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 Employee Branding means in simpler terms what a employee projects about himself and
theorganisation culture. He/She should be able to serve as a brand ambassador for
his/her Organisation. A strong sense of affiliation is seen of the employee towards
his /her organisation.Now, how this can be achieved:By selective hiring/ selective
recruitment :Recruit those candidates who have the skills i.e technical /function
which closely align withthe Job Description and make sure that these candidates
have good soft skills as well.Training and Development:Provide targeted training/
certifications for employeesEffective Communication:Effectively communicating
the Organisation goals and what is expected, Role clarity.Once a employee
understands the Organisation goals and is clear of what is expected out of him, they will be in a
better position to be good brand ambassadors for your company/Organisation.When will a
employee start advertising or talking or representing his/her organisation:If from his
employer: He gets motivation to work. He is emotionally secure and is madeavailable
facilities and a good work culture.How a company promotes its brand
imagethrough different cycles of Recrutiment , Induction till the Exit process
determines theprojection of an Employee aiding in branding

 Employee branding is a new twist on identity regulation. Employee b randingshapes
employees¶ behavior so that they project the brand identity of their organization¶s products
through their everyday work behavior. Employee branding isintended to induce employee-
brand identification, a psychological connectionbetween the employee and the brand, to
provide an unobtrusive, seeminglyunproblematic engine for ³on brand behavior´. To introduce
organizational scholarsto issues involved in employee branding, this essay outlines some of
theassumptions, tactics and practices of employee branding. I draw on theories frommarketing
and organizational studies to define employee -brand identification and todevelop a preliminary
model of how employee branding programs could induceemployee-brand identification. In
addition, I raise que stions about the relationship
between the organization, the employee, and the brand that employee brandingreinforces, and
propose directions for future research

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