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CME EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: Readers will treat hyponatremia appropriately, taking care to avoid overcorrection
Tufts University School of Medicine; Nephrologist/Hospitalist, Franklin Assistant Professor of Medicine, Tufts Uni-
Renal Division, Baystate Medical Square Hospital, Baltimore, MD versity School of Medicine, Renal Division,
Center, Springfield, MA Baystate Medical Center, Springfield, MA

Management of hyponatremia:
Providing treatment and avoiding harm
H yponatremia, defined as a serum sodium
concentration below 135 mmol/L, is one
of the most frequently encountered electro-
Hyponatremia, in its most severe form, requires urgent
infusion of hypertonic saline to correct cerebral edema. lyte disorders. In 1981, Flear et al1 reported
However, overly rapid correction of chronic hyponatremia that 15% of their hospitalized patients had
can cause osmotic demyelination syndrome. The authors plasma sodium concentrations lower than 134
mmol/L, the cutoff they were using at that
review the treatment of hyponatremia in order to provide
clinicians with a sound approach in a variety of settings Hyponatremia is sometimes merely a lab-
in which severity, symptoms, and underlying disease oratory artifact or a result of improper blood
states influence therapy. Also discussed is the current collection. If real, it can be due to excessive
role of vasopressin antagonists in treatment. water intake or, most often, the inability of
the kidney to excrete water coupled with
■ ■KEY POINTS continued water intake. Patients with sig-
Some hyponatremic patients present with acute, life- nificant underlying cardiac, hepatic, or renal
dysfunction are at greatest risk of developing
threatening cerebral edema due to severe hyponatremia.
hyponatremia, secondary to the nonosmotic
In others, the hyponatremia may be chronic and less release of antidiuretic hormone (ADH).
severe, causing relatively few symptoms, but represent- Others at risk include postoperative patients
ing an important, independent marker of poor prognosis (especially menstruating women), older pa-
due to an underlying disease (eg, heart failure). tients on thiazide diuretics, patients with ma-
lignant or psychiatric illness, and endurance
Even patients with chronic, less severe hyponatremia athletes.
may have subtle symptoms of neurocognitive dysfunc- In this article, we review the treatment of
tion and a higher risk of bone fractures. acute and chronic hyponatremia, emphasizing
the importance of basing the therapy on the
severity of symptoms and taking care not to
Overly rapid correction of chronic hyponatremia or raise the serum sodium level too rapidly, which
undercorrection of acute symptomatic hyponatremia can can cause neurologic dysfunction.
lead to serious neurologic injury. Guidelines for managing hyponatremia2
are based mostly on retrospective studies and
Treatment strategies vary depending on the extracellular expert opinion, since few prospective stud-
fluid volume status and the cause of hyponatremia. ies have been done. Despite the paucity of
evidence-based recommendations, we will
attempt to incorporate findings from impor-
Vasopressin antagonists (“vaptans”), a new class of tant human and animal studies and consensus
aquaretic agents, specifically target the mechanism driv- guidelines from expert panels. We will focus
ing hyponatremia in some patients. initially on the critical diagnostic consider-
ations necessary to initiate treatment.

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Confirm that the patient truly has

