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Receives Workshop\Offered
H After the very successful Human Development Program which

Honor was presented here at Mercyhurst College under the administration

of Mr. Ray Danielski, many people are looking forward to the next
session of Human Development Programs. Due to begin toward the
end of February, the HDC will again feature its weekend lecture-
by Sue Weiner workshop series. The 9 weekend series will bring here to Mer-
cyhurst experts in the areas of meditation, acupressure, biorythms,
• and oriental religions and thought process. 1c J $||P %£ ?^« **
3 J « The evening series of over 32 programs will feature series and
^ H j C V • M * " * ^ i f f * ^ ^

" V H
lecturers by more local people and in some cases involve Mer-
i^S&^Hff, J

cyhurst staff or faculty. These programs will concern such topics as

medicinal herbs, astrology, transactional analysis, ESP, organic
gardening, para-psychology, handwriting analysis, memory
development, \drawing las meditation? and ian overview on
^ f " # £ tt psychology. The Yoga program will also continue.* & # ^ ^ £ S § ^
These programs from the Human Development Center are open
to the public and the schedule will be printed and i out before
February 26. The Merciad will keep you posted on all developments
and available details. flfHBl «f. ^&2S^4*3KS^ &v?t#

Dorm NewsiForcesuoin
% Dr. Shane recently met with a Joint efforts on the part of the
WILLIAM TEMPLE! small group of students in the Mercyhurst J School of La^
William Temple, director of the Egan Lounge. The "Cokel and Enforcement land the Gannon
School ol Hotel-Keslaurani Conversation Hour" ?|gave College I Criminal Justice
Management, f has 1 been students the opportunity to meet department have resulted in a
designated one of the first Cer- with the President informally and consortium to be ^established
tified Hotel Administrators by the to share their perceptions of September, 1974. The Program
Educational" Institute of the Mercyhurst with nim. A second will provide an exchange $ of
American Hotel and Motel similar gathering is scheduled in students and instructors not only
Association. H f the near future with Bill Kennedy, from Mercyhurst I and'•' Gannon,
Mr. Temple is|one^of three director of student services. but also Ecfinboro State College
persons| who recently received David Blanchfield showed the who joined Mercyhurst College in
the highest award! in the film '*Future*Shock"jlast Wed- a Criminal Justice Consortium in
hospitality industry.! He com- nesday evening in the Baldwin September, 1972. Each of the
pleted an advanced program in Lobby and afterwards led a three* schools offers a different
^Educational Institute which discussion of the" movie. This area of concentration within the
included a coursej ofI study, a Wednesday, January 23, Paul field. At | the Hurst, the
written j thesis! and com- Newcomb will discuss *'Eastern specialized courses are police
prehensive examinations. The Philosophies" with a group of science and probation fwork.
program ^extended Sover a five- students in the Egan Lounge at 8 Edinboro's program concentrates
year period. «| | p.m. On January 30, |Marilynn
The Mercyhurst professor Jewell'will present an evening of on political science,! and the
major studies at Gannon GERRY GROSSMAN
described the award as a "ter- "Travel Slides" for resident
students and at a later date Bob involve corrections. Since This weekend Gerry Grossman Gerry Grossman performance
minal professional degree." He
jay use thef initials 'C.H.A." Hoff will conduct a "Music September Gannon and ^Mercy- will be reappearing in the Mercy- alternate between marvelling at
after his name. * * | Listening Night." hurst have served as a Bail-Bond hurst coffee house. The talented his musical finesse, roaring at his
Mr. Temple commented on his NEW INTERVISITATION Agency. Under this arrangement, musician^ will be performing satire and s boldly launching
nonor, "Nothing ha.-, changed HOURS have been recently Friday and Saturday nights at 7 comments and requests of their
since I received it J It is one of adopted by Egan, Baldwin, and a certain number of law en- and9. $ M S own. •; j
*nose continuing processes that a McAuley Halls. The Halls are forcement majors from feacfi It's not every performer who Based in Chicago, Grossman is
allege professor will pursue to now open to members of the college interview prisoners at the transforms an auditorium into a featured at numerous clubs
sharpen up his experience and opposite sex from 1 p.m. to 1 a.m. Erie County Jail on a daily basis, carnival. Gerry Grossman does throughout the Midwest and is
pass on its benefits to those he daily and until 2& a.m. on evaluate bond needs of each in- not merely sing to his audiences, involved rin extensive college
leaches." | Tuesdays, Fridays, and Satur- dividual, and make a report to the he captivates them, snatches touring over much of the country.
Mr. Temple plans to send a days, f court for final determination. them from their seats* and In addition to local spots, his half
yptoe of his designation as a electrifies them with the total hour long television special 'The
certified Hotel Administrator for experience of his show. Session" was broadcast during
PWWication in Articulation, a
Publication of the Council of
Hotel, Restaurant, I and
jnstUitutional Educators, of
News From SAC With
on a
1972 over a network of UHF
stations in 37 states.

