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The Voice of Hie Merefhurst Community



by Patrick Weschier

A group of educators from Mercyhurst College and program presently under consideration is one
Mercyhurst Prep High School began meeting oh a example of such inter-institutional cooperation.
regular basis this week to discuss the possibility of Sr. Maura sees two positive results that would
creating some sort of continuous high school-college come; from the creation of a program in which
degree program involving the two schools. Mercyhurst Prep students could make the transition
According to Sr. Maura Smith, Coordinator of the into Mercyhurst College on a gradual basis:
Mercyhurst Life-long Learning Continuum, the talks I First, the two schools would be able to eliminate
are a direct outgrowth of the Continuum program. most of the duplication that is often found ill the
Basic aims!of the Continuum program include curricula of the final two years of high school and the
cooperative efforts by the* various member in- basic college courses taught on the same subject.
stitutions to promote continuous educational ex- Wi Second, students would nave a wider range of study
periences which break-through traditional boun- available to them in a subject area, being able to
daries between institutions. The college^iigh school move directly into college level study after achieving
competency on die high school level.
In addition to the planning of the academic aspects
of the high school-college program, the members of
Senator To Visit Erie the group will also be dealing with the social and
psychological aspects of*a combination college-high
school program, v % < *
Senator Howard Baker (Republican-Tennessee), a f Sr. Maura feels that provision will be made for
key figure in the Senate Watergate hearings, will be specialized counseling of students who make the
making Mercyhurst one of his stops when he comes to transition from the high school to the college in the
Erie on Thursday, October 2. J course of the program.
Senator Baker will participate in a/ special One of the most important aspects of the new
Republican fund-raising function at* Rainbow Gar- program, according to Sr. Maura, will be the degree
dens, on behalf of Republican Congressional can- to which it will be adjustable to the individual needs
,4 didate Lincoln Marks. | \ * & of the students. "If a student wants to move through
mS? TP+?*m*' »1w»
i ••<'
? Prior to the fund-raising affair, Senator Baker will the high school-college program* in six years, the
be holding a 5:30 p.m. news conference in the

Photo by Nancy Willis option will* be there" says Sr. Maura. "On the
William Walker, a junior law enforcement major, is the Richards Room at Zurn Hall. •> -U other hand, some students might not want to par-
new treasurer of HUS. The other candidates were Jeffrey Wrnember of the United States Senate since 1966, ticipate in the high school-college program for the
Best, Bradford Lauster and Joseph NeCastro. Senator Baker gained national recognition in 1973, entire length of the program. Some students may
when he served as vice chairperson of the Senate want to take college work only in their senior year.'' *
Select Committee on Presidential ^Campaign When asked to discuss: the theme of the new
Activities. It was this group that uncovered initial program, Sr. Maura'responded that "the whole
evidence in the Watergate scandal which culminated Keynote of the program would be the accent on what

in President Nixon's resignation. I * is best for the individual student, so as to enable him-
Senate Elects Reps In the course of his time in the Senate, the fifty-
year old senator has also been active in drafting
legislation lowering the voting age*to eighteen and
her to learn the things that he-she needs to know."
Sr. Maura concluded by stating the hope that the
development of an allied educational program bet-
expanding voter rights. His current activities include ween the high school and the college would be a step
With all the votes cast and counted, a new College service on the Senate Select Committee investigating in the direction of blurring the traditional dividing
Senate has been formed. The fifteen representatives secret intelligence organizations such as the CIA. lines which separate learning institutions.
have been chosen after two weeks of elections. From Senator Baker's appearance in Erie is under the
the administration, the five who were selected are: sponsorship of thelRepublicans of Erie, Crawford,
Sr. Carolyn Hermann, Jean Lavin, Miriam Mashank, and Mercer Counties.
E. William Kennedy, and James Lanahan. |p
Those selected|from the faculty are: f Edward
Gallagher, Jacquelyn Howey, Sr. Mary Matthew
Baltus, Marvin Camburn, and Robert Hon.
The members of the student body selected from the
Representative Union of Students are: | James
This W e e k . . .
1 Saturday, September 27
Hallamyer, Patricia Mullaugh, Kent KochJPatrk k Movie, "W.C. Fields" 8:00 p.m., RH.I.D.'s
Weschier and Frank McMahon. required. < i j*
Sunday, September 28 ?
Movie, "Sleeper", 7 and 9 p.m. RH, I.D.'s
'required. s
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
September 29,30, October 1 *
RUS Notes Coffeehouse Circuit ^presents: "Gunhill Road"
"'with their smash nit, "Back When My Hair
Was Short" t m
The Representative Union of Students continues its
current policy of meeting every week in order to deal
with the larger amount of business, f-, Coming soon - watch fortdetails "Ralph" and
Wpn Wednesday, September 17, the 26 present /'Divided We Stand"!!
members of RUS selected the two RUS advisors:
Jeffrey Sternlieb and E. William Kennedy.
Robert Dubik, one of the "walkers'' for the Council ! JOUR 0F> Hotel Restaurant I
of Exceptional Children, brought to the attention of
RUS that a $75 pledge to last; year's walkers had CENTRAL EUROPE * Society
Dever been paid. It was unanimously voted that the There will be an The Hotel-Restaurant
debt be paid. organizational meeting Society will present a
RUS representatives then discussed the establish- for all students in- wine tasting and
ment of a committee to deal with all? senior class terested in IN- demonstration seminar
activities. The committee would be composed of TERSESSION TOUR with guest lecturer Mr.
seniors both inside and outside RUS. OF C E N T R A;L Johannis Lichtenstein on
The final item of discussion was the Fall Festival EUROPE. Tuesday, September 30,
which has been scheduled for October 11. The aspects PLACE: 213 Main at 8 p.m. in Room 214
of ?the discussion were: should arrangements be DATE:; Tuesday, Zurn.
made for beer; should a tent be procurred; where ; ' Photo by Nancy Willis
September 30 Everyone is invited. What's Jimmy Hallamyer so serious about? See page 2.
should the festival be held. f TIME: 3:00p.m. I
Guest Editorial

