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David Michael Green

The Sole

In The World
David Michael Green is a professor of political science at
Hofstra University in New York. More of his work can be found
at his website,

© David Michael Green 2011

Writing Worth Reading From Around the World

2 | ColdType | March 2011

The Sole
In The World
David Michael Green

I ❝
guess I really shouldn’t be surprised ity ever in human history. It’s the great-
at the human capacity for stupidity. est military power ever to bestride the
I mean, after all, we live in a world You have to planet. It has been endlessly innovative
where almost the entire human race stand in awe at on the technological front, from elec-
believes in all-controlling magic dei- the glory that is tricity to automobiles, to aircraft, space
ties from outer space. Even though they America in the flight, splitting the atom, sequencing
manifestly never actually control any- early twenty- the human genome, to building the first
thing. And they never actually appear. first century, computers then shrinking those room-
Better still, every culture has its own though not, er, size behemoths down to fit in your shirt
particular Master of the Universe, and it in a good way pocket – only a thousand times more
never occurs to these six or seven billion powerful (plus you can call your mom
souls what the simple fact of this embar- with it, too). This is country that, for all
rassment of competing divinities might its multiple stumbles and bumbles, pio-
imply for the very concept of believing neered for the world crucial advances in
that their particular one is the real deal. democracy, human rights, diversity, toler-
Best of all, though, we hominids are ance, class relations, social mobility, civil
unsurpassed at finding new and im- rights and civil liberties (not so much in
proved ways to murder each other en our treatment of other people, though
masse in the name of these very same – but that’s another story). This is a
peace-bringing deities. country that succeeded in bringing mass
If the nearly the whole human race is prosperity to its people on a scale never
down for that, why should anything sur- seen before, creating a giant middle class
prise me? where one of that proportion had never
Still. remotely existed before. Whatever else
You have to stand in awe at the glory one can say about America (and, regret-
that is America in the early twenty-first tably, there is a lot), its place in human
century, though not, er, in a good way. history is secure. These are remarkable
You’re looking there at the richest pol- achievements individually, and they are

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David Michael Green

astonishing collectively.
Which just makes it all the more jaw-
dropping to watch such a country com-

This country’s
crowd in record-setting droves, only this
time they’re even worse, as unimagina-
ble as that seems, like a tribe of political
mit national suicide, and especially to do problem is that crackhead vampire zombies, locked in
so for all the stupidest of reasons. And it continues to mindless unrelenting pursuit of sucking
which makes it hard to imagine that the believe that lazy dry the national blood supply.
same country that can rightly boast so detachment is Who votes for that, man? Huh? Who
many great achievements is capable of the surest way to says to the wife on election day, “Honey,
such idiocy. solve our national be sure to pull the lever for the guys who
Well, maybe it’s not the same country problems. It’s the want to rape our family and leave us in
anymore, and that explains it. I dunno. Deadbeat Dad the ditch, naked, jobless, impoverished
What I do know is that we’ve spent model of politics and homeless!”? Who thinks to himself,
the last generation or so hell-bent to self- “Why should I have a tiny little suburban
destruct. And what I do know is that the house and a ten year-old rusted Chevy
deeper we get into our self-inflicted pit when thousands of millionaires each day
of national devastation, the more – not suffer the humiliating stigma of not being
less – we turn to the same ideas, brought billionaires? Let me vote for the nice peo-
to us by the same discredited monsters, ple who will hand my meager earnings
and inquire, “Thank you sir, may I have up to the overclass.” Who sits there and
another?” The tea party troglodytes are thinks, “Those guys sure messed up bad
only the most recent manifestation of last time, but maybe if they double down
that peculiar American addiction to glob- on their plans it’ll get a lot better for
al and self-destruction. After McCarthy people like me!”? Who thinks, “My un-
we went for Nixon. After Nixon we went employed, uneducated, Walmart worker
for Reagan. After Reagan we stooped so 30 year-old kids are so spoiled! I want a
low we put the Caligula Kid in the White government that won’t pamper them so
House. Twice. That little dry-drunk plan- much.”?
etary-scale disaster of rampant personal For that matter, who thinks at all?
insecurity spent almost the entirety of Evidently, no one in America. This coun-
his last term in office with job approval try’s problem is that it continues to be-
ratings down around twenty-five or lieve that lazy detachment is the surest
thirty percent. But since he didn’t com- way to solve our national problems. It’s
mit the grave crime of getting a blow job the Deadbeat Dad model of politics. You
from someone other than his wife, no spend twenty years raising your kid by
one even talked about removing him maybe – maybe – checking in with him
from office. No, he only was asleep at the for about fifteen minutes every two or
wheel for 9/11, lied us into a disastrous four years. You show up, tick a few boxes,
war, shredded the Constitution, allowed sign a form, pat the kid on the head, and
one of our major cities to drown, plunged then disappear til the next time. “Hey
us into debt, made the whole world hate man, how you been, little dude?! Yer
us, polarized the country, and then left lookin’ good. Hey, sorry, gotta run now.”
us the goodbye gift of the worst global Next thing you know, your child is a
economic catastrophe since the Great young adult, sitting on death row, busted
Depression. But here we are, a mere two for committing some heinous capital of-
years later, having brought back the same fense. What a surprise, eh? You worked

