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1. “I can change my body’s infirmities by shifting my beliefs.

” Pg 27

2.“I have the power to undo old thoughts about my genetic destiny.” Pg 27

3.“If I stay with them and live from my heart, my beliefs can inspire new talents if I
so desire.” Pg 27

4.“I can heal anything by healing my beliefs first.” Pg 27

5.“I intend to keep my beliefs uppermost, and I refuse to blame anything in the
material world for any deficiencies in my life.” Pg 27

6.“I believe that I am perfectly capable of overcoming any early conditioning I

have adopted as a part of my personality and my current life experience.” Pg 28

7.“I am much more powerful today than the old programs and mind viruses that I
absorbed in my childhood.” Pg 28

8“What I desire is already here; I just haven’t connected to it yet. I can’t be

stopped because my thoughts are aligned with the mind or intellect of God.”

9.“I’m fed up with being frightened, shy, poor, unhappy, used by others,
condescending, fat, or out of shape. It’s all I’ve ever known, and it stems from the
way I think and the beliefs I’ve come to accept as defining my nature. If this is my
nature, then I’m going to change it, beginning right now.” Pg 41

my life is not only available, but is on its way.” Pg 42

11.“I have the capacity to create by myself if necessary, I know the right people
to help me are here at the right time, and the world is full of people who would
love to assist me.” Pg 44

12.“I can accomplish anything I put my mind to here in the present moment. My
past has no bearing on what I can and will create. If it has never happened
before, that is all the more reason for me to make it happen now. I will cease
being a slave to my past.” Pg 45

13.“I shall never see myself as lacking in strength again. What you think of me is
none of my business. My strength is my connection to Source; it does not know
weakness.” Pg 47
14.“I am ageless, and I can train my body to work with me in achieving anything I
can conceive of in my mind. There’s nothing about my age today that prohibits
me from fulfilling my dreams. My mind is free, and I can train it to do my bidding
rather than acquiescing to an excuse pattern.” Pg 50

15.“I know that I’m not a bad parent if I don’t arrange my life to be available to
chauffeur the children every day until they’re adults.” Pg 59

16.I’m allowed to say no to requests that keep me from having time to pursue my
life purpose.” Pg 59

17.“There’s no such thing as a place for everything and everything in it’s place.”
Pg 59

18.“There’s no right way to do anything.” Pg 59

19.“I can have it my way because there are no absolute universal rules.” Pg 59

20.“I intend to take time for myself to live the life that I came here to live, and to
do it without ignoring my responsibilities as a parent, spouse, or employee.” Pg

21.“I have the ability to accomplish any task I set my mind to with ease and
comfort.” Pg 62

22.“Being myself involves no risks. It is my ultimate truth, and I live it fearlessly.”

Pg 62

23.“I have infinite patience when it comes to fulfilling my destiny.” Pg 62

24.“I would rather be loathed for who I am than loved for who I am not.” Pg 62

25.“I am a Divine creation, a piece of God, therefore, I cannot be undeserving.”

Pg 62

26.“My essential nature is perfect and faultless. It is to this nature that I return.”
Pg 62

27.“I am connected to an unlimited source of abundance.” Pg 62

28.“The right circumstances and the right people are already here and will show
up on time.” Pg 62

29.“I am willing to attract all that I desire, beginning here and now.” Pg 63

30.“I have access to unlimited assistance. My strength comes from my

connection to my Source of being.” Pg 63
31.“I am a creation of the Divine mind; all is perfect, and I am a genius in my own
right.” Pg 63

32.“I am an infinite being. The age of my body has no bearing on what I do or

who I am.” Pg 63

33.“I live my life according to Divine rules.” Pg 63

34.“I think only about what I can do now. By thinking small, I accomplish great
things.” Pg 63

35.“I feel passionately about my life, and this passion fills me with excitement and
energy.” Pg 63

36.“I live in the present moment by being grateful for all of my life experiences as
a child.” Pg 63

37.“As I unclutter my life, I free myself to answer the callings of my soul.” Pg 63

38.“I can accomplish anything I put my mind to, because I know that I am never
alone.” Pg 63

39.“It’s already here; I just need to connect to it. Nothing can stop my creative
ideas from materializing. I’ve banished all doubt. I’ll soon be seeing evidence of
my manifestations everywhere.” Pg 86

40.“I get what I think about, and I am choosing from here on in to think in
harmony with my Source of being until it is habitual.” Pg 87

41.“I am aligned with my Source in all of my thoughts, and with God, all things
are possible.” Pg 88

