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Second Year

Computer Engineering

Pattern - A

First Semester

(Theory )

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A

CS0142: Data Structures And Algorithms - I
Prerequisites :
Computer fundamentals and Programming.

Aim :
The objective of the course is to introduce the concepts of abstract data types, data structures,
graphs, algorithms and complexity. The data structures include linear data structures with
application of divide and conquer, recursion and randomization algorithms. The course also
focuses on sorting and searching algorithms.

1. To understand use of efficient programming and documentation.
2. To introduce algorithmic analysis, fundamental data structures, problem solving
3. To study the representation, implementation and application of basic data structures.
4. To introduce algorithmic strategies and time complexity analysis of problems.

Unit 1 : Linear data structures ( 7 Hrs )

Linear data structures using sequential organization: Single dimensional Arrays,
Initialization, Memory representation, Use of 1D arrays, Strings: array of Characters, String
functions using arrays and pointers, Multidimensional arrays, Storage representations (row
major and column major), Magic Squares. Concept of ordered list and polynomial
representation using arrays, operations on polynomials like add, multiply, evaluate. Matrix
operations like add, multiply, transpose, etc. Representation of sparse matrix, algorithm for
sparse matrix addition, simple and fast transpose. Time and space complexity analysis for
simple and fast transpose of sparse matrix.

Unit 2 : Linked Representation ( 9 Hrs )

Dynamic Memory allocation, Array representation using dynamic memory allocation,
Concept of linked organization, singly linked list, doubly linked list, circular linked list,
Insertion, Deletion and traversal on above data structures. Representation and manipulations
of polynomials using linked lists. Generalized Linked List, operations on GLL like copy,

Unit 3 : Stack ( 6 Hrs )

Fundamentals of stack, Representation and Implementation of stack using arrays and linked
lists, Applications of stack: Decimal to Binary Conversion, reversing a string, Parsing: Well-
form parenthesis, Different expression conversions and evaluation, representation of multiple
stacks, Simulating recursion using stack.

Unit 4 : Queues ( 5 Hrs )

Fundamentals of queue, Representation and Implementation of queue using arrays and linked
list, Circular queue: representation and implementation, Applications of queue: Josephus
COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A
Problem, Job Scheduling, Queue Simulation, Categorizing Data, Double Ended Queue,
representation of multiple queues, Priority queue.
Unit 5 : Searching and sorting ( 8 Hrs )
‘O’,’Ω’ and ‘Ө’ asymptotic notations, Average, Best and Worst case analysis of algorithms
for Time and Space complexity

Introduction to Searching techniques: Linear, Fibonacci and binary Search Techniques.

Sorting: Sort Order, Bubble sort, insertion sort, selection sort, shell sort on numbers and
character strings, bucket sort, External sort.

Unit 6 : Divide and Conquer and Greedy strategies ( 7 Hrs )

Concept of Divide and Conquer strategy. (e.g. merge sort, quick sort, binary search and
Greedy Algorithms (e.g. job scheduling with deadlines, knapsack, optimal storage on tapes).
Upon Completion of the course, the students will be ale to:
1. Understand of how several fundamental algorithms work, particularly those
concerned with sorting and searching
2. Understand of the fundamental data structures used in computer science
3. Analyze the space and time efficiency of most algorithms
4. Design new algorithms or modify existing ones for new applications and reason about
the efficiency of the result
Text Books:
1. Y. Langsam, M.J.Augenstein, A.M.Tenenbaum, ‘Data structures using C and C++’,
Pearson Education, Second Edition, 2002.
2. E.Balaguruswamy,’ C and Data Structures’ TMH Publication, 2003

Reference Books :
1. E. Horwitz , S. Sahani, D. Mehta, ’Fundamentals of Data Structures in C++’, Galgotia
book source, New Delhi, 1995.
2. M. Weiss, ‘Data structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++’, Pearson Education, 2nd
Edition, 2002
3. J. Tremblay, P. soresan, ‘An Introduction to data Structures with applications’, TMH
Publication, 2nd Edition, 1984.
4. A. Drozdek, ‘Data Structures in C++’, 2nd Edition, Thomson Brookes / COLE Books,
5. . E. Horwitz , S. Sahani, S.Rajasekaran, ’Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms’,
Galgotia book source, New Delhi, 1998.

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A

CS0122: Numerical Methods and Simulation

Prerequisites: Elementary knowledge of 1) Numbers 2) Differentiation and integration 4)

Differential equations 5) Algebra 6) Probability

The course explains the importance and symbiosis between Mathematics and Engineering.
This course module has helped to develop skills of numerical techniques, probability,
queuing models. The objective of the course is to achieve fluency with Numerical tools
which is an essential weapon in modern Graduate Engineer’s Armory and the balance
between the development of understanding and mastering of numerical techniques.

Unit-1. Introduction to Numerical Computation (7 Hrs)

Forward Difference, Backward Difference, Central Difference, Relation between operators,
Interpolation (Lagrange’s / Newton’s/ Sterling), Least square approximation, Curve-Fitting

Unit-2. Ordinary Differential Equations: Initial value Problems (7 Hrs)

Introduction, Difference Equations, Numerical Methods, Singles step methods, Stability
Analysis, Multi Step Methods, Predictor-Corrector Methods, Stability Analysis of Multi Step

Unit-3. Ordinary Differential Equations: Boundary value Problems. (7 Hrs)

Introduction, Initial Value Problem Method (Shooting Method), Finite Difference Methods,
Finite Element Methods.

Unit-4. Discrete and Continuous Probability distribution and density Function

(7 Hrs)
Random Variables, Random Processes, Bernoulli Trials , Pascal, Binomial ,Poisson, Normal,
Beta, Cauchy, Chi-Square, Erlang, Exponential, Gamma, Delta, Laplace, Log-Normal,
Maxwell, Normal- Bi-variate, Rayleigh, Uniform, Weibull

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A

Unit-5. Sampling and Information Theory. (7 Hrs)
Sampling Theory, Sample mean, Sample variance, Sampling Distribution, Confidence
Interval, Hypothesis Testing.
Information Theory: Measuring Information, Entropy, Minimum and Maximum Entropy,
Interpretation of Entropy, Joint Entropy, Conditional Entropy, Huffman Codes.

