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Those Bloodthirsty
Americans and Their Death
Threat Duplicity
Nima Shirazi

Nima Shirazi is a writer and musician from New York City.  His political com-
mentary is published on his website, Wide Asleep in   His analysis of
United States policy and Middle East issues, particularly with reference to current
events in Iran, Israel, and Palestine, can also be found in numerous other online and
print publications.
Visit his website at:
Contact him at

Copyright 2010 Nima Shiraz

Writing Worth Reading From Around the World

2 | ColdType | January 2011

“I want people to see the truth...regardless
of who they are...because without
information, you cannot make informed

In their eternal
activities of WikiLeaks is directed at the
whistle-blowers themselves, rather than
at those actually implicated in war crimes
decisions as a public.” – Bradley Manning allegiance to as shown by the leaked documents.
government In their eternal allegiance to govern-
“Assassination is the extreme form of secrecy, ment secrecy, aggressive imperialism,
censorship.” – George Bernard Shaw aggressive and American exceptionalism, numerous

WikiLeaks’ critics have been outraged
ver since WikiLeaks became and American over the publication of US government
a household name this past exceptionalism, documents. While accusing WikiLeaks
summer, following the re- numerous founder Julian Assange of everything
lease of 77,000 secret US WikiLeaks’ from espionage to terrorism to treason
documents relating to the ongoing oc- critics have (Assange isn’t a US citizen), they hold
cupation and destruction of Afghanistan, been outraged him responsible for the deaths of both
many American politicians and pundits over the soldiers and civilians and have even pub-
have been calling for blood. Despite then- publication licly suggested and supported threats to
top military commander General Stanley of U.S. assassinate him.
McCrystal’s own admission in March of government The US State Department claimed
this year, the US military in Afghanistan documents that the release of classified cables would
has “shot an amazing number of people” “at a at risk the lives of
even though “none has ever proven to countless innocent individuals” and At-
be a threat,” the ire resulting from the torney General Eric Holder stated his be-

January 2010 | ColdType | 3

Nima Shirazi

lief that “national security of the United

States has been put at risk. The lives of
people who work for the American peo-

Manning has
Barack Obama, who made the following
promise to Americans: “We will kill bin
Laden; we will crush Al Qaeda. That has
ple have been put at risk. The American been locked to be our biggest national security prior-
people themselves have been put at risk up in Quantico ity.” One can assume that Palin meant
by these actions that I believe are arro- or five months that the WikiLeaks founder should be
gant, misguided and ultimately not help- now, after hunted with a similar kind of lethal force
ful in any way.” spending and not that he should simply be left
Defense Secretary Robert Gates has two months alone to die peacefully from kidney fail-
described these hysterical reactions to detained in a ure in the mountains of Tora Bora nine
WikiLeaks release as “fairly significant- military jail in years ago while his family was quickly
ly overwrought” due to the continu- Kuwait placed under the protection of the FBI
ing slow and calculated release of over and flown to a secure location. But then
251,000 previously secret and classified again, it’s Sarah Palin.
US diplomatic cables (fewer than 1,500 On the same day, another 2012 Re-
cables have been released so far).  Still, publican presidential hopeful wished
there are increasing calls not only for As- for the assassination of Assange. Former
sange’s indictment, but also explicitly for Arkansas governor and Fox News host
his murder. Mike Huckabee, speaking at The Ron-
On November 29, Fox News’s Bill ald Reagan Presidential Foundation &
O’Reilly declared on air that those respon- Library, told reporters, “Whoever in our
sible for the leaked documents are “trai- government leaked that information is
tors in America” and that they “should guilty of treason, and I think anything
be executed,” adding “or put in prison for less than execution is too kind a penalty.”
life,” as a dismissive afterthought. Huckabee, who was signing copies of
The next day, Bill Kristol, in a Week- his new children’s book, “Can’t Wait Till
ly Standard article entitled “Whack Christmas!” at the time, was presumably
WikiLeaks,” urged the United States referring to US Army intelligence analyst
government to “neutralize Julian As- Bradley Manning, who is accused of pro-
sange and his collaborators, wherever viding WikiLeaks with the classified doc-
they are” and hoped for a glorious, uni- uments and is currently being held in in-
fied bipartisan effort “to degrade, defeat, tense solitary confinement the brig at the
and destroy WikiLeaks.” One need only Marine Corps Base in Quantico, Virginia.
recall what Senator Lindsey Graham Manning has been locked up in Quantico
said in early November about “neutering” or five months now, after spending two
the Iranian government to get an idea of months detained in a military jail in Ku-
Kristol is talking about. wait. Manning, like Assange, has not been
Sarah Palin chimed in on Facebook, convicted of any crime. Kids, Christmas,
writing that Assange “is an anti-Ameri- and Capital Punishment. Thanks, Mike!
can operative with blood on his hands” Fox News national security analyst
who should be “pursued with the same Kathleen McFarland urged the United
urgency we pursue al Qaeda and Taliban States to declare WikiLeaks a terrorist
leaders.” This very urgency was men- organization, kidnap Assange, and try
tioned in a presidential debate in Octo- him in a military tribunal for espionage.
ber 2008 by Palin campaign opponent Furthermore, McFarland, who served in

