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This important book has two main purposes. The first is to present, in a non-technical way, accessible to
intelligent laypeople, a scientific, behavioral approach to all aspects of human activity including choice,
rule-governed behavior, self control, religious belief, linguistic interaction, ethics, and culture. Its scope
equals that of Skinner’s nontechnical writings, but Baum’s approach is more molar and more pragmatic
than Skinner’s. The book’s second purpose is to embed behavioral science firmly in the context of
Darwinian evolution. Baum is generally successful, we believe, in both of these ambitious purposes.
Key words: behavioral evolution, biological evolution, behaviorism, Darwin, group selection, molar
behaviorism, pragmatism, social evolution


Contemporary philosophers generally reject How then can mental activity be explained in
explanations of mind in terms of overt terms of overt behavior even though a person
behavior on the grounds that mental events engaged in mental activity does not show it at
may occur in the absence of overt behavior. the present moment? That is the central
For example, the neuroscientist M.R. Bennett question that Baum sets out to address in this
and the philosopher P.M.S. Hacker (2003), in book. The answer lies in a molar and
a highly influential book on the relation behavioral conception of what it means to be
between neuroscience and the mind, say presently doing something. Let us consider
(p. 82, fn), ‘‘It is not only possible but what such a conception entails.
common for people to be in (mild) pain, If a locomotive is traveling at a constant
thinking, or intending something, and not speed of 0.5 miles per minute, the distance the
exhibit the fact that they are….We are not locomotive travels (in miles) divided by the
defending a form of behaviorism…’’ Yet they time it takes to go that distance (in minutes)
also argue, consistently with behaviorism, that will always be 0.5 regardless of how small a
the brain is not the organ of thought. They time interval or how small a distance you
correctly say (p. 180), ‘‘…it is I who think, not observe. Differential calculus is essentially
my brain.’’ Their error lies in their conception based on that fact. But now suppose a group
of both thought and behavior as momentary of schoolchildren is visiting the barn where
events. If they had said: ‘‘It is common for locomotives are kept. Two locomotives are
people to be in (mild) pain, thinking, or sitting there, not moving at all. The engineer
intending something, and not at the present showing the children around points to one of
moment exhibit the fact that they are,’’ they them and says, ‘‘This locomotive is going
would be absolutely correct. But without the 100,000 miles per year at present.’’ Then he
italicized qualification, their argument is false. points to the other and says, ‘‘This one is a
little older and we use it less; it’s only going
This review was prepared with the assistance of a grant 50,000 miles per year at present.’’ One child,
from the National Institutes of Health. not the brightest, pipes up, ‘‘How can you say
Correspondence concerning this review should be sent that one locomotive is going at twice the rate
to Howard Rachlin: Psychology Department, Stony Brook of the other at present if they’re both standing
University, Stony Brook, NY 11794 (e-mail: howard. or Marvin Frankel (e-mail: mfrankel@
still?’’ The engineer patiently responds, ‘‘ ‘At present’ can refer to any time even one much
doi: 10.1901/jeab.2009.92-131 longer than a moment. The locomotives don’t


go at a constant speed all year. Sometimes they real—depends on similar considerations. Is it

go slow, sometimes fast, and sometimes they useful to say that some things really exist and
stand still like now. The locomotives may do that other things do not really exist but only
one thing at the present second (both stand appear to exist? Is it useful to say that some
still) but do another thing over the present events really happened while some events did
year (one go at twice the rate of the other). not really happen but only appeared to
This is just a way we have of talking about the happen? It certainly seems so; it is hard to
behavior of locomotives.’’ No problem. The imagine how language could function in this
English language is flexible enough to mean world (in everyday life as well as in science)
two different things by the phrase, ‘‘at without such a distinction. Then, on that basis,
present,’’ and it’s a good thing that it can. and on that basis only, we can argue about
This year overlaps this second; a locomotive what is real and what is not real. Then it would
may do one thing this second and a completely be clear that the identical (zero) rates of the
opposite thing this year. Yet both the second two locomotives this second is no more real
and the year are referred to as the present. than the difference in their rates this year.