TABLE 1 hypo-osmolar hyponatremia
Clinical approach to the patient The serum osmolality should be measured to
with hyponatremia confirm that it is low (ie, < 275 mOsm/kg).
In addition, the arterial serum sodium con-
1 Confirm the patient truly has a hypo-osmolar state by checking centration can be measured using a blood gas
serum osmolality device if pseudohyponatremia (see below) is
2 Assess for serious signs or symptoms suggesting cerebral edema suspected. This method uses direct potenti-
ometry and bypasses the dilutional step in the
3 Determine the duration of development of hyponatremia processing of venous samples.4
(less or more than 48 hours)
Rationale. The clinical consequences of
4 Assess the patient’s extracellular fluid volume status using clinical hyponatremia are due to water moving from
examination and laboratory testing (spot urine sodium, serum uric acid) hypo-osmolar extracellular fluid into the rela-
5 Check the urine osmolality to see if the urine is appropriately dilute tively hyperosmolar interior of the cell. This
(< 100 mOsm/kg) or inappropriately concentrated (≥ 100 mOsm/kg) water movement can cause progressive cere-
bral edema, resulting in a spectrum of signs
6 Assess for underlying causes of hyponatremia that may correct and symptoms from headache and ataxia to
rapidly with treatment (eg, hyponatremia induced by thiazide diuretics)
seizures and coma. But significant fluid shifts
7 Assess the patient’s medications (intravenous antibiotics, infusions) and cerebral edema occur only if the extracel-
and nutritional intake (total parenteral nutrition, tube-feeding) lular fluid is hypo-osmolar relative to the in-
for sources of water tracellular fluid.
8 Look for drugs the patient is taking that potentiate antidiuretic In fact, hyponatremia can occur in several
hormone action (ie, selective serotonin uptake inhibitors) situations in which the extracellular fluid is not
hypo-osmolar. An increase in effective plasma
See text for details osmoles (substances in the extracellular fluid
that do not readily move across the plasma
membrane) can cause water to move out of
■■ SYMPTOMATIC VS ASYMPTOMATIC cells, resulting in translocational hyponatre-
mia. This may be seen in hyperglycemia or
Subsequent sections will address therapeutic when mannitol or contrast dye has been given.
approaches in two clinical settings: In these situations, the plasma is either isotonic
Symptomatic hyponatremia, ie, with se- or even hypertonic to the intracellular fluid, re-
vere signs or symptoms of cerebral edema—a sulting in no movement of water into the cells
medical emergency; and and therefore no clinical consequences relating
Asymptomatic hyponatremia, ie, without to the hyponatremia. Importantly, no therapy
serious signs or symptoms of cerebral edema. is required for the hyponatremia.
Other situations in which hyponatremia is
■■ KEY DIAGNOSTIC STEPS present but not associated with true hypoto-
WHEN STARTING TREATMENT nicity include states of excess protein or lipid
in the blood (pseudohyponatremia). Also, if
The treatment of hyponatremia begins by an infusion of hypotonic fluid is running, cli-
confirming a truly hypo-osmolar state, assess- nicians must be sure that blood samples are
ing its clinical significance, and determining not drawn proximally in the same vein.
its cause (TABLE 1).
The clinical and laboratory evaluations Are there significant signs or symptoms
form the foundation of a proper approach to of cerebral edema?
any patient with hyponatremia. The rationale Hyponatremia can cause brain swelling within
behind making several important diagnostic the confined space of the skull as water shifts
distinctions will be discussed here briefly and from the extracellular fluid into the cells. De-
then expanded on in the remaining text. The pending on underlying risk factors (TABLE 2)5
reader is referred to another review on the di- and the severity and duration of hyponatre-
agnostic evaluation of hyponatremia.3 mia (see below), this may result in signs or

Table 2
Risk factors for cerebral edema
Risk Factors Pathophysiologic Mechanism

Children (under age 16) Higher brain-to-intracranial volume ratio

Women (especially Sex steroids (estrogens) inhibit brain adaptation
Increased vasopressin levels
Cerebral vasoconstriction and hypoperfusion of brain tissue

Hypoxemia Impaired brain adaptation

Ecstasy use Inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion
adapted from Moritz ML, Ayus JC. The pathophysiology and treatment of hyponatraemic encephalopathy: an update. Nephrol Dial
Transplant 2003; 18:2486–2491, by permission of the European Renal Association and European Dialysis and Transplant Association.

symptoms of cerebral edema, including visual osmolality faster than the cells can recapture
changes, focal neurologic changes, encepha- the previously transported osmoles. In this
lopathy, respiratory depression, and seizures. situation, overly rapid correction can cause
Ultimately, brain herniation can occur. excessive loss of intracellular water, resulting
Patients need to be assessed quickly because in cell shrinkage and osmotic demyelination
those with serious neurologic signs or symp- syndrome. Osmotic demyelination usually
toms thought to be related to hyponatremia re- presents during treatment of hyponatremia
quire urgent treatment with hypertonic saline after an initial improvement in mental status,
to increase the serum sodium concentration, with worsening neurologic function and vari- Significant
regardless of the underlying volume status, the ous neurologic signs, including paresis and ul- fluid shifts and
cause of hyponatremia, or the time of onset. timately even death.6
In patients with acute-onset hyponatremia cerebral edema
Determine the duration of hyponatremia (ie, with onset within the past 48 hours), in occur only if the
One should try to ascertain when the hypo- whom the above cerebral adaptations have not
natremia started, as its duration is important had time to occur completely, rapid correction
in determining the proper pace of correction. is unlikely to result in osmotic demyelination. fluid is
The brain begins to adapt to hyponatremia In view of the serious risk of osmotic demy- hypo-osmolar
within minutes, and the cerebral adaptation is elination, if the timing of development of hy-
maximal within 2 to 3 days (FIGURE 1).6 ponatremia cannot be determined, one should relative to the
At the onset of hyponatremia, water moves assume it is chronic (> 48 hours) and avoid intracellular
from the extracellular fluid into cells, pulled rapid overcorrection (see discussion below on
in by osmosis. The brain can decrease the net the rate of correction). fluid
amount of water entering into the neurons On the other hand, patients who have se-
(and thus regulate its volume) by increasing vere neurologic signs or symptoms initially
the flow of water from the interstitium into need their serum sodium increased urgently to
the cerebrospinal fluid via increased intersti- safer levels, regardless of the timing of onset
tial hydraulic pressure.7 (see below for suggested approach). Subsequent
Over the next several days, inorganic treatment of hyponatremia—after the serum
solutes (eg, potassium and sodium salts) and sodium level has been raised enough to reverse
various organic solutes are transported out of neurologic symptoms—will be influenced by
the cells. In patients in whom this process has the duration of the hyponatremia, with careful
had time to occur, treatment of hyponatre- avoidance of overly rapid correction, especially
mia with hypertonic fluids raises the plasma in patients with chronic hyponatremia.
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MM The danger of overly aggressive