4 | ColdType | January 2011

If words could kill

the Pentagon under the Nixon, Ford and

Reagan administrations and is currently
a “Distinguished Adviser” at the Iran-

If recent
ing Assange as an “enemy combatant”
and “the same way as other high-value
terrorist targets.” It is no surprise, there-
hating/Israel-advocating think tank The history is any fore, that Kuhner’s column was entitled
Foundation for the Defense of Democra- indication, “Assassinate Assange.”
cies, agreed with Huckabee that Man- as an enemy Though it may seem strange that a
ning should be charged and tried as a combatant Montreal native like Kuhner is disap-
traitor for exposing American war crimes, Assange pointed that “America is no longer feared
criminal negligence, and diplomatic du- would most or respected,” he is not the only Cana-
plicity. “If he’s found guilty,” she wrote, likely be either dian to harbor such violent visions of As-
“he should be executed.” murdered in his sange’s murder. Tom Flanagan, a senior
Also on November 30, the Jewish own country adviser to Canadian Prime Minister Ste-
Institute for National Security Affairs by U.S. soldiers phen Harper, said plainly on the public-
(JINSA) – whose contradictory motto and air strikes ly-funded Canadian TV station CBC, “I
reads Securing America, Strengthening or kidnapped, think Assange should be assassinated,
Israel – addressed the WikiLeaks release tortured, and actually. I think Obama should put out a
by musing whether the US government indefinitely contract and maybe use a drone or some-
would “try to hang Manning from the imprisoned thing.”
nearest tree?” in inhumane Speaking with Chris Wallace on Fox
In a post on the right-wing website conditions News, former House Speaker and paid
Red State on December 1, a commenter without charge Fox News contributor Newt Gingrich
by the moniker “lexington_concord” or trial said on December 5 that “Julian Assange
fantasized about Julian Assange receiv- is engaged in warfare. Information ter-
ing the Abe Lincoln treatment. “Under rorism, which leads to people getting
the traditional rules of engagement he is killed is terrorism. And Julian Assange is
thus subject to summary execution” he engaged in terrorism.” As such, Gingrich
writes, “and my preferred course of ac- suggested, “He should be treated as an
tion would be for Assange to find a small enemy combatant and WikiLeaks should
caliber round in the back of his head.” be closed down permanently and deci-
The following day, Washington Times sively.” If recent history is any indication,
columnist Jeffrey Kuhner published a as an enemy combatant, Assange would
vitriolic attack on Assange, whom he ac- most likely be either murdered in his own
cused of being “an anti-American radi- country by US soldiers and air strikes or
cal who wants to see the United States kidnapped, tortured, and indefinitely im-
defeated by its Islamic fascist enemies.” prisoned in inhumane conditions with-
Other goals Kuhner ascribed to Assange out charge or trial.
included the humiliation of America “on On December 6, Fox News commen-
the world stage, to drain it of all moral tators Bob Beckel and Bo Dietl followed
and legal legitimacy – especially regard- suit. Speaking on the Fox Business show
ing the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.” “Follow The Money,” Beckel, who was a
Kuhner wrote that Assange “is aiding and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State in
abetting terrorists in their war against the Carter administration and Walter
America,” and suggested that the Obama Mondale’s 1984 presidential campaign
administration “take care of the problem manager, angrily wished for US Special
– effectively and permanently” by treat- Ops forces to kill Assange, declaring, “A