As the president of the Representative Union of of the baseball team allowed to drive his car across
Students I have been the recipient of many student the intramural field thus creating more dangerous
gripes. I'm not complaining, in fact,: this is what I grooves in the field? Is it really that far to walk from
want because it is part of my job. One gripe that has the Zurn pa rking lot? |
seemed to stand out among others is that the students There are many more students involved in the
are forced to use the so called football field next to intra-mural league than there are on the baseball
Carol Quartuccio the baseball field during the intramural football team. Why do they get preference? We are no Notre
season. -^ • Vj Dame, we are Mercyhurst College and we should
This field is full of rocks, glass and other dangerous stop fooling ourselves and act like Mercyhurst
debris which can really harm a student. One student. College. The students have the RIGHT to s
use the
Joe Castrignano has already been put in the hospital safer grounds of the outfield
with torn ligaments of the knee which is very serious I am not writing this letter with the thought of going
; and will
affect him for the rest of his life. This hap- against the baseball team. On the contrary, I wish the
pened as a result of playing on the field that, among baseball team all the luck in the world in their up-
all the another dangerous things, is on an upward coming season. I am writing this letter to show the
slant. viewpoint of the students and the dangerous situation
Walking through Mercyhurst halls can be I want to inform the college community of this that exists. 1 will be very disappointed if this
situation so something can be done before anyone else situation is not remedied, ;
depressing on dreary Erie days especially is injured. Why can't the students use the outfield of % Sincerely,
when | no one replies to J your friendly the baseball field as in past years? Why is the coach Jimmy Hallamyer
greetings of a simple "heHo". It happens to
be ah elementary function of the oral cavity
and requires fewer muscles than does neck
bending, which many people render after
such greetings. Faculty members are like-
wise guilty of this neglectful act, which
hinders the unity of our collegiate corn-
munity. Because we are a relatively small September 17,1975 We hope you will understand.
intitution of higher education, we must Dear Students: \
proceed to alleviate this problem. So We believe in yearbooks. We believe in you. For Sincerely,
remember, "seize the opportunity" to add this treason, we would like to share .with you the
following letter which explains why we are not THE EDUCATION DIVISION FACULTY
a bit of sunniness to someone's rainy day. contributing to the Yearbook Fund. Sister Kathleen Cribbins, O.S.B.
Mr. Edward J. Gallagher
Mr. James A. Infantino
Mr. Peter P. Libra
Grades have been looked down upon Jong Staff Editoria Dr. Barbara Weigert *
enough. They have 'been thought of as the Sister Patricia Whalen, R.S.M.
misguiding light of the student, as the false goal
of schooling, in other words, as the source of all
evil when it comes to the inverted value system
of some students. It :is time that something be
said in their favor. - % dL $ I
Kinder Grades Dr. Marion L. Shane.
September 17,1075

After all, grades are so insignificant-looking, by Olivia Longo President of the College
that it is hardly fair to put all the blame on them. Mercyhurst College *
Still, students are accused of studying for the
sake of a grade instead of knowledge. So, let's get Dear Dr. Shane: #
rid of the grading system and all wrongs will be At the meeting of the Education Division faculty
righted/ * •« — " IM* 1
"nim • ««• -•
this morning, the following recommendation was
made: »,. ;
Why should that be the cure? Are students The Education Division faculty unanimously agree
really discouraged^ from (serious) studying that the administration should seek ways to finance
because the grading system is unfair? Is it fair to the College yearbook outside of soliciting donations
blame the grading system for a screwed-up sense from the faculty. This practice opens the door to
of values? , solicitations from all areas, such as the newspaper,
It is true that all serious students are pleased theatre, and so on. Faculty do not like to refuse their
with a good grade. That is a natural reaction. own students in such a situation, and feel obligated to
However, it is not always true that just because contribute. Since the staff has been very generous in
they strove for a 4.0, they couldn't care less supporting all student projects, and the Student Union
about learning per se, grading system or no Building Fund, it is unreasonable to add more
grading system. Why should a "good student'' be K financial requests. *; *
penalized for his-her 3.5 + quality point average Your assistance in this matter will be greatly
and be dismissed with a "your grades don't mean /

anything, anyhow"?fet v h Sincerely,
«*< /
Barbara Weigert, Ph.D.
Of course they mean something! They cer- Chairperson, Education Division.
tainly shouldn't be looked at as the ultimate goal
of education, but while a student is in school, they
are the easiest, quickest, and most concrete
symbol of learning. True, they don't represent a
perfect picture, but is any system ever perfect? •
Let's take grades at face value. They are not
learning, they merely represent learning, and as
such they have their function. But it is a tem-
porary function, because only knowledge will
Utter To
ultimately last. So let's be a bit kinder toward
grades, lest; our ^ignorance be tobogganed into|
nothing, as e.e. cummings wrote.

**LJ The Editor

Dear Editor:
Since the Merciad is the "voice of the Mercyhurst
Community," why isn't the space allocated for the

COME newspaper being used adequately? *

I am referring to that cartoon or whatever it is
supposed to be that appeared in the last two issues of
the Merciad. First of all no one can read it and
Kdltor Carol Quartuccio secondly even if one could, it probably wouldn't make
News Kdltor Olivia Longo any sense. I feel I am being deprived of more Im-
Feature Editor < Marya no Crowley portant information about the school and Its activities
Layout Editor Tonv Mancuso with that ridiculous "cartoon" appearing in our
Copy Kdltor > 4 ' Susan Barrie WORK FOR A "FIRST CLASS" PAPER newspaper.
Photographer! Nancy Wlllfts, Jim Varhof
Art Editor Darla Ma lone &he MERC J AD is vreaently recruiting staff
members for the I 975*76 school year. Cartoons can be used as an effective weapon of
n and Creators: gaining the things the students are striving for, such
Ftumara, Sue Klodaslcl, Esther 8chreiber ALL positions open. as a yearbook and more social functions. If these are
>h. ( hrt* Van Wagenen, Dave Watlln. Pat H to be used in the future let them portray the student-
/ ofdnaty. m i CALL Carol Quartuccio at 869*1964 or attend anadministration relationship we have.
organizational meeting. Thursdays In.the
Faculty Consultant Andy Roth Merctad office, 4 p. m. 304 Old Main. u ?etag the editor-in-chief I feel you will correct this
problem'' in our next issue.
Coffeehouse Presents:

