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Cl a s s 

† Welcome to the May 20th Edition of The Fishwrap

Sunshine Band tomorrow at Cedar Crest Nursing Home

FY I: Ch u rch Bus i ne s s Me e t i ng is June 13 at 7 pm i n t h e Ch ape l

CHURCH ADDRESS: 653 West Fremont Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA. 94087

Church Office hours: Monday email only. Tuesday-Thursday: 9 am to 5 pm; Friday: 9 am to 2 pm.
Tuesdays: please note that the pastoral staff, including Sherrill, are in a meeting from 10 am to 11:30
am. If you call during this time you will get the answering machine but your call will be returned after
the meeting...Thank you! Office# 408-732-4080.

-~~~~~~ This Weekend's Events ~~~~~~~

This Sabbath, May 21, 2011:
Hi folks, Rob Colón is speaking for First Light and Open Door this week. His message is based on
John 10:1-3. Tim Swensen is First Light Chorister and is also playing his trumpet with David Adams
for special music. Glenda Fayard will accompany. For Open Door, Katie Concepcion is our worship
lead. We will also celebrate our graduates this Sabbath. Hope to see you here!

• 9:15 am - First Light Church Service with Pastor Rob Colón

• 10:30 am - Bible Study Classes: Adult classes: Two classes in the sanctuary; one in the chapel; one
in Modular #1, the FAQ Class in the Fireside room, Young Professionals Adult class in either the
Fellowship Hall or outside on the lawn, weather permitting.
• 11:45 am - Open Door Church Service with Pastor Rob Colón

Sunday, May 22, 2011

• 8:00 am - Breakfast with Homeless Friends at Mountain View Central Church. Mountain View
church feeds the homeless every Sunday morning, and they always need extra hands and extra
food. Please consider helping out; be there at 7 am!
• 10:00 am - Basketball at Mountain View Academy. Full court hoops; join us!

Next Sabbath, May 28, 2011

Pastor Joe Strock will speak this Sabbath. Stay tuned for details.

“Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall
not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” John 8:12 (New King James Version)
Kid’s Ministry, KidsChurch, and more...
Promotion Sabbath is June 4!
Hey Kids! Get ready to celebrate! Summer is almost here and that means another school year is
behind you! Let's celebrate Sunnyvale style with singing, games, treats and gifts to honor the kids
moving up to the next division in a combined Sabbath School class. You won't want to miss out on the
fun! So join us on June 4 in the Primary room for Promotion Sabbath. The service will be during
regular Sabbath School time (10:30-11:30) and is for all kids in Kindergarten, Primary and
Intermediate Sabbath School classes.

Thanks so much! Kirsten Speyer

Pathfinder Updates
The Pathfinder Fair comes at a time in May that is often prone to weather anomalies. Three years
ago the weather during the Fair hit a record high temperature of 105° each day of the weekend.
Then the year after that, those records fell to new highs of 107°! This year saw new weather
records, but in the opposite direction, with Modesto recording a high of 58° on Sunday, which was
a record low high temperature for that date.   --Brad
       The Pathfinder fair was fun.  When we got there it was chilly– all the times Iʼve been to the
Pathfinder fair itʼs been 80 degrees. The Sunnyvale Rangers put up eight tents and the kitchen area,
got settled in our tents and then had a delicious dinner of spaghetti stir-fry and salad. Then we
decorated the bicycle for the bicycle decorating contest. The next day we found out we got second
place. Sometime after that we fell asleep.

