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Asset pricing

Prof. Lutz Hendricks

November 17, 2010

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1 What determines the rates of return / prices of various assets?

2 How can risk be measured and priced?

We use the Lucas fruit tree model.

The implications are far more general than the simple model.

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The Lucas Fruit Tree Model

We study the model introduced by Lucas (1978).

A single representative household.

max E0 ∑ β t u ( ct ) (1)
t =0

E0 is the expectation as of time t = 0.

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The Model

This is an endowment economy.

There are K identical fruit trees.
Each tree yields dt units of consumption goods in period t.
dt is random and the same for all trees.
Trees cannot be produced.
Fruits cannot be stored.

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The Model

The aggregate resource constraint:

ct = Kdt (2)

Assume that d is a …nite Markov chain with transition matrix

π (d 0 , d ).
An important feature: All uncertainty is aggregate.
There are no opportunities for households to insure each other.
This is why we can work with a representative household.

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The Model

There are markets for fruits and for trees.

There is also a one period bond, issued by households (in zero net
Its purpose is to determine a risk-free interest rate.

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Household problem

The household starts out with bonds (b0 ) and shares (k0 ).
At each date, he chooses ct , bt +1 , kt +1 .
The budget constraint is

pt kt +1 + bt +1 = Rt bt + (pt + dt ) kt ct (3)

p : the price of trees. Suppressing dependence on the state.
R : the real interest rate on bonds.
the price of bonds is normalized to 1 (how?).

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Household problem

V (k, b, d ) = max u (c ) + βEV k 0 , b 0 , d 0 (4)

subject to
Rb + (p + d ) k c + pk 0 b0 = 0 (5)

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Household problem

First-order conditions:

c : u 0 (c ) = λ
k 0 : λp = EVk (k 0 , b 0 , d 0 )
b 0 : λ = EVb k 0 , b 0 , d 0


Vk = λ (p + d )
Vb = λR

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Household problem
Euler equations

u 0 (ct ) = β Et u 0 (ct +1 ) Rt +1
pt +1 + dt +1
= β Et u 0 ( c t + 1 )

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Household problem

A solution consists of state contingent plans fc (d t ) , k (d t ) , b (d t )g

for all histories d t .
These satisfy:
2 Euler equations
1 budget constraint.
b0 and k0 given.
Transversality: limt !∞ E0 βt u 0 (ct ) [bt + pt kt ] = 0.

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Market clearing

For every history we need:

bt = 0

kt = Kt

ct = Kt dt

There is no trade in equilibrium!

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Competitive Equilibrium

A CE consists of:
1 an allocation: fc (d t ) , b (d t ) , k (d t )g.
2 a price system: fp (d t ) , R (d t )g
These satisfy:
1 household: 2 Euler equations and 1 budget constraint.
2 3 market clearing conditions.

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Recursive Competitive Equilibrium

Solution to the household problem: V (k, b, d ) and c (k, b, d ),
k 0 = κ (k, b, d ), b 0 = B (k, b, d ).
Price functions: p (d ) , R (d ).
Equilibrium conditions:
Household: 4
Market clearing: 2
No need for consistency: law of motion of the aggregate state is

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Consumption smoothing
The Euler equation implies (for any asset):
βu 0 (ct +1 )
Et Rt +1 =1 (6)
u 0 ( ct )

De…ne: Marginal rate of substitution:

MRSt +1 = β u 0 (ct +1 )/u 0 (ct ) (7)

MRSt +1 is inversely related to consumption growth.

1 σ
With u (c ) = c1 σ :
u 0 (c ) = c σ
MRSt +1 = β (ct +1 /ct ) (9)

With constant R, the household chooses constant consumption

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Consumption smoothing
The coe¢ cient of relative risk aversion (σ) determines how much
MRS ‡uctuates with c.
High σ implies that the household chooses smooth consumption.
Illustration for the deterministic case:
Low σ

High σ

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Consumption smoothing

With high σ, marginal utility changes a lot when c changes.