by Nary Sue Sabol

The Cpffee House Circuit is The enthusiasm they Their shows will be Saturday,
sending to Mercyhurst a generate from the stage is September 28,29, and October
three-man folk-rock group amazing. W 1, (Monday, Tuesday,
known as "Gunhill Road",
Name sound familiar? It
should, mainly due to the fact
that they had a Top 40 smash
Make a point to catch one
(or all) of Gunhill Road's
performances at the 'Hurst.
Wednesday) at 9 and 10 p.m.
in the Coffeehouse. Don't miss
them - Gunhill Road!!
mbsh Hits
called "Back When My Hair
Was Short" and have ap-
peared on such national
television shows as Midnight by William "Billy" Goafz
Special and American Band- On the evening of Thursday,
stand, i 'i j September 17, at 9:00 p.m.,
Gunhill Road is a band of the lights in the .front lobby of
three very talented musicians Mercyhurst's Baldwin Hall
from the New York area. went out, the air was filled
Glenn Leopold, born in with the beams of a dozen
Manhattan, is the lead singer flashlights and for a period of
and composer of most of the one hour pandemonium
band's material. Along with reigned supreme.
Glenn, Steve Goldrick and .Despite outward ap-
Pdul Reisch Jr. are the other pearances that suggested that
two members of Gunhill the front lobby might have
Road. Steve knew Glenn, a been the scene of a student
dynamic keyboard player in riot, this was not the case.
nighschooi where they per- What happened in Baldwin
formed together at the Bitter Hall was the first semi-public
End (where the Coffee House performance of Mercyhurst
originated) in New York, College's hottest new en-
using Glenn's original songs. tertainer—Esther Marie
Paul, the newest member of Bar bra Streisand Marilyn
the group and bass guitarist, Monroe Schreiber.
connected with Glenn t and When Ms. Schrieber came
Steve through a mutual friend on stage, she was given a
at the Bitter End. From there rousing welcome by an
on, it's history - Gunhill Road estimated one hundred fans
was on its way. The group has who had come from as far
recorded two albums and five GUNHNLL ROAD away as McAuley Hall. The
huge crowd had begun to
singles and have performed
with such artists as Gordon gather nearly half an hour
Lightfoot, the Carpenters, before the concert,tandUhere
Carly Simon, Bette Midler, was considerably competition
Poco, Qeorge Carlin, Robert
Klein and Bill Haley and the
What SAC? for the front row seats. This
writer ended up being
knocked to the floor in the
by Roanne Genovese midst of the schuffle for the
I Gunhill Road's style of good seats, the victim of an
music stresses variety and The Student Activities purpose is for all of us to work elbow to the gut by a 92 year
emphasizes harmony and Committee, more commonly, together and plan activities in old lady who had gotten her
melody as well as meaningful known as SAC, is a committee the interest of the student guerilla warfare training
lyrics. Leopold once said that of students, working in con- body. Please remember, it is from the College of Older
"I guess if there is any one junction with Representative your money, and if you want Americans.
group that you could say we Union of Students (RUS), that to see it put to good use, we Dressed for the occasion in Photo by Nancy Willis
relate to it's the early helps co-ordinate the social need your ideas. If you are a short, turquoise gown,
Hollies". Their repetoire activities on the 'Hurst genuinely interested, please reminiscent of the outfits "Baldwin Bombshell" Either
consists of original songs and campus. We need interested contact one of us in the worn by the late Marilyn Marie Schrieber
renditions or the "golden students .who are willing to Student Union Office. If we Monroe, Ms. Schrieber led off ol Ms. Shreiber's per-
oldies", like the Beach Boys give their time and ideas, and find that there is enough in- the concert with a smashing formance included a soulful
"Barbara Ann," "Don't Walk work with the Student Union terest generated by the rendition of "Diamonds Are A rendition of "The Way We
Away, Rene" and "The Book staff, which^.includes; Frank students, we will" hold an Girl's Best Friend". ^One of| Were", and a Gypsy Rose Lee
of Love". Not only- do they Sirotnak,; Director, Roanne organizational meeting, and the more interesting aspects imitation that drove the
have a talent for music, Genovese, and Bob Gaughan, start} the .ball rolling. Feel of the entire performance was* audience wild. One male
Glenn, Steve and Paul have a Assistant! Directors and free Ho come down to the that Ms. student, identified only
Schrieber im-1 first name Jay, collapsed and by the
knack for creating a fantastic Kathy Zaffina and Terri Union at any time, we are mediately "became" the
rapport with their audiences. Fiurnara, Publicity. The open to all ideas! Thanks! IS person whose song she was* had to be carried bodily out of
the lobby
singing—whether it was^ tossed her blue "wrap", a after Ms. Schrieber
The Seagull Marilyn Monroe, Barbra borrowed bedsheet, to him.
Striesand, Gypsy Rose Lee, It is obvious « from the
or Helen Ready. From the audience reaction to her, that
first song to the last, Esther Esther Marie Schrieber is one
had the audience in the palm star who is headed for bigger
of her hand. things. Already, she has been
An obvious audience scheduled for her first crack
by Andrea Kupefz favorite in the concert was at the big-time—a per-
Esther's powerful singing, formance in the Mercyhurst
"Seagull", a different famous writer enacted by "Seagull" opens October 31 at moving experience in "Proud Coffeehouse, Friday evening,
production for the Mercy- Tom Edwards; Pauline, a the witching hour of 8:00. Mary". Near the end of the September 26, at 10:00 p.m. It
hurst Little Theatre contains bothersome wretch played by Admission is Free, so concert, the audience urged is the writer's opinion that
no Jonathan Livingston Delia Mirarchi; Sorin, a ATTEND and you may even its repetition as an encore this is one show that you'll
Seagull. On the contrary, it's habitual hypochondriac fall in love with v
our three times! Other highlights never forget!
written by Anton Checkov, a performed by John Reed; and "Seagull." *
dramatist of the late 1800's. Yakov, a "yes man" played | Andrea Kupetz
Surprisingly, the play is very by Michael Phillips. So rm. 123 McAuley
comical arid the characters "Seagull" has interesting and
are diverse. For instance, unusual characters. It takes
there is Masha, a drunk snuff- place in a utopic atmosphere
sniffer portrayed at Mercy- on a large estate with gardens
hurst by Maripat Rafferty; and wildlife. And for all you
Arkadina, an aging actress seagull lovers, we have one
enacted by Mrs. Mina stuffed complete with a tragic
Eisenberg; Treplev a theme of two young lovers. The Mercyhurst English
neurotic writer enacted by Treplev loves Nina who loves Clinic is now operating in full
John DiGangi; Medvedenko, someone else. Those bird swing under the direction of
a boring professor ot stuffers l will get you Mrs. Betty Gartner. Hours for
something played by Sean every time. And we hope the English Clinic has been
Casey; Shamraev portrayed established as follows:
bv Glenn Hollenbach who is a "Seagull" will get you right in Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
court jester; Nina, a sweet your laughter and serious and Friday: 8:30-12;00, 1:00-
budding actress performed zone, because as Mr. Peter 4:00p.m. | T k^iti'J Photo by Nancy Willis
bv Mary Ann Rozsas; Dorn, a Libra often says: "Sailors Wednesday: 10:00-12:00, Mercyhurst Political Science prof Barry Grossman has just
wise manm full moustache have more fun!" And so do 1:00-2:00 p.m. undertaken a new endeavor—quite apolitical, but full of spirit. It's
and beard played by Mr. seagull lovers and seagull | The English Clinic is called Kick and Barry's Bar and It's located at Pine Avenue and K.
Peter Libra; Trigorin, a stuffers. The performance of located in Room 308, Main. :JHHi street. & ~A •& •< L£ A
.fei i * «/ ' * * ICwiMi' »y • » *
*«••#•*•*«*%'* • i ' i r + * * - * ' r v , w \ > %.% \ ***** • *• . . * » * * '?•
Inquiring Reporter Asks

There are still some

Po You Consider Class
2. PHEAA is not aware that tended the post-secondary
students who have not
received notification from
you are ineligible for a BEOG
because you attended a post-
institution. I 1$ Participation In Grading
PHEAA about their third secondary secondary in- The necessary information
term grant. stitution before April, 1973. If must be sent to Harrisburg
If you are one of these you are ineligible for BEOG before October 15, 1975 in
students, you must contact for this reason, send to order; to receive the third
PHEAA at this address: PHEAA the dates you at- term grant!? *• %*
PHEAA i- i
SectionB -
Box 3157. - *
Harris burg, Pa. 17105
l/v There are two
reasons for the delay: ter Patricia'* Whalerif*
ly PHEAA has not received Education— "No; it's about 10-
your ;[Basic Educational 15 per cent of the evaluation,
Opportunity Grant (BEOG) personal study, •which/ is
eligibility index. H reflected in tests, personal
study, teaching in practicum Mr. James Kinnane. - Law en-
experiences, and in the forcement— "I appreciate'it nr:
projects^hey^nmike for .very much, but I do not use it
teaching are considered for as a basis for grading.".
the final evaluation."

