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Web Comments: To post or not to post?

General Guidelines
1. Vulgarity: Any web comment that contains vulgarity should be considered abusive and not be
posted. Vulgar words coded to pass screening programs should also be considered abusive (e.g.
@$$hole, WTF, BS, F**k).

2. Private people: If the subject of a web comment is a private citizen (not a political figure)
and the comment is negative in nature it should be considered abusive. If a comment attacks
the family or friends of a public official (the mayor’s wife, the councilman’s wife) it should be
considered abusive.

3. Local businesses: A web comment that alleges unsafe/unsanitary/illegal/etc. activities or

practices by a local businesses that are unable to be confirmed by newsroom staff should not
be posted. Reviews or negative personal experiences are fine, as long as they do not violate any
other guidelines.

4. Sexuality: Web comments that have sexual connotations should be considered abusive. If a
comment is coded or a very subtle sexual reference it is abusive and should be removed.

5. Hate speech: A comment that could be considered offensive on the basis of race, gender,
religion, sexuality or disability should be considered abusive and should be removed.
Oftentimes we have KKK or neo-nazi comments made, these should not be posted.

6. Illegal activity: A web comment that alleges illegal activity that has not been confirmed as
being under investigation by authorities should be removed or not posted.

7. Death, accidents: These type of stories can sometimes have grossly in appropriate comments
posted to them. Any comment that makes a disparaging remark about a person that died or is in
serious condition following an accident should not be posted, it is disrespectful to the families of
the injured or deceased parties.

8. Sports stories: Comments attacking or making lewd remarks about high school athletes are
not to be posted. The Register Citizen does not tolerate or allow negative comments about high
school athletes, period. They are students, children, not pro athletes who get paid to play sports
for a living. Negative comments about professional athletes and teams are acceptable, provided
they do not break any other rules, because professional athletes are considered public figures.

The following pages contain examples of comments that should never be posted (Unacceptable),
comments that are okay to post (Acceptable), and comments that some may find objectionable
but abide by our guidelines (Possible).
“On August 27th, 2008, a pedestrian was approached, patted down, then tasered, knocked
down a hill onto asphalt, kicked, suffocated, and knocked unconscious, without exhibiting any
violent, dangerous, or threatening behavior, by Torrington Police Officers Todd Fador and Kevin
Sultaire. The officers also pressed false charges to cover up their actions.
A formal complaint has been filed, an internal investigation is underway, and we are waiting for
answers! Join this group to show that you are waiting too! When we find anything out, this is
where it will be." (from IP: Source -
Edit)” [violates the following guidelines: 6 and 2]

aintgotnojob on 09/17/2010 05:33:57 said:

"Seriously, we just need to light the two rape-o-murders up. I am thinking that Haitian tire thing
around the neck and on fire! Payperview! BURN BABY BURN!" (from IP: Source -
Edit) [violates the following guideline: 5]

Remember... on 09/16/2010 04:11:54 said:

"back on that terrible day in 2007, Steven Hayes didn't urinate on himself, rather he peaked
in his shorts, from being so aroused by the power rush he derived from Jennifer's life taken
by his bare hands, it made him feel like a real he-man to overpower a woman with MS
that he outweighed by 70+ pounds. Maybe Jennifer was alive after he choked her, but just
unconscious, then the fire killed her along with her daughters." (from IP: Source -
Edit) [violates the following guidelines: 4 and 5]

Re Palins on 09/16/2010 10:17:25 said:

"I think Bristol might win with her version of the Horizontal Tango. I heard she practices that one
a lot." (from IP: Source - Edit) [violates the following guideline: 4]

Wow on 09/16/2010 09:33:20 said:

"Brian Clapper. Haven't heard that name in a while. what a loser!" (from IP: Source
- Edit) [violates the following guideline: 2]

He probably jumped because of crazy people like ones who post here who hate
immigrants on 09/20/2010 12:19:07 said:
"even as they are mowing your lawn and doing other jobs you won't stoop to." (from IP: Source - Edit) [violates the following guideline: 7]

Judge Roy Bean on 09/20/2010 11:36:25 said:

