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Corrosion Science 50 (2008) 3569–3575

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Evaluation of the corrosion resistance of anodized aluminum 6061 using

electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)
Yuelong Huang a, Hong Shih b,*, Huochuan Huang b, John Daugherty b, Shun Wu b,
Sivakami Ramanathan b, Chris Chang b, Florian Mansfeld a,*
Corrosion and Environmental Effects Laboratory (CEEL), The Mork Family Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Southern California,
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0241, USA
Lam Research Corporation, 4400 Cushing Parkway, Fremont, CA 94538, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The corrosion resistance of anodized Al 6061 produced by two different anodizing and sealing processes
Received 9 July 2008 was evaluated using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The scanning electron microscope
Accepted 5 September 2008 (SEM) was employed to determine the surface structure and the thickness of the anodized layers. The
Available online 18 September 2008
EIS data revealed that there was very little change of the properties of the anodized layers for samples
that were hard anodized in a mixed acid solution and sealed in hot water over a 365 day exposure period
Keywords: in a 3.5 wt% NaCl solution. The specific admittance As and the breakpoint frequency fb remained constant
A. Aluminum
with exposure time confirming that the hard anodizing process used in this study was very effective in
providing excellent corrosion resistance of anodized Al 6061 over extended exposure periods. Some
C. Oxide coatings minor degradation of the protective properties of the anodized layers was observed for samples that were
hard anodized in H2SO4 and exposed to the NaCl solution for 14 days.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction or nickel fluoride and concluded that the boiling water sealing
method provided higher corrosion resistance [5].
The corrosion resistance of aluminum and aluminum alloys can Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is a powerful
be greatly increased by forming a thick oxide layer through the method to characterize the corrosion resistance of anodized Al al-
anodizing process in which the aluminum sample is anodically loys [6–11]. The impedance spectra can be fitted to an appropriate
polarized in an appropriate electrolyte to form an aluminum oxide. equivalent circuit (EC) which allows to obtain the time dependence
In the anodizing process sulfuric acid is commonly used as the of important properties of the anodized surface layers such as the
electrolyte solution to grow the oxide layer to greater thickness capacitance as well as the resistance of the barrier and the porous
than that of the naturally formed film [1,2]. The oxide layer formed layers.
in this process has a duplex structure consisting of the inner barrier Mansfeld et al. [6] studied the protective properties of oxide
layer and the outer porous layer. The barrier layer is very thin and layers on Al 2024, 6061 and 7075 that were produced by anodizing
dense. The outer porous layer is a much thicker, porous oxide that in H2SO4 solutions. Sealing was carried out in hot water, nickel ace-
has a close-packed hexagonal cells structure. A sealing process is tate, yttrium acetate or a saturated cerium acetate solution in an
necessary to improve the corrosion resistance. The pores in the attempt to replace dichromate sealing. The corrosion properties
outer oxide layer can be sealed in steam and boiling water or in of the oxide layers for these Al alloys were evaluated by EIS during
various cold sealing solutions such as nickel acetate and dichro- exposure in a 0.5 NaCl solution. The results of this study [6]
mate [3–5]. A study of the effects of different sealing methods on revealed that the pore resistance Rpo obtained from the EIS data
the corrosion resistance of anodized Al alloys has been conducted can be used to determine the corrosion resistance of sealed anod-
by Zuo et al. [5]. The authors analyzed the outer oxide layers that ized aluminum alloys. The thicknesses of the barrier layer and the
were sealed by boiling water, stearic acid, potassium dichromate porous layer can be evaluated using the experimental values of the
capacitance of the barrier layer (Cb) and the porous layer (Cpo),
respectively. Rpo values exceeding 2  105 ohm cm2 were consid-
ered to be indicative of properly anodized and sealed samples for
* Corresponding authors. Tel.: +1 213 740 3016; fax: +1 213 740 7797 (F. common applications [6]. For the semiconductor industry Rpo
Mansfeld), Tel.: +1 510 572 2257/299 0283 (H. Shih).
E-mail addresses: (H. Shih), (F. Man-
values for anodized aluminum used as a plasma etching chamber
sfeld). coating should meet or even exceed 5  106 ohm cm2 [12].