by Chris Van Wagcncn

Besides going co-ed this use drugs or even drink, it's Kight now the McAuley
fall, McAuley Hall has also their own business, however, couple is still adjusting to
obtained ithe pleasurable when the rights of others are their new way of life. For the
existence (of Mr. Daniel abused or1
infringed upon that
past three years, they've been
0'Conner and his wife Lynda the line must be drawn and moving around quite a bit.
who both presently run the authority must step in. When Dan O'Conner is a 1973
dorm. asked about how he felt about graduate of Slippery Rock
jDan feels that Mercyhurst intervisitation, O'Conner did State College with a degree in
itself is a^very friendly find two bad things* about jjit.
environmental studies. In 1974 Mr. Jeffery Sternlieb SWRW

college with an; atmosphere First of all he felt that society

he was the assistant director Psychology —i "No, it's a
that is both relaxing and wasn't ready for an open of the dorm !at Edinboro more important factor in Sister Mary Eymard Poydock -
entertaining. One J of? the dorm especially if they have a whe^e he 'i also taught* at upperclass seminars. In in- Biology — "Yes, since I teach
biggest |differences Mr. daughter that lives a hundred McLane High. I troductory courses, it's more research, our work is
O'Conner found ^was \ "that miles Ifrom home." Secondly, straight forwardly based on primarily class participation
state colleges stick more to he felt that if the dorms were Dan's twife Lynda is tests and papers." both orally and manually."
the laws especially when it open all day long it might rub presently student teaching at
comes down to the use of some ^roommates the wrong James S. Wilson High in
drugs and alcohol." He also way, that is, if they had to Millcreek. Lynda Will be a Sr. Gabriel Koch
feels that if residents wish, to constantly give up their room.graduate early this winter
From Edinboro. *|
Dan lis teaching with Sr.
Maura in the Environmental
Resource Coordinator
Studies I Department. He is In Junefof this year, the Erie Sisters of Mercy elected
also Working on a research Sister Gabriel Koch, R.S.M., their Resource Coordinator. In
project wjhich he hopes to
develop into an educational this position? Sister will take responsibility for finances and
tool which could possibly lead personnel within the religious order. She will be part of a
to an outside Utfioratpry. 3fp*: three-woman management team for the order, headed by
p* As tor. sports Dan is Sr. Eustace Taylor and also* involving* Sr. Mary Charles
working with Mr. David Weschler. ^
Shimpeno in running the in- Prior to her election as Resource Coordinator, Sister
tramural football and softball Gabriel was serving as the director of the Mercy Center on
program. i>Dan enjoys Aging, an organization which she founded in 1974.
basketball immensely and In past years, Sister Gabriel has also served as the
hopes to someday get back treasurer of Mercyhurst College. In the 1950's, Sr. served as
into coaching. I the faculty advisor to the Me retodin addition to her other
It is hoped by both men and duties. t
women at-McAuley that Dan Although she left the Mercyhurst campus several years
ago to start the Center on Aging, Sister still stays close to
Photo by Nancy Willis and >Lynda enjoy their Mercyhurst College and has an active interest in the ac-
Dan and Lynda O'Conner -S resident life in the dorm. tivities of the college.

Part 2 1

How Improvei Your Reading Skills

CONTINUE TO BROADEN able to analyze its meaning. what you are reading. depth. As in most writing, details to support the main
YOUR VOCABULARY Always have a dictionary Read with> a purpose, be each paragraph* usually has ideas. Read each chapter for
nearby whether you J; are aware of what you are' one main idea supported by the important concepts and as
The -person with a good reading for pleasure for for reading and why. Your speed details in whichjjyou may or
grasp of words is usually a work. When you are reading should be adjusted to the type may not be interested. Try to many details as necessary to
good reader and a good textbooks or technical books, of material. Don't expect to span as many words as comprehend the material.
student. Words are the basis familiarize yourself with the whiz through a chapter of possible with a continuous Underline major points and
of human communication and glossary that is sometimes biology at the same rate as a rhythm of eye movements of make margin notes to
enable people to convey their printed in the back to define chapter of a novel. highlight your observations.
thoughts and emotions to each special words. Use it fixations. After you have finished
[ Scanning material first can When you read a newspaperreading, question yourself,
other. This is whyfTthe first whenever necessary. be helpful in nearly all types or magazine, or mon-fiction, review the summary if there
word uttered by a child is ^Maintain a list of new words of reading. Get in the habit of you want" to grasp the
roof positive that this little you see or hear. Be on the surveying headlines, chapter, highlights and some details. is one, and then look back to
Eeing has the ability to lookout for ones! you don't headings and subheads first. This kind of # reading is for
communicate as a human.
see if you
have understood
know. Jot them down, look Look for the main ideas. Next [eneral information. It differi Graphic material can help
Vocabulary should grow as them "up, and then make a you will want to know the rom your leisure reading reading % comprehension, Do
you mature. At every grade point of using them in writing important details that sup- because the material is more not overlook the importance
level, and stage of life, it is or speaking at least twice as port them..Read carefully the serious, not as light or as easy of tables, maps, graphs,
necessary to increase the soon as you can. At the end of first and last paragraphs to comprehend as fiction, for drawings , and photographs
number and understanding of a month review your list and which should state the most example. But it still might not which are included to rein-
words. !Get to know their see if you can remember their important facts and con- be necessary to take in every force your understanding! of
structure,; that they are meanings and how to use clusions. You should read the word or every 5 sentence the text. * •
composed pf roots, prefixes them. straight material in between completely, fe To be Continued
and suffixes, each of which ADAPT YOUR SPEED SO at a faster rate that allows When reading a text first next week.
has its own definition. YOU UNDERSTAND THE you to understand the matter survey the entire book. Look The Association of
MATERIAL I in as much depth as you want. over the table of contents, American Publishers will be
Knowing the origin of words A good reader must learn to Just remember;to keep your chapter headlines and happy to send you a com-
helps in understanding new balance speed with accuracy. eyes moving forward.^ f subheads. Get an overview of plimentary teopy of "How to
ones. Most English words Don't expect to* read If you are reading for en- the author's objectives by improve Your Reading
derive from Latin or Greek. everything at the same rate. joyment you can shim more reading the introduction and Skills" and other study skills
This is why some knowledge Like a well-tuned car, your easily lover the lines, preface. \ > booklets if you write to: AAP
of these languages is helpful. eyes must adapt to the paragraphs and pages. It is Studying requires close Student Service, One Park
If you know the derivation of a terrain. Above all, you must not important that you take in reading because you will need Avenue,, New - York, N.Y.
word's parts than you will be understand and remember every word or sentence *in to remember more of the 10016
SEPTEMBER 26. 197*

a short|story by Gerard Necastro

It was not a long road, but a Then he 'thought of the his wounds, painting his body was puzzled by it. Not until he full I circle and ? screamed.
rough and well-traveled one. phone call and of his wife— in red. Sweat coated his body reached the*cleared field in People looked but no one
At this time though, there was together:: "What if th6y and soaked This clothes, which his house stood could responded. • p* - 1
only one traveler on it He was meant she ... I told he* not to making him look almost as if he see what it was. -# 1 hen two other men in black
w man, about thirty-three, %. d What if she does? I told her he had been in water. As the When he'arrived his feet brought * someone from the
wearing denim overafis, that 1it wouldn't be worth it... She sweat, poured from his felt as though they had been house covered on a stretcher.
had a purple-Stint under the § couldn't, r I'm right—she wounds, it burned deeply into pierced. His legs were tired.; He ran to it and looked under
strong moonlight. Along ^with |knows il'jn^right. If she did But they were no bother. His the blanket and cried, "Oh
this net wore brown heavy 1she's gonna! be -.sorry." His them. ||B 8 m |
boots > and ai checked* sTurt. fmind was completely in- u Nothing was to stop him; he trouble was staring him in the Lord, forgive me." L ',
Above the shoulders, his hair I volvedl in his wife and the ran back onto the road toward Tears ran down* his cheeks
was a little yon.Hhe long side* phone call, i | | his house. He maintained the ';. He spotted a man dressed in as he turned toward the road.
and he wore a thick beard. 1 .What he (wasn't!, thinking l |S| same maniacal pace he had a thick, heavy, black, ^ rub- He stared into the night, down
Generally he was a very neat f was that! she had a mind of kept previously. 1 bery coat, high boots, and a the road, with an expression
person, but this moment was £ her own and that she did not «About two hundred yards red helmet and ran to him. He of disbelief. •* it •
an exception. He was rather g always listen to him when she from | his f destination, he asked him, "What happened, He turned his face to the
untidy, with the dirt from the j knew she was right. ? | noticed a large,|? bright, what's going on?'' rt•&£% iE% light and stared at it for a long
road turning his pants brown 9 «As he ran -the road • got | flickering:light. As he con- "Ifo'nrob^»us? ^%? jWfil while** R
and the wind blowing through ^ darker because the trees tinued his running, the light *He tried to ask a few others He ran again Unto * the
his hair; j % ^ ^ lining the road got : dominated his thought and he but got no reply. He spun in a darkness. <• . * ' . **-
|But he did not care what he letting in less moonlight than
looked like, as he ran down I at the beginning of the road.
the road, breathi ng hard. •: But it did not bother him. As a

