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Chief Editor & Compiler:
Nelson Brian

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ISBN : 978-81-8247-031-6
ISBN 8/ -8247-03 /-5

Copyright Publisher
First Edition 2009

Published by
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Economics is the science that deals with the production,

distribution and consumption of wealth. It studies the
various problems oflabour, finance, taxation, etc. and tries
to find a solution or the best possible way to tackle these
problems. The subject not only deals with the present and
future growth of a country's economy at the micro level,
like the consumption of a household or an individual [trm,
but also studies the same at a bigger and more complex
level or the macro level, like the national income or the
production of an industry. The job of the economists is to
identify the economic problems of a country's economy
and find solutions for the same, thereby promoting a healthy
and smooth economic growth.
There are two schools of thoughts in economics, viz. the
Classical and the Modern. The economists belonging to
these two schools have contributed a lot in the field of
economics through a number of theories. But, as the hu-
man wants are endless, so are the economic problems un-
ending and therefore, economists are continuously work-
ing towards finding solutions for these new problems.
The dictionary is made with the intent of providing the
readers with a handy referral for the terminology used in
the subject. The dictionary covers almost all the terms
that form a part and parcel of economics in simple and
easily comprehensible language. In order to enhance the
readers knowledge and bring about more relevance, many
examples and pictures have been used along with the defi-
nitions of the terms.
II a foir trader / foir traders I accelera~t:lepreciation 5

- a fair trader / fair traders ~ and government) of a country,

contrasted with free trader, a ; in contrast to the total demand
fair trader is a holder of the ~ for that country's output.
point of view that one's country's : _ absorption approach
government must prevent ~or- ~ a way of understanding the fac-
eign companies from havmg ; tors of the balance of trade,
artificial advantages over do- : noting that it is equal to the
mestic ones. l b
: earnings '
less a sorptIon.
- abilene principle ~ _ abstinence
a description of a group's inabil- ~ the giving up of the current con-
ity to solve their disagreement. ; sumption in order to increase
Nobody wants to reach a par- : the future consumption. It is
ticular destination (Abilene), ~ often characterised by directing
for fear of offending or contra- ; the available resources towards
dicting each other. : the production of capital goods.
- absolute advantage ~ Due to this, the future produc-
1. a term used in the interna- ; tion of the consumer ...,goods will
tional trade theory, as per which ~ increase.
a country specialises in produc- : _ abundant factor
ing such goods and services that ~ the factor which is available in
it is able to produce more ~ffi- ~ abundant supply in a country
ciently (more output per urut of ; relative to other countries. Can
input) than any other country : be defmed both with respect to
2. the ability of a country to pr?- ~ quantity and price.
duce a good at lower cost, m i l d d . . tion
terms of real resources, than : - acce ~ra~e eprecla
ano er cuntryo . In a Ricardian I
. depreCIatlOn
. d ha new
of ' asseth
model, cost is in term of only ; over a peno t at ISalmTuch
Ia bour. . shorter
' . than the. norm.
th d I e
I firms operatIng m e eve op-
- absorption : ing areas usually. follow this
the sum-total of demands for :I method of depreCIatIOn. .

goods and services by all resi- I

dents (consumers, producers

Economics======= II
",,6===========~tinginJlatUm I accepting house II
• accelerating inflation I • accelerator co-efficient
a sudden inflation rate increase. I states that any increase in the
It is the result of the output is always accompanied
government's efforts to hold the by a corresponding increase in
employment level below its I the capital, like machinery etc.,
natural rate. that is used to produce it. The
incremented capital output ra-
I tio depicts the amount of capi-
tal that should be increased in
order to raise an additional unit
I of output.
I • accelerator principle
• acceleration principle; I states that the aggregate net
accelerator investment level is dependent
indicative of a relationship be- on the expected change in out-
I put .
.tween income and output and
the investment effects associ- I • acceptance credit
ated with the changing output. a way of payment in interna-
The size of the accelerator de- tional trade. In case the accept-
pends on the marginal capital/ I ing house finds the credit of a
output (C/O) ratio (i.e. how I foreign import merchant satis-
much new investment is needed factory, it may open an accep-
in response to the changing de- I tance credit for him in say New
mand for output) and on a va- I York.
riety of other factors influenc-
ing investment decisions. I • accepting house
the establishments whose busi-
• accelerator ness is to accept or guarantee
the process in which demand I bills of exchange. Such establish-
change for the consumer goods ments may also be involved ·in
leads to an even larger demand several other services and func-
change for the capital equip~ I tions.
ment used to produce them.

II ========E&onomics
IIIICUSS / accessibility I accounts receiV:============7
• access / accessibility ~ cepted or endorsed to make
term expressing the ease with ; some cash available for a short
which a location can be reached : term, without receiving any
and interacted with from other ~ goods in return. The sole pur-
locations. ~ pose of this is of discounting

• acc~sion rate ; • accommodation endorse-

also known as the hiring rate, I ment
i.e. the total number of employ- : the endorsing of a note or any
ees added to the payroll in a ~ other bill of credit by one indi-
given period of time. It acts as ; vidual to another in order to
an important indicator of the : grant him the right to obtain a
future business conditions. I loan.

~ • accounts payable
I the amount that a business
: owes to its suppliers and other
~ parties, generally a period of 10
I to 90 days is taken as standard

. to pay for the goods already

transported .
... ---_
..... ... _-
~ ~ _1Aow. ..... c.- ___
Il" ""' ..... ,..- ...... __ "
: .: ~


• accessions tax
the tax on the receiver of gifts I

and inherited property, it is lev-

ied by the government.
• accommodating move-
the transferring of gold and con- I • accounts receivable
vertible currency aboard by a ; the amount that a business is
country in order to meet its bal- : entitled to receive from its cus-
ance of payment deficits. ~ tomers, generally a period of
• accommodation bill ; 10 to 90 days is taken as stan-
that bill, which is drawn, ac- I: dard to receive payments for

E&onomics======= \I
8 accounts ;eiVIJble (finance) I active circulation "

the goods already transported. I and Pacific less developed coun-

I tries that were included in the
• accounts receivable (fi-
Lome Convention and now the
I Cotonou Agreement.
the entitlement of a firm to re-
ceive application of money I • across-the-board tariff
from its debtors for obtaining I changes
funds to fincnce the current op- a change of all tariffs in a coun-
erating expenses or some other try. They are raised or lowered
expense. I by an equal percentage.
• accrual basis I • action lag
a method of accounting in I the delay between the formula-
which the income and expenses tion of a policy decision and its
are not charged until the time execution.
they are actually earned or in- I • actionable subsidy
I a subsidy which is not prohib-
• accrued ited by the World Trade
the earnings, sales, expenses or Organisation (WTO), but that
other items of income or expen- I member countries are permit-
diture, which are already made ted to levy compensating duties
or incurred and are outstand- agamst.
mg. • active balance
• accrued expenses a term to indicate a balance of
an accounting entry ,,,herein a I payments that is favourable for
liability is recorded when the a country, when the revenue
cost of a service used but not earned from exports is higher
paid for is observed. I than the expenditure incurred
on tl1e import of goods and ser-
• accumulation
the acquisition of an increasing I

quantity of something. • active circulation

I at any given time, the part of
• ACP countries
I the RBI's issue which is in cir-
a group of Mrican, Caribbean culation.

II ========Eetmomies
1\ actiPe tnllritet I addition rule 9
- active market ~ of its effects on trade, price or
market for a specific set of stock ; some other measure, to a non
or shares traded quite fre- :I tariff barrier.
quently and regularly. : - ad valorem tariff
_ activity rate : tariff defined as the percentage
the percentage of people in a of the value of an imported

given population age group that ~ good.

are employed, but not in the ~ - ad valorem tax
defence forces of the country. a t<LX or duty calculated on the
- actual protection rate I basis of the value of a transac-

implicit tariff. I tion. It is taken as a percentage

of price at the selling or produc-

_ actuals
tion stage.
the items that are bought with
the intention of immediate de- ~ - adaption & adoption
livery in a stock exchange. . dichotomy
a constituent of A.A. Alchian's
- ad valorem and Charles M . Tiebout's
1. in proportion to the value. A I rationalisation of classical eco-
term used to refer to the taxes nomic theory. The argument is
and duties levied on goods, etc. that active, deliberately optimal
as a percentage of their value. I (adaptive) behaviours are not
I needed for the viability of

A. V.a--.Per Capita Ass. . . . .

• LN<f""""
: optimising theories, since eco-
""""" ;~ 'adopted'
0 80 'l"MTc:. eLtOt

nomic actors would be either

by the competitive
0 .........
: environment or would fail.

2. per unit of value i.e. divided :I - addition rule

by the price. a rule for the determination of
I the derivative of a function with
- ad valorem equivalent respect to a variable, where the
the ad valorem tariff which function constitutes the linear
would be equivalent, in terms I sum of two or more different

Eeonomics======== II
""l=O=========ad=rjust;le I ad71ancedepositrequirement 1/

functions of the variable. I • adjustment lags

• adjustable peg I the time taken by a variable, like
an exchange rate which is I
ccpital stock to adjust to tje
pegged, but for which it is lID- changes in its determinants.
derstood that the par value will • adjustment mechanism
be changed occasionally. Such I the theoretical process through
system can be subject to ex- which a market changes in dis-
treme speculative attack and fi- equilibria, moving toward equi-
nancial crisis, as speculators I librium if the process is stable.
may easily anticipate these
changes. I • administered protection
I protection resulting from the
• adjustment assistance application of anyone of sev-
a government program to as- eral provisions that respond to
sist those workers and/or firms I specified market circwnstances
whose industry has declined, or events, usually as determined
l·r""~ ""'" ._ tlar¥
by an administrative agency.
(HR. "oo~.

• administrative lag
I a delay between the time of
I implementation and the effect
of a monetary policy. It refers
I to the elapsed time between the
recognition by the authorities
either because of competition that action is necessary and the
from imports (trade adjust- actual implementation of the
ment assistance) or from other I action. The duration of this time
causes. Such programs usually depends upon how efficient the
have two (conflicting) goals, authorities are in implementing
which include, to lessen hard- I the policies formulated.
ship for those affected and to
help them change their I • advance deposit require-
behaviour. ment
a requirement where a percent-
age of the value of imports or

II = = = = = = = E & o n o m i & s
II tulT1l1ncerefunding I Rtl!flomerlltWn ec:;m~:Y~~~~~~~~~~l~l
of import duties should be de- ~ of the view that the employees
posited prior to the payment, ; should be free to decide about
without competitive interest : joining a union or not and those
being paid. ~ who state that the employees
; should not be allowed to enjoy
- advance refunding : the benefits of a union without
to exchange those bonds whose ~ paying for them.
expiry date is approaching for I
new bonds on advantageous : - agenda 21
terms. ~ a plan of action adopted at the,
_ adverse selection ; Rio Summit for promoting sus-
: tainable development.
the tendency for insurance to be I
purchased only by those per- : - agglomeration
sons who are most likely to I 1. geographical concentration
need it, thus raising its cost and I of people and/or activities.
reducing its benefits. 2. a phenomenon of economic
_ adverse terms of trade activity congregating in or close
a term of trade which is consid- I to a single location, rather than
ered unfavourable relative to I being spread out uniformly
some benchmark or to past ex- I over space.
penence. : - agglomeration economies
I (of Scale or Scope)
- advice
note sent by one merchant to I benefits, savings or drop in av-
another, requesting him to de- : erage cost resulting from the
liver the ordered goods. ~ clustering of activities. Gener-
~ ally, the concept of agglomera-
- agency shop ; tion economies refers to savings
the mandatory requirement for : or benefits derived from the
a prospective employee joining ~ clustering of activities external
a firm to pay the union dues ; to the 'firm' and are therefore a
without being a part of the trade : part of 'external economjes'.
union. T~is kind of arrange- I
: - agglomeration economy
ment is generally found in the
US between the ones who are I any benefit which accrues to

Eeonomics======= II
=12=========='Wf'Y'iJ==a;concentration I"'IJ8"t94tetxpmditun II
economic agents as a result of ~ aggregate demand curve relates
having large numbers of other .
agents geographically close to
them, thus tending to lead to I
• aggregate concentration
the state in which the goods
produced in one sector of the
economy or the whole is con- I
centrated around a few large the level of real national income
corpora tions. (GDP) demanded (the total
I quantity of goods and services
• aggregate demand demanded) to the price level (as
the total demand In the measured by the GDP defla-
economy. It takes into account I tor).
the total of all the desired ex-
penditure at any time by all I • aggregate expenditure
groups in the economy. The I in macroeconomic theory, ag-
main groups who spend are gregate expenditure is sum-to
consumers (consumption), Expenditure (AE)
firms (who spend on invest- I
ment), government (govern-
ment expenditure) and over-
seas (exports). A'
Price level (P)

o Yo Y1 RGDP
=C+ 1+ G + NX
I tal of the amount of desired
spending by consumers, gov-
ernments, private investors and
.---+: I foreign buyers (net of spending
o VOR vf Reallncome on imports) at each level of real
('(II.. RGDp)
national income (GDP).
• aggregate demand curve
in macroeconomic theory, the

II ========B&onomks
II tI9!J1VJRte meRS'Un ofsupport I RllocRted cost 13
• aggregate measure of ~ ing the same.
1 • aggregation
t h e measure of subsidy to ag- .
riculture used by the WTO as ~ 1. the puttmg together of the pri-
the basis for commitments to 1 mary data. For example, the ag-
reduce the subsidisation of : ~egate demand is an aggregate,
agricultural products . It in- ~ m ~on~~t with the demand of
eludes the value of price sup- ~ an mdiVldual. .
ports and direct subsidies to . 2. the amalgatlon of two or more
specific products, as well as ~ ki~ds of an economic entity into
payments which are not prod- ~ a sm~le category. For macroeco-
uct specific. ; no~c purposes, all goods and
: ~ervI~es are usually aggregated
• aggregate supply 1 mto Just one.
it is the total quantity supplied
~ • aggregative model
at every price level, i.e. the to
Price Lovel (P)
; a model used in econometrics
AS O : where the creation of variables
~ is. done by using groups of indi-
1 VIdual variables.

; • agio
: it refers to the fee that is paid
Real Income 1 •
(YR. RGDp) : for exchangmg one currency for
tal of ~ goods and services pro- ~ another, or for a foreign bill of
duced m an economy in a given ; exchange.
time period. ; • agistment
• aggregcte supply curve : to feed or take care of the cattle
in macroeconomic theory, the ~ with the intention of getting a
short run aggregate supply 1 reward.
c~rve relates the total quan- ; • allocated cost
my of goods and services sup- . th
piled and the price level (as; e.allocation of expenditures to
: vanous accounts.
measure d by the GDP defla- 1
tor) and with all else remain-

E&onomics======= II
14 alloctJrion I angel inPUtor II
• allocation
an assignment of economic ;
resources to uses. In general :
equilibrium, an assignment of ~
factors to industries produc- I

ing goods and services, to- ~

gether with the assignment of : distort production and trade.
resulting final goods and ser- I
• American Depository
vices to consumers, within a Receipt (ADR)
country or throughout the
I a document given to a share-
world economy.
holder and issued by the US
• allocative efficiency . Bank in response to the deposit
the best possible allocation of ; of shares by the shareholder.
resources. I • amortisation

• allonge this term is U5ed in relation to

a sheet of paper to provide an the payment of a loan in ad-
additional space for endorse- I vance, over a specified time pe-

ments, usually attached to a bill riod. Such fund can also be cre-
of exchange. ated when equated instalments
I are deposited at regular inter-
• all-or-none order (US)
I vals of time, so as to accumu-
a limited price order for buy- late an amount equivalent to the
ing or selling of shares and I
amount of debt including inter-
stocks, with the condition of :
I est.
being executed entirely or none :
at all. I • AMS

Aggregate Measure of Support.

• amber box
the category of subsidies in the I • angel investor
WTO Agriculture Agreement, a venture capitalist with a so-
the total value of which is to be I cial conscience. They are like
reduced. It includes most do- I other venture capitalists~ in the
mestic support measures that sense that 'angels' are 'looking
for higq.growth potential with

II = = = = = = = ; ; ; ; : ; : ; ; ; : : ; : ; E & o n o m i c s
a five-to-ten-year cash-out. An- ~ - anticipation
gel investors often look for' 'psy- , in accounting parlance is, to
chic income' beyond just bal- : record the earnings or profit
ance sheet and income state- ~ before they are actually realised.
ment- the chance to help other
entrepreneurs, assist with inner ~ - antitrust legislation
city problems ... for example. ~ a law that targets healthy com-
; petition amongst all the players
- anglo-saxon bias : in a particular industry and thus
Walter Isard's characterisation ~ restricts monopolistic practices
of the 19th century in a spatial ; followed by a private b~iness.
economic theory in Britain, in
contrast to the 'Germanic Bias' ; - anti-trust policy
in the development of the clas- :, theli U.S. term for competition
: po cy.
sical location theory. ,
- annuity : -ANZCERTA
is a type of life insurance con- ~ Australia-New Zealand Closer
tract that gives periodic pay ; Economic Relations Trade

: Agreement.
··· ··1
: _APM

~---.. ,
I_"" '
. .. ~ Average Propensity to Import.
. ft

: - appellate body
I ~ the standing committee of the
. . . . .. .. .. ill 'I. ca.
A .... .. .T_.. .. _II .. Q II .. . . • • .... .. .. - •
······:'1·· ,.. "
ments to the insured at some , :::.:::?,/ .~-=.
future time, usually retirement. ""-:~~r"'·;
S;·l !(····
- antedate
earlier dating of a document,
such as a life insurance policy, , -~!.l.
than what is current, so that it ~~~~1~;~:
matures or takes effect sooner.
~ WTO which reviews decisions

&tmomit:s======= II
16 applied economics I arbitrat'ion II
of dispute settlement panels.
Can You
Keep It?
• applied economics
a branch of economics that stud- I
ies practical problems and uses
the principles and tools of eco-
nomic analysis.
Is It a Buslaes.?
• applied tariff rate
the effective actual tariff rate at • appropriation
a country's border. in accounting, money or tnate-
I rials set aside or spent for a spe-
• appreciation cific purpose or allocating the
a rise in the value of a country's resources between the numer-
currency on the exchange mar- I ous uses.
ket, relative to a particular other
currency or to a weighted aver-
age of other currencies. The I
currency is said to appreciate.
• appreciative theory
attempts to structure qualitative I
notions about the nature of a I
firm and its activities, in a man-
ner that is less straining but I • ar bOItrage
richer at the formal level. I the simultaneous buying of cur-

rency, securities or goods from

• appropriability problem
one market for the purpose of
problems associated with the
I selling in another market at a
ability of the firm to capture
higher price.
acceptable levels of benefits, I
associated with the exploitation • arbitration
of its own technological inno- is a way of settling a dispute
vations through confidentiality, I between two parties, by a third
patents, etc. I person who has interest in that


II = = = = = = = = E c o n o m i c s
\1 argumentforprotection I asymmetric;fo"",'"","tI."","'"",tion========"",1"",7

~ A has given a loan to Mr. B,

; then he can authorise another
: person to recover loan from
~ Mr. B.
~ • assignment problem
I this is aimed at using macroeco-
nomic policies to achieve both
internal balance and external
• argument for protection
I balance, specifically, with only
the reason given for restricting monetary and fiscal policies
imports by tariffs. available under fixed exchange .
• armington assumption rates.
the assumption in which inter- ~ • assimilative capacity
nationally traded products are I the ambit to which the environ-
differentiated by the country of : ment carl accommodate or tol-
ongm. I
: erate pollutants.
• articles of association I •
. • asslste d areas
an official document legally re- ~ those relatively backward areas
quired to be filed with the reg- ; which are recognised by the con-
istrar by the promoters of a
cerned administration or the
public limited company.
~ government as being eligible to
• ar~baito ; receive special assistance.
part-time work. ; • associated company
• asset stripping : the connection or relation of an
the selling of those assets by a ~ independent company with an-
company that are not required I other independent company.
in its day to day functioning. ~ • asymmetric information
• assignment ; the failure of two parties to a
the right of transference of : transaction to have the same
benefit of loan that a person I relevant information.
is entitled to receive from an- I
other person, for instance Mr.

Economus======= II
=1",,8=========== ;:mPtotic distribution I autarkyprice "

• asymptotic distribution I • at sight

the probability distribution to- I the payment of a bill of eX-I
wards which a statistic moves change or promissory note as
or inclines at the point when and when demanded.
the sample size reaches infin- I
• at the market
ity. Generally used in econo-
metrics in assessing the large I an instruction given by a client
sample properties of its esti- I
to his stockbroker for buying or
mators. selling stocks or shares, and
I permitting the broker to buy or
• at best I sell at a price that is around the
in relation to the stock market, market price prevailing at the
an abbreviation used to indicate time.
the lowest possible price in re- I
• ATe
spect of a buying order, and 'the
highest possible price' in respect I Agreement on Textiles and
of a selling order. Clothing.
• atomistic competition
• at discretion
an instruction given by a client market structure characterised by
to his stockbroker for buying or I a large number of firms, who
selling stocks or shares and I compete independently.
granting the broker to exercise I • autarky
his own judgement for the price 1. self-sufficiency and indepen-
at which to buy. dence of a nation in economic
• at limit I terms.
an instru'c tion given by a cli- I 2. the situation of disengage-
ent to his stockbroker for buy- ment in international trade, self-
ing or selling stocks or shares, sufficiency.
but placing a limit on the high- I • autarky price

est price that may be paid or I price in autarky, i.e. the price of
the lowest price for making a something within a country
sale. when it is not traded by that
I country.

II ========Eeonomics
II"uthorised cllpitlllillutoregnssion * ==========1=9
• authorised capital I lined or can be avoided without

the maximum amount of capi- I any specific effon of the govern-

tal that can be raised by a pub- I ment.
lic limited company through the : • autonomous expenditures
public issue of shares. This
~ those expenditures which re-
amount is also stated in the
I main unaffected by the level of
memorandum of association,

which is filed along with the I
articles of association with the
• authority constraints
as and when individual or
joint activities occur and who I
can participate in such activi- t:-"\- ~(7
ties is constrained by author- t ~- - - I ~J

ity constraints, which are re- I
lated to who controls the par-
ticular piece of time-space:
working hours, land owners' I
property rights, zoning, cur- income, in the income expendi-
few, public transportation ture model. For example, gov-
schedules and routes, office I ernment expenditure, mvest-
hours of governments and I ment expenditure, etc.
organisations, etc. I • autoregression
• automatic stabiliser a set of data wherein the value
1. government spending pro- I of each observation is partially
grams that respond to changes I

in the level of national income in

such a way as to offset those
- .....
' _ . . . . . . 01_

2. are the ways through which
the fluctuations in the different ". lie til ...... fit

I " 'ull
economic variables are stream-

&onomics======= II
20 A11er;e Fixed Cost (APC) Ibackbonefirms "

dependendent on the value of ~ ing, average revenue product is

the observation that immedi- ; the total revenue divided by the
ately precedes it. number of units of the factor
• Average Fixed Cost (AFC) I employed.
1. The average flxed cost is in- I • average tariff

versely proportional to the out- I an average of a country's tar-

put. This is because as output iff rates. It can be calculated
increases the fixed costs are in several ways, none of which
spread further and further. I are ideal for representing how
2. in the theory of the flrm, I protective the country's tariffs
flxed costs are the costs of pro- are.
duction that are constant, what- • Average Total Cost (ATC)
ever the level of output. Aver- I
the amount spent for produc-
age flxed costs are total flxed
ing each unit of output. The
costs divided by the number of ~ average cost is calculated by di-
units of output, that is, flxed I
viding the total cost by the num-
cost per unit of output. I ber of units produced. The av-
erage total cost comprises of
lBB two elements, the average flxed
I cost and the average variable
cost .
• Average Variable Cost
-- 0 5aa8 (AVC)
• average propensity to I the variable cost per unit of out-
import I put. It is obtained by dividing
is the ratio of the aggregate I the average variable cost by the
value of goods and services that number of units of output pro-
a country impons in a year to I duced.
the national income. I • backbone firms

• average revenue product Japanese concept to describe

as per the theory of factor pric- medium-sized flrms which ex-

II = = = = = = = = & _ I & S
II backhaul transportation I balance of;~h.='IJ=nd=ue=·=trtule========2=1
hibit the effects of strong entre- I • backward linkages
preneurial leadership and vital- I linkages to suppliers of inputs. A
iry. In such firms, strategies are : useful concept to differentiate
shaped by technological innova- ~ direction of flows in complex
tion, marketing and attention I economies.
given to skilled and participa- ._.~_. __ ... __ _
tory workforces .
• backhaul transportation
utilisation of otherwise empty I
cargo space on the return trip,
after a primary transport ac-
tivity has taken place. Since I

the primary transport function I

may have paid for the partial

or full cost of return transpor- I

tation, the price of backhaul I • balance of merchandise

utilisation may be relatively trade
the value of a country's mer-
• backward bending chandise exports minus the
a curve which reverses direc- I value of its merchandise im-
tion, usually if, after moving I ports.
out away from an origin or
axis, it then turns back to- I

wards it. The term is used I 81Bion. of u.s. daHII,.

'OO~---- ____________ ~

most frequently to describe 50 ------ ~~-~-~--- . .----_

o . -~.-------,.-----.--.--,-----._-======_
supply curves for which the I

quantity supplied declines as

price rises above some point,
as may happen in a labour sup-
'1190 1911' 19112 19113 '9114 '_'_'997 1_
ply curve, the supply curve for I

foreign exchange, or an offer


Economics======= II
""22=====b""I1a=1IU=ofJ""paymen==""tS=tuijustmen==t",,mec=h="n=ism==,=bl=11=nced==budo==et= II
• balance of payments
I • balance on current ac-
adjustment mechanism count
any proceSs, especially (any au- a country's receipts minus pay-
tomatic one, by which a coun- ments for current account
try with a payments imbalance I transactions. It is equal to the
moves towards balance of pay- balance of trade plus net in-
ments equilibrium. flows of transfer payments.
• balance of payments kl.-a on o..n-ft'It Account.
<Itlliorw or DoU .. :r)

argument for protection

a common reason for restrict- I

ing imports, particularly under

fixed exchange rates, when a
country is losing international
reserves due to a trade deficit.
I • balanced budget
• balance of payments I such budget rises where the
surplus government receives the same
a number summansmg the I amoum of money from ta.xation
state of a colmtry's international I as it is spending. Classical
transactions, usually equal to
the balance on current account I Balanced Budget Plan ~
plus the balance on capital ac- I COMPOSrroNOfFMNCI&.LASSETS

• bal~nce on capital account
a country's receipts minus pay 1_ 2000 lIOCI2 200l 201M 3JCII 2010
(lJ " , 0 _ C-1IIodYe)

economists argued that this

I should always be the aim of
I government policy. Keynesians
on the other hand said that in
- ..........-
-.- I times of low economic activity,
ments for capital account trans- I the government should run a
actions. deficit (spending more than its

II ========Economics
II balancedgrowth I Bayesiananalysis . . ==========",,2=3

revenue) to boost the economy ~ which acts as a bank for centrcil

and when the economy is I banks, fostering cooperation
booming, they can run a surplus among them and with other
(spending less than revenue). In I agenCies.
this wa); they can balance the l• b '
arrters to entry
budget in the long-run.
I factors that prevent firms from
• balanced growth entering a market, such as gov-
a macroeconomics model that ernment rules or patents
exhibits balanced growth if con- I
• base money
sumption, investment and capi-
t·al grow at a constant rate while I monetary base.
hours of work per time period I • basic balance
stays constant. lone of the more frequently used
• balanced trade measures of the balance of pay-
1. a balance of trade equal to ments surplus or deficit under
I pegged exchange rates, the basic
balance is equal to the current
2. the assumption that the bal- I
account balance plus the balance
ance of trade must be zero in
I of long-term capital flows.
equilibrium, as would be the case
with a floating exchange rate and I • basing-point pricing
no capital flows. I a pricing method in which

• Bank for International prices arc quoted to include

Settlements transportation from one (or
I more) given point(s), regard-
an international organisation
less of the location from
which actual shipment IS
I made.

I • Bayesian analysis
developed to provide a subjec-
tively- rational framework for
I decision-making under uncer-
I tainty.

Economi.s====================== II
,;,,24=========== ;w ar
thy neighbqur I bill ofe:x:change II
I • bid price (or rent) func-
Bayesian Analysis tion
poster1or IkeIhood pIIor a set of combinations of land
P(9,A.ix,I) = P(xI9,A.,I)P(9, A.II)
" J
prices and distances, among
8.A I which the individual (or firm)
mwglnllliza10n is indifferent. It describes
P( ~ x,l) =JP( 9, A.I x,l) prices which the household
1 is the prior Infennalon A
I (firm) would be willing to pay
at varying locations and for
• beggar thy neighbour
varying amounts of land, in
for a country to use a policy for I
order to achieve a given level
its own benefit which harms I of satisfaction (utility/ prof-
other countries. Examples are its) .
optimal tariffs and, in a reces- I
sion, tariffs and/or devaluation • bid/ask spread
to create employment. the difference between the
I price which a buyer must pay
• benign neglect
on a market and the price that
doing nothing about a problem, I
a seller will receive for the
hoping that it will not be seri- I same thing. The difference
ous or will be solved by others. covers the cost of and provides
• bequest savings motive profit for the broker or other
people save so that they can I intermediary, such as a bank
leave an inheritance to their chil- I on the foreign exchange mar-
dren. ket.
• bicycle theory I • bill of exchange

with regard to the process of : a contract entitling an exporter

multilateral trade liberalisation, I to receive immediate payment
the theory which if ceases to I in the local currency for goods
move forward (i.e., achieve fur- that would be shipped else-
ther liberalisation), will collapse I where.
(i.e., past liberalisation will be I

"II = = = = = = = = E & o n o m i c s
II Bts Iinuleet surplus 25
~ such as a bank in a foreign-ex-
; change transaction.
; • bubble economy
~ term for an economy where
: the presence of one or more
I bubbles in its asset markets is
: a dominant feature of its per-
formance. Japan was said to
_ _ _ c.. .... ~ be a bubble economy in the
; late 1980s .

Bank for International Settle- ; • budget deficit

ments. : the negative of the budget sur-
: plus, thus the excess of expen-
• blue box I diture over income.
a special category of subsidies
permitted under the WTO I ~ ..~-.­
Agriculture Agreement. It in- I ..,
eludes payments which are
linked to production but with I
provisions to limit production
through production quotas or
requirements to set aside land
from production.
• border tax adjustment ; • budget surplus
rebate on indirect taxes ' (taxes : in general, an excess of income
I dO
on other than direct income, : over expen lture, but usually
such as a sales tax or VAT) on ~ refers specifically to the govern-
exported goods and levying of ; ment budget, where it is the
them on imported goods. : excess of tax revenue over ex-
~ penditure (including transfer
• broker's fee ; payments).
the fee for a transaction charged
by an intermediary in a market,

E&tmomics===================== II
",,26============*businesscycle I capability constraints II
I cable or telegraph rather than
through mail. The payee is then
120 120

80 80
notified about the arrival of the
.0 .0 I payment by the correspondent
I bank.
-40 -40

a4 88 sa liM) 82 8.C eEl 88 00 02
-80 • CACM
..... MII... Central American Common
• business cycle Market. Founded in 1960, pre-
the pattern followed by macro- I ceded by Organisation of Cen-
economic variables, such as GDP I tra! American States.
and unemployment that rise and • cain rule
fall irregularly over time, relative a rule used to determine the
to trend. I derivative of a function in rela-
I tion to a variable, where the
function consists of another
C\,VP u~swing
''. \ Dov\'nswing
• call
I in the stock exchange terminol-
ogy, an option to purchase a
• business services specific amount of some stock
services that are forwardly I at a quoted price, known as the
linked to other business activi- I striking price, within a specified
ties. Such services tend to per- period of time.
form functions, which are more I

efficiently 'externalised' by the I

• call loan
dient firms, i.e. cannot be effi- a loan that can be concluded or
ciently performed in-house. I 'called' at any point of time by
For example banking, lfiSur- I
the creditor or the debtor.
ance, etc. • capability constraints
• cable transfer constraints on human activities
in the context of foreign trade, I in time and space, imposed by
a bank draft which is sent by I
nature or available tools. Part
of Hagerstrand's time-geo-

II = = = = = = = = E c o n o m i c s
II capital I capital structure 27
graphic conceptualisation. I tion than in labour.
• capital ~ • capital intensity
1. monetary capital: the money I the amount of capital per unit
used for investment purposes. of labour input.
2. real or invested capital: the A._... l_~"_eo.kII"""-"""
capital goods needed for the I
production of goods and ser-
• capital account
, .... ~ . . . .. . . . - - . . . . . . . . . . A •• ' . . . . . . . _.. ••

a part of the balance of pay-
ments where flows of savings, I

investment and currency are

• capital consumption I • capital market
in national accounts, capital con- I the market in which savings are
sumption is the amount by I made available to investors.
which gross investment exceeds • capital ratio
the net investment. It is the I
a measure of a bank's capital
same as replacement lllvest- I strength used by the U.S. regu-
ment. latory agencies.
• capital deepening Banks' core capital ratio
an addition in capital intensity,
14 •
Dc __ rcW . . . . . . 1M1. . .....
" "
normally in a macro context, I "
where it is measured by some-
thing analogous to the capital I
stock available per labour hour I :I
" " 85 " .7 •• H H '1.

spent. In a micro context, it I ..... _ ...

could mean the amount of capi-
tal available for a worker to use, I • capital structure
but this use is rare. Capital I of a firm is broadly made up of
deepening is a macroeconomic its amounts of equity and debt.
concept, of a faster-growing
magnitude of capital in produc- I

&onomics======= II
28 capi-tatUm I chaebol II
• capitation I early 1970s by Eugene Fama
a system of payment for each I among others. The data there
customer served, rather than by was so much more convenient
the service performed. I than alternatives that it drove
I the study of security prices for
• causation
decades afterward. It did not
relationship which results when I
have volume data, which meant
a change in one variable is not I that volume/volatility tests were
only correlated with, but actu- rarely done.
ally causes the change in an- I

other one. • certainty equivalent

the amount of payoff (e.g .
• CBI I money or utility) which an
Confederation of British indus- agent would have to receive, to
try. be indifferent between that pay-
.CD I off and a given gamble is called
Certificate of Deposit I that gamble's 'certainty equiva-
lent'. For a risk averse agent (as
most are assumed to be), the
I certainty equivalent is less than

the expected value of the

- -
--- I
gamble because the agent pre-
fers to reduce uncertainty.

