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The following table details the correct procedure to validate the Subject Data File. Some cells
refer to Tables that are provided in the following sections

The Column “FROM” provides the position in the row where the first character of the specific field
that is being passed begins on.

The Column “TO” provides the position in the row where the last character of the specific field
that is being passed ends on.

The Column “Description” indicates what specific field is being passed.

The Column “COMMENTS” provides comments on the field being passed. Most times these
comments will better define what the field is, or give examples of values it could take. In the
case of “Dependent” fields (please see below), it indicates the dependency.

The Column “TYPE” indicates whether the field is Numeric (N) or Alphanumeric (X). Please refer
to section Error! Reference source not found. and Error! Reference source not found. for
more information.

The Column “MANDATORY/NON MANDATORY/DEPENDENT” indicates whether the field must be

provided every time or not necessarily. Any fields marked as Mandatory (M) for a specific row
must be provided or that row will result in an error and will not be loaded to the System. Any
fields marked as Non-Mandatory (NM) for a specific row can be provided or not, at the discretion
of the contributing FI. While not providing NM fields will not result in an error, WE STRONGLY
SUGGEST that if the information is available it should be provided. The more information
provided to the System, the more effective the System becomes, and the highest the value of
the System becomes for Banks. Any fields marked as Dependent (D) could be either mandatory
or not depending on the value of other fields. A specific indication is provided for each of these
fields to indicate when the fields are mandatory and when not.

The Column “LENGTH” provides the total number of characters that make up the field. It is
directly related to the “FROM” and “TO” columns.

The Column “RULES” provides specific information on any rules that exist to fill the specific field,
such as formatting rules (for example if a field must be entered DDMMYYYY), or indication of
specific values (for example "H" for the header).

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1 1 Record Type X M 1 "H" for the header
2 4 F.I. Code Financial Institute Code (official X M 3 Fill with '0' in case of codes with less
code that identifies the specific than 3 characters (i.e. 002, 020,
FI) 240)
5 12 Accounting Date Date of the last day of the N M 8 format DDMMYYYY
month for accounting
13 20 Production Date Date of Production of the file N M 8 format DDMMYYYY
21 23 Code to link Contract It is a progressive number X M 3 It must correspond to the field Code
Data File assigned by F.I. to Link Subject Data File in Contract
Data File
Data Length 23
24 1100 FILLER 1077
Total Record Length Header 1100

Body for Record Type: Personal Data

1 1 Record Type X M 1 "P" for Personal Data
2 4 F.I. Code Financial Institute Code (official X M 3 Fill with '0' in case of codes with less
code that identifies the specific than 3 characters (i.e. 002, 020,
FI) 240)
5 8 Branch Code Code of the branch of the X NM 4
Financial Institute to which
record data belong
9 24 F.I. Subject Code It is the unique Code for the X M 16
individual assigned by the
Financial Institute (each single
subject must have a specific

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25 44 Title (i.e. Md, Hajee, Lt. Colonel, X NM 20
Major, Major General, Munshi,
45 114 Name Full name (avoid use of X M 70
abbreviation). If the value is
too long it must be cut
115 134 Father's Title (i.e. Md, Hajee, Lt. Colonel, X NM 20
Major, Major General, Munshi,
135 204 Father's Name Full name (avoid use of X M 70
abbreviation). If the value is
too long it must be cut
205 224 Mother's Title (i.e. Md, Hajee, Lt. Colonel, X NM 20
Major, Major General, Munshi,
225 294 Mother's Name Full name (avoid use of X M 70
abbreviation). If the value is
too long it must be cut
295 314 Husband's Title (i.e. Md, Hajee, Lt. Colonel, X NM 20
Major, Major General, Munshi,
315 384 Husband's Name Full name (avoid use of X NM 70
abbreviation); in case of
married women. If the value is
too long it must be cut
385 385 Sector Type the field is mandatory if Sector N D 1 see Table Sector Type
code is present
386 391 Sector Code the field is mandatory if sector N D 6 see Table Sector Code
type is present
392 392 Gender X NM 1 see Table Gender
393 400 Date of Birth N NM 8 format DDMMYYYY
401 420 Place of Birth (District) when the field is not available, X M 20
fill with 'UNKNOWN'
421 422 Country of Birth (Code) X NM 2 see Table Country Codes
423 435 National ID Number N D 13
436 436 National ID Number if National ID number is not N M 1 accepted values are: 0,1. If 'National