1 This road was difficult. It • matter of fact, he started to

seemed so because it was not .'j run faster as he thought more Will Overstreet Disappearance
paved 5and had no lighting • about the call. He was in full
except moonlight. Even the ' gallop and moving as though
moonlight! was somewhat y he was possessed.
dim, since fvaried oak and Farther down' the road,
cypress trees lined the way. everything became pitch
The Search Continues
• * »

To add i to his difficulty, the - dark and he could not see the by William Goatz
night was cold and the air was f road at all. Although he knew
thick, making each breath he ' the road, he occasionally
took a little more threatening. veered to the right until he
But he was not worried about realized he was off the road.
his breath. t,^r One time, when he ran off
What was on his mind was the road he tripped over a
the J phone call he had just% rock and fell. He rolled down
received. ^It said something ' the hill until he hit a cypress
about his home. It was not tree. Getting up he was struck
clear, but he knew he had to Vby a falling branch which left
get there quickly. It was short a big scar on his back.
and abrupt, but most of all, it Additionally there were deep
scared him. It frightened him cuts in his wrists and brush-
into running straight out of the burns over his entire upper
meeting without a goodbye. '•,'.;' body. Blood was flowing from

This week marks the slightly in appearance, Good Humor truck which
end of the fourth month and is today 'somewhat had been stationed on the
since Merciad columnist shorter than he was in the St. Raphael playground.
Will Overstreet was last photo. For his role in the riot,
ajfffcj seen alive. In'their con- Incidentally, this photo Overstreet was given a
tinuing efforts to "break is one taken by the Bay nine year sentence, served
the case" in the Over- Village, Ohio Police out in various institutions
street disappearance, FBI Department, following of "lower learning".
their mass arrest of a Following parole in 1974,
agents have asked the third grade class from Overstreet came to
Merciad to cooperate by Saint Raphael's grade Mercyhurst.
publishing this photo of school in 1965. It seems If anyone should sight a

Overstreet. (Overstreet is that young Will Over- man bearing a resem-
in the second row of this street had been the ring- blance to Will Overstreet,
THIS PAGE IS DEDICATED TO THE group photo, sixth from leader in a student revolt they are urged to contact
the left.) Because . the among the third graders the special agents at QZ 2-
CREATIVE SPIRIT OF THE HURST photo is ten years old, that resulted in the 3598. This could be the
Overstreet has. changed sacking and burning of a "break" the FBI needs!

Hot Seat
by David Blanchfield
This year the Campus more caring in our family and political science department
Ministry wants to create personal lives that we are in and Fr. Guy Patrick from the
opportunities for faculty and our classrooms. What are the Campus Ministry office.
students to discuss some pressures that make us do These two colorful but
basic questions about life. this?' " respected members of the
The format will be a "Hot college community are both
Seat" where prominent We are not asking our clear and articulate thinkers.
members of the college volunteers for the hot seat to Barry is especially noted for
community answer questions go public with their hurt. his interest in questions of law
from the audience in Press What we are asking is that and civil rights while Fr. Guy
Conference fashion. The idea they be willing to answer is a frequently requested
for the format was inspired questions about their political speaker at religious and civic
by j a quote from William view, educational philosophy, [atherings. Both men have
Sloane Coffin, the chaplain at religious views, values, and :een senses of humor which
Yale University. He says: "I other topics that. might- in- should add laughter to * the
am tryipg very hard now to terest the listeners. The only
rules are that the person on
e v e n i n g . $ f r ; ' * ± A • - • v C : i {

find two or three professors at

Yale who will go public with the-jhot seat may both pass The hot seat will take place
their hurt and say, 'You know over any particular question Tuesday night Sept. 30 at 7
it is really terrible that in our and terminate the interview p.m. in "the faculty lounge.
vocational lives we have to at any time. ^ $k*&%i?^*j$f. Come and get to know these
disown important parts of our two men a little better. It may
being; that we are more deep, Our first two volunteers are even give your mind a ;work
we are j more spiritual j and Dr. Barry Grossman of the out. -• »* •::.^ ;^ l^y

PAGE 6 »


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Career Opportunities (<

The booklet, Grants for point index of 3.0 in relevant
Graduate Study Abroad" is under-graduate major is
available in the]Career required. In the selection of
Planning & f Placement candidates, consideration is
Center. I given itol the candidates
academic background, work
A Recruiter from Colgate experience, and potential for
University will be on campus successful completion of the
October 15,1975 to discuss the degree program. The ap-
Teaching Intern Program plicant should have taken
offered at Colgate. undergraduate courses in
This discussion is open to economics, state and local
both men and women in the government, sociology, and
fields of English, statistics prior to admission
Mathematics, Science, Social for degree candidacy. J|v
Studies, | French-Spanish. Applicants not meeting
Adequate undergraduate t h e s e background
preparation in liberal arts requirements jmay be ac-
subjects relevant! to the cepted subject to satisfactory
teaching field is necessary. completion of prerequisites
Previous courses £ in during therfirst yea#of study.
Education and practice Applicants must submit
teaching is not necessary, but scores on the Admission Test nj&MSHn^^OT *^^m m m ^ Photo by Nancy Willis
candidates with such ex- for Graduate Study in The staff of the Career Planning Center is always ready to help students.
perience will| be accepted if Business or the Aptitude Test v