---- I • ceteris paribus

~ ~........
all other things remaining the
• chaebol
• Center for Research in one of a small number of very
Security Prices (CRSP) I large, highly diversified and

a standard database of finance I centralised Korean firms,

information at the University of : owned and controlled by the
Chicago. It has daily informa- I founding patriarch's family by
tion of NYSE, AMEX, and a central holding company.
NASDAQ stocks. Started in

II ========E&tmomics
II chained I eIF 29
Still go rging ".'. " . ~ tions or customs can or should
\ ", , ,,,,, ~ :" .. t·
; maintain the value of money,
: not intrinsic content of valuable
~ metal.
~ • chi-square distribution
; a continuous distribution, with
• chained : natural number parameter r. It
an index number which is fre- I
quently reweighted . An ex-
, .
ample is an inflation index . . . .

made up of prices weighted by
the frequency with which they I
are paid and the frequent re-
• '

computation of weights makes

it a chained index.
is the distribution of sums of
• chaotic ~ squares of r standard normal
a description of a dynamic sys- I variables. Mean is r, variance is
tem which is very sensitive to ~ 2r, and moment-generating
initial conditions and may : function (mgt) is (1-2 t) -r/2 .
evolve in wildly different ways, I .
from slightly different initial : • chOIce
conditions. ~ economic choices involving the
; alternative uses of scarce re-
• characteristic equations : sources.
a polynomial whose roots are I
eigenvalues. : • choke price
~ the rock bottom price where the
• characteristic roots ~ quantity demanded is zero.
is a synonym for eigenvalues.
• chartalism ~ Cost, Insurance and Freight. A
also known as 'state theory of : price quotation which covers the
money' - 19th century mon- ~ merchandise cost, the shipping
etary theory, formulated more ; insurance and the freight
on the idea that legal restric- : charges to a particular landing

E&unomu:s=~=~=~~ II
30 circuit I cluster II
place. I • Clayton Act
I a 1914 U .S. law on the subject
• circuit
of antitrust and price discrimi-
description of a network with I
one or more loops, creating al-
ternative paths between nodes
and thus creating network re- I


• clears
in this context it is a verb. A
I market clears if the vector of
• circular flow I prices for goods is such that the
the manner in which funds excess demand at those prices
move through the capital, is zero. That is, the quantity
labour and product markets I demanded of every good at
between households, firms, the those prices is met.
government and the foreign
sector. • cliometrics
the study of economic history.

The Circular Flow
·.................... .

• closed I/O model
an input-output model is ei-
ther open or closed with re-
spect to certain sectors or ac-

• classical
·....................... .
[Kpend i1ur~$"

according to Lucas (1998), a

• cluster
a concept associated with
Michael Porter's work, a 'clus-
classical theory would have no I
ter' is a geographically proxi-
explicit reference to prefer-
I mate group or geographic con-

II = = = = = = = = & o n o m i c s
II coase theorem Icoefficient ofspecialisa; 31

centration of interconnected I tion and outputs from produc-

companies, specialised suppli- I tion will be chosen by agents,
ers and service providers, firms regardless of how property
in related industries and as- I rights over the inputs were as-
sociated institutions linked I signed to the agents.
by commonalities and I • Cobb-Douglas Production
complementarities . The geo- Function
graphic scope of a cluster can I
range from a single city or relate s the productivity of
state to a country or even a I labour to the capital intensity
group of neighbouring coun- I (capital-labour ratio) under the
tnes . condition of a constant profit
wage ratio.

ti- - .... - _ ~ ---

• coase theorem • Cochrane-Orcutt Estima-

informally, the theorem says tion
that in the presence of complete I an algorithm aimed at estimat-
I ing a time series linear regres-
sion in the presence of auto cor-
related errors. The implicit ci-
I tation is to Cochrane-Orcutt
(1949) .
• coefficient of specialisation
this coefficient is calculated just
I like the coefficient of
competitive markets and the I localisation, except that regions
absence of transactions costs, an become industries and indus-
efficient set of inputs to produc- I tries become regions.

Econornics====================== II
.ient ojllamtWn I concentratWn ratio
""3""2==========""C,,,,oeffic= II
• coefficient of variation I • collusion
an attribute of a clistribution, I an agreement between parties
i.e. its standard deviation di- to refrain in participating in an
vided by its mean. activity which they normally
Coefficient of Variation I would in order to reduce com-
%CV Definition = Sl.Dc\' x 100
petition and gain higher prof-
MEAN its.
/\CV=l O
( \ • com~act sets
\ CV=.l.O
a closed and bounded set.
: LM~N J" "-

Crucial in establishing: I • competitive equilibrium

• Ahgmnent
• AUldic st.'1 bility price
• SlalOmJ!' of cell,
the price at which the quantity
• cohort supplied and the quantity de-
a group of persons experienc- I manded are equal to each other.
ing the Sartle event during the I • complement
I a good for which demand de-
creases when the price of a
I closely related good increases.
I • concavity of distribution
a property of a distribution fimc-
same period of time. Cohort I tion-utility function pair. The
analysis traces those persons I assumption is to hold in some
born during the same time pe- principal-agent models so as to
riod, as they age and live make certain conclusions pos-
through common time-specific I sible.
experiences and life stages. The
most important experiences of ~ • concentration ratio
an aging cohort are the cohort I a way of measuring the concen-
birth rates and cohort death tration of market share held by
rates. particular suppliers in a market.
I It is the percentage of total
market sales accounted for by

II = = = = = = = = = E & o n o m i & s
II conceptual framework for economicge:;aphy I conditional foetor demands 33

a given number of leading I the smallest characteristic

firms. I root is S (both being pre-
• conceptual framework for sumed to be positive here, that
I is, the matrix being diagnosed
economic geography
I is presumed to be positive
the structure that serves to hold definite), then the condition
the conceptual parts (concepts) I number is:
together and within which the
I gamma = (L/S)·s
ideas, facts, principles, insights
and circumstances of Economic ; Values larger than 20, according
Geography exist and are related : to Greene (93), are observed if
to each other. ~ and only if the matrix is 'nearly
I singular' .
• condition number
a measure of how close a ma- I • conditional
trix is to being singular. Rel ; it has a special use in finance,
--------, : when used without other
It., v • . S Ize f.r '1ul.u • .,1.

~ modifiers. Often means 'con-

; ditional on time and previous
: asset returns'. In that context,
~ one might read 'returns are
; conditionally normally distrib-
1_.,•. 110000 10000 1000 100 10 I : uted.'
evant in estimation if the ma- : • conditional factor de-
trix of regressors is nearly sin- mands
gular, the data are nearly col- I a collection of functions which
linear and (a) it will be hard to ; give the optimal demands for
make an accurate or precise in- : each of the several inputs as a
verse (b) a linear regression will ~ function of the output expected
have large standard errors. ; and the prices of inputs. Often
The condition number is cal- : the prices are taken as given and
culated from the characteris- ~ incorporated into the functions
tic roots or eigenvalues of the ; and so they are only functions
matrix. If the largest charac- : of the output.
teristic root is denoted Land

Economiel========= II
",,34===========* conformable I consumer strPereignty II
• conformable I and local opinion indicates that
generally used in conjunction I there is support for the compo-
with matrices . A matrix may nent areas.
not have the right dimension or
shape to fit into some particu-
lar operation with another ma-
trix. Take matrix addition - the
matrices are supposed to have I _N--
. the same dimensions to be
summed. If they don't, we can -
• • - * - - - - - - - - -
@!!!!!!.... I

say that they are not conform- I • Constant Relative Risk

able for addition. The most I Aversion (CRRA)
common application of this :
term comes in the context of ~
a property of some utility func-
tions, also said to have isoelastic
form. CRRA is a synonym for
• consistent estimators ICES.
an estimator for a parameter is I • constant returns to scale
consistent if the estimator con-
when all inputs are increased
verges in probability to the true I
value of the parameter. by a certain proportion, out-
I put increases by the same pro-
• Consolidated Metropoli- I portion.
tan Statistical Area Capital

an(:~:~hiCh meets the re- 1

quirements for recognition as a
300 _. -~-~400
:t ~r~:
: ~::H
'Metropolitan Statistical Area' 200 _~. : B. _~ __ :_ : _.:
, , " X - JOO
(MSA) and also has a popula- I 100 . 'A.. :. __ , '. -~ . . :
: ' : X-l , X-200
tion of one million or more can I 0 100 200 400 600 LUor

be recognised as a CMSA if : • consumer sovereignty

separate component areas can I when resources are allocated as
be identified within the entire I per the wishes · of consumers,
area by meeting statistical cri- i.e. in a perfectly free market.
teria specified in the standards, I

II ========Economics
II consumer surplus I contractionary7=ry""P""OI""ic""'=======,,,,3=5
• consumer surplus ~ • contingent valuations
the difference between what a ; the use of questionnaires about
person would be willing to pay : valuation, to estimate the will-
and what he actually ha,s to pay ~ ingness of respondents to pay
for buying a certain amount of I for public projects.
a good. I • contract curve

• consumption the same as the Pareto set, with

the individuals and corporations the implication that it is drawn
which buy products and ser- I in an Edgeworth box.
vices. In economics, consump- I • contractionary fiscal policy
tion refers only to consuming
that involves a monetary trans- I a government policy of reduc-
actIon. ing the spending and raising
• consumption function Visual
Contractlonary Fiscal Polley
the relationship between dis-
posable income and consump-

--.. -
: : : . . : : : . ' : '..-:- .....

0,,_ .......... ..., ....
::.."';'.'!"'~ <---
~- ........ -

Real NatloNl OUtput (GOP)

• contingency theory US!.nd describe ,Iv. . .clion"he government

could take in order Co decrease aggregate denW'ld
regards the design of an effec _ I from AD, AD, 1.0

tive organisation, as necessarily • contractionary monetary

having to be adapted to cope policy
with the 'contingencies' that ~ a government policy of raising
derive from the circumstances I interest rates charged by the
of environment, technology, : central bank. In the texts of
scale, resources, work task and I some ftrst courses in macroeco-
other factors. I nornics, it shifts the LM curve

~3~6===========. controlvariabJes I corporatewelfon II
(liquidity/money curve) to the I for each data point, how far it
left. I is from the means of the in-
dependent variables and the
A ~. ~---- Jk~ I dependent ·variable. If it is far
. I."_
I'.~· ~. I from the means of the inde-
-.. .. &M;" ~ _

pendent variables, it may be

very influential and one can
I consider whether the regres-
. sion results are similar with-
out it.

• control variables
a variable in a model controlled
by an agent in order to optimise I

• convergence in quadratic
a kind of convergence of random
variables. If Xc converges in qua- I
12 3


• cCHJperative game
a structure where the players
dratic mean, it converges in prob- I have the option of planning as
ability but it does not necessarily a group, in advance of choos-
converge. ing their actions.
• convolution • corporate welfare
the convolution of two functions I when a government gives
U(x) and V(x) is the function: I money or a monetary break
U*V(x) = (integral from 0 to X (like tax cuts or subsidies) to a
of) U(t)V(x-t) dt. I business. Governments give
• ~CHJk's I>istance I money to businesses which are
a metric for determining very profitable to keep them
whether a particular point from moving to other provinces
alone affects regression esti- I or countries.
mates much. After a regres-
sion is run, one can consider,

II = = = = = = = &__us
11 Co'stAndFmght(CAF) Icountenrad:~~~~=~~~~~3~7
_ Cost And Freight (CAF) ~ _ costate variables
a price quotation that includes I a Lagrangian multiplier or
both the merchandise cost and ~ Hamiltonian multiplier.
the freight charges- for its ship-
ment to a given destination.
: , - cost-of-living index
: measures the changing cost of
- cost curve ~ a constant standard of living.
a graph of total COStS of produc- ; The index is a scalar measure
tion as a function of total quan- : for each time period. Usually,
tity produced. ~ it is a positive number, that
Toral Cost Curves ; rises over time to indicate that
:I there was inflation..
Two in-
: comes can be compared across
I time by seeing whether the in-
; comes changed as much as the
~ index did.
oMlCMc.e. .............
_ , ___ __ . ______ :I!"_~~ ------- .. ---

- cost function
a function of input prices and I
output quantity. Its value is the I
cost of making that output,
given those input prices. ~ - cost-push inflation
; inflation whose initial cause is
: a rise in production costs.
C = "\)X I
: - countable additivity
~ property
. ~ the third of the properties of a
; measure.
~ - countertrading
: the bilateral international trad-
y, l'> y, Y. Y ~ ing relationships between com-
I parnes.

Eeonomics======= II
38 countrrvailing power I Cowles CommissUm II
• countervailing power I functions are assumed to be the
J.K.Galbraith' thesis of the ten- I same for all firms.
dency of market (monopoly) I • covariance stationary

power to be reduced by the a stochastic process is covari-

emergence of countervailing I ance stationary, if neither its
groups and forces. mean nor its autocovariances
• coupling constraints I depend on the index t.
the need to join with other .: Covariance Stationary
I . Class of processes X(t}, t .. o. 1, 2 • .. _. that have::
people, organisations ' or capital .: .•. ;.~:::::~::, . I'~~: .ur]
investments (as 'bundles') to I .. ""~"".".."jkl · ElIX,·",(X..• ·"}J·F.I,,~, · ,,rJ
(11.11 ;.I,.'!:~ud • .-rJly 011 I.:
accomplish an objective. . We mume the oulocorrel.tion ho, the form
,\k l - It; f l!ti.;:)us I. - .,,~ ,

• Cournot Duopoly
a pair of firms which split a • Cowles Commission
market, modelled as in the I a: 1950s panel on econometrics,
Cournot Game. that focused attention on the
Coumot Duopoly
• In the Coumolmodd each of the two finnspick
Ihe quantities 'i and Q2 to ~ pro.tJced
• Each finn laIC .. the other linn' s oUlpul as giva!
and choo ... the ootput Ulf rriaxidtizes its profits
• The price lhat emerges clears the market (demand
=supply) •

• Cournot Models
a generalisation of the Cournot
Game, for describing the indus- IlIlulfllarthcSo..',oIls..:"-'fft.'eRuIJdinllh:• . IQ4" rtlprvw: J ....nbColKft.

try structure. Each of the N I ~::;;:., K",1oIY ""',"" row ..... ""'~ Kkm.""'" f<""'. I.e"

firms will choose a quantity of ; problem of simultaneous equa-

output. Price is a commonly- : tions. In some tellings of the
known decreasing function of ~ history, this had an impact on
total output. All firms know N ; the field - other problems such
and take the output of the oth- as errors-in-variables (mea-
ers as given. Each firm has a cost surement errors in the indepen-
function cj(q} Usually, the cost I dent variables), were set aside
functions are treated as com- or given lower priority else-
mon knowledge. Often the cost where too because of the pres-

II Cronbach'sAJpha I currmtaccount;~nc=e==========3~9

tige and influence of the Cowles I errors made in predicting each

Commission. I data point, by using a kernel

: regression on the others.

• Cronbach's Alpha I
a test for a model or survey's : .CSO
internal consistency. It is some- ~ Central Statistical Office.
times called .a 'scale reliability I
.• CTT
coefficient'. Cronbach's alpha
assesses the reliability of a rat- ~ Capital Transfer Tax.
ing, summarising a group of I • current account

test or survey answers, which I a part of balance of payments,

measure some underlying fac- where payments for the pur-
tor (e.g., some attribute of the I chase and sale of goods and ser-

test-taker). A score is computed I vices are recorded.

from each test item and the
overall rating called a 'scale' is I • current account balance
defined by the sum of these I the difference between a
scores over all the test items. country's savings and its in-
Then reliability is defined to be I vestment. If the current ac-
the square of the correlation I count balance is positive, it
between the measured scale measures the portion of a
and the underlying factor that I country's saving invested
the scale was supposed to mea- I abroad and if it is negative, it
sure. measures the portion of the
domestic investment financed
• cross-section data I by foreigners' savings.
is the parallel data on many
units such as individuals, house- I

holds, firms or governments. Developmenta in the CUITODt IIOOOOII1t belance,

• cross-validation ..
Ig overnment net lending and real dispooable income

_ c..ntf'lllk"COl.... ~. pefttnl.1gl"'GOP
a way of choosing the window ElJ ",,*MC!Of . ~~ d GCP t.

width for a kernel estimation.
The method is, to select, from a I
set of possible window widths,
t ... 2000
one that minimises the sum of

&onomit:s======= II
40 current balance I deductive II
• current ba1anc~ I decision or choice.
difference between total exports I 2. a mapping from the ex-
and total imports. pressed preferences of each of
• CWO a group of agents to a group
I decision.
Cash With Order.
The first is more relevant to
• de minimis decision theory and dynamic
a legal term for an amount I optimisation, while the second
which is small enough to be ig- I is relevant to game theory.
nored, too small to be taken I • decouple
seriously. Used to restrict legal
provisions, including laws re- I
provision of support to an en-
garding international trade, to terprise, usually a farm, in a
amounts of activity or trade that I manner that does not provide
" ally sm all .
are not tflVl an incentive to increase produc-
tion . Farm subsidies that are
• deadweight loss I decoupled are included in the
the net loss in economic welfare I green box and are therefore
which is caused by a tariff or permitted by the WTo.
other source of distortion, de- I • deduction
fmed as the total losses to those I
also known as deductive reason-
who lose, minus the total gains
to those who gain. Usually iden- I ing. A process of inference,
which leads from general prin-
tified in a supply-and-demand I

diagram in terms of change in ciples or universal premises via

I logical reasoning to expecta-
consumer and producer sur-
tions or conclusions about par-
plus, together with government I
revenue. The net of these ap- ticular cases.
pears as one or two welfare tri- • deductive
angles. I characterises a reasoning pro-
• decision rules I cess of logical reasoning from
1. a function which maps from I the stated propositions.
the current state to the agent's

II ========&onomics
II deep itltror4tUm I de-itulustrialisatUm.. ==========",,4=1
- deep integration ~ - deficit ,
economic integration which I in the balance of payments or
goes well beyond the removal : in any category of international
of formal barriers to trade and ~ transactions within it, the defi-
includes various ways of reduc- I cit is the sum of debits minus

ing the international burden of ~ the sum of credits or the nega-

differing national regulations, tive of the surplus.
such as mutual recognition and I
harmonisation. Contrasts with I 2DO r--------------------IL---
I _ ..- -. . . . . . . " . .. . . . . . . .

shallow integration.
- deep markets 400 -4r--'
_ 1_ _11 _ _ 11
-i--" I 71_
! i \

a capital market may be said to

be deep if it has great depth. I
I = I::::. Ci . . . . .
May less formally be used to : - degressive
describe a market with a large ~ going down with income or
total market capitalisation. lover time. A degressive income
~ tax takes a smaller fraction of
- default
: higher incomes. Degressivity in
failure to repay a loan. Interna- ~ trade policy might be a tariff,
tional loans by governments ; the ad valorem size of which is
and private agents lack mecha- : scheduled to decline over time,
nisms to deal with default, com- ~ or a quota that is scheduled to
parable to the legal mecha- ; expand faster than demand for
nisms that exist within coun- : lmports.
tries. I
: - de-industrialisation
- deficiency payment
: a decrease, over time, .in the
payment to a producer of an I share of the manufacturing in
amount equal to the difference : an economy, usually accompa-
between a guaranteed price and :I nied by growth in the share of .

the market price, with the lat- ~ services. Typically, accompanied

ter often determined on the ; by an increase in manufactured
world market. A form of sub- : imports.
sidy to production. I

E&tmOmics======= II
""4,,,,2=========== :i17eredprice I demographic transition II
• delivered price I • demand elasticity
the price which includes freight I normally, the price elasticity of
charges to the location of the demand.
buyer. • demand price
• delta the price at which a given quan-
is used with respect to options. I tity is demanded. The demand

The rate of change of a finan- I curve viewed from the perspec-

cial derivative's price with re- tive of price as a function of
spect to changes in the price of ~ quanuty.
the underlying asset. Formally, ;
this is a partial derivative. A • demand schedule
derivative is perfectly delta- I a list of prices and correspond-

hedged if it is in a portfolio with ing quantities demanded or the

a delta of zero. Financial firms graph of that information.
make some effort to construct I Thus, a demand curve.

delta-hedged portfolios. I • demand set

I in a model, the set of the most-

• demand curve
the graph of quantity de- preferred bundles of goods that
manded, as a function of price, an agent can afford. This set is
I a function of the preference re-
normally downward sloping,
straight or curved and drawn lation for this agent, the prices
with the quantity on the hori- of goods and the agent's en-
I dowment.
wntal axis and price on the ver-
tical axis. I • demographic transition
• demand deposit model of population change
a bank deposit which can be based on European experi-
withdrawn 'on demand'. The I ences. The model describes
term usually refers only to I the effects of changes in fer-
checking accounts, even though tility and mortality, associated
depositors in many other kinds I with industrialisation,
of accounts may be able to write I urbanisation and health care
cheques and regard their depos- lmprovements.
its as readily available.

II = = = = = = = E e o n o m i c s
II dependency theory I deriveddematul .. =========4~3
The Demographic Transition ~Thus, the relationship is often
; expressed as: a dependent vari-
Rata_ ,er 1101

I\. ...........
: able is a function of one or more
~ 'independent' variable(s).
. ~ ~MFt...
......... ~ ~ • depth
SOote SOote 2 SOot·, an attribute of a market. In se-
SOote I
curities markets, depth is mea-
• dependency theory sured by the size of an order
~ flow innovation, required to
the theory that states that the
less developed countries are ; change prices by a given
: amount.
poor because they allow them- I
selves to be exploited by the : • derivatives
developed countries through ~ securities whose value is de-
international trade and invest- I rived from the some other
•" DependenclI Theorv
: time-varying quantity. Usually,
~ that other quantity is the price
I of some other asset such as

'-. . Blami"« Ille sYSlem bonds, stocks, currencies or
,110. • Glullal cconomv la~ors rIch COUlilfles
... "" • G10hal economu cKPloils 11001 natIOns
commodities. It could also be
~ ~ • RIch nahons mlclillonalfy keep lIoor I an index or the temperature.
~ 113110ns llOor
~ . RIch lIallOlIS eKlllolfS natural resources I • derived demand
.. and labor to tloor coUnltteS
.. - . . Core· SeIDl pentl/wry·· Periphery
the demand that arises or IS
• dependent variable
the variable to be 'explained'
with the help of 'independent
variables'. These independent I

variables serve as the 'explana- I

tory' variables, however, the
extent to which this relationship I

or 'explanation' actually implies I

'causality' varies. It may merely defined indirectly from some

refer to a statistical relationship. I other demand or underlying

Economics======= II
",,44===========* de-skilling I digital nervous system II
behaviour. I ics specialising in the processes
I of long term growth and
• de-skilling
change, especially in the case of
a decrease in the level and scope I
of skills within a local/regional
labour market, resulting from I. the less developed economies.
DFS Model
mainly two corporate strate- lone of the continuum-of-goods
gies: (1) mechanisation and models of Dornbusch, Fischer,
computerisation of production and Samuelson (1977, 1980).
and office activities (2) trunca- I
• differentiated product
tion of corporate acti vi ties
I 1. a firm's product which is not
within the region.
I identical to the products of
• destabilising speculation other firms in the same indus-
speculation which increases the try. Contrasts with homoge-
movements of the price in the I neous product.
market where the speculation 2. sometimes applied to prod-
occurs. Movement may be de- ucts produced by a country, even
fined by amplitude, frequency I though there are many firms
or some other measure. within the country whose prod-
• deterioration ucts are the same, if buyers dis-
I tinguish products based on the
the process or occurrence of an
asset's declining productivity as ~ country of origin. This is called
it ages. This is a component of ; the Armington assumption.
depreciation. . • digital nervous system
• deterministic functions the digital processes which en
and variables
not random. A deterministic I
function or variable often
means one that is not random,
in the context of other variables I

• development economics
a sub-discipline within econom-

II ========&cmomics
II directfoetor content I discrete choice l~r mmlels 45

able a company to perceive and ~ the expiry date of the bond. In

react to its environment, to : difference to coupon bonds, dis-
sense competitive challenges . COWlt bonds only pay the bearer
and customer needs, and to ~ once, when the bond expires.
organise timely responses. ~ • discount factor
• direct factor content I in a multi-period model, agents
a measure of factor content may have different utility func-
which includes only the factors tions for consumption (or other
used in the last stage of produc- ~ experiences) in different time
tion, ignoring factors used in ; periods. Usually, in these mod-
producing intermediate inputs. : els they value future experi-
• direct-plus-indirect factor ~ ences, but to a lesser degree
content ; than present ones. For simplic-
: ity, the factor by which they dis-
a measure of factor content ~ count next period's utility may
Which includes factors .used in ; be a constant between zero and
producing the intermediate in- : one and if so, it is called a dis-
puts and so forth. That is, it in- ~ count factor.
cludes all the primary factors
that contributed, however indi- .•
I di scount rate
rectly, to the production of a the interest rate at which an
good. ; agent discounts future events in
: preferences, in a multi-period
• discoUnt bonds
~ model. Often denoted as 'r'. A
a bond perchased at a discount
; present-oriented agent dis-
or at a price less than its face : counts the future heavily and so
Bents Issued at a [lscomt ~ has a 'High' discount rate.
Ua _ _ _. U - t

_PllJlltk 111,_
~ • discrete choice linear
1<14 11llC,ooo o!
.~~hd... N .lAg
~ Pr(Yj=!) = F(Xj'b) = ~'b.
fR.~to!'bRi, $1",_
t'"l:.c:a . . . . .
~, ~.
an econometric model in which
value. The face value is the ~ the actors are presumed to have
amount of money that the ; made a choice from a discrete
holder of the bond receives at : set. Their decision is modelled

&onomi&s=====~= II
""46=~=======d""isC""rete,,,,'=r;es.rion mmiels Idispute settlement body 11

as endogenous. Often the 1 tion or economic activities.

choice is denoted Yi. I • disembodied technological
• discrete regression models change
econometrics models in which alters the production function
the dependent variables assume without requiring gross invest-
discrete values. I ment to carry it into place.
• discrete time I • disintermediation
the division of time into indi- the prevention of banks from
visible units. In economic mod- flowing money from savers to
els, these units represent peri- I borrowers as an effect of regu-
ods, such as days, quarters or I lations.
years .
I • dismal science
• diseconomies of scale refers to economics, which be-
similar to economies of scale, cause it is so often used in ref-
but with the implication that I erence totradeoffs, is widely
they are negative, so larger scale thought to be depressing to
would increase the cost per unit. study.
ATC I I I I • dispute settlement
t-- Olseconomin occur
f--- whon output gO" I I in the GAIT, the adjudication
beyond the minimum
I-- point of tho long run
Imr.m. I of disputes among parties. In
t-- average cost curve
i-"'" the WTO this is done by the

V ,I
t-,.. /' dispute settlement mechanism.
• dispute settlement body
I the entity within the WTO
which formally deals with dis-
• diseconomies of scale, putes between members. It con-
scope or agglomeration I sists of all WTO members
cost increases or other disadvan- I meeting together to consider
tages associated with ¢.e scale reports of panels and the Ap-
or scope of operation or with I pellate Body.
the agglomeration of popula - I

" ========Economics
II dissaving I dumestic 47
• dissaving I eludes taxes and subsidies, tar-
when individuals or households I iffs and NTBs, externalities, in-
spend more than their current complete information and im-
income. I perfect competition.
• dissipate rent I • Dixit-Stiglitz utility
to use up, in real resources, the I the Dixit-Stiglitz function used
full value of the economic rents as a utility function.
that are being sought by rent • dollar standard
seeking. an international financial sys-
• distance decay I tem in which the U.S. dollar is

the diminishing level of inter- I used by most' countries as the

action or value of a variable, primary reserve asset, in con-
with increasing distance, largely . trast to the gold standard m
resulting from the effect ofvari- I which gold played this role.
ous forms of distance-sensitive I • dollarisation
transaction costs on demand or
official adoption by a country
cost patterns or functions.
ou~er than the United States of
• distance elasticity of I the U.S. dollar as its local cur-

demand I rency.

the relative response of effec- • Domar Aggregation

tive demand to a change in the
the principle where the growth
distance (or transport costs) I
rate of an aggregate is the
which a consumer (or consum-
I weighted average of the growth
ers) has (have) to overcome, in
rates of its components, where
order to purchase a good or ser- I
each component is weighted by
vice at a given price.
I the share of the aggregate it

• distortion makes up. The idea comes up

any departure from the ideal of in the context of national ac-
perfect competition which in- I counts and national statistics.
terferes with economic agents, I • domestic
maximising social welfare when
; within one's own country. A
they maximise their own. In- domestic producer is one that

&onomics====================== II
""4""8=========,,,,dome.=:: content requirement I dual economy II
produces inside the home coun- I ture of a product or process
try. A domestic price is the price I which becomes the accepted
inside the home country. Oppo- market standard. Dominant
site of 'foreign' or 'world'. I designs may not be better than
I the alternatives nor can it be
• domestic content require-
ment promised that they will be in-
novative. They have the bench-
a requirement where goods sold I mark features to which subse-
in a country contain a certain quent designs are compared.
minimum of domestic value I
added. • double coincidence of
• domestic credit
I a problem that is generally re-
credit extended by a country's I lated to the Barter System. Re-
central bank to domestic bor- fers to a situation where the
rowers, including the govern- I supplier of good X wants good
ment and commercial banks. In I Y and the supplier of good Y
the United States, the largest wants good X.
component by far is the Fed's I
holdings of U.S. government • drawback
bonds, but it also makes some rebate of import duties when
short-term loans to banks to use I the imported good is re-ex-
as their reserves. ported or used as input to the
production of an exported good.
'" ... --- ...
--_ ... --- --- ---- • dual economy
-20 ...... _ ............ I an economy that is supposed to
I consist of two relatively distinct
parts, in terms of specific dis-
... 1/01 4/01 7/01 10/01 tinguishing attributes. In the
- eom.ucO"MlIt
___ •
.. - -
I development literature, numer-
ous theories use this proposed
• dominant designs
dualism to isolate relationships
after a technological innovation I between the two parts, which
and a subsequent era of ferment
are suggested to reinforce the
in an industry, a basic architec- I

1/ ========&anomics
II duallabourmarket I dynamicgainsfromtrade 49
DualF.ronomy \fOO.I: RuralAgrladturalSeclor ~ implicit citation is to Durbin
I (1 ~70). The h statistic is asymp-
Q.-q.... utyora,product : toncally distributed normally, if

~ the hypothesis is that there is

I no autocorrelation.

I • Durbin-Watson statistic
1,."1 .1'0' ~ a test for first-order serial cor-
• dual labour market : relation, in the residuals of a
a segmented labour market in ~ time series regression. A value
~vhich one part is, usually and ; of 2.0 for the Durbin-Watson
I~ broa~ terms, characterised by : statistic indicates that there is
high skills and wages, job secu- ~ no serial correlation. This re-
rity and desirable working and ; sult is biased towards the find-
car~er development conditions, : ing that there is no serial corre-
WhIle the other part has low ~ lation if lagged values of the
wages, no or inferior benefits, ~ regressors are in regression.
a temporary or unstable nature, ; • dynamic effects
no or little chance of advance- ;. certain effects of trade and trade
ment and otherwise poorer : I i beralisation that are poorly
working conditions. ~ un d erstood, including both
• dummy variables ; multilateral and preferential
In an econometric model a : trade agreements, that extend
variable which marks or ~n- ~ beyond the static gains from
codes a particular attribute. A I trade. Such dynamic effects are
dummy variable has the value : thought to make the gains from
zero or one for each observa- ~ trade substantially larger than
tion, e.g. 1 for pass and 0 for I in the static model.
fail . ; • dynamic gains from trade
• Durbin's h test ~ the hoped-for benefits from
an algorit~m ~or detecting : trade which accrue over time
autocorrelanon ill the errors of ~ in addition to the conventional
a time series regression. The ; static gains from trade of trade

"",50======dyna="",m"",ic"",m"",ul=tiP"",I=ier~ Economic Overhead Capital (EOC) 1\

theory. Sources of these gains I methods to the empirical esti-

are not well understood or I mati on of economic relation-
documented, although there ships. Econometric analysis is
exist a variety of possible theo- I used extensively in international
retical reasons for them and I economics, to estimate the
some empirical evidence that causes and effects of interna-
countries have benefited more tional trade, exchange rates and
than the static gains alone I international capital move-
would suggest. ments .
• dynamic multipliers • Economic and Monetary
the impulse responses in a dis- Union (EMU)
tributed lag model. I a currency area formed in 1999,
I as a result of the Maastricht
• dynamic optimisations
Treaty. Members of the EMU
the maximisation problems to I
share the common currency, the
which the solution is a function. I Euro.
• dynamic programming I • economic freedom
the study of dynamic freedom to engage in economic
optimisation problems through I
transactions, without govern-
the analysis of functional equa- I ment interference, but with the
tions like value equations. This support of the government in-
phrase is normally used, analo- I
stitutions necessary for that
gously to linear programming, I freedom, including rule of law,
to describe the study of discrete I sound money and open mar-
problems. kets.
• early harvest • Economic Overhead
a term, in trade negotiations, I Capital (EOC)
for agreeing to accept the re- I economic infrastructure, such as
sults of a portion of the nego- roads, railways, port facilities,
tiations, before the rest of the I
power facilities.
negotiations are completed.
• econometrics
the application of statistical

" __====================Economics
II economic rent I e.ffictive protection .. ============5=1

• economic rent I diseconomies of scale, which

any rerum which a factor 0 f pro- I: occur when an increase in all the
duction receives, in excess of its : inputs brings about a less than
opporrunity cost. ~ proportionate increase in out-
O'scoa.. dUfldltota""bI.andbed
I put.
q,tot........ iDUI ...... o1qlfot.
I • economy, economIes
: two meanings of 'economies'
~ need to be distinguished:
I 1. the economies of regions (as
"'::.. %,,::'v aggregates of interrelated eco-
• economic union nomic activities).
a common marke.t with the I 2. in the sense of economising,
added feature that additional I savings, cost reductions, etc. as
policies: monetary, fiscal, wel- used in agglomeration econo-
fare, are also harmonised across : mies, scale economies,
the member countries. ~ localisation economies.
• economies of flexibility I • effect of trade
the advantages accruing to a ; the effect of a change in some
producer with many plants of : policy or other exogenous vari-
different sizes, in allocating in- ~ able which will increase the
creases or decreases in opera- ; quantity of trade. Since in trade
tions to that plant whose size is : models trade itself is endog-
such as to handle the total out- ~· enous , the effects associated
put change of the producer I with a change in trade depend
most efficiently. ~ on what caused it.
• economies of scale ~ • effective protection
if all the inputs in a production : the concept in which the protec-
process are increased and the ~ tion provided to an industry
output increases proportion- ; depends on the tariffs and other
ately, by more amount than the : trade barriers on both its inputs
increase in the inputs, econo- ~ and its outputs, since a tariff on
mies of scale are being realised. I inputs raises cost. Measured by
There may also be · the effective rate of protec-

Economics======= II
",,52=========Effec=ti;Rate ofProteetion (ERP) I eltuticity II
tion. I efficient, which in turn implies
I that future exchange rates can-
- Effective Rate of Protec-
tion (ERP) not profitably be predicted.
a measure of the protection - elastic
provided to an industry by the having an elasticity greater than
entire structure of tariffs, tak- lone. For price elasticity of de-
ing into account the effects of ~ mand, this means that expen-
tariffs on inputs, as well as on diture rises as price falls. For
outputs. I income elasticity, it means that
EtTectIVera!eofprotectJon.ERP expenditure share rises with in-
VIII_..wcd(__ pn"'").vaI...~dcd.w..n<lpneu)
..........._.._.. -_ ....-........_......._........ _......_..····.M
vllluc-addcd: (world pncel)
come, a supenor good . •

EN' jh:!'!L:[}!,:2d ~ M~+.. ~:",,(1+~}-( 1',,-__"") ., [,,,to:"'!.