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avaliable/not available available, National ID number ID Number avaliable/not available' =
field is NM 1 then 'National ID Number' must be
present; 'National ID Number
avaliable/not available' = 0 when
'National ID Number' is not present
437 448 T.I.N. Taxpayer Identification Number X NM 12 only input accepted are N(3)-N(3)-
N(4) or N(3)/N(3)/N(4) or only
numeric N(10), that is either a
numeric of ten or 3 digits followed by
3 digits followed by 4 digits and
separated either by "-" or "/"
449 518 Address:street + nr. Referred to permanent X M 70
address. If the value is too long
it must be cut
519 522 Address:Postal CODE Referred to permanent address N NM 4
523 542 Address: District Referred to permanent address X M 20
543 544 Address:Country(Code) Referred to permanent address X NM 2 see Table Country Codes
545 614 Additional Address:street Referred to current address. If X D 70
+ nr. the value is too long it must be
cut; the field is mandatory if
other additional address fields
are present
615 618 Additional Address:Postal Referred to current address (if N D 4
CODE different from permanent); the
field is mandatory if other
additional address fields are
619 638 Additional Address: Referred to current address (if X D 20
District different from permanent); the
field is mandatory if other
additional address fields are
639 640 Additional Referred to current address (if X D 2 see Table Country Codes
Address:Country(Code) different from permanent); the
field is mandatory if other
additional address fields are

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641 641 ID Type The field is mandatory if other X D 1 see Table ID
ID fields are present.
642 661 ID Nr. The field is mandatory if other X D 20
ID fields are present.
662 669 ID Issue Date The field is mandatory if other N D 8 format DDMMYYYY
ID fields are present.
670 671 ID Issue Country (Code) The field is mandatory if other X D 2 see Table Country Codes
ID fields are present.
672 691 Phone Nr. in case of Bangladesh Phone do X NM 20
not include the international
Data Length 691
692 1100 FILLER 409
Total Record Length 1100

Body for Record Type: Individual Concern

1 1 Record Type X M 1 "I" for Individual Concern
2 4 F.I. Code Financial Institute Code (official X M 3 Fill with '0' in case of codes with less
code that identifies the specific than 3 characters (i.e. 002, 020,
FI) 240)
5 8 Branch Code Code of the branch of the X NM 4
Financial Institute to which
record data belong
9 24 F.I. Subject Code It is the unique Code for the X M 16
individual concern assigned by
the Financial Institute (each
single subject must have a
specific code)
25 44 Title (i.e. M/S) X NM 20
45 164 Trade name This field does not have to X M 120
contain notes or comments,
only the name of the Company
(without the legal form). If the
value is too long it must be cut
165 165 Legal Form N M 1 see Table Legal Forms; only
Proprietorship admitted
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166 166 Sector Type the field is mandatory if Sector N D 1 see Table Sector Type
code is present
167 172 Sector Code the field is mandatory if sector N D 6 see Table Sector Code
type is present
173 184 T.I.N. Taxpayer Identification Number X NM 12 only input accepted are N(3)-N(3)-
N(4) or N(3)/N(3)/N(4) or only
numeric N(10), that is either a
numeric of ten or 3 digits followed by
3 digits followed by 4 digits and
separated either by "-" or "/"
185 254 Address:street + nr. Referred to Proprietorship X M 70
permanent address. If the
value is too long it must be cut
255 258 Address:Postal CODE Referred to Proprietorship N NM 4
permanent address
259 278 Address: District Referred to Proprietorship X M 20
permanent address
279 280 Address:Country(Code) Referred to Proprietorship X NM 2 see Table Country Codes,
permanent address
281 350 Additional Address:street Referred to Proprietorship X D 70
+ nr. business address. If the value
is too long it must be cut; the
field is mandatory if other
address fields are present
351 354 Additional Address:Postal Referred to Proprietorship N D 4
CODE business address. The field is
mandatory if other address
fields are present
355 374 Additional Address: Referred to Proprietorship X D 20
District business address. The field is
mandatory if other address
fields are present
375 376 Additional Referred to Proprietorship X D 2 see Table Country Codes,
Address:Country(Code) business address. The field is
mandatory if other address
fields are present