The household then keeps c smooth.


High σ
Low σ


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Asset pricing implications

We will now derive the famous Lucas asset pricing equation.

De…ne: Rate of return on trees: RtS+1 = (pt +1 + dt +1 ) /pt .
Directly from the 2 Euler equations:

βu 0 (ct +1 ) βu 0 (ct +1 ) S
Et Rt +1 = Et Rt +1 =1
u 0 ( ct ) u 0 ( ct )

Or n o
E fMRSt +1 Rt +1 g = E MRSt +1 RtS+1 = 1 (10)

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When does an asset pay a high expected return?

Re-write asset pricing equation using

Cov (x, y ) = E (x y ) E (x ) E (y )


1 = E fMRS g E fR g + Cov (MRS, R )

1 Cov (MRS, R )
E (R ) = (11)
E (MRS )

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When do assets pay high returns?

1 Cov (MRS, R )
E (R ) = (12)
E (MRS )

High returns require low Cov (MRS, R ).

With CRRA utility: high MRS means low consumption growth.
Therefore: Assets pay high returns if their returns are positively
correlated with consumption growth.

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When do assets pay high returns?

Imagine there are good times (high c) and bad times (low c).
There are 2 assets: A pays dividends in good times, B pays in bad
The value of the dividend is u 0 (c ).
Assets that pay in good times are not valuable: u 0 (c ) is low.
Assets that pay in bad times provide insurance - they are valuable
(have low expected returns).

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Risk (premia)
The "risk free" assets has expected return
E (Rf ) = (13)
E (MRS )

A "risky" asset has expected return

1 Cov (MRS, R )
E (R ) = (14)
E (MRS )

The risk premium is

Cov (MRS, R )
E (R ) E (Rf ) = (15)
E (MRS )

This de…nes what risk means: covariance with consumption

Note that risk can be negative (insurance).
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The Equity Premium Puzzle

Mehra and Prescott (1985): Asset return data pose a puzzle for the
The equity premium is "high" (6-7% p.a.)
The cov of c growth and Rs is low.
The reason: Consumption is very smooth.

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The Equity Premium Puzzle

Kocherlakota (1996)

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The Equity Premium Puzzle

A back-of-the envelope calculation with CRRA utility:

Cov β [ct +1 /ct ] σ , Rs

EP = n o (16)
E β [ct +1 /ct ]

Take log utility: σ = 1.

Cov (MRS, Rs ) ' 0.0022.
E (MRS ) ' 1.
EP ' 0.2%.
Replicating the observed equity premium requires very high risk
aversion (σ = 40).

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The Equity Premium Puzzle
How severe is the puzzle?

Investors forego very large returns.

Mehra & Prescott (2003)

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The Equity Premium Puzzle
Long holding periods

Over 20 year holding periods: stocks dominate bonds.

Mehra & Prescott (2003)

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The Equity Premium Puzzle
Why do we care?

The EP puzzle shows that we do not understand

1 what households view as "risky"
2 why households place a high value on smooth consumption
This has implications for:
1 The welfare costs of business cycles
They are very low in standard models.
2 Stock price volatility.
Standard models fail to explain it (see below).

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The Equity Premium Puzzle
How to resolve the puzzle

Proposed explanations include:

[ct γct 1 ]1 σ
1 Habit formation: u (ct , ct 1) = 1 σ .
Implies high risk aversion when ct is close to ct 1.
2 Heterogeneous agents
Implicit in the standard model: all idiosyncratic risk is perfectly insured.
3 Borrowing constraints
The young should hold stocks (long horizon), but cannot.
The old receive mostly capital income and …nd stocks risky.
4 Taxes / regulations (McGrattan & Prescott 2001)
The runup in stock prices since the 1960s stems from lower dividend
taxes & laws permitting institutional investors to hold equity.