~- ~~ ~~
- elastic offer curve
P4' p"" ....... 4Dmctflc _ _ldpm:coJGUtpul.
<Ii:!, c", _abe UIlIf colt ofmt.-dullc luputr II """nclt,,: oDd
I an offer curve along which im-
-td pnM' , .. ,cctn'dy. "'"
~. t,........ t.nffr1k oarput Mid..,( mtermcdaatc II!pl,lls ,..pedavdl·
o."lIIi"'lbyp.. ",ddf*IIaomd.lntcm.etlll,n,h"lltpUlClldficwnti "
I port demand is always elastic.
ERP ~ !'2!!::"'-C.:!!!. = ~,: ~{J_~. It is therefore not backward
Pw·C... l'~a,

- effective tariff
effective rate of protection. - elasticity
I 1. when used without a modi-
- efficient allocation fier (such as 'cross' or 'income'),
an allocation where it is impos- elasticity usually refers to price
sible unambiguously to im- I elasticity, that is the percentage.
prove upon, in the sense of pro- I change in the quantity de-
ducing more of one good with- manded of a good or service,
out producing less of another. I divided by the percentage
- efficient market I change in its (own) price.
a market in which, at a mini- I
2. a measure of responsiveness
mum, current price changes are of one economic variable to an-
independent of past price I other. Usually, the responsive-
changes or, more strongly, price I
ness of quantity to price along
reflects all (publicly) available a supply or demand curve -
information. Some believe the I comparing percentage changes
foreign exchange markets to be I
(%D) or changes in logarithms
(d In).

II = = = = = = = = E c o n o m i c s
II elasticity ofdemandfor exports I emPl~t argumentfor protection 53

• elasticity of demand for ~ ticity with respect to their price

exports .1 ratio.
the price elasticity of demand ; - elasticity of supply
for exports of a country, either : the (price) elasticity of supply
for a single industry or for the
~ is the percentage change in the
aggregate of all imports.
1 quantity supplied of a good or
Equals the rest of world's elas-
~ service divided by the percent-
ticity of demand for imports. : age change in its (own) price .
• elasticity of demand for 1
: - embeddedness
1 the idea that economic
this is normally the price elas-
1 behaviour is influenced by the
ticity of demand for imports of
dominant norms, institutions
a country, either for a single in- 1
and social practices which, in
dustry or for the aggregate of
1 turn are culturally embedded.
all imports. The latter plays a
critical role in determining how ; - empirical finding
the country's balance of trade ~ something which is observed
responds to the exchange rate. from real-world observation or
1 data, in contrast to something
- elasticity of substitution
that is deduced from theory.
the elasticity of the ratio of two 1
inputs to a production (or util 1 • employment argument for
the use of a tariff or other trade
1 restriction to promote employ-
ment, either in the economy at
large or in a particular indus-
1 try. This is a second best argu-

ment, since other policies, such

K as a fiscal stimulus or a produc-
ity) function, with respect to the ~ tion subsidy, could achieve the
ratio of their marginal products ; same effect at lower economic
(or utilities). With competitive cost.
demands, this is also the elas-

Economics======== II
54 enabling clause I mmplltmule 1/
• enabling clause I accumulated.
the decision of the GAIT in I • Engel's Curve
1979 to give developii!lg coun-
I a general reference to the line
tries special and differential
that shows the relationship be-
tween various quantities of a
• endogenous growth I good that a consumer is willing
economic growth whose long- to purchase at varying income
nm rate depends on behaviour levels (ceteris paribus).
and/or policy. I With rising incomes, the share
I of expenditures for food prod-
• endogenous protection
ucts declines. The resulting shift
protection which can be ex- I
in expenditures affects demand
plained as the outcome of eco- I patterns and employment struc-
nomic and/or political forces. tures. It suggests that consum-
• endogenous variable ers increase their expenditures
an economic variable which is I for food products at a percent-
determined within a model. It age rate, which is lower than
is therefore not subject to direct that of their increases in in-
manipulation by the modeller, I come. Poorer families will
since that would override the I spend a larger share of their
model. In trade models, the total expenditures on food than
quantity of trade itself is almost I the wealthier families.
always endogenous. I • engine of growth

• endowment I sometimes used to describe the

the amount of something which role that exports may have
a person or country simply has, played in economic develop-
rather than their having some- I ment, both of some of the re-
how to acquire it. In the H-O gions of recent settlement in the
Model of trade theory, endow- nineteenth century and of
ments refer to primary factors I today's NICs.
of production, ignoring the fact I • entrepot trade
that some of them, especially
capital and skill, are deliberately I the import and then export of a
good without further process-

II = = = = = = = & o n o m i c s
II en:'Pelope I etJ.uilibriutnlJuantity 55
ing, usually passing through an ~ a situation in which there is no
entrep6t, which is a storage fa- I tendency for change. For ex-
cility from which goods are dis- : ample, in the Keynesian expen-
tributed. ~ diture model, the equilibrium
; condition is that planned spend-
• envelope : ing just equals the current level
the outermost points traced out ~ of national income. Once that
by a moving curve. I condition is satisfied, there is no

• envelope eurve : tendency for the level of na-

a curve enclosing, by just touch- ~ tional income to change.
ing, a number of other curves. ~ • equilibrium price
• environmental dumping I a price at which the quantity

export of a good from a coun- ; supplied equals the quantity

try with weak. or poorly enforced : demanded. At this price, there
environmental regulations, re- ~ is no excess of quantity de-
flecting the idea that the ; manded or supplied, nor is
exporter's cost of production is : there any deficiency of either
below the true cost to society, ~ and consequently, the price will
providing an unfair advantage I remain at this level.
in international trade. Also
called eeo-dumping.
l '
• Environmental Kuznets L
Curve i
an inverse V-shaped relation- I

ship hypothesised between per

capita income and environmen-
tal degradation. Named after I
the Kuznets Curve dealing with
~ • equilibrium quantity
• equilibrium condition
; the quantity of a good de-
a condition that must be satis-
: manded and supplied at the
fied for the equilibrium to ex-
~ equilibrium price.
ist, equilibrium being defmed as

&onomit;s======= II
56 equivalent variation I Europeal1. Free TradeAssociation (EFTA) II
- equivalent variation I country, denominated in a
the amount of money which, I eurocurrency.
paid to a person, group or _ Europe Agreement
whole economy, would make an agreement between the EU
them as well off as a specified I and each of the ten Eastern
change in the economy. Provides I European countries (starting
a monetary measure of the wel- with Hungary and Poland in
fare effect of that change, which I 1994), creating free trade areas
is similar to, but not in general I and establishing additional
the same as the compensating forms of political and economic
variation. cooperation in the preparation
- escape clause I for these countries' eventual
1. the portion of a legal text ~ membership in the EU.
which permits departure from ; _ European Economic
its provisions in the event of: Community (EEC)
specified adverse circum- I a customs union formed 111
stances. I 1958 by the Treaty of Rome,
2. the US statute (section 201,. I
among six countries of Europe:
1974 trade act) that permits Belgium, France, Germany,
imports to be restricted, for. a I Italy, Luxembourg, and Neth-
limited time and on a nondls- erlands.
criminatory basis, if they have
caused injury to US firms or I _ European Free Trade
workers. Association (EFTA)
I a free trade area, comprising of
- Euro Interbank Offered countries in Europe that did not
Rate (EURIBOR) join the European Economic
a euro-denominated interest I Community. EFTA was estab-
rate charged by large banks, I lished in 1960 among Austria,
among themselves, on euro- Denmark Norway, Portugal,
I '
denominated loans. Sweden, Switzerland and the
_ eurobond I United Kingdom. As of 2000,
a bond which is issued outside I
it includes Iceland,
of the jurisdiction of any single Liechtenstein, Norway, and

II EftropeanMonetaryAgreement ~ ~I~=ch"",a"",no"",e"",ma=~"",ket======"",5~7

Switzerland. I in relation to its deposit liabili-

I ties and the amount it actually
- European Monetary
Agreement (EMA) holds.

an intergovernmental organisation, - excess supply

administered by the OEeD which ~ 'supply minus demand. Thus, a
facilitated settlement of balance of I country's supply of exports of a
payments accounts among its homogeneous good is its excess
member states from 1958 to supply of that good.
1972. It replaced the EPU and I
- exchange control
its functions were taken over by
I rationing of foreign exchange,
the IMF in 1972.
I usually used when the exchange
- excess demand rate is fixed and the central
demand minus supply. Thus, a bank is unable or unwilling to
country's demand for imports I enforce the rate by the ex-
of a homogeneous good is its change-market intervention.
excess demand for that good.
- exchange market
- excess profit 1. the market on which national
the profit of a firm over and I currencies are exchanged for
above what provides its owners one another.
with a normal return to capital. 2. the actual exchange market,
_ excess reserves ~ which exists primarily among
the difference between the I large international banks. Oth-
amount of cash which a bank I ers, who wish to exchange cur-
rencies, do it through these
111 _ _ _ I banks .

I 3. the theoretical representation

1~ of the exchange market as, ei-
1500 \----+ I ther the interaction of supply
I and demand arising from ex-
100(1 change-market transactions, or
as an asset market equilibrium
·""""A_ _ _ Seo01 $11Obr.IIn_~03~~
wlsnes or IS reqwrea to nolO, I between currencies.

&onomics======= II
58 exchangerateuvershooting l&XOgenousgt'l1Wth II
• exchange rate overshoot- I eign currency.
ing I • exchange stabilisation
the response of an excha~ge fund
rate to a shock, by first movlllg a government institution some-
beyond the point where it will I times used to handle exchange
ultimately settle. Thought to I market intervention, charged
help explain exchange rate vola- with the explicit function of
tility, this was first modelled by I smoothing exchange rate fluc-
Dornbusch (1976). I tuations.
• exchange rate regime I • exchange-market interven-
the rules under which a tion
country's exchange rate is deter- usually done by a country's cen-
mined, especially the way the tral bank, this is the purchase
monetary or other government and sale of the country's cur-
authorities do or do not inter- rency on the exchange market,
vene in the exchange market. I in order to influence or fully
Regimes include floating ex- determine its price. These
rates, pegged exchange
1. I
transactions, unless they are
rate, managed float, craw mg sterilised, change the monetary
peg, currency board, and ex- I base of the country and thus, its
change controls. money supply.
• exchange risk I • exogenous growth

uncertainty about the value of : economic growth that occurs

an asset, liability or commit- I without being the result of de-
ment, due to uncertainty about liberate policy or behaviour. T~e
the future value of an exchange term arises because neoclassl-
rate. Unless they cover them- I cal growth models converge to
selves in the forward market, I a steady state, in which per
traders, with commitments to capita income is constant ~ver
payor receive foreign currency I time. Growth, then reqUlres
in the future, bear exchange I exogenous technical progress.
risk. So do holders of assets and
liabilities denominated in for- I

II =======Eeonomics
II exogenous varillble I export bias 59
• exogenous variable ~ The EV principle actually con-
a variable which is taken as ; sists of a family of principles.
given by an economic model. It : These principles differ by the
therefore is subject to direct ~ way probabilities and the val-
manipulation by the modeller. ; ues (or payoffs) are generated
In most models, policy vari- : or interpreted (namely either
ables such as tariffs and par val- ~ objectively or subjectively).
ues of pegged exchange rates ~ Thus, the following possibili-
are exogenous. ; ties are there:
• expectation
Objective Subjective
the expectation of a variable is Payoffs Payoffs
the same as its expected value I
and is also used with both ; Objective Objectivdy Ex- Expected
meanings. : Probabilities peeted Value Utility (EU )
I (OEV )
• expected value : Subjl"Ctive Subjectively Ex- Subjectivdy
maximisation pr.·nc.·ple I Probabilities peetl-d Value Exp<."Cted Utility
(SEq -
: (SEV)
the most widely professed rule I

in decision theory. It suggests

that the option with the larg- ~ • experience good
est expected value should be ~ a product whose value can be
chosen-. Calculation of the ex- ; better ~own after having con-
Rectedvalue of a decision op- : sumed It. Producers of expe.ri-
tIon requires the availability of ~ ence goods. may temporanly
the probabilities attached to ; char~e a pnce lo:wer than the
each possible environmental : margmal cost, to mduce buyers
state (e.g. probability of any ~ to try the pr~uct. Done with
specific action taken by the I an e~port, this w~uld be legally
co~petitor out of all possible ~ conSIdered dumpmg.
actlons). Thus, the EV is the : - export bias
s,:m of the products of ~ ~n- ~ any bias in favour of exporting.
vIron~ental states multIphed ; Most often applied to growth
~y theIr respective probabili- : that is based disproportionately
ties. I
: on accum ulatlon
. of·the factor

&onomics======= II
60 exportcrr:dit I e.xpurtrequirement II
used intensively in the export I willingness (expressed via pro-
industry and/or technological I tection) of developed countries
progress favouring that indus- to absorb these exports.
• export platform
• export credit describes the role of a host coun-
a loan to the buyer of an export, I try; as a production location de-
extended by the exporting firm signed to serve international
when shipping the good prior markets, possibly including the
to payment or by a facility of ~ home market of the parent
the exporting country's govern- firm.
ment. In the latter case, by set-
• export price index
ting a low interest rate on such I

loans, a country can indirectly I

price index of the goods which
subsidise exports. a country exports.

• export credit insurance • export promotion

I a strategy for economic devel-
a program to guarantee pay-
ment to exporting firms who I
opment which stresses on ex-
extend export credits. panding exports, often through
I policies to assist them, such as
• export limitation export subsidies. The rationale
any policy which restricts ex- is to exploit a country's com-
ports. I parative advantage, especially in
I the common circumstance,
• export multiplier
where an over-valued currency
the multiplier for a change in I would otherwise create bias
exports, i.e., the increase in I
agamst exports.
GDP caused by one-unit m-
crease ill exports. • export requirement
a requirement by the govern-
• export pessimism
ment of the host country for
the view that efforts to expand I FDI, where the investor should
exports by the LDCs will lead export a certain amount or per-
to a decline in their terms of ~
centage of its output.
trade because of an inability ;
(due to weak demand) or un-

II ========&cmomics
I t$JHIrt fUhstitutilm-IF Distributilm / F-Distributilm 61
I; *==============
• export substitution ~ fect of production or consump-
a shift to the export of increas- I llon.
ingly processed products. The ; • externality
export of more or less- pro- : an effect of one economic
cessed raw materials is substi- ~ agent's actions on another, such
tuted for the export of raw or I that one agent's decisions make
relatively unprocessed materi- : another better or worse off, by
als contributing to local (or na- ~ changing their utility or cost.
tionaf) employment and the I Beneficial effects are positive
creation of value added. : externalities, while the harmful
• external balance ~ ones are negative externalities.
1. balance of payments equilib- ~ • F Distribution / F-Distri-
num. bution
2. any target value for the bal- ; defined in terms of two inde-
ance on current account, bal- : pendent chi-squared variables.
ance on capital account or bal- ~ Say u and v be independently
ance of payments.
• external economies of scale I

a form of increasing returns to

scale, in which productivity and
thus , costs of individual firms I
depend on the output of ~eir 2 .. 6
2.35 3.31
entire industry, rather than Just
their own. Unlike more con- ~ distributed chi -squared vari-
ventional (internal) scale econo- : abIes with u l and VI degrees of
mies , these are consistent with ~ freedom, respectively.
perfect competition. ; Then, the statistic: F =(u/u l ) /
~ (v/vl ) has an F distribution with
• externalities ·· (u l' v) degrees of freedom.
a benefit or cost associated with
~ As can be computed from the
an economic transaction, that is
; definition of the t distribution,
not taken into account by those
: the square of a t statistic may
directly involved in making it. be wntten:
A beneficial or adverse side ef-

Eeonomics======= I
",,62======~=== .. F Test/ F-Tests I foctorofproductiun II
t 2=(z2/1)/(v/v 1) I • factor endowment

where Z2, being the square of a I the quantity of a primary fac-

standard normal variable, has a tor available in a country.
chi-squared distribution. Thus,
• factor intensity
the square of a t variable with I
v1 degrees of freedom is an F I the relative importance of one
variable with (l,vJ degrees of : factor versus others in produc-
freedom, that is: I
tion, in an industry, usually com-
pared across industries. Most
t 2 =F(1,v 1)· I commonly defined by ratios of

• F Test/ F -Tests I factOr quantities employed at

a test for the joint hypothesis common factor prices, but

where a number of coefficients sometimes by factOr shares or
are zero. Large values generally I by marginal rates of substitu-
reject the hypothesis, depend- tion between factors.
ing on the level of significance • factor intensity reversal
a property of the technologies
• factor abundance I for two industries such that their

this is fundamental to the H -0 I ordering of relative factor inten-

Model, the abundance or scar- sities is different at different
city of a primary factor of pro- I factor prices. For example, one
duction. Because, in the short I industry may be relatively capi-
run at least, the supplies of pri- tal intensive compared to the
mary factors are more or less other at high relative wages and
fixed, this can be taken as given I labour intensive at low relative
for determining much about a wages.
couiltry's trade and other eco- • factor intensity uniformity
nomic variables. the absence of factor intensity
• factor augmenting I reversals.
a technological change or tech- I • factor of production
nological difference, if produc- I the input or resource that is
tion functions differ by scaling combined with other factOrs of
of a factor input only.
production in a production pro-

II = = = = = = = = & o n o m i c s
II foetor price Ifoetor share 63
cess, to produce a good or ser- ~ wages, are driven towards
Vlce. ; equality in the absence of bar-
: riers to trade. This happens
• factor price I am on er other reasons because
the price paid f?r the services ~ price ~centives cause countries
of a unit of a pnmary factor of : to choose to specialise in the
production per unit time. It ~ production of goods whose fac-
takes into consideration the I tors of production are abundant
wage or salary of labour and t~e : there which raises the prices of
rental prices of land and capI- ~ the factors towards equality,
tal. Does not normally refer to I with the prices in countries
the price of acquiring owner- : where those factors are not
ship of the factor itself, which ~ abundant.
might be called the 'purchase I .
price'. : • factor price frontier
~ a curve in fact or space s~ow-
• factor price equalisation ; iner the minimum combinations
ilieorem : ofb factor prices consistent
one of the major theoretical re- ~ the absence of profit in produc-
sults of the Heckscher-Ohlin ; ing one or more goods, given
Model, with at least as many : their prices. Since, with perfect
goods as factors, shewing th~t ~ competition, profit implies dis-
free and frictionless trade WIll I equilibrium, this shows a lower
cause factor price equalisation ~ bound on equilibrium factor
between two countries, if they : prices.
have identical, linearly homoge- I

neous technologies and their '. • factor proportions model

factor endowments are suffi- ~ the Heckscher-Ohlin model of
ciently similar to be in the same ; trade.
diversification cone. ; • factor share
• factor price equalisation : the fraction of payments to
an effect observed in models of ~ value added, in an industry, that
international trade - that the ~ goes to a particular primary fac-
prices of inputs to pr?duc~on ; tor.
in different countnes, hke

.& : o n o m u s = = = = = = = II
64 factor space I Fed Funds Rate II
"'----------~= *
• factor space I loading onto a ship.
a graph in which the axis mea- I • fast track
sure the quantities of factors .
a procedure adopted by the US
• factor-price space Congress, at the request of the
a graph with factor prices on President, committing it to con-
the two axis. I sider trade agreements without
amendment. In return, the
• factor-saving President must adhere to a
disproportionately in favour of I specified timetable and other
using less of a particular fac- procedures.
• fat-tailed distributions
• factor-using describes a distribution with
biased in favour of using more I excess kurtosis.
of a particular factor.
I • favourable exchange rate
• factory systems I an exchange rate different from
the idea where factories may the market or official rate, pro-
have been more efficient by re- vided by the government on a
ducing transactions costs. I transaction as an indirect way
• fads of providing a subsidy.
the conjecture that market • Feasible Generalised Least
prices for securities take long Squares (FGLS)
swings away from their funda- I the generalised least squares es-
mental values and tend to re- I timation procedure, but with an
turn to them. estimated covariance matrix, not
• Fama-MacBeth Regression an assumed one.
a panel study of stocks to esti- • Fed Funds Rate
mate CAPM or APT param- I the interest rate at which US
eters. banks lend to one another, their
.FAS excess reserves held on deposit
Free Alongside Ship. Same as I at the US.
FOB, but without the cost of ~

II = = = = = = = B c o n o m i c s
II Federal In.tornu:tion Processing St4~rtls (PIPS) Ifirst mover iUl'PllnttlBe 65

• Federal Information ~ • final good

Processing Standards • a good which requires no fur-
(FIPS) : ther processing or transforma-
these are encodings defined ~ tion, to be ready for use by
by the US government and ~ consumers, investors or gov-
used to encode some data ; ernment.
(like states and counties) 10 ..• • financial capital
US data sets.
: financial assets, such as stocks,
• fiat money ~ bonds, bank deposits, etc., as
1. a money whose usefulness ; opposed to real assets such as
results, not from any intrinsic : buildings and capital equip-
value or guarantee that it can •· ment.
be converted into gold or an-
~ • financial intermediary
other currency, but only from a
~ an institution which provides
government's order (fiat) that
it must be accepted as a means ; indirect means for funds from
of payment. : those who wish to save or lend,
~ to be channelled to those who
2. money which is intrinsically
; wish to invest or borrow. Ex-
useless and is used only as a
: amples include banks and other
medium of exchange.
~ depository institutions, mutual
• filters ; funds and some government
a way of treating or adjusting programs.
data before it is analysed. :• • FIR
More exactly, a filter is an al-
~ Factor Intensity Reversal.
gorithm or mathematical op-
eration that is applied to a :• - first degree homogeI1eous
time series sample to get an- ~ homogeneous of degree 1.
other sample, often called the
~ • first mover advantage
'filtered' data. For example, a
filter might remove some ; the advantage which a firm may
high-frequency effects from : derive from being the first to
the data. ~ enter a market or from being
• the first to use a new technol-
~ ogy, advertising technique, etc.

Eetmomics======= II
66 First Order Condition (FOC) I ;her Consiste1u:y I Fisher Consistent ... II
• First Order Condition I • fiscal policy
(FOC) I any macroeconomic policy in-
one of the mathematical neces- volving the levels of govern-
sary condi tions for ment purchases, transfers or
maximisation, used routinely in I taxes, usually implicitly focused
solving economic models. Typi- on domestic goods, residents or
cally, it consists of setting equal firms. A fiscal stimulus is an
to zero the derivative of the I increase in purchases or trans-
function being maximised (or fers or a cut in taxes.
its Lagrangian), with respect to • fiscalist view
a variable that can be con- I

trolled. an extreme Keynesian view,

that money doesn't matter at all
• first welfare theorem of I as aggregate demand policy.
economics / first theorem Assumes that investment dc-
of welfare economics mand does not respond to in-
the statement which states that I terest rate changes. Relevant
a Walrasian equilibrium is only in depression conditions.
weakly Pareto optimal. Such a
• Fisher Consistency / Fisher
theorem is true in a large and I
Consistent Estimation
important class of general equi-
librium models (usually static I a necessary condition for maxi-
ones). The standard case is if ~ mum likelihood estimation to
every agent has a positive quan- ; be consistent. Maximising the
tity of every good and every likelihood function L gives an
agent has a utility function that I estimate for parameter b that
is convex, continuous and I is Fisher-consistent if:
strictly increasing, then the First E[d(ln L)jdb]=O at b=b o,
Welfare Theorem holds. I where b is the true value of b.
I Another interpretation or
• first-order stochastic phrasing: 1\n estimation proce-
dure is Fisher consistent if the
usually means stochastic domi- I parameters of interest solve the
nance. population analog of the esti-
mation problem.'

" ======================;;;;Economics
II Fisher Effict Ijk&ibility strategy 67
_ Fisher Effect ~ - Fisher Information
the theory where a change in the ; an attribute or property of a
expected rate of inflation will : distribution with known form
lead to an equal change in the ~ but uncertain parameter values.
nominal interest rate, thus I It is only well-defined for dis-

keeping the real interest rate ~ tributions satisfying certain as-

unchanged. : sumptions.
: - Fisherian Criterion
~ for optimal investment by a
; firm - that it should invest in
Io<INnl';;.I.~ R"';;;:;l'=:tl')(;k
: real assets until their marginal
"- PI'IOCl, (Fal ir\

~ internal rate of return equals the

UwUMIIMJ Ic..- ~lCounIl"et. t:>f
U")I'")I) l..Iturecesn tIo.... ->

I appropriately risk -adjusted rate

- Fisher Equation : of return on securities.
nominal rat~ of interest = real : - Fixed Effects Estimator /1
interest rate + inflation
~ Fixed Effects Estimation
- Fisher Hypothesis (FE)
the real rate of interest is con- a linear regression in which cer-
stant. Hence, the nominal rate tain kinds of differences are sub-
moves with inflation. The real ~ tracted out, so that one can es-
rate of interest would be de- ; timate the effects of another
termined by the time prefer- : kind of difference.
ences of the public and tech- I
: - flexibility strategy
nological constraints deter- I
mining the return on real in- : could be considered a strategic
vestment. ~ 'response to uncertainty'. A flex-
; ible firm, investment, set of
- Fisher Index : skills, residential arrangement,
is a price index, calculated for a ~ etc. is more responsive to un-
given period by taking the ; predictable futures than a rigid
square root of the product of the : firm, etc. Pursuing a flexibility
Paasche index value and the ~ strategy would mean to build
Laspeyres index value. ; appropriate flexibilities into
: projects and organisations, '
I '\

Economics==~==== II
68 • .flexible exchange rate I FOB pricing /I

even if that means higher I jobs, whereas the other part of

project or organisational costs, I the labour force can be hired and
as long as the benefits of pos- fired with ease or employed
sible future adjustments out- I with variable hours as needed.
weighs these costs. I _ flexible-accelerator model

- flexible exchange rate a macro model where there is a


same as floating exc hange rate. variable relationship between

the growth rate of output and
- flexible specialisation I
the level of net investment. The
a company- level strategy of : relation between the change in
'permanent innovation', 'accom- I output and the level of net in-
modation to ceaseless change' I vestment is the accelerator prin-
(rather than to control it). This I ciple.
strategy is based on flexible
multi-use equipment, skilled I-FOB
workers and the creation, the price of a traded good ex-
through politics, of an industrial cluding the transport cost. It
community that restricts the I stands for 'free on board', but
forms of competition to those is used only as these initials. It
favouring innovation. means the price after loading
I onto a ship, but before shipping,
- flexible work for.ce
thus not including transporta-
a work force that can be I tion, insurance and other costs
adapted to changing circum- I needed to get a good from one
stances. In the context of seg- I country to another. Contrasts
mented, dual labour markets, with elF and FAS.
it's been suggested that a flex- I
ible work force may have two - FOB pricing
meanings: One part of the Free On Board Mill base pric-
labour force is given the chance I ing. A pricing system in which
to be flexible itself, i.e. to be prices are quoted for delivery at
considered functionally suffi- the point of production, with
ciently diversified so that em- I the buyer to pay freight from
ployees can be used for differ- that point.
ent functions or in different

II ========Bcon"",ies
II FOGS Negotiations"",6~9
• FOGS Negotiations .~ • foreign asset position
in ilie Uruguay Round, this por- I the amount of assets which resi-
tion of the negotiations dealt ~ dents of a country own abroad.
with the functioning of the : Also used to mean the net for-
GAIT System and resulted ul- ~ eign asset position.
timately in the formation of the ~ • foreign direct investment
wro and its dispute settlement
; 1. acquisition or construction of
: physical capital by a firm from
• footloose activity ~ one (source) country in another
an activity that is viable at many ; (host) country.
different locations. It does not


depend on any specific location ..............

factor. An industry is footloose I
if its long run profitability is the
same for any location in an
economy. I
: 2. investments undertaken by
• footloose factor ~ multinational firms in pursuit of
a factor which can move easily I their own organisational objec-
across national borders, in con- ; tives
trast to one that, due to inclina-
: 3. a component of a country's
tion or constraints, cannot.
~ national fmancial accounts. For-
Footloose factors are some-
; eign direct investment is the
times thought to have an advan-
: investment of foreign assets into
tage in a globalised economy.
~ domestic structures, equipment
• footloose industry I and organisations. It does not

an industry which is not tied to : include foreign investment into

any particular location or coun- ~ the stock markets. Foreign di-
try and can relocate across na- I rect investment is believed to be
tional borders, in response to ; more useful to a country than
changing economic conditions. : investments in the equity of its
Many manufacturing industries ~ companies because equity in-
seem to have this characteris- ; vestments are potentially 'hot
tic. : money' which can leave at the

Beonomies======= II
70 foreign investment af3;mentfor protecticm Iforward linkages II
first sign of trouble, whereas I bates to American exporters, if
FDI is durable and generally I they form what may be a largely
useful whether things go well artificial foreign subsidiary
or badly. I called an FSC. This has been the
I subject of a trade dispute with
• foreign investment argu-
the EU which complained to the
ment for protection
WTO that this constitutes an
the use of protection, to attract I illegal export subsidy.
FDI from abroad. It does work,
since much FDI has been moti- I • foreign trade zone
vated by firms trying to get be- an area within a country where
hind a tariff wall to sell their imported goods can be stored
products. In an otherwise I or processed without being sub-
nondistorted economy, how- I ject to import duty. Also called
ever, the cost in terms of more a 'free zone', 'free port', or
expensive goods is higher than I 'bonded warehouse'.
the benefit from additional capi- I • formula approach
I a procedure for organising mul-
• foreign repercussion tilateral trade negotiations, us-
the feedback effect on a domes- ing a formula for tariff reduc-
tic economy, when its macro- I tions as a starting point.
economic changes cause large I • forward
enough changes abroad for
those in turn to cause further I on the forward market.
changes at home. Most com- I • forward discount
monly, a rise in income stimu- opposite of forward premium.
lates imports, causing an expan- I

sion abroad that in turn raises I

• forward linkages
demand for the home country's linkages between a producer or
exports. I supplier and their customers.
As different from backward
• Foreign Sales Corporation linkages, forward linkages are
(FSC) I output-oriented and, in the ma-
a provision of the US tax code I trix-context of input-output
which grants income-tax re- analysis, are conventionally

II ========E&cmomics
II forward market Ifree entry 71
traced in rows. ~ can be done in different loca-
; tions, including in different
- forward market
: countries.
a market for exchange of cur- I
rencies in the future. Partici- : - free cash flow
pants in a forward market en- ~ cash flow to a firm, in excess of
ter into a contract to exchange I the req uirement to fund all
currencies, not today, but at a ~ projects that have positive net
specified date in the future, : present values when discounted
typically 30, 60 or 90 days from ~ at the relevant cost of capital.
now and at a price (forward ; Free cash flow can be a source
exchange rate) that is agreed : of principal-agent conflict be-
upon today. ~ tween shareholders and manag-
_ forward premium I ers, since shareholders would
: probably want it paid out in
the difference between a for- I
ward exchange rate and the spot : some form to them and man-
I agers might want to control it,
exchange rate, expressed as an
~ e.g. to use it for unprofitable
annualised percentage return on
buying foreign currency spot : projects, for perquisites, to
~ make acquisitions, to create jobs
and selling it forward.
; for friends and allies' and so
- forward rate : forth.
also called the forward exchange I
: - free enterprise
rate, this is the exchange rate on
I a system in which economic
a forward market transaction.
I agents are free to own property
_ four-firm concentration and engage in commercial
ratio transactions.
the percent of an industry's sales I
: - free entry
which accrue to the largest four
firms, a measure of industrial ~ the assumption where new
concentration. ; firms are permitted to enter an
: industry and can do so without
- fragmentation ~ any costs whatsoever. Together
the splitting of production pro- ; with free exit, it implies that
cesses into separate parts which : profit must be zero in equilib-

Economics======= II
72 .free entry condition trade II
num. I • free reserves
• free entry condition I excess reserves minus borrowed
an assumption posted in d. I
search and matching model of : • free rider
. I.
a market. The assumption 1S : someone who enjoys the ben-
that there is no institutional con-
I efits of a public good without

straint on firms entering the ~ bearing the cost. An example,

market (e.g. to hire workers). : in trade policy, is that trade
There is no fixed number of ~ liberalisation benefits the ma-
firms. The number of firms is ; jority of consumers without
determined in equilibrium, by their lobbying for it. This may
the costs of starting up. I tip the policy in the direction of

• free exit I protection, for which there are

the assumption where firms are I fewer free riders.

permitted to leave an industry • free spatial demand curve
and can do so costlessly. demand schedule (pricejquan-
I tity of demand function) of con-
• free good
goods that are unlimited in sup- I sumers, distributed in space
with varying distances from a
ply and which therefore have no
I given, central location, aggre-
opportunity cost.
gated for a supply location with
• free market economy / free 'price' (in the mind of consum-
market economies I ers) to include transport costs

an economy in which the allo- I from this location to the con-

cation for resources is deter- sumers.
mined only by their supply and • free trade
the demand for them. This is I
a situation in which there are no
mainly a theoretical concept as
I artificial barriers to trade, such
every country, even capitalist
ones, places some restrictions I as tariffs and NTBs. Usually
used, often only implicitly, with
on the ownership and exchange
I frictionless trade, so that it im-
of commodities.
I plies that there are no barriers
to trade of any kind. For a

II =======Bconomks
II Free TradeArea (FrA) 1JUture-orien:"",RO""e'1""Jt=========7=3
traded homogeneous product, ~ - frictionless trade
it follows that domestic and ; the absence of natural barriers
world price must be equal. : to trade, such as transport
- Free Trade Area (FTA) : costs.
a group of countries which ~ - Friedman Rule
adopt free trade (zero tariffs ~ in a cash-in-advance model of a
and no other restrictions on ; monetary system, the Friedman
trade) on trade among them- : rule for monetary policy is to
selves, while not necessarily ~ deflate so that it is not costly for
changing the barriers that each ; those, who have money, to con-
member country has on trade : tinue to hold it. Then, the cash-
with the countries outside the ~ in-advance constraint isn't bind-
group. I ing on them.