correction of hyponatremia
Osmoles Normal state. The extracellular fluid is in osmotic equilibrium with
the intracellular fluid, including that of the brain cells, with no net
movement of water across the plasma membrane.

Acute hyponatremia. If the extracellular fluid suddenly becomes

hypotonic relative to the intracellular fluid, water is drawn into the
cells by osmosis, potentially causing cerebral edema.

Adaptation. Over the ensuing few days, brain cells pump out
osmoles, first potassium and sodium salts and then organic osmoles,
establishing a new osmotic equilibrium across the plasma mem-
brane and reducing the edema as water moves out of the cells.

Overly aggressive therapy with hypertonic saline after adapta-

tion has occurred raises the serum sodium level to the point that the
extracellular fluid is more concentrated than the intracellular fluid,
drawing more water out of the brain cells and causing the syndrome
of osmotic demyelination.


FIGURE 1 ADAPTED FROM information in Adrogué HJ, Madias NE. Hyponatremia. N Engl J Med 2000; 342:1581–1589



Assess the patient’s volume status

to determine the proper initial treatment
In patients with hypo-osmolar hyponatremia Initial treatment of hyponatremia
who do not need urgent therapy with hyper- according to extracellular volume status
tonic saline, the initial treatment is based on
clinical and laboratory assessment of extracel- Hypervolemic
lular fluid volume status, including spot urine Fluid restriction
Sodium restriction
sodium measurement (TABLE 3).3 This will be Loop diuretic
discussed further below. Treat underlying fluid-retentive state (see text)
Check urine osmolality to assess Hypovolemic
for hyponatremic states Intravenous isotonic saline
in which urinary dilution is intact Discontinue diuretics
Replace mineralocorticoids if deficient
Measuring urine osmolality is useful in as-
certaining whether hyponatremic patients Euvolemic

