.
4.1 identify polynomial function from the given set of relations and determine its degree.
4.2. Evaluate polynomial functions.
4.3. Find the quotient and remainder of polynomials by synthetic division when p(x) is
divided by (x-c)
4.4. Write the Division Algorithm for polynomials given a certain division problem.
4.5. Illustrate the use of Remainder Theorem and find the value of P(x) for x=k by
synthetic Division and Remainder Theorem
4.6 Find the value of the missing term of a polynomial to meet the given condition.
4.7. Illustrate the use of the Factor Theorem and determine if the given condition.
4.8. Find the value of the missing term of a polynomial which the binomial is a factor of
the given polynomial.
4.9. Find the zeros of Polynomial Function of degree greater than 2 by Factor Theorem.
4.10. Find the zeros of polynomial function of degree greater than 2 by factoring.
4.11. Find the zeros of polynomial function of degree greater than 2 by synthetic division.
4.12. Find the zeros of polynomial function of degree greater than 2 by any method.
4.13. Describe the properties of polynomial function of degree greater than 2 by its graph.


5.1 Identify certain relationships in real life which are exponential and determine whether
given table of ordered pairs is exponential or not.
5.2 Describe some properties of the exponential function f(x) = ax, where a>1
5.3 Describe some properties of the exponential function f(x) =ax, where 0<a<1.
5.4 Given the graph of an exponential function, determine the domain, range, intercepts,
trend and asymptote.
5.5 Solve Exponential Equations.
5.6 Use the laws on exponential to find the zeros of exponential.
5.7 Define inverse function and determine the inverse of a given function.
5.8 Define the logarithmic function f(x) = loga x as the inverse of the exponential
function f(x) = ax and vice versa.
5.9 Describe some properties of logarithmic function from its graph.
5.10 Determine the value of a given logarithm.
5.11 Apply the laws for logarithms in simplifying expressions.
5.12 Solve simple logarithmic equation if the number is missing.
5.13 Solve simple logarithmic equation if the exponent is missing.
5.14 Solve simple logarithmic equation if the base is missing.
5.15 Solve complex logarithmic equation applying the laws of logarithms.
5.16 Solve problems involving exponential and logarithmic functions (compound
5.17 Solve problems involving exponential and logarithmic functions (exponential
5.18 Solve problems involving exponential and logarithmic functions (exponential decay)


6.1 Define unit circle, degree measure of an angle and the radian measure. Determine
whether the coordinate given lies on a unit circle.
6.2 Convert degree measure to radian.
6.3 Convert radian measure to degree measure.
6.4 Define and illustrate angle in standard position. Identify the quadrant of the given
6.5 Define and illustrate co terminal angles. Find the co terminal angles of the given
6.6 Define and illustrate the reference angle. Give the corresponding references angle of a
given angle.
6.7 Find the length of an arc intercepted by a central angle.
6.8 Find the radian measure of a central angle.
6.9 Find the radius of a circle.
6.10 Given an angle in standard position in a unit circle, determine the coordinate of its
terminal side when one coordinates is given (with review if the Pythagorean Theorem).
6.10.1 When the given coordinate is in the form of a decimal.
6.10.2 When the given coordinate is in the form of a fraction.
6.11 Given an angle in standard position in a unit circle, determine the coordinates of its
terminal side when the angle is of the form 1800n+300, 1800n+600, 1800n+450 or 900n.
6.11.1 When 00 ≤0≤3600
6.11.2 When 0≤0 or 0≥0 3600 (with review of co terminal angles)
6.12 Find the six circular function of angles with special values.
6.12.1 Using scientific calculator or table of trigonometric values.
6.12.2 Find the angle when the value of circular is given.
6.13 Describe the properties of the graph of sine, cosine, and tangent.
6.13.1 With the equation in the form y=a sin bx, y=a tan bx (with changes on the
amplitude and period).
6.13.2 With equation in the form y=sin (x±h) ±k, y=cos (x±h) ±k, y=tan (x±h) ±k,
6.14 Find then the values of six trigonometric functions of 0(with review of the
Pythagorean Theorem)
6.14.1 Given 3 sides of a right triangle given two sides of the right triangle.
6.14.2 Given the values of trigonometric function
6.15 Solve simple trigonometric equations.
6.16 Prove the trigonometric identities (with the review of factoring and operation on
6.16.1 by simply complex expression in the terms of sine and cosine.
6.17 Find the sum and difference of sine and cosine using formulas.
6.17.1 Finding the sum and difference of sine.
6.17.2 Finding the sum and differences of cosine.
6.18 Apply the trigonometric function to solve problem involving right triangle.
6.18.1. Given the right triangle with corresponding values
6.18.2. Given word problems (including problems on angle of elevation depression)
6.18.3. Given the word problems involving overlapping g triangles
6.18.4. Given the word problems involving directions and bearing of a line
6.19. Apply the law of sines to solve problem on oblique triangles
6.19.1. When two angles and the sides are given
6.19.2. When two sides and a non-included angle are given
6.20. Apply the law of cosine to solve problems on oblique triangles
6.20.1 When two sides and the included angle in the triangle are given
6.20.2. When three sides are given
6.21. Define statistic, sample, population and explain the different sampling techniques
6.22. Use the rules of summation to find the sums
6.22.1. Express the sums of terms using the sum of summation notation
6.22.3. Evaluate the terms in summation notation
6.23. Organize a statistical data by constructing frequency distribution tables
6.24. Find the measure of central tendency using ungrouped data
6.24.1. Find the mean, median and mode of ungrouped data
6.24.2. Solve word problems on the characteristic of a data using a mean median and
6.25. Find the measures of central tendency using grouped data
6.25.1. Find the mean grouped of data
6.25.2. Find the median grouped of data
6.25.3. Find the mode of grouped data
6.26. calculate the difference measure of variability relative to given of data
6.26.1. Calculate the range and standard deviation of ungrouped data
6.26.2. Calculate the standard deviation of grouped data
6.26.3. Solve word problems on the characteristic of the data using range and standard
6.27. From a given statistical data, analyze,

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