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2012: Social apocalypse and Saviour’s descent.

The world that we have forged: the economy and people are going
every day to worse. Accordingly, there are increasingly more
economic problems: more crime, more wars, more false
democracies, etc. This means that something is wrong in the
system: the money and the politics or system of governance. What
has always ended with wars, throughout our history.
Above the government there are someones who manages the system
as a puppeteer.
¿Is this god or the devil?
It is the Invisible Government, sometimes they are called as The
Who has always been the master of the world and who wants to out
soon from the shadows to create the New World Order.
Yes. Beyond the conspiracy there is always the reality.
The Invisible Government was always present, since the time of
the Inquisition and the old Egypt. Behind the shadows of
society. They manipulate and control us with money and laws.
But, thus the earth is being damaging, because the money can not
measure properly the earth's resources. On the contrary, money
exploits these resources to make more money.
The Invisible Government is who invented
the money.
In the U.S. dollar, for example, they
left their print: the unfinished triangle
with an eye on the cusp. This is the mark
of them. The top part of the pyramid
symbolizes them as the all-seeing eye who
rests on the rest. And the bottom
symbolizes us as the slave and material
part. There are writed “Annuit Coeptis”
and “Novus Ordo Seclorum” what means:
“New Order of Ages”. It's them.
Mainly, the objective of New World Order is unify all countries
using a single currency and the elimination of all religions.
After this they will create a golbal and religion of Lucifer’s
Now they are using the technology to enslave us. Our mobile
phones are emiting signals with the exact coordinates where we
are every time. Even when the phone
is off, because the battery is yet
inside. So, if you do not want to
be located somewhere, temporaly
remove the battery from your phone.
For this reason, the new i-phones
are made with the battery that can
not be removed. And the next thing
what they will do is implement an
identity document as a chip which
is injected into the hand. When the
time comes, if we refuse, we will be illegal and persecuted.
Becouse the lays are of them too.
But let’s calm down.
All religions speaks about a God who, will come down from
"heaven" (sky) to save us. And this is scientifically possible
if we are clear that the god that all religions refers is simply
the sun.
The sun gives us the
life. And he will not
allow us to continue
being enslaved by The
It’s anticipated that
next year coronal mass
escapes from the sun.
What will provocate a
perfect storm: a Solar
Storm. The
electromagnetic plasma
of Solar storm will blow
all electric wire and
batteries of the entire
planet. So, banks will
not work, the chips will not work too. The end of the technology
and the money.
The sun will save us as well.
This will be the end of this evil age and the beginning of a new
more humane era in harmony with nature.

Text: Adrián Zamora

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