January 2010 | ColdType | 5

Nima Shirazi

dead man can’t leak stuff. This guy’s a

traitor, a treasonist [sic], and he has bro-
ken every law of the United States. And

Not only are
sange,” in which he wrote:
“In Assange’s case, he’s not an Ameri-
can and so he has no constitutional pro-
I’m not for the death penalty, so...there’s American tection. Moreover, he’s going to get a lot
only one way to do it: Illegally shoot citizens of people killed. Can we do anything le-
the son of a bitch.” Dietl, former NYPD protected gally about someone from another coun-
detective and current Chairman of the by the U.S. try leaking this information? Maybe not.
New York State Security Guard Advisory Constitution, Can we have a CIA agent with a sniper
Council, concurred with Beckel, saying, non-citizens rifle rattle a bullet around his skull the
“this guy’s gotta go.” He then coined a are protected next time he appears in public as a warn-
brand new euphemism for assassina- as well ing? You bet we can – and we should. If
tion by suggesting that the United States that’s too garish for people, then the CIA
should “immune him,” before making a can kill him and make it look like an ac-
finger gun and childlike shooting sound. cident.
But the public advocacy, even if merely “Either way, Julian Assange deserves
rhetorical, for the assassination of As- to die for what he’s done and he should
sange is by no means new. be killed to send a message loud enough
This past summer, after the Afghani- to convince other people not to publish
stan memos were released, neoconserva- documents like this in the future.”
tive jingoist Marc Thiessen wrote in The Hawkins couldn’t be more wrong. Not
Washington Post that “WikiLeaks is not a only are American citizens protected
news organization; it is a criminal enter- by the US Constitution, non-citizens
prise” which is responsible for “getting are protected as well. The Fourteenth
people killed.” Thiessen continued, Amendment holds that no state shall “de-
“Assange is a non-US citizen operating prive any person of life, liberty, or proper-
outside the territory of the United States. ty without due process of law; nor deny
This means the government has a wide to any person within its jurisdiction the
range of options for dealing with him. It equal protection of the laws.” Moreover,
can employ not only law enforcement as Glenn Greenwald has pointed out, the
but also intelligence and military assets principle that the Constitution applies
to bring Assange to justice and put his both to Americans and to foreigners, was
criminal syndicate out of business.” upheld and affirmed in an 1886 ruling by
Intelligence and military assets don’t the Supreme Court on the case Yick Wo v.
sound too judicial. Thiessen also urged Hopkins. The Court’s decision read:
the government to “disable the system “The fourteenth amendment to the
[Assange] has built to illegally dissemi- constitution is not confined to the pro-
nate classified information,” apparently tection of citizens. It says: ‘Nor shall any
insinuating that The Guardian, The New state deprive any person of life, liberty, or
York Times, and Der Spiegel should all be property without due process of law; nor
shut down and the internet turned off. deny to any person within its jurisdiction
If that’s not what he meant, it doesn’t the equal protection of the laws.’ These
make any sense. provisions are universal in their applica-
On July 29, Right Wing News’ John tion, to all persons within the territorial
Hawkins posted an article subtlely en- jurisdiction, without regard to any differ-
titled “The CIA Should Kill Julian As- ences of race, of color, or of nationality;