Unit-6. Queuing Theory. (7 Hrs)

Queuing Models- Little’s Theorem, Probabilistic Form of Little’s Theorem, Application of
Little’s Theorem, Poisson Arrival Model , M/M/1 Queuing System, Arrival Statistics, Service
Statistics, Markov Chain Formulation, Deviation of the Stationary Distribution, Occupancy
Distribution upon Arrival, Occupancy Distribution upon Departure, The M/M/m, M/M/∝,
M/M/m/m, AND Other Markov Systems, The M/G/1 System, M/G/1 Queues with Vacations,
Reservations and Polling, Priority Queuing.

By the end of this module students are expected to demonstrate the knowledge of
1. Difference operators, Different Interpolation Methods and the curve fitting.
2. Euler’s Method, Euler’s Modify Method, Runge Kutta’s Fourth Order Method and
Adom Bashforth Method for First Order Differential Equations with their Stability
3. Shooting Method for Initial Value Problem.
4. Finite Difference Method for Boundary Value Problem and Rayleigh Ritz’s method,
Galarkin Method, Finite Element Ritz’s Method (Second Order Differential Equations
5. Random Variables and Random Processes and various Probability Distributions.
6. Sample mean, Sample variance, Sampling Distribution, Student’s t Test, Chi Square
test, Measuring Information, Entropy, Interpretation of Entropy, Joint Entropy,
Conditional Entropy, Huffman Codes.
7. Little’s Theorem, Poisson Arrival Models, Markov Chain Formulation, Different
Markov Systems, The M/G/1 System, M/G/1 Queues with Vacations, Reservations
and Polling, Priority Queuing.

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A

1. M. K. Jain, S.R.K Iyengar & R .K. Jain, ’Numerical Methods for scientific &
engineering computations’, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi, 2nd edition, 1991.
2. Gross D. and Harris C., ‘Fundamentals of Queuing Theory’, John Wiley & Sons ,
New York, 3rd Edition, 1985

1. S. M. Ross, ‘Probability models for computer science’, Academic Press, 1 st Indian
Edition, 2006.
2. Albert Leon-Gracia, ‘Probability and Random Processes for electrical engineering’,
University of Toronto, Pearson Education, 2nd Edition, 2004.
3. S. M. Ross, ‘Simulation by S. M. Ross‘, John Wiley & Sons, 2nd Edition, 2002.
4. Allen, A.O., ‘Probability, Statistics and Queuing theory’, Academic Press,…..1981
5. R. B. Cooper, McMillan, ‘Introduction to Queuing theory’, New York, …….1972.
6. Erwin Kreyszig, ‘Advanced Engineering Mathematics’, John Wiley and sons, inc., 8th
Edition, 2003
7. Robert B. Ash, ‘Information Theory’, Dover Publications, Inc. New York, 1st South
Asian Edition, 2007

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A

CS0132 : Computer Organization

To learn structure, function and characteristics of computer systems and understand the
design of its various functional units.

1. To understand the structure, function and characteristics of computer systems
2. To understand the design principle of the various functional units of digital computers
3. To understand Parallel Processing concepts.

Unit 1: Structure of a Computer System ( 6 Hrs )

Brief History of computers, Von Neumann Architecture(ws 16), Functional Units(20)

Data Types and Computer Arithmetic: Fixed and Floating point numbers, Signed numbers,
Integer Arithmetic, 2’s Complement multiplication, Booths Algorithm, Hardware
Implementation, Division, Restoring and Non Restoring algorithms, IEEE standards for
Floating point representations(ws 283-313),

Unit 2: Control Unit Design ( 6 Hrs )

Machines instructions and addressing modes(ws 381), Single Bus CPU(), Control Unit
Operation: Instruction Sequencing, Micro-operations. Hardwired Control: Design methods,
Design examples: Multiplier CU.(ws 575) Micro-programmed Control: Basic concepts,
Microinstruction-sequencing and execution, Micro-program control, Applications of
microprogramming.(ws 599)

Unit 3: Processor Design ( 7 Hrs )

CPU Architecture, Register Organization, Instruction Set - Instruction types, instruction
formats (Intel, Motorola processors), Instruction cycles, Instruction pipelining, Types of
operands, Addressing Modes (Intel, Motorola processors), ALU design-ALU organization.
RISC and SUPERSCALAR Processors: RISC- Features, Register File, RISC v/s CISC,
Superscalar Processors- Overview, Organization.

Unit 4 : Memory Organization ( 8 Hrs )

Characteristics of memory systems, Internal and External Memory

RDRAM, error correction.
Virtual Memory: Main Memory allocation, Segmentation, Paging. High-Speed Memories:
Cache Memory, organization and Mapping, Replacement Algorithms, Cache Coherence,
MESI protocol. Interleaved and Associative Memories, Performance Characteristics,
Secondary Storage: Magnetic Disk, RAID, Optical memory, CDROM, DVD

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A

Unit 5 : I/O Organization ( 6 Hrs )
Input/Output Systems, Programmed I/O, Interrupt Driven I/O, I/O channels, Buses and
standard Interfaces: Synchronous, Asynchronous, Parallel, Serial, PCI, SCSI, USB Ports
Peripherals: Keyboard, Mouse, Scanners, Video Displays, Dot Matrix, Desk-jet and Laser
Unit 6 : Multiprocessor Configurations (9 Hrs )

Multiprocessor Configurations:
Closely coupled and loosely coupled multiprocessor architectures, Problems of bus
contentions, Inter-process Communications, Coprocessor and I/O Processor, Bus structures
and Interconnection networks, Performance Bus controller, Bus Arbitration, System Bus.
Introduction to parallel processing:
Trend towards parallel processing, Parallelism in Uniprocessor systems. Parallel computer
structures, Architectural classification schemes, Parallel processing applications.
At the end of the course students will:

1. Obtain knowledge of integer and floating point arithmetic, algorithms for

multiplication and division.
2. Obtain Knowledge about the control unit design.
3. Acquire the information about Intel, Motorola Processor’s addressing modes,
Instruction pipelining, overview of RISC,CISC and Superscalar processor
4. Understand memory types, secondary memory devices, virtual & cache memory
5. Study the details of different input and output devices with their functions.
6. Understand multiprocessor configuration, Coprocessor and I/O Processor, and parallel
processing concept.