other qualifications are met. of the Graduate Record

Good fundergraduate record Examination administered by Career Planning And Placement
and earnest desire to teach the Educational Testing
are essential. NOT OPEN TO Service. More information on
EXPERIENCED * i TEACH- the \ Graduate Record
ERS. ,, M" 1 1 Examinationj(GRE)r etc., is
f Each intern receives a available in the Career
minimum! salary of $3,200.•% Planning and Placement
NDEA and state loans are Center, m' i %
Helping Pave The Way meeting between 1:00 ana
available. | Substantial The Child Development ticipate in a variety of,
Listed below are the dates Laboratory, Division of Home learning experiences in the 4:00 - fall, winter and spring
scholarship and {loan funds special facilities located on terms. The,-preschoolers who
also are available. and addresses for the Economics, offers increased
opportunities for students and the ground! floor of Baldwin participate! in the ^program
This J! teaching interna P.A.C.E. Exam*. Applications Hall. The sessions are con- are children of people at
program provides: A may be obtained at the CPC, faculty to observe, work with,
or conduct research with ducted each Monday, Mercyhurst and children of
MASTER OF W ARTS! 204-Main. m. 3§ £ | Tuesday, Thursday, and people from the Erie com-
DEGREE . I 5 CER- September 27 - 9:00 a.m. preschool childrenHhis year.
Under the supervision of Friday, with the morning munity. The afternoon session
TIFICATION FOR HIGH Federal Building, Room 4. Head Teacher, Karen Buck, group Held from 8:30 to 11:30, includes two Vietnamese
SCHOOL TEACHING!; . November 18 - 1:00 Ip.m. and the afternoon! children children whose parents want
GRADUATE LEVEL STUDY Edinboro fG-13 Hendricks 36 children aged 3 to 5^ par-
them to learn to speak
IN YOUR MAJOR FIELD . . Hall. f§ English.
OPPORTUNITY FOR January 21 - 9:00 a.m.
Observers are welcome to
SCHOLARLY | RESEARCH Mercyhurst ollege, 114 Zurn.
AND INDEPENDENT February 18 - 9:00 a.m. INTERSESSION come in»the rooms with the
STUDY*. . REALISTIC PAID Mercyhurst College, 114 Zurn. children. For thse who do not
Florida Marine Classes will be held want the children to see them,
TEACHING * EXPERIENCE! *March 2|- 1:00 p.m. Edin- Biology. ? every Wednesdays at 1
IN A HIGH SCHOOL . . boro G-13, Hendricks Hall a complete closed circuit TV
p.m. in Zurn Room 114. system lis available, with a
SUBSTANIAL SCHOLAR- (tentative), f If | Please contact' These f hours will be
SHIP AND LOAN FUNDS. April 17 - 9:00 a.m. Gannon monitor located out of the
Eymard before considered toward the 40 children's view. The closed
Interested students may (tentative). | j ft t nesday, October 1, hours required ifor the
sign up forJuthei Colgate May 15 - 9:00 a.m. Gannon circuit TV is also used to
are Interested.f course make tapes for - child
University Recruiter at the College (tentative)*"f ~ *
C a r e e r ^ Planning and development classes, for
Placement Center, 204-Main. parent education sessions,
and for student teacher self-
George Washington evaluation.
University, Washington, D. C.
is offering a Graduate
Program in Urban and
Regional Planning. Urban and
Regional planning
concerned with the forces that
Program Expands If you have a special talent
or skill, *you are invited to
share'-it | with the children.
Art, music, dance, social
work, psychology and home
The concept* of Placement Office is career planning. The with: self-awareness, the economics majors may be
influence , the growth and has taken on a new image at Director of Career Planning, changing job |*market, the pafticulary "interestediUn
development of cities and Mercyhurst College?! When Gary Bukowski, is available major-minor option which carrying out course projects
regions, the formulation of Mercyhurst College went co- to students who - have makes a student imore in I the Child ^Development
plans and policies to meet the educational in!1969, the type questions relating fto their flexible upon graduation, Lab. t
needs of people who comprise of student and job placement career plans and aspirations. necessity of lifelong learning.
an urban society, and the went from the teaching Subjects often dealt with The Center also sends out Students in any major who
actual achievement of the profession into the job include: What opportunities folders of credentials^ for all wish a more in-depth study of
goals and objectives to which markets of accountants, are open to me if I major in a candidates |who make a young children should con-
plans land policies are lawyers, home economists, certain curriculum? Does the WRITTEN request. The sider these courses: i
directed. The? number of scientists and law en- career^ I am interested in credentials are useful when 1. f Early f Childhood
regional land metropolitan forcement officers. require graduate study? applying* for a job as well as Programs (winter term)
planning agencies is in- What are the opportunities graduate school. -theory I of early \ childhood
creasing rapidly, and there is The fact that the Placement open to me|in certain cities The Placement Office^tries education
l a great shortage of qualified Office helps students plan with my major? What han- to bring as many employers -methods of teaching young
^professional planners to fill their careers in their Fresh- pens in a job interview? as possible to the campus to children m I
^responsible positions at all man year has changed! its Providing information to recruit graduating seniors. -observation in various
levels of government and' in image to Career Planning and the students is another part of Seniors are advised^ to take preschools and day care
private consulting practice. Placement Center. the Career 1 Planning and advantage of this service. centers.
The School of Government
The Career Planning and Placement Center. Mr. Postings of the recruiters 2. Early | Childhood
and Business Administration
Placement Center Offices are Bukowski visits with people coming to campus may be Laboratory (spring term)
offers graduate study in
located on the second floor of of all professions, gathering found on Placement Bulletin HDFR S $ p
urban and regional planning information about ^the world Boards, the Career Planning -practicum in the CDL
leading to the professsional Old Main in rooms 204, 205, of work in all facets. and Placement Newsletter, -curriculum > planning and
degree of faster of Urban and 207. For those students Any full-time jobs un- and the Merciad,, as well as teaching-recording chil-
and Regional Planning. Urban using the Placement Center it covered are listed in the simply checking with the dren's development
and regional planning can be is not an employment agency. Career Planning and Placement Office. - s e l f - e v a l u a t i o n ^ via
electedalso (1) as a field of It does not charge fees; it Placement Newsletter, which Another service is part- videotape. |
study toward the degrees of does I not guarantee is published twice-monthly. time employment, ^which is Another feature of the Child
Master ~ ; of Public placement. Its function is*to The newsletter is mailed to all open to all Mercyhurst Development Laboratory this
help students
Administration, Master of portunities! and career uncover op- Seniors and those alumni who students| Part-time positions year will be classes for ex-
Arts in Government, Doctor alternatives. I I request it. are listed on two bulletin ceptional children conducted^
of Business Administration, The Career Library, boards—one near ' the on Saturday morning by the
Doctor of Public THE SERVICES OF THE located in room 204 Old Main, Placement Office and |the Council on Exceptional
Administration; and (2) as an CAREER PLANNING AND is another way of gathering other is located in the Student Children.?
area of concentration in other PLACEMENT CENTER^ information. Here the Union. From l there, the g To arrange for observation
advancedfdegrees. Qualified students should go the Career
students have access to Library^ for more in- in the CDL, tstudents of
students may jpursue a four- The services at the Career various books, pamphlets, formation. faculty should contact* Ms.
year program | of« study Planning and Placement and magazines dealing with a Buck or Rosemary Blieszner,
leading to degrees in both Center are available free of variety of careers. •£ fe- The members of the Career Director, both at ext. 278. For
planning and law. < ; i charge, to underclassmen and 1 Another service provided is Planning and | Placement more information about the
A Bachelors degree from an seniors.? ^Career Planning meetings Center are here to help you; CEC program, contact &iieen
accredited? college» or ft •which all students are invited stop by and let your em- Del Sordo or Brian McHugh,
university with a quality- A major service of the to attend.^The meetings deal ployment needs be known. ext. 236. "*t \
*• ^

