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Food Research International 35 (2002) 511–518

Hydrolysates of native and modified soy protein isolates:

structural characteristics, solubility and foaming properties
Sara E. Molina Ortiza,b, Jorge R. Wagnera,c,*
Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Criotecnologı´a de Alimentos (CIDCA). Facultad de Cs. Exactas,
UNLP. 47 y 116, La Plata (1900), Argentina
Comision de Investigaciones Cientı´ficas de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (CIC), La Plata, Argentina
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientı´ficas y Técnicas (CONICET), Buenos Aires, Capital Federal, Argentina

Received 24 May 2001; accepted 6 September 2001

The effect of enzymatic hydrolysis on structure characteristics (surface aromatic hydrophobicity and molecular size) of both
native and modified soy protein isolates was studied. Effects on thermal behavior and functional properties (solubility and foam
formation and stabilization at pH 4.5) were also analysed. Hydrolysates were obtained by bromelain digestion at pH 8 of native (N)
and of thermally treated isolates at pH 7 (T7) and at pH 1.6 (T1.6). The differential effect of bromelain on the three isolates pro-
duced partially hydrolyzed structures, which exhibited an enhancement of their protein solubility (STCA and SpH 4.5). Bromelain
digestion was more effective on isolate T7 resulting hydrolysates with improved capacity to form foams at pH 4.5. The different
functional behavior at pH 4.5 of hydrolysates was explained through the changes in thermal behavior, surface aromatic hydro-
phobicity and molecular mass distribution. # 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Isolate soybean protein; Hydrolysates; Functional properties; Protein structure

1. Introduction solubility of soybean proteins, especially at high con-

centrations (Sorgentini, Wagner, & Añón, 1995;
Native soybean isolates are mainly composed of Wagner, Sorgentini, & Añón, 2000). Acidic treatment
native 7S and 11S globulins and show high solubility (pH 2–3) in combination with a thermal treatment is
(> 90%) at alkaline conditions (Thanh & Shibasaki, useful to increase the solubility through partial deami-
1976). As already reported, the solubility of native soy dation and mild hydrolysis of proteins (Matsudomi,
isolates at pH < 7 decrease to a minimum close to the Sasaki, Kato, & Kobayashi, 1985). However, a sig-
isoelectric point (pI=4.5; Pearson, 1983). The low nificant increase in protein solubility is only achieved at
solubility of soy proteins in acidic media complicates considerably low pH and high temperatures at long
their utilization in foodstuffs of moderate acidity (citric incubation times. An useful alternative to increase the
beverages, dressings, etc.), specially when the required protein solubility of both native and modified soybean
functional properties depend on solubility, e.g. foaming isolates is through induced hydrolysis with proteases
and emulsifying properties (Walstra, 1989, Chap. 1). (Adler-Nissen, 1976). Some of the enzymes employed in
Though thermal denaturation of soybean proteins the production of hydrolysates for food use were from
improves the aforementioned properties and water plant or microbial origin, as bromelain, papain or ficin
absorption capacity, it does not beneficially affect the (Lahl & Braun, 1994).
solubility. Also, thermal denaturation reduces water The aim of this work was to study changes in protein
solubility at pH 4.5, surface aromatic hydrophobicity,
and foaming properties of three soy protein isolates
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +54-221-4254-853; fax: +54-221- (native and denatured) subjected to bromelain hydro-
4254-853. lysis. Both denaturation and hydrolysis degrees were
E-mail address: (J.R. Wagner). studied.
0963-9969/02/$ - see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S0963-9969(01)00149-1
512 S.E. Molina Ortiz, J.R. Wagner / Food Research International 35 (2002) 511–518

