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SiO2 17-25 %

Al2 O3 4-8%

Fe2 O3 0.5-0.6 %

CaO 61-63 %

MgO 0.1-4.0 %

SO3 1.3-3.0 %

Na2 + K2O 0.4-1.3 %

Cl 0.01-0.1%

IR 0.6-1.75 %

à ere are four major compounds in cement and t ese are known as C2S, C3S, C3A & C4AF, and t eir composition
varies from cement to cement and plant to plant.

In addition to t e above, t ere are ot er minor compounds suc as MgO, ÃiO2, Mn2O3, K20 and N2O. Ã ey are in
small quantity. Of t ese K2O and Na2O are found to react wit some aggregates and t e reaction is known as Alkali
Silica Reaction (ASR) and causes disintegration in concrete at a later date.

à e silicates C3S and C2S are t e most important compounds and are mainly responsible for t e strengt of t e
cement paste. Ã ey constitute t e bulk of t e composition. C3A and C4AF do not contribute muc to t e strengt ., but
in t e manufacturing process t ey facilitate combination of lime and silica, and act as a flux. In a typical Portland
cement, t e composition of mineralogical compounds could be

à  à       


S no Compound Composition as %

1 C3S 48-52 %

2 C2S 22-26 %

3 C3A 6-10 %

4 C4AF 13-16 %
5 Freelime 1-2 %


C aracteristic C3S C2S C3A C4AF

Setting Quick Slow Rapid -

Hydration Rapid Slow Rapid -

Heat Liberation
Hig er Lower Hig er Hig er
(Cal/gm) 7 days

Hig up to 14 Not muc

Early Strengt Low up to 14 days Insignificant
days beyond 1 day

Moderate at Hig at later stage

Later Strengt - -
later stage after 14 days

‰  ‰

Most of t e reactions occurring during t e ydration of cement are exot ermic in nature ( eat is generated). Ã is eat
is called eat of ydration. It is desirable to know t e eat producing capacity of cement in order to c oose t e most
suitable cement for a given purpose.

For Ordinary Portland Cement, alf of t e total eat is liberated between 1-3 days, about ¾t in 7 days and nearly
90% in 28 days. Ã e rate at w ic t e eat is produced is important for practical purposes. It may lead to cracks if not
properly dissipated. Ã e sum total eat produced, if spread over a longer period can be dissipated to a greater
degree wit fewer problems. Ã e ydration of C3S produces ig er eat as compared to t e ydration of C2S.
Fineness of cement also affects t e rate of eat development. Ã e eat of ydration generated is generally as follows
at 28 days.


S no Compound Heat of ydration (calories per gram)

1 C3S 100-110

2 C2S 50-60

3 C3A 300-315

4 C4AF 95-105

It may be seen t at t e eat produced by C3S is twice t at of C2S and t at by C3A is still ig er. It follows t at,
Ãype of cement End Use

1 OPC 33 Used for general civil construction works under normal/mild environmental conditions. OPC 33 grade
is normally not used w ere ig grade concrete is required due to limitations of its strengt .
Nowadays t is variety is not generally produced

2 OPC 43 Nowadays 43 grade is being used widely for general construction work. However, 43 grade OPC is
gradually being replaced by blended cements.

3 OPC 53 Used in RCC and pre-stressed concrete of ig er grades, cement grouts, instant plugging mortars
etc. w ere initial ig er strengt is t e criteria

4 Portland Slag PSC provides better protection against c loride and sulp ate attack. PSC is preferred over OPC for
Cement (PSC) usage in constructions w ere t e structures are susceptible to sulp ate and c loride attack. eg
Marine structure, structures near t e sea, sewage disposal treatment works, water treatment plants,

5 Portland PPC makes concrete more impermeable, denser as compared to OPC. Ã e long-term strengt of
Pozzolana PPC is ig er compared to OPC. PPC produces less eat of ydration and offers greater resistance
Cement (PPC) to t e attack of aggressive waters t an normal OPC. PPC can be used for all types of construction.

6 Sulp ate
IIn SRC, amount of C3A is restricted to lower t an 5% and 2C3 A + C4AF lower t an 25%. SRC can
be used for Foundation, Piles, Basements, Underground structures, sewage and water treatment
Portland Cement
plants and coastal works, w ere Sulp ate attack due to water or soil is anticipated

7 Low Heat Low eat Portland cement is particularly suitable for making mass concrete for dams and many
Portland Cement ot er types of water retaining structures, bridge abutments, massive retaining walls, piers and slabs,

8 Rapid Hardening à e Rapid ardening cement is used for repair and re abilitation works and w ere speed of
Cement (RHC) construction and early completion is required due to limitations of time, space or ot er reasons

9 Hydrop obic It is manufactured under special requirement for ig rainfall areas to improve t e s elf life of
Portland Cement cement. Ã e cement particles are given a c emical coating during manufacturing, w ic provides
water-repelling property, and t e cement is not affected due to ig umidity and can be stored for
longer period. Due to abundant availability of cement in all parts of t e country, t is cement is very
rarely produced t ese days.