Text Books

1. C. Hamacher, V. Zvonko, S. Zaky, “Computer Organization”, McGraw Hill, 2002

2. Hwang and Bringgs – Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing-TMH.

Reference Books
1. W. Stallings William, “Computer Organization and Architecture: principles of structure
and function”, Maxwell Macmillan Editions, 2nd Edition, 1990, ISBN 0 – 02 – 946297 – 5
2. A. Tanenbaum, “Structured Computer Organization”, Prentice Hall of India, 4th Edition,
1991, ISBN 81 – 203 – 1553 – 7 .
3. G. George, “Computer Organization: Hardware and Software”, Prentice Hall of
India, 2nd Edition ,1986 .
4. D. Paterson, J. Hennesy, “Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware Software
Interface”, Morgan Kauffman, 2nd Edition, 2000 ISBN 981 – 4033 – 588.
5. W. Stallings, “Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for performance”,
Prentice Hall of India, 2003, 6th Edition, ISBN 81 – 203 – 2103 – 0,
COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A
6. J. Hays, “Computer Architecture and Organization”, McGraw-Hill, 2nd Edition 1988
ISBN 0 – 07 – 100479 – 3.

EC4992: Digital Electronics And Logic Design

Basic Electronics Engineering


To Learn basics of digital electronics and its practical application.

To understand combinational and sequential circuits and their applications and get
introduced to programmable devices and their implementation in simple circuits.

Unit 1: Number system and Codes (6 Hrs )

Introduction, Binary number System, Sign-Magnitude representation, One's and Two's

complement representation, Binary arithmetic, 2's complement arithmetic, Octal number
System, Hexadecimal number System, BCD code, Excess-3 code, Gray code. Code
conversion, Boolean algebra: Basic theorems and properties

Unit 2: Combinational logic circuits: (8 Hrs )

K-Map: Representation of truth-table, SOP form, POS form, Simplification of logical

functions, Minimization of SOP and POS forms using K- Map (K-maps up to 4 variables
only). Don't care conditions Design examples- multiplexers : code converter, demultiplexers,
encoder: Priority encoders, decoders: 74138, BCD-to-7-segment Decoder, Half adder and
subtractor, full adder and subtractor, adder with look ahead carry, BCD adder and subtractor,
##ALU 74181, parity generator and checker,## Digital comparator: 7485

Unit 3 : Sequential logic circuits (9 Hrs )

Introduction of flip-flop (F.F), 1 bit memory cell, clocked S-R F.F., J-K F.F race around
condition, M/S J-K F.F, flip-flop truthtable, excitation table, flip-flop conversion, flip-flop
characteristics. T and D F.F, Design of 4 – bit UP-Down ripple counter using J-K flip-flop ,
Design of Synchronous 3 bit up/down counter, mod-n counters (IC 7490,74190,7493),
Moore/Mealy M/c's: representation techniques, state diagrams, state tables, state reduction,
state assignment, implementation using flip-flops. Applications like sequence generator and
detector. Shift register (modes of operation), 4bit bi-directional universal shift register
(using D or J-K FF), application of shift registers (Ring counter, Sequence generator,
Johnson's counter).

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A

Unit 4: Logic Families (7 Hrs)
Characteristics of Digital ICs: Speed, Power dissipation, fan-out, current and voltage
parameters, noise margin, operating temperature etc., TTL: Operation of TTL NAND gate,
Standard TTL, TTL Characteristics, Active pull-up, Wired-AND, totem pole, open collector,
Unconnected Inputs. CMOS Logic: CMOS Inverter, CMOS NAND and NOR, CMOS
characteristics. Wired-logic, Unconnected Inputs, Open-Drain Outputs, Comparison of TTL
and CMOS, interfacing TTL to CMOS and vice versa, tri-state logic: tri-state buffers,
inverters, Study of Data sheets of 7400 Series ICs: (Basic and Universal logic gates)

Unit 5 : Programmable Logic Devices ( 6 Hrs )

Programmable Logic array: Input, Output Buffers, AND, OR, Invert/Non-Invert Matrix,
Programming the PLA, Applications of PLAs to implement combinational and sequential
logic circuits Introduction to :FPGA, CPLD
Unit 6 : ASM, VHDL ( 6 Hrs )
ASM charts, notations, design of simple controller, multiplexer controller method, RTL
notations and implementation
Introduction to VHDL: Modeling Digital systems, modeling languages, modeling concepts

At the end of the course students will:
1. Get adequate knowledge of Number systems, Boolean algebra and concept of
code conversion
2. Understand K-map Simplification and designing of different combinational
3. Get knowledge about 3-bit,4 bit counters, shift register, sequence generator,
sequence detector
4. Be Familiar with TTL and CMOS logical families with their characteristics.
5. Understand Programmable Logic array, FPGA, CPLD, ASM
6. Be able to design simple combinational circuit: half adder and subtractor using
VHDL language.

Text Books
1.R.P. Jain, "Modern Digital Electronics", Tata McGraw-Hill, 3rd Edition ,2003, ISBN
0 - 07 - 049492 - 4
2. J. Bhaskar, “A VHDL Primer”. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1995.

Reference Books
1. M. Mano, "Digital Design", Pearson Education, 3rd Edition ,2002, ISBN - 81 - 7808 - 555
2. J. Yarbrough, "Digital Logic: Applications and Design", Thomson Brooks/Cole (Vikas
Publishing House, New Delhi), 2002, ISBN 981 - 240 - 062 - 1
3. J. Bignell, R. Donovan, "Digital Electronics", DELMAR Thomson Learning, 4th Edition,
2001, ISBN 981 - 240 - 352 - 3
COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A
4. A. Malvino, D. Leach, "Digital Principles and Applications", Tata McGraw Hill, 5th
Edition, 2003, ISBN 0 - 07 - 047258 – 05
5..J. Wakerly, "Digital Design - Principles and Practices", Pearson Education,

EC4982: Applied Electronics

Aim :
To study various electronic components and its applications.

To study the basic components like diode, BJT, FET, Op-Amps and their applications. Study
the basic working of active components and their implementation in electronic circuits.