Only a child might fail to understand this That is, the particular is essentially no more
convention. Regardless of whether we’re talk- real than the abstract; the brief event is
ing about the present second or the present essentially no more real than the temporally
year, we’re referring to what the locomotives extended event; the molecular is no more real
are actually doing—their overt behavior. Even than the molar; the atom is no more real than
that not-too-bright child understands that at the chair. We have introduced this review with
this moment, while both locomotives are the behavior of locomotives so that, except for
sitting in the barn, there need be no internal those who might take The Little Engine That
state within them, spiritual or physical, where- Could to be nonfiction, psychological or
in their yearly mileage is represented. We use mental states would not interfere with the
the same phrase, ‘‘at present,’’ to refer to argument. Now let us turn to the behavior of
events occurring over different time periods organisms.
because ‘‘present’’ is a relative term defined by Two rats are currently pressing levers in two
its context. Otherwise we would need different Skinner boxes. One is pressing the lever at a
terms for events occurring over the present rate of 10 responses per minute and the other is
second, hour, week, century, etc. pressing the lever at a rate of 20 responses per
When we say that a locomotive is being minute. Yet neither rat is pressing the lever at
driven 100,000 miles this year we conveniently this very second. One is sniffing around in the
ignore the particular distribution of those corner of the cage while the other is grooming
miles over the year. There are an infinite itself. In one sense both rats are doing different
number of ways they could be distributed. The things—pressing at different rates; in another
railroad’s accountants may be intensely inter- sense they are both doing the same thing—not
ested in how many miles the locomotive was pressing the lever this second; in still another
driven but completely uninterested in their sense they are doing different things—sniffing
distribution over the year. The child, if he were versus grooming. Are they really doing the same
stubborn, might yet argue that the locomotives thing or different things? Again taking pragma-
are really standing still whereas their differing tism seriously, it depends on what use you are
rates over the year are ‘‘just’’ an abstraction. going to make of the information. Skinner’s
But a locomotive’s rate of 100,000 miles this concept of the operant implies that even if the
year is no less real than its rate of 0 miles this rats were both pressing the lever at this very
second. It may be more real, in a sense, second they might be pressing it in different
because it is more significant to the railroad ways; one might be pressing with its left paw, the
than the rate this second. If we take pragma- other with its right paw or nose or tail. How
tism seriously, the reality of any description of important are such differences? For Skinner
behavior depends not on how particular it is they were not important because it is more
but on how useful it is—and that depends on useful, in terms of behavioral prediction and
its context. control, to focus on the common operant than
Moreover, taking pragmatism very very seri- on the different muscular movements. (On the
ously, reality itself—what is real and what is not other hand, if you were a physiologist interested

in motor control such distinctions might be the reader may ask, ‘‘What have locomotives
crucial.) The difference between Skinner and and rats in Skinner boxes to do with human
earlier behaviorists was his focus on the operant nature?’’ Let us then consider a human case.
and its environmental consequences (the con- Two men, dressed similarly, are sitting along-
tingencies of reinforcement) as opposed to the side each other on a commuter train (pulled
earlier behaviorists’ more molecular focus on by one of the locomotives) heading to New
muscular movements and connections within York City; both are silently reading newspa-
the organism. The operant is an abstract and pers. That is, they are doing the same thing at
molar concept whose particulars are individual the present moment. But one is going to see
muscular movements but, as argued above, an his dentist while the other is going to work in
operant is no less real for that. the city. As with the locomotives and the rats,
It is important to note, however, that the men are doing the same thing at the
Skinner’s molarism was strictly limited. For present moment, interpreted narrowly, and
Skinner, response rates over a period as long doing different things at the present moment
as an hour’s session could not serve as raw interpreted widely. What they are really doing
data; they would have to be explained in terms depends on who wants to know. If it is the
of contingencies of reinforcement of discrete conductor of the train then they are really
operants (or possibly in terms of reinforce- doing the same thing. If it is their wives then
ment of interresponse times). To just present a they are really doing different things.
