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Vol. XXXIV, No.

G r a d u a t i n g Seniors Feted
At Traditional Activities
Afternoon reception, Honors Day, Sophomore Farewell—the tra-
ditional pre-graduation activities—will take place Saturday, June 1,
for the seniors, their parents, and their "little sisters." f

Noted Speakers Will Address] Seniors First on the agenda is a new Mercyhurst event—-the Senior Awards
Program.?. At this time parents will witness their daughters receiving
academic and extracurricular awards, some of which will be repeated
from Honors Convocation. | $
At June Commencement Ceremonies The traditional "Carpe^Diem" Award will also be \ presented at
this time. Dr. John Donate Hi will deliver the main address and Elaine
Onj Sunday, June 2, activities sylvania. After his ordination he Before going to Georgetown, Glembocki, elected by her classmates, will speak for the seniors.'The
honoring eighty-one graduating was made assistant pastor at St. Father Lynch served as editor of program! will conclude out-of-
seniors will come to a close Tobias I in Brockway, where ^he Thought and was the author of doors with the blessing of the
with the traditional Baccalaureate
Mass and Commencement Exer-
later became pastor before as-
suming his duties at St. Cath-
a series of studies on theology and
the imagination. He had pre- FACULTY PLANS class tree, a tradition formerly
taking place at Honors Convoca-
cises in Christ the King Chapel. erine's. Monsignor initiated the viously been the director of clas- tion.
The Mercyhurst- College Glee
Club will sing the 9:00 a.m. Mass,
Confraternity of Christian Doc-
trine program in Brockway, led
sical theatre productions at Ford-
ham. Father Lynch has also par- SUMMER STUDY! Senior Reception
at which the Right Reverend the Building Fund Drive for Cen- ticipated in seminars on literary Various colleges and universi- A reception for the seniors and
Monsignor Paul E. Gooder will be tral Catholic High School in Du- criticism at Princeton. ties will host members of Mercy- their parents in the students'
the guest speaker. Bois, and was recently elevated Diplomas Awarded hurst's .faculty this summer. dining room will follow the awards
Monsignor Gooder, pastor of St. to the rank of Domestic Prelate. Of the eighty-one members of Sr. M. Eymard will again par- presentation. This reception re-
Catherine's Parish in DuBois, is Commencement ^Exercises the graduating class, thirty-three ticipate in the Institutum Divi places the traditional Garden Par-
a native of Reynoldsville, Penn- At the 3:00 p.m. Commence- will receive liberal arts diplomas. Thomae in Cincinnati, Ohio, ty, which has been discontinued
ment Exercises, diplomas will be There are six art majors; five where she has studied for the past because of unpredictable weather
and increasingly large numbers of
Two Assume awarded and recognition given for
outstanding scholarship. R e v .
biology, four chemistry, seven
English, five history, three soci-
several summers. Sister will use
this summer's grant to continue guests.
The Sophomore Farewell to
William Lynch, S. J., uncle of ology and three math. The school cancer research.
N e w Offices graduating senior Kathy Lynch,
will give the Commencement Ad-
of elementary education will
graduate forty-one students, eigh-
Miss Vivetta Petronio will re-
turn to Middlebury | College this
sisters" will
activities. The
dress this year. Father Lynch is teen of whom are cadet teachers. summer, where she will stury program will be conducted on the
currently lecturing on the rela- There will |be three diplomas French literature at the Middle- front campus, beginning at 9:00
tions between philosophy and the awarded from the home eco- bury, Vermont, college. am.
literary imagination in the^ Hon- nomics department, while four In August, Sr. Angelica will be Sophs Entertain
ors Program at Georgetown Uni- seniors will receive degrees in traveling to her "favorite spot for |The sophs will present an ex-
versity. commercial education. painting" — Gloucester, Massa- hibition of modern dance3(similar
chusetts, on Cape Ann. Here, Sis- to that staged during the Festival
ter willlstudy advanced painting of Fine and Lively Arts). The pro-
Crowning and Bishop's Visit under the internationally known gram will reach its climax at the
New York artist, Maxwell Starr. Grotto.
Sr. M.fde Montfort will spend The "little sisters" will sym-
Scheduled As May Events seven weeks at Notre Dame Uni- bolically bid ftheir "big sisters"
versity in i South Bend, Indiana. adieu in a simple ceremony. In-
Graduating seniors will be honored at the annual -May Day cere- Part of !her study will include dividual paper boats will be float-
Miss Fry monies and Bishop's Dinner held on May 19 and 20. work on her master's thesis, "Bus- ed in the pool at our Lady's feet,
Sheila Himes, elected by the iness and Its Contribution to Cul- symbolizing the departure of the
The newly created posts of Di-
rector of Development and Ad-
missions Counselor will be filled
