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Montgomery Blair High School


The Crucible

Arthur Miller

Directed by
Thomas Mather

Technical Direction by
John Wilson

Stage Manager
Karen Storms

Assistant Stage Manager

Elizabeth Hoge

Produced by Special Arrangement With

Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

November 19, 20, 21 1987

The Cast
(In order of appearance)
Betty Parris Shira Robinson
Rev. Samuel Parris .Nathan Rein
Tituba Nadine Reid
Abigail Williams Katie Todhunter
Susanna Walcott Ara Casey
Mrs. Ann Putnam Carrie Thayer
Thomas Putnam Andy Todhunter
Mercy Lewis Melissa Velasquez
Mary Warren Alison VanDeursen
John Proctor Brendan Carruthers
Rebecca Nurse Karen Storms
Giles Corey Andrew Bodammer
Rev. John Hale Edwin Rodriguez
Elizabeth Proctor Riki Pauli
Francis Nurse Scott Weidener
Ezekiel Cheever Blake Ratner
John Willard Ben Weiss
Judge Hathorne Gonzalo Graupera
Deputy Governor Danforth Marc Steinberg
voice of Martha Corey Andrea Smith
Sarah Good Andrea Smith
Costume Committee
Sponsors - Debby de Bias and Carole Steiner
Committee Members
Rebecca Hammer Claire Mullins Denise Sharpe
Melissa Velasquez Susie Wackerbarth

Yo. GerbIlIThanxforallyou'vedone-Ouantlty(GetTh eSeml MadJuggler2Xpiain That)
Ryan. can I see your Beslle Boys Tape? Love. Your Sisterl
Katie. I have discovered that I love you. Thank you. - J.P.
Sex&AgeDiff.- let's hear It 4 the Oed Dartl Watch out for that treel • PornoMan
Sue:We really miss you this year. especially In the flyl Heres's to being
Hoosier roomies next yearl Come hornell Luv,CS
Andrew . I am too good a driver and I never liked you anyway • love Karen
Buddy Baby· Uh, excuse me. that would be "Adultery. John" • R
MEYER:Here's to dropped windows and broken brakesl I oughta kill you (you're
lucky I'm nlcel)Luv ya-Chrls
KT·I'II make new friends. but keep the toadlAV
Raskolnikov come backl and bring Razumihln
Scott:What to say.'!f this play lasted any longer you'd have the straightest
teeth In townlStay away from Mr.···. he likes to play with those little
boyslGlad you were aroundlLuv ya-Chrls
TRI·SIGMA-do the hound dog.VM.YLC· ahhl chlckenhouse. Luv.THE INDUCTEE
To all of An & Mike I luv U but dont take that the wrong way I McOLD
Chris So: Thankx for all the HW.Let's go kill a call-Sum
Why. Dave&Jess, Its a fair monkey poppetl
UGMUG SIS 1 + 2 • MEX '901 Is that shocking? Than UR aazy(1 know UR but
what am I?)Here's to 50.STINA+here's to breast cancer,SHELE.Luv,p.w
Shira • Are you ready? Oull • R.
Eric - Wanna go to Homecomlng?(HI Katlel) Hey, let's take her too.
Kirstin • Pizza com'n upl - KT
Donations to the Catsup Fund/Locker are now being accepted.
To whom It may concern: An RULESI Donna
Mom & Dad: Thanx for being the besll-Sum
AB- Mannn, Y'so stoooopld- MS
KAS- I know what 1m getting you for Xmas, Nyah Nyahl R
Fish+Mur are both Marys + Bee Isnll Mur Warren
Marc-I lied. I really do know everything - Karen
HI Brendan. Good luck. Break something. OK? You'll be great. Ced
Smile. McPunk'n LOVES youl
Steve - Uh Oh ... We been baaaadl - R
McSum:McHilWell another Mcfall show has Mcgone Mcbye. Mcno Mc-lalr-McOh
McNolCan you say Merry McMoo McCow Mcfive Mctimes Mcfast?
Abl - I know how to spell EVERYTHINGI
MJK- I couldn't drive If you trledl
Rogmikevin-oombal Oombal (2 B stated whilst waving arms Inalrand scarlngKT)
Hey,Honeybunnyspongecake, WAKE UPII
Rikl - I am NOT your little brotherl -MS
Hey, SuperChlcken (or goat, or fish, or lizard) you can't land that way I
Mr.wilson, Is the booth open? Love Donna
JOHN- sweat like a stallion 4 me. Lustfully yours, ABBY
Leyla:You're rlght,backstage might not be as du111-Sum
Where's the double meanings, where's the blinking IIghts,where's crew 87, and
where's the beef?-CS&SH
Watch this space. (Who knows what could happen?)
SR,AV,MV,AC - let's get afflicted, glrlsl -KT
BC-Thanks for the support-Serlously.-MS
Katz,have Knees + Concrete lacerated anything lately?-The other you.
Alison - Why thankyou, Its a fair ... ha ha hee hee hooll - R
Rebecca: If only you knew ...
Patty:We need your BILUMlss you on crewlLuv,CS&LD
AT-TOADHUNTER regime cont's. B.A.L. 4 your 1st perfl -sls
lan:Are you sure you're not retahded?Thanx for all your help- but we're still
not taking you anywhere?C&L
KT-Stop biting my knees ...You drank blood Abby - (but I won't telll) - Belly
Igor - Ravioli Replacement In transit
GONZO- sandlno vlve. - the liberal
Hey, Sisters - PEANUT BUTIER RuleslLove,SS#1
To - Kim,Donna,Tonl,Dlonna and Claire Luv - Moshe + Mike - We Luv You
Chris So: NOI
Chris So:Just kidding. But really, you're not as retahded as tan-but you're
geltln' therelThanx for all the help In English and on crewl-CES (such
original Inltlalsl)&lD
AB- a truer crabby old man never IIvedl UR # 1 - BC
Will K. - Reunion In Bakul
Give Latin 2 a pass to you know where.
Synopsis of Scenes