0010-938X/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
3570 Y. Huang et al. / Corrosion Science 50 (2008) 3569–3575

Dasquet et al. [10] and Moutarlier et al. [11] indicated that EIS was The R&D tank does not allow complete optimization of tank condi-
an important technique for evaluating the corrosion resistance of tion control [19]. The two SAHA samples were produced following
anodized Al alloys. The results of Moutarlier’ study [11] showed the standard type III anodization process. After anodizing, the sam-
that the thickness of the barrier layer obtained from the EIS meth- ples were first rinsed by cool DI water for 5 min (2 Mohm-cm DI
od was the same as that determined from transmission electron water), hot DI water at 45 °C for 5 min (2 Mohm-cm DI water),
microscopy (TEM). and then high purity DI water (18 Mohm-cm) for 10 min.
The extent of degradation of the anodized layers during expo-
sure to a corrosion solution can be monitored as a function of expo- 2.3. Sealing procedures
sure time by simple methods that do not require the recording of
an entire impedance spectrum in a wide frequency range. These After complete rinsing, the samples were immersed in a hot
methods include recording of the breakpoint frequency which is high purity DI water tank for sealing. The sealing time was about
defined as fb = 1/(2pCpoRpo) at the phase angle U = 45° in the fre- 3 min per lm in oxide thickness. The bath temperature was con-
quency region in which the impedance is determined by Cpo [6,13– trolled at 98 °C or higher and the pH was maintained between
15]. 5.7 and 6.2. After hot DI water sealing, the samples were moved
A single frequency impedance test for anodized aluminum is into a class 100 cleanroom. Isopropyl alcohol (IPA) was used to
described by ASTM B 457 [16]. The specific admittance As, which wipe the samples with class 100 cleanroom wipes. High purity
is the inverse of the impedance at 1000 Hz normalized to the sur- DI water (18 Mohm-cm) was used for additional rinsing for
face area, can be used as a qualitative measure of the coating thick- 5 min followed by drying with nitrogen gas that was filtered with
ness and an indicator of an oxide layer that was properly sealed a 0.1 lm filter. The samples were then baked in a class 100 clean-
[16,17]. Low values of As indicate poor sealing quality of the porous room compatible oven at 110 °C for 30 min, removed from the
layer [16]. Otero et al. [17] used EIS to evaluate aging of cold-sealed oven and cooled down to room temperature [19,20].
aluminum oxide films formed on pure aluminum. They also deter-
mined As values and conclude that As = 10 lS/cm2 was indicative of 2.4. Test methods
a porous layer that was properly sealed in hot water [17]. For a por-
ous layer with e = 36 a value of As = 10 lS/cm2 corresponds to a Impedance spectra were collected at the open-circuit potential
porous layer thickness of 20 lm according to As = 200/dpo (lS/ (OCP) in a three-electrode cell in which the test sample was placed
cm2) [17]. on the bottom with an exposed area of 20 cm2. A stainless steel
Although many studies have been conducted to improve the electrode was used as the counter electrode and a SCE as the refer-
corrosion resistance of anodized aluminum alloys, the protective ence electrode. The impedance spectra were obtained with a BSA-
properties of the oxide layer still need to be further improved to Zahner IM6 unit using a frequency range between 1 MHz to 1 mHz
meet the challenges faced by the semiconductor industry. In order and an ac signal amplitude of 10 mV. Seven samples (three PT, two
to improve the long-term corrosion resistance of anodized Al 6061- RDT and two SAHA) have been tested by EIS during exposure to
T6, two different hard anodizing (type III) processes have been 3.5% NaCl for 14 (RDT and SAHA samples) or 365 days (PT
evaluated. samples).
The surfaces of exposed and unexposed samples have been
2. Experimental methods evaluated using SEM (Cambridge Model Stereoscan 360). Observa-
tions of the cross sections of the sample were also made to deter-
2.1. Materials mine the thickness of the oxide layer.

