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and PSS-C; thus, shear cracks should have intersected shearbands

Discussion of “Alternative Shear in this zone. However, Fig. 14 has not shown evidence of yielding
Reinforcement of Reinforced of the shearbands.
Concrete Flat Slabs” by According to the yield line theory, the ultimate flexural
K. Pilakoutas and X. Li strength, Vflex, of the tested slabs is Vflex = 590 kN 共132.6 kip兲.
September 2003, Vol. 129, No. 9, pp. 1164–1172.
Because this value is close to the ultimate punching shear strength
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲0733-9445共2003兲129:9共1164兲 of slabs without shear reinforcement, large deflections are ex-
pected in all tests. This is so because extensive yielding of the
flexural reinforcement is bound to occur before failure. Again, the
Gerd Birkle1 and Ramez B. Gayed2
PhD Candidate, Univ. of Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4. ductile behavior exhibited in the tests cannot be attributed to the
Chief PhD Candidate, Univ. of Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4. shearbands.
For practical application, the discussers envisage that the
shearbands be installed from the top after the installation of the
The objective of the paper is to introduce an alternative type of flexural reinforcement 关Fig. 2共a兲兴. When this is done, the bends of
shear reinforcement for slab-column connections 共shearband兲 and the shearband will not engage heavier bars, as required by ACI
validate its effectiveness using experimental results and calcula- 318-02. Furthermore, the horizontal part of the band at the bottom
tions based on design codes. The shearband is a sheet-metal strip will be above the two layers of the bottom reinforcement 共and
bent in the shape of a multiple-leg stirrup, shown in Fig. 1, taken above the compression zone in most cases兲. In specimen PSS-D,
from ACI 318R-02 共ACI 2002兲. A stirrup with this configuration the shearbands have hooks that engage some flexural bars; also,
contributes to the shear resistance by developing tensile forces in the bottom horizontal parts of the bands are located below the two
the vertical branches; such forces cannot develop unless the end bottom layers of the flexural reinforcement 关Fig. 2共b兲兴. These fa-
anchorages of the vertical branches are insured. For effective an- vorable anchorage details of the test cannot be done in practice;
chorage, the ACI 318-02 code requires that a multileg stirrup of thus, PSS-D shows better behavior than what can occur in real
this shape engage a heavier bar at each bent. Because of its construction. The discussers believe that shearbands, installed as
method of installation, a shearband cannot satisfy this require- proposed for construction, will have poor anchorage and contrib-
ment. The presented tests do not prove that the shearbands are ute little to the punching shear strength.
effective. Comments on the laboratory results and the application
In the tests, the cross-sectional area of the shearbands is
of shearband reinforcement in practice are presented below.
25⫻ 0.8= 20 mm2 共31⫻ 10−3 in.2兲. The paper proposes to use the
The paper states that a strength enhancement of 23% has been
same bands in practice, with specified yield strength f yv = 460 or
achieved by the use of shearbands. This statement is based on
500 MPa 共66.7 or 72.5 ksi兲. With the recommended f yv values,
comparing the failure loads recorded for three specimens with
the cross-sectional area of shearbands required is the same as
shearbands with the failure load of a control specimen having no
when conventional stirrups are used. If half-inch bars are used for
shear reinforcement. However, the concrete strength of the con-
trol specimen is considerably smaller than the specimens with stirrups, six legs of the shearband can be replaced by one bar.
shearbands. If the punching strength is considered proportional to Thus, one expects congestion of the reinforcement when shear-
共f ⬘c 兲1/2, in accordance with ACI 318-02, the gain of strength that bands are used. This is demonstrated by the following example.
can be attributed to the shearbands is only 11%.
The yield strength of 1,100 MPa 共159.5 ksi兲 for the shear-
bands corresponds to a yield strain of approximately
5500⫻ 10−6. The graphs of load versus strain in the shearbands
共Figs. 14 and 15兲 indicate that they ceased to contribute to the
load resistance when this strain reached a value ranging between
200⫻ 10−6 and 700⫻ 10−6. Thus, the fact that the graph reached a
plateau at these low strain levels cannot be attributed to yielding
of the shearbands; it indicates failure of the strain gauge rather
than yielding of the shearbands. Fig. 11 shows that failure has
occurred inside the shear reinforced zone of specimens PSS-B

Fig. 1. Multiple-leg stirrup 共see ACI 318R-02兲 Fig. 2. Proposed and tested arrangements of shearbands