4 | ColdType | March 2011

the sole remaining stupidpower

so hard to raise him right. You invested

so much energy in doing everything you
could to watch out for his interests. How

If you keep
he have won even thirty percent of the
vote if he had run again in 2008? Now
he’s ranked above Jefferson, Jackson and
could it possibly have all gone so wrong? telling people Eisenhower, not to mention all the cats
That’s how we owners of American that Ronald who didn’t get named at all?!
democracy treat our charge. Reagan was Perhaps most important of all, what
If you think I’m joking about how some sort of these survey results demonstrate is the
out to lunch the voting public is in this saintly figure, power of propaganda, something the
country, consider this recent revelation: lots and lots right in this country understands all too
Gallup just got done asking Americans of folks will well. They know that if you keep telling
to name the greatest president in Ameri- believe it people that Ronald Reagan was some
can history. Guess who won? Ronald sort of saintly figure, lots and lots of folks
Reagan. Yeah, that Ronald Reagan. For will believe it. I mean, if people are so
the third time in the eight fieldings of tuned out that W can rank this highly on
this poll question over the last twelve the list, a mere two years after his Oval
years, too. He got 19 percent, to Abra- Office demolition derby routine (the re-
ham Lincoln’s 14 percent. And Old Abe sults of which are still hugely with us),
just barely nudged out Bill Clinton, who what do they really know of that Reagan
pulled down 13 percent of the vote. Then guy who left office a full generation ago,
came Kennedy, with George Washington other than what his hagiographers want
fifth on the list. After him is FDR, then them to ‘know’?
Barack Obama, with 5 percent of the In fact, Reagan will go down in his-
vote. George W. Bush tied with Thomas tory as one of the most consequential of
Jefferson. Which makes perfect sense, of all American presidents, but also one of
course, both being of such similar char- the worst. Indeed, perhaps the worst of
acter, intellect and historical stature. all. Not because he tripled the national
I think we can learn, ahem, many debt and began the process which has
things from these simple data. First of all, led us to the current fiscal train wreck
loads of people are so ignorant of history we’re approaching. Not because he abso-
that they can’t really even think of the lutely shredded the Constitution in the
names of any presidents besides the last Iran-Contra Affair. Not because he was
couple clowns, and the others they see at times so out of it that he literally in-
on dollar bills and the pennies they no troduced himself to his own cabinet sec-
longer throw away. That’s real ignorant. retaries and even his own children (I’m
That’s just the kind of voter you want to not kidding). And certainly not because
have if you’re trying to steal somebody’s he ‘ended the Cold War’, one of the most
country from them. ludicrous historical fantasies ever fabri-
Second, that old adage about there be- cated. (Imagine this meeting of the So-
ing no such thing as bad publicity would viet Politburo, circa 1984. Comrade #1:
appear to be true. Bill Clinton, third “Reagan is spending like crazy on military
greatest American president? Sorry, I get hardware he can’t use against us and
them all mixed up, but isn’t that the dude can’t afford to buy. What should we do?”
we just got through impeaching? George All others present, in unison: “Well, of
W. Bush, tenth best? Wait a sec, isn’t that course we’ll have to accept our defeat in
the guy we just got done hating? Could the Cold War without a single shot being