Act I - Scene 1: A bedroom in Reverend Samuel Parris'

house, Salem, Massachusetts, in the
spring of the year 1692.
Act I - Scene 2: The common room of Proctor's house,
eight days later.


Act II - Scene 1: Five weeks later. A wood.

Act II - Scene 2: The vestry of the Salem Meeting
House, two weeks later.
Act II - Scene 3: A cell in Salem jail, three months

Stage Crew
Sponsors - William J. Nickerson and John Wilson
Crew Head - Chris Sturek
Co-Crew Head - Leyla Diaz
Props - Chris Sturek
David Bosworth Ian Duncan Jason Hoefling
Sumilee Hoskin Ceci Hyoun Serj Kalayjian
Dina Kraft Dave Lanxner David Meyer
Dao Phan Jessica Sams Chris Soucey
Deep Sran David Sundwall Choung Yang
Auditorium Theater Technicians
Sponsor - John Wilson
Chief Electrician - Rafael Carratini
Desig n Coordinator - Mike Sawiki
Presets - Roger Smith
Projections - Donna Dryburgh
Patch Panel - Troy Waters
Communications - Gavin Graham
Stage Electrician - Carrie Seros
Electrical Crew
Boris Brown Dave Brown Cheri ita Callahan
Ryan Dryburgh Ivan Ingraham James Johnson
Dionna Shavers Dave White
Sound Crew
Mike Becker Toni Callahan Moshe Koenick
Jason Thomas
Kent Butler Kim Gandy Tom White

Publicity Committee
Abi Davis Chris Giordano Dave Lanxner
Jamie Rust Jessica Sams Marc Steinberg
Lisa Taylor Alison VanDeursen

Program Coordinator - Jamie Rust

Poster Design - Dave Lanxner
Cover Design - Dave Lanxner
Riki - there was one little duck, swimming in the sea...KAS
Steiny- What if I don't want to look at you? Huh? - R
BRENDAN-Whatwasit?Cute?Wondertul,too!Love U! CT
Marc:Love them speeches,huh bUddy?{Aaiigh!)BC
Goody Put,Titu,Goody Good,Giles,Hale,UzP .Nurses.Dant-willy-Thanx 4 fall
'88, I'm not sportin. -Abby
Betterdeadthan ...
Stevie- Pardon? What was that about the back seat of a Chevy? - R
Felix - are you a happy fish? 1 out of 2 ain't bad
Tuesday is HAPPY MEAL DAY!!!!!!
Ben-How are you .. .fine ...but,really, How are you? Thanks. Coo
Gerbilus:Remember hand-holdability? - DAG
CT - Your knees are screaming at me!
Nate- Thanks for being there to care. EH
CREW - U stewed quite a brew of a set yet again - thanx, Katie
Riki - One more time ... Are you ready?_. Oui!!! - Elizabeth ... SR
Carrie - So what shall we sing? 8 yrs. of it.
CREW 87-- H E L P!!!!!!!!!!!
KS- To err is human (even in Driver Ed). You sure are human! AB
RJ: Thanks for the revelation of gerbility - DAG
Ara-Tonight's the night - Go to it! Love Coo.
Brendan-flirt flirt hug flirt back rub flirt hug etc. - Karen
Alison- Are you a boat? Uzard
BLAKE - un fou tout les jours. cest d'accord, Je suis aussi, cheri. Casse une
jambe - KT
BW:You can throw me across the stage anytime,sweetie!
Gerbil! - Judy L.
Shira,another play, another part + good as ever! Good Luck! Blue Eyes
To: Mom and Dad (Gary& Mariana) From: Moshe + Mike We love you OOOXXX
P.S. R.C. I Hint, hint
Kill da wabbit
Nate-I think Parris needed a ponytail and a beard. Do it again. I SWEAR IT
CH RIS- Here's to PizzaHut, YesteryearFarm,partiesinthecloset,sneakingoutof
partyhu nti ngan danoverallsem iinte resti ngyear .There'snowaythiscan
lan:What's in your pocket-is it a tape measure?I-Sum
LIZ-What was it? A boomerang? HEE Love U CT
Katie- You were always a sister all along
Yong pari( - It only happens in the rainy season •••
Keith - Just thought J'd share that interesting tidbit with you. 15 syllables,
count 'em.
Smut ->PEANUTBUTTERIIII-I rea/ly wish I knew- BC
Dlonna - HI! Mosh
Andrew·KlIl the wabbitl Shira
Mr. Nickerson,Ms.Seelman,Mr .Mathwin,Ms. Wanner ,Ms. Piper , Ms. Verona and
Mr.Bridges - Than ks I J-me

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