6 | ColdType | January 2011

If words could kill

and the equal protection of the laws is a

pledge of the protection of equal laws...
The questions we have to consider and

From the
Fox News contributor Christian Whi-
ton urged Barack Obama to “designate
WikiLeaks and its officers as enemy com-
decide in these cases, therefore, are to be comfort of batants, paving the way for non-judicial
treated as involving the rights of every his computer actions against them,” while warmonger
citizen of the United States equally with keyboard, extraordinaire Jonah Goldberg wrote
those of the strangers and aliens who Jonah an OpEd in the Chicago Tribune entitled
now invoke the jurisdiction of the court.” Goldberg “Why Is Assange Still Alive?” After open-
Nevertheless, after this most recent once again ing with “a simple question: Why isn’t Ju-
WikiLeaks disclosure of secret diplo- courageously lian Assange dead?,” Goldberg suggests
matic cables, Hawkins posted a follow- wonders, “Why that WikiLeaks “is going to get people
up on Townhall.COM called “5 Reasons wasn’t Assange killed” and “is easily among the most
The CIA Should Have Already Killed garroted in significant and well-publicized breaches
Julian Assange,” in which he repeated his hotel room of American national security since the
his claim that because “Julian Assange years ago?” Rosenbergs gave the Soviets the bomb.”
is not an American citizen...he has no As such, from the comfort of his com-
constitutional rights,” concluding that puter keyboard, Goldberg once again
“there’s no reason that the CIA can’t kill courageously wonders, “Why wasn’t As-
him.”  Hawkins added that, even though sange garroted in his hotel room years
Assange “may not be in Osama Bin ago?” lamenting that Assange was not “a
Laden’s league, nor is he using the same greasy stain on the Autobahn already.”
methods,” WikiLeaks and Al Qaeda’s This violent talk of extrajudicial mur-
motivations are the same, namely, “to do der should come as no surprise to Ameri-
as much damage to the United States as can audiences. Pundits and politicians
humanly possible.” Hawkins then sug- have long looked to assassination as a
gested that “Assange is an enemy of the legitimate tactic in dealing with unde-
American people,” presumably not tak- sirable or frustrating persons who either
ing into account those Americans who disobey imperial diktat or openly oppose
may not want to be lied to about its own American hegemony.
government’s war crimes authorized by Back in 2006, Republican congress-
its leaders and committed by its soldiers woman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, who will
and intelligence agencies, in addition to chair the House Committee on Foreign
the espionage emanating from its hun- Affairs come January, was caught on
dreds of embassies and consulates world- camera saying, “I welcome the opportu-
wide. Hawkins, blissfully ignorant about nity of having anyone assassinate Fidel
his own government’s actions, declares Castro and any leader who is oppressing
that “our country will be safer when he’s the people.”
dead,” as “the first step towards convinc- This past August, journalist Gary
ing other nations that they can trust us Baumgarten ruminated on what would
again would be make this a better world happen in Iran if President Mahmoud
by removing Julian Assange from it.” Ahmadinejad had been assassinated.
After the WikiLeaks release of nearly Two months later, far-right Knesset min-
400,000 documents relating to the US ister Aryeh Eldad called for such an as-
occupation of Iraq this October, former sassination while Ahmadinejad was vis-
State Department senior adviser and iting Lebanon.

January 2010 | ColdType | 7

Nima Shirazi

These are no idle threats. In early 2007,

law professor Glenn Reynolds posited in
a post on the right-wing website Insta-

The fact that
bomb explosion killed at least 18 mem-
bers of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards in
the southeastern Iranian city of Zahedan.
pundit that, with regard to alleged Ira- not a single Responsibility for the bombing was sub-
nian involvement in resistance activity Iranian official sequently claimed by the Iranian sepa-
in Iraq, the United States “should be re- in recent ratist group Jundallah, which has carried
sponding quietly, killing radical mullahs memory out numerous terrorist attacks in the re-
and iranian [sic] atomic scientists, [and] has ever gion and has financial ties to the United
supporting the simmering insurgencies threatened to States. Since then, at least 164 Iranians
within Iran.” Reynolds continued, build nuclear have been murdered in similar actions
“[T]o be clear, I think it’s perfectly fine weapons, undertaken by Jundallah, the most re-
to kill people who are working on atomic let alone use cent occurring Today, December 15, when
bombs for countries – like Iran – that them “against at least 38 worshippers celebrating the
have already said that they want to use America and holiday Ashura were killed, and over 50
those bombs against America and its al- its allies,” is wounded, in a suicide bombing outside a
lies, and I think that those who feel oth- beside the mosque in the city of Chabahar.
erwise are idiots, and in absolutely no point In November of this year, the US State
position to strike moral poses.” Department finally designated Jundallah
The fact that not a single Iranian of- as a terrorist organization.
ficial in recent memory has ever threat- On September 22, 2010, twelve people
ened to build nuclear weapons, let alone were killed and at least 80 injured in a
use them “against America and its allies,” bombing at a military parade in the West
is beside the point. So is the fact that the Azerbaijani city of Mahabad in north-
United States has explicit laws against west Iran. The Kurdish separatist group
political assassination. The point is that Party of Free Life of Kurdistan (PJAK),
Reynolds, a law professor, was calling for which also has connections to the United
the willful murder of Iranians – govern- States and Israel, may have been behind
ment officials, religious leaders, scientists the attack.
and academics – who have never been Early this year, on January 12, 2010,
charged with or found guilty of any crime Massoud Ali Mohammadi, a 50-year-old
and who pose absolutely no threat to the Iranian nuclear physicist and professor
United States or its citizens. at Tehran University, was killed outside
Less than a month earlier, in January his home “when a bomb-rigged motor-
2007, a senior Iranian nuclear physicist cycle exploded as he left for work.” The
and professor at Shiraz University work- blast, which shattered nearby windows
ing at the uranium enrichment facility in northern Tehran’s Qeytariyeh neigh-
at Isfahan, Ardeshir Hosseinpour, was borhood, was activated by a remote trig-
found dead in his apartment. While ger. Ali Mohammadi was a lecturer and
some publications attributed his death researcher with “no prominent political
to an explosion in his laboratory, other voice, no published work with military
reports claimed he was assassinated by relevance and no declared links to Iran’s
the Mossad, Israel’s foreign spy agency, nuclear program.” The New York Times
using “radioactive poisoning.” reported that Ali Mohammadi taught
In addition, the day after Reynolds neutron physics and “was the author of
posted his assassination wishlist, a several articles on quantum and theoreti-