Unit 1: Diodes ( 6 Hrs )

Overview of semiconductor theory, types of diodes, Rectifier, Signal, Switching, Power,

Zener and their peculiarities and applications.
Diode Applications: -
Rectifier :- Half wave rectifier, Full wave rectifier, Bridge rectifier and analyze these
rectifiers w. r. t ripple factor, efficiency, clipper and clamper circuits.
Unit 2: Transistor, Biasing ( 9 Hrs )
Introduction to BJT, CE, CB, CC Characteristics
Transistor Biasing Circuits:
Overview of Biasing, Fixed Bias, Collector Base Bias, Self Bias, Definition and derivation
for Stability Factors S, numerical for Self Bias Circuit only, Comparison of the bias circuits,
Need of and techniques for bias compensation, Thermal run away, Derivation for Thermal
Application of BJT: -
BJT as an amplifier, Working, Input output impendence concept, and gain constant of an
amplifier, BJT as a switch.
FET: Symbol, Operation, Construction, Drain and Transfer Characteristics and Parameters

Unit 3 : Operational Amplifiers (7Hrs)

Block Diagram of an OP-Amp, Direct Coupled Differential Amplifier Circuit, Level Shifter
and the Output Stage. Op-Amp Parameters: Bias, Offset current; Bias, offset voltage; CMRR,
slew rate, PSRR Definitions, Significance and Typical Values
Op-Amp Applications –Adder, Subtractor, Precision Rectifier, Zero Crossing Detector,
Schmitt Trigger, Waveform Generator (triangular), Integrator, Differentiator, Instrumentation
Amplifier, Voltage to Current, Current to Voltage Circuits using Op-Amp

Unit 4: Power Devices and Power Supplies (7Hrs)

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A
Power Devices: - Characteristics and principle of Operation of SCR Applications: Half-wave
and Full-wave Controlled rectifiers. Introduction to DIAC and TRIAC.
Power supplies: - Introduction to SMPS, types of SMPS: Buck, Boost, Buck-Boost SMPS,
online UPS, off line UPS, Line interactive UPS

At the conclusion of the course student would be able to
1. Acquire knowledge of types of diodes and their applications along with overview
of semiconductor theory.
2 Differentiate between biasing circuits and significance of self-bias circuit
3 Study Op-Amp features and its applications
4 Acquire knowledge about Power devices and their application, get introduced to
different types of SMPS

Text Books :
1. J. Millman, C. Halkias, “Integrated Electronics Analog and Digital Circuits and Systems”,
McGraw Hill, 1988, ISBN 0 – 07 – Y85493 –9
2. R. Gaikwad, “Op-Amp and Linear Integrated Circuits”, Prentice Hall of India, 2002,
ISBN 81 – 203 – 2058 – 1, 4th Edition.

Reference Books :
1. T. Floyd, “Electronic Devices”, Pearson Education, 2001, ISBN 81– 7808–355-8, 5th
2. R. Boylstad, L. Nashelsky, “Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory”, Pearson Education,
ISBN 81 – 7808 – 590 – 9, 2002, 8th Edition
3. Liao, “Microwave Devices and Circuits”, Prentice Hall of India, ISBN 81 – 203 – 0699 –
6, 3rd Edition,
4. N. Mohan, T. Undeland, W. Robbins, “Power Electronics, converters, applications and
design”, John Wiley, 1995, ISBN 9971 – 51 – 177 – 0, 2nd Edition.
5. G. Deboo, C. Burrous, “Integrated Circuits and Semiconductor Devices, Theory and
Applications”, McGraw Hill, 1987, ISBN 0 – 07 – 016246 – 8, 2nd Edition.

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A

Second Year

Computer Engineering

First Semester


COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A

CS5112 : Data Structures And Algorithms - I

Prerequisites :
Computer fundamentals and Programming.

Aim :
The objective of the course is to introduce the concepts of data types, data structures,
algorithms and complexity. The data structures include linear data structures with application
of divide and conquer, recursion and randomization algorithms. The course also focuses on
sorting and searching algorithms.

1. To understand use of efficient programming and documentation.
2. To introduce algorithmic analysis, fundamental data structures, problem solving
3. To study the representation, implementation and application of basic data structures.
4. To introduce algorithmic strategies and time complexity analysis of problems.

List of Practicals

1. Write a C Program to find a factorial of a number using recursive and non recursive
2. Write a C Program to implement Set operations using arrays- union, intersection,
difference, symmetric difference.
3. Write a C program to perform various String operations using arrays such as copy,
length, substring, palindrome, etc. (without built in functions)
4. Write a C program to perform various String operations using pointers such as length,
concat, reverse, compare etc. (without built in functions)
5. Write a C Program to represent single variable polynomial using array and perform
addition, multiplication of them.
6. Write a C program to implement Matrix operations like addition, multiplication,
transpose, etc.
7. Write a C program to represent sparse matrix using array and perform sparse matrix
addition, simple & fast transpose.
8. Write a C Program to create a database (such as employee, student) using single
linked list with options like Create, insert, delete, modify, search, print reverse,
display etc.
9. Write a C program to accept binary numbers in doubly linked list & perform
addition of them and store the result in another list.
COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A
10. Write a C Program to represent multivariable polynomial as a circular linked list and
using menu perform addition, multiplication and evaluation.
11. Write a C Program to create two sorted singly linked lists, and Merge these two lists
into third list without creating a new linked list.
12. Write a C program to create a GLL and perform accept, copy and display functions
on it.
13. Write a C program to implement stack using array, linked list and perform Push and
Pop operations on it.
14. Write a C program to check the parenthesis validity of the given expression using
15. Write a C program to convert infix expression to postfix and evaluate it using stack.
16. Write a C program to implement Circular Queue using array, linked list and perform
add and delete operations on it.
17. Write a C program to implement Double Ended Queue using linked list.
18. Write a C program to implement Sorting methods- bubble, insertion, bucket, selection
sort. Display results after every pass.
19. Write a C Program to implement Quick sort and Merge sort.
20. Write a C program to implement Binary search method - with and without recursion.

Upon Completion of the course, the students will be able to:
5. Understand of how several fundamental algorithms work
6. Understand of the fundamental data structures used in computer science
7. Analyze the space and time efficiency of most algorithms
8. Design new algorithms or modify existing ones for new applications and reason about
the efficiency of the result
Text Books:
1. Y. Langsam, M.J.Augenstein, A.M.Tenenbaum, ‘Data structures using C and C++’,
Pearson Education, Second Edition, 2002.
2. Balaguruswamy,’ C and Data Structures’ TMH Publication, 2003

Reference Books :
1. M. Weiss, ‘Data structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++’, Pearson Education, 2nd
Edition, 2002
2. J. Tremblay, P. soresan, ‘An Introduction to data Structures with applications’, TMH
Publication, 2nd Edition, 1984.
3. A. Drozdek, ‘Data Structures in C++’, 2nd Edition, Thomson Brookes / COLE Books,
4. E. Horwitz , S. Sahani, D. Mehta, ’fundamentals of Data Structures in C++’, Galgotia book
source, New Delhi, 1995.

