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June 12, 2006

Borough Hall


Frederick Newhart—Pres. Victoria Stryker---SPCA—exit 7:15 p.m.
H. Thomas Eddy Rodney Buck –exit 7:26 p.m.
Cindy Shaner Jennifer Buck “
Jeffery Berger Frank Welsh
Michael Rhodes Diane Wilson
William Edner, Mayor
Randy Eddinger, Police
Dale Cahn, Public Works
J. Howard Langdon, Solicitor
Rebecca Jo Fought, Secretary

The regular meeting of the Hughesville Borough Council was called to order on the above date by
President Newhart at 7:00 p.m. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Residents and Visitors

Victoria Stryker, Executive Director of the SPCA, presented the 2005 data on the Borough’s use
of the SPCA. She requested an increase in the Borough’s contribution, as the borough has not increase its
contribution since 1997 and costs keep raising. Rodney and Jennifer Buck presented a petition regarding
Maple Alley and the possibility of making it one way. The Buck’s and the signatures on the petition were
opposed to making it one way. Street committee will review the alley. Frank Welsh had an interpretation
question regarding the nuisance ordinance and then discussed the Borough’s Emergency Management Plan

Solicitor’s Report

Crawford case has been placed in the Court of Common Pleas. Langdon will be preparing letter to
Crawford that he must have a landscaping contractor hired within 10 days of the letter and he will have 30
days to reimburse the Authority for the survey cost of $1,130.00, as per the court order. Langdon reported
that the 202 North Main Street has been placed in foreclosure. Council requested to expediate some action
and instructed Langdon to start Condemnation proceedings due to the health hazard that this property is
causing. Langdon will prepare the Lycoming County Fair Agreement with it being the same as 2005. The
Police Contract is back into negotiations. Council requested the Solicitor to continue the negotiations with
the police. Letter from Vito and Lisa Ciaravino will be responded to by Solicitor.

Eddinger reported the status of the new cruiser and stated that it will be 2007 model and not the
2006 as ordered but was scheduled to be delivered by the July date. Reported that part time officer Oeler
has obtained a full time police position and will be leaving the department in August, so a search has been
started to replace him. Motion was made by Eddy and seconded by Shaner to accept the police report.
Carried 5-0. Discussion was held regarding the West Branch COG paving bid. Motion was made by
Rhodes and seconded by Shaner to accept the low bid as written of Charles Construction in the amount of
$73,957.33. Roll call vote: Rhodes-yes, Shaner-yes, Eddy-yes, Berger-yes and Newhart-yes. Carried 5-0.
Newhart reminded Cahn about painting crosswalks prior to the Lycoming County Fair. Motion was made
by Shaner and seconded by Berger to approve the same “No Parking and One-Way” for the Lycoming
County Fair as in 2005. Carried 5-0.

Motion was made by Shaner and seconded by Rhodes for the treasurer’s report and bills of the
month ordered paid on the General Fund check #5057 through #5093 totaling $56,460.11 and Water Fund
check # 109 through #167 totaling $46,460.85. Carried 5-0. Motion was made by Shaner and seconded by
Berger to approve the Secretary’s minutes as presented. Carried 5-0.
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Manager’s Report

Motion was made by Shaner and seconded by Eddy to apply for County Liquid Fuels Grant in the
amount of $1,893.00 for 2006. Carried 5-0.

Unfinished Business

Maple Alley between Cemetery Street and Railroad Street will be reviewed at the July meeting.

New Business

Spartan Alley between Water and Academy Street will be researched by street committee.
Motion was made by Berger and seconded by Eddy to accept David Bressler, Emergency Management
Coordinator, resignation. Carried 5-0. Frank Welsh said he will fill in until Council officially appoints
someone. Services that the Borough discussed providing the new Hughesville Area Library include:

Garbage disposal in Borough dumpster

Plowing of Library parking lot of snow, but no deicing service of parking lot
Increase of annual allocation of $200.00 to cover water bill
No inside maintenance service and no sidewalk maintenance

Motion was made by Eddy and seconded by Shaner on Resolution #1-2006 Zoning
Intergovernmental Cooperation . Carried 5-0.

Mayor’s Report

Mayor presented The GIS Data Agreement with the County and the related costs. Motion was
made by Berger and seconded by Shaner to participate in the GIS Data Agreement with the cost split
between Water Authority and Borough Fund. Carried 5-0.

Committee Reports

Personnel, public safety, streets, property and finance had nothing further to discuss. Water
discussed the need to increase the water meter costs. Motion was made by Berger and seconded by Shaner
to increase the water meters cost of $205.00 for a 5/8 inch meter and the actual costs of all other size
meters. Carried 5-0.

At 9:30 p.m. motion to have an executive session to discuss personnel and legal matters was made
by Eddy and seconded by Shaner. Carried. 5-0.

At 10:00 p.m. motion to reopen the meeting was made by Berger and seconded by Shaner.
Motion was made by Berger and seconded by Eddy to accept the resignation of employee Rebecca Jo
Fought. Carried 5-0. There being no other business to discuss, motion to adjourn the meeting was made by
Shaner and seconded by Eddy. Carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Rebecca Jo Fought
Borough Manager

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