Philosophy | Dept. student [body as queen, will reign
at the traditional May Day cere-
ture." Another Notre D a m e seniors from Mercyhurst into the
scholar will be Sr.- Helen Jean, stream of life, but always under
mony on Sunday afternoon, May whose summer studies will include the care of our Lady.
by Miss Arabella Fry and Miss
Betty Baillie. They will assume
their duties in June.
Gains New Prof 19, at 3:00 p.m. Assisting Sheila
in crowning the statue off Mary
liturgical music and musicology.
Sr. Maria will| return to the
A former Fulbright and Wood- will}' be Carol Kreh and Dodie
As head of the new fDevelop-
row Wilson {scholar, Stanley Luis Smith.
University of Ottawa in t Canada (faUndcvi
ment Office, Miss Fry will work where she will work on her doc-
directly with Sister Carolyn to or- Vodraska, will joinf the Mercy- The seniors have chosen a sim- torate in religion. Accompanying
ganize and direct all public! rela- hurst faculty next September as ple ceremony, which consists her will be Sr. M. Janet, who is May
tions activities andiannual giving an instructor in |the philosophy the procession of the entire stu- now in residence at the University 18—'Mercyhurst Promg
programs of the college which in- department. dent body dressed in formal aca-
working on her doctorate in psy- 19—May Day
volve the Board of Trustees, fac- Mr. Vodraska, originally from demic attire and. a short speech chology. 20—Bishops Dinner
ulty, students, alumnae, and Iowa, received his B.A. in philos- by Sheila. Two other members of Mr. William Garvey|will study 22—Honors Convocation
friends of the school. ophy at St. John's University in the senior class will h address the German at Cornell University in 23—Ascension Thursday (Free)
A native of Erie, Miss Fry re- Minnesota and studied at the Uni- students. The Spring Dancers have
Ithaca, New York. He will attend 24—Senior exams^ begin
ceived her B.A.^degree from Park versite Catholique de Louvain in been eliminated from this year's
a German reading course designed 27—Underclassmen exams begin
College, Parkville.fMissouri. Since Belgium on af Fulbright scholar- program. especially for doctoral candidates. 30—Memorial Day (Rree)
her graduate study in Community ship. A visit by Archbishop Gannon Miss Gloria Sedney has re- 31—Senior Day of Recollection
Organization at the University of He has traveled extensively at on May 20 will climax the month's ceived a scholarship from the Erie
Chicago, she has had extensive ex- home and abroad and is now on a events. At 5:00 p.m. he will ad- County Tuberculosis and Health June
perience in public relations and Woodrow Wilson Scholarship at dress the student body in Christ Association* to study community 1—Senior Awards
the University of Chicago, where the King Chapel. Following the and school health at a two-week Reception for seniors and
fund raising.!
Since 1952, Miss Fry has been he will receive his M.A. in June. address, the seniors will be hon- workshop at the University of parents
the manager of the Women's Di- Mr. Vodraska will return to Eng- ored as his guests at the annual Pittsburgh. Sr. Immaculate will Sophomore Farewell
vision of the Community Fund of land this summer to be married Bishop's Dinner in fthe students' attend a similar workshop con- 2—Baccalaureate Mass
Chicago. She also assisted in de- before coming to Mercyhurst in dining room at 6:30 p.m. ducted at Indiana State College. Commencement Exercises
veloping and presenting a work- the fall. fff
shop on fund raising at the Uni-
versity of Chicago and is a mem-
ber of the Board of Directors of GRANT SUPPLIES
the Family Service Association in
Illinois and the Public Relations
¥• Miss Baillie The National Science Founda-
Miss Betty Baillie of Cleveland, tion has awarded the chemistry
Ohio, will be the new Admissions department a $5200 grant which
Counselor. In addition to her ad- the college will match, thus giving
ministrative duties, Miss Baillie the department $10,400 for the
will undertake a program of stu- purchase of new equipment.
dent recruitment, including trav- The Foundation, which aims to
eling to high schools, arranging strengthen preparation of scien-
for "college nights," and!* pub- tists and I science teachers, has
lishing admission procedures. stipulated that the money be spent
Miss Baillie attended Cleveland to purchase scientific instructional
College &of Western Reserve and equipment. Mercyhurst will use
the University of Chicago. She the award to buy an ultra-violet
has previously been employed by spectrometer, a refrigerated con-
the Cleveland Press and Cleveland stant temperature bath, and sev-
Life Underwriters Association, as eral spectrometers.
well as by the Welfare Federation This is the eighth grant the de-
of Cleveland, and now is an exec- partment' has received In recent
utive f secretary for United Chari- year for undergraduate research Seniors Rita Strobel, Mary Ann Caruso, and Reinette Doling pause by the library steps for a brief
ties of Chicago. and for equipment. moment of reminiscing.