are making appropriately dilute urine (< 100 Fluid restriction
mOsm/kg). If they are, the cause of the hypo- Loop diuretics plus salt tablets to replace urinary sodium losses
natremia may be excessive water intake, a re- Demeclocycline (Declomycin)
set osmostat, or low solute intake. In addition, Vasopressin receptor antagonists
Oral urea (not available in United States)
patients with hypovolemic hyponatremia may Enhance solute intake if poor nutrition
have appropriately dilute urine soon after Discontinue medications associated with syndrome of inappropriate
treatment with isotonic intravenous fluids. antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH)
The serum sodium concentration often re- Treatment of underlying carcinoma if ADH-secreting tumor
turns to normal if the underlying cause is elimi- Treatment of underlying condition associated with SIADH
nated (eg, if excessive fluid intake is stopped). (eg, antibiotics for pneumonia)
If there are no serious signs or symptoms, this Treatment of endocrinopathy (eg, hypothyroidism)
can usually be accomplished without additional
therapy with intravenous fluids or medications,
thereby avoiding the risk of overcorrection. Certain patients are at greater risk of develop-
ing cerebral edema from hyponatremia (TABLE 2).
Search for causes On the other hand, patients with chronic
of rapidly correctable hyponatremia hyponatremia are very unlikely to present
If hyponatremia is due to one of several im- with signs or symptoms of cerebral edema. In
portant underlying causes, it may reverse fact, in a patient with chronic hyponatremia,
rapidly once the underlying cause has been care must be taken to avoid overcorrection
eliminated (TABLE 4). Examples: restricting beyond that needed to reverse severe signs
water intake in patients with psychogenic and symptoms. In the rare case in which a
polydipsia, discontinuing thiazide diuretics, patient with chronic hyponatremia presents
replenishing depleted fluid volume, stopping with signs or symptoms of cerebral edema, the
desmopressin (DDAVP), and giving glucocor- hypertonic saline infusion must be stopped as
ticoid replacement to those who are glucocor- soon as the signs or symptoms have resolved.
ticoid-deficient. Further rapid changes in serum sodium must
be avoided.
■■ TREATING HYPONATREMIC PATIENTS During correction of hyponatremia, some
With SERIOUS SIGNS OR SYMPTOMS patients are at particularly high risk of osmotic
demyelination syndrome secondary to under-
Patients with hypo-osmolar hyponatremia lying abnormalities in cerebral osmotic regula-
and serious signs or symptoms of cerebral tion. These include patients with alcoholism,
edema (lethargy, respiratory depression, sei- malnutrition, hypokalemia, and burns, and
zures) need rapid initial correction of the elderly women on thiazide diuretics.8 These
serum sodium level, as this is a true medical patients should be monitored vigilantly for
emergency. overly rapid correction during treatment.
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Rapidly correctable After the initial serious signs or symptoms
hyponatremic states have been addressed with hypertonic saline,
management should focus on limiting the rate
Psychogenic polydipsia of correction in patients with chronic hypona-
Thiazide-diuretic-induced tremia or hyponatremia of unknown duration.
Volume depletion Animal studies and retrospective human
studies have suggested certain guidelines on
Desmopressin-induced the appropriate pace and magnitude of cor-
Glucocorticoid deficiency rection during treatment of hyponatremia to
avoid osmotic demyelination syndrome.2
Clinicians must not attempt to correct the
serum sodium to “normal” values. Although
■■ INITIAL TREATMENT: patients with acute hyponatremia may toler-
REVERSE CEREBRAL EDEMA WITH 3% SALINE ate complete correction, there is little evi-
dence that raising the serum sodium concen-
The goal of the initial, rapid phase of correc- tration acutely by more than 5 to 8 mmol/L
tion is to reverse cerebral edema. is advantageous. Therefore, correction should
Patients with serious signs or symptoms be judicious in all patients.
should receive hypertonic (3%) saline at a
rate of about 1 mL/kg/hour for the first sev- Appropriate rates of correction
eral hours.8 Those with concomitant hyper- A recent expert consensus panel suggested
volemia (as in congestive heart failure) or that the serum sodium level be raised by no
underlying cardiovascular disease should also more than 10 to 12 mmol/L during the first
receive a loop diuretic to aid in free-water 24 hours of treatment, and by less than 18
excretion and to prevent volume overload mmol/L over 48 hours.2
Do not try from the saline infusion. This regimen usu- Patients with chronic hyponatremia and
to correct ally raises the serum sodium concentration signs or symptoms of cerebral edema should
enough (usually by about 1 mmol/L/hour) to have their sodium level raised at an even
the serum decrease cerebral edema and improve symp- slower rate—some recommend less than 10
sodium to toms. mmol/L in the first 24 hours.10 Aggressive ini-
In patients having active seizures or tial correction at the rate of 1.5 to 2 mmol/
‘normal’ values showing signs of brain herniation, 3% sa- hour for the first 3 to 4 hours with 3% saline
line can be given initially at a higher rate is indicated until serious symptoms (seizure,
of about 2 to 3 mL/kg/hour over the first few obtundation) resolve, but correction beyond
hours. An alternative approach is an initial 10 to 12 mmol/L in the first 24 hours should
50-mL bolus of 3% saline and an additional be avoided. Hypertonic saline therapy should
200 mL given over the subsequent 4 to 6 usually be discontinued well before the serum
hours.9 sodium level has risen this much, to avoid a
No study has compared the efficacy and continuing rise in the sodium level after the
safety of these approaches, and clinicians infusion has stopped.
should always monitor extracellular fluid vol- While hypertonic saline is being infused,
ume status, neurologic status, and serum so- serum sodium levels should be checked every
dium levels closely in any patient treated with 1 to 2 hours. In a study in 56 patients with
hypertonic saline. severe hyponatremia (serum sodium ≤ 105
After severe signs and symptoms have mmol/L),11 no neurologic complications were
resolved, 3% saline is promptly discontin- observed in patients with chronic hyponatre-
ued and appropriate therapy is initiated mia whose serum sodium was corrected by less
based on the patient’s volume status and than 12 mmol/L in 24 hours or by less than 18
underlying cause of hyponatremia (see dis- mmol/L in 48 hours or in whom the average
cussion below). rate of correction to a serum sodium of 120