- Free Trade Area of the ; - Full Information Maxi-

Americas (FTAA) mum Likelihood (FIML)
a preferential trading arrange- ~ an approach to the estimation
ment being negotiated among ~ of simultaneous equations.
most of the countries (all but
Cuba) of the western hemi- ~ - functional I functionals
sphere. ; a mapping from paths of func-
: tions to the reals (e.g. a value
- frequency ~ function defmed by a mapping
the speed of the up and down ~ from possible paths of choices.
movements of a fluctuating eco-
nomic variable, that is, the num- ; - functional distribution of
ber of times, per unit of time, I income
which the variable completes a : how the income of an economy
cycle of up and down move- ~ is divided among the owners of
ment. ; different factors of production,
: into wages, rent, etc.
- frictional unemployment •
unemployment which comes : - future-oriented agent
from people moving between ~ discounts the future lightly and
jobs, careers and locations. • so has a low discount rate or
; equivalently a high discount fac-

&onomics==-====== II
74 futures market I General~eement on Tariffi and Trade (GATT) "

tor. I small enough that each has a

I perceptible influence on the oth-
- futures market
a market for exchange (of cur- I
rencies, in the case of the ex- - gamma index
change market) in the future. a measure of the connectivity of
i.e., participants contract to ex- I a network comparing (through
change currencies, not today, a ratio) the actual number of
but at a specified calendar date links with the maximum num-
in the future, and at a price (ex- I ber of possible links (edges) in
change rate) that is agreed this network.
upon today. Gamma Index Formula =
- gains from trade theorem actual number of links
the theoretical proposition ------------
where (in the absence of distor- I half the number of nodes
tions) there will be gains from (number of nodes - 1)
trade for any economy that
- gastarbeiter
moves from autarky to free I

trade, as well as for a small open a guest worker.

economy and for the world as a _ GATT Articles
whole if tariffs are reduced ap- I the individual sections of the
propriately. I GAIT agreement, convention-
- game ally indentified by their Roman
a theoretical construct in game numerals. Most were originally
theory in which players select I drafted in 1947, and are still
actions and the payoffs depend I
included in the WTo.
on the actions of all the play- _ General Agreement on
ers. Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
- game theory- I a multilateral treaty entered
the modelling of strategic inter- I into in 1948 by the intended
actions among agents, used in members of the International
economic models where the I Trade Organisation. The pur-
numbers of interacting agents I pose of the same was to imple-
(firms, governments, etc.) is I
ment many of the rules and ne-

II = = = = = = = = B c o n o m i c s
II GeneralAgreementon Trade in Servic; (GATS) I Gini Coefficient 75

gotiated tariff reductions that ~ - generalised system of

would be overseen by the ITO. ; preferences
With the failure of the ITO to : tariff preferences for develop-
be approved, the GATT be- ~ ing countries, where some de-
came the principal institution I veloped countries let certain
regulating trade policy, until it ~ manufactured and semi-manu-
was subsumed within the wro : factured imports from develop-
in 1995. ~ ing countries enter at lower tar-
_ General Agreement on ; iffs than the same products
Trade in Services (GATS) : from developed countries.
the agreement, negotiated in : - gentrification
the Uruguay Round, which ~ the widespread emergence of
brings international trade in I middle-and upper middle-class
services into the wro. It pro- : enclaves in formerly deterio-
vides for countries to provide ~ rated-inner-city neighbourhoods.
national treatment to foreign I
: _ geobase
service providers and for them
to select and negotiate the ser- I database or index of the inter-

vice sectors to be covered un- ; national literature of geography,

der GATS. : ecology, earth science and ma-
~ rine science.
- general equilibrium
equanimity of supply and de- ~ - Giffen good
mand in all markets of an I a good which is so inferior and

economy simultaneously. The : so heavily consumed at low in-

I .
number of markets does not : comes that the demand for It
I rises when its price rises. The
have to be large. The simplest
Ricardian model has markets ~ reason is that the price increase
only for two goods and one : lowers income sufficiently that
factor, labour, but this is a ~ the positive income effect (be-
general equilibrium model. ; cause it is inferior) outweighs
Contrasts with partial equilib- : the negative substitution effect.
rium. : - Gini Coefficient
~ a measure of income inequal-

:&onomics======= II
76 global Igloba/isation "
ity within a population, rang- , interdependencies.
ing from zero for complete I • global competitiveness
equality, to one if one person
has all the income. It is de- I competitiveness applied inter-
fined as the area between the I nationally.
Lorenz Curve and the diago- • global optimum
nal, divided by the total area an allocation that is better, by
under the diagonal. I some criterion, than all others

or rec- a¥aUabie
GW c.wl'lkk., aMI GDP po-r ~.plbo
~ teIedtd

• globalisation
i :: : ":." 1. the increasing integration of
world markets for goods, ser-
I vices and capital that attracted
r, 1 : I ~ ~ (. ' I • ill II I~ 11 14
special attention in the late
It measures the degree to I 2. also used to encompass a va-
which two frequency (percent- I riety of other changes that were
age) distributions correspond. perceived to occur at about the
The Gini coefficient is a num- I same time, such as an increased
ber between 0 and 100 (or 0 I role for large corporations
and 1), where 0 means perfect (MNCs) in the world economy
equality (exact correspondence, I and increased intervention into
e.g. everyone has the same in- I domestic policies and affairs by
come) and 100 (or 1) means international institutions such as
perfect inequality (one person I the IMF, WTO and World
has all the income, everyone else I Bank.
earns nothing).
I 3. among countries outside
• global the United States, especially
the world-wide presence of a I developing countries, the
phenomenon or a world-wide I term sometimes refers to the
spatial pattern of locations of an domination of world economic
organisation and/or a pattern of ~ affairs and commerce by the
I United States.

1/ ========Eeonomics
II gold standard I Grandfotherclause . . =========="",7=7

~ and analysed.
~ • government procurement
; purchase of goods and services
: by government and by state-
:I owned enterpnses.
: • government procurement
. practice
; the methods by which units of
: government and state-owned
~ enterprises determine from
• gold standard
; whom to purchase goods and
a monetary system where both : services. When these methods
the value of a unit of the cur- ~ include a preference for domes-
rency and the quantity of it in I tic firms, they constitute an
circulation are specified in terms : NTB.
of gold. If two currencies are I

both on the gold standard, then : • graduation

the exchange rate between : termination of a country's eli-
them is approximately deter- ~ gibility for GSP tariff prefer-
mined by their two prices in ; ences, on the grounds that it has
terms of gold. : progressed sufficiently, in terms
~ of per capita income or another
• good
; measure, that it is no longer in
a product which can be pro- : need to special and differential
duced, bought and sold and that ~ treatment.
has a physical identity. Some-
times said inaccurately to be ~ • Grandfather clause
anything that 'can be dropped I a provision in an agreement,
on your foot' or, also inaccu- ~ including the GATT but not the
rately, to be 'visible'. Contrasts : WTO, which allows signatories
with service. Trade in goods is ~ to keep certain of their previ-
much easier to measure than ; ously existing laws that other-
trade in services and thus much : wise would violate the agree-
more thoroughly documented ~ ment.

Economies======= II
"",78=========B"",ra"",VJ='ty~ I Gross National Product (GNP) II
• gravity model I • Gross domestic product
a model of the flows of bilat- I (GDP)
eral trade based on analogy 1. the total value of new goods
with the law of gravity in phys- and services produced in a given
ics : T.'J = AY.Y./D
.. , where
I year, within the borders of a
T i · is exports from country i to I country, regardless of by whom.
c6untry j, Yi,Y. are their na- It is referred as 'gross' in the
tional incomes,' D .. is the dis- I sense that it does not deduct
tance between them and A is a depreciation of previously pro-
constant. Other constants as duced capital, in contrast to
exponents and other variables I NDP.
are often included. I 2. value of all the goods and ser-
• grey area measure vices produced by workers and
capital located with a country
a measure whose conformity
I (or region), regardless of na-
with existing rules is unclear,
tionality of workers or owner-
such as a VER under the GAIT I
prior to the wro.
• Gross National Product
• green box (GNP)
category of subsidies permitted
1. the total value of new goods
under the WTO Agriculture I
and services produced in a given
Agreement includes those not I
year by a country's domestically
directed at particular products,
I owned factors of production,
direct income support for farm-
regardless of where. It is 'gross'
ers unrelated to production or I
in the sense that it does not de-
prices, subsidies for environ-
I duct depreciation of previously
mental protection and regional
produced capital, in contrast to
• green field investment I 2. total value of all fmal goods
FDI which involves the con- I and services produced for con-
struction of a new plant, rather sumption in society during a par-
then the purchase of an exist- I ticular time period. The GNP
ing plant or firm. I includes allowances for depre-
ciation and indirect business

II ========Economics
II gross output I GutfCooperation cou;l~r"",GC=C"",J========"",7"",,9
taxes such as' those on sales and I central banks have met on the
property. ~ occasion of the bimonthly BIS
3. it is the output of labour and ~ meetings.
property of a country's n~tion- : _ growth accounting
als, regardless of the locatlon of ~ decomposition of the sources of
the labour and property. Gr<:>ss I economic growth into the con-
National Product includes m- : tributions from increases in
come earned by the factors of ~ capital, labour and other factors.
production (assets and la.bour) I What remains, called the Solow
owned by a country's resIdents ~ residual, is usually attributed to
but excludes income produced : technology.
within the country's borders by I •
factors of production owned by : - Grubel-Lloyd mdex
nonresidents. ~ the measure of the intra-indus-
; try trade suggested by Grube!
- gross output : and Lloyd (1975). For an indus-
the total output of a firm, in- ~ try i with exports X, and impor~s
dustry or economy without de- I M. the index IS
ducting intermediate inputs. ~ I :: [(X;+M) IX,M,IPOOj
For a firm or industry, this is : (X, +M). This is the fractlon of
b than its value . added, I total trade in the industry,
which is net of its own mterme- : X +M. that is accounted for by
I , "
diate inputs. For an economy, : IIT (times 100).
gross output is greater than net ~. _ Gulf Cooperation Council
output which deducts the
amount' of the good itself, used I (GCC)
as an intermediate input. ; an agreement among six. coun-
: tries of Persian Gulf regIon -
- group of ten
~ Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar,
a group of ten countries, mem-
; Saudi Arabia and the United
bers of the IMP, which, together : Arab Eri1irates - in 1981, with
with Switzerland, agreed to ~ the aim of coordinating and in-
make resources available out-
~ t~grating their economic poli-
side their IMF quotas. Since
; Cles.
1963, the governors of the GI0

Economics======= II
80 H Index (The Herftn;hl-HirSChman Index) I Hat algebra 1\

• H Index (The Herfindahl- I to the decrease in real income

Hirschman Index) and therefore that a real depre-
It stands for Herfindahl- ciation will cause an increase in
Hirschman index, which is a I real expenditure.
way of measuring the concen- I • harmonisation
tration of market share held by I the change in government regu-
particular suppliers in the mar- lations and practices, as a result
keto The H index is the aggre- I of an international agreement,
gate of squares of the percent- I to make those of different
ages of the market shares held countries the same or more
by the firms in a market. If ~ compatible.
there is a monopoly, i.e. one ;
firm with all sales, the H index • Harmonised System (HS)
is 10000. If there is perfect I an international system for clas-
competition, with an infinite I sifying goods in international
number of firms with near-zero trade and for specifying the tar-
market share each, the H index iffs on those goods. It was
is approximately zero. Other I adopted at the beginning of
industry structures will have H 1989 and it replaced the previ-
indices between zero and ously used schedules in over 50
10000. I countries.

• Harberger triangle I • Harrod neutral

the triangular area or areas in a I a particular specification of
supply and demand diagram technological change or techno-
that measure the net welfare I logical difference that is labour
loss or dead-weight -loss due to I augmenting.
a market distortion or policy,
I • Hat algebra
such as a tariff.
the Jones (1965) technique for
• Harberger-Laursen- comparative static analysis in
Metzler Effect I trade models. By totally differ-
the conjecture or result that a entiating a model in the loga-
terms of trade deterioration will rithms of its variables, a 'linear
cause a decrease in savings due I system is obtained relating

II = = = = = = = = E c o n o m k s
II Havana ~harter I Heckscher-ohlin-;muelSlmMOdel (HOSModel) 81

small proportional changes (de- I across countries and differences

noted by carats (A), or 'hats') I in relative factor intensities
in terms of various elasticities across industries. It sometimes
and shares. ~ refers only to the textbook or
; 2x2x2 model, but more gener-
• Havana Charter
: ally includes models with any
the charter for the never-imple- :I numbers of factors, goods, and
mented International Trade I countries. Model was originally
Organisation. The draft was . formulated by Heckscher
completed at a conference in I (1919), fleshed out by Ohlin
Havana, Cuba, in 1948. I (1933), and refined by
• Headquarters services Samuelson (1948,1949,1953).
the activities of a firm which ~ • Heckscher-Ohlin Theorem
typically occur at its main loca- (HOT)
tion and that contribute in a ~ the prOpOSItlOn of the
broad sense to its productivity ; Heckscher-Ohlin Model that
at all of its locations and plants. : countries will export the goods
These may include manage- ~ that use relatively intensively
ment, accounting, marketing, I their relatively abundant fac-
and R&D. . tors.
• Heavily Indebted Poor : • Heckscher-Ohlin-
Countries (HIPC) I
. Samuelson Model (HOS
the na~e g~ven to those poor; Model)
countnes. .large ~ebts, the. ~ usually synonymous with the
. of lilltlatlVes bemg to for- .. H ec ksc h er- Ohl·n1 M 0 d e,I a-
.. that
d 1debt as a means of as- I thou h
. g som etl·mes th t .
e erm IS
SIStmg eve opment. ; used to distinguish the more
• Heckscher-Ohlin Model : formalised, mathematical ver-
(H-O Model) ~ sion that Samuelson used from
a model of international trade I the more general but less well-
in which comparative advantage : defmed conceptual treatment of
derives from differences in ~ Heckscher and Ohlin.
relative factor endowments I

Economics======== II
82 Heckscher-Ohlin-*,mk Model (H;V) I high-tech imlustries or activities "

• Heckscher-Ohlin-Vanek I • Hicksian Demand Func-

Model (HOV) tion
the Heckscher-Ohlin Model for denoted h(p,u) and it refers to
the case of identical techniques the amount of a good that is
of production, used to derive I demanded by a consumer given
the strong prediction about the that it costs p per unit and that
factor content of trade, known the consumer will have utility u
as the Heckscher-Ohlin-Vanek I from all goods, where h(p,u) is
Theorem. the cost-minimising amount.
• Heckscher-Ohlin-Vanek • high dimens~on
Theorem in trade theory, this refers to
the prediction of the H-O-V having more than two goods,
Model where a country's net I factors, and/or countries, or to
factor content of trade equals its having arbitrary numbers of
own factor endowment minus : these. Contrasts with the two-
its world-expenditure share of I ness of the 2x2x2 Model.
the world factor endowment. .
I • high powered money
That is, for country i, P = VI_
SIVW, whe~e pi is the factor con- I 1. same as monetary base, in
tent of its trade, Vi,VW its and the sense of currency plus com-
the world's factor endowment, I mercial bank reserves.
and Si its share of world expen- I 2. the monetary base or the to-
diture. tal of currency in circulation and
commercial bank deposits with
• hedge I the central bank.
to offset risk. In the foreign
exchange market, hedgers use I • high-tech industries or
the forward market to cover a I activities
transaction or open position and the identification of those indus-
thereby reduce exchange risk. I tries considered to be high-tech
The term applies most com- I has generally relied on a calcu-
monly to trade. lation comparing R&D inten-
sities. R&D intensity, in tUl'n,
I has typically been determmed by
comparing industry R&D ex-

II ========Economics
II HilbertSpace/HilbertSpaces I homo~ofdegreezero 83

penditures and/or numbers of ~ where multiplying all argu-

technical people employed (i.e., ; ments by a constant changes the
scientists, engineers, techni - : value of the function by a mono-
cians) to industry value added ~ tonic function of that constant:
or to the total value of its ship- ; F (DV) = g( D) F (V), where F (-)
ments. : is the homogeneous function, V
is a vector of arguments, 0>0
• Hilbert Space / Hilbert
I is any constant, and g( .) is some
strictly increasing positive func-
a complete normed metric I tion. Special cases include ho-
space with an inner product. So I mogeneous of degree X and lin-
the Hilbert spaces are also Ba- early homogeneous.
nach spaces. L 2 is an example I
of a Hilbert space. Any Rn with I • homogeneous of degree 1
n finite is another. : the same as linearly homoge-
• hinterland ~ neous and, for a production
; function, constant returns to
tributary (factor-supply or : scale.
product-market) area of a I
heartland, central region, city or ~ • homogeneous of degree X
port. A hinterland is delineated a homogeneous function where
by the inter-dependency rela- I the monotonic function is the
tionships with the core region. ; constant raised to the exponent
: X: F(OV)=OXF(V).
• home bias I
a preference, by consumers or : • homogeneous of degree
other demanders, for products I zero
produced in their own country, ; the property of a function
compared to otherwise identi- : whose value if you scale all ar-
cal imports. This was proposed : guments by the same propor-
by Trefler (1995) as a possible I tion, does not change. In the H-
explanation for the mystery of ~ 0 Model, CRTS production
the missing trade. : functions imply that marginal
~ products have this property,
• Homogeneous function
; which is critical for factor price
a function with the property equalisation.

&tmomics======= II
84 homogeneous product I horiz6ntal intraindustry trade II
• homogeneous product I selves literally homothetic.

the product of an industry in I • homothetic preferences

which the outputs of different together with identical prefer-
firms are indistinguishable. ences, this presumption is used
Contrasts with differentiated I for many propositions in trade
product. theory, in order to assure that
• homohypallagic I consumers with different in-
having a constant elasticity of : comes but facing the same
substitution. One of the inven- ~ prices will de~and goods in the
tors of the CES function tried ; same proportlons.
to christen it this in Minhas • horizontal integration
(1962), where he also explored
production of different vari~t­
its theoretical and empirical
ies of the same product or dif-
implications for the Heckscher- ferent products at the same
Ohlin Theorem, but the name level of processing, within a
did not catch on. I single firm. This may, but need

• homothetic not, take place in subsidiaries in

a function of two or more ar- I different countries.
guments is homothe~c if ~ ra- • horizontal integration
tios of its first partlal denva- corporate mergers inv?lving
tives depend only on the ratios I competing firms producmg the
of the arguments, not th~ir lev- same or similar production at
els. For competitive consumers the same stage of production.
or producers optimising subject I Such mergers tend to reduce
to homothetic utility or produc- I competition in the market.
tion functions, this means that :
ratios of goods demanded d e- I • horizontal intraindustry
pend only on relative pnces, not I trade . .
on income or scale. : intraindustry trade m which the
• I exports and imports are at the
• homothenc demand : same stage of processing.
demand functions derived from ~ Likely due to product differen-
homothetic preferences. The I tiation. Contrasts with vertical
demand functions are not them- ; IIT. _

II = - - = = = = = = = = E e o n u r n i c s
II Huber- White Standard Errors I iden;"",lP"",'"",'ife7='C1"",u:es======="",8=5
• Huber-White Standard I principal-agent maximisation

Errors problem for a contract that

the standard errors that have meets various criteria, the IC
been adjusted for specified as- ~ constraints are those that re-
sumed-and-estimated correla- ; quire agents to prefer to act in
tions of error terms across ob- : accordance with the solution. If
servations. I the IC constraint were not im-

I posed, the solution to the prob-

• human capital : lem might be economically
1. the stock of knowledge and ~ meaningless, insofar as it pro-
skill, embodied in an individual I duced an outcome that met
as a result of education, train- ~ some criterion of optimality but
ing and experience which makes : which an agent would choose
them more productive. I not to act in accord with.
2. the stock of knowledge and
~ • iceberg transport cost
skill embodied in the popula-
tion of an economy. ; a cost of transporting a good
: that uses up only some fraction
• human capital accumula- ~ of the good itself, rather than
tion I using any other resources.
the attributes of a person which : Based on the idea of floating an
are productive in some eco- ~ iceberg, which is costless except
nomic context. Often refers to I for the amount of the iceberg
formal educational attainment, ~ itself that melts. It is a very trac-
with the implication that edu- : table way of modelling trans-
cation is investment whose re- ~ port costs since it impacts no
turns are in the form of wage, ; other market.
salary, or other compensation.
; • idempotent matrix
These are normally measured
and conceived of as private re- : a matrix M is idempotent if
turns to the individual but can ~ MM=M. (M times M equals
also be social returns. 1M.)

• Ie Constraint ; • identical preferences

stands for 'incentive compatibil- ~ the assumption that individuals,
ity constraint'. When solving a :I either within a country or in dif-

Eetmomics======= II
""8,,,,6===========* identitymll;trix I implicit contract II
ferent countries, have the same I Solve for the structural form
preferences. To be useful, since I parameters in terms of the re-
individuals' and countries' in- duced form parameters, and
comes may differ, the assump- I substitute in the estimates of
tion is often used together with I the reduced form parameters to
homothetic preferences. get estimates for the structural
_ identity matrIX. ones.
a square matrix of any dimen- - immiserising growth
sion whose elements are ones I economic growth which makes
on its northwest-to-southeast the country worse off.
diagonal and zeroes everywhere Bhagwati (1958) coined the
else. Any square matrix multi- I term for growth that expands
plied by the identity matrix with I exports and worsens the terms
those dimensions equals itself. of trade sufficiently that its real
One usually says 'the' identity I income falls. Johnson (1955)
matrix, since in most contexts I had shown that a market dis-
the dimension is unambiguous. torted by a tariff could lose from
It is standard to denote the growth and had also, indepen-
identity matrix by 1. I dently, worked out conditions
for Bhagwati's result.
- Illiquid Assets
assets which are not easily and - imperfectly competitive
quickly converted into money. refers to an economic agent
_ ILS / Indirect Least I (firm or consumer), group of
agents (industry), model or
analysis that is characterised by
ILS stands for Indirect Least I
imperfect competition. Con~
Squares, an approach to the es- I trasts with perfectly competi-
timation of simultaneous equa- tive.
tions models. Steps:
a. Rearrange the structural - implicit contract
form equations into reduced a non-contractual agreement
form. I which corresponds to a Nash
b. Estimate the reduced form I equilibrium, to the repeated bi-
parameters. lateral trading game other than

II = = = = = = = = & o n o m i c s
II implicitpricedejlator I importpenetr:on 87

the sequence of Nash equilib- I 2. the difference between the

ria, to the one-shot trading I price just inside a border and
game. In the labour market, an : the price just outside it, espe-
implicit contract is formally rep~ ~ cially in the case of a good pro-
resented by a series of games ; tected by an import quota.
in which the firm pays a salary
; - import bias
and the employee works effec-
~ ~. any bias in favour of import-
tively because they expect to
play the game again (continue : mg.
the agreement) if it goes well, ~ 2. applied to growth, it tends to
not because they have an ex- ; mean a bias against importing,
plicit, enforceable contract. : and against trading more gen-
~ erally. Thus, growth that is
- implicit price deflator I based disproportionately on ac-

a broad measure of prices de- cumulation of the factor used

rived from separate estimates I intensively in the import-com-

of real and nominal expendi- I peting industry and/or techno-

tures for GDP or a subcategory logical progress favouring that
of GDP. Without ql!alification, industry.
the term refers to the GDP de- I
flator and is thus an index of : - import demand elasticity
prices for everything that a ~ the elasticity of demand for im-
country produces, unlike the ; ports with respect to price.
CPI, which is restricted to con- ; _ import elasticity
sumption and includes prices of : usually means the import de-
imports. ~ mand elasticity.
- implicit tariff ~ _ import penetration
1. tariff revenue on a good or I a measure of the importance of
group of goods, divided by the I imports in the domestic
corresponding value of imports. economy, either by sector or
Often lower than the official or ~ overall, usually defined as the
statutory tariff, due both to ; value of imports divided by the
PTAs and due to failures in cus- : value of apparent consumption.
toms collection. I

&01Iomics======== II
88 .. importpriceindex I inadmissibility II
• import price index I in a two-good model with trade,

price index of the goods that a lone good is the export good and
country imports. the other is the import-compet-
I ing good.
• import substitute
a good produced on the domes- I • impossibility theorem
tic market that competes with lone of a class of theorems fol-
imports, either as a perfect sub- lowing Arrow (1951), showing
stitute or as a differentiated that social welfare functions
product. I cannot have certain collections
of desirable attributes in com-
• import substituting mon.
a strategy for economic devel- • impulse response function
opment based on replacing im- a graph of the response of the
ports with domestic production. I system over time after a shock
(lSI) is known an impulse response
function graph. One use is in
• import substitution I models of monetary systems.

a strategy for economic devel- One graphs for example the

opment that replaces imports I percentage deviations in output
with domestic production. It I or consumption over time after
may be motivated by the infant I a one-time one percent increase
industry argument, or simply by in the money stock.
the desire to mimic the indus- I
trial structure of advanced coun- • Inada conditions
tries. Contrasts with export pro- I a function f() satisfies the Inada
motion. conditions if: f(O) = 0, f'(0) =
infinity and f'(infInity) = O. fO
• import surveillance is usually a production function
the monitoring of imports, usu- I in this context.
ally by means of automatic li-
I • inadmissibility
a possible action by a player in
• import-competing a game may be said to be inad-
refers to an industry which I
competes with imports. That is,

1/ ========&onomies
II income eJfoct I indiJforence curve 89
missible if it is dominated by I tity demanded divided by the
another feasible actions. The I percentage change in income.
term comes with view of a game I • incomplete specialisation
as a math problem. .An action
is or is not admissible as a can- I production of goods that com-
didate solution to the problem petc with imports.
of choosing a utility- • indebtedness
maximising strategy for the I the amount that is owed, thus
game player. I the amount of an entity's (indi-

• income effect : vidual, firm, or government's)

1. the effect of a change in in- I financial obligations to credi-
come on the quantity of a good I tors.
or service consumed. I • indemnity payment

2. that portion of the effect of a kind of insurance, where pay-

price on quantity demanded ment is made (often in previ-
that reflects the change in real I ously determined amounts) for
income due to the price change. injuries suffered, not for the
Contrasts with substitution ef- costs of recovery. The indemnity
fect. I payment is designed not to be

a dependent on anything the

• income elasticity
patient can control. From the
1. normally, the income elas- I point of view of the insurer, the
ticity of demand; that is, the
I indemnity mechanism avoids
elasticity of demand with re-
the moral hazard problem of
spect to income. I victim spending too much in
2. when used without another I recovery.
referent, income elasticity ap-
pears to mean 'of consumption'. I • indicator variable
That is for income I and con- in a regression, an indicator
sumption C: income elasticity variable is a variable that is one
= (l/C) (dC/dI)
1t I if a condition is true, and zero

if it is false.
• income elasticity of de-
mand ; • indifference curve
the percentage change in quan- a means of representing the

Economics======= It
""9",,O==========ind=~e theory I industrialcuncentration II
preferences and well being of ~ person who pays them.
consumers. Formally, it is a ;
• indirect utility function
curve which represents the
combinations of arguments in I denoted v(p, m) where p is a
a utility function that yield a I vector of prices for goods, and
given level of utility. m is a budget in the same units
I as the prices. The indirect util-

ity function takes the value of

the maximum utility that can be
I achieved by spending the bud-

get m on the consumption

goods with prices p.
• individually rational
I an allocation is individually ra-
tional if no agent is worse off
in that allocation than with his
• indifference theory I endowment.
the analysis of consumer de- I • induction
mand using inditTcrence curves
and an income constraint to I
a process of reasonmg
demonstrate the reason for the ('generalising') leading from
I the observation and recording
inverse relations hi p between
price and quantity demand. An I
of particular cases to general
conclusions or 'laws'.
alternative to the older marginal I
utility explanation of this phe- • inductive reasoning
nomenon. characterises a reasoning pro-
• indirect taxes I cess of generalising from facts,
taxes levied on a producer that I instances or examples.
the producer then passes on to • industrial concentration
the consumer as part of the the extent to which a small num-
price of a good. Distinguished I ber of firms dominates an in-
from direct taxes, such as sales I dustry, often measured by the
taxes which are visible to the four-firm concentration ratio.

II =======================Economics
\1 indwelling I infrastructure 91
Concentration is, in effect, the ~ Activities operating outside the
opposite of competition, though ; regulatory and often also out-
in an open economy, imports : side the taxation system.
complicate the relationship. ~ • information literacy
• indwelling I implicit in a full understanding

a term M. Polanyi used to sug- I of information literacy is the

gest that 'human beings create realisation that several condi-
knowledge by involving them- tions must be simultaneously
selves with objects, that is, ~ present. First, someone must
through self-involvement and ; desire to know, use analytic
commitment ... ' skills to formulate questions,
• inelastic I identify research methodolo-
I gies, and utilise critical skills to
having an elasticity less than evaluate experimental results.
one. For a price elasticity of de- I Second, the person must pos-
mand, this means that expen- I sess the skills to search for an-
diture falls as price falls. For an swers to those questions in in-
income elasticity, it means that ~ creasingly diverse and complex
the expenditure share falls with I ways. Third, once a person has
income. Contrasts with elastic . identified what is sought, he
and unit elastic. should be able to access it.
• inferior good • informational cascades
a good for which the demand I economic actors improve on
decreases when income in- ; their limited private informa-
creases. When a household's : tion by observing and mimick-
income goes up, it will buy a ~ ing the actions of others.
smaller quantity of such a good.
~ • infrastructure
• informal economy
I the facilities which must be in
a reference to those parts of the place in order for a country or
economy which operate with- I area to function as an economy
out official recognition or with I and as a state, including the capi-
only ambiguous or tenuous ties tal needed for transportation,
to governmental institutions. I

Economics======== 1\
92 injury I interbank rate It
communication, and provision I trolled by policy makers and
of water and power and the in- I can be used to influence other
stitutions needed for security, variables, called targets. Ex-
health and education. I amples are monetary and fiscal
I policies used to achieve exter-
• injury nal and internal balance.
harm to an industry's owners I

and/or workers. • in~el1igent enterprise

such enterprises that convert
• input-output table
I intellectual resources into a
a table representing all inputs chain of service outputs and in-
and outputs of an economy's I tegrate these into a form most
industries, including intermedi - I useful for certain customers.
ate transactions, primary in-
puts, and sales to fmal users. As I • intensity of land use
developed by Wassily Leontief, I factor inputs (capital, labour,
the table can be used to calcu- fertiliser, etc.) per unit area of
late gross outputs and primary land, generally yielding high
factor inputs needed to produce I returns per unit area of land, as,
specified net outputs. Leontief ~ e.g., in 'intensive agriculture' (as

(1954) used this to find the fac- : different from 'extensive land
tor content of u.s. trade, gen- I use' and 'extensive agriculture').
erating the Leontief Paradox. intensive
• institutional thickness I of production, using a relatively

a reference to the institutional large input of an input.

structure and qualities of insti- I
• intensive agriculture
tutions of a region, more spe- I
cifically the presence, interac- system of farming
tion, collective action (lack of ~ characterised by relatively high
inter-institutional conflict) and I levels of factor inputs (capital
legitimacy of institutions in a [including fertiliser] and/or
I labour) per unit of land.
I • interbank rate
• instrument
an economic variable that is con- I the rate of interest charged by
a bank on a loan to another

II ========&onomics
II interestparity I internationalad~tprocesS 93

bank. ~ to another, presumably to be

; used as an intermediate input.
• interest parity
equality of returns on otherwise ; • internal balance
identical financial assets de- : a target level for domestic ag-
nominated in different curren- ~ gregate economic activity, such
cies. May be uncovered, with I as a level of GDP that
returns including expected ~ mInImises unemployment
changes in exchange rates, or : without being inflationary.
covered, with returns including I
: • internal economies of scale
the forward premium or dis-
~ economies of scale that are in-
count. Also called interest rate
parity. ; ternal to a firm, that is, the
: firm's average costs fall as its
• interindustry trade ~ own output rises. Likely to be
trade in which a country's ex- I inconsistent with perfect com-
ports and imports are in differ- : petition. Contrasts with exter-
ent industries. Typical of mod- ~ nal economies of scale.
els of comparative advantage, . • InternalIse
I. .
such as the Ricardian Model
and Heckscher-Ohlin Model. ~ to cause, usually by a tax or sub-
Contrasts with intraindustry ; sidy, an external cost or benefit
trade. : of someone's actions to be ex-
~ perienced by them directly, so
• intermediate input ; that they will take it into ac-
an input to production which : count in their decisions.
has itself been produced and :I • international adjustment
that, unlike capital, is used up I process
in production. As an input, it is
in contrast to a primary input I 1. any mechanism for change in
and as an output, it is in con- ~ international markets.
trast to a final good. A very : 2. the mechanism by which pay-
large portion of international ~ ment imbalances diminish un-
trade is in intermediate inputs. ; der pegged exchange rates and
: nonsterilisation. Similar to the
• intermediate transaction specie flow mechanism, ex-
the sale of a product by one firm I