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A

CS5122: Numerical Methods and Simulation
The course explains the importance and symbiosis between Mathematics and Engineering.
This course module has helped to develop skills of numerical techniques, probability,
queuing models. The objective of the course is to achieve fluency with Numerical tools
which is an essential weapon in modern Graduate Engineer’s Armory and the balance
between the development of understanding and mastering of numerical techniques.

List of Practicals

1) Program for Lagrange Interpolation Method

2) Program for Cubic Spline Interpolation for arbitrary set of points . The second
derivative at the end points are assumed as zeros (natural spline).
3) Program to solve an IVP , dy/dx =f(x,y), y(x0)=y0, using Euler Method. The initial
values x0, y0, the final value xf and the step size are to be read. F(x,y) is written as a
function subprogram Program to solve an IVP , dy/dx =f(x,y), y(x0)=y0, using Milne
Simpson Method The initial values x0, y0, the final value xf and the step size h are to
be read. Starting values are calculated using classical fourth order Runge Kutta method.
Adams-Bashforth method of third order is used as a predictor and Milne-Simpson
method is iterated till abs(yold-ynew)<=err where err is error tolerance.
4) Program to solve the linear two point boundary value problem
Un = p[x] (du/dx) + q[x]u+r[x] = G (x, u, du/dx) , u[a]=s1, u[b]=s2 by shooting
method using the superposition principle. The initial value problem is solved by the
fourth order Runge Kutta Method for 2x2 system. It requires two approximations of
the slope of the solution curve at the starting point of integration. The linear function
G is given as a function subprogram.
5) Write a program to generate Huffman variable length code.

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A

6) Write a program which will find the
1) minimum, maximum entropy
2) Joint entropy
3) Conditional entropy for the given information
7) For given data find the measures of central tendency and dispersion. Also find
coefficient of skewness.
8) Write a program to find the binomial and poison probabilities by receiving input data from
the user.
9) Study of Pro-Model simulation software used for queuing problems.
10) Demonstrate any simulation software for queuing applications to explore the software
By the end of this module students are expected to demonstrate the knowledge of
8. Difference operators, Different Interpolation Methods and the curve fitting.
9. Euler’s Method, Euler’s Modify Method, Runge Kutta’s Fourth Order Method and
Adom Bashforth Method for First Order Differential Equations with their Stability
10. Shooting Method for Initial Value Problem.
11. Finite Difference Method for Boundary Value Problem and Rayleigh Ritz’s method,
Galarkin Method, Finite Element Ritz’s Method (Second Order Differential Equations
12. Random Variables and Random Processes and various Probability Distributions.
13. Sample mean, Sample variance, Sampling Distribution, Student’s t Test, Chi Square
test, Measuring Information, Entropy, Interpretation of Entropy, Joint Entropy,
Conditional Entropy, Huffman Codes.
14. Little’s Theorem, Poisson Arrival Models, Markov Chain Formulation, Different
Markov Systems, The M/G/1 System, M/G/1 Queues with Vacations, Reservations
and Polling, Priority Queuing.

Text Books
1. M. K. Jain, S.R.K Iyengar & R .K. Jain ,’Numerical Methods for scientific & engineering
computations’, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi,2nd Edition,1991.
2. Gross D. and Harris C., John Wiley & Sons,’ Fundamentals of queuing theory’, New York,
3. Robert B. Ash,’ Information Theory’, Dover Publications, Inc. New York, 2007.

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A

Reference Books
1. S.M.Ross, ‘Probability models for computer science’,Academic Press, 2006.
2. Albert Leon-Gracia, University of Toronto,’Probability and Random Processes for
engineering’, by Pearson Education, 2nd Edition, 2004.
3. S. M. Ross ,’Simulation ‘, Academic Press, 2002.
4. Allen, A.O., “Probability, Statistics and Queuing theory”, Academic Press, 1981.
5. R.B.Cooper,’ Introduction to Queuing theory’, McMillan , New York, 1972 (Introductory)

EC9992: Digital Electronics And Logic Design

To build and verify simple combinational and sequential circuits.

List of Practicals

I Combinational Logic Design

1. Verification of Logical Gates and Boolean Algebra.
2 . Code converters, e.g. Excess-3 to BCD and vice versa using logical gates.
3 . Multiplexer - e.g. 16:1 Mux using 4:1 Mux (IC 74153).
4. Decoder – e.g. 2 bit comparator (IC 74138).
5 . BCD adder –using IC 7483.
II Sequential Circuit Design (Any six)
1. Conversion of flip-flops. e.g. JK to D,T.
2. Ripple (asynchronous) mod –N counter using J-K F-F.
3. Ripple (asynchronous) mod –N counter using IC 7490
4. Synchronous 2 bit Up /down counter using JK flip-flop .
5. Sequence generator using JK flip-flop
6. Pseudo random number generator using 74194.(universal shift register)
7. Sequence detector (Moore ckt) using JK flip-flop
8. Sequence detector (Mealy ckt) using JK flip-flop
III ASM (Any one)
Simple ASM using multiplexer controller method using Simulator.
2. Design of simple combinational circuit: half adder and subs tractor using
VHDL language

Outcomes: At the end of the course students will:

7. Implement code conversion
8. Use K-map for Simplification and designing of different combinational circuit.
9. Implement 3-bit,4 bit counters, shift register, sequence generator, sequence
10. Design ASM using simulator.
11. Be able to design simple combinational circuit: half adder and subs tractor using
VHDL language.
Text Books

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A

1. R.P. Jain, "Modern Digital Electronics", Tata McGraw-Hill, 3rd Edition ,2003, ISBN 0 -
07 - 049492 - 4
2. J. Wakerly, "Digital Design - Principles and Practices", Pearson Education,
Reference Books
1. M. Mano, "Digital Design", Pearson Education, 3rd Edition ,2002, ISBN - 81 - 7808 - 555
2. J. Yarbrough, "Digital Logic: Applications and Design", Thomson Brooks/Cole (Vikas
Publishing House, New Delhi), 2002, ISBN 981 - 240 - 062 - 1
3. J. Bignell, R. Donovan, "Digital Electronics", DELMAR Thomson Learning, 4th Edition,
2001, ISBN 981 - 240 - 352 - 3
4. A. Malvino, D. Leach, "Digital Principles and Applications", Tata McGraw Hill, 5th
Edition, 2003, ISBN 0 - 07 - 047258 – 0

Second Year Engineering

Second Semester

(Theory Subjects )

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A

CS0192: Data Structures and Algorithms - II

Data structures and algorithms – I

Aim :
This course addresses techniques for programming with collections of data, and the data
structures and algorithms that are needed to implement these collections. The course
emphasizes the practical application of techniques for writing and analyzing programs.