Samples of Al 6061-T6 with dimensions of 3. Results and discussion

10 cm  10 cm  0.3 cm were degreased by soaking in a detergent
for 10 min followed by deionized (DI) water (2 Mohm-cm) rinsing Fig. 1 shows some of the impedance spectra that were obtained
for 2 min and hot DI water rinsing at 45 °C for 2 min. for the three types of anodized Al 6061 samples for an exposure
Three different types of anodized Al 6061 samples were pre- time of 365 days or 14 days in the Bode plot format in which the
pared by Lam Research Corporation: three production tank sam- logarithm of the impedance modulus |Z| and the phase angle U
ples (PT), two R&D tank samples (RDT) and two sulfuric acid are plotted vs. the logarithm of the frequency f of the applied ac
hard anodized (SAHA) samples. signal. Very little difference can be detected in the spectra for the
PT and RDT samples and there was hardly any change of the
2.2. Anodizing procedures impedance for each sample with exposure time. The spectra for
the SAHA samples differed from those determined for the other
The oxide layers of hard anodized samples are usually produced samples since a third time constant appeared at intermediate fre-
at high current densities in a tank that contains sulfuric acid near quencies. The third time constant might be due to fine cracks and
0 °C. The hard anodizing (type III) [18] process produces porous defects in the oxide layers that extend into the base metal. The
oxide layers that are thicker than 25 lm. The anodizing procedures spectra for the PT and RDT samples are representative for samples
used for the PT and RDT samples followed the hard anodizing pro- that have been properly anodized and sealed in hot water. The very
cess but used a mixed acid solution that mainly contained sulfuric high impedance values at intermediate frequencies for the PT and
acid (H2SO4) and oxalic acid (H2C2O4). The ramping of the anodiz- the RDT samples indicate that the outer oxide layer is very well
ing voltage for the PT and RDT samples was different from that sealed. The spectra for all PT and RDT test panels for a given treat-
used for anodizing of the SAHA samples. The final voltage of the ment were almost identical and did not change much with expo-
anodizing process stopped at about 106 V, while it stopped at sure time. These results indicate that the anodizing process was
60 V for the SAHA samples. The three PT samples were anodized very reproducible and that the sealing process was very effective.
in a production tank which is a large size tank and allows optimi- Figs. 2 and 3 show the open-circuit potential (OCP) values for
zation of anodizing parameters. The two RDT samples were anod- the three types of samples. The OCP for the three PT samples in-
ized in the R&D tank which is a small size tank using the same creased in the first 14 days of exposure and then remained very
anodizing procedure that was used for anodizing of the PT samples. stable at values close to zero V vs. SCE (Fig. 2). The OCP values
Y. Huang et al. / Corrosion Science 50 (2008) 3569–3575 3571

a 9 b 9

8 8

7 7

6 6
5 5 1d
PT 2d
4 1d
4 3d
7d 5d
3 40d
3 7d
142d 9d
2 260d
2 11d
365d 14d
1 1
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

-90 -90
-80 -80
-70 -70
-60 -60
-50 -50
-40 -40
-30 -30
-20 -20
-10 -10
0 0
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

c 9

-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6










-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Fig. 1. Bode-plots for PT (a) RDT (b), and SAHA (c) samples for an exposure period of 14 days and 365 days respectively in 3.5 wt% NaCl solution.

for the two RDT and two SAHA samples were stable with exposure anodized surfaces (Fig. 3). For the SAHA samples the OCP values
time of 14 days indicating the high corrosion resistance of these were close to 0.6 V (Fig. 3) which is similar to the OCP of bare
3572 Y. Huang et al. / Corrosion Science 50 (2008) 3569–3575

0.1 0.6

Cpo (nF/cm 2)
E ocp (V)

-0.1 PT1
-0.2 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
0 100 200 300 400 Time (days)
Time (day)
Fig. 2. Open-circuit potential (OCP) as a function of exposure time for three PT

Cb ( μ F/cm 2)
RDT2 0.5
-0.2 0.4
E ocp (V)

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Time (days)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 PT1
Time (days) PT2
LogRpo ( 2)

Fig. 3. Open-circuit potential (OCP) as a function of exposure time for two RDT and PT3
two SAHA samples.