™<* both hefand Mercyhurst Congratulations to Kathy % The Stomping Suede running dialogued with his
i * i temple's experience in the
Greasers will
in concert » at 9 p.m. on
February 5th in the Student
be appearing onlookers,
of their
Witality industry includes over the Student Union. She wdi Union. Tickets can be pur- in which they cannot help but
««een ayears as owner, super- chased in the SAC office for participate. Beginning January 27, 1974, at
ths I* n d ma
nager followed by work with B.P.H. and S.A.C. 5:00 p.m., the Mercyhurst Studios
years of college in formulating student ac- only $2.00. Grossman can be as delicate of WQLN-FM will broadcast the
SSSSS.'i9 at
tivities. S , J
and artistic as a craftsman, as first in a
tumultuous as an entire rock and dealing with the Energy Crisisseries of programs
mf!l ^H * Spokane Com- roll band and asflamboyantas and its impact on the Erie area.
munity College, the University of
r«ver, and Purdue University mercyhurst Film Society Jack Flash, but with a shrewd Entropy will be organized \ and
charisma which is only his. He hosted by Sr. Mary Charles,
}*«>re coming to Mercyhurst|last purpose * ^ &J| i» f a # v uncannily perceives and appeals
Stimulate inter est in film m& increase the aesthetic awareness of cinematograph y. to the musical-and humorous chairman of the Natural Sciences
1. Seeing "new" films with adequate advance preparation plus a pott viewing discussion of the film.
!- *
tastes peculiar to each individual and Mathematics division of
2 Encourage and generate activities for film production by the Individual tyi
audience. His song writing is^as Mercyhurst College. Sr. Charles
'^PORTRNT: 0. Viewing samples of various film styles and techniques
b. Organized discussions.
c. Guest speakers. versatile and masterful as Mill be talking with members of
d. Equipment specialists-
e. Film making workshops- •* Grossman himself who announces the business, industrial, and
* Council Meeting f. Filmmaking.
1. «Orgmilt* activities center ing around • particular film at least once per month* Tht procedure will Include x
. Film festival* emphatically that he is no folk scientific communities from the
a. Selection of a particular film (possibly the Tr I -College film -except for Janwrvh singer. Grossman is continually Erie area.^ On January 27,
everyone invited! b. P*Qvmctinktrm*lk>i\ concerning the film that will be shown (probably through the Merciad &r\6 Community
Newsletter). called upon to defend his claim Entropy will feature a discussion
ۥ Viewing of the film.
d Post film viewing discussion. A person or group Will be assigned ^o lead the discussion or provide information. that he can perform ninety-five of heating and airconditioning of
Students be 2.
e - Suggestions concerning the next film or act lvity.
Provide two Super 0 film workshops on filmmaking. Both workshops will beheld in January. The first workshop
will be concerned with film making orientation and introduction, camera handling and techniques* forms *nd types
percent of all pop songs recorded homes and commercial buildings.
Present of films, and the actual shooting of a Super 8 film The second workshop will be concerned with evaluation of the
Super Sfilm produced in workshop I, use of audio with Super 8 film, and planning of other activities relating to film
since 1955! | \ Panelists for the program will be
Mr f f llm product In wor Mhop ' - « * • "
Comedy is an integral facet of Charles O'Leary, from the
m ^ CommWlify' **™t"" .*rAd
AAeccvhurst - * - ^ - * - ^ t ^ . f i r m This festival Will be open to all members of tht
Grossman's show.? He parodies Pennsylvania Gas Co; Charles
the subjects that are amusingly Roesch from the Pennsylvania
Mondail .>J3n. 28th one or°all of the following = close to us all such as pop music, Electric Co; ands; Donald Ken-
Dan Burke
Bob Hoff television, adolescence and social nedy, President of the Erie
% 2 1 6 7:30ip.m. Oave Palmer
Bill AAcMillian blunders. Those who} attend a Engineering Society's Council.
Fran Binonear