&onomies======= II
94 international;-nuwement I intra-mediatetmde /I

change-market intervention I of July 2000, it had 182 mem-

causes money supplies of sur- I ber countries.
plus countries to expand and 2. an international organisation
vice versa, leading to price and I with liquidity services to main-
interest rate changes that cor- I tain fmancial stability.
rect the current and capital ac-
count imbalances. I •interoperability
I ability of diverse intelligent de-
• international factor move- vices to communicate with one
ment I
another in performing mean-
the international movement of ~ ingful tasks.
any factor of production, includ-
ing primarily labour and capi- I • intra-firm (international)
tal. Thus includes migration and trade
foreign direct investment. Also flow of imports and exports of
may include the movement of ~ goods and services across na-
financial capital in the form of ; tional bOlmdaries between differ-
international borrowing and ent components of a corporate
I network (e.g. between home-
I country parent firms and their
• international macroeco- foreign affiliates).
same as international finance, • Intraindustry trade (lIT)
but with more emphasis on the trade in which a country ex-
international determination of ~ ports and imports in the same
macroeconomic variables such . industry, in contrast to inter-
as national income and the price industry trade. Ubiquitous in
level. I the data, much lIT is due to
aggregation. Can be horizon-
• International Monetary tal or vertical.
Fund (IMF)
1. an organisation formed to • intra-mediate trade
help countries to stabilise ex- I another term for fragmenta-
change rates, but today pursu- I tion. Used by Antweiler and
ing a broader agenda of finan- Trefler (2002).
cial stability and assistance. As

II intra-product specialisation lIS-1M:=1==========9=5
• intra-product I visible.
specialisation I •invisible trade
another term for fragmenta-
I (imports or exports of a region
tion. Used by Arndt (1997). or country) trade in non-com-
• inventories modity services such as finance
stocks of goods in the hands of I (banking, insurance etc.), com-
producers. These stocks are in- munications, transportation or
eluded in the definition of capi- toUrIsm.
tal and an increase in invento- ~ • involuntary unemploy-
ries is considered to be invest- I ment
ment. ; unemployment as result of de-
• invertible : ficiency in aggregate demand.
said of a matrix if its inverse : • IS-Curve
exists. That is, a matrix A is in- I
in the IS- LM model, the curve
vertible if there exists another
I representing the combinations
matrix B such that BA =I, where
of national income and interest
I is the identity matrix.
rate at which aggregate demand
• investing I equals supply for all goods. It

creating capital goods. Acquir- I is normally downward sloping

ing or producing structures, because a rise in income in-
machinery and equipment or I creases output by more than
inventories. aggregate demand (through
consumption), while a rise in
• investment spending I the interest rate reduces aggre-
the total amount of spending I gate demand through invest-
during some period of time on : ment.
capital goods.
: • lSI
• invisible : Import-Substituting
with reference to international I Industrialisation
trade, used as a synonym for
'service'. 'Invisibles trade' is I • IS-LM model
trade in services. Contrasts with I a Keynesian macroeconomlC

Economks======= II
""96=========L"",S"",-IM",,,:pmodel l Israel-US Free TradeArea II
model, popular particularly in I prices are) constant, most com-
the 1960s, in which national in- I monly in factor-price space
come and the interest rate were where it shows the combina-
determined by the intersection I tions of prices of factors consis-
of two curves, the IS-curve and I tent with zero profit in produc-
the LM-curve. ing a good at a specified price
• IS-LM-BP model of the good .
a particular version of the • isoquant
Mundell-Fleming Model that I a curve representing the com-
extends the IS-LM model by binations of factor inputs that
including in the diagram a third yield a given level of output in
curve, the BP-curve, represent- I a production function.
ing the balance of payments I • isostante
and/or the exchange market.
I term used by Tord Palander
• isocost line (following Schilling) to refer to
a line along with the cost of ~ the boundary between two mar-
something - generally a com- I ket areas served by two market
bination of two factors of pro- centres with varying prices and
duction - is constant. Since transport costs. The isostante
these are usually drawn for I specifies the points with equal
given prices, which are therefore delivered prices from both cen-
constant along the line, an tres.
isocost line is usually a straight I • isotim
line, with slope equal to the ra-
I line connecting points which are
tio of the (factor) prices.
I subject to equal transport cost
• isodapane for given materials (or prod-
points of equal additional trans- ucts) around a point of supply
port costs around the mini- I or around a market. Isotims
mum-total-trans port-cost are the basis for calculating ag-
point. gregate 'isodapanes' .
• iso-price curve • Israel-US Free Trade Area
a curve along which price is (or I a free trade area between the

" '========&onomics
II J-curve I Kaldor-Hicks criterion 97
United States and Israel that ~ because 'pre-existing condi-
was initiated in 1985. ; tions' are often not covered un-
: der U.S. health insurance.
- J-curve I

the dynamic path followed by : - just-in-time

the balance of trade in response ~ an organisational system of
to a devaluation, which typically I production designed to
causes the trade balance to : minimise the time and thereby
worsen before it improves, trac- associated cost between differ-
ing a path that looks like a let- I em stages of production as well
ter '1'. I as between initial expressions of

: demand and the delivery of

- Jensen's Inequality
~ goods or services. Just-in-time
if X is a real-valued random ; principles and methods were
variable with E( IX I) finite and : first applied by Japanese car
the function g() is convex, then ~ manufacturers but have found
E[g(X)] > = g(E[X]). Jensen's ; wide application in other activi-
inequality is the inequality one : ties.
can refer to when showing that I
an investor with a concave util- I: - k percent rule
ity function prefers a certain : a monetary policy rule of keep-
return to the same expected re- ~ ing the growth of money at a
turn with uncertainty. ; fixed rate of k percent a year.
: This phrase is often used as
- Jigyobusei (jp)
f ~ stated, without specifying the
multidivisional system o ; percentage.
; - Kaldor-Hicks criterion
- job lock
: the criterion which, for a change
describes the situation of a per-
~ in policy or policy regime to be
son with a U.S. job who is not
I viewed as beneficial, the gain-
free to leave for another job
~ ers should be able to compen-
because the first job has medi-
: sate the losers and still be bet-
cal benefits associated with it
I ter off. The criterion does not
which the person needs, and the
; require that the compensation
second one would not, perhaps actually be paid, which, if it did,

&onomics===================== /I
""9",,,8=========== ;:retsu system I kitchen sink regression 1\

would make this the same as I amount of money will be- a

the Pareto criterion. I larger real amount.
Subsequntly, the interest rate
• keiretsu system
I would fall and investment de-
the framework of relationships I manded rise. This Keynes ef-
in post-war Japan's big banks fect disappears in the liquidity
and big firms. Related compa- I
trap. Contrast the Keynes effect
nies organised around a big I with the Pigou effect.
bank (like Mitsui, Mitsubishi,
and Sumitomo) which own a lot I • Keynesian growth models
of equity in one another and in models in which a long run
the bank and do much business growth path for an economy is
with one another. The keiretsu I traced out by the relations be-
system has the virtue of main- I tween saving, investing and the
taining long term business re- level of output.
lationships and stability in sup- I
• Keynesian macroeconom-
pliers and customers. The I
keiretsu system has the disad-
vantage of reacting slowly to I the theory which shows how a
outside events since the players I
market-based capitalist
are partly protected from the economy may reach equilib-
I rium with large scale unemploy-
external market.
ment and how government
• kernel estimation spending may be used to raise
the estimation of a regression I it out of this to a new equilib-
function or probability density I rium at the full-employment
function. Such estimators are level of output.
consistent and asymptotically ~ • kitchen sink regression
normal if as the number of ;
a regression where the regres-
observations n goes to infinity,
I sors are not in the opinion of
the bandwidth (window width)
the writer thoroughly 'justified'
h goes to zero, and the product I
by an argument or a theory.
nh goes to infinity.
I Often used pejoratively; other
• Keynes effect times describes an exploratory
as prices. fall, a given nominal regresSIOn.

II =======&onomics
/I k-nearest-neighbour estimator I Kuz; curve 99

• k-nearest-neighbour ~ abIes and the model be:

estimator ; y=Xb+e where E[ ee'] is the
it is a kind of nonparametric : matrix OMEGA. The theorem
estimator of a function. Given ~ is that if the column space of
a data set {Xi' YJ, it estimates I (OMEGA)X is the same as the
values of Y for X's other than : column space of X; that is, that
those in the sample. The pro- ~ there is heteroskedasticity but
cess is to choose the k values of I not cross-correlation, then the
Xi nearest the X for which one ~ GLS estimator of b is the same
seeks an estimate, and average : as the OLS estimator of b.
their Y values. Here, k is a pa- ~ • kurtosis
rameter to the estimator. The
~ an attribute of a distribution,
average could be weighted, e.g. ; describing 'peakedness'. Kurto-
with the closest neighbour hav-
ing the most impact on the es- : sis is calculated as E[ (x-mu)4]j
~ S4 where mu is the mean and s
cimate. ; is the standard deviation.
• knightian uncertainty ; • Kuznets curve
unmeasurable risk.
~ a graph with measures of in-
• knots : creased economic development
if a regression will be run to ~ (presullled to correlate with
estimate different linear slopes ; time) on the horizontal axis, and
for different ranges of the in- : measures of income inequality
dependent variables, it's a spline ~ on the vertical axis,
regression, and the endpoints of ; hypothesised by Kuznets
the ranges are called knots. The : (1955) to have an invened-U-
spline regression is designed so ~ shape. That is, Kuznets made
that the resulting spline func- I the proposition that when an
cion, estimating the dependent : economy is primarily agricul-
variable, is continuous at the ~ tural, it has a low level of in-
knots. ~ come inequality, that during
. early industrialisation income
• Kruskal's theorem ~ inequality increases over time,
let X be a set of regressors, y ~ then at some critical point it
be a vector of dependent vari-

Economies======== /I
100 labour ;ket outctJ1MS I laissez foin economics II
starts to decrease over time. I where mO is a guess at the con-
Kuzners (1955) showed evi- I ditional median function.
dence for this.
I • lag operator
• labour market outcomes denoted by L, a lag operator
shorthand for worker (never operates on an expression by
employer) variables that are I moving the subscripts on a time
often considered endogenous in series back one period, so:
a labour market regression. Let = et-l
Such variables, which often ap- I
pear on the right side of such • lagging indicator
regressions: wage rates, em- a measurable economic variable
ployment dummies or employ- I that varies over the business
ment rates. cycle, reaching peaks and
troughs somewhat later than
• labour-using I other macroeconomic variables
a technological change or w;:h- such as GDP and unemploy-
nological difference that is bi- ment. Contrasts with leading
ased towards usage of more I indicator.
labour, compared to some defi-
I • Lagrangian
nition of neutrality.
I a function constructed in solv-
• LAD estimation / LAD ing economic models that in-
estimator elude maximisation of a func-
can be used to estimate a I tion (the 'objective function')
smooth conditional median subject to constraints. It equals
function, that is an estimator I the objective function minus, for
for the median of the process I each constraint, a variable
given the data. Say the data are 'Lagrange multiplier' times the
stationary {Xt' Yt}' The depen- amount by which the constraint
dent variable is y and the inde- I is violated.
pendent variable is x. The cri-
terion function to be minimised I • laissez faire economics
in LAD estimation for each ob- I a school of economics inspired by
servation t is: Adam Smith who believed that
if we would just let the market
q(xt,Yt,D) = IYt =m(xt,D) I

II = = = = = = = = E e o n o m i c s
II JA,issez-foire IlRw oftliminishinomu;==========""l""O""l
function without any son of in- ~ tion.
tervention, competition would ~ • Latin American Integra-
create order and eventually pros- ; tion Association (LAIA)
perity for all.
: an organisation of Latin Ameri-
• Laissez-faire ~ can countries which replaced the
a economic theory advocating I failed LAFTA. LAIA_has the
minimum role for government ~ more limited goal of encourag-
in the economy, such as provid- : ing free trade but with no time-
ing for defence against external ~ table for achieving it.
enemies, a system of law to pro-
~ • law of comparative advan-
tect individuals and their prop-
; tage
erty, and production of such
. goods and services which for : the principle which, given the
some reason are needed, but ~ freedom to respond to market
would not be produced by pri- I forces, countries will tend to
vate firms. : export goods for which they
~ have comparative advantage
• large country I and import goods for which
a country that is large enough ; they have comparative disad-
for its international transactions : vantage, and that they will ex-
to affect economic variables ~ perience gains from trade by
abroad, usually for its trade to ; doing so.
matter for world prices. Con-
; • law of diminishing tlnar-
trasts with a small open ginal utility .
economy. I . h
. as a person mcreases er con-
• Latin American Free Trade ; sumption of a good or service
Association (LAFTA) : (other consumption being held
a group of Latin American ~ constant), the marginal utility
countries formed in 1960, with I of the good or service eventu-
the aim of establishing a free ; ally will tend to decline.
trade area. This aim was never
; • law of diminishing returns
achieved, and LAFTA was re-
placed in 1980 with the Latin : the principle that, in any pro-
American Integration Associa- ~ duction function, as the input of

EeonomuS======-4== II
"",10"",2===========.. law alone price I learning objective II
one factor rises, holding other I which varies over the business
factors fixed, the marginal I cycle, reaching peaks and
product of that factor must troughs somewhat earlier than
eventually decline. I other macroeconomic variables

- I such as GDP and unemploy-

ment and therefore useful for
forecasting them. Contrasts
I with lagging indicator.
- learning by doing
refers to the improvement in
technology that takes place in

- I some industries, early in their
history, as they learn by expe-
rience so that average cost
I falls as accumulated output
- law of one price I nses.
the principle where identical
goods should sell for the same ~ - learning curve
price throughout the world if ; a relationship representing ei-
trade were free and frictionless. ther average cost or average
I product as a function of the ac-
-LDC cumulated output produced.
for many years, the acronym I Usually reflecting learning by
LDC has stood for Less De- I doing, the learning curve shows
veloped Country, which was cost falling, or average product
more or less the same as de- nsmg.
veloping country. However, in I
recent years, LDC has also - learning curve effects
been used for Leas t Devel- cost reductions resulting from
oped Country, which has a I skill improvements based on
narrower and more formal repetitive (usually production"
definition. related) experiences.
_ leading indicator - learning objective
a measurable economic variable I a written statement describing

II = = = = = = = = E c o n o m i c s
II learning organisation l.leontiefpa~ 103

measurable achievements you ~ Akerlof's 1970 paper, in

hope can be accomplished dur- ; which the fact where a good
ing your class experience or any : is available suggests that it is
other definable learning activ- ~ of low quality. For example,
ity. ; why are used cars for sale? In
: many cases because they are
- learning organisation
~ 'lemons', that is, they were
an organisation that is continu- ~ problematic to their previous
ally expanding its capacity to cre- . owners.
ate its future. A learning I

organisation is not merely trying : - lender of last resort

to survive, i.e. engage in adap- : the function whereby the cen~
~ tral bank readily makes cash
tive learning, but it adds 'genera-
tive learning'. ; advances to commercial banks
: in the event they misjudge
- learning web
~ their cash reserve require -
an integrated system of I ments.
Internet- based, hypertextually
organised course or program ; - Leontief composite
materials, resources, Jinks to : a composite of two or more
resources and communication goods or factors which includes
opportunities designed to facili- I them in fixed proportions,
tate learning environments and I analogous to the Leontief tech-
processes. : nology.
- least squares learning : - Leontief paradox
the kind of learning that an agent ~ the fmding of Leontief (1954)
in a model exhibits by adapting ; that u.s. imports embodied a
to past data, by running least : higher ratio of capital to labour
squares on it to estimate a ~ than U .S. exports. This was sur-
hypothesised parameter and be- I prising because it was thought
having as if that parameter were ; that the U.S. was capital abun-
correct. : dant, and the Heckscher-Ohlin
~ Theorem would then predict
- lemons model
describes models like that of I
=lO=4=================Lwn==:rhM~~FU~I~I~ II
that u.s. exports would be rela- I
tively capital intensive.
• Leontief Production
has the form q=min{xl,x2}, I
where q is a quantity of output I
and xl and x2 are quantities of :
· c.
mputs or lunctions of the quan- I:
tities of inputs.
• Leontief technology • Lerman Ratio
a production function in which a government benefit to the
?O sub~titution between inputs lmderemployed will presumably
IS possIble: F(V) = mini(Vi/ I reduce their hours of work. The
ai), where V is a vector of in- ratio of theil, actual increase in
puts Vi, and ai are the constant income to the benefit is the
per unit input requirements . .~ ratIo, which is ordi-
Isoquants are L-shaped. ; nanly betw~en zero and one.
: Moffitt (199~) estimates it in
• leptokurtic I regard to the U.S. AFDC pro-

an adjective describing a distri- gram at about .625.

bution with high kurtosis.
'High' means the fourth central • Lerner Diagram
moment is more than three thi.s diagram, drawn for given
times the second central mo- pnces and technology, uses
ment, such a distribution has I unit-value isoquants of two or
greater kurtosis than a normal more goods to deduce patterns
distribution. This term is used of specialisation and factor
in Bollerslev-Hodrick 1992 to I prices as they depend on factor
characterise stock price returns. endowments. Due originally to
Lepto- means 'slim' in Greek Lerner (1952) and popularised
arid refers to the central part of ~ by Findlay and Grubert (1959).
the distribution. I • Lerner Index

I a measure of the profitability of

a firm that sells a good: (price- ~ to the Lerner Diagram. In fact,
marginal cost) / price. ; Pearce's (1952) diagram uses
One estimate, from Domowitz, : unit isoquants rath~r than ·unit
Hubbard, and Petersen (1988) ~ value isoquants and is much
is that the average Lerner in- ; more cumbersome.
dex for manufacturing firms in ; _ leverage ratio
their data was .37.
~ often, the ratio of debts to total
- Lerner paradox : assets. Can also be the ratio of
the possibility, identified by ~ debts (or long-term debts in
Lerner (1936), where a tariff; particular, excluding for ex-
might worsen a country's terms : ample accounts payable) to eq-
I .
of trade. This can happen only: wry.
if the country spends a dispro- I Normally used to describe a
portionately large fraction of : firm's accounts but could de-
th~ tariff revenue on the im- ~ scribe the accounts of some
ported good, and it will not hap- I other organisation or an indi-
pen (from a stable equilibrium) ~ vidual or a collection of
if the tariff revenue is redistrib- : organisations
uted. I
: - Leveraged Buy-Out
- Lerner Symmetry Theo- I (LBO)
rem ; the act of taking a public com-
the proposition where a tax on : pany private by buying it with
all imports has the same effect ~ revenues from bonds and using
as an equal ta.x 011 all exports, if I the revenues of the company to
the revenue is spent in the same : payoff the bonds.
way. The result depends criti- I
: - Leviathan
cally on balanced trade, as in a I
real model, so that a change in : the all-powerful kind of state
imports leads to an equal ~ that Hobbes thought 'was nec-
change in the value of exports. ; essary to solve the problem of
Due to Lerner (1936). ~ social order.
- Lerner-Pearce Diagram : - Likert Scale
this name is' sometimes given ~ measures the extent to which a

Eetmomics======= II
",1=06==========I=im; dependent variable Ilinking scheme II
person agrees or disagrees with I erally involving the variables
the question in a survey (e.g. I like the total transport costs and
1 = strongly disagree, 2 = dis- the distance. The function
agree, 3=not sure,4=agree, I would be linear ifit is suggested
and 5=strongly agree). I that the increase in transport
cost is proportional to the in-
• limited dependent variable I
crease in distance. Linearity
a dependent variable in a model I may exist with or without ter-
is limited if it is discrete (can minal (or distance-fixed) cost.
take on only a countable num- I
The latter would result in a
ber of values) or if it is not al- I curvi-linear, downward sloping
ways observed because it IS average transport-cost func-
truncated or censored. tion.
• linear model / linear I In general, non-linear total
econometric model I transport costs with declining
an econometric model is linear marginal distance costs would
if it is expressed in an equation tend to make long-haul trans-
in which the parameters enter I portation relatively inexpen-
linearly, whether or not the data sive and might create the in-
require nonlinear transforma- centive to select locations
tions to get to that equation. I which reduce the number of
short-haul links and take ad-
• linear pricing schedule
vantage of the 'distance-
say the number of units, or I economies' of (fewer but)
quantity, paid for is denoted q long hauls.
and the total paid is denoted ~
T(q), following the notation of ; • linearly homogeneous
Tirole. A linear pricing sched- . homogeneous of degree 1.
ule is one that can be Sometimes called linear homo-
characterised by T(q)=pq for I geneous.
some price-per-unit p. I • linking scheme

• linear transport cost a requirement that, in order to

function get an import license, the im-
a reference to a theoretical, lin- I porter must buy a certain
ear mathematical function, gen- I

II ========Eeonomics
IIlUJUidity I locality 107
amount of the same product ~ plan ahead. It is not a poverty
from local producers. I wage.
• liquidity ; • Ljung-Box Test
the capacity to turn assets into : the same as the portmanteau
cash, or the amount of assets in . test.
a portfolio that have that capac- I
.• LM-Curve
ity. Cash itself (i.e., money) is
~ in the IS-LM model, the curve
the most liquid asset.
; representing combinations of
• liquidity constraint : income and interest rate at
many households or families, ~ which demand for money
e.g. young ones, cannot borrow ; equals the money supply in the
to consume or invest as much : domestic money market. It is
as they would want, but are con- ~ normally upward sloping be-
strained to current income by I cause an increase in income in-

imperfect capital markets. : creases the demand for money

~ while an increase in the inter-
• little giants I est rate reduces the demand for
a reference to those medium- ; money.
sized firms which are techno-
logically and organisationally ~ • local optimum
particularly innovative and for- : an allocation where by some
ward-looking in terms of em- ~ criterion is better than all those
ployee relations. In contrast to ; in its neighbourhood.
corporate giants, such medium- ; • locality
sized firms are more entrepre-
neurial, less bureaucratic, with : localisation economies or exter-
fewer managerial layers. ~ nal economies of localisation.
I Agglomeration economies
• living wage ~ (benefits, cost reductions) re-
a wage which allows families to : sulting from the concentration
meet their basic needs without I of the same or similar activities:

resorting to public assistance ; ego benefits resulting from the

and provides them some abil- : local access to a specialised
ity to deal with emergencies and ~ work force or the specialised

Beonomics========= II
108 Locally A.rymptotica; Normal (£AN) Ilocational triangle II
reputation of a locality to which I • location quotient
some but maybe not all of these I a measure of the relative sig-
specialised activities contribute. nificance of a phenomenon (e.g.
• Locally Asymptotically employment in software activi-
Normal (LAN) I ties) in a region compared with
a characteristic of many ('a fam- I
its significance in a larger
('benchmark') region. A high
ily of') distributions.
I location quotient for a specific
• locally identified activity implies specialisation
linear models which are either and the export of the goods or
globally identified or there are
an infinite number of observ-
ably equivalent ones. But for
models that are nonlinear in

I ity.
....... _--
services produced by the activ-

parameters, 'we can only talk
about local properties'. Thus,
the idea of locally identified

::" ;:s * eo
u ee
t. - - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ __ _

models, which can be distin- I

guished in data from any other

'close by' model. 'A sufficient
condition for local identification I t1 .. M+t" 'tit, to4II;, Mot} . . . ,

is that' a certain Jacobian ma- I .locational advantage

trix is of full column rank. any reason for a firm to locate
• locally nonsatiated / local production, or a stage of pro-
nonsatiation I duction, in a particular place,
an agent's preferences are 10- I such as availability of a natural
cally nonsatiated if they are con- resource, transport cost, or bar-
tinuous and strictly increasing I riers to trade. May explain why
in all goods. a country's firms succeed in
trade, or why a multinational
• location decisions and I firm locates there.
locational decision -making
I • locational triangle
decisions and behaviours re-
lated to locational choices. I the triangle which has been de-
vised and used by Wilhelm

II ========&onomus
IllOComDtive effect I log convexity 109
Launhardt and Alfred Weber to ~ any concave function is also log-
construct their basic locational I concave.
modeL This model was used to : A random variable is said to be
demonstrate the impact of the ~ log-concave if its density func-
forces of attraction of three (in I tion is log-concave. The uni-
a polygon more) reference lo- : form, normal, beta, exponen-
cations (originally 2 raw mate- ~ tial, and extreme value distribu-
rial locations and one market) ~ tions have this property. If pdf
vis-a-vis the (dependent) opti- ; fO is log-concave, then so is its
mal (=least-transport-cost) lo- : cdfFO and I-FO. The trUncated
cation of a processing plant. ~ version of a log-concave func-
Subsequently, the triangle was ; tion is also log-concave. In prac-
used by Isard and Moses to : tice, the intuitive meaning of
demonstrate the impact of sub- ~ the assumption that a distribu-
stitution benveen distances ; tion is log-concave is that (a) it
and/or materials, and by Beyers : doesn't have multiple separate
and Krumme substitution be- ~ maxima (although it could be
tween products (outputs) on I flat on top), and (b) the tails of
optimal locations. : the density function are not 'too
- locomotive effect ~ thick.'
the effect that economic expan- ~ An equivalent definition, for
sion in one large country can ; vector-valued random variables,
have on other parts of the world : is in Heckman and Honore,
economy, causing them to ex- I Random vector X is log-concave
pand as well, as the large coun- I iff its density
try demands more of their ex- fO satisfies the condition that
ports. f(ax 1 +(I-a)x 2 )·[f(x 1 )
~ ]a[f(~)](l-a) for all xl' and
- log concavity
; x2 in the support of X and all a
a function f( w) is said to be log-
: satisfying O.a.l.
concave if its natural log, I

In(f(w)) is a concave function; : - log convexity

i.e., assuming f is differentiable, ~ a random variable is said to be
f"(w)/f(w) - f'(w)2 < = 0 Since I log-convex if its density function
log is a strictly concave function,

Economics===================== II
no log or naturtJllog IJogit model II
is log-concave. Pareto distribu- I dt.
tions with fInite means and vari- I Equivalently, V is the space of
ances have this property, and so real-valued random variables
do gamma densities with a co- I that have variances. This is an
efficient of variation greater I infinite dimensional space.
than one.
A log-convex random vector is
one whose density fO satisfies I the set of continuous bounded
the condition that f( aX I + ( 1- functions with domain RN.
a)x2 ). [f(xI)]a[f(~)](l"a) for all • logistic distribution
Xl' and ~ in the support of X a logistic distribution has the cdf
and all a satisfying O.a.I. I F(x) = 1/(1 +e"X)

• log or natural log This distribution is quicker to

compute than the normal dis-
in-economics, log always means
I tribution but is very similar.
'natural log', that is loge' where
e is the natural constant that is I Another advantage over the
approximately 2.718281828. So normal distribution is that it
I has a closed form cdf.
x=log Y < = > eX=y.
I pdf is f(x) = e'(l +e )"2 =
• logical omniscience F(x)F( -x)
an assumption underlying the
information facets of most mi- I • logit model
cro-economic models: If an a univariate binary model. i.e.,
agent has knowledge of a phe- I for dependent variable y, that
nomenon, he/she also has per- I can be only one or zero, and a
fect knowledge of all its impli- continuous indepdendent vari-
cations. able x" that:
I Pr(Yj=l)=F(x j'b)
I Here, b is a parameter to be es-
the set of Lebesgue-integrable
timated, and F is the logistic
real-valued functions on [0,1].
I cdf. The probit model is the
.L2 I same but with a different cdf for

a Hilbert space with inner prod- E

uct (x,y) = integral of x(t)y(t)

II ========Economics
\\loanormal distributitm I LouPreAcC:; ==========1=11
• lognormal distribution ~ run average cost curve plots the
let X be a random variable ; relationship between output and
with a standard normal distri- : the lowest possible average total
bution. Then, the variable ~ cost when all inputs can be var-
Y=e x has a lognormal distri- ; ied.
bution. Example: Yearly in- ; • long run costs
comes in the United States are ~ production costs when the firm
roughly log-normally distrib- : is using its economically most
uted. ~ efficient size of plant.
• Lome Convention ~ • longitudinal data
an agreement originally signed ; a synonym for panel data.
in 1975 committing the EU to
programs of assistance and ; • long-term capital
preferential treatment for the ~ in the capital account of the bal-
ACP Countries. The Lome : ance of payments, long-term
Convention was replaced by the I capital movements include FDI
Cotonou Agreement in June ~ and movements of financial
2000. : capital with maturity of more
~ than one year (including equi-
• London Interbank Of-
fered Rate (LIBOR) ; ties).
the interest rate which the larg- ; • Lorenz curve
est international banks charge : a curve indicating the cumula-
each other for loans, usually of ~ tive percentage of income plot-
Eurodollars. In fact, LIBOR I ted against the cumulative per-
includes rates quoted each day : centage of population.
for many currencies, excluding I c...........

the eufO, but it is the rate for I

dollar loans that is used as a

benchmark for other transac-
• long run average costs
total costs divided by the num- ~ • Louvre Accord
ber of units of output. The long : an agreement reached in 1987

Beonom;cs======= II
112 .. lwe ofvariety I magnification ejfo&t II
among the central banks of ~ ply. Ml includes only chequable
France, Germany, Japan, US, I demand deposits.
and UK to stop the decline in I • M2 Money Supply
the value of the US dollar that
they had initiated at the Plaza I
a measure of total money sup-
Accord. ply. M2 includes everything in
I Ml and also savings and other
• love of variety time deposits.
preference for variety. • macroeconomics
• lump sum the branch of economic theory
a tax or subsidy which does not I concerned with the economy as
distort behaviour. By using a tax I a whole. It deals with large ag-
(or subsidy) in an amount (the gregates such as total output,
lump sum) independent of any I rather than with the behaviour
aspect of the payer's or I of individual consumers and
recipient's behaviour, it does firms.
not alter behaviour. • made-to-measure tariff
Nondistorting lump sum taxes I a tariff set so as to raise the
and subsidies do not exist, but
are a convenieut fiction for theo- I price of an imported good to the
retical analysis, especially of ~ domestic price, so as to leave
. fl d domestic producers unaffected.
gams rom tra e. ; Also called a scientific tariff.
• lump sum taxes
1 • magnification effect
a tax of a fixed amount that has
to be paid by everyone regard- I the property of the Heckscher-
less of the level of his or her I Ohlin Model where changes in
income. Lump sum taxes are certain exogenous variables
considered efficient taxes be- I lead to magnified changes in
cause they do not influence a I the corresponding endogenous
person's decision on how much variables: goods prices as they
I affect factor prices in the
to work.
Stolper-Samuelson Theorem;
• Ml Money Supply factor endowments as they af-
a measure of total money sup- I fect outputs in the Rybczynski

II ========Econumics
II managedflORt I marginal rateoftra~""""",,,,,twn,,,,·

Theorem. Due to Jones (1965). ~ good.