2. Materials and methods late:bromelain 4:1) in a stirred bath at 40  C for 0, 2, 6

and 12 h. At each time, the reaction mixture was divided
2.1. Materials in two aliquots: one aliquot was stopped by the addition
of 18.8% trichloroacetic acid solution (volume ratio
Bromelain (E.C. and bovine serum albumin TCA solution:aliquot 1:0.5, final concentration of TCA
(Alb) were purchased from Sigma (Sigma Chemical, St was 12.5%) and the other was stopped with the addition
Louis, MO, USA). Ammonium salt of 1-anilino-8- of 1 M HCl until pH 2.5. From the latter, one aliquot
naphtalene-sulphonic acid (ANS) was purchased from was adjusted to pH 4.5 to determine protein solubility
Aldrich Chemical Company (Milwaukee, USA). and the rest was lyophilized. Samples at t=0 were con-
sidered as controls (Nc, T7c and T1.6c).
2.2. Isolates preparation
2.4. Determination of TCA-protein solubility
Protein isolates were prepared from defatted soybean
flour (Santista Alimentos S.A., São Paulo, Brazil). Pro- Aliquots corresponding to the reactions stopped by
teins were extracted by stirring the flour in alkaline addition of TCA were centrifuged at 4000 g for 5 min.
water (1:10 w/v flour:water ratio) at 25  C and adjusting Soluble peptides were determined in the supernatants
the pH to 8 with 2 N NaOH. After 2 h of extraction, according to Lowry (Lowry, Rosembroug, Lewis, &
samples were centrifuged at 10 000 g for 30 min at 4  C. Randall, 1951) and TCA-solubility (STCA) was calculated
The pellet was discarded and the supernatant adjusted as percent of total protein. The increment in solubility
to pH 4.5 with 2 N HCl. In this condition, an isoelectric (%STCA) was calculated with respect to the corre-
precipitate was obtained and was separated by cen- sponding control at t=0 using the following equation:
trifugation at 5000 g for 5 min at 4  C. The isoelectric
precipitate was resuspended in water (5% dry matter %STCA ¼ 100½ðSTCA Þt  ðSTCA Þ0 =ðSTCA Þ0
w/w). From this dispersion, native and modified isolates
were prepared as follows: N (native), pH was adjusted where t is the hydrolysis time.
to 8.0 with 1 N NaOH; T7 (thermally treated at pH 7),
pH was adjusted to pH 7.0 and then heated at 90  C 2.5. Determination of protein solubility at pH 4.5
(water bath) for 30 min; T1.6 (thermally treated at pH
1.6), pH was adjusted to 1.6 with 1 M HCl and then Aliquots corresponding to the reactions stopped at
heated as for isolate T7 (Matsudomi et al., 1985). After pH 2.5 were adjusted to pH 4.5 with 1 M NaOH and
the treatments, all dispersions were freeze-dried. Isolate centrifuged 4000 g for 5 min. Soluble peptides were
N is composed of 7S and 11S proteins in a non-dena- determined in the supernatants according to Lowry
tured state (Sorgentini & Wagner, 1999). Total denat- (Lowry et al., 1951). Protein solubility at pH 4.5 (SpH4,5)
uration of 7S and 11S proteins in isolates T7 and T1.6 was calculated as percent of total protein. The incre-
was demonstrated by DSC assays (thermograms with- ment in protein solubility (%STCA) was calculated
out endothermic peaks, total denaturation enthalpy of using a similar equation as described in Section 2.4.
 0 J g1).
2.6. pH–protein solubility profile
2.3. Preparation of protein hydrolysates
Protein solubility as a function of pH (3.5–8.0) was
Soy protein isolates (N, T7, T1.6) were dispersed in determined on controls (Nc, T7c and T1.6c) and on
0.01 M phosphate buffer pH 8.0 (30 mg ml1) and hydrolysates obtained at 12 h (Nh, T7h and T1.6h).
mixed with bromelain (0.434 mg ml1; ratio iso- Water dispersions (1% w/v) were gently stirred for 1 h
at room temperature. pH was adjusted to the desired
value with dilute solutions of HCl or NaOH. Disper-
Table 1 sions were centrifuged at 10 000 g for 10 min at 4  C,
Values of protein solubility in water of isolates N, T7 and T1.6 at pH and protein content in supernatant was measured by the
4.5 and in 12.5% trichloroacetic acid Lowry method (Lowry et al., 1951). Protein solubility
Isolate Solubility (%)a was expressed as grams of soluble protein/100 g of
sample. All protein solubility determinations were con-
pH 4.5 TCA 12.5%
ducted in duplicate.
N 8.2 0.6a 0.55 0.08a
T7 4.4 0.2b 0.62 0.10a 2.7. Electrophoresis
T1.6 10.3 2.0a 0.81 0.07b
For each column, different letters indicate significantly (P<0.05) All electrophoretic runs were performed in gel mini-
different values. slabs (Mini Protean II Model, Bio-Rad Laboratories,
S.E. Molina Ortiz, J.R. Wagner / Food Research International 35 (2002) 511–518 513