i i



On Saturday, February 2, the M.U. boys are planning to follow In the same tracks as the Purdue Men.
AS quoted from the Erie Times on January 16:
I j 7 COLD
AJT / I *;kvi$k
I Meeting utes
Six Purdue students Take walk In Nude t | 'T The Representative| Union\ of Student Policies Jean Kunick
WEST L A F A Y E T T E , ind. (UPi)—Six of 43 hardy Purdue University men braved 7 degree below zero tem- Students met Thursday, January
peratures durincj the weekend to win the Fourth Annual Cary Quadrangle Nude Winter Olympics here. They were 10,|l974 at 8:08 p.m in Room 114 Dennis Mastriane
clad only in tennis shoes and hats. ? fej* ^ •>
Administrative Policies
Zurn. There were£38imembers
Forty three runners entered the three-mile contest—which began in 1970 as a prank between residence halls on the and l alternate present. Ev^SS? I I; -^£5**.KarenBrown
men's quadrangle. The winners completed the race this year In 59 minutes, compared to one hour and »5 minutes last
year. 1 |V I Education of the E.C. proposal
The wind may have proven a factor in the small number of finishers. The wind chill index at the time of the race was presented by Sister Eustace, The Todd Rungryen fconcert
was 36 degrees .below zero. SM^S Aral J J W I Sister Christian and Dr. Palmer. was cancelled. " *. *8|
r n Bin near
Now is your opportunity to 1prove your masculinity and challenge the record of the Purdue men. The race will The basic idea oft the E.C. »?, 2 8 asked Ithe
begin midnight at Tullio "Ball * Park. $$ * m proposal is to learn to speak and R.U.S. academic committee for
m Qualifications for the M.U. Winter Olympics are: " $180.00 for a film society. After
1) Must bea AA.u.boy f J | * Hi write clearly. The writing clinic
2) Must come undressed appropriately only hats and shoes allowed. || <?*?*5HHH would go into effect September, discussion, Joe Solomon moved to
3) Must be able to stand extreme cold * ' f !
% 'ii$JB$£ji allocate $180.00* for the film
4) Doesn't embarrass easily, ffi? • i t , « ^*^£jBt 1974.* I } Mm wlfi society Kathy Thompson
if you meet the above qualifications please sign up outside the SAC office before Saturday, January 26. Julie I Samick&gave the seconded u. "It was passed bv a
The race will start at Tullio Ball Park. Contestants will begin at home plate, run once around the diamond, then s
down past Baldwin Hall (where 225screaming girls will cheer (turn) them on). From there they will proceed past Treasurers Report.%yAs -of vote of 38 to 1.
Zurn Hall around past the chapel, past the back of the library, up to McAuley Hall then down the home stretch to January 1,4974: 'jj &*..-;-.•
Baldwin. A come as vou are nartv will be held at the conclusion of the race in Baldwin Lobby where refreshments
will be served, consisting of hot dogs on warm buns and beer. Contestants names and further details will appear in Alexis Walker reported on the
next weeks issue. ! I * | ji^HlS^H Hsm Board of Trustees meeting.
? Immorally Yours, mm. W i J K l H K a H culture and films ^C $2594.43
% Your Spiritual Guardians &> | | I B ^ ^ K H N a i y H remaining ^ ^ | ^ ^ ; . $3405.57 Discussion of the National
* P S.'Due to a shortage of beer on campus, crabs are In abundance, so get them while you can. *~& w H ^ j £ » w Clubs bE£ '&&m. ? - Student Lobby's^ Third Annual
PSEAfp^Jr owes R.U.S.,$34.15 Conference in Washington, DC.
Biology *<pf ** ' ^ r S ' tflOOtfo followed. The Conference is being
Marketing —Management $200.00 held February 23-27, 1974. The
1U)M H) Alpha Psi Omega *** $100.00 Conference would Include
*i M* *V» fclift ^ H ^ ' S