response rate as it might vary from session to Another human case, from the neuroscien-
session would, Skinner thought, obscure the tist Jeffrey Grey (as quoted by John Staddon,
immediate changes in rate that a cumulative 2001, p. 177): ‘‘What…is the difference be-
recorder might reveal. Still less would Skinner tween two awake individuals, one of them
acknowledge that relative rate of response stone deaf, who are both sitting immobile in a
could be fundamental. For him, as for many room in which a record player is playing a
Skinnerians today, relative rates over a session Mozart string quartet?’’ The obvious answer is
would be explicable only in terms of contin- tautological: one is hearing the quartet and
gencies of reinforcement of individual change- the other is not. But what does it mean to hear
over responses. something? For Gray and many philosophers,
As all readers of this journal know, in a series even some modern ones (although not for
of books starting with Walden Two (1948), Bennett and Hacker), it means that something
running through Science and Human Behavior nonphysical is going on in their heads—the
(1953), Verbal Behavior (1957), Beyond Freedom hearing person is having a ‘‘quale’’ or a ‘‘train
And Dignity (1971), and About Behaviorism of sensations’’ or a ‘‘raw feel’’ and the deaf
(1974), Skinner extended the concept of the person is not. Over and over again Baum
operant and its control by reinforcement questions the pragmatic value of such an-
contingencies to embrace all of human behav- swers—which he labels mentalistic. What differ-
ior ranging from individual acts, through ence would it make if blue objects caused you
verbal interchange, to the structure of cultural and everyone else to have blue quales but
institutions. The behavior that Skinner ex- those same blue objects caused me to have red
plained (in terms of prediction and control) in quales? I would just learn to call all my red
these books might be highly complex but in quales blue and we would all get along in
principle all of it was interpretable in terms of perfect agreement. In such cases it is our
individual operants and their reinforcement ability to communicate about colored ob-
and punishment. The first of the two main jects— our overt discriminative behavior over
themes in Baum’s Understanding Behaviorism: time—that counts.
Behavior, Culture, And Evolution goes over the A second interpretation of the difference
ground Skinner covered in his books on between the hearing and deaf individuals is
human nature and society but from a more that the essential difference resides in their
molar viewpoint. [Disclosure: The book fairly brain activity; the hearing person has activity in
and sympathetically presents the views of one the auditory paths of her brain while the deaf
of us (HR) along with Baum’s own views. person does not and that is the bottom line of
Baum stresses commonalities rather than the difference between them. Like the physi-
differences, as we do in this review.] ‘‘So,’’ ological difference between the two rats in our

example above, the reality of this distinction ations dominate throughout. According to
depends on how you intend to use it. If you Baum (p. 33), ‘‘If…it is useful to say that a
were a physiologist or an audiologist interested person is running a race in order to qualify for
in treating the deaf person’s deafness or the Olympics, then running a race in order to
understanding the mechanism underlying qualify for the Olympics constitutes a behav-
the hearing person’s hearing then the physi- ioral event.’’ And (p. xi) ‘‘…all behaviorists
ological difference would indeed be crucial for agree that a science of behavior is possible.’’ In
you. But then you should be looking not at two order to treat a pattern of behavior over time
people sitting in a room where a record is as a real event, and to deal with it as a scientific
playing but at the results of an audiometer datum, it is not necessary to postulate a
test—that is, you should be looking at mea- spiritual event, a neurophysiological event, or
surable discriminatory behavior over time. a cognitive event whose only property is to
Even a physiologist might want to make a internally represent the behavioral pattern at
distinction between hearing (really hearing) every moment during its performance. To do
and the physiological mechanism in the brain so is like saying that a locomotive that travels
underlying hearing. Otherwise she might have 100,000 miles per year, going fast sometimes,
to pick and choose among the various com- slow at others, standing still at others, has
ponents of the physiological mechanism to somewhere inside it a representation of itself
decide which of them contains the essence of running at a constant speed of 100,000 miles
the person’s hearing. It would be like trying to per year. Such supposedly more real internal
decide which of the various components of a representations (spiritual, physiological, cog-
car contains the essence of its acceleration. nitive) have no function in a science of