mmol/L was less than or equal to 0.55 mmol/L

per hour.
How much will 1 liter of intravenous saline
If the serum sodium concentration raise the serum sodium concentration?
has been overcorrected
Desmopressin is effective in preventing and
reversing inadvertent overcorrection of hypo- Sodiuma + potassiumb in solution – serum sodium concentration
natremia.12 In one study, desmopressin lowered total body waterc + 1
the sodium concentration by 2 to 9 mmol/L in
14 of 20 patients. None of the patients devel- a
Sodium content of saline solutions:
oped any serious adverse consequences. 513 mmol/L in 3% (hypertonic) saline
In addition, intravenous water (dextrose 154 mmol/L in 0.9% (isotonic) saline
5%) can be given alone or in combination b
If any potassium is added. For example, if 20 mmol of potassium is added to 1 L of
with desmopressin to prevent or reverse an isotonic saline, then this number would be 154 mmol + 20 mmol =  174 mmol.
excessive increase in serum sodium.13 Such
Total body water:
0.60 × patient weight in kg (nonelderly male)
therapy may be considered in patients who 0.50 × patient weight in kg (nonelderly female)
continue to excrete hypotonic urine and have 0.50 × patient weight in kg (elderly male)
already reached a serum sodium concentra- 0.45 × patient weight in kg (elderly female)
tion that meets or exceeds the recommended ADAPTED FROM Adrogué HJ, Madias NE. Hyponatremia. N Engl J Med 2000; 342:1581–1589.
rate or magnitude of change. Copyright 2000 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

Formulas for estimating

the rate of correction reporting of laboratory results.
Various formulas have been devised for esti- Ultimately, these methods serve only as es-
mating the change in serum sodium concen- timates of the change in serum sodium and do
tration during treatment of hyponatremia.14 not replace careful monitoring of electrolytes
The Adrogué-Madias formula, one of the (every 1 to 2 hours during acute therapy) and
most commonly used, gives an estimate of fastidious assessment for clinical signs or symp- If infusing
how much the serum sodium concentration toms of osmotic demyelination syndrome. 3% saline,
will rise when 1 L of various intravenous fluids
is given (TABLE 5).15 This formula also accounts ■■ PATIENTS WITH HYPONATREMIA monitor
for the increase in serum sodium that takes AND NO SERIOUS SIGNS OR SYMPTOMS serum sodium
place during concomitant correction of hypo-
kalemia with potassium. Recently, however, a General approach
every 1–2 hours
retrospective study16 found that this formula Hyponatremic patients without serious signs
underestimated the change in serum sodium or symptoms of cerebral edema do not require
in 23 (74.2%) of 31 patients with hyponatre- urgent therapy to raise the serum sodium.
mia treated with hypertonic saline. Patients with chronic asymptomatic hy-

