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C O L U M B I A ɀ S O U T H C A R O L I N A



President tells nation the world’s most wanted terrorist, al-Qaida leader
Osama bin Laden, has been killed in a U.S. operation in Pakistan
McClatchy Newspapers

The tall, lean, rich man’s son

could have spent his life
lounging about Saudi Arabia
in luxury. Instead, Osama bin
Laden chose to kill.
As a young man, he shot at
Soviet invaders in Afghani-
stan. In middle age, he turned
his wrath and far-reaching re-
sources against the United
States — the superpower he
saw as spoiler of his home-
land’s sacred cities.
By the time of his death, his
was the face of terrorism.
President Barack Obama
announced from the White
House late Sunday that bin
Laden had been killed by a
special operation in Pakistan.
His body is in the custody of
U.S. officials.

This April
1998 file
photo shows
exiled al
Qaida leader
Osama bin
Laden in
Bin Laden is
dead and the
U.S. has his


President Barack Obama made a televised statement on the death of Osama bin Laden from the East Room of
the White House in Washington late Sunday.

Note to readers: Check for the latest updates


Osama bin Laden —
Events in the life of Osa-
ma bin Laden and terror-
ist attacks connected to

1957 Born in Saudi

Arabia, 17th of 52
children of Saudi
construction millionaire
1979 Receives civil
engineering degree from
Abdul Aziz University;
goes to Pakistan to meet
CIA-funded anti-Soviet
Afghan guerrillas known
as mujahadeen
1984 Opens base in
Peshawar, Pakistan, for
Arabs arriving to fight
1986 Develops Afghan
camps; reportedly takes
part in some battles;
helps build CIA-funded
tunnel complex near
Khost, Afghanistan
1988 Organizes Egyptian
Islamic Jihad, other
al-Qaida (Arabic for “the A crowd outside the White House in Washington, D.C., cheers upon hearing the news that terrorist leader Osama bin Laden is dead.
base”) to overthrow
corrupt Muslim
ing of the World Trade Cen- lim resistance, bin Laden
1989 Soviets leave
BIN LADEN ter. The 1998 bombings of
U.S. embassies in Tanzania
said. “It was thrown in the
Afghanistan; bin Laden FROM PAGE S1
and Kenya. The 2000 bomb- “We are certain that we
returns to Saudi Arabia “Justice has been done,” ing of the USS Cole in shall, with the grace of Allah,
1990 Works in family the president said. Yemen. prevail over the Americans
construction business; In the mind of the Ameri- As for the Sept. 11 atroci- and over the Jews.”
criticizes Saudi can public, bin Laden was of- ties, the terrorist leader made His own siblings back in
government for inviting ten seen as the person whose clear his satisfaction, if not the Saudi construction trade
sinister creativity resulted in his responsibility. disowned him.
U.S. troops to expel Iraq
atrocities committed in the The so-called “smoking- Some reports suggested he
from Kuwait name of Islamic fanaticism. gun” videotape of bin Laden had financed terrorism using
1991 Expelled from Saudi U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham, meeting with supporters nev- an inheritance from his fa-
Arabia for on his Facebook page, said, er caught him saying outright ther. By other accounts, al-
anti-government “This day has been long- that he ordered the attacks. Qaida tapped a variety of
activities; goes to awaited by our nation and all But, clearly, here was a man funds from Islamic charities,
Afghanistan briefly, then those who reject terrorism. who relished whatever role African gem miners and Mid-
Sudan This event by no means ends he played in the murder of dle Eastern honey
our fight against al-Qaida, American civilians. merchants.
1993 Car bomb at N.Y. but it is a decisive moment He boasted with a grin: Analysts concluded bin Lad-
World Trade Center kills helping create momentum “We calculated in advance en was less the chief executive
six; Muslim radicals with for our cause throughout the the number of…enemy who of a single organization than an
bin Laden links later world.” would be killed.” idea man, the coordinator of a
convicted; 18 U.S. troops Experts said bin Laden diffuse movement.
served more as idol and moti- LEGEND AND REALITY However scattered, the op-
in Somalia killed; Somalis
trained by bin Laden vator to militant Muslims He was born Osama bin eration was high-tech and
supporters suspected who were convinced that Muhammad bin Awad bin elusive. Al-Qaida embedded
America’s support of Israel Laden in Jiddah, Saudi Ara- coded messages in innocu-