BBktf%5l«Sa •rtSV.-agA'-i
Pace Two The NERCIAD Friday, May 17, 1963

To Bonnie J.. Father Lynch Explores Creative Art Crisis

Because this is the last issue of the Merciad for this By Kay Hebert place of sentimental, assembly- see the beauty of the dance—of
school year, it is time ffor a public acknowledgment. Another Mercyhurst has as one of jits line mechanisms. Only by learning "man's moving,J thinking, and
year is ended and newly elected officers have already begun goals! appreciation of the arts. from the common people — by feeling together."
toiwork. Yet it would be unfitting to end this year without As | the Mercyhurst woman looks going to their culture and to their In the last of the series, the
paying tribute to you as president of the Student Govern- at the present world of creativity, folk-lore—can the image indus- power of words and song is ex-
ment, f she finds very little off artistic tries give back to them something ploited. Clips shown range from
We can never repay you for the hours you spent inlplan- value to satisfy her aesthetic worthwhile. the folk-song "The Erie Canal"
ning your "pet" projects and seeing that your plans were tastes. In the first two films, the role to the magnificant "Gloria in
effected. Nor can anyone compensate for those lost hours of The dearth of real art fin to- of art in restoring man more fully Excelsis," and from words of the
sleep spent in rounding up a committee for the Snack Bar, day's society is the theme of a to the/human race is dealt £ with. Old Testament prophets to those
in counting books of Green Stamps, or in arranging a Student four part television script entitled Examples of great classical works of Winston Churchill. The image
Government Day. Your reward lay in the response of the "Art and the People" written by are shown and heard: Rodin's makers,fantheir contempt for the
student body, but sometimes even the "thanks" you received Reverend William F. Lynch, S.J., sculpture, Michaelangelo's paint- people, have 4been unwilling to
fell short of the "warm, friendly support" that you asked of who will be the Mercyhurst com- ings, "Shakespeare's Henry IV, a recognize the power of ^ these
Mercyhurst students. I mencement speaker this year. Spanish folk dance, and Gregor- things because, setting themselves
|Mercyhurst will long be indebted to you for the Snack ian Chant. Contrasted to these are up as gods, they believe the people
The films, which will be shown
Bar, the Green Stamp bus (which we will get), and the Tutor- this summer at Mercyhurst, pre- twentieth-century sensationalistic "can't get it." f
ing Service. These are of permanent value. But they | are sent a dynamic plea to the movie movies, illustrating! the image This series of films is very weU
nothing v beside the valueless gift which fyou have given to and television industries |to recog- maker's failure to fulfill his role written and produced | the film
Mercyhurst—the willing' gift of your time, energy and talent. nize their obligation to humanity as an artist. cHps and] songs used are ex-
W IMay we then, on behalf of the student body,£ publicly to produce real workslof art, in The third part of | the program tremely convincing evidence that
acknowledge our "thank you" to you for the service youfhave deals specifically with the dance the people can "get it," and that,
given Mercyhurst College. f as an expression of humanity and the best — in fact the}only real
M 1 I ThelMerciad Staff!
As We freedom. Only by coming to the
people can the image Industries
art—does indeed come'from their
To: Sister Maria, Pokey, Kay, and
Fran andfl looked forward—
Iwith anxiety—to publishing this Lay Missionaries Needed
issue, our very own, using the
Ijournalism? training we've re-
What is happiness? A moon-
light walk to the Dairy Queen?
tion of your post-gradulate career,
the frivolity of a Garbo hat, and
ceived from you thsi year. We
hope that next year's! paper
In very H o m e Parish
Sleeping | till noon on weekdays? the excitement of your first wa- will be as fine as this year's "Are you going to work as a lay missionary in Oklahoma
Sailing across the Mississippi on ter skiing attempt. and that we'll have as much this summer?" This is at question that will be answered
a yacht? Happiness is aU this and Happiness is Jan imprompt bi- fun working on it. negatively by most Mercyhurst girls. Not because interest is
more. It is fno curfew, wearing cycle hike, that first day check, We thank you most especial- lacking (most would really like tofgo), but because circum-
Bermudas to dinner on a Wednes- and a pizza with pepperoni. Hap- ly for your prudence, Sister stances make fit necessary for the students to stay at home
day, and a diploma.!Happiness is piness is belonging to the? hu- Maria; your organization, Pok- or find paying jobs in other cities. M I
a | visit with an old friend, a little man race, to a chat 'n' chew pin- ey; your imagination, Kay ;^ and
girl writing to her parents that ochle club, to a young man's your perseverance, Judy.
These are legitimate excuses to forego active apostolate
her camp counselor is "buediful dreams. Happiness can be seen in To: Bernice, Chaney, Emma, John,
work in Oklahoma, but they do not relieve the obligation to
and nise," making a chocolate Mrs. Gallagher, and all the
promote Catholic Action at home. jDuring the year students
a dozen red roses, heard in a Frank seldom have ithe opportuniy to contribute theirf services;
cake for a picnic. Its a lustous Sinatra album, tasted! in cotton other members of the service
sun tan, a new lipstick, no sche- staff our thanks for keeping us
however, with summer comes the opportunity for apostolic
candy, and felt in a ride in a con- work. f
dule, and readings Gone with the clean, well-fed, and all in|one
vertible. It is as gay as a sing-
Wind again. Happiness is a burnt piece this year. Just as the first experience at work usually begins in
along at a beach party, as ro-
marshm allow, a redecorated bed- To:: "the solemn, solemn seniors," the neighborhood, jbabysitting andjfrfehe^like, so normally the
mantic fas |finding your special
room, and singing at Forty-Hours goodf luck, in "going out from first experience in Church work usually begins in the parish.