3619 McClelland Ave.
Earth Space Science » ^ $200.00 meeting
Weight Lifting* 2*? ••- $00 00
Black Involvement 2|;'* % $100.00 Congressmen, discussing
financial aid, education and
C.E.C. Tr*\£ ?'§10u\00 issues effecting the cost of
Accounting r ^'Sv^C^ k? $100.00 education today. After
Jan. 24
Jan. 31
7:00 NOW LIVE MUSIC J Buses f £^M?Jv^fe V; 4197.90 discussion, it was decided thai
Feb. 5 EDINBORO A 6:00 remaining $ | f | ^ ^ I $60ll0 four Mereyhursl students would
Feb. 7 a BEHREND A 7:00
I Every Wed., Fri. & Sat I R.U.S. regular account •\: $564.31) be sent to this Confer crence.f
Feb. 9 i! CLARION A 1:00 Subcommittees J2&* -re ma bung
Feb. 11 ALLEGHENY H 7:00 Wed. Nite is still I Academic ^?Sg5Si|§ i f $1,00000 The ~ Energy Crises was
Feb. 14 Drink 'n DrownlNite Cultural | | %s J* $832.00 discussed. Some off the 1 ideas
Feb. 16 ST. BONA'S A 4:00 Community-Centered 'W $930.00 brought up to conserve energy
Feb. 19SJ Comi ffracf/ons here on our campus were:|Stop
i J THIEL A 7:00 Lincol SaA C( Sending R.U.S. fliers, *stop
' SBBsQw I $3621.30 printing t|ie Beacon, recycle
/ /

Feb. 21 VILLA H 7:00 %t

Feb. 23 ue Berry / /

Freshmen representatives were

THIEL H 2:00 paper, publish bus schedules, cut
Feb. 26 GENEVA A 7:00
maw it appointed to committees. r ii3K*^ the flights in^classrooms, alter
March 2 WESTMINSTER A 2:00 »» I Eller
'. •
H.U.S. Committees! | f f
nate lighii *in $ thei hallways,
March 4 ALLEGHENY A 7:00 w
U ctions West i Academic f S s ^ Sheila Walsh organize a car-pool board.
March 7 M i VILLA A 7:00 S I 1 W$M? Ann Condon The next R.U.S. meeting will be
plus Bands from Cleveland, f Administrative: p f P 2^ j held Thursday Januar> 24, 1974
Buffalo & Pittsburgh J WM I IfPt Heyde Wallover at 5:30p.m. in Room 114/urn.
Senate Committeesi S S ^ S ^ f i l The meeting was adjourned ai
9:3lp.m. 1 ffll K
gBjgl Kespectfull> submiued.
•Hjra Marianne Jacobs am
i£" I B Se e ret ar \ t l 3 8 M


|g|by|Sharon Warner
...We were just wondering il iho
cafeteria would consider a ihemo
song. We thoughtSShirlc} Tem
pie's old ditty. "Animal Crackers
in Mvi Soup" if would be ap
propriaie. Or maybe just
"Animals in my Soup." *
<c>1073 bv Low W. AsdnHjin ...We were jusl wondering il m
cafeteria could make an earnest
Clues to above double-cross up puzzle attempt toi keep their* nisect
specimens out of the food.
WANTED on Page 3 ...We were just wondering why
Juniors and Seniors for on-cam pus tutoring positions. Open to dorm students keep ripping on
all upper class men and in all ma jor.areas. Excellent pay — $2.00 silverware and trays Iroin• iiic
per hour and working conditions—8 hours per week. • I cafeteria and then cans uii
derstand why room and boara
Qualifications: I fe .
1. Must have a 3.00 cum. index. 1 If
*» I
2. Must submit a P C S form to financial Aid Office. #
atti prices go up every year.
We were just wondering wny, n
S.A.G.A. owns both the cafotena
and snack barf operations, m*
Contact: David De Sante, 207 Main for more information and or
PCS forms. T \ %
1922 E. 38th food isn't up to the same stan

864-0715 ...We were just wondering'


Merciad Staff M K P
needed. Phonr P | 10
| |
leave message m l" "
Years of Service with a minimum purchase of 5.00 Roon^-^raillllaH

Published weeklygduring the college year* except Thanksgiving, in-

tersessioa Christmas and Easter vacations, and examination periods
by the students of Mercyhurst College, Erie, Pa., 16501. Mailing ad-
dress: Mercy hurst Mai I room. Preston Hall, Box 36. s£$ Frl.25 Sat. 26
f ACTIVITIES Gerry Grossman
[ Gerry Grossman
1 Show at|9 p.m.
JANUARY 1 Show at 9 p.m. - Union -Union
Editor: Cathy Stevenson
Assistant Editor: Kim Wontenay Sun.27 mofi.28 Tues.29
Editorial Board
Feature: Sue Weiner Dance & Popcorn Party
3|News: \ Sharon Warner Movie ^'Dirly. Harry"
Sports; Dario Cipriani Union - 9
Assistant Sports: Jack Riley
Mark Zine
ID'S 7&9 R.H.
Drama: \
business Manager: Anne Mashinic
Faculty Advisor: Barry McAndrew
Staff' Paul Manes, Torn" LoujwaPaul Doraa Diane Pickens, Cathy
McCarthy, Dennis Coaa JohnSullivaa AnnCondoa Candy ranker. Basketball Game
Mortin MlglioraHl f
takers/ Slippery i Rock
Buses- Fieldhouse
Cast for "Jack Brel