1994 U.S. intelligence and its presence in Saudi bia. Most accounts placed his ous-looking Web sites, stored
says bin Laden financing Arabia — home to the holy birth in 1957, although he bomb recipes on CD-ROMs.
terror training camps in places of Medina and Mecca suggested different years to Bin Laden used couriers to
Sudan; Saudi Arabia — demanded bloodshed. different interviewers. communicate with his agents
revokes bin Laden’s Bin Laden’s charismatic He reportedly was the 17th face to face. His plotters rare-
citizenship, seizes assets ways, his fortune and his of Muhammad bin Laden’s ly gave themselves away.
ability to extract money from 50-plus children. He was also U.S. intelligence officers
1996 At U.S. request, other wealthy Islamic ex- said to be his Syrian mother’s for years tried to track the ter-
Sudan expels bin Laden; tremists gave sophistication only child, an indication she rorists’ activities from an of-
he moves to Afghanistan; and firepower to a terrorism was among the patriarch’s ROBERT SPENCER/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS fice known as the bin Laden
car bomb kills 19 at U.S. campaign that had been least-favored wives. Candles and flowers stand outside the firehouse of Room, deep within CIA
military housing in Saudi lurching from one haphazard Legend had it that Mu- Squad Co. 1 in New York’s Brooklyn borough Sept. headquarters.
Arabia; bin car bombing to the next. hammed bin Laden was illit- 19, 2001, honoring the 343 firefighters lost in the He became the interna-
Laden-financed Taliban Without bin Laden, the ter- erate when he emigrated on terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. tional poster boy of terror
take over Afghan rorist hijackers may well foot from his homeland of Ye- when American authorities
government have stayed home to wage men to Saudi Arabia. Once accused the gaunt,
their protests, never to imag- there he slowly cobbled to- Galvanized by what he saw ly of being as vile as the 150-pound man in the 1998
1998 Al-Qaida calls on all ine unleashing attacks in the gether a construction busi- as an epic battle between Americans. bombings of two U.S. embas-
Muslims to “confront, United States. ness that, with the eventual Muslims and godless com- His radical reading of Qur- sies in Africa, in which more
fight and kill Americans “I was the most optimistic” help of his sons, grew to a $5 munists, he joined the Af- ’an scripture called for vio- than 250 persons died.
and Britons”; bombings that destruction and death at billion enterprise. ghan resistance. He is lence to eradicate from Islam Some experts accused the
of U.S. embassies in the World Trade Center Osama bin Laden’s early thought to have used some of all traces of secular culture — Clinton administration of try-
Kenya and Tanzania kill would be massive, bin Laden years were comfortable — a his family’s wealth to import from pop music to modern ing to personify faceless terror
220 people; U.S. cruise declared with characteristic far cry from the angry lives of weapons and to recruit Mus- fashions to U.S. soldiers. by pointing to a known figure
missile attack on hubris in a videotape. many young radicals whom lims from Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia expelled bin when obscure others were set-
al-Qaida headquarters in Once seen by Washington his terrorist camps later Lebanon — in time, even the Laden in 1991 because of his ting off bombs. U.S. lawmakers
Afghanistan as a freedom fighter, bin Lad- trained. A devout Sunni Mus- United States. anti-government activities. resented what they considered
en launched the militant or- lim, he attended Saudi Arabi- His fighters were backed He wound up in Sudan, a “bogeyman” ploy to get them
1999 U.S. presses ganization al-Qaida during an schools and studied eco- by American and Saudi tax which expelled him in 1996 to appropriate more money for
Taliban to turn over bin the Soviet Union’s invasion nomics and management in dollars and advised by the under pressure from Ameri- intelligence.
Laden; he is moved to of Afghanistan. Over the college. Central Intelligence Agency. can and Saudi diplomats. In 2000 many doubters
secret location years, al-Qaida provided His family’s business won By the mid-1980s, the guer- were silenced. A bomb-laden
training to as many as 11,000 important contracts to re- rilla commander had bonded HOLY WAR suicide boat bobbing in a Ye-
2000 Bombing of U.S.
men who passed through its build mosques. But being a with the Egyptian Islamic Ji- By this time, American in- meni harbor blew a hole in
