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FEMS Microbiology Letters 223 (2003) 129^134

A novel electrochemically active and Fe(III)-reducing bacterium

phylogenetically related to Aeromonas hydrophila,
isolated from a microbial fuel cell
Cuong Anh Pham a , Sung Je Jung a , Nguyet Thu Phung a , Jiyoung Lee a ,
In Seop Chang a , Byung Hong Kim a; , Hana Yi b , Jongsik Chun b
Water Environment and Remediation Research Centre, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Hawolgok-dong, Sungpook-ku,
Seoul 136-791, South Korea
School of Biological Science, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-742, South Korea

Received 28 March 2003; accepted 17 April 2003

First published online 16 May 2003


A facultative anaerobic bacterium was isolated from a mediator-less microbial fuel cell fed with artificial wastewater containing acetate
and designated as PA3. The isolate was identified as a strain of Aeromonas hydrophila based on its biochemical, physiological and
morphological characteristics as well as 16S rDNA sequence analysis and DNA^DNA hybridization. PA3 used glucose, glycerol, pyruvate
and hydrogen to reduce Fe(III), nitrate and sulfate. Cyclic voltammetry showed that PA3 was electrochemically active and was the culture
collection strain A. hydrophila KCTC 2358. Electricity was generated from a fuel cell-type reactor, the anode compartment of which was
inoculated with cell suspensions of the isolate or A. hydrophila KCTC 2358. The electrochemical activities are novel characteristics of
A. hydrophila.
: 2003 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords : PA3; Dissimilatory Fe(III) reduction; Cyclic voltammogram; Electrochemically active bacteria; Microbial fuel cell; Aeromonas hydrophila sp.

1. Introduction Electrochemical techniques, including cyclic voltamme-

try, have been used to characterize redox proteins includ-
Various bacteria reduce Fe(III) through their respira- ing cytochromes [9]. In general, bacterial cells containing
tory, fermentative or photosynthetic metabolism. Some electrochemically active proteins are electrochemically in-
of them are able to conserve energy for growth by cou- active as their cell wall structures consist of non-conduct-
pling the oxidation of organic acids, aromatic hydrocar- ing material such as lipid and peptidoglycan. Mediators
bons and H2 to Fe(III) reduction. These include species of were used to facilitate the electron transfer between an
the genera Geobacter [1], Geovibrio [2], Shewanella [3,4], a electrode and electrochemically inactive microbial cells
sulfate-reducing bacterium, Desulfotomacum reducens [5], [10]. Alternatively, the bacterial cells can be modi¢ed
among others. Fermentative bacteria Clostridium butyri- with hydrophobic conducting polymers to render the elec-
cum [6] and Clostridium beijerinckii [7] are known to re- trochemical activity [11].
duce Fe(III) as an electron sink during glucose metabo- An Fe(III)-reducing bacterium, Shewanella putrefaciens,
lism. In the metabolism of a photosynthetic bacterium, is known to localize the majority of its membrane-bound
Rhodobacter capsulatus, Fe(III) acts as an auxiliary oxi- cytochromes on its outer membrane [12]. The outer mem-
dant with physiological importance for redox poising brane cytochromes are believed to be involved in the re-
under anaerobic photoheterotrophic growth conditions [8]. duction of water-insoluble Fe(III). Intact cells of anaero-
bically grown S. putrefaciens were electrochemically active
and the bacterium could grow in a fuel cell-type electro-
* Corresponding author. Tel. : +82 (2) 958 5831;
chemical cell in the absence of electron acceptors [13].
Fax : +82 (2) 958 5839. Similar studies were made using another Fe(III)-reducing
E-mail address : (B.H. Kim). bacterium, Geobacter sulfurreducens [14].
0378-1097 / 03 / $22.00 : 2003 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