Jacque Brel is Alive and Well at rehearsals even as they sweat

and Living in Paris", a fresh out those high notes and harmony
different kind of musical will be numbers. You'll remember Man,
presented on February 14, 15, 16, and Junior theatre arts major,
17 and February 21, 22, 23 and 24 from I her | numerous per-
at the Mercyhurst Little Theater. formances inJ"Mame, "Apple
The : cast members include Tree" and "The Effect of
Junior, >' \ Marii ^[Gardner; Gamma Rays on Man in the Moon
Sophomore, Linda Johnson; Marigolds" to name a few. Linda
David!Greene?and!David Held, Johnson, j a Sophomore dance
both from Erie. Mr. Igor Stalsky major comes to us from'Point
will be directing this musical Park in Pittsburgh. She's ^cer-
production with Cecily Gallagher tainly not hanging up her dancing
as music director. \ WE& § shoes, but just enjoying theatre
This exciting | play presents for a nice change. David Held,
Jacque Brel as very alive and who you'll remember las the
very well and living in Paris. The snake in "The Apple Tree" is no
diverse musical numbers offer newcomer to theatre. He'll add
MARI GARDNER DAVID GREENE many (if you'll excuse the trite his own touch to "Jacque Brel."
statement) toe-tapping sensations Likewise, David Greene comes to
for the,audience. Such songs;as our theatre from his many ap-
fruit Farm "Carousel" and "If we Only Have pearances at Erie Civic. His
Love" promise to be emotional talents * as you gathered, J are
by Mig
w* f r L. kit. ^*^ ^ ^
for the audience, even if you're
the unemotional type ifijjj
As for the actors in our Mercy-
numerous. Welcome to Mercy-
hurst, Dai vid! j S
So, don't forget;"Jacque Brel"
hurst production, they have their on Feb. 14-24. It promises to be
SGetit? Whole Mirth Catalog? Ha - h a . I thought of using a catchy pun for a heading so that people work cut out (for them. For- Hot'only enjoyable, but truly a
can read it and say, "Hey, tricky!" Anyway, the F a r m h a s a new format (also available in fivemat tunately , they are all in fine voice theatrical experience for all! -J §&
andsixmat; check your local dealer): Side-splitting literary hilarities, accompanied by rollicking and
uproarious cartoons, guaranteed to bring a guffaw to the most sanguine puss. Get into the humor; if
you can't
you _ get
„ into the humor, get into the a r t ; if you can't get into the art, drink a can of Liquid
Plumer, and wait for the inspiration to hit you.
fways to receive cosmic inspiration: w m *' * I I N P ^
pHave sex with a malasian fruit bat ,*. , jj i •• [ | l||K!$^ftl^H
Carve excerpts from Hermann Hesse into your right armpit with a pop-ri vetool ;' §jB&? Siafe
Take a Drano enema ' f £t j. f %
f M WB^. |
Kjnsert your nose into a C02 extinguisher, and turn it on ft m l •? *i£ ifpiNW
*EatCap'n Crunch with British Sterling instead of milk w j ' /I \ | i
IBrush your teeth with Preparation-H J |g f$ ™* |
"Raise penguins and crossbreed them with your room mate. 91 | m
Perforate your lower eyelid with fish hooks ^1 | #il8p§i| ..2
Coat your mattress with honey and sleep next to an ant hill J p ^ {
Unscrew your belly button and let your buttocks fall off * »
• Put a loaded mousetrap in your jockstrap \%
Wash your face with Ben-Gay and sit under a sunlamp I |
Looking for some excitment in life? Draw a circle about five feet wide in the middle of a room and
inscribe a five pointed star in the middle. Place a candle opposite each point outside the circle, arid
seat yourself in the center. Placing both hands on your forehead, repeat the following: # f ^ t jl
I Domino magisterque Lucifer le deum et principem agnosco, ettpolliceor tibi servire et
obidire quandiu potero vivere. Et tibi policeor quid faciam quotquot malum potero, et at- I
trahere ad mala per omncs; et si deero tuae servitui et adorationi; et si non oblationem mei
ipsius fecero, ter quoque die, tibi do vitam meam sicut tuam. | 1$
This is an actual Satanic pact as held by Urbain Grandier in 1634. This will bestow upon you, among
other things, ". . the love of women, the flower of virgins, the chastity of nuns,*worldly honors,
pleasures and riches; he will fornicate every three days; intoxication will be dear to him." The only
catch is that after twenty years you surrender yc^ur life and soul to Lucifer, which isn't that bad,
considering that's where you'll probably end up anyway. f m& # f^i.
Well, if you'll excuse me, I've had this craving for goat's blood, and they don't list shepherds in the
yellow pages, so I guess I'll have to sacrifice a virgin. \