        The next day we woke up and got dressed and in the process we discovered it had rained during
the night and everything touching the tent floor was wet–parts of sleeping bags, clothes, coats and
duffle bags. We hung them out to dry and later my dad went to the laundry mat to dry all the sopping

         Then the Sunnyvale Rangers ate breakfast, took down our tents and went and marched. Then
we were tested on our drill marching. We got first place! Then everyone bought lunch at the food
stands. It started to rain again so we ate in the cars. After that we went to the gym and did Bible Bowl,
which we got 3rd place on–we only got one right, and that was because it was John 3:16! Then we
did the Indian Carriage race, a test easy to take if you know your lashings. We got first place on that.
Then the rewards…The Sunnyvale Rangers got a trophy, and Cady got a trophy, too! Her trophy was
for the most sponsor cards out of all the Pathfinders of the Central California Conference! Soon after
the rewards we left the Pathfinder Fair. It was lots of fun!   - Rebecca Teichman 
Youth Updates and Stuff That’s Happenin’
Congratulations Classes of 2011!
To all of our graduating 8th graders and Seniors: Sunnyvale SDA Church wishes you all the best as
you move forward in your lives. Whether you are going into high
school or on to college, both of these are huge steps in your life.
It is our prayer that Jesus will keep you every step of the way,
and that your minds and hearts will always turn to Him for
guidance. We love you, we encourage you, and we are with you
Cl a s s 
every step of the way. With love from the Pastoral Staff and

Camp Wawona
If you would like your kids to attend Camp Wawona this year,
here is the contact info:
P.O. Box 2055, Wawona, CA  95389. General Information:
209-375-6231o 209-375-1527 FAX.
Year Round Questions:
Summer Camp Questions:
Adventure Small Groups
Girls Club information ...
Hey girls, so Girls Club will be on break for the summer. We may have a couple of special events, but
we know youʼll be busy with family and friends, and we donʼt want to interfere with that. Stay tuned for
FAQ Class Information
This class, headed by Pastor Rob and Tom Seguin, has had a good showing most weeks. We are
nearing the end of it though, and will go on break for the summer as of the end of May. Another class
will start up in the fall. Stay tuned for details.

Sunshine Band This Sabbath

Join Kathy Lampson, who is taking over this month for Anna Furiosi, our own Ranger kids and their
leaders, and other church members at Cedar Crest Nursing Home, 797 E. Fremont Ave. in
Sunnyvale. We sing, wish the residents Happy Birthdays, give gifts, hugs, smiles and good cheer.
Folks of any age are welcome to join us! We need voices this week please! Its just one hour so we
hope to see you here. Call Kathy at 408-230-5423.
YP Bible Study Class for this Sabbath
Greetings YP! Come join us this Sabbath! Our class discussion moves on to Chapter 3 of the book
"Reason for God." This book deals with some of the most common objections to God or Christianity
that Timothy Keller has encountered in his years of ministry - both exploring the basis of different
doubts, and presenting thoughtful, reasoned counter-arguments. I would consider it a tool to look
deeper at some of the roots of your faith, and to better prepare you for rational discussions with
nonbelievers. As Keller puts it, a faith that has not experienced doubt is like a body without an
immune system. Here we hope to strengthen our faith by directly addressing unresolved doubts.
Last week we discussed "How Could a Good God Allow Suffering?" and this week's topic is
"Christianity is a Straitjacket."
But "Wait," you say, "I don't have a book!" Melanee has now procured several copies of "Reason for
God" to give to YP (for free, but we would also welcome small contributions to extend our funds).
But, you say, "I didn't read the chapter!" While helpful, reading is not required for your participation,
so don't let that keep you away. Discussion leaders have previously used the book as a starting point
for the class, but it is not intended to be a blow-by-blow recap.
But "Wait," you say, "I need coffee to deal with deep thinking so early in the morning!" Starting this
week we now have a coffee maker to provide performance-enhancing caffeination! And as a further
bonus, Jary has offered to make us breakfast this week!
So, per usual..Breakfast starts around 10...Class starts at 10:45 (led by Vicente)
See you there! Dave