starfin the sky, as peaceful as
devotions. their Alma Mater intofthe wide, Every parishlhas its own individual needs for help. It is our
being alone with a [book on a
It can be as fleeting as "the" hammock. Happiness is spreading wide i world." duty to discover the places %where we would be most helpful.
look a lifeguard at the beach your bit of {sunshine, finally un-
gives you, or as lingering as a ser- Some parishes conduct C.C.D. courses where more teach-
derstanding someone youf care ers are always needed. Most parishes raise money to maintain
ies of letters from the guy you for, cuddling a baby, realizing Last month's Ounce of Et-
thought had forgotton. Happiness cetera was given the wrong
the school by a summer bazaar, where a few energetic college
can be the accomplishment of
that rain is soft. But more than
by-line. Our apologies to
girls are a valuable asset. |And some parishes have small
cleaning out your closet, or the
all, this happiness is summer. choirs where a replacement for vacationing choristers would
Dottie 'Delaney, who did be welcomed. Scrapingvdishes after the ice-cream social, tak-
knowledge that it can be put off |(P.S. Well,| anyway, summers write the article.
are fun and we like them.)
ing care of the nursery during Sunday Masses, or arranging
until tomorrow. It's the anticipa- flowers for the altar would be appreciated in any parish.
H Make this summer a happier and holier onefby doins
Ourmeaders Comment... something for your parish. Although the glamour of being
a real lay missionary may be flacking, the merit gained defi-
Dear Editors, disillusioned freshman. I also don't think it's good for nitely isn't.—A.S. I
The GK GOLD MEDAL goes to I, too, am disillusioned— or, Mercyhurst to confine herself only
Dottie Delaney for "An Ounce of perhaps disappointed. I came to to Gannon with at least four male
Etcetera" (April 24). We warn Mercyhurst this year with high colleges within the surrounding
you however not to complain
about the Mercyhurst voting men-
hopes and they have been realized
—itjjrlsia wonderful school How-
So, with these thoughts in mind,
From the Garden of Eve
tality; some of our fraternities ever, I'm apppalledlat the lack of I proceeded to investigate the elec- By Evie McLean
would make Dottle's voting pro- social life on this campus. Please tion of the social director. The
mises sound perfectly logical (nay, understand—this is not a plea for only definite informationfl re- Year after year young girls ar- the encouragement and respect
brilliant). dates, but we shave so many re- ceived was that she was appointed, rive at the front gates not exactly from the faculty and feUow stu-
Sincerely, sources at our disposal that I not elected. Inlmost schools the sure of what lies!ahead in their dents, distinct individuals ma-
Ab Logan can't fathom why we don't office of social director is usual- years at ^Mercyhurst. Year after tured. Mercyhurst has given each
Dear Editor: utilize them. ly one of the highest in the year graduates leave | assured of of her students the opportunity
"Actually I'm not too enthused, First, we have a beautiful cam- school—second only to student what they have learned! and why to say, "I'm me," something few
but it's the ^cheapest form of en- pus; we could| really use it to its body president. they came. people |( including non-sectarian
tertainment around. If I could af- utmost by more picnics and more Within! these four short years collegiates) can or want to admit
I think the social director in today's world.
ford it, I'd do something else." toboggan parties. We also havela should be either a junior or a sen- the hazy notions about life and
The statement refers to Gannon gym inf which we could have ior, and I think that she should v a l u e s become defined and But when the person realizes
lounge, and came from a; rather monthly or semi-monthly mixers. state a program. , strengthened, for they are based this findependent individualism,
on an unshakable Christian phil- this self-ness, how Is .{Christian
I think that more of the acti- osophy. philosophy—which demands con-
Aift Published Monthly vities should be centered at Mer- Mercyhurst emphatically denies formity — reconcUed? By^ striving
cyhurst—we do entirely too much the non-sectarian coUege's argu- to be what I we are in God's eye,
\ . THE MERCIAD running to Gannon for social
life. Finally, I | think that we
ment that fin conforming to this
set Christian?philosophy, the stu-
that is by responding-to His plan
TgEHNM Mercyhurst College, Brie, Pa. | with our own unique personalities,
should have a more diversified dent necessarily loses her individ- we conform to the Christian phi-
Editor -1-4 llL-i- Marty Fiedler program, including activities with ualism. The senior class, composed losophy l a n d ^necessarily exhibit
Associate Editor 1-4- ^.^..Fran Herman different colleges. of so many singular personalities, out individualism. ;,
Assistant Editors J B | Bonnie Brennan, Kathy Cook,
Sally Schmity Annajean SmaUey, Carole Stoiber The problem faces the student exemplifies Mercyhursfs stand.
sister In two weeks, the |seniors will
Moderator M I ****• body as a whole, and the social As the years passed, each of the be leaving the front gates to make
Literary Contributor i-X-i Anne Marie McCarthy director more specificaUy. How- present seniors realized more room for others who |will also
Business Manager Nancy Nones ever, with joint effort I'm posi- fully the importance of developing
Editorial Staff Pokey Lincoln, Evie McLean, Joan Warnock, build {their own individual Chris-
Rosemary Reo, Judy Pigaski, Grace Greene| Charlotte Muntean, tive that Mercyhurst could have her I own individual personaUty tian personaUties. As one alumnae
Mary Hammond, Mary Fisher, Mary Kay Naegle, Maureen Aleci, a dynamic social life satisfying to and talents. Through the facilities stated more succinctly, they wUl
Donna Schleutermann, Carol Kern, Rita Cappello, Mary Fern everyone. and opportunities of the college, share in the Mercyhurst tradition
Andrews, Mary Lou MorganJcarol Brennan * 1 * Marilyn Sullivan and more importantly because of of "God-centered" individuals.
Typists U. Bonnie Brennan, Terry Donohue
Friday, May Ul, 1963