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377 396 Phone Nr. Referred to Proprietorship. in X NM 20
case of Bangladesh Phone do
not include the international
397 416 Owner's Title (i.e. Md, Hajee, Lt. Colonel, X NM 20
Major, Major General, Munshi,
417 486 Owner's Name Full name (avoid use of X M 70
abbreviation). If the value is
too long it must be cut
487 506 Owner's Father's Title (i.e. Md, Hajee, Lt. Colonel, X NM 20
Major, Major General, Munshi,
507 576 Owner's Father's Name Full name (avoid use of X M 70
abbreviation). If the value is
too long it must be cut
577 596 Owner's Mother's Title (i.e. Md, Hajee, Lt. Colonel, X NM 20
Major, Major General, Munshi,
597 666 Owner's Mother's Name Full name (avoid use of X M 70
abbreviation). If the value is
too long it must be cut
667 686 Owner's Husband's Title (i.e. Md, Hajee, Lt. Colonel, X NM 20
Major, Major General, Munshi,
687 756 Owner's Husband's Name Full name (avoid use of X NM 70
abbreviation); in case of
married women. If the value is
too long it must be cut
757 757 Owner's Gender X NM 1 see Table Gender
758 765 Owner's Date of Birth N NM 8 format DDMMYYYY;
766 785 Owner's Place of Birth when the field is not available, X M 20
(District) fill with 'UNKNOWN'
786 787 Owner's Country of Birth X NM 2 see Table Country Codes
788 800 Owner's National ID N D 13
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801 801 National ID Number if National ID number is not N M 1 accepted values are: 0,1. If 'National
avaliable/not available available, National ID number ID Number avaliable/not available' =
field is NM 1 then 'National ID Number' must be
present; 'National ID Number
avaliable/not available' = 0 when
'National ID Number' is not present
802 813 Owner's T.I.N. X NM 12
814 883 Owner's Address:street + Referred to permanent X M 70
nr. address. If the value is too long
it must be cut
884 887 Owner's Address:Postal Referred to permanent address N NM 4
888 907 Owner's Address: District Referred to permanent address X M 20
908 909 Owner's Referred to permanent address X NM 2 see Table Country Codes
910 979 Owner's Additional Referred to current address if X D 70
Address:street + nr. different from permanent. If
the value is too long it must be
cut; the field is mandatory if
other address fields are present
980 983 Owner's Additional Referred to current address if N D 4
Address: Postal CODE different from permanent; the
field is mandatory if other
additional address fields are
984 1003 Owner's Additional Referred to current address if X D 20
Address: District different from permanent; the
field is mandatory if other
additional address fields are
1004 1005 Owner's Additional Referred to current address if X D 2 see Table Country Codes
Address:Country(Code) different from permanent; the
field is mandatory if other
additional address fields are
1006 1006 Owner's ID Type the field is mandatory if other X D 1 see Table ID
ID fields are present

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1007 1026 Owner's ID Nr. the field is mandatory if other X D 20
ID fields are present
1027 1034 Owner's ID Issue Date the field is mandatory if other N D 8 format DDMMYYYY
ID fields are present
1035 1036 Owner's ID Issue Country in case of Bangladesh Phone do X D 2 see Table Country Codes
(Code) not include the international
Data Length 1036
1037 1100 FILLER 64
Total Record Length 1100

