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Secondary literature for intrusion detection-Enhancing Network Intrusion Detection With Integrated Sampling and Filtering By Jose M.

Gonzalez and Vern Paxson

International Computer Science Institute Berkeley, California, USA., /,

Unjustified statements-Unjustified statements having no acceptable justification: shown to have no good or just reason or explanation.An emendation that
is incorrect according to the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, e.g., the generic name Hemiberlesea Lindinger is an incorrect change of
Hemiberlesia Cockerell according to the Code and is an unjustified emendation.
Scientific Approach-Scientific approach means learning from experience which is not a recipe: it requires intelligence, imagination, and creativity. In this
sense, it is an ongoing cycle, constantly developing more useful, accurate and comprehensive models and methods. Scientific approach is a step by step
method to problem solving. With reference to Robert Emmons, spiritual intelligence as "the adaptive use of spiritual information to facilitate everyday problem
solving”. He also adds the components of spiritual intelligence-capacity to transcend the physical and material, ability to experience heightened states of
consciousness, ability to sanctify everyday experience, ability to utilize spiritual resources to solve problems and capacity to be virtuous. Reference:-
: : :

Critical Research-The purpose of this unit is to assess your ability to independently research, investigate and analyse a media topic and present the
findings. The nature of the research is intended to be one of active investigation into the areas of audience and institution, as well as academic and critical
perspectives, from which you can develop an independent critical response. Regardless of theoretical orientation informing the analysis, critical research
advances a political agenda, exhibits an empirical sensitivity, and uncovers systems of institutional repression and human resistance. It demands reflexivity,
and draws attention to power relations in human contexts. Thus, critical research is praxis oriented - combining theory and action (praxis) to create scholarship
which may lead to more equitable social change. []

Empirical-In philosophical language, the term empirical means simply what belongs to or is the product of experience or observation. --Sir W. Hamilton. Ref- In addition can say that medical workers do their duty with respect to empirical rules learnt at their educational and training

Main Benefits of Qualitative Research-Qualitative research explores the richness, depth, and complexity of phenomena. Qualitative research, broadly
defined, means "any kind of research that produces findings not arrived at by means of statistical procedures or other means of quantification" (Strauss &
Corbin, 1990).Interpretivism, or the qualitative approach, is a way to gain insights through discovering meanings by improving our comprehension of the
whole. "A major strength of the qualitative approach is the depth to which explorations are conducted and descriptions are written, usually resulting in
sufficient details for the reader to grasp the idiosyncracies of the situation." Unlike quantitative research, there is no overarching framework for how qualitative
research should be conducted; rather each type of qualitative research is guided by particular philosophical stances that are taken in relation by the research
to each phenomenon []

Main Benefits of Quantitative Research-Quantitative research is concerned with numbers and data that can be easily quantified. A quantitative study is an
inquiry into a research problem, composed of variables, measured with numbers, and analysed with statistical procedures. It is standardised and ‘scientific’
research which contains an objective analysis[].Moreover,Results are easy to summarise and analyse,Comparisons between
groups, locations and times can be measured for difference,Researching a small group can give a reliable indication of the views of a larger population.

Nuremberg code-The Nuremberg Code is a set of principles for human experimentation set as a result of the Nuremberg trials at the end of the Second World
War. Specifically, they were in response to the inhumane Nazi human experimentation carried out during the war by individuals such as Dr. Josef Mengele. The
Nuremberg code has been incorporated in the law of individual states such as California, and other countries. The Nuremberg code includes such principles as
informed consent and absence of coercion; properly formulated scientific experimentation; and beneficence towards experiment

Positivism and Alternatives-Positivism is a philosophy of science. As such, it stands squarely within the empiricist tradition. Metaphysical speculation is
rejected in favour of ‘positive’ knowledge based on systematic observation and experiment. The methods of science can give us knowledge of the laws of
coexistence and succession of phenomena, but can never penetrate to the inner ‘essences’ or ‘natures’ of things. As applied to the human social world, the
positive method yields a law of successive states through which each branch of knowledge must pass: first theological, then metaphysical, and finally positive
(or scientific). Since the character of society flows from the intellectual forms which predominate in it, this gives Comte a law of the development of human
society itself. The phase of anarchy and revolution through which France had recently passed resulted from intellectual anarchy. Irresolvable disputes on
metaphysical questions such as the Divine Right and the sovereignty of the people must now give way to a positive science of society. Well-grounded
knowledge would form the basis of consensus, and could also be applied to remove the causes of disorder, just as natural-scientific knowledge had been
applied in the taming of nature.

Secondary literature for intrusion detection-Enhancing Network Intrusion Detection With Integrated Sampling and Filtering By Jose M. Gonzalez and Vern
Paxson International Computer Science Institute Berkeley, California, USA., /

Primary resources IDS-Distributed Intrusion Detection System for Resource-Constrained Devices in Ad Hoc Networks Adrian P. Lauf, Richard A. Peters, and
William H. Robinson Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37235.

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