March 2011 | ColdType | 5

David Michael Green

fired (even while we’re sitting on top of

25,000 strategic nuclear warheads), and
then we must explode our country into

The long-term
age they cause, surely haven’t wanted
anything in return for their money, like
say tax breaks or deregulation of their
15 pieces. What else could we possibly plan of the other great national contributions, those
do?”) oligarchy has befouling our air, water and lands. No
No, Reagan will earn his place in his- been fairly doubt they are just good public citizens,
tory because his crimes are worse than masterful, participating in democracy the old-fash-
those of a scandal-plagued Grant admin- chipping away ioned way – by buying it.
istration, or a power-mad Nixon admin- simultaneously The long-term plan of the oligarchy
istration. What Reagan did was to begin at all the has been fairly masterful, chipping away
the process of destroying the American bulwarks of simultaneously at all the bulwarks of
middle class, working class and poor, in American American prosperity while maintain-
order to feed the insatiable greed of the prosperity ing a constant narrative that legitimates
wealthy. He began the process of chang- while otherwise ridiculous concepts, at least
ing tax and trade and regulation and maintaining for those folks who know nothing and
privatization and labor relations policies, a constant find that whole thinking thing altogether
all for the purposes of transferring wealth narrative that onerous.
from non-elites to elites, an effort which legitimates The same people who brought you
continues right down to this moment. otherwise McCarthy and Nixon, who exploded the
Worst of all, he did it through the deep- ridiculous national debt, who have presided over
est forms of national deceit, which only concepts thirty years of transfer of wealth from
served to legitimize his destructive ideas all of us to the rich, who told us how
in the minds of far too many people who great and easy the Iraq invasion would
should know better. His project has been be, who blew up the economy, and who
enormously successful. The man who have pretended that climate change is a
claimed to be restoring America’s great- hoax – these same people are now stand-
ness was in fact facilitating its plunder, ing before us insisting that public sector
and that process is now nearly complete. unions (about the only kind remaining
The latest chapter in the Age of Rea- after they destroyed the others as well)
gan is transpiring in Wisconsin right now, have to go. Apart from the lunacy of the
where public sector unions, the last ves- argument itself, my question is why are
tige of middle and working class prosper- these people standing before us at all?
ity, are under lethal assault. Why aren’t they in jail? Why aren’t they
Somehow, the assailant Scott Walker at least minimally hated for their crimes?
forgot in his public defense to mention Why did they win huge in the last elec-
that he and other Republican governors tion cycle?
received $1.2 million dollars from the Here’s a clue from a recent New York
multi-billionaire Koch brothers – the Times article: “Rich Hahn worked at the
third richest family in America – to fund General Motors plant here [in Wiscon-
their races. Now that patriotic family is sin] until it closed about two years ago.
spending $350,000 to run ads supporting He moved to Detroit to take another
Walker’s scorched earth campaign to put G.M. job while his wife and children
the peasants back in their rightful place. stayed here, but then the automaker cut
Of course, the Kochs, whose industries more jobs. So Mr. Hahn, 50, found him-
are famous for the environmental dam- self back in Janesville, collecting unem-