Body for Record Type: Companies

1 1 Record Type X M 1 "C" for Companies
2 4 F.I. Code Financial Institute Code (official X M 3 Fill with '0' in case of codes with less
code that identifies the specific than 3 characters (i.e. 002, 020,
FI) 240)
5 8 Branch Code Code of the branch of the X NM 4
Financial Institute to which
record data belong
9 24 F.I. Subject Code It is the unique Code for the X M 16
company assigned by the
Financial Institute (each single
subject must have a specific
25 44 Title (i.e. M/S) X NM 20
45 164 Trade name This field does not have to X M 120
contain notes or comments,
only the name of the Company
(without the legal form). If the
value is too long it must be cut
165 165 Sector Type the field is mandatory if Sector N D 1 see Table Sector Type
code is present
166 171 Sector Code the field is mandatory if sector N D 6 see Table Sector Code
type is present
172 172 Legal Form N M 1 see Table Legal Forms

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173 184 T.I.N. Taxpayer Identification Number X NM 12 only input accepted are N(3)-N(3)-
N(4) or N(3)/N(3)/N(4) or only
numeric N(10), that is either a
numeric of ten or 3 digits followed by
3 digits followed by 4 digits and
separated either by "-" or "/"
185 254 Address:street + nr. Referred to Company X M 70
permanent address. If the
value is too long it must be cut
255 258 Address: Postal CODE Referred to Company N NM 4
permanent address
259 278 Address: District Referred to Company X M 20
permanent address
279 280 Address:Country(Code) Referred to Company X NM 2 see Table Country Codes,
permanent address
281 350 Additional Address:street Referred to company business X D 70
+ nr. address. If the value is too long
it must be cut; the field is
mandatory if other additional
address fields are present
351 354 Additional Address:Postal Referred to Company business N D 4
CODE address. The field is mandatory
if other additional address
fields are present
355 374 Additional Address: Referred to Company business X D 20
District address. The field is mandatory
if other additional address
fields are present
375 376 Additional Referred to Company business X D 2 see Table Country Codes,
Address:Country(Code) address. The field is mandatory
if other additional address
fields are present
377 396 Phone Nr. X NM 20
Data Length 396
397 1100 FILLER 704
Total Record Length 1100

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Body for Record Type: Company-Shareholders
1 1 Record Type X M 1 "L" for Company-Shareholder link
2 4 F.I. Code Financial Institute Code (official X M 3 Fill with '0' in case of codes with less
code that identifies the specific than 3 characters (i.e. 002, 020,
FI) 240)
5 8 Branch Code Code of the branch of the X NM 4
Financial Institute the file
comes from
9 24 F.I. Subject Code of It is the unique Code for the X M 16 The Company subject info must have
Company company assigned by the been submitted by the FI within the
Financial Institute (each single same or previous contributions
subject must have a specific
25 25 Role Role that the X M 1 see Table Shareholders Types Type
Shareholder/Owner has in the
26 41 F.I. Subject Code of It is the unique Code for the X M 16 The Individual subject info must
Shareholder sharholder/owner assigned by have been submitted by the FI
the Financial Institute (each within the same or previous
single subject must have a contributions
specific code)
Data Length 41
42 1100 FILLER 1059
Total Record Length 1100

1 1 Record Type X M 1 "Q" for the Queue
2 4 F.I. Code Financial Institute Code X M 3 Fill with '0' in case of codes with less
than 3 characters (i.e. 002, 020,
5 12 Accounting Date Date of the last day of the N M 8 format DDMMYYYY
month for accounting
13 20 Production Date Date of Production of the file N M 8 format DDMMYYYY
21 27 Nr. of records Total number of records in the N M 7
file (note this excludes header
11 of 20
and footer rows)
Data Length 27
28 1100 FILLER 1073
Total Record Length 1100

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The following table details the correct procedure to validate the Contract Data File. Some cells
refer to Tables that are provided in the following sections

The Column “FROM” provides the position in the row where the first character of the specific field
that is being passed begins on.

The Column “TO” provides the position in the row where the last character of the specific field
that is being passed ends on.

The Column “Description” indicates what specific field is being passed.

The Column “COMMENTS” provides comments on the field being passed. Most times these
comments will better define what the field is, or give examples of values it could take. In the
case of “Dependent” fields (please see below), it indicates the dependency.