Hercules, CA). Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide 2.11. Statistical analysis

gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) were performed by the
method of Laemmli (1970) as modified by Petruccelli Data were analysed by analysis of variance (ANOVA)
and Añón (1994). Samples were prepared by resus- and differences between means by the Fisher’s test
pending the TCA-precipitates of each isolate in sample (Systat version 5.0). Significance was considered at
buffer. The soluble fraction obtained at pH 4.5 was =0.05.
precipitated with TCA (volume ratio 18.8% TCA solu-
tion:aliquot 1:0.5, final concentration of TCA 12.5%)
and analysed by SDS-PAGE with b-mercaptoethanol. 3. Results and discussion

2.8. Surface aromatic hydrophobicity (H0) 3.1. Protein solubility and structural characteristics

H0 was determined with the hydrophobicity fluores- Both protein solubility and foaming properties of soy
cence probe 1-anilino-8-naphtalene-sulphonate (ANS) protein isolates and hydrolysates were studied at pH
according to Hayakawa and Nakai (1985). Serial dilu- 4.5. This condition was selected because this is the pI of
tions in 0.01 M phosphate buffer were prepared with the the storage proteins in soybean seeds (Pearson, 1983)
supernatants at pH 4.5. Dilutions were prepared at pH and consequently, the point of lowest protein solubility.
4.5 to a final concentration of 0.01–1 mg ml1. Forty Isolates N and T1.6 showed similar water protein
microliters of ANS (8 mM) were added to 3 ml of each solubility at pH 4.5 (SpH4.5) but statistically (P < 0.05)
dilution and the fluorescence intensity (FI) was mea- different to that of isolate T7 (Table 1). Isolate T7
sured at 365 nm (excitation) and 484 nm (emission) showed the lowest SpH4.5 probably because of the
using a Perkin-Elmer 2000 equipment (Perkin-Elmer, aggregation caused by the thermal treatment. Although
Norwalk, CT, USA). The initial slope of the FI versus isolate T1.6 was also subjected to a thermal treatment,
protein concentration (mg ml1) plot (calculated by lin- the similar protein solubility to N may be a consequence
ear regression analysis) was used as an index of surface of deamidation and hydrolysis in acidic conditions
aromatic hydrophobicity (H0). (Matsudomi et al., 1985; Wagner & Guéguen, 1995). On
the other hand, STCA was 10 times lower than SpH4.5.
2.9. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) STCA was similar in N and T7 and significantly different
in T1.6 (P < 0.05). Adler-Nissen (1976) previously
Twenty percent dispersions of lyophilized samples in reported that only peptides of very low molecular
0.01 M phosphate buffer pH 7 were hermetically sealed weight remain soluble in 12.5% TCA. Consequently,
in aluminum pans. Samples were analysed at 10  C STCA may be higher in isolate T1.6 due to the presence
min1 in a range of 20–120  C using DSC Polymer of small peptides produced by acid hydrolysis.
Laboratories equipment (Rheometric Scientific, Weston Bromelain digestion gradually increased protein solu-
Road), using an empty double pan as a reference. bility at pH 4.5 in the three isolates. After 12 h of
Transition temperatures and areas below the endother- hydrolysis, protein solubility increased until reach
mic curves were measured to calculate the correspond- values between 20 and 26%. The increment in protein
ing thermal denaturation enthalpies (H in Joules per solubility as a function of time of hydrolysis
gram of dry weight). All runs were performed at least (%SpH4.5) is shown in Fig. 1. Bromelain was more
twice. effective on isolate T7 (> 400%), in which 7S and 11S
proteins were completely denatured (Hd=0 J g1).
2.10. Foaming properties Although isolate T1.6 was also composed of totally
denatured proteins, these proteins were less accessible to
Assays were performed as described previously the protease possibly due to the presence of partially
(Wagner, Sorgentini, & Añón, 1996). N2 was sparged at deamidated polypeptides (Matsudomi et al., 1985). The
a flow rate of 1.70 ml s1 through 6 ml of 1.0 mg ml1 increment in protein solubility of the native hydrolysate
of sample (native and hydrolysates) in 0.1 M phosphate showed intermediate values between T7 and T1.6.
buffer, pH 4.5. Bubbling was continued until a fixed Fig. 2 displays SDS-PAGE gels of TCA insoluble
volume of foam (100 ml) was reached, or after a max- proteins from control (Nc and T7c) and hydrolysates (2,
imum elapsed bubbling time of 140 s. The initial rate of 6 and 12 h). Nc profile showed typical bands belonging
liquid incorporation to the foam (v0, ml min1) and the to the 7S fraction (a, a0 and b subunits) and 11S fraction
maximum volume of liquid incorporated to the foam (AB subunit, A and B polypeptides) (Fig. 2a). Besides,
(Vmax, ml) were determined. The time for half-drainage high molecular weight aggregates were observed at the
of the liquid that was incorporated to the foam at the beginning of the gel line. Hydrolysates of N (Nh) were
end of the bubbling period (t1/2, s) was also measured. composed of polypeptides generated by partial or total
Determinations were performed in duplicate. hydrolysis of the control sample. The enzymatic
514 S.E. Molina Ortiz, J.R. Wagner / Food Research International 35 (2002) 511–518