Al 6061. Apparently the substrate metal was exposed to the corro-

sive solution through fine cracks that run through the anodized
layers. Additional differences in the measured OCP values for the
three types of anodized Al 6061 samples might be due to different
amounts of MgSi2 and MgSiFe second phases present in the anod- 7
ized layers [19,20]. 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
The impedance spectra were fitted to the equivalent circuit (EC) Time (days)
shown in Fig. 4 using the software ANODAL [6,21]. Cb and Cpo are
the capacitance of the inner barrier layer and the outer porous 12
layer, respectively and Rb is the resistance of the barrier layer.
Zpo = K(jx)n, where K and n are fit parameters and x = 2pf, is a con- PT2
stant phase element that is used to account for the variations of the PT3
LogRb ( 2)

properties of the pores in the outer porous layer such as pore diam- 11
eter, pore depth and degree of sealing [22]. The fit parameter K is
used as a measure of the pore resistance Rpo.

Cpo Cb

Rs 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Time (days)
Zpo Rb
Fig. 5. Time dependence of fit parameters as a function of exposure time for three
PT samples.
Fig. 4. Equivalent circuit for the analysis of the impedance spectra for different
anodized Al samples.
Y. Huang et al. / Corrosion Science 50 (2008) 3569–3575 3573

Cpo (nF/cm 2)


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Tim e (day)

Fig. 6. SEM images of the cross section of a PT sample.

Cb (μ F/cm 2)
The fit parameters Cb, Cpo, Rb and Rpo for three PT samples are
plotted in Fig. 5. Cpo had values between 0.3 and 0.6 nF/cm2 and 0.5
Cb remained between 0.4 and 0.6 lF/cm2. The barrier and porous
layer thickness d can be estimated based on
C x ¼ o x A=dx ð1Þ SAHA1 SAHA2
where x = po or b; eo = 8.85  1012 F/m and A is the exposed area.
For an average value of Cb = 5  107 F/cm2 and e = 10 [23] the
thickness db of the barrier layer is estimated to be 18 nm. The thick- 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
ness of the anodized layer obtained by the SEM image of the cross
Time (day)
section for the PT sample was 63 lm (Fig. 6). For an average value
of Cpo = 4.6  1010 F/cm2 the dielectric constant e of the porous
layer of the PT sample is estimated to be 33. The observed oxide 7
thickness values can be compared with the thickness of the porous
layer of 20 lm and the thickness of the barrier layer of 20 nm for Al
samples anodized in H2SO4 and sealed in hot water (SA/HWS) [6].
LogRpo ( 2)

The very high and stable values of Rb and Rpo (Fig. 5) indicate that
the sealing process was very effective for the mixed acid anodizing
method. Rpo values exceeding 200 kohm cm2 are considered to be
indicative of properly anodized and sealed samples [17].
The spectra for the two RDT samples are shown in Fig. 1b. Cpo had
final values between 0.3 and 0.5 nF/cm2, while the final values of Cb
were between 0.3 and 0.5 lF/cm2 (Fig. 7). Since the two RDT samples RDT1
were anodized using the same anodization procedure as the two PT RDT2
samples, the dielectric constant of the porous layer e = 33 can be 6.5
used to estimated the thickness of the porous layer. The calculated 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
average values of dpo and db were 68 lm and 22 nm, respectively. Time (day)
The very high and constant values of Rpo indicate that the sealing
process was very effective (Fig. 7).The fit parameters for the two 10
SAHA samples are also shown in Fig. 7. The Rb and Rpo values for these
anodized surfaces were similar for those observed for the RDT sam-
ples, however a slow decrease of Rpo was found for the SAHA sam-
LogRb ( 2)

ples. Cpo and Cb for the two SAHA samples remained more or less
constant during the entire exposure time. For sample SAHA1 Cpo
and Cb had average values of about 7  1010 F/cm2 and 9
8.2  107 F/cm2, respectively. The dpo and db values were estimated
as 46 lm and 11 nm, respectively. Cpo and Cb for the SAHA2 sample
had average values of about 6.3  1010 F/cm2 and 8.2  107 F/cm2,
respectively corresponding to values of dpo = 50 lm and db = 11 nm.
Otero et al. [17] used the specific admittance As as a qualitative
measure of coating thickness and an indicator of an oxide layer 8
that was properly sealed in hot water. A value of As = 10 lS/cm2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
was considered to be indicative of an oxide layer properly sealed Time (day)
in hot water. As = 10 lS/cm2 corresponds to an oxide layer thick-
ness of 20 lm according to As = 200/dpo lS/cm2 for an oxide layer Fig. 7. Time dependence of fit parameters as a function of exposure time for two
SAHA and two RDT samples.
with e = 36 [17].
3574 Y. Huang et al. / Corrosion Science 50 (2008) 3569–3575