Men \

Lunches And Dinners

I Friday, September 26 \ f Salad Bowl.
Lunch: Grilled Ham land Cheese, Tuna Dinner: Roast Beef, Pasta, Hamburger
Noodle Casserole,^Shepherds Pie, with French Fries. | |
Sandwich Bar.
Dinner: RoastfTurkey with Dressing, Fried -. Tuesday, September 30
Fish, Pizza** ? Lunch*: Hot Turkey Sandwich, Beef Biscuit
M* Saturday, September 27 Roll, Fruit Salad Plate, i
Lunch: Hot Dog with Baked Beans, Spanish Dinner: Baked Meatloaf, Breaded Fish,
Rice, Scrambled Eggs. Hoagies and Chips.
Dinner: Steak, Shrimp, Whoppers. Wednesday, October 1
Sunday, September28 Lunch :*. B.B.Q. Beef, Turkey Goulash,
Brunch: Scrambled Eggs, Home Fries, French Toast. ]
Sandwich Bar. Dinner: Grilled Chopped Steak, Polish
Dinner .v Baked Ham with French Fries, Sausage, Italian Meatball Sandwich.
i Thursday, October 2
Baked Chicken, Spanish Omlet. | | | f | | y Lunch: Spaghetti, Toasted Cheese and Tom
Monday, September29 Sandwiches, Tuna Salad Plate.
Lunch: Sloppy Joes with French^ Fries, Dinner: Chicken, Chop Suey, Hot Ham and
Baked Noodle Casserole, Julienne Cheese with French Fries. 3 i

Shimpeno Squad
Won. .Loss., Tie Kicks Off -

Soul On Ice
Ticklers £ by Chris Van Wagenen
Relatively High Coach David Shimpeno Jose Moguel, Bob Curtis and
Kringo's Kids may have a long road ahead Jim Riley. All three of them
Mother Truckers of him with his new soccer handled themselves very well
The Stoned Rangers team but if anyone could with some excellent foot
The Family 3 make the sport work at the work. Inscho hopes that the
Ten Rats 'Hurst, Shimpeno certainly school will make it into a
has all the qualifications. On varsity sport. It is anticipated
Monday, September 22nd the by ? most that if money was
newly formed Mercyhurst invested in the sport that the
Soccer Club bowed out to a students involved would
Wanted: Members
terribly overpowering
Behrend College 12-0. f
One member of the team,
Edlnscho, commented that
devote more time to the sport.
Coach Shimpeno was
formerly an All-American at
Students and faculty in- young children in the^Erie publications for the year. •? the team looked real well for the University of Pittsburgh.
terested in early childhood community. £ the^first 10 minutes of play, Right now there appears to be
education are encouraged to I The membership 3. Student - $2.00 - NPAEYC but they got tired out after an awful lot of interest shown
join the local affiliate of the categories and benefits are: Newsletter - participation in that and were not sticking to by the players that are on the
Natibnal Association for the 1. Regular - $13.00 - NAEYC local activities. i ij their zones." Another team. At this point of course
Education of Young Children. Journal. r, For additional information member, Jim Riley, felt that the Mercyhurst Soccer Club
The Northwest Pennyslvania * "Young Children" # and a membershhip form, the team still has to condition is just what it says, it's a club
AEYC was|organized to help NPAEYC Newsletter | contact Pamela Whipple, 18 itself for all the running they but: in time, hopefully
students, teachers of children Professional growth Norman Way, Erie, Pa. 16508. have to do. % someday, it will ^become a
in preschooll through third seminars-workshops; * Some of the standouts were varsity sport. ?
grade, and college faculty Voting rights and |
develop increased eligibility for holding
professional competence in
working with children, and to
help improve services for
office §|
2.5 Comprehensive - all of
above $35.00 all new NAEYC
Women's! Varsity Tennis
Since the firsts week of two girls who returned to the Renne Fischer, Julie Collins,
school, the Women's Varsity :eam from last year, Rose and Donna Walker, manager.
Tennis Team has been in Ann Bauer - Junior and Jane The team, along with

With? basketball season
HeadersMercyhurst Top ten. The
preparation for the upcoming
season. In the past the women
have played a split season
Kerstetter - Sophomore. $
Rose Ann and Jane are the
20-captains, with
remainder of "the team
Coach Aldrich and Miss Price
are looking forward to a
successful season. The
support of the Mercyhurst
right around the corner, it's cheerleaders! budget was with matches during both fall community would be greatly
and spring term. composed ofl Paula Pizzat,
almost time to introduce the eliminated for thig year, Alongi with the new season Mary Ann King, Cindy Casali, appreciated.
1975-76 Laker cheerleaders. however, it has been rumored the girls are working with a
This year three juniors that promises have been new coach, Lynn Aldrich.
constitute the veterans of the made to try and restore it. % |
squad. They are Cindy
Bartolo, Debbie Duda, and
The possibility of a party is
"brewing" just in case the
Lynn Aldrich•> obtained her
BA in Physical Education Women's Varsity Tennis Fall7 5
from Slippery e Rock, and September
Judy Mahony. They have rumor proves to be untrue. So along with coaching the 20 - Saturday Slippery Rock Invitational 6:80
been on the squad three years shine up your mugs andjwish women's tennis team she also 23 - Tuesday Villa | f 4:00 p.m. 8:00 (4-2)
and if I their. faces aren't them good luck. * I 25 - Thursday Grove Ci ty 4:00p.m. 3:30 (4-3)
teaches) Physical Education 1:00 p.m. 12:30 (4-3)
familar, their mouths should Practices have already in the Erie Public Schools. 27 - Saturday Clarion
4:00p.m. 3:30 (4-2)
be. Cindy is from Greenville, started and they're raring to 29 - Monday Gannon
go. Ar^y upperclassmen and The tennis team consists of
Pa. and is alBusiness Major.
Debbie is from Oil City, with transfers, that is sophomores, October
a double major in Home Ec. juniors, and seniors, in- 1 - Wednesday Edinboro 4:00p.m. 3:30 (6-3)
and Social Work. Judy, from terested in cheering this year, Support your 4 - Saturday
7-Tuesday '&
1:00 p.m. 12:15(6-3
North East, P a , is majoring come to a meeting at 4:00 4:00p.m. 3:00 (6-4)
9 - Thursday Clarion 4:00 p.m. 1:15(4-3)
in Biology, i |L Sunday in Weber Hall. And for
the rest of the campus- hope
soccer team. 13 - Monday Allegheny 3:30p.m. 2:00 (3-2)
Up from the JV sguad are 14 - Tuesday Behrend 3:00 p.m. 3:00 (6-8)
Patty Nestor and Cindy to see you at that first game, 16 - Thursday Edinboro 4:45 p.m. 4:15 (6-3)
Bvham. Patty is a sophomore November 28 and 29, when the Soccer game at 12 - Sunday Mercyhurst 8:30a.m. 8:30 # 5
Art major from Fairlawn Erie Classic will again be Invitational Tennis
N.J., I and Cindy is from held at the Erie County Edinboro, 4 p.m. 21 - Tuesday Villa FM 4:00 p.m. 3:30 (4-2)
Fieldhouse. Let's show some
Meadville, Pa. majoring in
Education. A newcomer to the new support for a new Monday
squad is Pam Conte from season!
Sfonroeville, Pa, also a
sophomore majoring in
psychology. Their advisor
this year is Mr. Edward
Gallagher, who has proved to
be a great help. JD
Each year it seems the 3 6 1 9 McClelland Ave
squad has improved a little and 38th St.
more. This year's squad has a
lot of potential and should be
one of the best. f Phone 899-0208
Financial troubles seem to
be the current tune inj the