- managed float ~ - marginal principle
an exchange rate regime in I to maximise the net benefits,
which the rate is allowed to be : the strategic or action variable
determined in the exchange ~ should be increased until MB =
market without an announced I Me, i.e. marginal benefits equal
par value as the goal of inter- ~ marginal costs.
vention, but the authorities do
- marginal propensity to
nonetheless intervene at their I
discretion to influence the rate.
I the increase in expenditure on
- Management Buy-Out / I imports per unit increase in
Management by Objec- (disposable) income.
tives (MBO)
- marginal propensity to
the purchase of a company by I save
its management. Sometimes
means Management By Objec- I the increase in saving per unit
tives, a goal-oriented personnel I increase in (disposable) income.
evaluation approach. ~ - marginal rate of substitu-
- Maquiladora
this is a program for the tem- ~ 1. generally referring to the
porary importation of goods ; rate at which the consumer is
into Mexico without duty, un- : willing to substitute one good
der the condition that they con- ~ for another (without loss or gain
tribute - through further pro- I of satisfaction).
cessing, transformation, or re- I 2. the rate at which factor in-
pair - to exports. The program puts can be exchanged in a pro-
was established in 1965 and ~ duction process without a
expanded in 1989. ; change in the production (out-
: put) leveL
- marginal benefit I
the increase in total benefit con- : - margin~l rate of transfor-
sequent upon a one unit in- ~ mation'
crease in the production of a I the increase in output of one
~ good made possible by a one-

Economics======== /I
~1=14=======11UJ=rg=ina=l=rrn=; I 11UJrketpower theory ofadvertising II
unit decrease in the output of ~ • market for corporate
another, given the technology; control
and factor endowments of a when shares of public firms are
country. Thus, the absolute I traded and in large enough
value of the slope of the trans- I blocks, this means control over
formation curve. corporations is traded. That
• marginal revenue puts some pressure on manag-
I ers to perform, otherwise their
the addition to total revenue
resulting from the sale of one I
corporation can be taken over.
additional unit of outpUt. • market power
• marginal revenue product 1. the power held by a firm over
price and the power to subdue
the change in total revenue
which results from employing I
one more unit of a factor. 2. a continuum from perfectly
competitive to monopsony and
• market clearing I there's an extensive practice/in-
equality of supply and demand. dustry/science of measuring the
A market-clearing condition is degree of market power.
an equation (or other represen- I Examples: For workers in an
tation) stating that supply I isolated company town, created
equals demand. by and dominated by one em-
• market equilibrium ployer, that employer is a
equality of supply and demand. I monopsonist for some kinds of
• market failure
• market power theory of
1. instances of a free market be- I
ing unable to achieve an opti-
mum allocation of resources. I the theory of advertising is that
I established firms use advertis-
2. any departure from the ideal
ing as a barrier to entry through
benchmark of perfect competi- I
product differentiation. Such a
tion, particularly the complete
I firm's use of advertising differ-
absence of a market due to in-
entiates its brand from other
complete or asymmetric infor- I

II ========Eeonumics
II marketpriceofrisk I markup 115
brands to a degree that consum- ~ recent draw affects the distribu-
ers see that its brand is a ; tion of the next one; all such
slightly different product, not : processes can be represented by
perfectly substituted by existing ~ a Markov transition density
or potential competitors. This ; matrix. A Markov process can
makes it hard for new competi- : be periodic only if it is of higher
tors to gain consumer accep- ~ than first order.
tance. I
: - Markov Property
- market price of risk ~ a property that a set of stochas-
is a synonym for the Sharpe ra- ; tic processes may have. The sys-
tio. : tern has the Markov property
~ if the present state predicts fu-
_ market structure
; ture states as well as the whole
the way that suppliers and de- : history of past and present
manders in an industry interact ~ states - that is, the process is
to determine price and quantity.
I memoryless.
There are four main idealised
market structures that have ; _ Markov Strategy
been used in trade theory: per- ~ in a game, a Markov strategy is
fect competition, monopoly, oli- : one which does not depend at
gopoly, and monopolistic com- I all on state variables that are
petition. ~ functions of the history of the
: game except those that affect
- marketing board
~ payoffs.
a form of state trading enter-
prise. A marketing board typi- ~ _ Markov's Inequality
cally buys up the domestic sup- ; if Y is a nonnegative random
ply of a good and sells it on the : variable, i.e., ifPr(Y <0) =0, and
international market. ~ k is any positive constant, then
_ Markov Process ~ E(Y) = kPr(Y = k).

a stochastic process where all ~ - markup

the values are drawn from a dis- ; 1. the amount (percentage) by
crete set. In a first-order : which price is in excess of mar-
Markov process, only the most ~ ginal cost. A profit-maximising

&onomics======== II
116 MarShallian~ndFunction I matrix multiplications II
seller facing a price elasticity of ~ demands. Under certain as-
demand, h will set a markup ; sumptions, this is the condition
equal to (p-c)jp=ljh. One ef- for a depreciation to improve
fect of international trade that I the trade balance, for the ex-
increases competition is to re- I change market to be stable and
duce markups. for international barter ex-
2. in wro terminology, some- change to be stable.
times used for the extent to I • mass production
which an applied tariff exceeds
I a production system
the bound rate.
characterised by mechanisation,
3. the ratio of price to marginal high wages, low prices, and
cost. Can be used as a measure I large-volume output.
of market power across firms,
I • Matlab
industries, or economies.
I a matrix programming lan-
• Marshallian Demand
guage and programming envi-
ronment. Used more by cngi-
denoted x(p,m), it is the I neers but increasingly by econo-
amount of a factor of produc- mIsts.
tion which is demanded by a I
producer given that it costs p I • matrix multiplications
per unit and the budget limit the multiplication of matrices or
that can be spent on all factors I vectors is 'commutative', i.e. the
is m. p and x can be vectors. order of the multiplicand and
the multiplier cannot be altered
• Marshall-Lerner condition I as is the case in regular multi-
the condition where sum of the I plications. The process of mul-
elasticities of demand for ex- tiplication of matrices proceeds
ports and imports exceed one I by multiplying (more exactly:
(in absolute value); that is, hX I 'post-multiplying') horizontal
+ hM > 1, where hX, hM are vectors by vertical vectors. The
the demand elasticities for a I sum of the products of this
country's exports and imports I multiplication of corresponding
respectively, both defined to be numbers of the respective vec-
positive for downward sloping tors results in a number which

II ===================Economks
II maturity date I AIeR.COSUR 117
is placed in the position of the ~ ment,
resulting matrix (or vector) ~ _ mediall voter theorem
where the two vectors would
; the proposition where political
intersect (overlap).
: parties will tend to adopt mod-
Thus, ~- erate policies to appeal to vot-
horiwntal vector x vertical vec- I ers near the middle of the po-
tor = a number ~ litical spectrum.
vertical vector x horiwntal vec-
:I - mental models
tor = matrix
: one of Senge's five learning dis-
matrix x vertical vector = ver-
~ ciplines for the learning
tical vector
; organisation: 'reflecting upon,
horizontal vector x matrix = : and continually clarifying, and
horiwntal vector ~ improving our internal pictures
matrix A x matrix B'l = matrix I of the world, and seeing how
C : they shape our actions and de-
matrix B x matrix A = matrix
0 0 ,

o ClSlons.
D oI _ °1°
- maturity date I an economic doctrine of the
the maturity date of a financial 16th and 17th centuries that
asset is the date at which that international commerce should
asset is converted into a speci- ~ primarily serve to increase a
fied amount of money or physi- ; country's financial wealth, espe-
cal assets. : cially of gold and foreign cur-
~ rency. To that end, exports are
- maximum price system
; viewed as desirable and imports
similar to a minimum price sys-
: as undesirable unless they lead
tem, except that the price speci- I
: to even greater exports.
fied is the highest, rather than
the lowest, permitted for an ~ - merchandise trade
imported good. ~ exports and imports of goods.
_ maximum revenue tariff ; Contrasts with trade in services.
a tariff set to collect the largest ; -MERCOSUR
possible revenue for the govern- a common market among Ar-

Eeonomics======= II
",1""1,,,,8===========* M-Estimators I millennium round II
gentina, Brazil, Paraguay and I world price down by even more
Uruguay, known as the 'Com- I than the size of the tariff, as it
mon Market of the South' may do if the foreign demand
('Mercado Comun del Sur'). It ~ for the importing country's ex-
was created by the Treaty of ; port good is inelastic.
Asuncion on March 26, 1991, :
and added Chile and Bolivia as I • micro-micro theory:
associate members in 1996 and I concerned with the 'study of
1997. what goes on inside the black
I box' (i.e. the artefact of classi-
• M-Estimators cal micro-economic theory of
estimators that maximise a the firm).
sample average. The em' means I
• milestones
'maximum-likelihood-like' .
subprojects where a project is
• metatheorem I broken up (to be able to moni-
an informal term for a propo- tor development progress and
sition which can be proved in a adhere to deadlines.
class of economic model envi - I • milestone stabilisations:
I while there may be some free-
• method of moments dom to make changes to the
estimation design of an evolving product,
a way of generating estimators: I there is a need to adhere to in-
set the distribution moments I termittent milestone deadlines.
equal to the sample moments, I • millennium round
and solve the resulting equations
for the parameters of the dis- I the name suggested by the Eu-
tribution. ropean Union for the trade
I round which they and others
• Metzler paradox hoped would be initiated at
the possibility, identified by the Seattle Ministerial in
Metzler (1949), that a tariff ~ 1999. That ministerial ended
may lower the domestic relative . without agreement to start a
price of the imported good. new round.
This will happen if it drives the I

II = = = = = = = = E c o n o m i e s
II MiWs test I monetarism 119
- Mill's test ~ merce and Industry, MITI was
one of two conditions needed ; renamed METI as of January
for infant industry protection to : 6,2000.
be welfare-improving. This re- : - mixing regulation
quires that the protected indus-
~ 1. specification of the propor-
try become, over time, able to
I tion of domestically produced
compete internationally with-
~ content in products sold on the
out protection. : domestic market.
- minimum efficient scale ~ 2. specification of an amOlillt of
the smallest output of a firm ; domestically produced product
consistent with minimum aver- : that must be bought by an im-
age cost. In small countries, in ~ porter for given quantities of
some industries the level of de- I imports, under a linking
mand in autarky is not sufficient : scheme.
to support minimum efficient
:I - mobile and immobile
factors of production
- Ministry of Economy, ('factor mobility')
Trade and Industry the mobility between different
(METI) uses or occupations of factors
the Japanese government min- I of production (land, labour,
istry which deals with eco- I capital, etc.).
nomic issues, including the ; _ mode of supply
vitality of the private sector,
external economic relations, I the method by which suppliers
energy policy, and industrial of internationally traded ser-
I vices deliver their service to
buyers. The four modes usually
- Ministry of International identified are: cross-border sup-
Trade and Industry ~ ply, consumer movement, pro-
(MITI) ; ducer presence and movement
the Japanese government min- : of natural persons.
istry which deals with trade and ~ _ monetarism
industrial policies. Established I
in 1949 as the Ministry of Com- a view where market econo-

Beonomics======= II
120 mon;ristview I monopolisticcumpetition II
mies are inherently self- I to acquire during a period in the
stabilising and that variations in I exchange market, mostly for the
the quantity of money are the purpose of then using it to buy
main cause of fluctuations in the I something else.
level of aggregate demand. I • money overhang
• monetarist view I a money supply which is larger
in extreme form, the monetar- than what people want to hold
ist view is the view where only at prevailing prices. This was
the quantity of money matters I said to be a major cause of in-
by way of aggregate demand flation in Russia after the fall
policy. Relevant only in an over- of the Soviet Union, which left
heated economy. I an excess of money in circula-
I tion.
• monetary base
the same as high-powered I • money supply
mone)" It refers to the cash in there are several formal defIni-
commercial banks, plus cash in tions, but all include the quan-
circulation and deposits of tl1e I tity of currency in circulation
commercial bank at the central plus the amount of demand de-
bank. posits. The money supply, to-
I gether with the amount of real
• money income
I economic activity in a country,
nominal income. is an important determinant of
• money market I its price level and its exchange
the money market, in macro- I rate.
economics and international fi- • monopolistic competition
nance, refers to the equilibra- essentially the same as imper-
tion of demand for a country's I fect competition. A market
domestic money to its money I situation in which one or more
supply. Both refer to the quan- firms may be capable of influ-
tity of money that people in the I encing the price of the product.
country hold (a stock), not to I It is characterised by product
the quantity that people both in differentiation, often estab-
and out of the country choose I lished through advertising.

II ========:&onomit:s
I! monopolyar;gument I morbidity 121
• monopoly argument ~ a statistical model in which all
the monopoly argument for a ; parameters are numerically
tariff is the same as the optimal : specified.
tariff argument. It gets its name ~ One might use Monte Carlo
from the fact that a country us- I simulations to check how an

ing a tariff to improve the terms ~ estimation procedure would

of trade is acting much like a : behave, for example under con-
monopoly firm, restricting its ~ ditions when exact analytic de-
sales to get a better price. ; scriptions of the performance of
• monopsoms • 0· fi :I the estimation are not algebra-
C lrm . .
fi h ' th I b f . lcally feaslble or when one
a lrm t at lS .e so e uy~r 0 ; wants to verify that one's ana-
a good or serViCe, most likely : lytic calculation for a confidence
Of labour in a particular mar- ~ interval is correct.
ket. .
~ • moral hazard
• monopsony
I the tendency of individuals,
a state where demand comes ~ firms, and governments, once
from one source. If there is only : insured against some contin-
one customer for a certain
~ gency, to behave so as to make
good, that customer has a ; that particular contingency
monopsony in the market for : more likely. A pervasive prob-
that good. Analogous to mo- ~ lem in the insurance industry, it
nopoly, but on the demand side ; also arises internationally when
not the supply side. A common : international financial ins tim-
theoretical implication is that ~ tions assist countries in finan-
the price of the good is pushed ; cial trouble.
down near the cOSt of produc-
tion. The price is not predicted ; • morbidity
to go to zero because if it went ~ an incidence of ill health. It is
below where the suppliers are : measured in various ways, of-
willing to produce, they won't ~ ten by the probability that a ran-
produce. ; domly selected individual in a
: population at some date and
• Monte Carlo Simulations
~ location would become seri-
the data obtained by simulating

Economics======= II
""12""2========""mD=t.,,,,hh=a: I Multifiber Arrangement (MFA) /I

ously ill in some period of time. I cone equilibrium, will arise if

Contrast to mortality. I countries' factor endowments
are sufficiently dissinUlar com-
• mothballing I pared to factor intensities of
the preservation of a production I industries. Contrasts with one
facility without using it to pro- cone equilibrium.
duce, but keeping the machin- I
ery in working order and sup- • multifactor model
plies available. This may be a model with more than two
preferable - if the facility'S I factors. In the context of trade
operating costs are high and the theory, this is likely to mean a
aim is to have it available in Heckscher-Ohlin Model with
time of war - to having it pro- I more than two factors.
duce in peacetime under a sub- I • multi-factor
sidy or import protection. productivity(MFP)
• movement of natural same as total factor productiv-
persons ity, a certain type of Solow re-
one of four modes of supply I sidual.
under the GATS, this involves MFP = d(ln f)/dt = d(ln Y)/dt
the temporary movement - sLd(ln L)/dt - sKd(ln K)/dt
across national borders of nalli- I
where f is the global production
ral persons employed by or as- I function; Y is output; t is time;
sociated with a firm in order to
SL is the share of input costs at-
participate in the firm's busi- I
tributable to labour expenses;
ness. Also called temporary I
producer movement. SK is the share of input costs at-
I tributable to capital expenses;
• multi-cone equilibrium L is a dollar quantity of labour;
a free-trade equilibriun1 in the K is a dollar quantity of capital.
Heckscher-Ohlin Model in I
which prices are such that all • Multifiber Arrangement
goods cannot be produced (MFA)
within a single country, and in- I an agreement (OMA) amongst
stead there are multiple diver- developed country importers
sification cones. This, or a two and developing country export-

1\ ========&onomics
II multifunctionality I multiplier effict.. ==========1"",2=3
ers of textiles and apparel to ~ • Multilateral Investment
regulate and restrict the quan- I Guarantee Agency
tities traded. It was negotiated (MIGA)
in 1973 under GATT auspices ~ one of the five institutions that
as a temporary exception to the I form the World Bank Group,
rules that would otherwise ap- ~ MI GA helps encourage foreign
ply, and was superceded in 1995 : investment in developing coun-
by the ATC. I tries .

• multifunctionality ~ • multiplier
the purposes that an industry ; 1. a numerical coefficient which
may serve in addition to pro- : relates the change of a compo-
ducing its output. Most often ~ nent of aggregate demand
applied to agriculture by coun- ; (such as the export demand for
tries that wish to subsidise it, : a region's products) to a conse-
who argue that subsidies are ~ quent change in income (or
needed to serve these other pur- ~ employment).
poses, such as rural viability, ; 2. in Keynesian macroeco-
land conservation, cultural heri- : nomic models, the ratio of the
tage, etc. ~ change in an endogenous vari-
• Multilateral Agreement on ; able to the change in an exog-
Investment (MAl) : enous variable. Usually means
an agreement to liberalise rules ~ the multiplier for government
on international direct invest- ; spending on income. In the sim-
ment that was negotiated in the ~ plest Keynesian ~~l of a
OECD but could not be com- : closed economy, thIS IS l/s,
pIe ted or adopted because of ~ ~here s is the marginal propen-
adverse public reaction to it. ; Slty to save.
Preliminary text of the agree- ~ • multiplier effect
~ent w~ leaked to the Internet : the tendency for a change in
m Apnl 1997,. where .m.any ~ aggregate spending to cause a
groups.oppo~edlt. ~egot1at1ons ; more than proportionate
were discontInued ill Novemer : change in the level of real na-
1998. ~ tional income.

&onomies======= II
124 multistRgeproduction I Na,tionaldefencea,~tforprotection "
• multistage production ~ • mystery of the missing
another term for fragmenta- ; trade
tion. Used by Dixit and : the empirical observation, by
Grossman (1982). ~ Trefler (1995), for the amount
I of trade which is far less than
• multivariate discrete
choice model : predicted by the HOV version
~ of the Heckscher-Ohlin Model.
a discrete choice model in which ~ More precisely, the factor con-
the choice is made from a set . tent of trade is far less than the
with more than one dimension I differences between countnes .

is said to be a multivariate dis- I in their factor endowments.

crete choice model.
• Mundell-Fleming Model
used as an adjective applied to
an open-economy version of the a strategy in a game, this .means
IS-LM model that allows for that it is part of a Nash equilib-
international trade and interna- I rium.
tional capital flows. Due to
Mundell (1962,63) and I • Nash equilibrium
Fleming (1962). an equilibrium in game theory
where each player's action is
• Mundell-Tobin Effect
I optimal, given the actions of the
says that nominal interest rates other players. E.g., in a tariff-
would rise less than one-for-one and-retaliation game, with each
with inflation because in re- I country able to improve its
sponse to inflation, the public terms of trade with a tariff, zero
would hold less in money bal- tariffs are not Nash, since each
ances and more in other assets, I can do better by raising its tar-
which would drive interest rates iff. A Nash equilibrium, with
down. positive tariffs, is likely to be
• mutual recognition inferior to free trade for both.
the acceptance by one country • National defence argu-
of another country's certifica- ment for protection
tion that a satisfactory standard the argument that imports
has been met for ability, perfor- should be restricted in order to
mance, safety, etc.

II =======Bconomks
II national income I natural rate OfU~loyment 125

sustain a domestic industry so ~ eign producers and sellers the

that it will be available in case ; same treatment provided to
of trade disruption due to war. : domestic firms.
This is a second best argument, ~ • natural increase
since there are a variety of ways ~ growth of the population due to
of providing for defence at
I an excess of births over deaths.
lower economic cost, including
production subsidies, ~ • natural monopoly
mothballing, and stockpiling. ; a market situation where econo-
• national income : mies of scale are such that a
~ single firm of efficient size is
1. the general term used to re-
fer to the total value of a ; able to supply the entire mar-
: ket demand.
country's output of goods and I
services in some accounting pe- : • natural person
riod, without specifying the for- ~ this term appears in the GATS
mal accounting concept such as I and it deals with the interna-
Gross Domestic Product. ~ tional movement of employees
2. the income generated by a : of firms that are providing ser-
country's production, and there- ~ vices in another country. Per-
fore the total income of its fac- ; sons are called 'natural' to dis-
tors of production. Except for : tinguish them from 'juridical
some adjustments that don't ~ persons', such as partnerships
usually enter theoretical mod- ; or corporations, that are given
els, NI is the same as GD P. : certain rights of persons under
~ the law.
• national income (GDP)
deflator ~ • natural rate of unemploy-
a general way of referring to the I ment
price index that measures the ~ the rate of unemployment
average level of the prices of all : which would exist when the
the goods and services compris- ~ economy is operating at full ca-
ing the national income or GD P. ; pacity. It would be equal to the
: amount of frictional unemploy-
• national treatment
~ ment in the system.
the principle of providing for-

Economics======= II
126 naturaltrade I Nemawashi (jp) II
- natural trade I commitment being to apply the
trade which is either free or re- I agreement to everything else.
stricted, but that is not artifi- Contrasts with positive list.
cially encouraged by subsidies _ neighbourhood produc-
or other stimulants. tion structure
- necessity test I a structure of technology for a
a procedure to determine I general equilibrium model due
whether a trade restriction in- to Jones and Kierzkowski
tended to serve some purpose I (1986). With an arbitrary but
is necessary for that purpose. equal number of goods and fac-
tors, each factor produces two
- negative externality I (different) goods, each good
a harmful externality, i.e., a uses two (different) factors, in
harmful effect of one economic a way that yields more unam-
agent's actions on another. Con- I biguous results than one nor-
sidered a distortion because the I mally finds in high-dimension
first agent has inadequate in- trade models without specific
centive to curtail their action. I factors.
Examples are pollution from I
factories (a production external-
- neighbourhood
ity) and smoke from cigarettes in mathematical Euclidean
(a consumption externality). space, a small set of points sur-
rounding and including a par-
- negative introspection I ticular point. Thus, for an eco-

implicit assumption of most nomic variable, such as an allo-

decision models: If an agent cation, the neighbourhood of a
does not know something .than I particular allocation includes all
he/she, however, knd~s that I those allocations that are suffi-
he/she does not know it. .. ciently similar to it.
- negative list _ Nemawashi (jp)
in an international agreement, I a Japanese term that refers to
a list of those items, entities, I the practice of broad consulta-
products, etc. to which the tion before taking action.
agreement will not apply, the

II = = = = = = = = E c o n o m i c s
II neoclassical \ neutral 127
_ neoclassical ~ to scale and smoothly diminish-
a collection of assumptions cus- ; ing returns to individual factors.
tomarily made by mainstream ; _ neoliberalism
economists starting in the late : a view of the world which
19th century, including profit ~ favours social justice while also
maximisation by firms, utility I emphasising economic growth,
maximisation by consumers, ~ efficiency, and the benefits of
and market equilibrium, with : free markets.
corresponding implications for I •
determination of factor prices : - Net DomestIc Product
and the distribution of income. I (NDP)
Contrasts with classical, ; gross domestic product minus
Keynesian, and Marxist. : depreciation.
- neoclassical economics : - Net National Product
most of modern, mainstream I (NNP)
economics based on neoclassi- I gross national product minus
cal assumptions. Tends to as- ~ depreciation.
cribe inevitability, if not neces-
~ - net present value
sarily desirability, to market
outcomes. : same as present value, being
~ sure to include (negative) pay-
- neoclassical growth model ; ments as well as (positive) re-
a model of economic growth : ceipts.
where income arises from neo- I
classical production functions in :I - neutral
one or more sectors displaying : 1. said of a technological
diminishing returns to saving ~ change or technological differ-
and capital accumulation. Due ; ence if it is not disproportion-
to Solow (1956) and Swan : ately in favour of using more
~ or less of one factor than an-
; other. This can be defined in
- neoclassical production : several different ways that are
function ~ not normally equivalent: Hicks-
a production function with the ; neutral, Harrod-neutral, and
properties of constant returns

E&onomus======= II
128 new hamar I nominal 1/
Solow-neutral. • new economy
2. said of economic growth if it I this term was used in the late
expands actual or potential out- 1990's to suggest that
put of all goods at the same rate, : globalisation and/or innova-
not being biased in favour of I tions in information technology
one over another. In the : had changed the way that the
Heckscher-Ohlin Model neutral world economy works. Conjec-
growth will occur if all factor I tures included changes in pro-
endowments grow at the same ductivity, the· inflation-unem-
rate or if there is Hicks Neu- ployment tradeoff, the business
tral technological progress at I cycle, and the valuation of en-
the same rate in all industries .. I terprises.
3. said of a trade regime if the
I • new trade theory
structure of protection favours
neither exportables nor I models of trade that, particu-
importables. larly in the 1980s, incorporated
I aspects of imperfect competi-
• new bancor tion, increasing returns, and
a proposed new non-national product differentiation into
world currency to be used for I both general equilibrium and
payment and reserve purposes, partial equilibrium models of
to be issued by the IMF and in- trade and trade policy. Many
tended to maintain a fixed pur- I contributed to this literature,
chasing power in the dollar and I but the most prominent was
euro countries. Krugman, starting with
I Krugman (1979) .
• new economic geography
the study of the location of eco- I • Newly Industrialising
nomic activity across space, par- I Country (NIC)
ticularly a strand of literature a group of countries previously
begun by Krugman (1991a) regarded as LDCs which have
using agglomeration economies I recently achieved high rates and
to help explain why industries levels of economic growth.
cluster within particular coun- • nominal
tries and regions.
1. in the form most directly

/I ========Economies
II nominal exchange rate I noneconomic:jectil1es argument.for protection 129

observed or named, in contrast ~ These include non-specific sub-

to a form that has been adjusted ; sidies, subsidies for industrial
or modified in some fashion. : research, regional aids and
2. as measured in terms of ~ some environmental subsidies.
money, usually in contrast to ~ • non-automatic licensing
I import licensing that is discre-

• nominal exchange rate ~ tionary, based on an import

the actual exchange rate where : quota or performance related.
currencies are exchanged on an :I • nonconvextty •

exchange market. Contrasts

I the property of an economic
with real exchange rate.
I model or system that states rep-

• nominal interest rate resenting technology, prefer-

the interest rate actually ob- ences, or constraints are not
served in the market, in contrast I mathematically convex. Be-
to the real interest rate. cause convexity is needed for
proof that competitive equilib-
• nominal rate of protection I rium is efficient and well-be-
the protection afforded an in- haved, nonconvexities may im-
dustry directly by the tariff and/ I ply market failures.
or NTB on its output, ignoring I
effects of other trade barriers • nondistorted
on the industry'S inputs. Con- ~ without distortions. Many
trasts with the ERP. ; propositions in trade theory are
strictly valid, often only implic-
• nominal tariff I itly, only in nondistorted econo-
the nominal protection pro- I mles.
vided by a tariff, i.e., the tariff
itself. Contrasts with effective I • nondistorting lump sum
tariff. redundant appellation for a
lump sum tax or subsidy.
• non-actionable subsidy
a subsidy which is permitted by • noneconomic objectives
the rules of the wro, thus not argument for protection
subject to countervailing duties. I the view where a restriction on
Imports may serve a purpose

Economics================== II
130 nonhrmwthetic I norma/good II
outside of conventional eco- ~ • Nontariff Measure (NTB)
nomic models. Unless that pur- ; any policy or official practice
pose is itself the restriction of : that alters the conditions of in-
trade, then this is a second-best ~ ternational trade, including ones
argument, since changes in out- I that act to increase trade as well
put, consumption, etc. can be as those that restrict it. The
achieved at lower economic cost term is therefore broader than
in other ways. I nontariff barrier, although the

• nonhomothetic two are usually used inter-

any function which is not changeably.
homothetic, but usually applied • nontraded good
to consumer preferences that I a good which is not traded, ei-
include goods whose shares of ; ther because it cannot be or be-
expenditure rise (and others cause trade barriers are too
that fall) with income. high. Except when services are
I being distinguished from
• non-market economy
goods, they are often men-
a COlIDtry in which most major I
tioned as exam pIes of
economic decisions are imposed
I nontraded goods, or at least
by government and by central
they were until it becan1e com-
planning rather than by free use I
mon to speak of trade in ser-
of markets. Contrasts with a
market economy.
I • nonviolation
• non-specific subsidy
I in WTO terminology, this is
a subsidy which is available to
shorthand for a complaint that
more than a single specific in- I
a country's action, though not a
dustry and is therefore non-ac-
I violation of WTO rules, has
tionable under WTO rules.
nullified or impaired a
• nonsterilisation member's expected benefits
the exchange market interven- I from the agreement.
tion which is done without I • normal good
sterilising its effects on the do-
any good for which the demand
mestic moneY'supply.
increases as incomes increase.

II =~=====Econo",ics
. 131
II normal value I official reserve trans7============

• normal value
price charged for a product on I M
the domestic market of the pro-
ducer. Used to compare with
export pnce in determining I

• normative
the value judgements as to
'what ought to be', in contrast )(

to positive which is about 'what I

· •.
1S >
~ tity of the other that it imports.
• normative theory
; Also called the reciprocal de-
the theory which depends on : mand curve, it is convenient for
underlying values, not on facts. ~ representing both exports and
It identifies 'what ought to be' I imports in the same curve and
if such values are adhered to. : can be used for analysing tar-
• numeraire ~ iffs and other changes.
the unit in which prices are ~ • offer curve diagram
measured. This may be a cur- ~ a diagram which combines ~e
rency, but in real models, such ; offer curves of two countnes
as most trade models, the : (or one country and the rest of
numeraire is usually one of the ~ world) to determine equilib-
goods whose price is then set ; rium relative prices.
at one. The numeraire can also
be defmed implicitly by, for ex- ; • official reserve transactions
ample, the requirement that : transactions by a central bartk
prices sum to some constant. ~ which cause changes in its offi-
I cial reserves. These are usually
• offer curve ~ purchases or sales of its own
a curve showing, for a two- : currency in the exchange mar-
good model, the quantity of one ~ ket, in exchange for foreign cur-
good which a country will ex- ; rencies or other foreign-cur-
port (or 'offer') for each quan : reney-denominated assets. In

Economics====================== II
132 a.:;reqUirement I one cone equilibrium II
the balance of payments, a pur- I each with a different focus or
chase of its own currency is a I question: 0: Ownership Ad-
credit (+) and a sale is a debit vantages (Firm Specific Advan-
( - ). I tages) address the why ques-
I tion. L: Location Advantages
• offset requirement
(Country Specific Advantages)
as a condition for importing into I
focus on the where question. I:
a Gountry; a requirement that I Internalisation Advantages re-
foreign exporters purchase do- fer to the how or organisational
mestic products and/or invest in I
the importing country.
• oligopoly
• offsets I a market structure where there
side payments or other commit- I are a small number of sellers,
ments made by countries or at least some of whose indi-
corporations to secure export I
vidual decisions about price or
orders. In the aerospace indus- I quantity matter to the others.
try, companies often have to
subcontract parts production I
and/or to transfer technology; in
order to receive a pllrchase or- Prl.ce

der. However, offsets can take I

many other forms, including Prl.C'i

barter trade. are matched lIRl

• Ohlin definition
the price definition of factor I • oligopsony
abundance. In contrast to the I a market ~tructure in which
quantity definition, the price there are a small number of
definition incorporates differ- I buyers.
ences in demands as well as sup- I • one cone equilibrium
plies. Due to Ohlin (1933). I a free-trade equilibrium in the
• OLI Paradigm Heckscher-Ohlin Model
represents a mix of three differ- where prices are such that all
ent FDI theories = 0 + L + I, I goods can be produced within
a single country; and there is

II = = = = = = = = E c o n o m i c s
II one-way arbitrage I opmregionalism *==========1",,3~3
<;>lily one diversification cone. ~ lation.
This will arise if countries' fac- ~ • Open Market Operation
tor endowments are suffi- ; (OMO)
ciently similar compared to
: the sale or purchase of govern-
factor intensities of industries. I

Contrasts with multi-cone : ment bonds by a central bank,

I in exchange ·for domestic cur-
~ rency or central-bank depos-
- one-way arbitrage : its. This changes the mon-
the use, by a potential supplier ~ etary base and therefore the
or demander in a market, of ; domestic money supply, con-
a different market or markets : tracting it with a bond sale and
to accomplish the same pur- ~ expanding it with a bond pur-
pose, taking advantage of a ; chase.
discrepancy among their ; _ open position
prices. With transaction costs,
this enforces smaller price dis- I an obligation to take or make
crepancies than would be per- delivery of an asset or currency
mitted by conventional arbi- I in the future without cover, that
trage. Due to Deardorff I is, without a matching obligation
in the other direction that pro-
~ tects them from effects of change
- one-way option ; in the price of the asset or cur-
the situation of a speculator on : rency. Aside from simple owner-
an exchange market with a ~ ship and debt, an open position
pegged exchange rate. If there is ; can be acquired or avoided using
doubt about the viability of the : the forward market.
peg, the speculator can sell the I
: - open regionalism
currency short, knowing that
there is only one direction (one ~ regional economic integration
way) that the currency is likely I which is not discriminatory
to move. Therefore, there is little : against outside countries,
risk associated with such specu- ~ typically, a group of countries
~ that agrees to reduce trade
. barriers on an MFN basis.

E&onomics======= II
134 ;""-CC""otUJtn==iJ""m""U""lh""p""l",,ier=1""itf""h""·ma=l""tll"""""iff,,,, 1/

Adopted as a fundamental I

principle, but not defined, by I

APEC in 1989. Bergsten

(1997) offers five definitions,
ranging from open member- I

ship to global liberalisation

and trade facilitation.
• open-economy multiplier
~fl', . lk dW-I4f(: qu~"''11)' and cumd IhrOV$h ~2:QL. me \·c:Jo..:il~ vr
the simple Keynesian multiplier I :\u ,.ltw 1... In!
notrIfNol ~ ,JI.~"""fuClIO ,l\(: \UW.k 04 M2. "The
,;'(ttI .,1' ho.Wdina; Ml i.. If. t"',-,,-qu;MiCt ftl.)\'j~ ilWI~ (of the

for a small open economy. I JilfCN"~~ hct .... c:" dlC' tfwc!c·/{1MltI TI"c.;r.'¥ty hill ,... aM ''''~ ""Cifhtcd
A\,\;,r. lo!ll,Ifa bidS ita;iu.:l.'d III M!

Equals l/(s+m), where s is the opportunity cost to a country of

marginal propensity to save and I
producing a unit more of a
m is the marginal propensity to I good, such as for export or to
import. replace an import, is the quan-
• opportunism tity of some other good that
the suggestion (widely associ- I could have been produced in-
ated with transaction cost I
analysis) where a decision- • optimal currency area
maker may unconditionally the optimal grouping of regions
seek his/her self-interests, and I or countries within which ex-
that such behaviour cannot I change rates should be held
necessarily be predicted. This fixed. First defined (as 'opti-
proposition extends the I
mum currency areas') by
simple self-interest seeking I Mundell (1961).
assumption to include 'self-in-
terest seeking with guile', I • optimal tariff
thereby making allowance for I the level of a tariff which
strategic behaviour. maximises a country's welfare.
I In a nondistorted small open
• opportunity cost economy, the optimal tariff is
the cost of something in terms zero. In a large country, it is
of opportunity foregone. The I positive, due to its effect on the
I terms of trade.

II = = = = = = = & o n o m i c s
II optimal tarijfargument ,outputa7ting 135

• optimal tariff argument ~ countries to restrict the quan-

an argument in favour of levy- ; tities traded of a good or
ing a tariff in order to improve : group of goods. Since the im-
the terms of trade. The argu- . petus normally comes from
ment is valid only in a large ; the importers protecting their
country, only if other countries : domestic industry, an OMA is
do not retaliate by raising tar- ~ effectively a multi-country
iffs themselves. Even then, this I VER.
is a beggar thy neighbour I • Organisation for Eco-
policy, since it lowers welfare : nomic Cooperation and
abroad. Development (OECD)
• optimum ~ an international organisation
the best. Usually refers to a ; of developed countries which
most preferred choice by con- : 'provides governments a set-
sumers subject to a budget con- ~ ting in which to discuss, de-
straint, a profit maximising ; velop and perfect economic
choice by firms or industry sub- : and social policy.' As of July
ject to a technological con- ~ 2002, it had 30 member coun-
straint, or in general equilib- ~ tries.
rium, a complete alloc~tion of ; • Organisation for Euro-
factors and goods that m some: pean Economic Coopera-
sense maximises welfare. I tion (OEEC)
• optimum optimorum ~ an organisation
the best of the best or the glo- ; established in 1~48 as the re-
bal optimum. This term is : cipient institution of aid
used, when there are several ~ through the Marshall Plan. In
allocations each of which is lo- ; 1961, it was replaced by the
cally optimal, to refer to the : OEeD.
best among these. : • output augmenting
• Orderly Marketing Ar- : said of a technological change
rangement (OMA) ~ or technological difference if
an agreement among a group ; one production function pro-
of exporting and importing : duces a scalar multiple of the

Bconomics======= II
~1=3=6===========0l1=er;alued Ct/:rrency I partial equilibrium II
other. Also called Hicks neu- I • Pareto criterion
tral. I the criterion that for change in
• over-valued currency an economy to be viewed as
the situation of a currency socially beneficial, it should be
I Pareto-improving.
whose value on the exchange
market is higher than is be- I • Pareto optimality
lieved to be sustainable. This the condition which exists when
may be due to a pegged or man- it is impossible to make any in-
aged rate that is above the mar- I dividual better off without mak-
ket-clearing rate, or, under a I ing any other individual worse
floating rate, it may be due to off.
speculative capital inflows. Con- I

trasts with under-valued cur- I

• Pareto-improving
rency. making no one worse off and
I making at least one person bet-
• para tariff ter off.
a charge on imports which is not .
included in a country's tariff I • Pareto-optimal
schedule, such as a statistical : a situation where no Pareto-
tax, stamp fee, etc. I improving change is possible.