If a physiologist must define hearing and behavior. It is these internal representations,
deafness in behavioral terms, still more must a not the molar patterns they supposedly repre-
psychologist do so. For the psychologist the sent, that are, if you take pragmatism seriously,
difference between a hearing person and a made up and not real.1
deaf person lies in their discriminatory behav- In taking this molar view Baum avoids one of
ior over time. The two people in the room with the classical criticisms of pragmatism: that it is
the quartet playing are, like the two locomo- focused on short-term utility (Russell, 1945/
tives, the two rats, and the two train riders, 1972). Such criticism, according to Baum,
both doing the same thing in the short run but ‘‘…overlooks the possibility that people might
doing different things in the long run. Gray’s obey the golden rule out of self-interest’’
postulation that one can hear and the other is (p. 239). In emitting a valuable pattern of
stone deaf means that for one person sounds behavior such as obeying the golden rule there
are discriminative stimuli while for the other will be many instances where narrow self-
they are not. The identity of their behavior at interest dictates behavior inconsistent with
the present moment means no more than the the pattern. How, it may be asked, do people
identity of the behavior of the two locomotives, learn to ignore immediate in favor of long-
the two rats, the two train riders, at the present term self-interest? According to Baum, rein-
moment—or the identity of the behavior of forcement may act primarily on groups of acts
Picasso and a kindergarten child both, at the
present moment, painting a yellow line in the The pragmatism advanced by Baum is in its negative
upper right corner of a piece of paper. In all aspects the same as that advanced by philosophical
pragmatists ranging from Peirce (1878/1992), James
cases the crucial distinction lies in behavior in (1907), and Dewey (1910), to Rorty (1979). Like these
the long run, behavior considered in molar philosophers Baum rejects the identification of mental
terms, behavior as real as a punch in the nose. states with inner representations or events. Baum’s
This distinction between behavior over a pragmatism differs from philosophical pragmatism how-
ever by taking, as its criterion for the truth of a concept,
short period and behavior over a long period usefulness in a science of behavior. For others ‘‘useful-
underlies Baum’s approach to complex hu- ness’’ meant usefulness in the clarification of concepts
man behavior such as human purpose, knowl- (Peirce), usefulness in the promotion of individual
edge, language, consciousness, and thought as happiness ( James), usefulness for the efficient ordering
of experience (Dewey), or usefulness for everyday linguis-
well as social issues such as freedom, cooper- tic communication (Rorty). But none of these philosoph-
ation, responsibility, government, religion, ical pragmatists combines molarism with behaviorism as
and culture in general. Pragmatic consider- Baum does.

constituting a functional behavioral pattern less complex eyes in other animals and to trace
just as natural selection acts on groups of a plausible story of how complex human eyes
genes constituting a functional organism. This might have evolved from a simple light-sensitive
brings us to the second of Baum’s two major patch on the skin, to a depression with a light-
themes—learning as a Darwinian, evolutionary sensitive patch at the bottom, to a sphere with a
process. pin-hole opening, to a transparent protective
Baum discusses three such processes: 1) the cover over the pin-hole, to a lens that would
evolution of species (biological evolution) focus an image on the light-sensitive patch – all
across the lifetimes of individuals; 2) the of these theoretical stages of eye evolution
evolution of behavioral patterns (‘‘shaping’’) corresponding to structures on various species
within the lifetime of an individual; 3) the existing currently.
evolution of cultural practices. Within each of The evolution of behavioral patterns within
these major evolutionary processes, three sub- the lifetime of an individual organism works in
processes are required: a) variation; b) repro- a parallel way to the evolution of species. The
duction (which Baum calls, ‘‘recurrence’’); c) processes of variation and recurrence in
selection. In biological evolution, an individu- individual behavior—the reflexes and fixed
al’s genetic structure is determined by that of action patterns and the tendency to repeat
his or her parents. Across a population of reinforced actions (to develop ‘‘habits’’)
individuals, genetic structure varies according which were the almost exclusive concerns of
to the laws of genetic combination. Selection is behaviorists before Skinner—are generally
the process by which the environment acts on inner and molecular. But the selective action
individuals. The fittest individuals are preserved of the environment on these reflexes, fixed
and reproduce (or ‘‘recur’’) while the unfit die action patterns and habits, is outer and molar.