DOUBLE CROSS-UP ., p | .„ * *'
rar r « . , ^ . . .L. % is. .. . I the answer INGRATE. The word might be defined in
C S l a n les; th
«y CROSS you EM l 2 , J 2 " " « » ?* two parts, e . g . , a clue for FORESTER Is "ranger
The C l u e P B h e
»rd ItnlS \ f L» YiJ? ' !"1 1" favor of organic compound" (FOR ESTER).
«Nnieo, or an anagram of the word i t s e l f . M r 1 t e t h e mr^% o v e r the numbered dashes and
J**' y, the cclue |
contains a definition (synonym) then transfer each l e t t e r to the correspondingly
CirTI " * 8 W *$cU nrepresentation
d for
of the word.i numbered square 1n the diagram. Black squares J
• • ILwS? "** TC SH
l eY0U
t t e r s l i n an anagram Indicate word endings.? The completed diagram
r»L\ « T Cf • Y *»u » ***» » «"d BE may rep * w i l l contain a quotation reading from l e f t to
Z j 5 L ' A t h e »1 e t»t e «n<f
B. The word could also right. The f i r s t l e t t e r of the answered words
oh»t! 2 of the clue, e . g . , the ? w i l l give you the author's name and t i t l e of the
* "htman being rated as unthankful" contains work from which the quote comes.
ST* 1 « " * M I K aw wamings
*•»*»• T. T " TST "7T I I T?o~ ToT S5 ~5o" "IT
• Feed tad lies causing slandered character T7T T13T TuT " W S T TBT T W
• *••**/ given me that be queen worthy T7o" T T T5" TO 13? Tu7 *"*T "2T ~7FTO"" 1 * "T5"
• ^ M l t . , test which Is the most recent..fff j ^ r T " 1 U T58" "33" fe

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FR EE f | mail order catalog. Enclose $1.00
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EriUPa. 16501 11941 WILSHIRE BLVD.. SUITE * 2
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°" the defensive, but still obnoxious . T 3 ? - r " 2 u r a r " 7 T 1 7 T f T - 4 8 " I ?

°PPO$1t1on^ I T T W T " W "17"IT-W

I « background 1s l u l l a n . why not! . . . . ^ -yc ^j - y j - j j TJ7 I T "gf T" "Tf TTI ij