Elections Decide Campus Leaders;

Students Will Take Office in Fall
By Bonnie Brennan resentative ; B a r b a r a Bairton, marked the campaigns for class
Roar of cannon, roll of drums, Mary Fisher* Ginny Gorsek, Mar- offices, particularly that of in-
shower of confetti: nothing as gle Heutsche, and Jean Stimmel coming sophomore class presi-
spectacular as this greeted the are the junior representatives. dent, Carole Stoiber. Janie Mat-
announcement of the officers of Mary Carabetta and Kathy Levis jasko is president-elect of next
student organizations, but stu- will represent the sophomores. year's seniors. | President of the
dent support of the nominees, evi- Pokey Linooln {will hang out junior class will be Maggie Har-
denced by the large percentage of her shingle again at the deck- rison.
voters, indicated approval of the house—this time as Praeterita Chosen vice-president of the
candidates. "Behind-the-scenes" editor-in-chief. Marty Fiedler and senior class was Mary Ellen De-
political hubbub resulted in a new Fran Herman are editors of the Fonzo; the posts of secretary and
slate of campus leaders. Merciad for the coming year. treasurer will be held by Mary
)Holding the letter of acceptance, their passport to foreign study, Marilyn Schreiner, Ithe spark If hair color was any criterion Silfies and Ilona Sato, respec-
fSallie and April plan an exciting junior year abroad. behind the Oreen Stamp project, in choosing favorites, as Dotty tively. Junior officers include
will? head* the Student Govern- Delaney suggests (Ed., see April vice-president, Mary Fisher; sec-
Language Departments Send ment Association in the coming
year. To assist her in launching a
24 Merciad) then carrot-topped
Dotty, newly electedfN.S.A. junior
retary, Marcia Neumont; and
treasurer, Kathy Mahaney. Anna-
successful year for SGA, Ginny representative, will set the style. jean Smalley will serve as vice-
Girls to FranceAPuerto Rico Hammer, incumbent president of
the sophomore class, will serve as
The present junior representative,
Peggy Hock, will continue her
president of the incoming sopho-
more class. Secretary will be Pat
By Carole Stoiber vice-president. Mary Pat Carlow work by becoming senior repre- O'Connor; Sandy Selva will be
The prospects of studying San Juan and the College of the and Rosemary Patcher area the
abroad for -a year are especially Sacred Heart are [the cause of sentative. treasurer.|
glamorous—a n d Jbeneficial—for April's excitement. Posters in the senior delegates of the day-hops Gretchen Faller will succeed
students majoring in a foreign Spanish room first attracted her and J residents, respectively. Judy-Figaski as junior represen-
language. Two Mercyhurst sopho- attention. Now she looks';forward
mores, Sallie Cloyd aud April to having all her courses, includ-
retary of
SGA is Janice
and sec-
tative of fN.F.C.C.S.; Judy §will
move up to loftier things: senior
Colleges! Schedule
Kendziora, both Erie residents, are ing philosophy, theology, music Betty DiGeorgio is custodian of delegate. N.F.C.CS. Aboard mem-
looking forward to spending their appreciation, and several Spanish
junior year in Prance and Puerto courses,! taught in her favorite
m o
r e
as well
a n c y
bers have elected Karen Williams
to the secretarial post of its Re-
Summer Courses
Rico, respectively. Schrum is the day-hop sophomore gional Council. Summer school is the destina-
foreign tongue. representative. Cooperative ef- tion of many Mercyhurst students
Prefect of Sodality will be Terry
Sallie, a French major, eager to 'Island-hopping" forts between the day students Donahue, who is presently its who will be taking advantage of
experience first-hand the culture April's interest won't all be and the residents will be the re- Mistress of Candidates. Helen courses offered at Erie's colleges.
she studies,consulted Sister Ga- scholastic, however. Talks with sponsibilities of Lois Mattis, pres- Balzer will occupy Uhe position
briel for information and arrange- visitors to the tropical island have ident-elect of I the Day Students In addition to the regular
vacated by Terry and will be re- courses offered! here during the
ments. She will leave from;New informed her of typical recrea- Organization, and Marion Mi- sponsible for Ithe instruction of summer session, Mercyhurst has
York August 30 with! eighty other t i o n: "island - hopping" a n d chaels, president-elect of Dorm probationers. Carolyn | Ianotti will
American college students; her glass-bottomed boat rides. Other Council. some new additions in its summer
serve as vice-prefect with Karen curriculum. For those interested
itinerary includes visits to Paris appealing features include the Dorm order, dorm disorder — Wilson as secretary and Mary
and ^Marseilles before finally ar- elaborate religious festivals. "The problems relating to these will be in art, there Willi be i a Summer
Ellen:Kiltie as treasurer. Campus Workshop consisting of painting,
riving in Aix-en-Provence and the first thing I'm going to do when the responsibilities of the stu- chairman of Y.C.S. will bejfDenise
Institute for American Universi- I get there is buy a mantilla," dents serving on Dorm Council. drawing, and graphics. For ^pro-
Metier. spective teachers, a course ^ in
ties. announces April enthusiastically. Elaine Wujick is the senior rep- Vim, vigor, and vitality ear- teaching junior high school math
Sallie plans to live with a will be offered.
French family in Aix-en-Provence.
She welcomes the new experience Pi Delta Phi Inducts Charter Members Fees are $16 per credit hour;
laboratory and library fees are $5
for the chance it will give her to Gamma Upsilon Chapter of Pi order to be eligible, the candi- Gamma Upsilon, Sister M. Peter,
know the French people as one Delta Phi, National French Honor dates must have taken at least Seminary instructor, and Gen- each. There!is a $2 registration
can do only by living among them Society, was formally installed at one semester of upper division evieve Forray, French exchange fee and room and board is $150.
and for the chance to contribute Mercyhurst^ on May 141 with the (junior) French and have a min- student. Gannon College^ will hold two
to the French department at Mer- national vice-president presiding. imum 2.0 point (on a three-point The official ceremony consisted summer sessions: June 17 totJuly
cyhurst on |her return. Fourteen charter members, both system) average in their French of the presentation of the charter 26, and July 29 to August 30. The
regular and honorary, were in- studies and all.8 overall average. to Carol Kreh, president of the fees are $20 per credit hour. Villa
ducted into the Mercyhurst chap- The four honorary members are Mercyhurst chapter, the reading Maria College also conducts a
Freshmen, d i s a p p o i n t e d Sister M. Gabriel, head of the of the society's history, a descrip- summer session. Information con-
when they weref unable to Regular members include sen- college's French department, Miss tion of its name and purpose and cerning programs at Gannon or
iors Carol Kreh, president of Le Vivetta Petronio, French instruc- the presentation of membership Villa can be obtained by calling
buyf tickets to this year's tor and faculty moderator of their information offices.
Cercle Francais, Bonnie §Mc- certificates.
novel "cruising prom," will

