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How we organize ourselves “People adhere to governing systems that regulate their behavior”

Receptive Language Expressive Language

Listening Speaking

Listen to anecdotal stories involving choices, right vs. wrong, different perspectives etc… Take part in conversations in order to express your point of view and develop it further

Listening to other people’s perspectives and different interpretations of situations Develop ability to articulate thinking verbally

Listen to text read aloud, react and make predictions. Speak deliberately and thoughtfully in order to debate or defend a position

Listen actively during debates/discussions in order to formulate opinions Use speech to persuade

Listen actively in order to develop own point-of-view Develop ability to use speech dramatically

Viewing Presenting

View relevant videos and video clips: choose different ending videos, ANTZ, Animal Farm, Create flowcharts and diagrams to visualize governing systems, character choices in fiction,
Lord of the Flies. students’ own choices and so on…

View role-plays and react to them. Share their understanding using different forms of presentation, such as role-plays, puppet
shows etc…
View dramatic techniques, such as use of body language, and discuss their significance

View organizational charts such as flow-charts, hierarchies, processes


Writing accounts of their own experiences

Writing reflections after learning engagements And experiences during the unit
Read fiction in order to follow characters’ decisions and identify reasons behind them,
identify governing systems at play in each context. Writing stories containing, for example, moral dilemmas

Read non-fiction in order to learn about people in history who have created governing Re-writing stories showing how a different choice would lead to different ending
systems or been part of questioning them.\
Writing scripts for choose different ending video or drama
Read examples of persuasive writing
Writing scenarios to show understanding of the central idea
Read Fables

Read scenarios

Read scripts

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