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Fluid Circumferential Average Velocity Ratio

as a Journal Eccentricity Function Based
on Lubrication Theory

A journal of radius R rotates at a constant rotational speed O within a cylindrical

annulus of bearing clearance. The radial clearance, c, is small in comparison to R. The
annular space between the journal and bearing is filled with an incompressible fluid with
uniform dynamic viscosity . The axial flow is assumed to be negligible. The external vertical
force with magnitude P is applied to the journal causing its center to displace from the
bearing center. It is assumed that cavitation in the bearing does not occur. The journal is
orbiting with angular speed ! and amplitude A around its displaced equilibrium position e.
The fluid film thickness h varies with instantaneous angular position around the annular
space. For c R , the relation is as follows (Figure A10.1):

hð ,tÞ ¼ c þ e cos þ A cosð  !tÞ ðA10:1Þ

Under the assumption of laminar viscous steady-state flow, with no pressure variation
across the thickness of the film, the only possible flow patterns that satisfy the requirements
of fluid dynamics in a uniform channel of thickness, h, are combinations of two basic

Figure A10.1 Fluid film thickness variations when the center of the rotating journal Os is displaced and the rotor
is orbiting with the angular velocity O.


© 2005 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC


patterns shown in Figure A10.2. The first pattern is linear due to journal rotation. The
second pattern has a parabolic shape, and is associated with the journal radial displacement
from the concentric position. The following relationship determines the fluid velocity u, the
fluid volume flow rate Q, and gradient of the pressure p:

u ¼ R!y=h þ C y=h  y2 =h2 ðA10:2Þ

Q ¼ R!‘h=2 þ C‘h=6 ðA10:3Þ

@p @2 u
¼  2 ¼ 2C=h2 ðA10:4Þ
@ðR Þ @y

The parameter, C, represents the flow velocity, and it has to be determined from the flow
continuity requirements:

@Q=@ ¼ 0 ðA10:5Þ

and pressure periodicity:

pð Þ ¼ pð þ 2Þ ðA10:6Þ

The condition (A10.5) yields the following differential equation:

@Q ‘ @h @C
¼ ð3RO þ CÞ þ h ¼0 ðA10:7Þ
@ 6 @ @

which has the solution

ð3R! þ CÞh ¼ C1 ¼ const: ðA10:8Þ

The constant of integration, C1 , has to be calculated from the condition (A10.6).

Eq. (A10.4) provides:
dp C1 3R!
¼ 2R 3  2
d h h

and further
 Z 2 Z 2
d d
pð2Þ  pð0Þ ¼ 2R C1 3
 3R! ¼0 ðA10:9Þ
0 h ð Þ 0 h2 ð Þ

Figure A10.2 Components of the laminar flow in the journal/bearing clearance with uniform pressure across the
clearance (L ¼ length of bearing).

© 2005 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC


Taking Eq. (A10.1) into consideration and performing integration provides the constant
C1 , which introduced to Eq. (A10.8) provides, in turn, the constant C:

 " #
2 1  "2 1 6ðsin RAÞ 1  "2 cosð  !tÞ 6" cos !t
C ¼ 3R! 1 þ O þ þ
2 þ "2 1 þ " cos 1 þ " cos 2 þ "2 1 þ " cos ð2 þ "2 Þ2
þ "! cosð  !tÞ þ cos !t
2 þ "2

where " ¼ e=c is the eccentricity ratio.

The pressure distribution is obtained by integrating the pressure gradient Eq. (A10.4).
The resultant fluid force F acting on the journal due to these pressures has the following
horizontal, Fh , and vertical, Fv , components:

12‘R3 A

Fh ¼  3=2
1  "2 O  2 þ "2 ! sin !t ðA10:11Þ
c3 ð 1  "2 Þ ð2 þ "2 Þ

12‘R3 A"1

"2 O
Fv ¼  3=2
1  "2 O  2 þ "2 ! þ 3"2 þ! cos !t
c3 ð1  "2 Þ ð2 þ "2 Þ 2 þ "2

The total work performed on the journal by these forces during one orbiting cycle, i.e., the
energy per cycle DE transmitted to the orbiting is

Z 2=O Z 2=O
DE ¼ Fh dh þ Fv d
0 0

From Figure A10.1, the projections of displacements on the horizontal and vertical
axes are:

dh ¼ A! sin !t dt, d

¼ A! cos !t dt ðA10:13Þ

Taking equations (A10.11) and (A10.13) into account, Eq. (A10.12) becomes
122 ‘R3 A2 "4  2"2 þ 4

DE ¼ 3=2
O  4  " !
c2 ð1 þ "2 Þ ð2 þ "2 Þ 2 þ "2

For the rotational speed

4  "2 2 þ "2
O5 4 ! ðA10:14Þ
"  2"2 þ 4

DE50 and the fluid film forces are stabilizing. For

4  "2 2 þ "2
O4 4 ! ðA10:15Þ
"  2"2 þ 4

© 2005 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC


Figure A10.3 Fluid circumferential average velocity ratio as a function of the journal eccentricity ratio.

the fluid film forces are destabilizing the journal. The neutral stability occurs when

4  "2 2 þ "2
O¼ ! ðA10:16Þ
"4  2"2 þ 4

which yields the fluid circumferential average velocity ratio as a function of eccentricity:

! "4  2"2 þ 4 3 þ 1  "2
l¼ ¼ ¼ ðA10:17Þ
O ð4  "2 Þð2 þ "2 Þ 9  ð1  "2 Þ2

This relationship is presented in Figure A10.3. As can be seen, the fluid circumferential
average velocity ratio is a decreasing function of the eccentricity ratio.

© 2005 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

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