planned class activities, to- Junior initiates are C a r o l v&fe

morrow, May 18. Schultz, Marilyn Smith, Nancy sign

Bermuda shorts and sneak- Vasil, Emily Lincoln, and Sister
ers will dominate the Pen- Theresa. Sallies Cloyd represents
insula scene at the afternoon the sophomore class.
picnic. Evening will find the These girls were selected for
guys and gals in dressy sum- their knowledge of French cul-
mer-wear for the patio dance ture and their fluency and in-
in McAuley Lounge. terest in the French language. In

Mercyhurst s Lay Volunteers

Plan Summer Mission Work
Thisi summer Mercyhurst will of schools in the Erie diocese, is
again be respresented in the mis- initiating a summer volunteer
sion field when seven girls ^par- program of catechetical work in
ticipate in the home mission pro- the Erie diocese.!Students are be-
ing trained to take census and
gram and two others travel to teach catechism in rural parishes.
Kansas. The girls live in apartments
Girls in the program are Jean provided by the pastor and work
Stimmel, Linda Lommock, Rita among the parishioners for three-
Mendillo, and Kathy Fitzgerald week periods. The first week the
who will serve in Titioute, Pa.; volunteers take census to deter-
Joyce Augustine, at Blessed Sacra- mine the approximate number of
ment, Pittsburgh; TTish Dubiel at students who will be attending
St. Walburga's, Titusville; and
Jeanne Genung, Meadville.
Carolyn Anderson and Helen
classes. In some areas classes will
be conducted for adults in the
Balzer have applied for admission What! motivates the girls? The Get that refreshing new feeling with Coke!
to the Kansas program of Lay desire to spread the faith, espe- Bottled under authority of The Coca-Cote Company by
Extention Volunteers. cially to children, as the girls
themselves will attest. ERIE COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY
Father DeWalt, superintendent
fare The MEBOIAD Friday, May 17, 1963