hydrolysis produced a decrease in the high-molecular- units either partially or totally hydrolyzed (SDS-PAGE,
mass aggregates, a loss of a0 - and a-7S subunits and the data not shown). Regarding the SDS-PAGE profiles,
disappearance of bands corresponding to high-mole- the increment in SpH4.5 of Nh, T7h and T1.6h (Fig. 1),
cular-weight peptides (594 kDa). On the other hand, could be ascribed to the liberation of peptides of low
the intensity of bands of 43 and 20–30 kDa increased molecular weight and the increase in charge associated
during hydrolysis (Fig. 2a). A small amount of bands to the cleavage of peptide bonds.
were observed for isolate T7c probably due to the pre- DSC studies on both native and hydrolysates were
sence of a high proportion of insoluble aggregates performed in order to correlate structural changes with
(Fig. 2b). The only visible bands corresponded to the thermal stability. Thermograms of native soy isolate (N)
most hydrophilic subunits of 7S (a0 and a) and 11S (A). presented two endothermic peaks with transition tem-
Hydrolysis of T7 (T7h) produced the total dis- peratures of 77.6 1.2. and 90.5 1.6  C (Sorgentini &
appearance of a0 - and a-7S, and A-11S polypeptide and, Wagner, 1999), corresponding to the denaturation of 7S
as a consequence of protease action on insoluble aggre- and 11S globulins, respectively (total denaturation
gates, originated aggregates of high molecular mass enthalpy:  17 J g1). Thermograms of the control of N
visible at the top of the gel. Bands of very low molecular (Nc) showed only one endothermic transition
mass peptides were visible at the bottom of the gel. (78.0 0.3  C, H=0.84 0.02 cal g1) corresponding
SDS-PAGE performed in the presence of b-mercapto- to 7S. This result is due to total denaturation of 11S
ethanol with the soluble fraction at the pI (and pre- when enzymatic action was stopped at pH 2.5 (Wagner
cipitated in TCA) allows analysing protein species et al., 1996). Thermograms corresponding to Nh also
responsible for the protein solubility at pH 4.5. Fig. 3 show one peak with a transition temperature similar to
shows the profiles obtained for hydrolysates and con- Nc, but with a lower denaturation enthalpy at all times
trols corresponding to N isolates. At short times, bands of hydrolysis (H 0.76 0.05; 0.70 0.04; 0.51 0.06
corresponding to a- and a0 -7S subunits were absent, cal g1 for 2, 6 and 12 h of hydrolysis). On the basis of
those corresponding to A-11S showed low intensity and the results obtained from DSC and SDS-PAGE, we
two polypeptides of molecular size of 25 and 28 kDa could conclude that the structural conformation of the
became visible. The intensity of the bands correspond- partially hydrolyzed 7S in Nh would be mainly stabi-
ing to these species increased with time, together with lized by b subunits (Fig. 3). This is more evident at 12 h
the apparition of bands of lower molecular weight (16– of hydrolysis, when the decrease in the intensity of the
18 kDa), the total disappearance of A-11S and the band corresponding to b-7S correlates well with the
reduced intensity of bands corresponding to b-7S and lowest decrease in H. Isolates T7 and T1.6, and their
B-11S. These results indicated that the effect of bro- corresponding hydrolysates, did not show endotherms
melain on N was mainly on the hydrophilic fractions due to the total denaturation of 7S and 11S fraction by
(a0 -, a-7S and A-11S) that are consequently more the heat and/or pH treatments.
exposed in the native structures of globulin 7S and 11S.
As already reported, the effect of bromelain on N could
be explained through a ‘‘zipper’’ mechanism (Molina
Ortiz & Añón, 2000). The soluble fraction of T7h and
T1.6h at pH 4.5 was also composed of 7S and 11S sub-