42.“I choose to stay fully present in the now, and this is the only place that I will
come to know God.” Pg 98

43.“The creative and intelligent power manifests perfectly as the universe. I am a

result of this power. I feel connected to it, and I know it will work with me in
creating the life I desire.” Pg 107

44.“I contemplate myself surrounded by the conditions I wish to attract into my

life.” Pg 108

45.“I am worthy of attracting unlimited abundance and prosperity into my life,

regardless of what life experiences have gone before me. I only reinforce and
contemplate images that are in harmony with this vision.” Pg 116

46“I am entitled to be respected, loved and happy; to feel fulfilled and

prosperous; to exercise; and to enjoy all the moments of my life! This is my
vision, and I’m more than willing—I’m absolutely determined that this is what will
come my way.” Pg 116

47.“There’s nothing that I’m unwilling to think or do (as long as it is aligned with
my Source) in order to bring my dreams into reality.” Pg 119

48.“There is nothing that I am unwilling to think or do in order to become all that I

am destined to become.” Pg 120

49.“I invite the presence of God to be with me in the form of my passion.” Pg 131

50.“I am a being of compassion. I extend love outward everywhere because this

is my nature.” Pg 142

51.“I can accomplish anything I choose.” Pg 150

52.“I am a worthy and valuable person.” Pg 150

53.“I am intellectually capable.” Pg 150

54.“I deserve the best because I am good.” Pg 150

55.“I attract abundance in all areas of my life.” Pg 150

56.“I deserve health, happiness and success.” Pg 150

57.“I am loved by others, and I love myself.” Pg 150

58.“I am guided by my desire to serve others rather than following the rules.” Pg

59.“I am unique and independent of the good opinion of others.” Pg 151

60.“I am capable of accomplishing anything I place my attention upon.” Pg 152

61.“Whatever I need is already here, and it is all for my highest good.” Pg 157

62.“I live in a friendly universe that will support any thing or desire that is aligned
with the universal Source of all.” Pg 157

63.“Whatever help I require will show up when I need it, and I trust that it is
already here and on its way to help me fulfill my highest good.” Pg 171

64.“I have a free will, and there is nothing I need to avoid. I will refrain from using
any excuses to justify my avoidance behavior.” Pg 197

65.“I choose the less-traveled path and resist seeking out familiarity and an
illusion of security.” Pg 198
66“I am content within myself. I have no need to control or manipulate anyone so
they will think and act as I prefer.” Pg 199

67.“I release the inclination to make anyone else wrong.” Pg 199

68.“I practice self-responsibility rather than faultfinding, and I am willing to forgo

the inclination to blame others for anything in my life.” Pg 200

69.“I am a grown up, and I arrived here from nonbeing equipped with everything I
need to fulfill my greatness.” Pg 200

70.“I refuse to use my precious present moments in any way that takes me away
from the Divine love from which I originated.” Pg 201

71.“This is definitely something I can and will create for myself. I know I can do
anything I put my mind to. I anticipate that this is within my ability to readily
accomplish. I have no fear, because I recognize that whatever guidance and
assistance I require is available. I’m excited, thrilled, and elated about fulfilling
this dream. I realize that the thoughts I have are meshed with enthusiasm and
passion, and that nothing can stop me. In fact, I’m certain that whatever I need to
actualize my dreams is already on its way. I contentedly watch for what the
universe sends me.” Pg 207

72“I’m in a position to ask anyone I love for his or her opinion, and I can accept
for reject that advice without any negative repercussions coming my way. I’m free
to practice any religion I choose, or none at all. I’m free to date, marry, or
cohabitate with whomever I choose. I’m free to pursue any line of work, live in
any location, and just plain live my life, and all of my family members love me
and support my choices.” Pg 208

73.“I’m as strong as I need to be to accomplish anything I place my attention on.

I’m a creative genius, a piece of the Divine creator; therefore, I have in my
possession all of the brainpower that I’ll ever need to fulfill any desires of my
choosing.” Pg 209

74.“I have all the mental and physical tools I need to actualize any dream I’ve
ever had. All I need to do is maintain my passion, and all of the assistance I need
will come to me.” Pg 210

75.“I’m a vigorous person and possess all the vitality and liveliness to accomplish
anything I set my mind to.” Pg 211

76.“I have all the juice and vitality I need for fulfilling my own dharma; I am highly
energized. I trust in the wisdom of the Source in which I originated to provide me
with all I need to match the grand design I have for my life. The very fact that I
possess the passion for what I wish to accomplish means that I have the
necessary high energy that is required.” Pg 212

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