• parallel import I • partial equilibrium

trade which is made possible I equality of supply and demand
when the owner of intellectual I in only a subset of an economy's
property causes the same markets, usually just one, tak-
product to be sold in different I ing variables from other mar
countries for different prices. I
If someone else imports the
low-price good into the high-
price country, that is a paral- I
lel import.
• para-tariff
a charge on an imported good
instead of, or in addition to, a I

II = = = = = = = = E c o n o m ; c s
II pass-through I pauperlabOUrargume;:. 137

kets as given. Partial equilib- I pool of (usually locally) learned

rium models are appropriate I behaviours and organisational
for products that constitute only routines which constrain (in-
a negligibly small part of the ~ eluding spatially) future activi-
economy. They are used rou- I ties.

tinely (not always appropri-

; - path dependent
ately) for analysis of trade poli-
cies in single industries. Con- ~ the property where you get to
trasts with general equilibrium. : depend on how you got there.
~ That is, if the equilibrium that
- pass-through ; will ultimately be reached by a
the extent to which an exchange : system depends on the values
rate change is reflected in the ~ of variables taken on away from
prices of imported goods. With ; equilibrium, then the equilib-
full pass-through, a currency : rium is path dependent.
depreciation, which increases
: - patriotism argument.for
the price of foreign currency,
~ protection
would increase the prices of
I the view in which one is help-
imported goods by the same
amount, and vice versa. With no ~ ing one's country by buying do-
pass-through, prices of imports : mestically produced goods in-
~ stead of imports. In a
remain constant.
; nondistorted economy, this is
- path dependency : not correct, since the country
reference to effects of past com- ~ can do better producing where
mitments or acquired knowl- ; it has a comparative advantage
edge on subsequent actions and : rather than using scarce re-
decisions. Recognising that 'his- ~ sources where it does not.
tory matters' for a future course
~ - pattern of specialisation
of action or development, such
past commitments or learning I what all goods a country pro-
activities could entail previous ~ duces and what it does not pro-
investments, e.g. in transac- : duce.
tion-specific assets, contracts, : - Pauper labour argument
research & development, or the I the view that a country loses by

Economics======= II
"",13"",8==========* perfoct competition I perfoctly elastic II
importing from another coun- I • perfect foresight
try which has low wages, pre- I exact knowledge of the future.
sumably by lowering wages at Under perfect foresight, for ex-
home. This view ignores the I ample, the forward rate would
fact that low wages are due to I exactly equal the spot rate, that
low productivity, and that the later prevails when the forward
high-wage home country, with contract matures.
high productivity, will have com- I
parative advantage in some • perfect substitute
products and will gain from I <l good which is regarded by its

trade. I demanders as identical to an-

other good, so that the elastic-
• perfect competition ity of substitution between
an idealised market structure I them is infinite.
where there are large num-
bers of both buyers and sell- I • perfectly competitive
ers, all of them small, so that I refers to an economic agent
they act as price takers . Per- (firm or consumer), group of
fect competition also assumes I agents (industry), model or
homogeneous products, free I analysis that is characterised by
entry and exit, and complete perfect competition. Contrasts
information. Most interna- I with imperfectly competitive.
tional trade theory prior to I • perfectly elastic

the New Trade Theory as- I refers to a supply or demand

sumed perfect competition. curve with a price elasticity of
infinity, implying that the sup-
I ply or demand curve as usu-
ally drawn is horizontal. A
small open economy faces per-
I fecdy elastic demand for its
exports and supply of its im-
ports, and a foreign offer
Q . . . .ty I curve that is a straight line
I from the origin.

II ======================_Economics
II peifo'mul-ncerequirement Iplace Utili; 139

Perfectly Elastic & I the learning organis ation :

Inelastic Demand I 'learning to expand our personal
p"" p,,« capacity to create the results we

C ~
I most desire, and creating an
o I organisational environment
Q-y Q- 7 which encourages all its mem-
P.r,r.,.'vEl. .. , P"j«dyln</a,., bers to develop themselves to-
• performance requirement I wards the goals and purposes
a requirement where an im- I
they choose.'
porter or exporter achieves • pessimum distance
some level of performance, in reference to the (possibly) dis-
terms of exporting, domestic I advantageous location of a
content, etc., in order to obtain I smaller city relative to a larger
an import or export license. one.
• permatemps • phytosanitary
workers arbitrarily classified as ~ pertaining to the health of
'temporary' by employers while I plants.
they perform regular jobs and
work over extended periods of I • Pittsburgh Plus
time with other workers who I a form of spatial price discrimi-
are given regular employee sta- nation based on oligopolistic
tus. Permatemps tend to receive I collusion. The mill price at one
lower wages and less benefits. I location determines the deliv-
ered price at all locations, re-
• personal distribution I gardless of the location of the
the distribution of income on I plant from which delivery is ac-
the basis of income groups. For tually made.
example, by dividing all income I
recipients into ten groups :I • place utility
(deciles) and showing the share the utility (benefits, satisfac-
each of these groups had of the I tion) associated with or derived
total income. from the attributes of a place
or location.
• personal mastery
one of Senge's 5 principles for

&onomics======== II
140 Planned Unit Development :UD) I political econmny ofprotection II
• Planned Unit Develop- I more than two, that would be

ment (PUD) I bilateral, but not a great many,

a land development project which would be multilateral.

comprehensively planned as an • plurilateral agreement
entity via a unitary site plan I
the plurilateral agreements of
which permits flexibility in I
the WTO contrast with the
building sitting, mixtures of :
larger multilateral agreements,
housing types and land uses, I
in which the former are signed
usable open spaces a,nd the
I onto by only those member
preservation of significant natu-
countries that choose to do so,
ral features.
while all members are party to
• planning curve I the multilateral agreements.

the long nm average cost curve. I • political economy

• plasticity I 1. early name for the discipline
resources and investments are of economics.
called 'plastic', to indicate that 2. a field within economics en-
there is a wide range of discre- I compassing several alternatives
tionary, legitimate decisions to neoclassical economics, in-
within which the user may cluding Marxist economics.
choose. I Also called radical political
• Plaza Accord I economy.
3. a field within economics that
an agreement reached in 1985 I
among the central banks of : concerns the interactions be-
France, Germany, Japan, US ~ tween political processes and
and UK to bring down the value I economic variables, especially
of the U.S. dollar, which had economic policies.
appreciated substantially since • political economy of
1980. By the time of the Lou- I protection
vre Accord, two years later, the I the study of reasons, especially
dollar had fallen 30%. political ones, in which the coun-
• plurilateral tries choose to use protection.
among several countries

II = = = = = = = = E c o n o m i c s
II portfolio approach I positive list 141
Includes models of voting, lob- ~ • positional goods
bying, and campaign contribu- I goods which are at least in part
tions, as these lead policy male- : demanded because their posses-
ers to erect tariffs. ~ sion or consumption implies
I social or other status of those
• portfolio approach
an approach to explaining ex- ~ acquiring them.
change rates which stress their ; • positive
role in changing the propor- refers to 'what is', in contrast
tions of different currency-de- to normative which involves
nominated assets in portfolios. value judgements as to 'what
The exchange rate adjusts to ought to be'. The word is not,
equate these proportions to de- in this use, the opposite of ei-
sired levels. ther 'negative' or 'harmful'.
• portfolio flow • positive externality
the sale or purchase of fil!ancial a beneficial externality, I.e., a
assets across countries. beneficial effect of one eco-
• portfolio investment I nomic agent's actions on an-

the acquisition of portfolio capi- I

other. Considered a distortion
tal. Usually refers to such trans- because the first agent has in-
I adequate incentive to act. Ex-
actions across national borders
I amples are the attractiveness of
and/or across currencies.
well-kept fr.rrms for the tourism
• portfolio theory I industry (a production external-

the analysis as to . how an in- I ity) and ·reduced contagion of

vestor can maximise the ex- disease due to vaccines (a con-

pected return from a 'portfolio' sumption externality).
of various kinds of financial as- ~ • positive list
sets, having given degrees of I
risk and uncertainty associated . in an international agreement,
with them (or minimise the risk ; a list of those items, entities,
involved in realising some given : products, etc. to which the
I agreement will apply, with no
expected return).

Economics======= II
""14,,,,2==========:Ostmodernism I preferenceforl1ariety II
commitment to apply the agree- I GMOs, for example.
ment to anything else. Con- I • predation
trasts with negative list.
I the use of aggressive (low) pric-
• postmodernism ing to put a competitor out of
a still tenuous attempt to lend business, with the intent,. once
identity to a new era beginning I they are gone, of raising prices
in the early 1970s which is as- to gain monopoly profits.
sociated with changes from and • predatory dumping
reaction to certain attributes of I
modernity or modernism. . dumping for the purpose of
I driving competitors out of bus i-

• Prebisch-Singer Hypoth- I ness and then raising price. This

esis is·the one motivation for dump-
the idea where the relative ing that most economists agree
prices of primary products I is undesirable, like predatory
would decline over the long pricing (predation) in other
term, and therefore that de- contexts.
veloping countries that were I • predatory pricing
led by comparative advantage
to specialise in them would I a company engages in preda-
find their prospects for devel- I tory pricing when it sets the
opment diminished. Due to price of its goods very low, in
Prebisch (1950) and Singer I order to eliminate its competi-
I tors and prevent new companies
from entering into the market-
• precautionary principle place.
the view that when science has I • preference for variety
not yet determined whether a
I the increased utility which
new product or process is safe
or unsafe, policy should pro- I people experience when they
hibit or restrict its use until it is have access to a larger number
known to be safe. Applied to I of differentiated product vari-
trade, this has been used as the ~ eties. In reality, this may reflect
their ability to find products
basis for prohibiting imports of ;
more closely suited to their own

~fl ====================Bconomics
II J!refoY.ences Iprice definition 143
particular ne~d~, b~t .as m.~d- ~ (1996).
elled in the Doot-StIglitz utIlity ~ • present value
function, they are better off con- ; the value today of a stream of
suming small quantities of each : payments and/or receipts over
of a larger number of products. ~ time in the future and/or the
• preferences ; past, converted to the prese~t
1. in trade policy, this refers to : using an interest rate. If Xt IS
special advantages, ~uc h as '., the amount in period t and r the
lower-than-MFN tanffs, ac- , interest rate, then present value
corded to another country's ex- ~ at time t=O is V = St (Xt)/
ports, usually in order to pro- : (1 +r)t. .
mote that country's deve1op- ~ • preshipment inspection
ment. ~ certification of the value, qual-
. 2. in trade theory, this refers to ; ity, and/or identity of tra~ed
the attitudes of consumers to- : goods done in the exportmg
wards different goods, as :ep- ~ country by specialized agencies
resented by a utility functlon. ; or firms on behalf of the im-
Some propositions in. tra e ~ porting country. Traditionally
theory use the assumptlon f. used as a means to prevent
identical and/or homothe ic ; over- or under-invoicing, it is
Preferences. :, now beino- b
used also as a secu-
• preferential trading ar- : rity measure.
rangement ~ • price definition
a group of countries which ~e 'Y ~ a method of defining relative
lower (or zero) tariffs agal st ; factor abundance based on ra-
imports from members th n : tios of factor prices in autarky:
outsiders. Includes FTAs, c s- ~ Compared to country B, coun-
toms unions, and common m - , try A is abundant in factor X
kets. Encouragement to e: relative to factor Y iff wXA/
this term instead of the m re ~ wYA < wXB/wYB, where wIJ
misleading FfA has come fr ; is the autarky price of factor I
Jagdish Bhagwati, as . "n ~ in country J, I=X,Y, J=A,B.
Bhagwati and Panaganya

E&onomics======= 1/
""l",,44============~e discrimination I price undertaki1ltf /I

• price discrimination I • price line

the sale by a firm to buyers at I a straight line representing the
two different prices. When this combinations of variables, usu-
occurs internationally and the ally two goods, that cost the
lower price is charged for ex- I same at some given prices. The
port, it is regarded as dumping. slope of a price line measures
relative prices, and changes in
• price elasticity
I prices can therefore be repre-
the elasticity of supply or de- sented by changing the slope of,
mand with respect to price. or rotating, a price line. A
• price elasticity of demand I steeper line means a higher
change in the quantity de I relative price of the good mea-
sured on the horiwntal axis .
• price support
. .
~ P,
government action to Increase
I the price of a product, usually
8 . a n ti c Own and .
by buying it. May be associated
~ "', =~~~·i~Y
Price. .
with a price floor.
P' ,

• price taker
I an economic entity which is too
manded of a good or service in I small relative to a market to
response to a change in price affect its price, and that there-
fore must take that price as
• price inelastic I given in making its own deci-
having a price elasticity of less sions. Applies to all buyers and
than one (in absolute value). sellers in markets that are per-
I fectly competitive. Applies also
• price level
to a country if it is a small open
the overall level of prices in a I
country, generally measured economy.
empirically by a price index, but • price undertaking
often captured in theoretical I a commitment by an exporting
models by a single variable. I firm to raise its price in an im-
porting-country market, as a

II = = = = = = = = E c o n o m i c s
II pricing to 11UJrket I private cost 145
means of settling an anti-dump- ~ ing an additional unit of a good
ing suit and preventing an anti- ; or service declines as additional
dumping duty. : units are acquired.
• pricing to market : _ principle of diminishing ,
the practice of an exporting ~ returns
firm holding fixed (or not I the proposition which states that
fully adjusting) the price it ~ the marginal product of the last
charges in the export market : unit of labour employed de-
when its costs or exchange I clines as additional units of
rates change. ; labour are employed.
• primary budget surplus ; - Prisoners' dilemma
the primary budget surplus a strategic interaction where
(or deficit) of a government two players both gain individu-
is the surplus excluding inter- ally by not cooperating, leading
est payments on its outstand- to a Nash equilibrium in which
ing debt. both are worse off than if they
cooperated. Important espe-
• primary factor
cially for explaining why coun-
an input which exists as a stock I tries may choose protection
providing service that contrib- even though all lose as a result.
utes to production. The stock is
not used up in production, al- ~ - private benefit
though it may deteriorate with ; the benefit to an individual eco-
use, providing a smaller flow of : nomic agent, such as a con-
services later. The major pri- ~ sumer or firm, from an event,
mary factors are labour, capital, ; action, or policy change. Con-
human capital (or skilled : trasts with social benefit.
labour), land, and sometimes
:I - private cost
natural resources.
: the cost to an individual eco-
• principle of diminishing ~ nomic agent, such as a con-
marginal utility ; sumer or firm, from an event,
the proposition that the satis- : action, or policy change. Con-
faction derived from consum- I trasts with sqtial cost.

Economics======== II
146 privategoods I product cyck II
• private goods I same level of output as existing
a good that cannot be consumed I policies.
without paying for it and the I • Producer Support Esti-
supply of which is reduced when mate (PSE)
it is consumed by a particular I
introduced by the OEeD to
user of it.
I quantify support in agriculture,
• probability density it measures 'transfers from con-
for a continuous random vari- sumers and taxpayers to agri-
able, a function whose integral I cultural producers as a result of
over any set is the probability I measures (of) support,' ex-
of the variable being in that set. pressed as percentage of gross
I farm receipts. Also called pro-
• probability distribution I ducer subsidy equivalent.
a specification of the probabili-
ties for each possible value of a I
• product cycle
random variable. the life cycle of a new product,
that first can be produced only
• producer presence I in the country where it was de-
a mode of supply of a traded veloped, then as it becomes
service in which the producer I standardised and more familiar,
establishes a presence in the I can be produced in other coun-
buyer's country by FDI and/or tries and exported back to
permanent relocation of work- where it started. Due to Vernon
• producer subsidy equiva-
lent I
I (1966) .
product cycle
associated with observed regu-
1. producer support estimate. larities in the way in which the
2. this ought logically to mea- production and marketing of
sure the extent to which exist- I products change during the life
ing policies serve to subsidise of a product and thereby
producers, defined as the ad change their interaction with
valorem subsidy that, if paid I and demands on their environ-
directly to producers per unit of ~ ment.
production, would lead to the

II ========&onomies
II protluatliffiren#lltWn Iprotectionirm. =========14=7
_ product differentiation ~ profit of a firm.
causing buyers to believe that a ~ - profit shifting
particular version of a product ; the use of government policies
is superior to that being offered : to alter the outcome of interna-
by competitors.
~ tional oligopolistic competition
_ product localisation I so as to increase the profits of

modifying and adapting for- ~ domestic firms at the expense

eign-made products/services, to : of foreign firms. This is a key
render them suitable for a new ~ element of strategic trade
market. ; policy.
- production externality ; - prohibited subsidy
an externality arising from pro- : a subsidy which is prohibited
duction. ~ under the rules of the wro.
; These include subsidies that are
- production function : specifically designed to distort
a function that specifies the out- ~ international trade, such as ex-
put in an industry for all com- I port subsidies or subsidies that
binations of inputs. ~ require use of domestic rather
- production possibilities : than imported inputs.
levels of output that are within : - prohibition
the range of possibilities for a ~ denial of the right to import or
particular economy. ; export, applying to particular
- production worker : products and/or particular
a worker directly engaged in ~ countries. Includes embargo.
production. In empirical stud- ~ - prohibitive tariff
ies of skilled and unskilled ~ a tariff that reduces imports to
labour, data on production ; zero.
workers are often taken to rep-
resent unskilled labour. ~ - protectionism
: advocacy of protection. The
- profit maximising ~ word has a negative connota-
the level of a variable or ; tion, and few advocates of
behaviour that maximises the protection in particular situa-

Eeonomics======= II
",1""4,,,,8===========~OCOI o/accession I quantity definition II
tions will acknowledge being I ity, in either its absolute or its
protectionists. relative form.
• protocol of accession I • push-pull factors
legal document specifying the push factors act to drive people
procedures for a country to or goods and services away
join an international agree- I from a place whereas pull fac-
ment or organisation, includ- tors draw them to a new loca-
ing the rights and responsibili- tion.
ties that accompany such ac- I
• quad
I refers both to the Quadrilateral
• public goods I Meetings and to the partici-
a good that can only be supplied pants in those meetings, the
to all if it is supplied to one and U.S., Canada, EU and Japan.
the availability of which is not I
• quadrilateral meetings
diminished by anyone
I meetings which occur occasion-
consumer's use of it.
ally, involving the trade minis-
• purchasing power parity ters of the U .S., Canada, EU
exchange rate I and Japan to discuss trade
an exchange rate, computed to policy issues.
yield absolute purchasing power • quality multiplier
parity. Useful for making com- I
parisons of real values (wages, I secondary effects resulting
GDP) across countries with dif- from learning, innovative activi-
ferent currencies. Since the pur- I ties and quality improvements
chasing power parity theory is I · of existing products or technolo-

rarely correct, this contrasts with gles.

the nominal exchange rate. • quantity definition
• purchasing power parity I a method of defining relative
theory factor abundance based on ra-
a theory of the exchange rate tios of factor quantities: Com-
that the rate will adjust to I pared to country B, country A
I is abundant in factor X rela-
achieve purchasing power par-
tive to factor Y, iff XA/YA >

II = = = = = = = = E c o n o m i c s
IllJUantity theory ofnumey I relICtion C:ient 149

XB/YB, where II is the quan- ~ imported good, net of any tar-

tity of factor I with which ; iff, minus the world price times
country J is endowed, 1=X,Y, : the quantity of imports.
J=A,B. .~ • range
• quantity theory of money ~ usually used in the context of
the idea that there is a direct link I the 'outer range' of a good. This
between the quantity of money ~ range refers to the maximum
in the economy and the price : distance over which a product
level. ~ can be sold at a givenEo.B.
; price. /
• quasi-linear utility
a utility function of the form ~ • ration foreign/exchange
U(xO,x1, ... ,xn) = xO + Siui(xi), : to ration access to scarce for-
where ui( x) are strictly concave ~ eign currency under a pegged
functions. This is useful for gen- I exchange rate with an over-val-
erating demand functions for : ued currency. Usually done by
goods xi that depend only on ~ means of import licensing.
their own prices in terms of the .I • reactlon •
coeffi Clent
numeraire xO.
~ terms used as a relatively gen-
• quid pro quo FDI ; eral reference to the manner in
FD1 in response to the threat : which a dependent subsystem
of protection. Done by a firm ~ is (structurally) linked to an-
which exports into the domes- ; other subsystem within a larger
tic market, the motive is to cre- : systems model. The coefficient
ate jobs there and lessen the . ~ specifies the impact of a change
threat that its exports will be I in one variable (representing
restricted. Due to Bhagwati : the independent subsystem) on
(1985). ~ another variable (representing
I the dependent subsystem). 1n-
• quota rent
~ put-output coefficients, 'pro-
the economic rent received by : pensities to consume locally'
the holder of the right (or li-
~ (pel) and probabilities in tran-
cense) to import under a quota. ; sition matrices represent ex-
Equals the domestic price of the : amples.

E&onomics======== II
=~~~~~~~~~~~= * .
reactum curve I real exchllrngerate II
Ho,.iZl:lnt:81 dicplace.ent V{c.)
" .0 '.0 5 .0 4 .0 3 .0 20 1.0 0 .0 - 1.0
I relative price level, which may
0 .0 :
have decreased, so that the
prices of its goods relative to
I foreign goods have increased.

• real balance effect

1, 0 I the influence that a change in
' .0 the quantity of real money has
on the quantity of real national
o 10 ~ ~ ~ ~
Coeff, cient of horu:onUI t ubcr adt
~ ~ ~
I income demanded.
koH(N/c.' ]
I • Real Estate Investment
• reaction curve Trust (REIT)
the graph of a reaction function . I
a trust (corporation) which
• reaction function pools the capital of different
the function that specifies the I investors to acquire (or provide
choice of a strategic variable by financing for) all forms o(real
one economic agent as a func- estate. A REIT functions like a
tion of the choice of another I mutual fund for real estate.
agent. Most familiar specifying I • real exchange rate
output choices of firms In a 1. the nominal exchange rate
Cournot duopoly. adjusted for inflation. Unlike
• real
I most other real variables , this
1. adjusted for inflation. I adjustment requires accounting
for price levels in two curren-
2. referring only to real eco-
cies. The real exchange rate is:
nomic variables as opposed to
I R = EP* jP where E is the
~ominal, or monetary ones, as
nominal domestic-currency
ill real models.
price of foreign currency, P is
3. used with 'appreciation' or I the domestic price level, and P*
'depreciation', refers to the real is the foreign price level.
exchange rate. Thus, a real ap- I
2. the real price of foreign
preciation means that the nomi-
goods; i.e., the quantity of do-
nal ~alue of a country's currency
I mestic goods needed to pur-
has Increased by more than its
chase a unit of foreign goods.

1/ =======Economics
1\ reIIl interestmte I reflexivity 151
Equals the reciprocal of the ~ • red box
terms of trade. Equivalent to I a category of subsidies which are
definition l. : forbidden under WTO rules.
3. the relative price of traded ~ This terminology is used in the
goods in terms of nontraded I Agriculture Agreement, where
goods. ~ however there is no red box.
: Presumably equivalent to pro-
• real interest rate
I hibited subsidies.
the nominal interest rate which
is adjusted for inflation, to get I • redistributed tariff revenue
the percentage yield an asset ; a common assumption that tar-
holder gets in terms of real re- : iff revenue is given to consum-
sources. Equals the nominal in- ~ ers as transfer payments (not in
terest rate minus the rate of in- I proportion to what they paid by
flation. : importing) to be spent like any
~ other income. Since in general
• real model
I equilibrium the effects of a tar-
an economlC model without ~ iff depend on how the revenue
money. Most general equilib- : is spent, this is a useful neutral
rium models of trade are real ~ assumption.
models. This includes the
Ricardian Model, the ~ • redistribution policy
Heckscher-Ohlin Model, and ; measures taken by government
the models of the New Trade : to transfer income from some
Theory. ~ individuals to others.
• real national income ~ • redundant tariff
national income adjusted for ~ a tariff which, if changed, will
inflation. ; not change the quantity of im-
: ports, either because the tariff
• real terms
~ is prohibitive, or because some
same as real. A 'wage expressed ; other policy such as a quota or
in real terms' is just the real : an embargo is limiting quantity.
wage. I
: • reflexivity
I a post-structuralist concept in-

Economics======= II
152 region I relative location II
creasingly used in industrial so- I mcreases.
cial geography to capture the I • regulation school/theory
ability of a person to 'reflect on
their own reflections' and to I a body of thought originating
understand the foundations of ; in French political economy, fo-
one's own knowledge and un- cusing on structure and change
derstanding of one's local envi- I of the capitalist economr Re-
ronment and context. jecting market forces as
allocative mechanisms, these
• region I theories suggest the dominance

contiguous areas with common of the 'mode of regulation' (so-

or complementary characteris- cial norms, government rules
tics or linked by intensive inter- I and private practices) which
action or flows. I motivate(s) individuals to
achieve economic stability.
• regional policy
in a trade context, this usually • Reilly's law of retail gravi-
refers to a regional aid. tation
I a statement related to the dis-
• regionalism
tribution of market share in hin-
the formation or proliferation I terlands of competing cities or
of preferential trading arrange- I shopping centres.
I • relative demand
• regression analysis
I the ratio of the demand for one
the statistical technique of fmd- good to the demand for an-
ing a straight line which ap- I other, most useful in represent-
proximates the information in I ing general equilibrium in a two-
a group of data points . Used good economy, where relative
throughout empirical econom- I price adjusts to equate relative
ics, including in both interna- I supply and relative demand.
tional trade and finance.
I • relative location
• regressive tax
I a pOSItIOn in space (location)
a tax on income in which the defined on the basis of distances
proportion of tax paid relative I and relationships to other loca-
to income decreases as income

II = = = = = = = = & o n o m i c s
II relative price I rent seeking 153
tions. ~ or other forum, the measure
; recommended by the dispute
- relative price
: settlement panel to resolve the
1. the price of one thing (usu- ~ dispute, usually a measure
ally a ~ood) in ter~s of an- ; which will bring the offending
other; I.e., the ratio of two : country into compliance with
prices. ~he relatiive price ~f ~ wro (or other) rules.
good X ill terms of good Y IS ;
pX/ pY</SUB< i>. . - rent
2. the relationship between the ~ 1. economic rent, or the pre-
prices of different goods and ; mium that the owner of a re-
services. May be thought of in : source receives over and above
terms of the amount of one ~ its opportunity cost.
good which can be had for a I 2. the payment to the owner of
certain expenditure compared : land or other property in return
to the amount of another good ~ for its use.
which can be had for the same
:I - rent grad.lent
~ a representation of the decline
- relative supply ; in rent with distance from a
the ratio of the supply of one : market or centre.
good to the supply of another, I s
most useful in representing I Rent ~
general equilibrium in a two- per:n~rc
I lJeight of
good economy, where relative Buildinss
price adjusts to equate relative I
supply and relative demand. ____
- rdiability Di.bncc
the ability of a statistical instru-
ment to come up with similar/ ~ - rent seeking
consistent measurements/re- ; the using up of real resources
sults over time. : in an effort to secure the rights
~ to economic rents that arise
- remedy ; from government policies. In
in a trade dispute in the wro : international economics, the

~onomics======== 1/
154 rental price I revealed preforence II
term usually refers to efforts to I • restrictive business prac-
obtain quota rents. tice
• rental price action by a firm or group of
firms to restrict entry by other
the payment per unit time for
I firms, that is, to prevent other
the services of a unit of a factor
firms from selling their prod-
of production, such as land or I
uct in their market. This is a
I restraint of competition and
• rentier would normally be illegal under
a person whose income comes competition policy.
mainly from rent on land or, I
• results-based trade policy
more broadly, from assets I
the use of trade policies tar-
rather than labour.
I geted to specific indicators of
• rent-seeking economic performance. For ex-
the activities of individuals or ample, in the early 1990s, the
firms to obtain special privi- I U.S. insisted on achieving speci-
leges, such as monopoly power, fied market shares in trade with
which will enable them to in- Japan.
crease their incomes. Using up I
• return to capital
resources to win such privileges
I same as the rental price of capi-
from governments or their
I tal. Since capital can only be
measured in monetary units,
• reserve asset I the rental price is, say, dollars
any asset which is used as inter- I per dollar's worth of capital per
national reserves, including a unit time, and it therefore has
national currency, precious the form of a rate of return like
metal such as gold or SDRs. I an interest rate.
• reserve currency I • returns to scale
a currency that is used as inter- I same as increasing returns to
national reserves, often because scale.
it is an intervention currency.
• revealed preference
the use of the value of expendi-

II ========E&onomies
II revenueargumentfora tariff I risk ~~iU~m=========~1~5~5
ture to 'reveal' the preference of ~ advantage. It assumes perfect
a consumer or group of con- ; competition and a single factor
sumers for the bundle of goods : of production, labour, with con-
they purchase compared to ~ stant requirements of labour
other bundles of equal or ; per unit of output that differ
smaller value. : across countries.

• revenue argument for a : • risk

tariff : 1. uncertainty that associates
the use of a tariff to raise rev- I with a transaction or an asset.
enue for the government. Many ; 2. the probability of loss. Dif-
other kinds of tax cause smaller : fers from definition 1, because
distortions and are hence pref- ~ 'uncertainty' includes probabil-
erable to tariffs for this pur- I ity of gain as well.
pose. However, a tariff is one
of the easier taxes to collect, and I • risk aversion
it is therefore common in the ~ desire to avoid uncertainty. Risk
early stages of a country's de- : aversion is usually quantified by
velopment. ~ the mathematical expected
; value that one is willing to
• revenue seeking : forego in order to get greater
the use of real resources in an ~ certainty.
effort to secure a share of the
disposition of tariff revenues. ~ • risk premium
I 1. the higher expected return
• reverse engineering ~ (in the sense of ~athematical
the process of learning how a : expected value) which an uncer-
product is made by taking it ~ tain asset must pay in order for
apart and examining it. ; risk averse investors to be will-
• Ricardian Model : ing to hold it.
the classic model of interna- ~ 2. the difference between the
tional trade introduced by ; interest rate on a risky asset and
David Ricardo to explain the I: that on a safe one.
pattern and the gains from 3. in exchange markets, the dif-
trade in terms of comparative I ference between the forward

&onomics======== II
156 rollback I satisficer, satisficing 1/
rate and the expected future I creases the output of the indus-
spot rate. I try that uses that factor inten-
sively and reduces the output of
- rollback
I the other (or some other) in-
1. the phasing out of measures I dustry. Due to Rybczynski
which are not consistent with an (1955).
2. in the Uruguay Round, the - sanction
agreement to remove all 1. to approve or give permis-
GATT-inconsistent trade-re- I sion for an action, as when an
stricting and trade-distorting I international organisation sanc-
measures by the time negotia- tions the use of particular eco-
tions were completed. I nomic policies.
_ Ru1es of Origin (ROO) I 2. a forceful measure used by a
nation or group of nat:ions
rules included in a FTA speci- I against another as a penalty for
fying when a good will be re- I violating international law or
garded as produced within the international norms. Usually
FTA, so as to cross between I plural: sanctions.
members without tariff. Typi-
cal ROOs are based on percent- - Sanitary and phytosanitary
age of value added or on I regu1ations(SPR)
changes in tariff heading. I government standards to pro-
tect health of humans, plants
- ru1es-based trade policy
and animals. SPS measures are
institutional arrangements in I subject to rules in the WTO to
which national trade policies are prevent them from acting as
governed by internationally I
agreed-upon rules, as in the
GATT and WTo. -SAP
_ Rybczynski Theorem I Structural adjustment program.
the property of the Heckscher- I - satisficer, satisficing
Ohlin Model that, at constant I 1. a references to behaviours
prices, an increase in the en- that are constrained by limited
dowment of one factor in- information and 'bounded ra-

II = = = = = = = = E c o n o m i c s
II saPingfunction I second-best RI,;gUmen:=J1t1=rJte&=tuJn",,·".."",======""1",,5,,,,7
tionality'. Satisficers' ~ - Schengen Agreement
behavioural objectives are asso- I an agreement (later, conven-
ciated with fmding satisfactory : tion) signed in 1985 to elimi-
solutions (instead of 'optimal' ~ nate all frontier controls and
solutions) to problems which, I permit free movement of per-
in turn, are conditioned by the ; sons between the participating
individual's 'aspiration levels'. : countries. In 1999, it was incor-
2. seeking or achieving '1 satis- ~ porated into the European
factory outcome, rather than ; Union. Currently (2001), the
the best possible. Contrasts with : participants include all EU
the optimising behaviour usu- ~ countries except Ireland and the
ally assumed in economics and ; U.K., plus Iceland and Norway.
trade theory. Alternative mod- ; _ scientific tariff
els based on satisficing are
spreading within economics, : a made-to-measure tariff.
but not yet much in interna- :-SDR
tional. : Special Drawing Right.
- saving function : - secondary tariffs
the relationship between saving ~ any charges imposed on im-
and national income. ; ports in addition to the statu-
- scale economies : tory tariff, such as an import
increasing returns to scale. : surcharge.

- scarce factor : - second-best argument for

. protection
the factor in a country's endow-
ment with which it is least well; 1. any argument for protection
endowed, relative to other fac- : which can be countered by
~ pointing to a different and less
tors, compared to other coun-
tries. May be defmed by quan- ; distortionary policy that would
tity or by price. : achieve the same desired result
~ at lower economic cost.
- scarcity rent I 2. an argument for protection
an economic rent that is due to ; to partially correct an existing
something being scarce. distortion in the economy when

Eeonomics======= II
158 secular change 1;lf-SUjJi&iency argumentfor protection "

the first-best policy for that pur- I other, the first country derives
pose is not available. For ex- I these seigniorage benefits. This
ample, if domestic production is the case of a reserve currency.
generates a positive externality I • selective
and a production subsidy to I
internalise it is not available, applied to a trade policy. This
then a tariff may be second-best
I means one which affects only

optimal. some countries, not all, in con-

trast to MFN policy. Selectivity
• secular change ~ is an important concern in the
change over a long period of ; use of safeguards, which coun-
time, such as a decade or more. tries often would prefer to
Distinguished from cyclical I make selective but are required
change which occurs in shorter I by GATT Article XIX to be
time periods such as a year. nondiscriminatory.
• segmentation • selective closure
a segmented pattern of business a form of plant closure where
organisations where every seg- I the decision-maker has options
ment is 'conceived as a number between different plants and
of organisations) with similar where the ultimate decision is
characteristics which are both I based on relative (internal and/
the cause and the effect of their or external) locational merits.
membership of particular eco- This type of closure is 'the most
nomic niches.' I spatially specific type of closure.'
• seigniorage I • self-sufficiency

the difference between what I provision by one's self to all of

money can buy and its cost of : one's own needs. In interna-
produ~tion.Therefore, seignior- ~ tional trade, this means either
age is the benefit that a govern- I not trading at all (autarky), or
ment or other monetary au- importing only non-necessities.
thority derives from the ability • self-sufficiency argument
to create money. In interna- I for protection
tional exchange, if one country's I the view which states that a
money is willingly held by an-

1/ ========E&onomks
II sensitin I Shimbel Index 159
country is better off providing ~ - shadow price
for its own needs than depend- ; the implicit value or cost asso-
ing on imports. It may be based : ciated with a constraint. That is,
on fear that war or foreign gov- ~ the increased value that will be
ernments will interrupt imports. I achieved by relaxing the con-
This is a second-best argument, : straint by one unit. When for-
since many policies could pro- ~ eign exchange is rationed, the
vide for that contingency with- ~ shadow price of foreign ex-
out sacrificing all the gains from ; change becomes for relevant ex-
trade. : change rate decisions.
- sensitive : - shallow integration
in trade negotiations and agree- ~ reduction or elimination of tar-
ments, countries often identify ; iffs, quotas and other barriers
lists of particular sensitive prod- : to trade in goods at the border,
ucts or sensitive sectors that ~ such as trade-limiting customs
they regard as especially vulner- I procedures. Contrasts with
able to import competition and ~ deep integration.
that they wish to exempt from
trade liberalisation. :I - shared vision
: one of Senge's five learning dis-
- serious injury ~ ciplines for the learning
the injury requirement of the ; organisation: 'building a sense
escape clause, understood to be : of commitment in a group, by
more stringent than material ~ developiiIg shared images of
injury but otherwise apparently ; the future we seek to create, and
not rigorously defmed. : the principles and guiding prac-
- service ~ tices by which we hope to get
I there.'
a product which is not embod-
ied in a physical good and that I _ Shimbel Index
typically effects some change in ; measure of the minimum num-
another product, person or in- : ber of links necessary to con-
stitution. Contrasts with good. ~ nect one node with all nodes in
Trade in services is the subject ; the network.
of the GATS.