FREE CPC Exercise Bootcamp

Virge Bello from the Cambrian Park SDA Church has started an exercise bootcamp for people who
are interested in getting in shape in 2011. He plans a variety of exercises that will work on the core,
base muscles, and cardio. Basically, its a mixture of many exercises for a 1-hour period which helps
your body burn sugar and fat, and build muscle.
What to Bring? Comfortable clothes, bottled water, a good attitude, and friends.
Pioneer High School Track- back of the school at 1290 Blossom Hill Road, San Jose,95118.
When: Every Sunday from 8:30-9:30 am. Contact: Virge Bello 408-802-4430

“All I Need is Jesus and a Good Pair of Jeans”

Attention busy women!  Are you going crazy with running kids around to school, fitting in work,
housework, quality family time and a spiritual life?  Interested in a little time for a good book and some
fellowship with women who can relate?  Then this group is for you!  We'll be going through an
amazing book that is funny, relevant, and spiritually filling.  There are copies of the book available in
the class, and it wonʼt take much for you to catch up. Meet us in Modular#3    For more information
contact Andrea Chebeleu at
Sunnyvale Church Updates
Upcoming Church Events
We have several events coming up over the summer and into the fall. On July 9, we will host
The Heritage Singers. This will be an evening event. On July 31, Endless Praise, the worship team
from Australia, will be here to perform in concert. Many of you may remember they came and
performed for our Fall Festival in 2009. Also coming to Sunnyvale church in early September is Brian
Hardin from “The Daily Audio Bible”. We plan to start “Life Together” series, and we have a small
health seminar in the works for late October. Sound fun? Well, jump on board with us and lend a
hand! We are always looking for folks to help coordinate major events. If youʼd like to help or have
some ideas, contact Sherrill at the church office.

Arlene Taylor Recap

Were you blessed by Dr. Taylor? Did she open your brain and show you things you didnʼt know
before? too! In light of that, please note that her information is proprietary and she has asked
us to NOT make any CD or DVD copies of the services. There is no leeway on this. However, you can
access most of the information through her website: Here is a list of the
PowerPoint Presentations available at her site:
7 Secrets of Communication • A Sense in Time Saves Yours • Think on These Things
Affirmation—the Power of Positive • Cellular Memory • How the Brain Learns Best
How to Change Behaviors • Live a Brain-friendly Lifestyle • Volunteer Brain
How to Deal with Male-Female Differences in the Classroom • Manage Your Emotions
Male-Female Differences in Vision Style and Hearing • Raise Your Emotional Intelligence
Rethinking Depression • Teaching the Way Kids Learn • What Successful Thinkers Need
Upshift, Downshift, About Shift • Using Your Brain for Success • The Brain and Laughter
These are free for you to use for yourself or in your classrooms. There is a plethora of information on
her site, so go there and utilize it!

Homeless Feeding for May: Thank you

Special thanks to all of you who have donated funds or food. Thanks to those who showed up to help.
Also, special thanks to Youth Pastor Andy Lee and to Todd Deskins, both of whom shared of
themselves. We are very, very grateful and appreciative. We know that Jesus will bless you 10 times
more than you have blessed others, in gratitude for your service to Him.
Didi DeRuiter, Gina Welch, Tati Martins and Sherrill Salom

Dorcas Request is Ongoing

There is currently dire need to help several families with food and household items. Below is a full list
of items needed, both by the folks that need help and by our food pantry at large. All donations can be
dropped off either on Sabbath, (get a deacon to assist you) or during the week to the church office.
Please call the church office first. Thank you in advance for your gracious giving...
Pasta and Pasta Sauce; Rice; Bread; Cereal; Beans; Canned Fruit & Vegetables; Olives; Mac ʻn
Cheese; Jello; Cake & Brownie Mixes; Ketchup; Mayonnaise; Microwave Popcorn; Peanut Butter;
Jelly/Jam; Crackers of any kind; Soup; etc
Kidʼs Lunch Supplies:
Fruit Snacks; Applesauce Cups; Chips; Cookies; Raisins; Granola Bars; Pudding Cups; Juice Boxes;
Paper Lunch Bags; Plastic Sandwich Bags; Aluminum Foil; Plastic Wrap; etc
Baby Supplies:
Baby Foods; Diapers [in all sizes]; Baby Wipes; Baby Shampoo; Baby Body Wash; Baby Laundry
Soap; Desitin; etc
Bar Soap; Tooth Paste; Tooth Brushes; Dental Floss; Mouthwash; Deodorant [Men & Women];
Shampoo; Conditioners; Lotions; Band-aids; Neosporin; Toilet Paper; Q-Tips; Cotton Balls; etc
Household Items:
Laundry Detergent; Spray ʻn Wash; Paper Towels; Napkins; Sponges; Dish Soap; Cleaners etc
Gift Cards in Any Amount:
Trader Joes; Safeway; Target; Wal-mart; Costco; Gas; etc
For more info please contact the church office at 408-732-4080.