1. To study the representation, implementation & applications of data structures.
2. To compare alternative implementations of data structures.
3. To compare the benefits of static and dynamic data structures.
4. To choose the appropriate data structure for modeling a given problem.

Unit 1 : Basic Trees (9 Hrs )

Review of basic terminology, binary trees and its representation using sequential and linked
organization, full and complete binary trees, Creation of a binary tree, binary tree traversals
(recursive and non recursive), operations such as copy, equal etc. Binary search tree, creation
of binary Search tree, finding height and counting leaf nodes of a binary search tree (with and
without recursion), Finding mirror image of the binary search tree with and without
recursion, Deletion of a node from a binary search tree, printing a tree level wise and depth
wise. Threaded binary trees, Creation and traversal of in-order, pre-order and post-order
threaded binary tree, Insertion and deletion of nodes in threaded binary tree.

Unit 2 : Tree Applications ( 9 Hrs )

Applications of binary trees: Gaming, Expression tree, Heap sorting; Symbol table, OBST
and Huffman’s algorithm (Dynamic Programming Strategy), Indexing techniques, B- tree,
B+tree, red-black tree, AA trees.

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A

Unit 3 : Graphs ( 10 Hrs )
Review of basic terminology, Representation of graphs using adjacency matrix, adjacency
list, Traversals: Depth First and Breadth First, Connected components and spanning trees,
Kruskal’s and Prim’s algorithms for minimum spanning tree (Greedy Strategy), Algorithm
for shortest path- Dijkstra’s algorithm. Graph applications : Multistage Graph Problem and
Travelling Salesperson Problem (Dynamic Programming Strategy)

Unit 4 : Hashing ( 5 Hrs )

Hash tables, Hash functions: Division, folding and Mid square methods, Collusion Resolution
Strategies: Linear Probing, rehashing, Open addressing and Chaining, Chaining with and
without replacement, Table Overflow, Extendible hashing.

Unit 5 : Files ( 4 Hrs )

External storage devices, Files: Definition and concepts, File organizations, Processing of
sequential, Index-sequential and direct files.

Unit 6 : Dynamic Programming Strategy ( 6 Hrs)

Problems based on Dynamic Programming Strategy (e.g. , 0-1 knapsack, change coin
problem, Flow shop scheduling). Comparison with Greedy Strategy.
Explanation of previous problems: OBST, Huffman and TSP as algorithms according to
Dynamic Programming Strategy.

Upon completion of the course, the students will be able to:
1. Use principles for good program design, especially the uses of data abstraction and
modular program composition;
2. Use major techniques for implementing the fundamental data types (linked lists,
binary search trees, hashing, heaps, etc.)
3. Understand how the choice of data structures and algorithm design methods impacts
the performance of programs.
4. Implement specific data structures such as binary trees, heaps, binary search trees, and
5. Implement specific algorithm design methods such as the greedy method, divide and
conquer, dynamic programming, backtracking, and branch and bound.

Text Books:
1. Y. Langsam, M.J.Augenstein, A.M.Tenenbaum, ‘Data structures using C and C++’,
Pearson Education, Second Edition, 2002.

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A

2. E. Horwitz , S. Sahani, S.Rajasekaran, ’Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms’, Galgotia
book source, New Delhi, 1998.

Reference Books :
1. M. Weiss, ‘Data structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++’, Pearson Education, 2nd
Edition, 2002
2. J. Tremblay, P. soresan, ‘An Introduction to data Structures with applications’, TMH
Publication, 2nd Edition, 1984.
3. A. Drozdek, ‘Data Structures in C++’, 2nd Edition, Thomson Brookes / COLE Books,
4. E. Horwitz , S. Sahani, D. Mehta, ’Fundamentals of Data Structures in C++’, Galgotia
book source, New Delhi, 1995.

CS0172 : Microprocessor Interfacing Techniques

Understanding of Digital Logic Circuits: Buffers, Flip-flops, Gates, Shifters.. Basic
Electronics Transistors Diodes, LED’s.

To acquire knowledge of Microprocessors fundamentals.

To explore internal architecture of microprocessor, signal and interface with memory and I/O

Unit 1: Introduction to 8086 microprocessor ( 7 Hrs )

Introduction to32 bit 8086 microprocessor, Internal Architecture, Pin Diagram, Min Max
Mode, study of 8086 supporting chips 8282, 8284, 8286, 8288. Timing Diagram Read Write
Machine Cycles.

Unit 2: Assembly language programming of 8086 ( 7 Hrs )

Address Decoding, Even-Odd Memory Banks and Accessing Memory and I/O ports.
Programmer’s model, Addressing Modes, Instruction sets, Assembler Directives, Far near

Unit 3: Interrupt structure of 8086 ( 6 Hrs )

Interrupt Structure , Interrupt service Routine, Interrupt Vector Table, Hardware and
Software Interrupts, INTR ,NMI , Interrupt Response, Priority if interrupts.

Unit 4: Interfacing with 8086-I (8 Hrs )

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A
Priority interrupt controller (8259)-block diagram, cascade connections of PIC’s
Programmable interrupt timer/counter (8254)-block diagram, control word & interfacing
Programmable peripheral interface (8255)-block diagram, control word, interfacing ADC,
DAC, stepper motor in mode 0

Unit 5: Interfacing with 8086-II ( 8 Hrs )

Keyboard display interface (8279)-Block Diagram , encoded & decoded mode, Interfacing &
programming Asynchronous , Synchronous Communication, RS 232C
Universal synchronous asynchronous receiver transmitter 8251-Block Diagram, Interfacing,

Unit 6: DOS and TSR’s ( 6 Hrs )

DOS, Internals, Loading, Memory Map, POST sequence, PSP, .EXE, .COM. BIOS Calls,
INT 10H, DOS calls-INT 25H. TSR’s, Type –active, passive, TSR Structure, Loading &
Writing TSR’s

At the end of the course student will be able to design microprocessor based systems.
Students have a scope to further enhance their abilities in learning subjects like
embedded systems.