• ^ thne to i e t odors out „,«r™r«r-iT

^ - W S STiSMJ, .Tiwr-mim-infmr |

SfillaiiJiiil I [ mw-rw-u-ifTrTW
Odds Ends
«fcv^ »»0»»-<* .-** 1 r*m
« ufp->

«»M ^ &

by Dario Cipriani, Spoils Editor | §

The Mercyhurst basketball team chalked up its ninth victory of by Tod Allen
the season a week ago?by5defeating Walsh College 81-68. Jesse
Campbell led the Lakers with\ 25 points [and 26 rebounds. His The 1974 Mercyhurst^ Men's
rebounding mark set a school record for the most rebounds in one Intramural Basketball season is
game. The previous record of 24 was set by Jesse this season at underway. Results as of Monday,
wheeling. g fm t 4 January 21 are as follows: Big
the 'Hurst's next appearance will be in the recently completed Cyunes 2, Booty Kickers 0 (for-
Erie County Fieldhouse on January 31st. Slippery Rock State will feit); Foxie Ladies 73, Guess
pose as the opposition in that affair. The Rock downed Clarion State What "74" 52; .Rookies 58, Ten
last week 75-70 and they now seem ready to mate a bid in defense of Rats 45; Zig Zags 42, T-Ballers
their District 18 title. 29; Cellar Dwellers 58, Deadwood
Dicks 55; Mann 69, Knicks 48;
Despite an apology* of sorts from Coach James Giles of Shaw Mother Truckers 55, "Kangaroo
College, the Mercyhurst brass has decided not to mate the venture Kids 44; Salt*&»Pepper 83, Over
to Detroit scheduled for the 26th. If Shaw decides to hold up to the the Hill 80; Cellar Dwellers 70,
original contract, we will have to suffer a forfeit loss pending a Big Cyunes 32; Foxie Ladies 67,
probable appeal to the NAIA National Committee. I certainly hope Knicks 60; Deadwood jDicks 60,
the athletic department decided against making the trip because of Booty Kickers 59; Mother
the consequences which might have evolved rather than not making Truckers 70, Rookies 39; Salt &
the trip because of the defeat we could have suffered! I I i 1 Pepper * 98, T-Ballers 47;
Kangaroo Kids 75, Ten Rats 33;
The Lakerettes (Mercyhurst girls varsity team) made their 1974 Over the Hill 56, Zig Zags 34, and
debut last evening at the Mercyhurst Prep gym. The team will be Mann 63, Guess What "74" 48. '
coached by Marlene Smith and Janet Price. Marlene, a June grad A list of all the players who
and a member of last year's squad, stated to this writer that this scored 10 points or more in the
season's team will surprise a lot of people. We'll give you a rundown past week are as follows: Prince
in this column next week, M i &5 i T ? 20, Vernal 19, Ball 12, T.purrows
12, Z 10 for the Foxie vs.| Guess
Len Cyterski should be given a pat on the back for the time he put What. Allen 16, Keith 12 for Guess Th is Week
into the "Buck and Doe" stag held at the Polish Falcons Club. Len What vs. Foxie. Fish 14, Ray K 12
worked some long hours preparing for this event, the proceeds of for plats vs. Rooks. Tyler 14,
which will be used to supplement the budgets for the minor sports at
Mercyhurst. 'i. I J & £ u
In the latest statistics released by the NAIA, Jesse Campbell is
for Rooks
13, Heintz
vs. Rats.
Zags vs. T-Ballers. Thompson 11
for T- vs. Zags; Hey
14, Daly
lmSteve Albert
^ m H ^ ^ g b y Garrett Kennilworth | § ^ 1
ranked sixth in the nation in rebounding with a 17.5 average. With for T- vs. Salt. Ryan 23, Peterson
16 for Cellar vs. , Deadwood; Big Steve Albert was IDick Fox's first substantial recruiting
his 26 grabs against Walsh, his ranking should receive a boost. Yeager 12 for Cellar vs. Cyunes. victory, from the high (school ranks. Hailing from South Hills
Campbell also leads the Lakers in scoring with a 19.3 average. Curt Mahoney 21, Hubert 11, Sam- Catholic, a basketball|powerhouse in Pittsburgh, Steve was no
Hixon is carrying a 13.0 average and Carl Jones is next hitting at a marco 10, Gornick 10 for Dead- stranger to Fox and Erie basketball fans. Albert led the South team
10.1 c l i p A -m - t •
wood vs. Kickers; Shreeck 16 for
\ i M m . '•
that battled Fox's Cathedral Prep team to 5 O.T.'s before losing in
Deadwood vs. Cellar. Henderson the Western State Regionals a few years ago. ;< J^jtf I B §
Oh well,so what. UCLA lost to Notre Dame. All good things must 27, Dusty 17, Link 12 for Mann vs. Steve is 6'6", 210 lbs., and plays both»forward and center
come to an end. I'd be willing to bet that John Wooden has his Knicks. Seltzer 16,1 Corky 13, depending on the offense. He played his fgradeschool ball at
charges tuned for tomorrow night's appearance at Pauley Kline 10 for Knicks vs. Foxie. Resurrection, also known for its basketball. Although Albert
Pavilion. I'm giving Notre Dame and seven for anyone who's in- Effert 22, McClain 13, Brandon 12 showed great promise in his early years, he really came into his