The Column “TYPE” indicates whether the field is Numeric (N) or Alphanumeric (X). Please refer
to section Error! Reference source not found. and Error! Reference source not found. for
more information.

The Column “MANDATORY/NON MANDATORY/DEPENDENT” indicates whether the field must be

provided every time or not necessarily. Any fields marked as Mandatory (M) for a specific row
must be provided or that row will result in an error and will not be loaded to the System. Any
fields marked as Non-Mandatory (NM) for a specific row can be provided or not, at the discretion
of the contributing FI. While not providing NM fields will not result in an error, WE STRONGLY
SUGGEST that if the information is available it should be provided. The more information
provided to the System, the more effective the System becomes, and the highest the value of
the System becomes for Banks. Any fields marked as Dependent (D) could be either mandatory
or not depending on the value of other fields. A specific indication is provided for each of these
fields to indicate when the fields are mandatory and when not.

The Column “LENGTH” provides the total number of characters that make up the field. It is
directly related to the “FROM” and “TO” columns.

The Column “RULES” provides specific information on any rules that exist to fill the specific field,
such as formatting rules (for example if a field must be entered DDMMYYYY), or indication of
specific values (for example "H" for the header).

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1 1 Record Type X M 1 "H" for Header
2 4 F.I. Code Financial Institute Code (official code that identifies the X M 3 Fill with '0' in case of codes with less than 3
specific FI) characters (i.e. 002, 020, 240)
5 12 Accounting Date Date of the last day of the month for accounting computing N M 8 format DDMMYYYY
13 20 Production Date Date of Production of the file N M 8 format DDMMYYYY
21 23 Code to link Subject Data File It is a progressive number assigned by F.I. X M 3 It must correspond to the field Code to Link Contract
Data File in Subject Data File
Data Length 23
24 600 FILLER 577
Total Record Length 600

Body for Record Type: General information for all types of Financing
1 1 Record Type X M 1 "D" for contract Detail
2 4 F.I. Code Financial Institute Code X M 3 Fill with '0' in case of codes with less than 3
characters (i.e. 002, 020, 240)
5 8 Branch Code Code of the branch of the Financial Institute to which record X NM 4
data belong
9 24 F.I. Subject Code Code of the Individual/Prprietorship/Company assigned by X M 16 Must be the Subject Code of the Main Borrower on
Financial Institute for the Borrower the contract being contributed
25 40 F.I.Contract Code Code of the contract assigned by Financial Institute X M 16
41 42 contract Type X M 2 see Table contract Types
43 44 contract Phase Requested, Refused/Renounced, Living, X M 2 see Table contract Phases
Terminated/Terminated in advance
45 45 contract Status Information about the contract X M 1 see Table contract Status
46 48 Currency Code (in file) The code of the currency used for indicating amount values in X M 3 must be = BDT
batch file
49 51 Currency Code of Credit The code of the currency in which the credit was granted X M 3 see Table Currency Codes
52 59 Starting date of the contract The field is Mandatory if contract Phase=Living, N D 8 format DDMMYYYY
Terminated/Terminated in advance
60 67 Request date of the contract The date in which the credit was first requested. If unknown, N D 8 format DDMMYYYY
fill the field with staring date of the contract
68 75 Planned End Date of the contract The field is Mandatory only if contract Phase=Living, N D 8 format DDMMYYYY
Terminated/Terminated in advance and Instalment contract
76 83 Actual End Date of the contract The field is Mandatory only if contract N D 8 format DDMMYYYY
Phase=Terminated/Terminated in advance