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Now we derive the famous "beta" measure of risk.

Suppose asset m (the market) is perfectly correlated with marginal
u 0 (ct +1 ) = γ Rm,t +1 (17)

The market’s expected return is

Cov (MRS, Rm )
E Rm R= (18)
E (MRS )

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Now we relate the covariance term to marginal utility:

u 0 ( ct + 1 ) Cov (u 0 (ct +1 ) , Rm,t +

Cov (MRS, Rm ) = Cov , Rm,t +1 = (1
u 0 ( ct ) u 0 ( ct )
E (u 0 (ct +1 ))
E (MRS ) = (2
u 0 ( ct )

Cov (u 0 (ct +1 ) , Rm,t +1 ) γ Var (Rm,t +1 )
E (Rm ) R= = (21)
E u 0 ( ct + 1 ) E u 0 ( ct + 1 )

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For any asset i:

Cov (u 0 (ct +1 ) , Ri ) γ Cov (Rm , Ri )

E Ri R= 0
= (22)
E u ( ct + 1 ) E u 0 ( ct + 1 )

Take the ratio for assets i and m:

E Ri R = βi [E Rm R ]
Cov (Rm , Ri )
βi =
Var (Rm )

This is the famous CAPM asset pricing equation.

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The risk premium for asset i depends on:

it’s beta (essentially the correlation with the market)
the market price of risk: E Rm R.
A stock’s beta can be estimated from data on past returns of the
stock (Ri ) and the market (using a broad stock index).
Betas are used to
Measure the risk of an asset.
Calculate the required rate of return for investment projects.
Evaluation of mutual fund managers.

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Securities market line
In equilibrium, all asset returns line up on the SML.

Perold (2004)
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Securities market line: Evidence
Stocks with higher βs have higher expected returns, but not enough.

Fama (2004)
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Solving for the asset price
We show that the asset price equals the present discounted value of
Start from the Euler equation:
pt +1 + dt +1
u 0 ( c t ) = β Et u 0 ( ct + 1 ) (23)

Solve for the price:

β u 0 ( ct + 1 )
pt = Et (pt +1 + dt +1 ) (24)
u 0 ( ct )

Replace pt +1 with (24) shifted to t + 1:

β u 0 ( ct + 1 )
pt = Et dt +1 +
u 0 ( ct )
β u 0 ( ct + 1 ) β u 0 ( ct + 2 )
Et E t + 1 (pt +2 + dt +2 ) (25)
u 0 ( ct ) u 0 ( ct + 1 )
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Solving for the asset price
The law of iterated expectations:

Et fEt +1 (x )g = Et (x ) (26)

Eliminate the Et +1 :
( )
β u 0 ( ct + 1 ) β 2 u 0 ( ct + 2 )
pt = E t dt +1 +E t (pt +2 + dt +2 ) (27)
u 0 ( ct ) u 0 ( ct )

Iterate forward for T periods:

( )
β j u 0 ( ct + j )
pt = E t ∑ dt +j (28)
j =1 u 0 ( ct )
( )
β T + 1 u 0 ( ct + T + 1 )
+E t (pt +T +1 + dt +T +1 ) (29)
u 0 ( ct + T )

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Solving for the asset price

Impose that the last term vanishes in the limit:

( )

β j u 0 ( ct + j )
pt = E t ∑ dt +j (30)
j =1 u 0 ( ct )

There is no good reason for this assumption!

The asset price equals the discounted present value of dividends.
The stochastic discount factor is the marginal rate of substitution.

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Example: Log Utility

In the Lucas model, assume: u (c ) = ln(c ). K = 1.