8 | ColdType | January 2011

If words could kill

cal physics in scientific journals.” Experts Two of Iran’s managed a “major project” for the coun-
agree the victim “was not involved in top nuclear try’s Atomic Energy Organization. The
the country’s nuclear program,” that his scientists were Guardian reported that “Shahriari had
writing, given its highly abstract nature, attacked on no known links to banned nuclear work,
has “virtually no military applications their way to but was highly regarded in his field.” His
and that “nuclear physicists interested in work by “men wife was injured in the attack. The other
bomb-making would have no interest in on motorbikes scientist, Fereydoon Abbasi, and his wife
these papers.” who attached were also wounded.
But calls for the assassination of Irani- bombs to the “They’re bad people, and the work
an scientists didn’t stop there. This past windows of they do is exactly what you need to de-
July, former CIA operative, death squad their cars” and sign a bomb,” an anonymous US official
and genocide enthusiast, and current then detonated who assesses scientific intelligence told
neocon blowhard, Reuel Marc Gerecht them from a the New York Times. “They’re both top
penned an article for the Weekly Standard distance scientists.”
entitled “Should Israel Bomb Iran? Bet- Both Dr. Mohammadi, who was as-
ter safe than sorry.” In addition to advo- sassinated in January, and Dr. Shahriari
cating the illegal and immoral murder of were associated with a non-nuclear sci-
thousands of Iranians because OF their entific research unit known as Synchro-
country’s defiance of US and Israeli de- tron-light for Experimental Science and
mands to relinquish its inalienable rights, Applications in the Middle East (SESA-
Gerecht, a senior fellow at the Zionist ME) which is based in Jordan and oper-
Foundation for the Defense of Democra- ating under United Nations auspices.
cies, kvetched, “If the Israelis (or, better, The day after the attacks on Shahri-
the Americans under President Bush) ari and Abbasi, Yossi Melman, the senior
had struck Iran’s principal nuclear facili- terrorism and intelligence commentator
ties in 2003 and killed many of the scien- for the Israeli daily Ha’aretz, reported on
tists and technical support staff, Khame- the connection between the WikiLeaks
nei’s nuclear program likely would have diplomatic cable release, the assassina-
taken years, even decades, to recover.” tion of Iranian scientists, and the ap-
On November 29, 2010, as American pointment of a new head of the Mossad,
pundits and politicians were busy call- all of which occurred the same day. Mel-
ing for the murder of Julian Assange, two man wrote:
separate but connected incidents oc- “They are part of the endless efforts
curred. Two of Iran’s top nuclear scien- by the Israeli intelligence community, to-
tists were attacked on their way to work gether with its Western counterparts in-
by “men on motorbikes who attached cluding Britain’s MI6 and America’s CIA,
bombs to the windows of their cars” and to sabotage, delay and if possible, to stop
then detonated them from a distance. Iran from reaching its goal [sic] of having
One of the scientists, Dr. Majid Shahri- its first nuclear bomb.”
ari, a member of the nuclear engineering Melman, who publicized the mysteri-
department of Shahid Beheshti Univer- ous death of Hosseinpour in 2007, stated
sity in Tehran, was killed. Shahriari had that, regarding the new attacks on Irani-
published dozens of esoteric confer- an nuclear scientists, “it is obvious...that
ence reports and peer-reviewed articles Israel was behind it.”
on nuclear research and is said to have Less than two weeks later, on Decem-