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84 91 Date of Last Payment The date refers to the last payment from customer to FI; it N NM 8 format DDMMYYYY
should be filled if the customer has paid at least once
92 92 Flag Subsidized Credit in case the credit has some subsidies from public bodies X NM 1 see Table Subsidized Credit
93 93 Flag pre-finance of Loan In case the current loan is simply a pre-finance of another loan X NM 1 see Table Pre-Finance of Loan
that will be issued in the future
94 94 Code Reorganized Credit When conditions of the credit are re-discussed: new rates, X NM 1 see Table Re-organized Credit
new planning, etc. are decided
95 97 Personal Guarantee Type X NM 3 see Table Personal Guarantee Type
98 100 Real Guarantee Type X NM 3 see Table Real Guarantee Type
101 112 Amount guaranteed by Personal Guarantee N NM 12 Must be filled with zeroes in case the amount is not
113 124 Amount guaranteed by Real Guarantee N NM 12 Must be filled with zeroes in case the amount is not
Data Length of contract General Information 124
125 250 FILLER 126
Total Length of contract General Information 250

Body for Record Type: Instalment contracts

251 262 Total financed amount Total amount of financing N M 12
263 265 Total Number of Instalments N M 3
266 266 Periodicity of Payment X M 1 see Table Frequency of Payment
267 269 Method of Payment X NM 3 see Table Method of Payment
270 281 Monthly Instalment Amount in case of instalments with constant amount and constant N D 12 The field is Mandatory if contract Phase=Living,
frequency of payment: Instalment Amount/Nr. of months of Terminated/Terminated in Advance
Payment Frequency; in case of instalments with variable
amount and/or variable frequency of payment: Total
Please note, this is simply needed for Online CIB
Amount/Total nr. of months of reimbursement
purtposes, it does not reflect a policy change in
ledger keeping of banks
282 289 Expiration Date of Next Instalment it refers to expiration date of next instalment; normally it is N NM 8 format DDMMYYYY
empty when contract Phase is different from Living
290 301 Amount of Next Expiring Please Note: this field actually refers to the amount of the N NM 12
Instalment NEXT expiring Installment, i.e. the upcoming instalment;
normally it is empty when contract Phase is different from
302 304 Number of remaining Instalments The field is mandatory if contract Phase=Living N D 3 The number of instalments with a due date after the
date of the last update, or those for which the
transaction processing time necessary for
registration of the payment has not yet elapsed. It
should always refer to the total number of
installments for the credit line, independently of the
frequency of payment outlined in the credit line
contract. This means that even if the frequency is
not monthly, the actual number of installments
detailed in the amortization plan is confirmed.
15 of 20
305 316 Remaining Amount The field is Mandatory if contract Phase=Living; it must be N D 12 Please note that the Remaining Amount does not
zero when phase is Terminated,Terminated in advance include Overdue and Not Paid Amount. In other
words, each month the Total Remaining Amount is
going to decrease simply because another month is
passed, whether an instalment was paid or not in
that month.
317 319 Number of Overdue and not Paid The field is Mandatory in case there are Overdue and not paid N D 3 The number of instalments for which it is certain that
Instalments Amount; it must be filled with zeroes if contract the customer has missed payment according to the
Phase=Requested, Renounced/Refused criteria adopted by the User. It should always refer
to the total number of installments for the credit line,
independently of the frequency of payment outlined
in the credit line contract. This means that even if
the frequency is not monthly, the actual number of
installments detailed in the amortization plan is
320 331 Overdue and not Paid Amount It is the amount corresponding to the Nr. of Overdue and not N D 12
Paid Instalments; it must be filled with zeroes if contract
Phase=Requested, Renounced/Refused
332 334 Number of days of payment delay From 0 to 29 days of delay, the payment is defined as regular, N NM 3 accepted values are: "000" ; "030" ; "060" ; "090" ;
and it must be passes as 000 days of payment delay, from 30 "120" ; "180"
to 59 it will be 030, from 60 to 89 it will be 060, and so on.
From 180 to anything more it will be 180
335 335 Type of leased good X NM 1 See table "Types of leased good"
336 347 Value of leased good N NM 12
348 348 New/used Is the leased good new or used? X NM 1 See table "Types of leased good - FlagNewUsed"
349 388 Brand Brand of the leased good if it is a vehicle X NM 40
389 428 Registration number Identifying code of good if it is a vehicle X NM 40
429 436 Date of manufacturing N NM 8 format DDMMYYYY
437 448 Due for recovery Total amount that could have been recovered during the N NM 12
period. FI should calculate it as Overdue and not Paid Amount
+ Recovery during the reporting period
449 460 Recovery during the reporting How much was recovered during the period thanks to recovery N NM 12
period efforts by FI
461 472 Cumulative recovery How much was recovered since the beginning of the contract N NM 12
thanks to recovery efforts by FI
473 480 Date of law suit N NM 8 format DDMMYYYY
481 488 Date of classification Date in which the current classification was set (i.e. date in N NM 8 format DDMMYYYY
which subject changed from previous to current classification)
489 490 No. of time(s) rescheduled N NM 2
491 494 Economic purpose code X NM 4 see Table Economic purpose
Data Length of Instalment contracts 244
495 600 FILLER 106
Total Length of Instalment contracts 350