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In this laboratory, electrochemically active microbes for cultivation and maintenance of the isolate under aero-
have been enriched in a fuel cell-type electrochemical cell bic conditions. For the study on the utilization of electron
using di¡erent sources of wastewater as the electron do- donors and acceptors, anaerobically sterilized stock solu-
nor. Attempts were made to isolate microbes from the tions of electron donors and acceptors were added to an-
various electron donor and acceptor combinations of the aerobic PBBM to a ¢nal concentration of 20 mM. Tripli-
enrichment culture, but colony-forming units on conven- cate cultures were initiated with cell suspensions of isolate
tional solid media were less than 0.1% of the number of PA3 at 5% (v/v). The cell suspension was prepared from
microbes estimated from DNA and protein analyses of the aerobically grown overnight cultures using LB broth. Cells
enriched electrode (paper in preparation). The isolate, were washed three times with 50 mM phosphate bu¡er
PA3, used in this study was one of the colonies formed containing 100 mM NaCl to remove nutrients remaining
on a solid medium, with ferric pyrophosphate as the elec- from the LB broth before being suspended in the same
tron acceptor. The isolate was characterized as a strain of bu¡er. After 5 days of incubation, the cultures were ana-
the genus Aeromonas, and was able to reduce ferric iron lyzed for cellular protein content, remaining electron do-
Fe(III), nitrate and sulfate. The isolate was also charac- nors and acceptors [Fe(II) formed in the case of Fe(III) as
terized by electrochemical methods, including cyclic vol- electron acceptor].
tammetry and fuel cell techniques. Cultures were made anaerobically using LB medium
added with 20 mM ferric citrate to prepared cell suspen-
sions for cyclic voltammetry and MFC. Cells were washed
2. Materials and methods and suspended in 50 mM phosphate bu¡er containing 100
mM NaCl. PBBM was used to prepare cell suspension for
2.1. Bacterial strains fuel cell experiments. The suspensions contained 0.2 N
0.02 g dry cell l31 . All cultures were made at 30‡C.
The bacterial strain used in the study was isolated from
the anode of a mediator-less microbial fuel cell (MFC) fed 2.3. Morphological characterization
with arti¢cial wastewater containing 5 mM sodium ace-
tate. A piece (1 cm3 ) of anode was transferred to a pres- A light microscope (Jenalumar, Carl Zeiss Jena, Jena,
sure tube (Bellco Glass, Vineland, NJ, USA) containing Germany) was used to determine the Gram reaction. The
10 ml sterile anaerobic saline solution and shaken vigor- Gram reaction was determined by using the Difco Gram-
ously to separate microbial cells from the electrode. The stain set. Motility was observed by using the commercial
suspension was serially diluted and plated on phosphate- motility medium API M medium (BioMerieux0 , Marcy
bu¡ered basal medium (PBBM) [15] containing 10 mM l’Etoile, France) and con¢rmed according to the standard
sodium acetate and 20 mM ferric pyrophosphate as elec- methods [18]. For scanning electron microscopy, the cells
tron donor and acceptor, respectively, and incubated in an were collected on a nucleopore ¢lter (pore size 0.2 Wm,
anaerobic glove box (Coy Lab. Products, Grass Lake, MI, Whatman Scienti¢c, Maidstone, UK) and treated as pre-
USA). Some colonies formed haloes around them on the viously described [6]. Scanning electron micrographs were
plate, due to Fe(III) reduction [16]. The strain designed as taken using an S-4200 FE-SEM (Hitachi, Tokyo, Japan)
PA3 was one of the colonies with halos. Also used was after the specimens were coated with gold [6].
Aeromonas hydrophila KCTC 2358, obtained from the Ko-
rean Collection of Type Cultures (Taejon, Korea). 2.4. Physiological and biochemical characterization