It is accepted that, as with all types of shear reinforcement in thin
Consider a square column of cross section 300⫻ 300 mm 2 concrete slabs, the key issue is anchorage and whether the shear
共12⫻ 12 in.2兲; slab thickness of 200 mm 共8 in.兲; d = 164 mm reinforcement can develop its full strength.
共6.5 in.兲; f ⬘c = 40 MPa 共5.8 ksi兲; f yv = 460 MPa 共66.7 ksi兲; and The requirement of ACI-318-02 for bars at each bent as illus-
spacing of shear reinforcement, s = 80 mm 共3.1 in.兲. Find the trated by Fig. 1 in the discussion is fully justified, since conven-
cross-sectional area of the shear reinforcement, Av, required tional reinforcement has a round cross section and hence imposes
to provide shear strength, vs = 冑 f ⬘c / 3 共4冑 f ⬘c , psi units兲 and
a stress concentration in the bent that can lead to concrete crush-
ing. The same problem is encountered in Stud reinforcement,
Vs = vsb0d, where b0 = 1,856 mm 共74 in.兲 taken as the perimeter of
when using large-diameter bars and inadequate Stud head.
the critical section at d / 2 from the face of the column.
The main advantage of the Shearband is that it uses a very thin
According to the equations of ACI 318-02 and ACI 421.1R-99
metal strip, which can anchor over short lengths without creating
共ACI 1999兲, the cross-sectional area required in one peripheral
large stress concentrations in the concrete. The issue of anchorage
line of shear reinforcement around the column is
is dealt with by ICBO in its Evaluation Report 共ER-5668兲. A bar
in the bent is not needed since the Shearband can be shown from
sVs sb0vs pull-out tests and beam tests that it can develop its full strength
Av = = = 680 mm2共1,054 ⫻ 10−3 in.2兲
f y vd f yv with the specified anchorage lengths.
Hence, the opinion expressed that the Shearband cannot de-
This can be provided by 34 legs of shearbands; 8 or 10 bands of
velop its full potential is completely wrong and also goes against
total width 200 or 250 mm 共8 or 10 in.兲, respectively, are required
the evidence provided. The following may help explain to the
within the 300 mm 共12 in.兲 width of column. This example shows
authors of the discussion the strain results in the paper which
the expected congestion with this small cross section of the band.
clearly show yielding:
Perhaps bands with greater thickness could be used; but the
1. The strain gauges are positioned centrally in sections of the
problem of anchorage can be more critical.
Shearband without holes. Hence, it is natural that yielding
From the above, the discussers conclude that shearbands are
starts in the section with holes 共which has reduced area by
not practical; they do not satisfy the ACI 318-02 code anchorage
20%兲 and the strain gauges in the given positions will only
requirement and the experimental investigation presented in the
record yielding when strain hardening has raised the strength
paper does not show that they are effective.
of the steel by the corresponding amount.
2. The strain gauges are placed prior to concrete casting and it
is difficult to locate them exactly along a failure surface.
References Since the Shearband anchors very well due to the holes along
its length, if the shear crack surface is not passing through
ACI Committee 318. 共2002兲. Building code requirements for structural the gauge, a much lower reading of strain will be recorded,
concrete (ACI318-02) and commentary (ACI318R-02), American even when the strip is yielding elsewhere.
Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, Mich. Despite the above limitations of strain gauges, yielding is re-
ACI Committee 421. 共1999兲. Shear reinforcement for slabs, ACI421.1R-
corded in many occasions. In fact, to the knowledge of the writers
99, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, Mich.
this is the first time that yield has been demonstrated in shear
reinforcement of flat slabs.
The writers also disagree with the opinion that the Shearband
was not responsible for the ductile behavior. It is well known in
Closure to “Alternative Shear the field, and is also demonstrated by Figs. 12 and 14, that unre-
inforced or underreinforced in shear slabs in general fail in
Reinforcement for Reinforced
punching without much warning and no ductility. Slabs with the
Concrete Flat Slabs” by Shearband allowed the main flexural reinforcement to develop
K. Pilakoutas and X. Li strains approaching 20,000 ␮␧. To the expert in the field, that
September 2003, Vol. 129, No. 9, pp. 1164–1172. shows a change of failure mode and ductile behavior.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲0733-9445共2003兲129:9共1164兲 Finally, the discussion addresses the issue of the practicality of
using the Shearband. The writers consider that this is a matter that
Kypros Pilakoutas1 should be left to practicing engineers to decide. However, the
Professor of Construction Innovation, Dept. of Civil and Structural experience of the writers shows that installers around the country
Engineering, Univ. of Sheffield, Sir Frederick Mappin Building, found it extremely easy to fix, and give the Shearband strong
Mappin St., Sheffield S1 3JD, U.K. recommendations.


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