"Deport the corpse." (from IP: Source - Edit) [violates the following guideline:

1034 on 09/21/2010 10:32:28 said:

"It has nothing to do with them being good people and everything to do with they are black
people." (from IP: Source - Edit) [violates the following guideline: 5]
RE 632 on 09/08/2010 09:57:31 said:
"BIG FREAKIN DEAL. They stopped to grab a bite to eat. Do you really have such a shallow,
lonely, life you have all this time on your hands. What a miserable SOB you sound like. JUST
MISERABLE. I hope to god that if your house ever goes up in flames, they take their sweet
a@@ time getting you out. Maybe they will have to check with the major to see if it is "OK" to
respond to a stupid jerk like you. Get a life. You have so much time on your hands, go volunteer
at the soup kitchen, oh thats right, they want happy and nice people helping out. not some
miserable SOB. As far as our firemen going to grab a bite to eat OR a coffee, I pay alot of taxes
in this crap of a town and I say you go and enjoy your coffee (on me)" (from IP:
Source - Edit) [violates the following guidelines: 1, 2]

single customer on 09/08/2010 09:50:59 said:

"that appalls me.. I have eaten there a few (very few)times. Wasn't AT ALL impressed. But for
them to show such a lack of class to a patron especially a person of your age, they should be
ashamed of themselves. It is not like their place or food is that good they can pick and choose.
I have eaten there and believe me, they should be glad anyone stops there and should take as
much business in as they can. Now I know I won't even consider going in over my few times.
You're alot nicer than I am because I would have refused to move and insisted they act with
more class than that and to bring a menu ASAP." (from IP: Source - Edit)
[violates the following guideline: 3]

DADT on 12/02/2010 07:00:51 said:

"The problem with homosexuals, is they can't just be homosexuals quietly.
It has to be loud and in your face. Why DO they have to tell? Theres alot of things that I like and
don't like..but I certainly don't push them on everyone I meet.
If your gay, be gay..just shut up about it.." (from IP: Source - Edit)
[violates the following guidelines: 5]

re 1103 on 12/02/2010 11:58:09 said:

"Not "fearful".
Just don't like twisted perverts being elevated to upstanding citizen status. So, please keep your
sweaty, unnatural, unholy desires to yourself, behind closed doors and drawn shades. Then
we'll be fiiiiiine!" (from IP: Source - Edit)
[violates the following guidelines: 5, possibly 4]
Constable on 09/21/2010 11:45:45 said:
"I lived near that Corner, on Hartland Granby Line is a Killer, Bridge right in the middle of the
curve, cannot take it over 35 mph on drive payment and you have to crawl in snow and ice."
(from IP: Source - Edit)

RobCon on 09/21/2010 11:11:05 said:

"$21K buys a lot of text books for students currently without!" (from IP: Source -

Kudos College Student on 09/21/2010 09:52:23 said:

"College Student don't ever lose that drive or that determination. Believe me over time the
system and society will try to wear you down, but if you always remember why you chose this
career, you will make a difference.... even if on a small scale!" (from IP: Source
- Edit)

re Mr Ceder on 09/21/2010 08:57:32 said:

"Does anyone know if this was the same nice man who used to live at Koury Terrace
apartments?" (from IP: Source - Edit)

RE 1103 on 12/02/2010 12:21:23 said:

"just beacuse you dont like it doesnt mean anything no one said you had to like us. theres
nothing wrong with us we are the same as you we just like the same sex. people need to learn
to deal with it. Homophobia is just an excuse of the fear that you yourself might actually have
a little bit of feelings for someone of the same sex as well. we're mot perverts you just tend to
see what you want instead of whats actually there. seriously grow up and live with it beacuse
we're not changing for anyone just because you dont like us. and l;ast i checked your so called
god created us too. there gives you somthing to think about." (from IP: Source
- Edit) [Note: while this is talking about something that would fall into the “Possible” area
the way it is done falls into the Acceptable area]
joey on 09/21/2010 08:29:43 said:
"Despite what anything that MADD says, Driving drunk is not as bad as they say it is. Lots
of people drive drunk everyday and never have a problem. Sober people crash too." (from
IP: Source - Edit) [This comment comes close to violating the following
guidelines: 7. This might be considered inappropriate especially if posted on an article
about a car accident where someone died or was seriously injured.]