2.2. Culture conditions Commercial identi¢cation kits (API 20E and API 20
NE, BioMerieux0 ) were used for physiological and bio-
PBBM was used to isolate bacterial strains. In certain chemical characterization, and the results were analyzed
experiments strictly anaerobic techniques were employed with APILAB Plus (BioMerieux0 ). A number of addition-
[17]. The medium was anaerobically dispensed into pres- al tests were made. Oxidase activities were determined us-
sure tubes or serum vials (160 ml; Wheaton Scienti¢c, ing commercial oxidase reagent (BioMerieux0 ) and other
Millville, NJ, USA), which were stoppered with butyl rub- characteristics were determined by standard methods [18].
ber bungs (Bellco Glass) and crimped with aluminum
caps. Solid medium was prepared by adding agar to 2.5. 16S rDNA gene sequencing and analysis
PBBM to a ¢nal concentration of 2% (w/w). Acetate was
used as an electron donor at a ¢nal concentration of 5^ Genomic DNA extracted from the isolate was used for
20 mM with or without an electron acceptor. Ferric citrate polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-mediated ampli¢cation
or ferric pyrophosphate were used as a soluble form of of 16S rDNA using 27f and 1492r primer pairs. The am-
Fe(III) to prepare solid medium. plicon was puri¢ed using a puri¢cation kit (GENE-
The isolate PA3 could grow either under aerobic or an- CLEAN Turbo, Q-BIO gene, Carlsbad, CA, USA) prior
aerobic conditions. Luria^Bertani (LB) medium was used to cloning into Escherichia coli DH5K using the pGEM-

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C.A. Pham et al. / FEMS Microbiology Letters 223 (2003) 129^134 131

T0 easy vector system I (Promega, Madison, WI, USA).

The cloned 16S rDNA was sequenced and analyzed as
described earlier [6]. The 16S rDNA sequence of the iso-
late has been deposited in GenBank under accession num-
ber AF468055.

2.6. Hybridization

Genomic DNA was extracted from isolate PA3 and

A. hydrophila KCTC 2358 to conduct DNA^DNA hybrid-
ization according to the method described by Goodfellow
et al. [19].

2.7. Cyclic voltammetry and MFC

Fig. 1. Scanning electron micrographs of the isolate PA3.

Bacterial cells grown in LB medium containing ferric

citrate for 72 h under anaerobic conditions were harvested,
washed three times and suspended in 50 mM anaerobic growth resulted in haloes around the colonies in the green-
phosphate bu¡er containing 100 mM NaCl [13]. The cell colored ferric pyrophosphate medium. Colonies grown on
suspension contained 0.2 N 0.02 g dry cell l31 . The cell ferric pyrophosphate medium were typically less than
suspension was used to test electrochemical activities using 5 mm in diameter. Colonies were yellow and domed and
cyclic voltammetry and fuel cell techniques as described appeared to be coated with Fe(II) mineral, similar to that
earlier [6]. MFCs inoculated with the cell suspension observed in Geobacter species [1]. Fe(III)-reducing colonies
were fed with PBBM containing yeast extract to give ¢nal were picked and transferred to PBBM with acetate and
COD values of 250 or 1260 mg l31 . The MFC was con- ferric citrate as the electron donor and acceptor, respec-
nected through a resistance of 500 6 to measure the po- tively.
tential drop between the anode and cathode as current.
3.2. Morphological and physiological characterization
2.8. Analyses
The isolate PA3 showed a Gram-negative reaction. Cells
Fe(II) was analyzed spectrophotometrically using the were straight rod-shaped, 2.3^2.5 Wm long, and 0.5^0.7 Wm
ferrozine method to measure Fe(III) reduction [20]. Fresh wide (Fig. 1). On nutrient agar, colonies were bu¡, circular
medium was used as the control. Liquid chromatography and convex with an entire margin and a size of 3^4 mm.
(M930, Young-Lin, Anyang, Korea) was used to quantify Similar reactions were observed for the isolate PA3 and
sulfate and nitrate with IC-pak Anion HR column the type strain A. hydrophila KCTC 2358 in all physiolog-
(Waters, Milford, MA, USA), and pyruvate with Aminex ical and biochemical tests, including the commercial iden-
HPX-87H column (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Richmond, ti¢cation kits (API 20E and API 20 NE).
CA, USA). Protein was measured by the Biuret method
[21] with bovine serum albumin as a standard. Hydrogen
was measured using a gas chromatograph (Varian 3300,
Varian, Sunnyvale, CA, USA) with thermal conductivity
detector as described previously [22]. Acetate was deter-
mined using a gas chromatograph (Varian 3300) with
£ame ionization detector. Glucose was quanti¢ed using a
PGO-enzymatic glucose kit (Young-dong Pham. Co.,
Seoul, Korea).