January 2010 | ColdType | 9

Nima Shirazi

ber 12, the Washington Post’s new neocon-

servative, warmongering columnist Jenni- ❝
The United
talism), and recapturing vocabulary (a
“feminist” is not the same as a pro-choice
fer Rubin made a number of suggestions activist).” How one can believe simulta-
about how the United States should neously in “freedom and human rights”
“deal” with Iran’s nuclear program. In ad-
currently has and a “secure and thriving” heavily-mil-
dition to supporting Iran’s small opposi-
a specific itarized and inherently discriminatory
tion movement and beginning to “make program ethnocracy is unclear, unless of course
the case and agree on a feasible plan for in place the “world” doesn’t include Palestinians.
the use of force,” Rubin wrote, in back- dedicated to Also, so long as things are being “called
to-back bullet points, extrajudicially by their proper names” and vocabulary
“Second, we should continue and en- murder U.S. is being “recaptured,” writers like Rubin,
hance espionage and sabotage of the Ira- citizens who do Reynolds and Gerecht should undoubt-
nian nuclear program. Every nuclear sci- this exact thing edly be labeled as what they are: Zion-
entist who has a ‘car accident’ and every ist apologists who advocate the murder
computer virus buys us time, setting back of innocent people to advance their own
the timeline for Iran’s nuclear capability, political and ideological agendas; in other
while exacting a price for those who co- words, they are proponents of terrorism.
operate with the nuclear program. Think Perhaps the single most striking aspect
of it as the ultimate targeted sanction. of these public death threats – whether
“Third, we need to make human rights clandestine assassination or carpet-
a central theme in our bilateral and mul- bombing air strikes – leveled by notable
tilateral diplomacy regarding Iran.” American analysts and officials is that
As Salon’s Justin Elliott summarized, the United States currently has a specific
“Rubin wants the United States to make program in place dedicated to extraju-
human rights a central theme in its Iran dicially murder US citizens who do this
policy – and to indiscriminately assassi- exact thing.
nate civilian scientists,” continuing that The Obama administration has autho-
“even the US State Department referred rized the targeted killing of Muslim cleric
to these attacks as acts of terrorism, and American national Anwar al-Awlaki.
which would make them antithetical to Earlier this year, the Wall Street Journal
any serious concept of human rights.” reported that Awlaki “was the imam at
This is certainly not the first time Ru- a Virginia mosque attended by US Army
bin, who has written that “nearly all wis- Maj. Nidal Hasan, the suspect in the Fort
dom” can be found in the Torah (and the Hood, Texas, shooting spree in November,
first two Godfather movies), has contra- and said in interview in the fall that he
dicted herself within the span of a sen- counseled Maj. Hasan before the attack.
tence or two. In her very first Washington Investigators say he also had inciden-
Post blog, Rubin declared her ideological tal contact with two of the 9/11 hijack-
belief in “American exceptionalism, lim- ers.” Nevertheless, the paper continued,
ited government, free markets, a secure “There is no indication Mr. Awlaki played
and thriving Jewish state, defense of free- a direct role in any of the attacks, and he
dom and human rights around the world, has never been indicted in the US”
enforced borders with a generous legal The Times (UK) reported in April that
immigration policy, calling things by their following “the Christmas Day airliner
proper names (e.g. Islamic fundamen- plot, US and Yemeni officials said that