3 500
A s (μ S/cm 2)


fb (Hz)

2 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Time (days) Time (days)

Fig. 8. Time dependence of specific admittance As as a function of exposure time for Fig. 10. Time dependence of break point frequencies fb as a function of exposure
three PT samples. time for two RDT and two SAHA samples.

6 80

As (μ S/cm 2)

fb (Hz)
RDT1 40
20 PT2
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Time (days) 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Fig. 9. Time dependence of specific admittance As as a function of exposure time for

Time (days)
two RDT and two SAHA samples.
Fig. 11. Time dependence of break point frequencies fb as a function of exposure
time for three PT samples.

Since jZ j ¼ 1=xC po ð2Þ

It follows that As ¼ 1=Z 1000 A ¼ xC po =A ¼ 2pf o =dpo ð3Þ ples that were hard anodized in the mixed acid (R&D tank and the
2 production tank) were very stable and provided excellent corrosion
which for  ¼ 36 leads to As ¼ 200=dpo ðlS=cm Þ ð4Þ
resistance over extended exposure periods.
where Z1000 is the impedance at 1000 Hz, Cpo is the capacitance of
the porous layer and A = 20 cm2 is the exposed area. Based on the 4. Summary and conclusions
calculated value e = 33 for the PT sample, As = 183/dpo (lS/cm2).
Figs. 8 and 9 show the time dependence of As for the 7 samples. EIS has provided valuable information concerning the proper-
These data suggest that the porous layer has a thickness of about ties of the inner barrier layer and the outer porous layer of Al
71 lm for the RDT and PT samples that did not change much with 6061 that was hard anodized using two different processes and
time. This thickness value is in general agreement with the thick- their changes during exposure to a corrosive solution. The imped-
ness of the porous layer calculated from the Cpo data. For the two ance spectra obtained for samples that were anodized in a mixed
SAHA samples an average value of dpo = 40 lm is determined from acid process and sealed in hot water were in very good agreement
the average As values. with spectra that are normally observed for samples that had been
The time dependence of the properties of the anodized layers properly anodized and sealed [6,17]. There were very little changes
during exposure to a corrosive solution can also be estimated from of the spectra with exposure time to 3.5% NaCl for the individual
the impedance spectra using the concept of the breakpoint fre- samples which suggests that these surfaces were very corrosion
quency which is defined as fb = 1/(2pCpoRpo) [6,13–15]. For the resistant. There were also very little differences in the spectra for
two samples treated in the SAHA process fb slightly increased with the different samples in one group, i.e. the three PT samples, which
exposure time (Fig. 10) most likely due to the slow decrease of Rpo were treated in the same manner. The thickness of the porous lay-
with exposure time (Fig. 7) which suggests that some conductive ers was higher than that commonly found for Al alloys that were
paths and defects had developed in the porous layers during the anodized in H2SO4 and sealed in hot water [6,17]. The impedance
exposure period [24,25]. For the PT and RDT samples fb values were spectra as well as the As and fb values for the three PT samples were
stable for exposure time of 365 or 14 days, respectively indicating very stable for an exposure time of 365 days showing that these
that there was very little change of the porous layers (Figs.10 and surfaces were very corrosion resistant. The very high and stable
11). Figs. 10 and 11 confirm the conclusions based on the analysis values of Rpo for these three samples indicate that the newly devel-
of the impedance spectra that the anodized layers for the five sam- oped anodizing and sealing process was very effective.
Y. Huang et al. / Corrosion Science 50 (2008) 3569–3575 3575

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