Sodality Speakers' Club Merciad Suggests

Inaugurated This Year Off-Beat Reading
A new addition to Mercyhurst's activities this year has been the A suggested summer reading
Speaker's Bureau. This organization was begun by Sodality as a result list includes not just the weird
of a program last year with Gannon which posed the Question: "What and off-beat, but also the differ-
can you do now to fight Communism?" ! ent, unusual books to entertain
The Sodality's answer was the formation of a committee of you during those relaxing sum-
speakers whose purpose was to strengthen the Christian tone of Erie mer days and balmy evenings.
public and private school students by leading discussion groups on any
topioi suggested. Kathy Lynch, Marchantia, Perelandra, That
Hideous Strength—C. S. Lewis'
Alumnae Rate Reinette Boling, Kay Hebert,
Evelyn McLean, Julia Tuttle, Carol
BIKES, BOOKS, AND BUSTERS: Junior Joan Pletnik and sopho- £
more^;Bonnie Gail Morris takefadvantage of § the new; bikes to re-
triology of life on Mars, Venus**)
and the college campus, respec-
Kreh, Peggy Hock, and Ginny turn their books | to the Gannon Library. tively—provides an unorthodox
College Years Hammer outlined topics for a
committee file. They then con-
treatment of science fiction. Once
he has assumed a willing suspen-
. ,j M o r e | student-faculty discus- tacted Sodality and C.C.D. cen-
sions, preparation for community ters and the neighboring par-
Girls Find Shiny! New Bikes sion of disbelief,Ithe reader .>him-
self will | become inmeshed In
participation, and practical re- ishes, f Lewis' probing of moral and so-
ligion courses are some of the sug- Since December, thef girls have
gestions received in the Alumnae spoken on such topics as Chris-
Great for Campus Cavorting cial order in these and other
Research project conducted by tian Culture, God fin Business, Until the Green Stamp bus is obtained, ninejshiny, new bicycles
the sociology department. Modern Youth and Chastity,^ Ad- VAjtrue, thought provoking story
will remedy | the transportation problem realized byfmany girls. The is Black Like Me by John Howard
The project, started in 1961, vantages of a Catholic College Ed- temporary substitution, in fact nine temporary substitutions for the
was* conducted to gather infor- ucation, The Family, The Sodality bus, have recently been presented to Mercyhurst {students by the Griffin. By having his skin dark-
mation about the alumae and to As a Vocation, and Modern Wom- sophomore class. ened and his head shaved, the
give them I the chance to evaluate anhood and! Mary. They have author took on the appearance of
These velocipedes have been discovered to possess many outstand- a middle-aged Negro. His book
their Mercyhurst education. It spoken at communion breakfasts, ing advantages. Where the bus could accommodate fifteen persons, the relates the anguishing experiences
also provided research experience and have reorganized several high bicycles can accommodate eighteen, providing that an extra one hun- encountered as he t r a v e l e d
for the sociology majors who did school sodalities. Next year the dred and fifteen pounds on the handlebars would not inhibit steering. through the South in this guise,
the work of compiling the results Bureau hopes to recruit twice as It^has further been found that in heavy traffic, the cyclist can sim- receiving! the everyday treatment
and preparingjjthe report for pub- many speakers.
lication. I ply lift the bike onto the side- accorded to Negroes in that area.
Sister M. Daniel, headi of the
sociology department, stated she
Mercyhurst Drama {Society walk and proceed on herfc way.
Care, of course, must be taken not
to jeopardize theglife or limb of
of weird
has written
a col-
was pleased with the 48.4% re- short stories andf entitled it Kiss
turn which is equally representa-
tive of all major departments and
Climaxes Successful Year an unsuspecting! pedestrian.
The bikes can be utilized by Kiss.;
with a
his strange
unique sense
of all graduating classes from The Greensleeve Players under Gannon College students began to social butterflies to arrive in style humor, the British author has
1929-1961. In her address given at the direction of Sister M. Brigid spend long hours in the Little at the mixers, by the more serious produced an unforgettable "can't
Theatre rehearsing for their|pro- minded to makejtheir stately en-
the Alumnae luncheon April 20, have brought culture and enter- trance to Civic Ballets andf Phil- put itfdown" evening's entertain-
she presented the comments the tainment to Mercyhurst and the duction of T.S. Eliot's Murder in ment.
the Cathedral. Their portrayal of harmonic J concerts, and by* the
alumnae made concerning their entire community this year. The more sturdy Ito attend out-of- Those with a flair for the in-
Mercyhurst education. Erie Times recognized* the Play- the martyrdom of St.-Thomas a
Becket, Archbishop of Canter- town conventions. For those stu- explicably! mysterious, the in-
Other! suggestions areJ that the ers' success in the reviews of their dents with weight problems,* bi- tensely dramatic and the fright-
students be given an opportunity latest production saying, " J . . if bury, involved elements of the
cycling is excellent fori reducing fully sinister ; will find their ^fill
to develop self discipline indepen- plain laughter is any 1 criterion, modern theatre of the! medieval hips and building leg muscles. injthe works of Edgar Allen Poe.
dently and that they be given a The Birds is a tremendous suc- morality play, and of the Greek
Since most of the girls on Poe writes his psychological novels
(broader viewpoint by increasing cess, well-produced, and inciden- drama. J. Barry Turner's inter-
campus have encountered one or with a gloomy and macabre sen-
the number of*lay teachers (es- tally well-attended, and enjoy- pretation and re-enactment of the
able, as Mercyhurst productions more of the problems mentioned, sitivity. At once he has the touch
pecially men teachers) on the fac- profound internal struggle of
most often are." it may be necessary to double the of a charlatan and the faded ele-
ulty. al Becket was provocative.
size of the fleet in following years. gance of an aristocratic dandy.
The report is now in the pro- This has been a goodjyear in fLn March, the Greensleeve
cess of being published; the copies drama at Mercyhurst. Almost as Players, together with the French
will be mailed to alumnae mem- soon as fthey returned from sum- department, hosted the French
bers tin mid-summer. mer vacation, Mercyhurst and troupe, Le Treteau de Paris. This
troupe, brought to Mercyhurst as
part of a cultural exchange pro-
Scientists Initiat^Tours gram, performed two modern
French dramas, Jean Jcocteau's
Science Seminar Club revamped its plans this year to include tour» Orphee and Jean Giradoux's
of the laboratories and industries in the Erie area, something unknown L'ApolIon du Bellac. In addition MERCYHURST .GIRLS "ARE LAUGHING ABOUT . . . Mixed
to it before. to enjoying their ^ine presenta- dorms . . . Kelly's cocoanut . . . Father Zeus . . . 104 kicks . . . "a man's
At the club's first jmeeting, a lecture was presented through the tions, students had an opportuni- home in his castle" . . . golf . . . who closed the gates . . . Farmer Mac-
joint effort of Mercyhurst and Gannon's American Chemical Society. ty to meet the players and learn Ronald . . . May Day snow . . . calico's crew . . J open campaigning
| Mr. Burger, paper chemist at more about the theatre and>• about . . . flutophones . . . Zap's diet . . . Susan's midnight birthday party
iHammermill Paper Co., lectured
Seniors Enter on the chemical processing! in-
volved in that industry. |
The drama department finished
. . . "split 4 ways equally" . . . "I hate my mother" . . . kitten-burgers.
its productive year amid the summer jobs . J . The Birds .j, . Have you gone bike riding yet ?. . .
Lab Research J Since the Science Club consists
of math, biology, and| chemistry
laughter accompanying their pre- Graduation . . . No more caps and gowns to daily Mass . . . Scrub your
sentation of The Birds, a Greek lavatory floors, girls . . . Class elections . . . Cruising down Lake Erie
Two seniors have been offered majors, tours were scheduled that comedy written by Aristophanes . . . Are you goingito the beach party? . . . Mary Anne's wedding . . .
jobs enabling them to continue would interest each group. The and adapted by Walter Kern. The Where did the folk dancers get all that pep? . . . Bathing on the sun-
their research! work on the post- first tour was at St. Vincent's success of this hilarious political deck . . . Gannon's Junior Prom . . . What ever happened to the fruit
graduate level. Hospital, where Sr. Marie Clare and social satire was fitting cli- flies? . . J Naming the snack bar . . . Stamp Day . . . Have you found
Kit Reese will do research work I presented a lecture and tour j of max for a very successful year. your unknowns yet?
with the Polaroid Corporation in the new medical technology labor- MERCYHURST GIRLS ARE TALKING ABOUT Poo" goes