Fig. 1. Effect of time of enzymatic hydrolysis on the increment of Fig. 2. Electrophoretic patterns (SDS-PAGE) of total proteins from soy
protein solubility in water at pH 4.5 (SpH4.5) for soy isolates N, T7 isolates (a) N and (b) T7 at different times of enzymatic hydrolysis (0, 2, 6
and T1.6. SpH4.5 was expressed as a percentage respect to the value and 12 h). a0 a and b, subunits of 7S globulin; A and B, acidic and basic
corresponding to non-hydrolyzed isolate (see Section 2). The values polypeptides of 11S globulin; AB, monomeric subunit of 11S globulin,
are the means of at least two determinations. Lane MM, low MM markers with 14.4, 20.1, 30, 43, 67 and 94 kDa.
S.E. Molina Ortiz, J.R. Wagner / Food Research International 35 (2002) 511–518 515

TCA protein solubility (STCA) was studied to follow than the non-hydrolyzed samples. Hydrolysate Nh
the liberation of peptides of low molecular size during showed a similar solubility profile to Nc, but with a
hydrolysis (Fig. 4). After bromelain hydrolysis, STCA wider range of minimum solubility (pH 4.3–5.8 with
increased in all cases, specially at short times (2 h). S 15%). However, the increase in solubility of hydro-
Sample T7 was more susceptible to the bromelain lysates T7c and T1.6c was practically pH-independent
digestion in terms of %STCA ( > 600% at 12 h). N and (S=14–22%). Comparing these profiles, it could be
T1.6 had lower %STCA values (< 350%) with no sig-
nificant differences (Fig. 4).
Our results indicate that bromelain hydrolyzed more
easily T7 isolate, generating a gradual increase in the
amount of soluble proteins at pH 4.5 and peptides with
MW < 3000 Da, between 2 and 12 h of hydrolysis. The
same effect was observed on isolate N, but in a lesser
degree and at short times (2–6 h). However, this period
of time was enough for the protease to interact with the
external layer of globulins 7S and 11S. The proteolytic
action on T1.6 originated mainly small peptides after 2
h of hydrolysis.
Fig. 5 shows the pH–protein solubility profiles of the
three isolates (Fig. 5a) and the corresponding hydro-
lysates at 12 h (Fig. 5b). The protein solubility of Nc Fig. 4. Effect of time of enzymatic hydrolysis on the increment of
protein solubility in 12.5% TCA (STCA) for soy isolates N, T7 and
showed a minimum at pH 4.3–4.6 (S< 1%), whereas at T1.6. SpH4.5 was expressed as a percentage of the value obtained for
pH55.8 and < 4 there was a significant increase in the non-hydrolyzed isolate (see Section 2). The values are the means of
protein solubility (P < 0.05). This behavior was similar at least two determinations.
to the native isolate (N) (data not shown) but with
lower protein solubility ascribed to the treatment and
storage of the samples at acidic pH. Protein solubility of
T1.6c showed a minimum in a wide range of pH (4.0–
5.8), with a significantly lower protein solubility than
Nc at pHs 3.6 and 5.8. The protein solubility of T7c was
lower than Nc and T1.6c for all pH conditions, but
higher at pH46.5. Fig. 5b shows that all hydrolysates
had a significantly higher protein solubility (P < 0.05)