Text Books:
1. Douglas Hall, “Microprocessors and Interfacing”, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill, 2003.
2. Peter Abel “ Assembly Language Programming” , Pearson Education , 5th

Reference Books:
1. Ray Duncan, “ Advanced MS DOS Programming”,2nd Edition, BPB
2. A. ray, K. Bhurchandi, ”Advanced microprocessors and peripherals :Architecture
,programming & interfacing”,4th edition, Tata McGraw-Hill,2004
3. INTEL – Microprocessor and Peripheral Handbook VOL I
4. Intel data manual on microprocessors Vol. II

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A

CS0182 : Object Oriented Programming And Computer

Aim :
The aim of this Syllabus is to teach students the basic concepts of Object Oriented
Programming (OOP) and also about fundamentals of Computer Graphics.

1. To understand basic concepts of Object Oriented Programming.
2. To understand inheritance, polymorphisms, templates, file handling.
3. To understand basic concepts of computer graphics.
4. To understand algorithms to draw various graphics primitives.
5. To understand 2-D and 3-D transformations.

Unit 1 : Introduction to Object Oriented Programming ( 7 Hrs )

Introduction to procedural, modular, object-oriented and generic programming techniques,
Limitations of procedural programming, Need of object-oriented programming, fundamentals
of object-oriented programming: objects, classes, data members, methods, messages, data
encapsulation, data abstraction and information hiding, inheritance, polymorphism,
overloading. Extensions to C: Variable declarations, global scope, 'const', reference variables,
comments, default parameters, inline functions, default and constant arguments.
Classes and Objects: Defining a class, data members and methods, access specifiers, Local
classes, inline member functions, default and constant arguments, Scope Resolution Operator
Memory Management Operators, Manipulators, constructors & types, destructors, array of
objects, pointers and classes, class as ADTs.

Unit 2 : Inheritance ( 7 Hrs )

Function overloading: Function overloading, function with default arguments.
Concept and need, single inheritance, base and derived classes, friend classes, types of
inheritance, member access control-private, public & protected, friend function, static data
COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A
members, static member functions, static class, constructors in derived classes, multiple
inheritance- ambiguity, virtual base class, container classes.

Unit 3 : Polymorphism ( 7 Hrs )

Introduction, compile time & run time polymorphism.
Operator Overloading: Introduction, Need of operator overloading, overloading the
assignment, binary and unary operators, 'this' pointer, overloading using friends, rules for
operator overloading, type conversions.
Virtual functions: Void pointers, pointer to function and objects, pointers and memory
Management, pointers to derived classes, abstract base class, pure virtual functions, and
virtual destructors. Introduction, Function template and class template, function overloading
vs. function templates, member function templates and template arguments.

Unit 4 : Managing Console I/O Operations ( 7 Hrs )

Introduction, C++ streams, stream classes, unformatted I/O, formatted I/O and I/O
manipulators Files and Streams: Concept of a file, file operations, streams, opening and
closing a file, detecting end-of-file, file modes, file pointer, structures and files, classes and
files, sequential file processing Updating a file-Random access, Error handling , Command
Line Arguments
Unit 5 : Fundamentals of Graphics ( 7 Hrs )
Introduction to computer graphics, lines, line segments, vectors, pixels and frame buffers,
vector generation, Generation of line using DDA algorithm and Bresenham's line drawing
algorithm, Generation of circle using Bresenham's algorithm, DDA algorithm and Mid point
algorithm.Polygon filling: Seed fill scan line algorithm, Edge fill, Boundary fill, Flood fill.
Window clipping: Line clipping using Cohen Sutherland algorithm, Polygon Clipping using
Sutherland-Hodgman algorithm.

Unit 6 : 2D & 3D Transformations ( 7 Hrs )

2D Transformations: Translation, Rotation, Scaling, Reflection and Shear.
3D Transformations: Introduction, 3-D geometry, primitives ,translation, scaling, rotation
about any axis not parallel x, y or z axis, aliasing and antialiasing techniques in graphics
Curves and Fractals : Introduction, Curve generation, Interpolation, interpolating algorithms,
interpolating polygons, B-Spline and corners, Bezier curves, Fractals, fractal lines and
Upon completion of the course, students should be able to successfully complete:

1. Correctly implement a class in the target language, including the appropriate use
of public and private methods and data.
2. Implement a subclass of the existing class in order to extend the functionality of
the base class in order to solve the stated problem.
3. Design and implement a reusable collection class (templates), creation and
manipulation of files.

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A

4. Implementation of graphics primitives such as line drawing, polygon filling,
5. Implementation of 2D & 3D concepts in computer graphics.
Text Books :
1. E. Balaguruswamy, "Object Oriented Programming with C++", Tata McGraw-Hill
Publishing Company Ltd, New Delhi ISBN 0 - 07 - 462038 - X.
2. J. Foley, V. Dam, S. Feiner, J. Hughes, "Computer Graphics Principles and Practice",
Pearson Education, 2nd Edition.,2003, ISBN 81 - 7808 - 038 – 9.
Reference Books:
1. R. Lafore, "The Waite Group's Object oriented Programming in C++", Galgotia
Publications, 3rd Edition ,2001, ISBN 81-7515-269-9.
2. B. Stroustrup, "C++ Programming Language", Pearson Education, , 3rd
Edition.,1997, ISBN 0 - 201 – 327554.
3. Herbert Schildt,” C++ Complete Reference”, TMH
4. D. Rogers, "Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics", Tata McGraw-Hill
Publication, 2nd Edition, 2001, ISBN 0 - 07 - 047371 – 4,.
5. F. Hill, "Computer Graphics: Using OpenGL", Pearson Education, 2nd Edition, 2003
ISBN 81 - 297 – 0181 – 2,
6. D. Hearn, M. Baker, "Computer Graphics - C Version", Pearson Education, 2nd
Edition, 2002, ISBN 81 7808 - 794 – 4
7. S. Harrington, "Computer Graphics McGraw-Hill Publications, 2nd Edition, 1987,
ISBN 0 – 07 -100472- 6,
8. D. Rogers, J. Adams, "Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics", Tata
McGraw-Hill Publication, 2nd Edition.,2002, ISBN 0 - 07 - 048677 – 8.