Cambridge, Massachusetts. She atories. Puff and Planes . . . Sun-deck, or what time did you put your blanket
will be working!as a chemical lab At the Erie Brewing Co. Mr.
assistant starting the first of May presented a movie and lec-
Publication Dinner out? . . . Bikes anyone—or how far to the pool? . . . Did anyone see
the moon Saturday night?!. . . Congratulations to Janie and the
July. |ture on the chemical processes in- Downey's . . . Colleen's roses . . . Want to take another bike ride Helen?
Mary Lou Cuddyre will be a re- volved and conducted a tour | of
search assistant atithe University j* the plant. Their final tour was at
Treats News Staff J . . Former classmates return . . . Alumnae face faculty board . . .
of fPittsburgh. She will do the Hammermill Paper Co.| I |. A? Little-Bit-of-Sweden "didn't Seniors' fabulous jobs . . . Congratulations, Alice and Jo Ann}. . . Ex-
make all the difference in the cellent performance of The Birds . . . Mar-cin-nee, | telephone! . . .
chemistry and math calculations Science Seminar has initiated
for Dr. John Erghart of the physi- these activities under Amy Skin- world" but it certainly proved to Thirteen stags at a semi-formal, or Alliance here!we come . J . Tele-
be one of the more important in- grams, telegrams . . .'New science equipment . . . Smorgasbord . . .
ology department. ner, its president. Migration southf... English mass . . . TV elections—Monday to Thurs-
novations in this f year's Publica-
tion^ Dinner held on |Mayj 15, at day . . . Wonderful senior farewell party . Genevieve's *.new haircut
6:30 pan. 1 . . . Seniors win the battle of the Comps . Pins for Sally, Liz, Marge,
Marfucci's Tavern Instead of the usual "sit-down"
and Pat.
dinner, a smorgasborg awaited the
2641 Myrtle Street
Delicious Spaghetti!
100 girls who attended the an-
nual affair. Another "difference" Yaple's Dairy 1 BURHENN'S PHARMACY
Comer 38th St. and Pine Ave.
& Ravioli was the .more informal atmos- and Ice Cream Bar
phere^ provided by the entertain- 4026 Pine!Avenue 1 Phone GL 6.7762
Served from 4 to 10 p.m ment committee, headed by Marty Phone UN 6-2441 Erie, Penna.
Fieldler and Fran Herman.

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