Beonomics======= II
~16~O~~~~~~~~~~sm~'t~gaUhalnud~non~immne II
• Shitauke gaisha I is approximately determined by
a Japanese term that refers to a I their two prices in terms of sil-
subcontract( ed) company ver.
_ short - simple money multiplier
1. used with 'sell' or 'sale,' this the amOlll1t by which a change in
means that the seller does not I the monetary base is multiplied
currently have the thing being to bring about the eventual
sold, but intends to acquire it change in the total money sup-
on .the market prior to making I ply. It is called the simple money
dehvery. multiplier because it does not
2. used by itself as a verb, it take into aCCOlll1t possible offsets
means to sell short, as 'to short I to the process, such as a rise in
a currency,' meaning to sell it I the amOlll1t of money that indi-
forward in anticipation that its viduals or households may
value on the spot market will choose to hold as cash when the
fall. I money supply increases .
• shuttle trade I • single undertaking
the trade accomplished by indi- I a term, in trade negotiations,
viduals and groups travelling to for requiring participants to ac-
other countries, buying goods I cept or reject the outcome of
and bringing them home, often I multiple negotiations in a single
in their luggage, to resell. An package, rather than selecting
important source of imports for I among them.
Russia in 1990s, some people I • situation

travelling abroad several times I a reference to the 'relational' at-

a month for this purpose. tributes of a location, i.e. to the
_ silver standard location relative to (in relation-
a monetary system where the I ships with) other key locations
value of a currency is defmed in ('relative location').
terms of silver. If two currencies - size distribution of income
are both on a silver standard, then I
the distribution ofincome among
the exchange rate between them I groups of income recipients, de-

II = = = = 0= = = E c o n o m i c s
1\ SMAC function I SOE 161
fined on the basis of the size of I

their incomes.
• SMAC function
an acronym for the CES fimction
based on the names of the four
authors who introduced it in Ar- I
row et al. (1961). I private costs incorporated by
• small country assumption ~ the producer in its market price.
the assumption in an economic : - Social Darwinists
model that a country is too :I a disparate group of turn-of-
small to affect world prices, in- ~ the-century commentators on
comes or interest rates. ; social issues who sought to
• small open economy : utilise the Darwinian law of
an economy which is small ~ natural selection ('survival of
enough compared to the ; the fittest') as a basis for social
world markets in which it par- : policy. The best-known of the
ticipates that (as a good ap- ~ social Darwinists was Herbert
proximation) its policies do I Spencer.
not alter world prices or in- ; • social indifference curve
comes. The country is thus a ~ a curve showing the combina-
price taker in world markets. : tions of goods that, when avail-
The term is normally applied ~ able to a count~ yield the same
to a country as a whole, al- ; level of social welfare.
though it is sometimes used
in the context of only a single ; - social welfare function
product. : a function mapping levels of
~ utility of the individuals in an
• social cost
I economy to a level of welfare
the real cost to society of hav- ~ for the economy as a whole.
ing a good or service produced,
that may be greater than the :.SOEI
Small open economy.

Economics======~ II
""16,,,,2==========s=ole:Porling agency I Spatial entrapment II
- sole importing agency I spatial revenue curve in order
an entity, either private or gov- I to determine the 'spatial mar-
ernment, that has been granted gin of profitability'.
by government the exclusive _ Spatial demand curve
right to import certain goods. I refers to the aggregate demand
- Solow model I curve containing the individual
the neoclassical growth model. I demand of consumers located
Also called the Solow-Swan at different distances from the
Model. I focal point of supply. In other
words, demand is aggregated
- Solow neutral across space, as seen from the
a particular specification of I perspective of the supplier (and
technological change ortechno- I her f.o.b. prices), as if the deliv-
logical difference that is capital ered price of the good is in-
augmenting. I creasing for the consumer with
_ Solow residual I distance by the corresponding
a measure of technological I
transport cost.
progress equal to the difference :
between the rate of growth of ~
output and the weighted aver- ;
age of the rates of growth of :
capital and labour, with factor ~
income shares as weights. Due I

to Solow ( 1957). Also called the

growth of total factor produc-
tivity. Used to compare sources I
of growth across countries. - Spatial entrapment
a concept used to describe the
- space-cost curve
I situation of women restricted to
expresses the spatial variability distinctly female labour mar-
of total production costs of a I
kets close to children and home
firm with a given output level. I in the urban periphery.
Smith (1966) superimposed
this spatial cost curve on the

1\ = = = = = = = = & u n o m i & s
II Spatial iso-outlay line I specialisation.. ===========1"",63~

• Spatial iso-outlay line ~ permits tariff preferences

this is a theoretical construct I among developing countries
used to introduce space into and by developed countries, in
micro-economic production I favour of developing countries,
theory. The curve represents I as under the GSp.
the results of an optimisation ; - special drawing right
process. Every point on the : originally intended within the
curve represents different loca-
IMF as a sort of international
tions but equal total production I money for use among central
costs (outlays) based on vary-
banks pegging their exchange
ing (optimal) input combina-
rates, the SD R is a transferable
tions (and resulting varying I right to acquire another
transport costs for these in-
; country's currency. Defined in
terms of a basket of currencies,
• Spatial margin I today it plays the role in that
a line or boundary signifying the I form of a unit of international
end of profitability or viability, I account.
thus separating profitable from : - specialisation
loss-making spaces. I
1. producing more than is
• Spatial margin of agricul- ~ needed by you with regard to
tural production ; some things, and less of others,
the boundary of a region of : hence 'specialising' in the first.
profitability or positive rent. ~ In international trade, this is
Beyond this boundary, trans- ; just the opposite of self-suffi-
port costs outweigh net-returns : ciency.
leading to net losses. ~ 2. doing less than everything, as
I when a country produces fewer
• special and differential
treatment ~ different goods than it con-
: sumes. In a 2x2 trade model,
the GATT principle where de-
~ this means each country pro-
veloping countries be accorded ; duces just one good. With many
special privileges, exempting goods and countries, it means
them from some requirements I each country has some goods
of developed countries. It also
164 specie I specificity ru.le "
that it does not (and cannot I dustries and - more loosely -
competitively) produce. Also I factors that could be used else-
may be called complete where but do not, in the short
specialisation. I run, have the time or resources
I needed to move.
• specie
coins, normally including only I • specific factors model
those made of precious metal. a model where some or all fac-
tors are specific factors. Must
• specie flow mechanism
I commonly, the specific factors
under the gold standard, the
model has one specific factor
mechanism where international I
(often capital or land) in each
payments would adjust. A coun- I industry plus another factor (of-
try with high inflation would I ten labor) that is mobile be-
export less, import more and tween them. But an extreme
thus lose specie, i.e., gold. With I
form of the model can have all
the money supply fixed to the I factors specific.
quantity of gold, the resulting
monetary contraction would I • specific tariff
reduce prices. Due to David a tariff specified as an amount
Hume. of currency per unit of the good.
• specific commitment • specificity
under the GATS, the identifI- I the property where a policy
cation of a category of services I measure applies to one or a
in which a country will apply group of enterprises or indus-
national treatment and assure I tries, as opposed to all indus-
market access for foreign ser- I tries.
vice providers.
specificity rule
I •

• specific factor the principle where the optimal

a factor of production which is policy for correcting a distortion
unable to move into or out of ~ is one that deals most directly,
an industry. The term is used to . or specifically, with that distor-
describe both factors that would tion.
not be of any use in other in- I

II specu~ative attack I stable 165
• speculative attack ~ • spot rate
in any asset market, the surge I the exchange rate on the spot
in sales of the asset that occurs ~ market. Also called the spot
when investors expect its price : exchange rate.
to fall. A common phenomenon I
: • spread
in the exchange market, espe-
~ the difference between the price
cially under an adjustable
pegged exchange rate. ; one must pay to buy something,
: such as a currency, and the price
substance of the site.
~ one receives for selling it.
• splashing ('industrial ~ • stabilising speculation
I speculation which decreases the
a term used to refer to the es-
~ movements of the price in ~e
tablishment of multiple branch
: market where the speculation
plants across the landscape (of
~ occurs. Freedman (1953) pro-
Nigeria) by expatriate firms.
; vided a classic argument that
• splintering : speculation on a floating ex-
another term for fragmenta- ~ change rate would be
tion. Used by Bhagwati (1984). ; stabilising.
• spot market ; • stabilisation policy
1. a market for exchange (of : the use of monetary and fiscal
currencies, in the case of the ex- ~ policies to stabilise GDp, aggre-
change market) in the present ~ gate employment and prices.
(as "Opposed to a forward or fu- I • stable
tures market in which the ex-
; 1. of an equilibrium, where the
change takes place in the fu- : dynamic adjustment away from
ture). ~ equilibrium converges to the
2. market where goods, ser- ; equilibrium.
vices, or financial assets are
: 2. of an economic variable, not
traded for immediate delivery. ~ subject to large or erratic fluc-
This differs from a futures mar- I tuations.
ket, where the delivery will be
made at a future date.

Beonomics======= II
166 standard ofliving I stelldy state II
• standard of living ~ duction in distortion from im-
the concept has moved from a I perfect competition and in-
more or less strictly pecuniary ~ creased product variety. Con-
interpretation of well-being to : trasts with dynamic gains from
one which incorporates non- I trade.

pecuniary components, thereby I • static model

approaching the economist's an economic model which has

concept of utility as expressed I no explicit time dimension. A
in a utility function. Dissatisfac- static model abstracts from the
tion with using the simple mea- process by which an equilib-
sure of real per-capita GDP has I rium or an optimum might be
lead to use of indicators which I reached only over time, as well

include length of life, level of : as from the dependence of the

. b I
education and access to JO S, . variables in the model itself on
infrastructure and amenities. ; a changing past or future. Con-
• standstill trasts with dynamic model.
1. a commitment to refrain I • stationary state
from introducing new measures the economic condition envi-
that are not consistent with an I sioned by the classical writers
agreement. I once the growth of population
2. in the Uruguay Round, the had reached the point where
agreement not to introduce new output per capita was reduced
GATT-inconsistent trade-re- to the subsistence level and the
stricting and trade-distorting accumulation of capital had re-
measures during the negotia- duced the return to investment
tions. I to zero. The economy would
• static gains from trade remain in equilibrium with no
the economic benefits from I
possibility of future incre.ases. in
trade which arise in static mod- population or per capIta lll-
els, including the efficiency I comes.
gains from exploiting compara- I • steady state

tive advantage, the reduced a type of equilibrium, especially

costs from scale economies, re- in a neoclassical growth model,

II = = = = = = = E c o n o m i e s
·11 sterilise I strlltegic decision-mRking • ~========1~6~7
in which those variables that are ~ tions) that protection lowers
not constant grow over time at ; the real wage of a country's
_a constant and common rate. : scarce factor and raises the
sterill.~ .~ real wage of its abundant fac-
. I tor. Due to Stolper and
to use. offsetting open market : Samuelson (1941).
operations to prevent an act of I
exchange market intervention ~ - straight-line PPF
from changing the monetary : the PPF which arises in the
base. With sterilisation, any I Ricardian Model or in the HO
purChase of foreign exchange is ; Model if the two sectors have
accompanied by an equal-value : the same factor intensity. It is a
sale of domestic bonds and vice ~ downward ~loping straight line
versa. ; with, therefore, a constant mar-
_ sticky place : ginal rate of transformation.
a concept used in industrial ge- : - strategic alliance
ography to refer to the geo- : an agreement among compa-
graphic consequences of inertial I nies for the purpose of achiev-

forces which prevent hyper- ~ ing a common goal, usually in

mobility (in an increasingly : the form of sharing comple-
'slippery production space') ~ mentary strengths, achieving
from completely obliterating ; cost efficiencies or adjusting to
production assembles in space. : rapid technological or market
~ changes.
- Stolper-Samuelson Theo-
rem ~ - strategic decision-making
1. the proposition of the ; as different from programmed,
Heckscher-Ohlin Model where : routine decisions, strategic de-
a rise in the relative price of a ~ cisions tend to be relatively in-
good raises the real wage of the I frequent, not repetitive, involve
factor used intensively in that ~ the commitment of consider-
industry and lowers the real : able resources (capital) and
wage of the other factor. ~ have long-time horiwns with
2. the further proposition (re- ; significant levels of uncertainty.
quiring addition assump-

Eeonomics======== II
""16,,,,8==========S;teo "aU policy I substitution effect II
• strategic trade policy I • structural adjustment

the use of trade policies, includ- I program

ing tariffs, subsidies and even : the list of budgetary and policy
export subsidies, in a context of ~ changes that are required by the
imperfect competition and/or I IMF and World Bank in order
increasing returns to scale to for a developing country to
alter the outcome of interna- qualify for a loan. This 'condi-
tional competition in a country's I tionality' typically includes re-
favour, usually by allowing its ducing barriers to trade and
firms to capture a larger share capital flows, tax increases and
of industry profits. I cuts in government spending.

• strategic variable I • stumbling block

an economic variable that is cho- I the term which Bhagwati
sen with regard to, and some- (1991) used, together with
times with a view to influenc- building block, to address
ing, economic behaviour by I whether PTAs help move the
someone else. Most frequently world toward or away from
refers to the choice of firms in multilateral free trade.
an oligopoly. • substitution effect
• strategy I 1. the change in the quantity of
determination of the basic long- I a good demanded resulting
term goals and objectives of an
enterprise, and the adoption of ~
courses of action and the allo- I
cation of resources necessary
for carrying out these goals.
• structural adjustment
the reallocation of resources I

(labour and capital) among sec-

tors of the economy, in response
to changing economic circum- I from a change in its relative
stances, including trading con- I
price, leaving aside any change
ditions or changes in policy. in quantity demanded that can

II ========Economics
II sunk costs I SlNp 169
be attributable to the associated ~ upward sloping, straight or
change in the consumer's real ; curved and drawn with quantity
income. It may also be thought : on the horiwntal axis and price
of as a change in the quantity ~ on the vertical axis. Supply
demanded as a result of a move- ; curves for exports and for for-
.' ment along a single indifference : eign exchange usually have the
curve. ~ same qualitative properties as
2. that portion of the effect of ~ supply curves for labour, being
price on quantity demanded ; potentially backward bending.
that reflects the changed ~ - supply elasticity
tradeoff between the good and
: the elasticity of a supply func-
other alternatives. Contrasts
~ tion, usually with respect to
with income effect.
I pnce.

- sunk costs
; - surplus
costs that are irrevocable and
: in the balance of payments, or
should not be used to influence
~ in any category of international
current decisions.
I transactions within it, the sur-

- superior good ~ plus is the sum of credits mi-

a good the demand for which is : nus the sum of debits. Also
elastic. ~ called simply the 'balance' for
; that category. Thus, the balance
- supply curve : of trade is the same as the sur-
the graph of quantity supplied ~ plus on trade, or the trade sur-
as a function of price, normally ; plus, and similarly for merchan-
I .~\lI,pl: I"UI ~(
10 I'i,,,,", : dise trade, current account and
~ capital account.
:" -~
-' . - ~"'
.. ...

'" ~" ~.': :/:

... ,....-..... ~.............. . ..~........
~ - sustainable development
. - - -!..!:::.: I a system of resource us<; that

~ protects non-renewable re-
: sources and the environment.
: - swap
I 1. in the exchange markets, this

&onumics======= II
"",17"",0==========* swap rate I tariffjumping II
is a simultaneous sale of a cur- , specified level, called the bow1d
rency on the spot market to- , rate.
gether with a purchase of the • tariff equivalent
same amount on the forward '
market. By combining these , the level of tariff which would
two transactions into a single be the same, in terms of its ef-
one, transactions costs may be , fect, usually on the quantity of
reduced. imports, as a given NTB.
2. an arrangement between • tariff escalation
central banks whereby they in a country's tariff schedule,
each agrees to lend their cur- , the tendency for tariffs to be
rency to the other. , higher on processed goods than
on the raw materials from
• swap rate
, which they are produced. This
the difference between the spot , causes the effective rate of pro-
and forward exchange rates.
tection on these goods to be
Thus, the price of a swap. higher than the nominal rate
• systems thinking , and puts LDC producers of pri-
the last of Senge's five learning mary products at a disadvan-
disciplines of his learning tage.
organisation: 'A way of think - , • tariff factory
ing about, and a language for ,
a production facility established
describing and understanding, , by a foreign firm through FD I
the forces and interrelationships
in a country, in spite of its
that shape the behaviour of sys-I higher production costs, in or-
tems, helps us to see how to , der to serve its market without
change systems more effec-
paying a tariff.
tively, and to act more in tune ,
with the larger processes of the • tariff heading
natural and economic world.' the descriptive name attached to
, a tariffline, indicating the prod-
• tariff binding
uct to which it applies.
a commitment, under the '
GATT, by a country not to raise , • tariff jumping
the tariff on an item above a the establishment of a produc-

II = = = = = = = = E c o n o m i c s
II tariffline Itariffic4tion 171
tion facility within a foreign ~ iffs, organised by product.
country, through FDI or licens- ~ _ Tariff Schedule of the
ing, in order to avoid a tariff. ; United States (TSUS)
_ tariff line : the official product nomenc1a-
a single item in a country's tar- ~ ture for specifying tariffs in the
iff schedule. I United States, used until 1988,

_ tariff peak ~ when it was replaced with the

: harmonised system.
in a tariff schedule, a single tar- I
iff or a small group of tariffs : - tariff wall
which are particularly high, of- ~ a tariff, presumably a high one,
ten defined as greater than ; perhaps in lots of industries.
three times the average nomi- : The term is used to highlight
nal tariff. ~ the difficulty foreign sellers
c. I have in getting their products
- tariff prel.erence
past the tariff, often in the con-
a lower (or zero) tariff on a ~ text of the incentive therefore
product from one country than ~ provided for FDI.
is applied to imports from most
countries. This violation of the ~ - tariff-and-retaliation game
MFN principle is permitted in ; the game of countries setting
special cases, including some : tariffs knowing that by doing so
preferential trade arrange- ~ they alter the terms of trade to
ments and the GSp. ; their own advantage. This is one
: very specific form of trade war.
- Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ) I
a combination of an import tar- : - tariffication
iff and an import quota in which ~ conversion of NTBs to ad valo-
imports below a specified quan- I rem tariffs, at the level of their
tity enter at a low (or zero) tar- ~ tariff equivalents. In the Uru-
iff and imports above that quan- : guay Round, developed country
tity enter at a higher tariff. Also ~ agricultural NTBs were
called a tariff quota. ; tariffied and bound, the purpose
Ii tariff schedule : being to replace unwieldy NTBs
~ with tariffs that can then be-
the list of all of a country's tar-

E e _ i e s = = = = = = = II
",1"",7"",2=========t."",a"",""",iffi=a; retaliation I technological trajecttwy II
come the subject of negotiation. I • Technical Barrier to Trade
• tariffs and retaliation
the process of one country rais- a technical regulation or other
ing its tariff to secure some ad- requirement (for testing, label-
vantage, to which another coun- I ling, packaging, marketing, cer-
try responds by raising its tar- I
tification, etc.) applied to im-
ports in a way that restricts
iff, the first raises its tariff still
I trade.
further, etc.
I • technical coefficient
• task environment
those elements or inputs in an I
in input-output analysis, iden-
tifies the percentage or portion
orgmsation's environment that I
of the total inputs of a sector
bear potentially on goal setting
and on goal attainment within I required to be purchased from
another sector irrespective of
an organisation .
the geographic origin of this
• tax increment financing I purchase. Technical (input) co-
is used to facilitate the financ- efficients represent direct back-
ing of larger development ward linkages of an industry to
projects by capturing the prop- I other industries and constitute
erty tax revenue stream pro- I the 'recipe' for production of
jected for the development and that industry.
investing it into improvements • technical regulation
associated with the project.
a requirement of characteristics
• team learning I (such as dimensions, quality,
one of Senge's five learning dis- performance or safety) that a
ciplines for his 'learning product must meet in order to
organisation': transforming I be sold on a country's market.
conversational and collective I • technique of analysis
thinking skills, so that groups
of people can reliably develop I
a method for displaying or ma-
nipulating economic models.
intelligence and ability greater
than the sum of individual • technological trajectory
members' talents. the movement of multi- dimen-

II ========Ecrmomi&s
~I temporary admission I tertiary sector .. 173

sional trade-off's amopg techno- ~ trade of a region or country

logical variables that the para- ; improve when the prices for
digm defines as relevant. : exports increase or those for
Progress can be defmed as an ~ imports decrease. Yes, the con-
improvement of these trade- ; cepts of terms of trade can be
off's. One could imagine the tra- : meaningfully applied to many
jectory as a 'cylinder' in a mul- ~ exchange type interactions.
tidimensional space (Dosi); or: 1 f
: - terms 0 trade argument
a pattern of 'normal' problem-
solving activity within a techno- 1 same as the optimal tariff argu-
logical paradigm. ment, that works by restricting
the quantity of trade in order
- temporary admission 1 to improve the terms of trade.
permission to import a good
~ - terms of trade effect
duty free for use as input in pro-
1 the effect of a tariff on the terms
ducing for export.
: of trade. By reducing the de-
- temporary producer ~ mand for imports, a tariff' lev-
movement 1 ied by a large country causes the

a mode of supplying a traded ~ prices of those imported goods

service by the temporary move- : to fall on the world market
ment of persons employed by ~ relative to the country's exports,
the supplier into the buyer's ; improving its terms of trade.
country. ; _ tertiary sector
- terminal costs : economic activities which are
transshipment and loading ~ concerned with the
costs that must be paid regard- 1 organisation and coordination
less of the distance involved. : of production and other eco-
~ nomic activities, and with the
- Terms of Trade (TOT)
1 exchange (logistics, distribu-
terms of trade that do not refer · .
' tion, marketing etc.), mainte-
to contractual conditions of : nance (repair etc.) and con-
trade, but to price or exchange ~ sumption (retailing, wholes al-
relationships between exports ; ing) of goods and services .
and imports. Thus, the terms of

Economics======= II
""17""4=========t""he""C,,,,Dm=;S I Total Factor Productivity (TFP) "

• the commons I would be true in the world if the

shared resources. Air and w,a- I world conformed to the model's
ter are frequently used ex- assumptions, and perhaps also
amples. I to additional assumptions speci-
I fied in the proposition.
I • thread
a hierarchical arrangement of
linked notes where each succes-
I sive contribution is written as a
response to an earlier note in
the discussion (to organise dis-
I course). Usually used by online
conferencing forums and called
• the loss function
'threading' .
also known as the 'criterion func- I
tion' . A function that is • time-space convergence
minimised to achieve a desired refers to the diminishing time
outcome. Often econometricians I needed to connect two places by
minimise the sum of squared er- transportation due to improv-
rors in makir.g an estimate of a ing transport technologies.
fi..mction or a slope. In this case, ~ • tort
the loss function is the sum of ;
in law, a private or civil wrong.
squared errors. One might also
think of agents in a model as I • total factor productivity
minimising some loss fi..mction in I the growth of real output be-
their actions that are predicated yond what can be attributed to
on estimates of things such as fu- increases in the quantities of
ture prices. I labour and capital employed.

• theoretical proposition I • Total Factor Productivity

a property of an economic (TFP)
model which is derived (de- a measure of the output of an
duced) from its assumptions. It I industry or economy relative to
usually takes the form of a pre- I the size of all of its primary fac-
diction about something that tor inputs. The term, and its
II trade creati011 I Trade Policy Review :echanism (TPRM) 175

acronym TFP, often refers to ~ country's participation in world

the growth of this measure, as ; markets through trade, accom-
measured by the Solow re- : plished by trade liberalisation.
sidual. I
: • trade intensity index
• trade creation for a group or bloc of countries,
trade which occurs between I usually in a PTA, the ratio of
members of a preferential trad- the bloc's share of intra-bloc
ing arrangement that replaces trade to the bloc's share in world
what would have been produc- ~ trade. If greater than one, this
tion in the importing country ; is said to suggest that the bloc
were it not for the PTA. It is : displays trade diversion. Index
associated with welfare im- ~ seems to be due to Frankel
provement for the importing I (1997).
country since it reduces the cost
of the imported good. Concept I
due to Viner (1950).
• trade flow
the quantity or value of a
country's bilateral trade with
another country.
• trade indifference curve
in a diagram measuring quan- I
tities of exports and imports, a : • trade liberalisation
curve representing amounts of : reduction of tariffs and removal
q~ade among which a freely I or relaxation of NTBs.
trading country is indifferent,
based on its community indif- I • Trade Policy Review
ference curves and its transfor- ~ Mechanism (TPRM)
mation curve. Due to Meade : the periodic review of the trade
(1952). ~ policies and practices of the
; member countries of the WTO,
• trade integration conducted and published by the
the process of increasing a WTo.

Economics======= II
176 trade theqry I transfor payment II
• trade theory I ported or sometimes a good
the body of economic thought I that could be exported or im-
which seeks to explain why and ported if it weren't for those
how countries engage in inter- I pesky tariffs.
national trade and the welfare I • trade-related investment
implication of that trade, en- measure
compassing especially the
any policy applied to foreign
Ricardian Model, the I
direct investment which has an
Heckscher-Ohlin Model, and
I impact on international trade,
the New Trade Theory.
such as an export requirement.
• trade triangle • trade-weighted average
in the trade-and-transforma- tariff
tion-curve diagram, the right I
the average of a country's tar-
triangle formed by the world
I iffs, weighted by the value of
price line and the production
imports. This is easily calculated
and consumption points, the I
as the ratio of total tariff rev-
sides of which represent the
I enue to total value of imports.
quantities exported and im-
ported. I • trade-weighted exchange
• trade-and- transforma-
tion- curve diagram the weighted average of a
I country's bilateral exchange
one of the most frequently used
I rates using bilateral trade, ex-
diagrams of trade theory, using
ports plus imports, as weights.
a transformation curve together I

with one or more price lines and • transaction value

sometimes community indiffer- the actual price of a product,
ence curves to illustrate produc- I paid or payable, used for cus-
tion, consumption, and trade toms valuation purposes.
and the effects on them of tar-
• transfer payment
iffs and other exogenous I

changes. payment made by the govern-

I ment or private sector of one
• traded good I country to another as a gift or
a good that is exported or im- aid, not as payment for any

" ========Economics
II trtInsftrJl4ymmts I ubUJuitous""'""::~Dr!!!!!!m!!!!!!·'[,nits!!!!!!

good or service nor as an obli- ~ • treasury bills

gation. Also called a unilateral i short-term bonds issued by the
transfer. : government, used to pay to
• transfer payments : cover government spending.

social benefits paid to individu- .• tree
als or households by govern- ~ a fully connected network with-
ment. i out circuits.
• transfer pricing ; • triad
the practice of pricing goods and : Europe, North America and
services flowing within a corpo- : Japan.
ration between corporate units
located in different tax jurisdic- ~ • two cone equilibrium
tions, so as to shift profits into I a free-trade equilibrium in the

the jurisdiction with the lowest ~ Heckscher-Ohlin Model where

corporate income tax rates. : prices are such that all goods
~ cannot be produced within a
• transformation curve i single country, and instead there
same as production possibility : are two diversification cones.
frontier. The name comes from ~ This, or a multi-cone equilib-
the idea that, by devoting re- ; rium, will arise if countries' fac-
sources to producing one good : tor endowments are sufficiently
instead of another, it is as ~ dissimilar com pared to factor
though one good is being trans- ; intensities of industries. Con-
formed into another. : trasts with one cone equilib-
I .
• transition matrix : num.
a matrix of transition probabili- ~ • ubiquitous materials or
ties (p) (probabil~ties of ou~- ~ inputs
come a on any gIven expen- ; materials or production (or
mentj during a specific period: consumption) inputs that are
of time, given that outcome a ~ available more or less every-
occurred on the preceding ex- ; where in a similar quality and
periment j during the previous : at approximately the same
period of time). ~ price. Still, ubiquitous inputs

178 utIeO'Peretl intertst jlllrity ~nited Nations Con.formee on nwIe ... II
may have an effect on location: ~ where prices charged at differ-
Inasmuch as such ubiquities ; ent locations are uniform and
affect the weight or bulk of: independent of transport costs.
the final product, the location ~ 'Romote buyers are subsidised
of production (ceteris pari- ; by buyers near the production
bus) will tend to be relatively location.'
close to the market (in order • unilateral transfer
to save transport costs).
transfer payment.
• uncovered interest parity
• unit isocost line
equality of expected returns on
otherwise comparable finan- I an isocost line along which the
cial assets denominated in two I cost is equal to one unit of the
currencies, without any cover I
numeraire, such as one dollar.
against exchange risk. U ncov- • unit isoquant
ered interest parity requires I the isoquant for a quantity equal
approximately that i = i * + a I to one unit of a good. The unit
where i is the domestic inter- isoquant is useful for relating
est rate, i * the foreign inter- the price of a good to the prices
est rate and a the expected ap- I of factors employed in its pro-
preciation of foreign currency duction.
at an annualised percentage - Un~ laoquant
1.B for Food
rate. 1.6
• unequal exchange
Land in 1.2
trade where the labour used to I Food 1
Pr.ducti •• O.B
produce a country's exports is
more than the labour used to I 0.4
produce its imports, as in the I 0.2

exchange between low -wage o 1 2 3

lebor In Foo" Production
developing countries and high-
wage developed countries. I • United Nations Confer-
• uniform delivered pricing ence on Trade and Devel-
opment (UNCTAD)
a common pricing scheme for
consumer and other goods I an intergovernmental body es-

II ========Economi&s
tablished in 1964 within the ~ times other considerations).
United Nations, responsible for ; Represents both their welfare
trade and development. His- : and their preferences.
torically, it has often been the
: - value added
international voice of develop-
ing countries. ~ the value of output minus the
I value of all intermediate inputs,
- upstream subsidisation ~ representing therefore the con-
export of a good, one of whose : tribution of, and payments to,
inputs has been subsidised. ~ primary factors of production.

- urban-growth boundary ~ - Value Added Tax (VAT)

a politically specifted line around ; a tax which is levied only on the
cities, beyond which develop- : value added by a ftrm. A VAT
ment is discouraged or prohib- ~ is usually subject to border tax
ited. Sometimes also called ur- I adjustment.
ban-limit lines or rural-limit
; - value marginal product
lines, urban growth boundaries
exist in many cities, counties and ~ marginal value product.
~ - value network
regions across the U.S., particu-
larly in California. : the communications network of
- utility function ~ relations between all individu-
a function which speciftes the als and organisations who add
utility (well being) of a con :I value to a product.
: - value quota
°1 ~ : a quota specifying value - price

f ~:'._ j /1 \\ ~ times quantity - of a good.

variable cost
I _
; the portion of a firm or
: industry's cost which changes
., . , ~ with output, in contrast to ftxed
- .. - - - - I cost.
sumer for all combinations of :
goods consumed (and some- I

Beonomics======= II
~18~O~~~~~~~~M~nII~'~ble~~ I VoluntRry Export Restmint (VER) II
I A merger accomplishing an
2!lOO I internalisation of such linkages

1.000 increases control of input or

I."'" I output markets and thereby
lover prices and other market
• vertical intraindustry trade

• variable levy
intraindustry trade in which the
exports and imports are at the
different stages of processing.
a tax on imports that varies over I
Contrasts with horiwntal lIT.
time, so as to stabilise the do- I
mestic price of the imported • vertical mixing
good. Essentially, the tax is set I ensures a variety of different
equal to the difference between I ages, experience sets and skills
the target domestic price and on design teams.
the world price.
• vertical specialisation
• vehicle currency another term for fragmenta-
the currency used to invoice an I tion.
international trade transaction, I • visible
especially when it is not the na-
1 tional currency of either the in referring to international

importer or the exporter. trade, used as a synonym for

'good'. 'Visibles trade' is trade
• vertical integration I in goods. Contrasts with invis-

production of different stages of : ible.

processing of a product within ~
• Voluntary Export Re-
the same firm.
straint (VER)
• vertical integration I a restriction on a country's im-
corporate mergers involving ports that is achieved by nego-
firms that are involved in for- tiating with the foreign export-
wardly or backwardly related I ing country, for it to restrict its
production stages, i.e. they buy I exports.
each other's inputs or outputs.

II ========&OtJOmiu
II Voluntary Import Exptmsion (VIE) I: degree homogeneous 181

• Voluntary Import Expan- ~ • welfare proposition

sion (VIE) ; in trade theory, this usually re-
the use of policies to encourage :I fers to any of several gains from
imports, in response to pressure : trade theorems.
from trading partners. Due to ~ • welfare triangle
Bhagwati (1987).
~ in a partial equilibrium market
• Walrasian auctioneer ; diagram, a triangle represent-
a hypothetical entity that facili- : ing the net welfare benefit or
tates market adjustment in dis- ~ loss from a policy or other
equilibrium by announcing ; change. In trade theory, it often
prices and collecting informa- : means the triangle or triangles
tion about supply and demand ~ representing the deadweight
at those prices without any dis- I loss due to a tariff.
equilibrium transactions actu-
I • Western Hemisphere Free
ally taking place. : Trade Area (WHFTA)
• WARP : name sometimes proposed for
Weak Axiom of Revealed Pref- ~ a preferential trading arrange-
erence. ; ment including most or all of
: th(.· countries of the western
• water in the tariff
~ hemisphere. Now called FTAA.
the extent to which a tariff that
is higher than necessary to be ~ • :1£ro degree homogeneous
prohibitive. I homogeneous of degree zero.

E&onom;cs======== II

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