Fig. 3. Electrophoretic patterns (SDS-PAGE) in the presence of

2-mercaptoethanol (5% v/v) of pH 4.5 soluble proteins of soy isolate Fig. 5. Protein solubility in water of samples as a function of pH. (a)
N at different times of enzymatic hydrolysis (0, 2, 6 and 12 h). a0 , a Soy isolates control at 0 h of hydrolysis: Nc, T7c and T1.6c. (b)
and b, subunits of 7S globulin; A and B, acidic and basic polypeptides Hydrolysates at 12 h of hydrolysis: Nh, T7h and T1.6h. Solubility was
of 11S globulin; AB, monomeric subunit of 11S globulin, Lane MM, expressed as a percentage of the total protein in sample. The values are
low MM markers with 14.4, 20.1, 30, 43, 67 and 94 kDa. the means of at least two determinations.
516 S.E. Molina Ortiz, J.R. Wagner / Food Research International 35 (2002) 511–518

concluded that between pH 4.5 and 5.8, the protein hydrolysis of soluble proteins already present in T7 ori-
solubility was significantly higher in order ginated smaller species with less hydrophobicity. Similar
T7h > T1.6h > Nh (P < 0.05), whereas at pH47 the iso- results were obtained for T1.6 but with a lower value of
late Nh showed the highest protein solubility followed H0 in the non-hydrolyzed isolate (H0=100). These
by T7h. T1.6h had the lowest protein solubility could be a consequence of the combined effect of the
(P < 0.05) in those conditions. These results suggest that thermal treatment and acidic conditions resulting in
the soluble fractions of Nh might have protein partially highly hydrophilic species. Our results would indicate
hydrolyzed with a high degree of secondary–tertiary that the increase in charge, the destruction of glutamine
structure. On the other hand, the soluble fractions of and/or asparagine and the low hydrophobicity might
T7h and T1.6h would be mainly composed of small free limit the action of bromelain. Hydrolysis of bovine
peptides that would not be affected by pH. serum albumin (Alb), a highly hydrophobic protein with
Our results show that the degree of hydrolysis and the low molecular mass (MM=67 kDa, H0=3200), par-
structural characteristics of the protein species released tially reduced the hydrophobicity (Fig. 6). This behavior
by proteolysis were markedly different in the three iso- could be explained on the basis of the loss in the struc-
lates. These results correlated with surface aromatic ture with the generation of hydrophilic peptides of low
hydrophobicity values obtained for the soluble fraction molecular mass with low affinity for ANS. The hydro-
at pH 4.5, before and after hydrolysis (Fig. 6). lysis of T7 and T1.6 originated species with decreasing
The native isolate showed a high surface aromatic hydrophobicity similar to the Alb. This similarity could
hydrophobicity at pH 4.5 (H0=1100) in comparison be ascribed to the action of the bromelain at pH 8 on
with pH 7 (H0=160; Wagner et al., 2000). It is possible the soluble hydrophilic fractions of low molecular mass.
to infer that charge neutralization of 7S and 11S pro-
teins close to their pI resulted in an increase in hydro- 3.2. Foaming properties
phobicity and consequently, only a small fraction
remained soluble. When N was hydrolyzed, the resulting Changes in structural properties (MM and surface
peptides easily exposed their hydrophobic regions at pH aromatic hydrophobicity) as a result of hydrolysis
4.5 increasing the H0 1.8-fold at 2 h and to almost dou- would originate specific surface characteristics/func-
ble the initial value at 12 h. These results in combination tional properties. Fig. 7 shows, as an example, the pro-
with those of protein solubility, indicate that Nh had a file of formation and destabilization of foam prepared
high proportion of soluble and hydrophobic proteins at with T7c and its corresponding hydrolysate at 12 h
pH 4.5, which would confer surface properties. (T7h). The first part of the curve (a) is closely related to
Non-hydrolyzed T7 showed a H0=379 at pH 4.5. the protein capacity to intake liquid to the foam. The
This lower hydrophobicity in comparison to the native other part (b), is related to the destabilization of the
isolate would be consequence of the aggregation of foam due to liquid drainage. If an isolate unable to form
proteins denatured at pH 7 by the thermal treatment. At foams (T7c) is hydrolyzed (T7h), it is possible to obtain
pH 4.5 only hydrophilic proteins would be soluble peptides soluble at pH 4.5 which can migrate to the
(polypeptide A-11S, a and a0 -7S and small peptides; surface and hence form stable foams (Fig. 7). Bovine
Fig. 2). Hydrolysis of T7 originated less hydrophobic serum albumin was used as a standard in order to
species. Protease digestion on the hidden hydrophobic
regions of the protein aggregates would allow only the
release of highly soluble peptides. On the other hand,