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Body for Record Type: Cards contracts
251 251 Periodicity of Payment The field is Mandatory for contract type = CR, CG and in these X D 1 see Table Frequency of Payment
cases it means periodicity of the charge
252 254 Method of Payment X NM 3 see Table Method of Payment
255 266 Monthly Instalment Amount in case of instalments with constant amount and constant N D 12
frequency of payment: Instalment Amount/Nr. of months of
Payment Frequency; in case of instalments with variable
amount and/or variable frequency of payment: Total
Amount/Total nr. of months of reimbursement. The field must
be filled with zeroes if contract Type=CG; NM if contract
Phase=Living, Terminated/Terminated in Advance and
contract Type=CR, RV: M if contract Type=CR and Type of
267 278 Credit limit N M 12 Set 999999999999 when the card is unlimited
279 286 Expiration Date of Next Instalment It must be filled with zeroes if contractType=CG; Not N D 8 format DDMMYYYY
Mandatory if contract Phase=Living and contract Type=CR, RV
287 298 Remaining Amount it must be filled with zeroes if contract N D 12
Phase=Requested,Renounced/Refused or if there is not
Residual Amount; NM if contract type= RV
299 301 Number of Overdue and not Paid The field is mandatory in case there is Overdue and not paid N D 3 The number of instalments for which it is certain that
Instalments Amount >0; it must befilled with zeroes if contract the customer has missed payment according to the
Phase=Requested,Renounced/Refused or contract type=CG; criteria adopted by the User. It should always refer
NM if contract type= RV to the total number of installments for the credit line,
independently of the frequency of payment outlined
in the credit line contract. This means that even if
the frequency is not monthly, the actual number of
installments detailed in the amortization plan is
302 313 Overdue not Paid Amount The field is Mandatory in case there are Number of Overdue N D 12
and not paid Instalments >0 (also in case of contract CG); it
must be filled with zeroes if contract Phase=Requested,
Renounced/Refused; NM if contract type= RV
314 321 Date of Last Charge N NM 8 format DDMMYYYY
322 322 Type of Instalment Fixed or variable; set always variable for contract Type = CR, X M 1 see Table Type of instalment
not used for other type of contract
323 334 Amount charged in the month Not Mandatory for contract Type=CG,CR; not used in case of N NM 12
RV or contract Phase=Requested,Refused/Renounced
335 335 Flag Card used in the month X NM 1 see Table Card used in the month
336 337 How many times Card has been Only for contract type=CG,CR N NM 2
used in the month
338 340 Number of day of payment delay From 0 to 29 days of delay, the payment is defined as regular, N NM 3 accepted values are: "000" ; "030" ; "060" ; "090" ;
and it must be passes as 000 days of payment delay, from 30 "120" ; "180"
to 59 it will be 030, from 60 to 89 it will be 060, and so on.
From 180 to anything more it will be 180
341 352 Due for recovery Total amount that could have been recovered during the N NM 12
period. FI should calculate it as Overdue and not Paid Amount
+ Recovery during the reporting period