In equilibrium: ct = dt .
β u 0 (c t +1 ) β dt
MRSt +1 = u 0 (c t )
= d t +1 .
The asset pricing equation becomes
( )

βj dt
pt = Et ∑ dt +j
dt +j
j =1
= dt
1 β

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Example: Periodic dividends

In the Lucas model, assume:

Utility is u (c ) = c 1 σ /(1 σ).
dt alternates between d H and d L .
Asset pricing equation:

∑ βj dt /dt +j
pt = dt +j (31)
= dtσ ∑ βj dt1+jσ

On good days, pt is pulled up by low u 0 (c 0 ), but is pushed down by

low dt +1 .

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The Excess Volatility Puzzle

Consider a stock with dividend process dt .

Its price is given by
( )

β j u 0 ( ct + j )
pt = E t ∑ u 0 ( ct )
dt +j (32)
j =1

In the data:
Dividends are very smooth (a goal of company policy).
Stock prices are much more volatile than dividends.
But in the theory: stock prices should be the average of future
dividends and thus smoother than dividends.
This is the ‡ip-side of the Equity Premium Puzzle.

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Recall how the asset pricing formula is derived:

We iterate forward on the asset pricing Euler equation

β u 0 ( ct + 1 )
pt = Et (pt +1 + dt +1 ) (33)
u 0 ( ct )

We assume that the pt +1 term vanishes in the limit.

What if it does not vanish?
Then any (current) asset price can satisfy the asset pricing equation.
The deviation between pt and the fundamental price from (33) is
called a bubble.
It is purely a self-ful…lling expectation.

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Bubbles: Example

Consider an asset that pays no dividends.

Its fundamental price is 0.
β u 0 (c t +1 )
Assume that the MRS is constant at u 0 (c 1 )
= 1.
The the asset pricing equation is

pt = Et pt +1 (34)

One price process that satis…es this: p doubles with probability 1/2
and drops to 0 otherwise.
This satsi…es (34) for any pt .
Bubbles are a possible explanation for asset price volatility.
Note that the bubble does not o¤er any excess return opportunities.

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State contingent claims

Some assets pay out only in particular states of the world

e.g. insurance contracts
Standard asset pricing formulas apply to those assets.
It just adds notation...

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State contingent claims

We start from the Lucas fruit tree model.

In addition to stocks and bonds, households can purchase assets that
pay out in exactly one state of the world.
quantity purchased of asset that pays out in state d 0 : y 0 (d 0 ).
price of that asset: q (d 0 jd ).

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states: all assets held, k, b, and all y (d ).

choices: b 0 , k 0 , y (d 0 ).
Dynamic Program:

V (k, b, y (1) , ..., y (N ) , d ) = max u (c ) (35)

0 0 0 0
+ βEV k , b , y (1) , ..., y (N ) ,(36)

subject to

Rb + (p + d ) k + y (d ) = c + b 0 + pk 0 + ∑ q d 0 jd y0 d0 (37)

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First-order conditions for state contingent claims

u 0 (c ) q d 0 jd = β Pr d 0 jd Vy (d 0 ) k 0 , b 0 , y 0 (1) , ..., y 0 (N ) , d 0 (38)


Vy (d ) (., d ) = u 0 (c ) (39)
Vy (d ) ., d̂ = 0, d̂ 6= d (40)

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Euler equation

u 0 (c ) q d 0 jd = β Pr d 0 jd u 0 c 0 (41)

In more standard form:

βu 0 (c 0 ) 1
1 = Pr d 0 jd (42)
u (c ) q (d 0 jd )

where the rate of return on the state contingent claim is 1/q.

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Romer, Advanced Macroeconomics, ch. 7.5

Ljunqvist & Sargent, ch. 7.
Mehra, Rajnish; Edward C. Prescott (1985). "The Equity Premium:
A Puzzle." Journal of Monetary Economics 15(2): 145-61.
Mehra, Rajnish; Edward C. Prescott (2003). "The equity premium in
retrospect." NBER working paper #9525.
Kocherlakota, Narayana R. (1996). "The Equity Premium: It’s Still a
Puzzle." Journal of Economic Literature 34(March): 42-71.

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