off. The population as a whole thus evolves over Complex patterns evolve (are ‘‘shaped’’) from
time in the direction of greater fitness. But simpler ones (such as fixed action patterns)
evolution would not work if fitness were over the lifetimes of organisms in the same way
constricted only to the momentary environ- that complex structures evolve over the life-
ment. Environments change. For a species to times of species: survival of the fittest. Just as
survive it must vary enough for some members creationists question biological evolution on
to survive and reproduce if the environment the grounds that complex structures such as
should change within the bounds of reasonable the eye could not have arisen from simpler
possibility. Another way to put this is that a ones, so cognitivist creationists question be-
species would not survive if it lost contact with a havioral evolution on the grounds that com-
changing environment. Although it is genes plex behavioral patterns could not have arisen
that determine a species’ structure and innate from simpler ones without an active internal
behavioral patterns, it is individual organisms mind acting on internal representations of the
(groups of genes) that live and reproduce or world. But in behavioral evolution groups of
die. You could thus divide the action of responses may work together for the sake of a
biological evolution into inner and outer. The higher-valued and highly complex pattern just
inner part (not in direct contact with the as in biological evolution groups of genes may
environment) is molecular: DNA. The outer work together to form a complex structure.
part is molar: the living organism. Only the Obedience to the golden rule (to rules in
latter is in direct contact with the environment. general) is, according to Baum, understandable
The existence and flourishing of molecular in terms of the molar behavior of whole
biology in no way precludes the existence and organisms in contact with their environment.
flourishing of evolutionary biology as an inde- The environment (in the form of contingencies
pendent science. of reinforcement and punishment) acts only
Creationists have argued against biological indirectly on internal physiological or cognitive
evolution on the grounds that highly complex events but directly on overt behavior. The belief
structures, such the eye, that require the that such direct interaction may be understood
coordinated action of many genes in their on its own terms is what Baum means when he
development, are too complex to have evolved says that a science of behavior is possible.
by random mutation and natural selection. But Just as the inner processes of behavioral
biologists have been able to point to primitive, evolution are the products of biological evolu-

tion so the inner processes of cultural evolution are positively reinforced [by each other]. These
are the products of behavioral evolution. are said to be inequitable because one party is
Variation and recurrence of behavioral rules cheated in the long run; the exploited party’s
(such as the golden rule) depend on contin- participation in the relationship is ultimately
gencies of reinforcement and punishment over severely punished.’’ For example (p. 230–231),
the lifetimes of individuals. Prevalence of such ‘‘…if a child works for all the years of childhood
rules in a culture then determines the survival the results are considered disastrous….That the
of the culture as a whole as it interacts directly punishment is both delayed and incremental
with its environment (other cultures). makes the relation particularly difficult for the
But are not such sciences as evolutionary exploited person to detect.’’ However, eventu-
biology, behavioral psychology, and cultural ally, ‘‘The exploited child who has lost in
evolution only temporary and provisional— health, education, or ability to enter into
just placeholders until brain research eventu- normal relationships may now reject the
ally explains the entire human soul in all its parents….Equity is the only stable policy.’’
manifestations? To Baum as to us such an Baum goes on to define equity in terms of
expectation is ridiculous. He says (p. 39), ‘‘We reinforcement relative to investment, and to
expect that if a surgeon opens up your skull, discuss various means of countercontrol by an
inside will be a brain. The brain could be taken exploited party. Imbalances of power between
out, held in the hands, weighed, have its parties are analyzed, again, in terms of contin-
volume measured; we could play catch with it. gencies. Like Skinner, Baum is completely
Nothing of the sort could be said of your nonjudgmental in these matters; the difference
mind.’’ The expectation that the human mind is that Baum emphasizes context, long-term
and soul will someday be explained in terms of contingencies and molar patterns more than
brain physiology is to us not very different Skinner does. Students may frequently disagree
from the expectation that the gross national with many of Baum’s observations and conclu-
product will eventually be explained in terms sions, but the discipline he imposes of framing
of atomic physics. objections as well as agreements in terms of
Understanding Behaviorism is an accessible as overt behavioral patterns and reinforcement
well as an important book. Like Skinner’s later contingencies can excite students and breathe
books on human behavior, which it emulates, fresh air into class discussions of these topics.