by Joe "Snides" Snyder

Flag football kicked off I
Wednesday $with relatively
High and Soul on Ice coming
away with victories.
Smoker Jones found it
difficulty making the ad-
justment, after four years of
varsity basketball, to flag
football. On one play, he
by Chris Van Wagcncn caught a pass} from his
brother Chas, found himself
r'Here comes that rainy day the Laker team one?on one, dnbbledm down
feeling again." When the will hopefully play. J the field, and made a
Fortunes'sang that isong a beautiful', hook shot (Even
while back they must have And play they will Dick Fox would have been
had dreary Erie in mind. I, with bat and ball proud of it.) The alert
like anyone else, would enjoy I only hope ? referee, however, caught this
some sunny afternoon to sit that rain don't fall," and) called Smoker for
down and view one fof 'the ^traveling. SouH on Ice had
'Hurst's many sporting events In other news, the Mercy- another touchdown called
such as baseball. Well, as hurst soccer team back when Chas. a former
September nears its end, I managed to get bombarded lettermen in baseball, caught
still await opening day only to by Behrend College 12-0. Part a touchdown pass from WVW >-',

find the pitter patter of a of the reason of thisfgreat Smoker with his outfielders Photo by Nancy Willis
drizzling rain cloud on an humiliation is that the team |glove. These tactics
empty Tullio baseball field,J lacks conditioning. thoroughly confused The he did an experiment for his accredited his success to a
did, however, between sunny Family,^and| desbite two Biology class. Frank "Slim" new way of staying in shape...
skies and (tempering spirits, Frank Sands and Crew touchdown passes from Pat Garwol was the lone star to After each touchdown:
manage to create this ipoor continue to prepare for the Condrin, lost to the Icemen 25- shine for the Truckers scoring Charley is tackled ana
excuse for a poem'for Joe upcoming season that is just 12. - % eight points on a pass and molested by 22 members of
Cook and his squad. | | .3 around the bend. Frank's safety. Frank attributes his the**'Hands" Rufo fan club.
44 f The' second game of the success to| |Dr. ferwin Charley shrugs it off and calls
A drop of water *& problems have ranged from afternoon had the Ten Rats
so fresh and sweetf Yp! launches that fail to start to going againsth Relatively Stillman's water diet. it part of his vigorous training
has stopped Cook's FleetX girls that walk a mile. All in High, the latter team winning Following tl\is diet, Frank procedures.: for football. The
all though, you've got to give the contest 13-7. Craig said he lost up to 27 ounces in Stoned Rangers blamed their
They practice hard Frank credit; he at least has Sampsell, trying to disprove the past four months. Frank loss on the fact that their
on sunny days * f
patience going his way. ; ^ those rumors that he was all
e feels .this weight* loss has game planjwas accidentally
but come game time Women's Volleyball and the given him extra quickness destroyed *in a fire. The
&m washed up, didn't flounder up and mobility. captain explained that%the
they're washed away. men's hockey club are about at fall. He and Chipmunk:
to get underway. Hopefully Downey provided the offense, The Stoned Rangers were game strategy was written on
Maybe some month both sports will shed a little while Bruce Fenstermacher shut out* by the French E-Z Widers and were
maybe some day '&&!(' sunshine. ! • steadied the defense, they Ticklers *38-0. The Ticklers unknowingly smoked before

were all overshadowed by were sparked to:victory by the game. To, rectify this
Gumsy Dillon's defensive Charlie "Hands" Rufo and problem, the Rangers, in the
play (or offensive, depending "Connie" Curtis. Charley future, will use pipes only.
on how you look at it) of the
game. As Jim Riley wa£
running for fa touchdown
Gumsy -appeared to be \

by Terri Fiumara ^grabbing,* for his iflag, but

came up with*Jim's pants
"instead. Riley triedlto cover
Miss%rice, director of women's athletics, reports an upihis personal area, and in
increase in the 1975-76 women's athletic budget. Although doing so, fumbled the ball.
$3,500 has been budgeted, more money is needed to pay for Relatively High recovered it
the higher costs of officials, better uniforms the;girls so and stopped a potential Rat
rightfully deserve and to make the traveling much easier scored f.
and more comfortable. At this time no athletic scholar- ^hat wasn't the end of it ...
ships are given to the women of Mercyhurst. fhis will be After the play, a band of wild
the next major and most'important aspect added to the eyed vigilantes, apprehended
women's athletic program. W J I Jim right Ion the spot,
Three new coaches have been added to the staff this claiming they were making a
year. Of the $3,500, $1,000 is going for the salaries of these citizen's arrest on the grounds
coaches. Miss Price has expressed a deep desire for the that he was streaking. I'm not
cooperation of-'the administration! and the students to quite sure, but I think I heard
make the women's athletic program an important part of Riley say, as they led \him
the school. . i MJ<- I i away, "How many times do I
have to tell you, my first
name isn't Jack!" -m
The Rats, in order to
spruce up their image, have
hired Gail- Bechtold, Elisa
Guida and Linda Pazar as
cheerleaders. The salaries
haven't been disclosed, but
Elisa is asking for a pound'of
by Scoff Parson Velveeta Cheese per game.
The 'Hurst on their up- Honorable Mention last year, They'll be dressed in little
coming fall trip will be two an even greater threat this mousekateer outfits. Mike
men short because of a league year. John will definitely be Diaco, spokesmen for the
ruling on transfer students. at the number one position. Rats, said they tried to get
The team will be without the The other positions have not Annette Funicello to T)e
services of All-America been determined as yet, captain of their cheerleading
Martin Sturgess and Finnish because of. the closeness of squad, but he found she has One.out of every three Marine Corps officers j
Davis Cupper Reijol Fuer- ability. More than likely varicose h veins and falling
mola. Thankfully these though uppperclassmen Jack arches. is in aviation. And we're looking for more
members become eligible for Daly, Kari Pesonon and Scott good men to join them. Men who will fly some
Spring play. % * Saturday's game
Parsons will be playing in the Kringo Kids derailing the had the of the world's most exciting aircraft, as f
Even without the two best middle positions. Both fresh- Mother Truckers 34-20. Glenn members of the world's finest air-ground
players, on paper the 'Hurst men Alan Colbertson and Phil "Errol Flynn' Caruso \ was team. If you're in college now, look into our
still looks awfully tough. Dubsky will be rounding out most impressive,.leading t
What made this team number the fall roster #*&* f PLC-Aviation program. There's no better
five in the nation last year Kids to victory. Hearing that time—and no better way—to get started J
* v
a scouting
was not one or two *• great One thing for sure is, the the game, he refused to run team would be at
players, but a teamjthat was team is no ipushover. My the ball on the left side of the
very close in ability from the personal impression is, that field didn't show
number one position all the this' fall's squad was better off his best profile. After the FOR A FEW GOOD MEN. i \
way down to number six. No than the total of last year's game, Glenn was courageous MERCYHURST STUDENTS: LEARN WHAT YOU
one on this team constitues an team. Not only in ability but enough to sign autographs for CAN GET PROM THE MARINE CORPS-SEE THE
easy win for the opposition. attitude. The players that are his fans and teammates. The
John Voikos will definitely here this year want to do just Kringo Kids did suffer from MARINE CORPS REPRESENTATIVES AT THE
be leading the 'Hurst into that, play. If the team can do slight injuries, though these ZURN FOYER ON 2$ & 26 SEPTEMBER 1975
action this year.; His im- well without the two best weren't caused by the FROM 9:00 A.M. TO UO0 F.M. OR CALL
proved physical condition and players, the \ national TruckersJJohn Ball is their 2l6-5224i268 (COLLECT) FPR MORE INFO.
attitude will make John, who championships in Kansas City fellow/teammate and part-
was an All-America become even more tangible. :ime court jester., John said
* •

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