10 | ColdType | January 2011

If words could kill

Mr al-Awlaki had met the suspected

bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, ❝
How should
Yet, wishful thinking or even vocal ad-
vocacy of violence, however abhorrent
who tried to ignite explosives sewn into and appalling, is protected under the
North Korea
his underwear.” Even though absolutely First Amendment. The Supreme Court,
react to
no evidence has ever been presented in in 1969, addressed this exact issue in the
the call of
a court of law to substantively link Aw- case Brandenburg v. Ohio when it con-
laki with terrorist acts, an unnamed US cluded:
official has told the press, “Al-Awlaki is a
blogger Glenn “...the mere abstract teaching...of the
proven threat. He’s been targeted.” Reynolds to moral propriety or even moral necessity
So far, the only “proof ” given are the “nuke ‘em. And for a resort to force and violence, is not
words of the US government. On Decem- not with just the same as preparing a group for violent
ber 7, Reuters reported that “US officials a few bombs,” action and steeling it to such action...A
have described al-Awlaki as having a in response statute which fails to draw this distinc-
leadership role in al Qaeda in the Ara- to the current tion impermissibly intrudes upon the
bian Peninsula...he has urged attacks on escalation freedoms guaranteed by the First and
the United States in Internet videos and of hostilities Fourteenth Amendments. It sweeps
writings.” between North within its condemnation speech which
Urging attacks in Internet videos and and South our Constitution has immunized from
writings? Most of the staunch advocates Korea? governmental control.”
of assassinating both Awlaki and As- Recently, however, the United States
sange, not to mention encouraging an hasn’t worried much about due process
unprovoked American or Israeli assault and proof of criminal action or direct in-
on Iran, have strong connections – and volvement in terrorist activities before
career histories – with US government issuing death warrants. For instance, ac-
foreign policy and the military establish- cording to the FBI itself, Osama bin Lad-
ment. Their influence of public and offi- en is still not accused of participating in
cial discourse cannot be taken lightly, nor or planning the 9/11 attacks, yet he is still
can it be passed off as inconsequential or wanted “dead or alive” by our govern-
merely rhetorical. After all, this is exactly ment in connection with that terrible act.
what proceeded the invasion and occu- Back in October, Jonah Goldberg ex-
pation of Iraq – with many of the same pressed some doubts about the efficacy
cheerleaders we hear today. of assassinating Julian Assange:
So, if that’s all it takes to condemn peo- “Assange is essentially hiding behind
ple to death without a trial and autho- his celebrity and the fact that it wouldn’t
rize drones to bomb their alleged where- do any good to kill him, given the nature
abouts, how should North Korea react of the Web. Even if the CIA wanted to
to the call of the aforementioned Insta- take him out, they couldn’t without mas-
pundit blogger Glenn Reynolds to “nuke sive controversy. That’s because assassi-
‘em. And not with just a few bombs,” in nating a hipster Australian Web guru as
response to the current escalation of hos- opposed to a Muslim terrorist is the kind
tilities between North and South Korea? of controversy no official dares invite.
By this standard, at what point should “That’s fine. And it’s the law. I don’t ex-
the Washington punditry start watching pect the US government to kill Assange,
the skies over the Potomac for signs of but I do expect them to try to stop him.”
Iran’s newly-acquired UAV, the Karrar? According to Goldberg, the difference

January 2010 | ColdType | 11

Nima Shirazi

between killing Assange and Awlaki is

not just that it is illegal for the US gov-
ernment to assassinate people; rather,

In response
anticipated that in a mere two years,
“those who would intimidate, torture,
and murder people for exercising the
the difference is that one is an obnox- to a FOIA most basic freedoms” would included
ious white Australian while the other is request, the himself, senior officials in his administra-
a scary brown Muslim. While both dam- CIA recently tion, and the bloodthirsty Beltway.
age the reputation and oppose the hege- refused to
monic domination of the United States “confirm Wednesday, December 10, marked the
using the power of words and the inter- or deny the 30th anniversary of the tragic assassina-
net, the same rules don’t apply to both of existence or tion of John Lennon. As always, his words
them. The murder of one (the US citizen, nonexistence” ring as true today as they did when he
no less) is a no-brainer, while the murder of “current or wrote them:
of the other would be controversial. Still, previous plans
in response to a FOIA request, the CIA to assassinate I’m sick and tired of hearing things
recently refused to “confirm or deny the Julian From uptight, short-sighted
existence or nonexistence” of “current or Assange” narrow-minded hypocritics
previous plans to assassinate Julian As- All I want is the truth
sange.” Just give me some truth
I’ve had enough of reading things
During the 2008 campaign, presiden- by neurotic, psychotic
tial hopeful Barack Obama stated, “To- pig-headed politicians
day we are engaged in a deadly global All I want is the truth
struggle for those who would intimidate, Just give me some truth
torture, and murder people for exercising - Gimme Some Truth, 1971
the most basic freedoms. If we are to win
this struggle and spread those freedoms, Thanks to the courageous efforts of
we must keep our own moral compass people like Bradley Manning and Julian
pointed in a true direction.” Assange, we now all have a little more
It is unlikely that, back then, Obama truth.

12 | ColdType | January 2011

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around the world


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