it contains no descriptions of experiments, no Our only reservation is that Baum does not go
equations, and no graphs of data. Instead it is far enough in the behavioral analysis of everyday
full of illustrations from everyday life and language, including mentalistic language. Like
analyses of everyday speech and usage. Like Skinner, Baum feels that terms such as ‘‘free
Skinner’s books, it will appeal to anyone will,’’ ‘‘responsibility,’’ and ‘‘consciousness,’’
perplexed by the booming, buzzing confusion while useful in everyday life and amenable to
of modern life. One of us (MF) has used it with behavioristic interpretation, can never be part
considerable success in undergraduate courses of a science of behavior. But a developed
at Sarah Lawrence College. Although few of science of behavior will eventually have to
the students would say that the book made confront the pragmatic fact that life in the
them behaviorists, they did all develop a modern world would be almost impossible
greater sympathy and understanding of behav- without the behavioral distinctions that those
iorism, and its relevance to their lives, which is terms make. For example, as Baum points out
no small accomplishment. (p. 56), ‘‘Jurors frequently have to judge wheth-
As an example of how Baum applies behav- er a person decided to commit a crime
ioral principles to wider issues, consider his consciously or not.’’ Still more do they have
treatment of social interaction. Instead of judge questions of free will and responsibility. It
sympathy, empathy, chemistry, etc., Baum is not enough to say that we hold a person
follows Skinner in his analysis of mutual responsible when ‘‘…to punish his undesirable
reinforcement and punishment contingencies. behavior or reinforce his desirable behavior
He says (p. 234), ‘‘Although relationships would be useful’’ (p. 207). When dealing with
based on coercion are obviously inequitable, a free will and responsibility, questions arise about
subtler form of inequity marks exploitive long- and short-term behavioral patterns and
relationships, in which both parties’ actions reinforcers, rejected alternatives, contingencies

of reward and punishment, as well as the social Bennett, M. R., & Hacker, P. M. S. (2003). Philosophical
context of current and desired behavior. foundations of neuroscience. Malden, MA: Blackwell
We believe that it is possible to avoid Dewey, J. (1910). How we think. Lexington, MA: D.C.
mentalism without banishing mentalistic terms Heath.
from a science of behavior. Skinner ceded James, W. (1907). Pragmatism. New York: Longmans,
such terms to less pragmatic, more mentalistic Green, & Co.
Peirce, C. S. (1878/1992). How to make our ideas clear. In
psychologies; this led people to believe that a N. Houser, & C. Kloesel (Eds.), The Essential Peirce,
behavioristic science could not deal with the Vol. 1 (pp. 124–141). Bloomington IN: Indiana
aspects of their lives that most concerned them University Press.
when the exact opposite was and is the case. As Rorty, R. (1979). Philosophy and the mirror of nature.
this book so elegantly shows, Baum’s molar, Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Russell, B. (1945/1972). History of western philosophy. New
functional view enables a deep understanding York: Simon & Schuster.
(in terms of behavioral prediction and con- Skinner, B. F. (1948). Walden two. New York: Macmillan.
trol) of all aspects of life, including ones Skinner, B. F. (1953). Science and human behavior. New York:
usually regarded as mentalistic. Macmillan.
Skinner, B. F. (1957). Verbal behavior. New York: Appleton-
REFERENCES Skinner, B. F. (1971). Beyond freedom and dignity. New York:
Baum, W. (2005). Understanding behaviorism: Behavior, Skinner, B. F. (1974). About behaviorism. New York: Knopf.
culture, and evolution. Second Edition. Malden, MA: Staddon, J. E. R. (2001). The new behaviorism: Mind,
Blackwell Publishing. mechanism, and society. Philadelphia: Taylor & Francis.

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