10 W ite Cement W ite Portland Cement is made from raw materials containing very little iron oxide and manganese
oxide. Burning in t e kiln is done wit furnace oil or gas instead of coal. Limited quantities of certain
c emicals, w ic improve w iteness of cement, are added during manufacturing. Ã is type of
cement is generally meant for non-structural works. It is used for arc itectural purposes suc as
mosaic tiles, wall paintings, GRC and special effects.

reducing t e proportions of C3S and C3A, t e eat of ydration and its rate can be reduced.


W en water is added to cement, t e paste is formed due to c emical reaction, w ic ardens into rock like mass over
a period of time. Compounds like C3S and C2S react in t e presence of moisture and fully ydrated reaction can be
expressed as

2C3S +6H -> C3S2H3 +3Ca(OH)2

2C2S +4H -> C3S2H3 +Ca(OH)2

C3S2H3 (Calcium Silicate Hydrate) becomes a ard mass over a period of time and normally called as C-S-H gel.
W ile C3S contributes to most of t e strengt development during t e first two weeks, C2S influences gain of strengt
after two weeks. However, in t e long term (over a year) t e contribution to strengt is same for equal individual
weig t.

Ãypes of cement

à ere are many types of cement in t e market to suit every need. Some of t em w ic are included in t e revised IS :
456-2000 are as follows:

‡Ordinary Portland Cement 33, 43, 53 grade (OPC), 53-S (Sleeper Cement)
‡Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC), bot Fly As and Calcined Clay based
‡ Rapid Hardening Portland Cement
‡ Portland Slag Cement (PSC)
‡ Sulp ate Resisting Portland Cement (SRC)
‡ Low Heat Portland Cement
‡ Hydrop obic Cement

Selection of cement

à e type of cement selected s ould be appropriate for t e intended use. Functional requirement of t e structure,
design parameters, speed of construction, durability c aracteristics, environmental condition are some of t e major
factors w ic affect selection of cement for appropriate application. Ã e suggested uses of various cements are given
in t e following table.

M10 PCC (Plain Cement Concrete) e.g. Levelling course, bedding for footing, concrete roads, etc.
M15 PCC e.g. Levelling course, bedding for footing, concrete roads, etc.
M20 RCC (Reinforced Cement Concrete) e.g. Slabs, beams, columns, footings, etc. (for mild
M25 RCC (Reinforced Cement Concrete) e.g. Slabs, beams, columns, footings, etc.
M30 RCC e.g. Slabs, beams, columns, footings, etc.
M35 RCC e.g. Slabs, beams, columns, footings, etc.
M40 RCC e.g. Pre-stressed concrete, slabs, beams, columns, footings, etc.
M45 RCC e.g. Runways,Concrete Roads (PQC), Prestressed Concrete Girders, RCC Columns,
Prestressed beams
M50 RCC e.g. Runways,Concrete Roads (PQC), Prestressed Concrete Girders, RCC Columns,
Prestressed beams
M55 RCC e.g..Prestressed Concrete Girders and Piers
M60 - RCC work W ere ig compressive strengt is required suc as ig rise buildings, long span
Hig Strengt M80 bridges, ultra-t in w ite topping etc and constructions in aggressive environment e.g.
Spillways of dams, coastal construction

In addition to producing normal grade concrete ranging from M10 to M80, we produce customized special types of
concrete for different applications.


Hig Volume Fly As Concrete Mass concrete, raft foundations, roads, pavements etc.
Silica fume concrete All ig strengt concrete applications in extreme environmental exposure condition
like marine structure etc.
GGBS, Slag based concrete All underground RCC application requiring ig c emical resistance and en anced
Ãernary blend concrete All RCC application directly in contact wit aggressive soil / c emicals in marine
environment and in sewage / effluent treatment plants
Lig t weig t concrete Repair and re abilitation work, for t ermal insulation, lig t weig t structural fill, and lig t
weig t pre - cast panel etc
Corrosion resistant concrete All types of RCC applications in ig water table area including work near coastal
areas, water tanks, etc
Polymer concrete Repair and re abilitation work for floorings and buildings w ere ig early strengt is
Self Compacting Concrete à in sections and elements wit congested reinforcements. Recently IS 456 as also
included SCC wit specifications in its codal provision.
Coloured Concrete For arc itectural and aest etic use
Fibre-reinforced Concrete For concrete wit ig er ductility and abrasion/erosion resistance
Pervious Concrete Concrete for parking areas, pavements, drive-ways to ensure drainage or rain-water
Water-proof Concrete Ãerraces, basements, water contact structures
Ãemperature Controlled Concrete Mass concrete, ot-weat er concrete etc.



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