An alternative is the Barsoum-Levine ponatremia are commonly encountered in
equation, which takes into account ongoing clinical practice. As a result of cerebral adap-
urinary losses. Although it is more cumber- tation, they can appear to have no symptoms
some to calculate, it may be more precise.17 despite serum sodium levels as low as 115 to
Alternatively, in patients without hypovo- 120 mmol/L. However, even if they have no
lemia, the clinician can calculate the amount serious signs or symptoms of cerebral edema,
of urinary excretion of free water required to some patients may complain of fatigue, leth-
achieve a specific target serum sodium and argy, nausea, gait abnormalities, and muscle
then measure hourly urinary water excre- cramps and have evidence of milder forms of
tion during aquaresis induced by furosemide neurocognitive impairment.18
(Lasix).8 Although more physiologic, this
In a recent case-control study,18 elderly pa-
method can be clinically cumbersome, re- tients with chronic hyponatremia (mean se-
quiring timely handling of urine specimens, rum sodium concentration 126 ± 5 mmol/L)
accurate recording of urine output, and rapid were more likely to present to the hospital
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with falls compared with age-matched con- treat, but in general they are prescribed both
trols. Further analysis suggested these patients sodium and fluid restriction. Loop diuretics
had marked impairments in gait and atten- can be given to promote excretion of water
tion, which improved in some as the serum and sodium. Thiazide diuretics are avoided,
sodium increased. as they impair urinary dilution and worsen
Another recent study19 reported that mild hyponatremia. Attempts should be made to
hyponatremia (mean serum sodium concen- optimize the treatment of the underlying hy-
tration 132 mmol/L) was independently asso- pervolemic disorder (congestive heart failure,
ciated with the risk of fracture, even after ad- cirrhosis, advanced renal failure). Vasopres-
justment for known osteoporotic risk factors. sin receptor antagonists can also be used in
Even when there is no need for acute selected cases of hypervolemic or euvolemic
therapy to raise the serum sodium level, the hyponatremia (see discussion below).
clinician should scrutinize the medical regi-
men and available clinical data to rule out How to prescribe fluid restriction rationally
reversible causes of water excess. These may Ideally, patients should not ingest any more
include ongoing administration of hypotonic fluid than they can excrete in urine and insen-
fluids (eg, parenteral nutrition or dextrose 5% sible losses—otherwise, the serum sodium can
to “keep the vein open”) or of medications continue to decrease.
that cause inappropriate release of ADH (eg, Water excretion can be estimated from
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) or solute intake and urine osmolarity. In theory,
that impair water excretion (eg, nonsteroi- a 70-kg person with a typical daily solute in-
dal anti-inflammatory drugs). The clinician take of about 10 mOsm/kg and intact urinary
should also search for an underlying diagnosis dilution to a urine osmolarity of 50 mOsm/L
that predisposes to water retention, such as can excrete up to 14 L of urine (700 mOsm/50
hypothyroidism, adrenal insufficiency, conges- mOsm/L) per day. However, a patient with
tive heart failure, or hepatic or renal failure. the syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion
If hyponatremia is due to endocrine disease, (SIADH) and a fixed urine osmolality of 700
Stop 3% saline correction of hypothyroidism or adrenal insuf- mOsm/kg would excrete a similar solute load
promptly once ficiency should result in water excretion and in only 1 L of urine. Thus, any fluid intake in
improvement in the serum sodium. excess of this volume could worsen hyponatre-
severe signs If the cause of the hyponatremia is not im- mia.
and symptoms mediately apparent, treatment can be started To excrete free water, urinary sodium plus
on the basis of assessment of the patient’s ex- urinary potassium must be less than the serum
of cerebral tracellular fluid volume status using clinical sodium concentration. In this regard, the nec-
edema resolve examination and supplementary laboratory essary degree of fluid restriction can also be
data such as the serum uric acid concentration estimated made on the basis of the patient’s
and urinary sodium concentration.3 TABLE 3 urinary electrolytes.22
outlines general treatment options for hypo-
osmolar hyponatremia according to extracel- Increased solute intake
lular fluid volume status. to augment water excretion
Of note, physical examination alone has In patients without hypervolemia, solute in-
poor sensitivity and specificity in assessing ex- take can be increased to augment water excre-
tracellular fluid volume status in patients with tion.22 This can be achieved with salt tablets
hyponatremia.20,21 This highlights the impor- or oral urea. Although urea can be effective, it
tance of spot measurements of urine sodium is not commonly used because it is not avail-
and serum uric acid and, when appropriate, able the United States and it has poor gastro-
isotonic intravenous saline challenge to de- intestinal tolerability. In patients whose nutri-
tect occult hypovolemia. tional intake is limited and who continue to
In general, patients with euvolemia are ingest fluids (such as, for example, an elderly
treated with fluid restriction, and patients patient subsisting on tea and toast) every ef-
with hypovolemia are given isotonic saline. fort should be made to increase solute intake
Patients with hypervolemia can be difficult to with high-protein foods or supplements.

Vasopressin antagonists for treating hyponatremia
Tolvaptan (Samsca) Lixivaptan (VPA-985) Satavaptan (Aquilda) Conivaptan (VAPRISOL)

Vasopressin receptor V2 V2 V2 V1a/V2

Administration Oral Oral Oral, intravenous Intravenous
Half-life (hours) 6–8 7–10 14–17 3.1–7.8
Metabolism Hepatic Hepatic Hepatic Hepatic
(CYP 3A4) (CYP 3A4) (CYP 3A4 90%) (CYP 3A4)
(CYP 2D6 10%)
Dose 15–60 mg 50–100 mg 5–25 mg once daily 20 mg in
once daily twice daily 30 minutes, then
20–40 mg/day
Adapted from Decaux G, Soupart A, Vassart G. Non-peptide arginine-vasopressin antagonists: the vaptans. Lancet 2008; 371:1624–163,
copyright 2008, with permission from Elsevier.