Anna Furiosi & Eileen Dunn, the “Dorcas Ladies”

Local Church Events
The Central California Conference and the Santa Clara Hispanic Company invite you to the
Inauguration of the Santa Clara Hispanic Church on Sabbath, May 21 at 10:45 am. Come to 2545
Warburton Road, Santa Clara. 95051. There will be a luncheon served after the service. For details
please go to
Community Events
El Oasis Orphanage and J&J Ironman Racing: Thank You!
J&J Ironman Racing would like to thank Sunnyvale SDA church for all your donations and support of
El Oasis orphanage in Baja, Mexico.  Sunnyvale SDA Church and J&J Ironman Racing have been
supporting the kids at El Oasis since 2006 by providing books, tuition, food, and much needed living
supplies to the children. This November, the team will be visiting and donating to El Oasis before they
solo the Baja 1000 race.  Donations will go towards deferring the cost of school tuition for the 50-plus
kids at the facility.

Spring Christian Concert At Great America Redwood Amphitheater

Christian artists Skillet, Family Force 5, Lecrae, Anthem Lights and Manic Drive come together live in
concert at California's Great America for an evening of powerful music, with guest speaker Tom
Richter. Your ticket purchase pays for your entrance into the park, ALL rides, and the
concert! Redwood Amphitheater doors open at 2 pm. Tickets available for purchase

54th Annual Angwin Flea Market ... and more!

For fifty four years, the Angwin Community Council has hosted a
Flea Market to raise funds for the volunteer Fire Department.
Come out, bring the family and shop for treasures or clean out
your closets and rent a table behind the college market. Enjoy
great food with neighbors and new friends. Hereʼs a list of some
of the events scheduled:
• Art in the Clouds: Display and purchase of fine art and hand-crafted goods. Bring the kids and let
them create their own artwork.
• Classic Car Show: Bring your classic or vintage car or just cruise through the show while enjoying
food from vendors including: La Luna Market, Big Dipper Ice Cream, and Marks the Spot. Bring
your appetite and stay for the live music presented by...
• Rhythm Cats,, performing from 10 am -1 pm. Thanks to a generous
sponsorship from Xfinity by Comcast, the live music will be featured on our stage at the car show
location. And make sure to buy raffle tickets! Drawings begin at 1 pm at the
car stage show. For more information go to http://

American Cancer Society 2011 “Relay for Life” Gilroy Walk

for A Cure
“Hi all, Julie Beach here...thanks to each of you who has gone to my page
and either signed up for walking or made a donation for the “Relay for Life”
ACS Walk for A Cure. Many of you remember my dear friend Debbie Warren,
who lost her battle with cancer 3 years ago. The 1st year, we walked it
together. (See picture) In the 3 years since, we have walked it in memory of

Our team, Warren's Warriors, is again planning on walking in memory of Debbie Warren on Friday,
June 17, 2011 6PM through Saturday, June 18 at 6 PM.  For those unfamiliar with relay,  our team
will keep someone on the track for the full 24 hours.  We divide the 24 hours into
1-hour shifts so at least 1 person is walking - we keep someone on the track at
all times.  Many of us camp out for the whole night, many come
for just an hour to walk - some stop by for just a few minutes. 
Whatever you can manage - we would love to have you there. 
As the event gets closer, we will have a sign up sheet for all that
would like to participate.

