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In the aftermath of the House of Representatives opening hearings on radical Islam and the US Senates
hearings on Muslim civil rights we are still left with the problem defined by Chairman King, how do we
find the radical?

With regards to the Senate hearings, if we even need to have a hearing on whether there is a prejudice
against a group of people rest assured there is.

How do we define the radical that is dangerous to our way of life?

Foremost the term itself is as subjective as one can get. Galileo in his time was also radical. Understood
this way it is not just the militant but the thinker outside the box, or norm. This kind of thought was
what our country was founded on, and offered protection to.

To get to the radical we need to define what the norm is. As a radical example the Civil Rights
Movement was for the KKK as anti-American and anti-Exceptionalist as could be fathomed. For that type
of group that is the reasonable assumption from the group norm.

Depending on what values are held we have very different views on radical and the norm for our

Mike Huckabee is an example of the norm;

Right Wing Watch͛s Kyle Mantyla captured the most outrageous endorsement yet. Introduced by David
Barton, Gov. Mike Huckabee (R-AK) HUCKABEE: I don͛t know anyone in America who is a more
effective communicator [than David Barton.] I just wish that every single young person in America would
be able to be under his tutelage and understand something about who we really are as a nation. I
almost wish that there would be something like a simultaneous telecast and all Americans would be
forced, forced Ͷ at gun point no less Ͷ to listen to every David Barton message. And I think our country
would be better for it. : All Americans Should Be Forced at Gunpoint to Listen to David Barton.-
Rediscover America Conference 1

On a recent trip to Israel in support of the Israeli settlements and his presidential aspirationsMichael
Huckabee compared stopping the building of settlements to a Christian in the USA being told where to
live, he just could not understand it.

I myself would ask this Baptist minister why he would tell the Christian local population they need to
move because they are Palestinian. Does he know our faith started here?

This is the norm.

A great book to help find radicals is George W. Bush͚s memoir, ͞Decision Points.͟ Clearly written it
shows the justification for the deaths of over a million people and the torture of many. It also shows
what radicals are from the position of the norm.

Huckabee: All Americans Should Be Forced at Gunpoint to Listen to David Barton- OpEd News, Huffington Post
This also is the societal norm.

͞Known and Unknown͟ byDonald Rumsfeld also sheds light on the norm and supports the former
presidents position and written by the man who legalized and popularized that beneficial nutrient
Aspertame, that is saying something.

A US Border Patrol agent was recently in the news for running guns to the Mexican drug lords because
he was ordered to.

This is again the norm.

Secretary Norman Maneta͛s testimony to the 911 Commission shows the radical inside government and
why they cannot even trust each other͛s word or testimony. Go figure.

Senator Joseph Lieberman͛s position and statement that Americans who "choose to become affiliated"
with terrorists overseas should automatically lose the rights that come with being a citizen. This should
be ignored. 2

The statement should be considered misspoken and off the cuff. After all with support for the Muslim
brotherhood in Egypt who now ban protests and the non-fighting Libyan/non Al Qaeda freedom fighters
whose ties our government is in the process of vetting to Al Qaida, we would have to deport too many
government officials.

I would suggest not opening that can of worms. The American people can no longer afford the plane
fare. Having the support of the Al Qaida CEO is disturbing and embarrassing at best.

͞2008 Strategic Implications of American Millennialism -A Monograph by MAJOR Brian L. Stuckert U.S.
Army: Pre-millennialist Christianity is a danger to the country and its future͟.

This seminal paper quite critically shows with regard to Homeland Security what the radical is. The
official government position now includes what used to be called a Normative Christian faith. With that
in mind Representative King pick up a copy of my book, you͛ve found a radical. Easy no͙

Pastor Terry Jones enjoys the distinction of being what Major Stuckert would call super normal. In truth
this is a heretic to good sense, good manners, and a Christian faith that says ͞Love your neighbor as
yourself.͟As bloody as he has made others hands to be, so his hands are also. Who is being killed?
People who try to call for a moderate response are.

A little ahead of the curve, but soon becoming normal.

If an American citizen is accused of terrorist associations, he/she would lose citizenship status before a
conviction? In Lieberman's vision, the defendant is punished and then gets due process? -- Steve Benen,
Washington Monthly
How is it conclusively proven that this person was working with a foreign-based organization? What if they're
wrongfully accused? What's the standard of proof? -- Alex Pareene, Salon
For starters, what would distinguish a member of al-Qaida from a domestic terrorist? Could a homegrown
terrorist like Timothy McVeigh be denied citizenship rights? -- Sam Stein, The Huffington Post
What extra benefit is there from doing this? The only thing I can think of is that it'd make Shahzad eligible for a
military tribunal, but why we need to do that when federal court has always been good enough for citizens
charged with treason escapes me. -- Allahpundit, Hot Air
The justice shown in building a stronger relationship with a country whose overstuffed Smeegalesque
leader͛s new precious is chocolate, a true Tolkien travesty. Over 1000 civilians have been killed by
Smeegal͛s raiders͙ err͙ excuse me freedomfighters.

It is also in its varying shades the norm.

There is talk of technology being rolled out that gauges intent to do evil. Representative King, reconsider
this one. I͛ve seen photos of you and you are a very intense looking man. I have the same problem. With
that type of technology they won͛t let either one of us into 711. What will this mean? No Slurpee for

We are now immersed in Stanley Milgrim͛s great experiment. Christian look at my article ͞Communal
Sin and the Unrighteous Faithful. We are now normal.He showed unequivocally that the sixty five
percent of people who are normal would kill you simply because they were asked.

That is the norm.

So then dear reader what and where is the radical?

It used to be as simple as looking in the mirror and questioning existence but no more.

The world itself seems to be turned over in this new Frankist civility. What the norm is used to be the
uncouth and radical. The freedom fighters Chairman King is said to admire in Ireland or a good means
and methods imitator just lit off a car bomb reminding the Irish of those glory years the Homeland
Security chairman so fondly admires.

The above is why the radical is seldom or never found. What was in a different day considered over the
top and radical is now our norm. The radical is simply the dinosaur living in the old civility, and a
different morality.

Don͛t lose hope Chairman King. There is a book that was written specifically to help weed out the
radical. Although older it has gone through various versions, updates and remains the premiere primer
to find a potential terrorist.

Written in 1987 for your purposes there is none better, after all a Congressman is a busy legislator and
information must be concise and punchy, and timeless.

This compendium should be required reading for all TSA and Homeland security personnel. Written by
Martin Handford it is entitled ͞Where͛s Waldo?͟

On every page after Waldo is spotted you may insert any picture you desire over his face and you have
found your radical!

This week Muslims, next week Blacks, or maybe born again Christians. You could have a Catholic week
or even devote a month to Osama bin Laden!

Anyone who questions, anyone who disagrees, anyone outside the norm can now be found.

Some restraint will of course need to be shown, after all one of your successors may have a picture of
͞Where is Waldo͟ Chairman King? I hope anyone reading this sends you a copy or asks you that
question. Just something to think about.

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