■■ DRUGS TO INHIBIT VASOPRESSIN tion, inotropic stimulation, myocardial pro-

tein synthesis), V1b (causing secretion of ad-
Unfortunately, patients often do not adhere renocorticotropic hormone), and V2 (causing
to these strategies, as fluid restriction and un- water reabsorption and release of von Will-
palatable salt tablets or urea can become too ebrand factor and factor VIII).
burdensome. In such instances, pharmaco- Drugs that block V2 receptors in the renal
logic inhibition of vasopressin-mediated wa- tubule increase water excretion, making them
ter reabsorption can be considered using the attractive as therapy for some hyponatremic Asymptomatic
following agents. states (TABLE 6).24,25 These drugs exert their patients with
Demeclocycline (Declomycin) and lithi- aquaretic effect by causing a decrease in tran-
um inhibit the kidney’s response to vasopres- scription and insertion of aquaporin-2 chan- hyponatremia
sin. Because lithium may be nephrotoxic and nels (“water pores”) into the apical collecting do not require
has unwanted effects on the central nervous duct membrane. As a result, the water perme-
system, demeclocycline has become the pre- ability of the collecting duct is decreased even
ferred agent. Given in doses of 300 to 600 mg in the presence of circulating ADH. treatment
twice daily, demeclocycline promotes free wa- Conivaptan (Vaprisol) is a combined to acutely
ter excretion, but often takes 1 to 2 weeks of V1a-V2 antagonist that has been approved
therapy to begin working. for the treatment of euvolemic and hypervol- increase serum
Renal failure due to demeclocycline has emic hyponatremia. Conivaptan inhibits the sodium
been reported in patients with concomitant cytochrome P450 3A4 system and thus may
liver disease.23 Demeclocycline can also interact with other drugs; therefore, its use has
cause photosensitivity and is contraindi- been limited to no more than 4 days of intra-
cated in children and pregnant women due venous administration in the hospital setting.
to abnormalities in bone and enamel forma- The recommended dosage is an initial 20-mg
tion. In addition, it can be expensive and infusion over 30 minutes, followed by con-
may not be covered fully by some prescrip- tinuous infusions of 20 to 40 mg/day. Dosing
tion plans. adjustments in renal and hepatic impairment
have not been well defined.
Vasopressin receptor antagonists (‘vaptans’) Tolvaptan (Samsca) is an oral selective
ADH, also called vasopressin, interacts with V2 antagonist that has been studied in pa-
various receptor subtypes, including V1a tients with euvolemic and hypervolemic hy-
(causing vasoconstriction, platelet aggrega- ponatremia.26 Studies have included patients
CLEVELAND C L I N I C J O U R N A L O F M E D I C I N E   V O L U M E 7 7  •   N U M B E R 1 0   O C T O B E R  2 0 1 0   723

with congestive heart failure, cirrhosis, and ing water excretion and a worsening of the
SIADH. Although tolvaptan has not been volume-depleted state.
shown to reduce rates of rehospitalization or Recent clinical trials have reported that
death in congestive heart failure, it improves patients often experience increased thirst
serum sodium, overall fluid balance, and con- while taking these agents. This highlights the
gestive symptoms.27 Tolvaptan has recently need to monitor serum sodium during treat-
been approved for the treatment of euvolemic ment.
and hypervolemic hyponatremia. These agents are expensive. Tolvaptan
A recent study has confirmed the long- costs about $250 per tablet; conivaptan,
term efficacy of tolvaptan in 111 patients over which is administered intravenously, may cost
a mean duration of treatment greater than 700 a little more per treatment course.
days.28 While the clinical benefits of chronic
tolvaptan therapy have yet to be clearly dem- ■■ THERAPY IN SPECIFIC DISEASE STATES
onstrated, this study shows that tolvaptan
therapy can result in a sustained improvement Patients with hyponatremia and cirrhosis
in serum sodium concentration without an The focus of treatment remains water and salt
unacceptable increase in adverse events.29 restriction and judicious use of loop diuretics
Lixivaptan (VPA-985), another oral selec- and aldosterone antagonists such as spirono-
tive V2 receptor antagonist, is being studied lactone (Aldactone).
in patients with euvolemic and hypervolemic Tolvaptan has been effective at raising
hyponatremia. the serum sodium level in patients with cir-
rhosis,26 while conivaptan should be avoided
Current role of vasopressin antagonists at present because of vasodilation from V1a
Current studies of vasopressin antagonists in receptor antagonism and its potential effects
the treatment of hyponatremia are promising, on systemic hemodynamics and risk of vari-
though definite recommendations are needed ceal bleeding.30
to ensure slow, careful correction of hypona- As the severity of cirrhosis increases, the
Euvolemic and tremia. Most studies suggest that these agents only effective treatment of hyponatremia is
hypervolemic provide slow, reliable increases in serum sodi- liver transplantation.
um. In one large study of patients with conges-
patients with tive heart failure, serum sodium rose by more Patients with SIADH
hyponatremia than 12 mmol/L in 24 hours in fewer than 2% In most cases, water restriction is the main-
of patients.26 stay of therapy. Adequate nutritional intake
should not Notably, no cases of osmotic demyelination should also be stressed so that enough solute
ingest any syndrome have been reported in these studies. is available for ongoing water excretion. Al-
more fluid However, it should be noted that therapy was though fluid restriction is usually effective,
started in the hospital with close monitoring many patients cannot adhere to the level of
than they of serum sodium levels and discontinuation of restriction required.
can excrete fluid restriction; the incidence of overly rapid In cases in which fluid restriction is not ef-
correction of sodium may be higher outside fective on its own, demeclocyline can be used
of carefully done clinical studies. Clinicians to antagonize ADH action and increase water
should adopt monitoring strategies similar to excretion. Sodium tablets and loop diuretics
those used in these rigorous studies. can also be used, taking care to avoid hypo-
At present, there is little experience with volemia from diuretic-induced sodium losses.
vasopressin antagonists in hyponatremic pa- The use of tolvaptan in patients with SIADH
tients with serious signs or symptoms of cere- has resulted in short-term increases in serum
bral edema, and most clinicians still view 3% sodium.26 A recent study has suggested that
saline as the gold standard for these patients. this effect can be sustained with longer-term
Vasopressin antagonists should not be used treatment,28 but further studies are needed to
in patients with hypovolemic hyponatremia, show a complementary clinical benefit (eg,
due to concerns about V1a blockade causing improved neurocognition) to guide the use of
hypotension and about V2 blockade produc- these costly agents in clinical practice.