Political blunder and Nepotism on 09/21/2010 07:29:37 said:

"This Dallavalle guy is about as qualified as my mother at civil defense. Mr. mayor, we live in a
post 9-1-1 world. If there are not candidates that are qualified, RE POST this opening.
My mother took a couple on line NIMS classes for the ladies fire department auxiliary and
knows about as much as this new appointee except,... She graduated from high school ! Shame
on you. You support this Mr. Ryan ? U R playing Russian roulette with us tax payers that voted
you IN. No more re election 4 U Mr. Bingham. Enjoy your marriage, because we the people, will
speak at election time.
You left the fire chief and deputy out on the line while you were away getting dehydrated
WE WILL REMEMBER if you do not correct this." (from IP: Source - Edit) [This
comment comes close to violating the following guideline: 2. This might be considered
inappropriate because it skirts the line of being personal rather than political]

Wondering on 09/20/2010 04:19:22 said:

"I don't think I have a firm enough grasp on the English language. I also don't believe I was the
best parent I could be although I tried..I really tried, and it's hard for me to understand the new
culture we have in our city. I just can't seem to understand when they speak Spanish in the
grocery store. I didn't get to have lunch today either. Perhaps, just perhaps, I could get about
$10,000 from the grant to help me figure it all out. If you are one of those other 11 American
taxpaying families who feel they may be misunderstood or didn't get lunch today, please post so
we can also get the help we "deserve."" (from IP: Source - Edit) [This comment
comes close to violating the following guideline: 5. This might be considered a racist
comment by someone]

Reverse Discrimination on 09/20/2010 02:17:19 said:

"Rabbi Eisenbach has said that he is responsible for "boosting the jewish population in Litchfield
by 5o percent"
Which proves one thing. There are too few jews in Litchfield to justify such a HUGE proposal of
21,000 square feet.
And 2, He has one of the HUGEST egos I've ever seen. He boasts about how many people
come to his congregation after every single event, and like fools, the papers believe him
and print it. He claimed 1,400 people attend JewishFest a few weeks back. Sure, if you're
counting the last 3 years combined. There was a a friend of mine who attended and video
taped one of the bands. There were NOT 1,400 people the entire time combined! By hyping
and padding how many people attend his events, Rabbi Eisenbach hopes to build a case
for a growing congregation. Sadly, he will discover we are all onto that little trick and have
video tapes to prove it. Litchfield has a VERY small Jewish congregation. Some of the events
one of my friends has attended (out of sheer curiosity) were so poorly attended they never
returned. They should build their MEGA SYNAGOGUE where it is needed and where it is not
excessively dissimilar to the the rest of the buildings here. Knocking down a Victorian home
here is discrimination against the town and the borough, and an attempt to erase the history of
Litchfield. It should not be tolerated." (from IP: Source - Edit) [This comment
comes close to violating the following guidelines: 2 and 5. This comment could be
considered to be personal and it could also be considered to be discriminatory towards
the Jewish religion and people.]

Was there on 09/20/2010 01:17:10 said:

"This is what went wrong.
1. Warner should have better security inside and outside.
2. Once this man (calling him that loosely) started acting up, the ushers should have done their
job and removed him.
3. What security was there did not react immediately. They sat on the sides of the theater and
watched, then got up.
4. It started (fight) before 10. The cops arrived at 10:16. It was not even a two hour show and
we had a 15min. intermission.
5. James was NOT a class act. He ran off the stage like a scaredy cat. He never came back out
to "try to get the moment back". He never tried to make it up to the VIP ticket holders that had
the meeting after the show.
He lost all credibility.
The Warner lost credibility vecause they could not handle the situation. If you serve alcohol,
then have some type of security, not volunteers.
It just looks bad for all parties involved!" (from IP: Source - Edit) [This comment
comes close to violating the following guidelines: 3 and 6. This comment could be
considered to be disparging towards the Warner Theater and it also speaks about an
event that resulted in someone being arrested.]

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