Please join me in remembrance of Debbie and in support of the

American Cancer Society.  If you can come walk - terrific, click
on the link below and join our team (you will get a way cool t-
shirt).  If you can't walk, maybe you can donate. Any amount
helps, from $1 to $1,000, so please don't feel if you can't give a
lot that you shouldn't give at all. 
Thanks to all that have already contributed! And thanks to everyone for your continued support
throughout the years! Let's go find a cure! “ Julie Beach and Warren’s Warriors
Click here to visit my Personal page. Click here to view the Team page for Warren's Warriors
Conference Information
Keep up on the current news stories that are happening in our church around the world.
Follow this link: This is the Adventist News Network.
Click this link to read NAD NewsPoints.

Adventist Community Services: Helping Others in Need

Adventist Community Services has engaged several donation management operations and
distribution of goods, partnering with FEMA and State Emergency Management Agencies in
Huntsville, Birmingham, Tuscaloosa, AL and Collegedale, TN.
As an effort to provide much needed supplies for the survivors, we are seeking your support to
send either personal care kits and/or school supplies. Greig Rose is in charge of this for our
church. He has prepared large plastic bags for the children’s kits and small ones for the personal
use kits. It doesn’t cost much to fill one of these...go to your local dollar store and you can fill
both of them for less than $20.00! Fill the bag and bring it back to church. Greig will mail the
bags to ACS for distribution. If you prefer to mail it yourself, locations where you can send your
kits are listed on the half-sheet insert which you can pick up at church this Sabbath, and local
conference ACS volunteers will distribute the items to the affected areas.
Please visit for further information.

Camp Meeting 2011: God’s Heart Revealed

Camp meeting is coming. This yearʼs theme is “Godʼs Heart Revealed”. To get an application for
camp meeting, contact the Soquel Conference Center, 1931 Old San Jose Road,
Soquel, CA  95073-9730 (831) 464-4900. Registration Information:(831) 460-9811.

Central California Conference Weekly Prayer Meeting

Join with us here or wherever you are as we lift up our church and her members to our Heavenly
Father.  We would love to hear your prayer requests or your answers to prayers. Do you have
answers to prayer that you would like to share, not just with us but with the church family during the
upcoming camp meeting season at Soquel? We are looking for stories to share. Please contact Joyce
Mulligan, Conference Prayer Ministries Director, at 559-696-3692 or email her at:
Remember that Godʼs people are encouraged when they hear how He has moved in the lives of
others. No story is too small or too big to share!
Church Classifieds
Hi all, the church has been given 7 cases of adult diapers, size Small, like what would be used for an
incontinent person. If you or someone you know could use these, please contact the church office at
408-732-4080 and talk with Sherrill. Weʼll be happy to give these away to whoever might need them.

Adult Female Kitty to a good home

We are looking for a new home for a wonderful, loving, VERY  social kitty who is sad, unhappy, &
overeating because she gets left alone at home all day.  Looking for a loving home where someone is
home most of the day if not all day; children would be a bonus.  This cat is spayed and front declawed
so your furniture will be safe. Sheʼs an indoor kitty and she should probably
stay an in-door kitty.  This is an AMAZING cat - but high maintenance. She
needs LOTS of attention; brushing, playing, petting, sitting on your lap and
etc. We absolutely hate, hate, HATE to get rid of her but she is so
miserable without humans all day long, every day. If you're interested,
please contact Jami Jeffery at