6 | ColdType | March 2011

the sole remaining stupidpower

ployment for a time, and watching as the

city’s industrial base seemed to crumble
away. Among the top five employers here

What are
told, her family’s income has dropped by
about a third. ‘I don’t get to bargain in
my job, either,’ she said.”
are the county, the schools and the city. you gonna do Again, the maniacal brilliance of the
And that was enough to make Mr. Hahn, when people scheme has been something to behold.
a man who has worked at unionized fac- without homes Smash private sector unions, export jobs
tories, a supporter of Gov. Scott Walker’s and without overseas, devastate communities, pin
sweeping proposal to cut the benefits food apply people to the wall economically, and
and collective-bargaining rights of pub- that formula to then tell them that somebody else is
lic workers in Wisconsin, a plan that has you? What are doing better than they are. Worse, that
set off a firestorm of debate and protests you going to those people are doing better and being
at the state Capitol. He says he still be- do when they paid for it off of your tax dollars!
lieves in unions, but thinks those in the start saying, But it only works for stupid people,
public sector lead to wasteful spending “I don’t get to those who cannot recognize the real cul-
because of what he sees as lavish ben- eat, or live in prits in this national crime, those who
efits and endless negotiations. ‘Some- a house, why not only don’t think several moves ahead
thing needs to be done,’ he said, ‘and should she?” in a chess match, but play only checkers
quickly.’ Across Wisconsin, residents like instead.
Mr. Hahn have fumed in recent years as Hey MaryKay Horter (if that isn’t the
tens of thousands of manufacturing jobs ultimate Wisconsin name, I don’t know
have vanished, and as some of the state’s what is – except maybe if her middle
best-known corporations have pressured name were Lombardi), just how do you
workers to accept benefit cuts.” think this ends, Darlin’? No, it’s not an
So, let me see here. Right-wing trade episode of a TV show. Where do you
policies led to Mr. Hahn’s jobs going think we all wind up? We devastate the
overseas. But left-wing unemployment public sector unions and then, and then...
insurance helped save him from poverty. What? You get rich? You get a tax break?
And now he backs a right-wing plan to You get bratwurst? Cheese? Jesus Christ.
crush public sector unions because those And what do you think happens next,
are the main jobs left, after corporations MaryKay Horter? Your logic seems to be
exported private sector jobs to Thailand that no one should have anything that
and China??? Brilliant. A true, red-blood- you don’t have. What are you gonna do
ed American. when people without homes and without
Or take this little vignette, from the food apply that formula to you? What
same article: “In Palmyra, a small village are you going to do when they start say-
bounded by farmland and forests, Mary- ing, “I don’t get to eat, or live in a house,
Kay Horter remembered how her hus- why should she?”
band’s Chevy dealership had teetered Wisconsin 2011 (or at least that part
on the brink of closing after General Mo- of it) demonstrates the sheer stupidity
tors declared bankruptcy, for which she of the people living in the world’s only
blamed unions. Ms. Horter said she was superpower, the richest country on the
forced to work more hours as an occupa- planet. Over and over again, it’s Jesus,
tional therapist, but had not seen a raise war, tax cuts, Jesus, war, tax cuts. And
or any retirement contributions from when that formula brings us only despair,
her employer for the last two years. All what then? Jesus, war, tax cuts.

March 2011 | ColdType | 7

David Michael Green

But there is also some sign of (dare

I use the term, now so debased by our
current regressive president) hope. All of

People are
case scenario for progressives is another
six years of the near-worthless Barack
O’Waffle in the White House. That’s the
this raping and pillaging of the last three going all best case.
decades has only been possible because freakin’ Cairo Looking at the Middle East today, it’s
there has been no resistance from elites on poor Scotty easy to be filled with hope and delight
and no resistance from below. The gritty Walker, who at the sight of people freeing themselves
(so far) fourteen Democratic state sena- is surprised from repressive regimes. But there is also
tors in Wisconsin notwithstanding, Dem- to find himself the sad reminder of how much people
ocrats are still as worse-than-hopeless as locked in a will put up with, and for how long, un-
ever. Of course they are. That’s what it fight for his der conditions of repression and elite-
means to be a Democrat in our time. political life induced public stupidity.
But maybe the public has finally had America has for some time been driv-
enough. People are going all freakin’ ing headlong into precisely the night-
Cairo on poor Scotty Walker, who is sur- mare scenario that the Middle Eastern
prised to find himself locked in a fight for countries of the world are now desper-
his political survival, one which he may ately fighting to escape.
lose even if he wins. This was supposed This moment may be our last chance,
to be cake. our last escape, before the black hole
The future looks grim, nearly any way of regressivism sucks us forever into a
you slice it. Consider, to take just the crushing void from which not even light
most prominent example, that the ‘best’ can escape.

8 | ColdType | March 2011

Writing worth
reading from
around the world


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