Patients with diuretic-induced hyponatremia the potential to worsen hyponatremia in the

Thiazide diuretics should be discontinued presence of ADH. In addition, some athletes
and hypovolemia and hypokalemia should be will have retained water in the gastrointesti-
corrected with isotonic saline and potassium nal tract that may be mobilized after the race,
supplementation. As the hypokalemia is cor- resulting in worsening of hyponatremia.32
rected and the diuretic effect and hypovole- In athletes with severe hyponatremia (se-
mic stimulus to ADH dissipates, water excre- rum sodium < 120 mmol/L) or symptomatic
tion can increase rapidly, resulting in a brisk exercise-associated hyponatremia (lethargy,
change in serum sodium. respiratory depression, seizures), hypertonic
Serum sodium levels should be closely saline is the treatment of choice. One proto-
monitored during therapy to avoid overcorrec- col suggests giving 100 mL of 3% saline over
tion. For this reason, use of hypertonic saline 10 minutes in the field, followed by prompt
should generally be avoided. Hypotonic flu- transportation to hospital.33
id—eg, half-normal (0.45%) or quarter-normal
(0.22%) saline or even desmopressin—may be- ■■ SUMMARY POINTS
come necessary in the later stages of therapy to
avoid overly rapid correction. • Hyponatremia is a common electrolyte dis-
order that in its most severe form requires
Patients with exercise-associated urgent therapy with hypertonic saline to
hyponatremia correct cerebral edema.
Patients at highest risk of exercise-associated • In patients without serious signs or symp-
hyponatremia include those who drink too toms of cerebral edema, recent observa-
much fluid during a long-distance race, who tions suggest there may be clinically im-
have low body weight, who are female, who portant symptomatology relating to mild
exercise longer than 4 hours, and who use neurocognitive dysfunction and an asso-
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.31 The ciation with risk of bone fracture.
cause of hyponatremia is likely multifacto- • Multiple treatment strategies are available
rial, with excessive water intake coupled with according to the underlying extracellular Patients often
sodium losses and impaired renal excretion of fluid volume status and cause of hypona- do not adhere
water due to ADH action and impaired re- tremia. These include fluid and sodium
nal dilution. To prevent exercise-associated restriction and augmentation of urinary to fluid
hyponatremia, fluid intake should be limited water excretion with various nutritional restriction
to 400 to 800 mL/hour, with the higher end and pharmacologic strategies. The most
recommended for larger athletes and hotter novel therapy includes antagonism of the
climates. vasopressin V2 receptor with a class of
Consensus recommendations suggest that aquaretic agents known as vaptans.
most patients with mild hyponatremia (serum • There can be serious neurologic injury as-
sodium 130 to 135 mmol/L) should be treated sociated with overly rapid correction of
with fluid restriction and clinical observation, chronic hyponatremia or undercorrection
as spontaneous water diuresis leads to improve- of acute symptomatic hyponatremia.
ment in the serum sodium level. Importantly, • Clinicians must be familiar with the de-
the reflex to provide isotonic saline infusions tails of each of the treatments and have an
should be avoided unless clear signs of volume appreciation of the importance of careful
depletion are present. Intravenous saline has monitoring during treatment. ■

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ADDRESS: Benjamin J. Freda, DO, Renal Division, Baystate Medical Center,

100 Wason Avenue, Suite 200, Springfield, MA 01108; e-mail benjamin.


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