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Isolation of PA3

Fig. 2. Phylogenetic position of the isolate Aeromonas sp. PA3 with the
An isolate, PA3, was selected among the Fe(III)-reduc-
related taxa. Similarity and distance matrices were calculated with Clus-
ing colonies on a solid medium containing ferric pyro- tal W (version 1.8). The phylogenetic tree was constructed based on
phosphate as the electron acceptor. Fe(III)-reducing colo- available 16S rRNA sequences. The scale bar represents the expected
nies were recognized easily on the solid medium as their number of changes per sequence position.

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132 C.A. Pham et al. / FEMS Microbiology Letters 223 (2003) 129^134

3.3. Phylogenetic analysis and DNA^DNA hybridization

The sequence similarity of the 16S rRNA gene was com-

pared with those of reference organisms obtained from
GenBank data libraries. The result revealed that the iso-
late PA3 is a member of the Aeromonas subphylum of
Gram-negative bacteria (Fig. 2). A. hydrophila was the
nearest neighbor, with a 16S rDNA sequence similarity
of 99%. Genomic DNA extracted from the isolate was
nearly 100% homologous with that of A. hydrophila
KCTC 2358.
The isolate PA3 was identi¢ed as a strain of A. hydro-
phila, designated as A. hydrophila PA3 based on morpho-
logical, biochemical and physiological characteristics as Fig. 3. CVs of an A. hydrophila PA3 cell suspension grown under anaer-
obic conditions with (dotted line) or without (solid line) ferric citrate as
well as 16S rDNA sequence homology.
an electron acceptor.

3.4. Utilization of electron donors and acceptors by

A. hydrophila PA3 bic conditions or under anaerobic conditions without fer-
ric citrate did not show the electrochemical activity (Fig.
A. hydrophila PA3 was cultivated for 5 days using 3). The CV obtained showed di¡erent shapes of oxidation
PBBM containing various electron donor^acceptor combi- and reduction peaks with an apparent redox potential of
nations, and the cellular protein content and the utiliza- around 50 mV against the Ag/AgCl reference electrode.
tion of electron donors and acceptors were measured. This asymmetry shows that the redox reaction of the cell
Cellular protein of 0.36 N 0.03 g l31 was produced from suspension is a quasi-reversible reaction. c-Type cyto-
the cultures made on non-fermentable electron donors chromes were found in A. hydrophila ATCC7966 grown
such as acetate, glycerol and hydrogen without electron under anaerobic conditions with ferric citrate [23]. It is
acceptor. Yeast extract (1 g l31 in PBBM) is believed to plausible that the electrochemical activity observed in
support the bacterial growth. Under similar conditions, this organism is due to the c-type cytochromes observed
glucose and pyruvate produced cellular protein contents in A. hydrophila ATCC7966.
of 1.29 and 0.42 g l31 , respectively. This result shows It is interesting to note that electrochemical activity was
that the bacterium can ferment glucose and pyruvate. observed in the cell suspension of S. putrefaciens grown
Good growth was observed on glucose with any of the under anaerobic conditions without Fe(III) [11], while
electron acceptors used. With pyruvate as the electron A. hydrophila PA3 was electrochemically active only
donor the bacterium reduced Fe(III), nitrate and sulfate when grown under anaerobic conditions with Fe(III). If
with cellular protein contents over 1 g l31 . Acetate sup-
ported good growth of the bacterium with nitrate under
aerobic conditions, but the bacterium did not consume
acetate with ferric citrate or sulfate as electron acceptors.
Hydrogen showed similar results. With glycerol as the
electron donor, the bacterium produced more cellular pro-
tein with ferric citrate than with nitrate.
A. hydrophila PA3 has been isolated from a mediator-
less MFC fed with acetate as sole fuel. Current generation
from an MFC has been reported to be related to Fe(III)-
reducing activity [13,14,22]. This organism consumed ace-
tate with nitrate or oxygen as the electron acceptor, but
not with Fe(III). It is not clear if A. hydrophila PA3 con-
sumes acetate in an MFC environment.

