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The sea is free. The boundless energy that
keeps the oceans in constant movement
A unique approach to a familiar
ought to be a cheap, clean source of problem
power. But how to extract this power has In the 1980s, the search for an economically
remained a puzzle. Now EUREKA project viable system that could convert wave
1219 - ARCHIMEDES - has successfully tested energy into electricity became something
a model of an underwater hydro-electric akin to that for the Holy Grail. Many com-
plant that could supply up to 9 Gigawatt- panies dedicated huge sums of money and
hours of energy each year, enough to time to the quest, but the results were,
supply some 3,000 households. And the almost without exception, disappointing.
technology has other aces up its sleeve - it Now, a team of European researchers
is quiet, unobtrusive and non-polluting. appears to be on the verge of succeeding
where others failed.
Known in full as the Archimedes Wave
Swing (AWS), the new plant is different from
other wave energy systems because it uses
the submarine swell of the water column
rather than surface motion to generate The main interest in the project for Alpha
electricity. The wave swing, which will have Thames was to diversify their offshore
a diameter of about 25 metres and a height expertise into wave energy projects. With
of 30 metres, consists of a buoyant air this achieved, the collaboration with Team-
chamber that is attached to a non-moving work Technology has blossomed, with other
base that sits on the seabed. The swell joint projects already under way.
moves the air chamber up and down, and
the vertical movement is converted mechani-
cally into electricity. Depending on the The future for wave energy
amount of swell, a single wave swing is The project’s next phase has a three-year
expected to produce between 6 and 9 GWh time span, but Mr van Breugel believes the
of energy per year. And because swell is technology will reach the market quicker
more or less unaffected by wind and tide, than that. “If we move fast and the weather
the electrical output will be constant, and is good to us, it should be possible to install
thus easily managed. a full-scale wave swing by the summer of
1999. The worst case is the summer of the
ARCHIMEDES was the idea of Fred Gardner year 2000. And although we are allowing
of Teamwork Technology of Zijdewind in for a full three years of operation, we will
the Netherlands. His initial design has been know if ARCHIMEDES is viable after the first
developed in collaboration with Alpha year.”
Thames Engineering, a specialist engineer- If it is viable, Portugal could be looking for-
ing company based in the UK, and FBO- ward to a future of cheap and environmen-
Consultores, a Portuguese engineering con- tally friendly energy. A network of wave
sultancy. Hans van Breugel, Teamwork’s swings could significantly add to the
Managing Director, explains the benefit of country’s present hydro-electric generating
collaborating: “ARCHIMEDES required tech- capacity. Wave swings are also likely to
nology that already existed in the offshore prove popular because, being underwater,
oil and gas industry, so we contacted the they take up no space and are easier on
offshore engineering company, Alpha the eye than wind turbines. Furthermore
Thames, for that expertise. We had also each wave swing has an estimated life span
identified the coastline of Portugal as being of 25 years, and because the technology is
ideal for ARCHIMEDES so we needed a simple, it is easy to remove or replace after
Portuguese partner to help us locate a suit- this time.
able site. An approach to the Dutch Embassy
in Portugal resulted in our relationship with The benefits of ARCHIMEDES could also
FBO.” spread internationally, Mr van Breugel says.
Teamwork Technology has a good relation- “Basically the technology can be applied
ship with staff at the EUREKA office in the anywhere there is good swell, a coast-based
Netherlands so, given the international population and a suitable coastline. We fully
nature of the collaboration, the company expect many European countries to be inter-
approached them to help get the project ested as well as those further afield such as
off the ground. EUREKA provided an estab- South Africa, Japan and other countries in
lished framework within which the partners Asia.”
could collaborate.
Project Profile
Scale models
In this project the researchers built two scale ∑! 1219
models. A 1:20 model has been tested in
wave flumes in Holland, while a 1:50 model Acronym ARCHIMEDES
has undergone successful trials in Cork, WAVE SWING
Ireland. These prototypes have clearly dem-
onstrated that the concept works, and the Title: Archimedes
team is now raising funds to build a full- Wave Swing (AWS):
scale model for trials in Portugal. The Portu- energy out of waves
guese coastline provides optimal conditions Participants: Netherlands:
for ARCHIMEDES for several reasons. First, Teamwork
it faces the open expanse of the North Technology B.V.
Atlantic Ocean, providing plenty of swell. Portugal:
Secondly, the coastline is a good place to FBO-Consultores
land electricity cables because it isn’t partic- United Kingdom:
ularly rocky. In addition much of Portugal’s Alpha Thames
population is based around the coast, so Engineering Ltd
electricity distribution infrastructure is close
by. Another important factor is the climate - Main Contact: Hans van Breugel
storms are rare in summer, so there is a Teamwork
© EUREKA 0998 . Text: E.S.N. Layout: EUROTEAM

good weather window for installation and Technology B.V.

subsequent maintenance. Tel: +31 226 423 411
To date, the Dutch government has allocated Fax: +31 226 423 433
funds for the next phase of work and a e-mail: teamwork
positive response from the Portuguese gov-
ernment is expected. A consortium of indus-
trial partners that includes FBO-Consultores Estimated Cost: 1.57 MECU
and a Portuguese electricity company has
been set up to manufacture the power End Date: January 1998

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