Fig. 7. : Volume of liquid incorporated into the foam as a function of

time. Assays were performed with isolate T7c (control at 0 h of
Fig. 6. Surface aromatic hydrophobicity (H0) of samples at pH 4.5 as hydrolysis) and hydrolysate T7h (at 12 h of hydrolysis) dispersions at
a function of time of enzymatic hydrolysis. The values are the means pH 4.5. Left of dotted line (zone a): foam formation; right of dotted
of at least two determinations. line (zone b) foam liquid drainage.
S.E. Molina Ortiz, J.R. Wagner / Food Research International 35 (2002) 511–518 517

Table 2
Foaming properties of soy isolates (N, T7 and T1.6) and bovine serum albumin (Alb) at time of bromelian hydrolysis th=0 and 12 ha

Isolate Foaming properties

th (h) v0 (ml s1) Vmáx (ml) t1/2 (s)

N 0 0.029 0.015 0.40 0.05 0

12 0.135 0.002 2.57 0.10 52.0 2.0

T7 0 0.010 0.002 0.28 0.02 8.0 1.0

12 0.167 0.005 4.37 0.24 45.5 4.5

T1.6 0 0.114 0.016 1.68 0.07 30.0 5.0

12 0.134 0.004 3.70 0.05 49.0 3.0

Alb 0 0.150 0.030 5.54 0.04 87.0 4.0

12 0.170 0.010 5.64 0.01 97.5 2.5
Assays were performed with sample solutions at 1.0 mg ml1 in 0.1 M phosphate buffer pH 4.5. Parameters v0, Vmax (foam formation) and t1/2
(foam stabilization) as described in Section 2.

compare and analyse the foaming properties of all iso- 4. Conclusions

lates (Nc, T7c and T1.6c) and the corresponding
hydrolysates at 12 h (Nh, T7h and T1.6h; Table 2). Enzymatic hydrolysis of a native (N) and two mod-
Bromelain did not modify markedly the foaming para- ified (T7 and T1.6) soybean isolates, which presented
meters of bovine serum albumin (Alb). This protein has differences in denaturation and aggregation degrees,
good properties to form and to stabilize foams at pH was studied. At pH 4.5, all isolates exhibited low protein
4.5, which could be related to its low molecular size and solubility and low capacity to form and stabilize foams.
its high surface aromatic hydrophobicity. Bromelain The enzymatic hydrolysis of isolates increased their
action on Alb produced only a slight increment in protein solubility (STCA and SpH 4.5). The soluble frac-
values of foaming parameters v0, Vmax and t1/2 (13.0, 1.8 tion of the three hydrolysates showed differences in
and 11.6%, respectively), results that correlated with the molecular mass, surface aromatic hydrophobicity and
high surface aromatic hydrophobicity observed in pH–protein solubility profile. These hydrolysates, with
hydrolysates of Alb (Fig. 6). Non-hydrolyzed N and T7 better protein solubility and foam properties at acidic
isolates do not form good foams, and the hydrolysis for pH than the native and modified isolates, could be used
12 h improved the foam formation to values of v0 and for preparation of foodstuffs of moderate acidity.
Vmax close to those obtained for the Alb. However,
foam stability (t1/2) for hydrolysates of N and T7 never
reached the standard albumin level. T7 markedly Acknowledgements
improved its foaming properties after hydrolysis, result
that would be explain by the high increment in protein The authors acknowledge the financial support from
solubility (higher SpH4.5 and STCA, Fig. 1 and 4). the Secretarı́a de Ciencia y Técnica (SECyT) and the
Nevertheless, hydrolysate of N presented a lower incre- Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina. J. R.
ment in foam formation capacity but exhibited high Wagner is member of Consejo Nacional de Investiga-
foam stability, probably by its high hydrophobicity that ciones Cientı́ficas y Técnicas (CONICET).
allowed formation of a stable film at the interface. Iso-
late T1.6, which had better foaming properties than
non-hydrolyzed N and T7 samples, showed a less pro- References
nounced improvement in their surface behavior after
enzymatic treatment. These results correlate with the Adler-Nissen, J. (1976). Enzymatic hydrolysis of proteins for increased
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