3.5. Electrochemical activity Fig. 4. CVs of anaerobically grown A. hydrophila PA3 cell suspension
treated under di¡erent conditions after 30 min exposure to air. Full
Washed cell suspensions of A. hydrophila PA3 were used line, aeration for 30 min; dotted line, 20 min N2 gassing after aeration;
small-dash line, incubation for 20 min with 20 mM NaNO3 after aera-
to determine the electrochemical activity using cyclic vol-
tion; dash-dotted line, incubation for 20 min with 20 mM NaNO3 and
tammetry. Oxidation/reduction peaks were observed in the 20 mM glycerol after aeration; and long-dash line, incubation for
cyclic voltammogram (CV) of cells grown under anaerobic 20 min with 20 mM NaNO3 and 20 mM glycerol in an electrochemical
conditions with ferric citrate, but cells grown under aero- cell poised at 200 mV after aeration.

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the electrochemical activity is related to the localization of

c-type cytochromes to the cell surface [13], these two or-
ganisms might have di¡erent regulatory mechanisms for
the biosynthesis and translocation of c-type cytochromes.
A cell suspension prepared from an anaerobic culture
with Fe(III) was used to test the e¡ects of exposure to air
on the electrochemical activity. The cell suspension grad-
ually lost its electrochemical activity when exposed to air,
with a complete loss within 30 min (Fig. 4). When the air-
exposed cell suspension was gassed with oxygen-free nitro-
gen, its electrochemical activity was restored. The recovery
was most extensive under nitrogen gassing when it was
poised at 200 mV against the Ag/AgCl reference electrode
for 20 min in an electrochemical cell with glycerol, fol- Fig. 6. Current generation by cell suspension of A. hydrophila PA3 in
lowed by incubation with a combination of glycerol and MFCs with di¡erent fuel concentrations. The fuel cell was run with a
resistance of 500 6. Yeast extract with a COD value of 250 mg l31
nitrate, and with nitrate. These results revealed that elec-
(dotted line) or 1260 mg l31 (solid line) was injected as fuel to monitor
trochemical activity is reversibly inactivated when cells are the current generation.
exposed to air.
A similar cell suspension was tested for its ability to
generate current in a fuel cell-type electrochemical cell with acetate as fuel, current was not increased. This result
(Fig. 5). When the fuel cell was inoculated with the cell is consistent with the previous results. The isolate did not
suspension, the current was maintained at a background consume acetate under Fe(III)-reducing conditions,
level of less than 0.1 mA, and increased rapidly to over though acetate is oxidized under aerobic conditions or
1.8 mA when yeast extract as fuel (250 mg l31 as COD) under denitrifying conditions. It is not clear what was
was supplied. After the initial peak, the current decreased the function of this isolate in the MFC fed with acetate.
with a shoulder ¢nally to the background level in around The bacterium might participate in the process converting
7 h. Similar current-generation patterns were observed, fuel into electricity as a member of the microbial consor-
and explained as due to the current generation being lim- tium.
ited not by the biological reaction but by other factors, After MFCs inoculated with the cell suspension were
such as oxygen supply to the cathode and proton perme- run for 5 days, the anode was removed, and observed
ability through the membrane [24,25]. Repeated fuel sup- under a scanning electron microscope (Fig. 7). The elec-
ply gave similar responses. When the current dropped to trode was covered with bacterial cells of short rods with a
the background level, the COD value was less than 5 mg similar shape as shown in Fig. 1. The current reached the
l31 . When fuel was supplied in a higher concentration of maximum immediately after the addition of fuel, and the
1260 mg l31 as COD, the maximum current of 0.3 mA was electron microscopic observation showed that the elec-
generated and the current generation lasted more than 17 h trode was covered with bacterial cells with uniform shape.
(Fig. 6). It is interesting to note the formation of a bio¢lm-like
When the fuel cell containing the cell suspension was fed

Fig. 5. Current generation of single-strain isolate PA3 in an MFC. The

fuel cell was connected through a resistance of 500 6. Yeast extract Fig. 7. Scanning electron micrograph of the anode from the MFC inoc-
with a COD value of 250 mg l31 was injected as fuel at the points indi- ulated by cell suspension of A. hydrophila PA3. The electrode was re-
cated by arrows. moved after 5 days of operation with yeast extract as fuel.

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