destroyer Cole in Aden,
terrorist camps in younger son, bin Laden did had, a terrorist group that terests were being targeted the USS Cole, killing 17
Yemen, kills 17 sailors Afghanistan. not figure prominently in the helped to assassinate Presi- by al-Qaida, composed large- American sailors. The plot
2001 Four bin Laden Al-Qaida is now thought to family hierarchy or its dent Anwar Sadat. One of its ly of Afghan war veterans. had bin Laden’s fingerprints
followers convicted in have secret soldiers in four decision-making. key leaders, Ayman al Za- Bin Laden personally all over it, authorities said.
U.S. embassy bombings; dozen countries. The 1979 Soviet invasion wahri, would have a strong claimed responsibility for the
Federal authorities have of Afghanistan upended influence and eventually be a deaths of 18 American sol- THE BLACK DAY
hijackers fly jetliners into
World Trade Center and implicated bin Laden in some what could have been a life of brother-in-arms. diers associated with the The Sept. 11 onslaught on
Pentagon; U.S., U.K. and of the bloodiest crimes of the ease for the man in his early In the late 1980s, bin Laden 1993 downing of a U.S. Army America came three years after
past decade: The 1993 bomb- 20s. began to tell followers of a vi- helicopter in Somalia. bin Laden warned of a “black
anti-Taliban Afghans
sion that had come to him of a That same year, a truck day for Americans … when we
mount air and land global jihad to be waged by bomb exploded in an under- do not differentiate between
attacks on al-Qaida and In this file Muslims around the world. ground garage of the World the military and civilians.”
Taliban image, So evolved al-Qaida, Ara- Trade Center. Investigators With a $25 million bounty
2002-03 Broadcast of Osama Bin bic for “the base.” linked bin Laden to a loose on his head and worldwide
video, audio tapes of Laden, the After the Soviet withdraw- organization of Islamic ex- pressure on Islamic nations
person who purportedly al Qaida al from Afghanistan in 1989, tremists recruiting terrorists to root him out, once friendly
is bin Laden leader, bin Laden returned to Saudi in the United States. Pakistan, Yemen and Iran
appears on Arabia a hero, working brief- What ostensibly had begun turned their backs. Only Af-
2003 Suspected this layout ly in the family business. A as a battle to liberate Afghan- ghanistan’s ruling Taliban of-
mastermind of Sept. 11 for an FBI sought-after speaker, he also istan and Islam’s three holi- fered safe haven, as it had
attacks, Khalid Sheikh poster after released a quarter-million est places — Mecca, Medina since 1996.
Mohammed, arrested in he was cassette tapes that outlined a and Jerusalem — would soon Most of the Arab world re-
Pakistan placed on new enemy in his sights. become a holy war, a jihad, mained calm amid U.S. mili-
the FBI’s “When we buy American against the United States. tary strikes on Afghanistan.
2004 Madrid train Ten Most goods,” he said in one tape, “Kill the Americans and Even the most radical Mus-
bombings kill at least Wanted list “we are accomplices in the plunder their money wherev- lim groups backed off their
170; Islamic militants in June murder of Palestinians. … er they find it,” bin Laden cheerleading for bin Laden,
with al-Qaida links 1999, in The United States uses that wrote in his 1998 fatwa, or figuring his once-heroic stat-
suspected connection money to send a billion (dol- holy decree. He accused ure was crumbling.
2005 London with the lars) a year to Israel.” Americans of waging war on “The vast, vast majority of
underground bombings bombings His anti-Western rhetoric God. Muslims in the Middle East find
kill 52; authorities link of the U.S. intensified in 1990, when The terrorist leader once him to be a despicable charac-
Embassies Saudi rulers allowed Ameri- compared jihad against the ter,” said Wake Forest Universi-
al-Qaida to attacks
in Tanzania can military personnel to use Western world to the Af- ty religion department chair-
May 1, 2011 President and Kenya. the birthplace of Islam as a ghans’ successful stand man Charles Kimball, shortly
Barack Obama staging ground for the Gulf against the Soviets. after the terrorist strikes.
announces bin Laden is War. Bin Laden cast it as a “The flag of the Soviet
dead desecration of a holy site. He Union was folded once and The Associated Press
accused the Saudi royal fami- for all” because of the Mus- contributed.

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