17 of 20
353 364 Recovery during the reporting How much was recovered during the period thanks to recovery N NM 12
period efforts by FI
365 376 Cumulative recovery How much was recovered since the beginning of the contract N NM 12
thanks to recovery efforts by FI
377 384 Date of law suit N NM 8 format DDMMYYYY
385 392 Date of classification Date in which the current classification was set (i.e. date in N NM 8 format DDMMYYYY
which subject changed from previous to current classification)
393 394 No. of time(s) rescheduled N NM 2
395 398 Economic purpose code X NM 4 see Table Economic purpose
Data Length of Credit Cards contracts 148
399 600 FILLER 202
Total Length of Credit Cards contracts 350

Body for Record Type: Non Instalment contracts

251 262 Credit Limit The total limit of the credit N M 12
263 274 Utilization How much of the credit was actually used in the month N M 12
275 277 Nr. of days of payment delay From 0 to 29 days of delay, the payment is defined as regular, N NM 3 accepted values are: "000" ; "030" ; "060" ; "090" ;
and it must be passes as 000 days of payment delay, from 30 "120" ; "180"
to 59 it will be 030, from 60 to 89 it will be 060, and so on.
From 180 to anything more it will be 180
278 289 Due for recovery Total amount that could have been recovered during the N NM 12
period. FI should calculate it as Overdue and not Paid Amount
+ Recovery during the reporting period
290 301 Recovery during the reporting How much was recovered during the period thanks to recovery N NM 12
period efforts by FI
302 313 Cumulative recovery How much was recovered since the beginning of the contract N NM 12
thanks to recovery efforts by FI
314 321 Date of law suit N NM 8 format DDMMYYYY
322 329 Date of classification Date in which the current classification was set (i.e. date in N NM 8 format DDMMYYYY
which subject changed from previous to current classification)
330 331 No. of time(s) rescheduled N NM 2
332 335 Economic purpose code X NM 4 see Table Economic purpose
Data Length of non Instalment contracts 85
336 600 FILLER 265
Total Length of non Instalment contracts 350

Body for Record Type: Subject Information

1 1 Record Type X M 1 "S" for Subject Information
2 4 F.I. Code Financial Institute Code (official code that identifies the X M 3 Fill with '0' in case of codes with less than 3
specific FI) characters (i.e. 002, 020, 240)
5 8 Branch Code Code of the branch of the Financial Institute to which record X NM 4

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data belong
9 24 F.I. Subject Code Code of the Subject (Individual, Sole Trader, Company) X M 16
assigned by Financial Institute
25 26 Risk Grading X NM 2
27 28 Y score N NM 2
29 33 Z score Decimal separator to be used is '.' (i.e. 10.00, 22.45, 10.03) decimal NM 5
Data Length 33
34 600 FILLER 567
Total Record Length 600

Body for Record Type: contract Links

1 1 Record Type X M 1 "G"
2 4 F.I. Code Financial Institute Code (official code that identifies the X M 3 Fill with '0' in case of codes with less than 3
specific FI) characters (i.e. 002, 020, 240)
5 8 Branch Code Code of the branch of the Financial Institute to which record X NM 4
data belong
9 9 Type of Link Type of link to the contract X M 1 G in case of link between Guarantor; C in case of link
between Co-borrowers. See table Link Type
10 25 F.I. Primary Code Code of the first Subject Code of the link (the Code of the X M 16
borrower of the credit)
26 41 F.I. Secondary Code Code of the other Subject Code of the link X M 16 if Type of Link = G, it is the code of the Guarantor; if
Type of Link = C, it is the code of the Co-borrower
42 57 FI contract code Code of the contract assigned by Financial Institute X M 16
Data Length 57
58 600 FILLER 543
Total Record Length 600

1 1 Record Type X M 1 "Q" for Queue
2 4 F.I. Code Financial Institute Code (official code that identifies the X M 3 Fill with '0' in case of codes with less than 3
specific FI) characters (i.e. 002, 020, 240)
5 12 Accounting Date Date of the last day of the month for accounting computing N M 8 format DDMMYYYY
13 20 Production Date Date of Production of the file N M 8 format DDMMYYYY
21 27 Nr. of records Total number of records in the file (note this excludes header N M 7
and footer rows)
Data Length 27
28 600 FILLER 573
Total Record Length 600

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