terested. I've got to make up for last week's pocket thrashing. for Mother vs. Rooks. Deniro 25, own in his junior year at South. That year he coped 2nd team All-
Haskins 14, Guzak 14, Butler 13 Catholic in a tough league. His senior year he took it all though
if How about pro golfer Johnny Miller! Not only has he won this for Kids vs. Rats. J. Burrows 34, gaining 1st team All-Catholic, Honorable Mention All-State, and a
season's first three P.G.A. tournaments, but he's cashed $90,000 into Jones 14, Wags 12, Hoffman 14 for spot in|theiprestigious Dapper Dan Round Ball {Classic. He
his bank account. Not! bad for 12* days' work. I I'm in the* wrong Salt vs. T-f; John 12 for Salt vs. averaged 21 points and 17 rebounds while leading his team to the
business. Trivia question—Who was the last pro to win three con- Hill. Fahey 27,I Sternlieb 22, Western Regionals finals. | | | £ t i l l 1 -
secutive tournaments in the same year? Answer: Arnold Palmer- Shipmino 12 for Hill vs. Salt; Under Dick Fox, Sfeve has only begun to display his talents. His
Bignier 11 for Hill vs. Zags. freshman tyearfat Mercyhurst he averaged 16 points and M
Mcintosh 26, Salvia 18, Wilson 13 rebounds as he received Honorable Mention on the District 18 team.
Bleacher Basketball for fKickers vs. Deadwood. So
there it is, the first week fat the
Mercyhurst Dungeon. Fans come
Steve's path of progression continued into his sophomore year as,
contributing greatly in the 'Hurst making it to the District|18 finals,
he was flooded with awards at the season's end. Again averaging 16
I by Candace Yanker I on down and support your* team; points per game he made first team District 18, Honorable Mention
Yes, fans, 'tis your women's one hour of your time. there's plenty, of room for N.A.I.A. All American, Honorable Mention All-State, Pittsburgh
sportscaster, bringing you the So, if you fare j presently in everyone f i I Press 2nd team, and 1st team "Big 5" team. M
latest in| intramural search of a way to relieve your Steve is a 20 year old sociology major, but would like to continue
seems—andfsadly so—that the tensions, af stimulating hobby, a on in basketball after graduation next year. Steve usually teaches
seasonal £ sport, fat this ftime, is place >to wear-out your brand basketball for Allegheny County Parks during the summer. One of
''Bleacher Basketball."IIn more new, spanking white P.F. Flyers, If you are one who enjoys a Albert's happiest moments occurred this past summer when he
comprehensive terms, everyone or are just looking for an good "bowl" session, you'll married his lovely wife, Jerry. §| I l Jf* |
appears to be in the bleachers and "escape" from be! interested to know that If you are wondering why you haven't seen much of Steve this
"bleacher there Inow exists a co-ed
nobody's on the court. The boredom'', join the team. year, it's because of a pre-season. Albert is admittedly suffering
Women's| Intramural B-Ball bowling league. Each and through one of the most trying times of his career. Steve is a
league is in desperate need of every Wednesday morn, competitor though and has confidence that he'll be back to help the
interested females; if you would bright n' early, the group Lakers in the stretch. I
like to participate, simply drop meets to spend a delightful 2 (Editor's Note: This is the first in an alphabetical series featuring
bykoom 219, Preston Hall and hours at \> the East-Way the Mercyhurst Lakers).
leave your name. If it's the time Any women sincerely Lanes. Rides leave Old Main
element that'sTcausing /you to interested in playing for the at 9:45 a.m. and return after
Mercyhurst Women's Tennis noon. For more information,
hesitate in devoting your athletic
ability to this worth cause, never Team,
\ Sunday,
report! for
contact Ms. =• Price, in 219 KEEP A COOL • • LHEAD
fear...the games are scheduled Preston. I I § I ^i
for Monday, Wednesday, and 27,8-10 p.m., indoor courts. WITH r»:«^.x


Thursday nights and demand only >K;


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Ho* 3-1, *** H ) laooint Seniors are urged to make
I I 01)00
WBB.1IB 7_. cTpbSl 30 their appointments with the
^ ^ ^ 10
It. limamt
Cardsi 49
OM^MlTaB 19 Placement Office as soon as
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— - I — k

desired with the above
Recruiters^ §
0ao«ib«U 1 9
MMtfteldHteM 1 i d Part-time job op-
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»\tti*»no» 7% 26 from the Placement Bulletin
Ma B^l»n1 0 » l 1 o i Claaile (O»fcploa») •< Jjt Board located on the second
l l « f l # 1 4 (ttrltetlan T w a — n t (Cbaplo*) floor of Old Main. I '*•'

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