Super-nice ladies leather boots to a good home

Hey all, so I bought two pair of really cool gently-used leather boots on
eBay. I canʼt return them and both of them are too narrow for me. One is
size 6.5, the other is also 6.5 but would fit a size 7 easily. I would rather sell
them to someone here in the church than try to resell them on eBay. Give me a call if you are
interested. They are black, above the ankle, inside zip by NineWest. Sherrill Salom: email to
Prayer Requests
Weʼve had several requests for prayer in the last few weeks. Many are suffering from severe health
challenges. Please see below and add these dear folks to your list.
• David and Lynda Hooper - David Hooper is finally on the donor list. David and Lynda are deeply
loved members of this church. Please lift them up to our Father for strength for both of them, for
wisdom for the doctors, and for a donor liver for him.
• Gio Seguin, Tom and Chris Seguinʼs stepmom, is in the hospital in critical care. Please lift up her
and the whole family in prayer for strength, for healing, and for the doctors.
• Jerry and Antonieta Childers - Jerry and Antonieta are newly baptized members of our church and
Open Door deacons, brought in by Joe Strock. On Friday, April 29, Antonieta was at the church
with Sherrill, our office manager, when she suddenly became very dizzy and quite sick. 911 was
called; they showed up quickly and took Antonieta to El Camino Hospital, where it was learned she
had a brain aneurysm. She was released after four days but is still suffering effects from it. The
aneurysm is right next to the part of the brain that controls balance, so she is still dizzy,
lightheaded and and nauseous. She is now recovering at home with help from her mom and Jerry.
Praise God, they were here last week to hear Dr. Taylor, but please continue to keep them in your
prayers as she struggles with this health challenge. We pray for complete healing for her, and for
strength and patience for both her and Jerry.
• Lila Douthet - Lila is currently in hospice care and would greatly appreciate your prayers.
• If you would like to contact any of these folks, please contact Pastor Rob, Pastor Joe, or the
church office.

Pastor’s Corner - Hearing and Believing
“The Jews gathered round him, saying, “How long will you keep us in suspense? If you are the
Christ, tell us plainly.” Jesus answered, “I did tell you, but you do not believe. The miracles I do
in my Father’s name speak for me, but you do not believe because you are not my sheep. My sheep
listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” John 10:24-27, NIV.

How could they still not believe? Sometimes itʼs as plain as the hand in front of your face but you still
donʼt get it. Our passage here is a conversation between Jesus and the Jewish leaders. Jesus not
only claims to be the Messiah but is demonstrating it with miracles. He has removed any excuse for
them not to believe--and yet of all the people of His time, the ones who knew their bibles and should
have believed these are the ones who still don't. 

But before we start booing the religious leaders let's examine ourselves. Have you checked your
hearing lately? What do you believe about the loved one(s) you share your home with and the God
who created your inmost being? Belief is a powerful thing and so is unbelief. There are times when no
matter what another person is saying you canʼt hear them. Youʼve already made up your mind.  I have
to admit Iʼve done my share of tuning people out. Sometimes itʼs so bad I canʼt hear anything. I find
myself saying, Huh? or what did you say?
The good news is, Jesus not only describes a problem, He gives us the reason for it. He says, "The
reason you don’t believe is because you are not my sheep. My sheep hear my voice..." He says it
different earlier in chapter 8, “He who belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not
hear is that you do not belong to God.”” John 8:47, NIV.

This is strong medicine and religious pride will keep us from accepting it. So who do you belong to?
What do you believe about God? What do you believe about yourself? The scriptures says, you are
not your own, you have been bought with a price... If youʼre having a hard time hearing, check your
heart. In scripture there is a direct connection between the heart and oneʼs ability to hear. “For it is
with your heart that you believe..” Romans 10:10a, NIV. I think often our hearts grow hard (of hearing)
either because we believe God checked out or let us down or that He asked something of us we were
unwilling to do. He says, my sheep hear my voice, I know them and they follow. That means we do
what He says.

May you follow God today. May you repent of your unbelief. May everything within you belong to the
King of Kings, the One who was and is and is to come.. And then may you hear once again...

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall
not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16, NIV.

Pastor Joe

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