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A


Prerequisites: Engineering Mathematics- I and Engineering Mathematics - II

The course explains the importance and symbiosis between Mathematics and Engineering.
The objective of the course is to achieve a fluency with Mathematical tools which is an
essential weapon in modern Graduate Engineer’s Armory and the balance between the
development of understanding and mastering of solution techniques with emphasis being on
the development of student’s ability to use Mathematics with understanding to solve
Engineering problems by retaining the philosophy of “learning by doing”.

Unit-1. Logic and Proofs (7 Hrs)

Propositions, Conditional Propositions, Logical Connectivity, Prepositional calculus,
Universal and Existential Quantifiers, Proofs, Proof Techniques, Mathematical Induction. Set
Theory - Set, Combination of sets, Finite and Infinite sets, Un-countably infinite sets,
Principle of inclusion and exclusion

Unit-2. Relations and Functions (7 Hrs)

Definitions, Properties of Binary Relations, Equivalence Relations and partitions, Partial
ordering relations and lattices, Chains and Anti chains. Definitions, domain, Range, One-to-
One and On-To, Inverse and Composition, Pigeonhole Principle, Discrete Numeric functions
and Generating functions, Job scheduling Problem. Recurrence Relation, Linear Recurrence
COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A
Relations With constant Coefficients, Homogeneous Solutions, Total solutions, solutions by
the method of generating functions
Unit-3. Algebra and Number Theory (7 Hrs)
Groups, Ring, Field, GF Fields. Modulo Arithmetic: Modulo Operator, Set of Residues,
Modular Exponentiation, Congruence, Operations in Zn, Multiplicative and Additive
Inverses. Fermat and Euler Theorems. Euclid's Algorithm, Primitive roots, Chinese
Remainder Algorithm.

Unit-4. Linear Differential equations of higher order (7 Hrs)

Homogeneous Linear Differential Equations of Second Order, Higher Order Homogeneous &
Non Homogeneous Linear Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients, Solutions by
undetermined coefficients and Variation of Parameters method, Euler – Cauchy Equation,
Application of system of ordinary differential equations.

Unit-5. Complex Variables and Z Transform (7 Hrs)

Derivative, Analytical function, Cauchy-Riemann equations, Complex Integration, Cauchy’s
Integral Theorem and formula, Residue Theorem and applications to Engineering Problems,
Introduction to Z Transform, properties of Z-Transform, Inverse Z-Transform, application of
Z-transform to difference equations.

Unit-6. Fourier and Laplace Transform (7 Hrs)

Complex Fourier series and frequency spectrum, Fourier integrals, Fourier cosine and sine
transforms, Fourier transforms. Introduction to Laplace Transform and its properties. Laplace
Transform of Unit step function, Delta function and periodic function. Inverse Laplace
Transform and its evaluation. Application of Fourier transform and Laplace Transform to
Engineering Problems.

By the end of this module students are expected to demonstrate the knowledge of
1. Mathematical Statements and connectivities, Quantifiers, Set Theory, Un-countably
infinite sets, Principle of inclusion and exclusion

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A

2. Binary Relations & its Properties, Different types of Relations, partitions, Partial
ordering relations and lattices, Functions, Pigeonhole Principle, Discrete Numeric
functions and Generating functions.
3. Elementary knowledge of Group theory, Euclid's Algorithm, Primitive roots, Chinese
Remainder Algorithm
4. Linear differential equations for modeling of a linear systems and its solutions by
classical, transform techniques and numerical methods.
5. Cauchy-Riemann equations, Contour Integration.
6. Solutions of difference equations by using Z-transforms.
7. Complex Fourier series and frequency spectrum, Fourier transforms and its properties,
Laplace Transform and its properties. Application to solve Engineering problem.

1. Erwin Kreyszig, ‘Advanced Engineering Mathematics’, John Wiley and sons, inc., 8th
Edition, 2003.
2. B.S. Grewal, ‘Higher Engineering Mathematics’, Khanna Publishers, Delhi, 38th
Edition, 2000.

1. Murray R. Spiegel ‘Advanced Calculus’ by [Schaum’s out line series],1981
2. Thomas, G. B. and Finney,’Calculus and analytic Geometry, Wesley/Narosa, (6th
Edition) 1985.
3. Dennis G. Zill and Michael R. Cullen, ‘Advanced Engineering Mathematics’, CBS
New Delhi, (2nd Edition), 2000.
4. Michael D.Greenberg, ‘Advanced Engineering Mathematics’, Prentice Hall
International, (second Edition), 1998.
5. C. Ray Wylie, Louis C Barrett R, ‘Advanced Engineering Mathematics’, McGraw-
Hill Book Company, 6th Ed,2003.
6. Pipes and Harvill, ‘Applied Mathematics for Engineers and Physicists’, McGraw-Hill
Book Company, 3rd Ed. 1984.
7. Larry C., Andrews & Ronald L. Philips, ‘Mathematical Techniques for Engineers &
scientists’, PHI Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, Indian reprint by SPIE, 2005.
8. Alan Jeffrey, ‘Advanced Engineering Mathematics’, Academic Press, 1st Ed., 2002.
COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A
9. David M. Burton, ‘Elementary Number Theory’, Mcgraw Hill Inc New York, 2nd
10. Ivan Niven, Herbert S. Zuckerman and Hugh L. Montgomery, ‘The Theory of
Numbers’ John Wiley & Sons Inc. New York, Fifth Edition, 2001
11. Tremblay and Manohar, ‘Discrete Mathematical Structures with applications to
Computer Science’, Tata Mcgraw-Hill, 23rd Reprint,2005.

EC4882: Principles of Communication Engineering

Aim :
To gain proficiency in electronic communication concepts to be applied in
advanced networking domains

1. To understand the basics of signals , modulation
2. Understand multiplexing techniques
3. Application of the above mentioned concepts in the real world
4. Introduction to Computer Networks

Unit 1 : Introduction to Electronic Communication ( 7 Hrs)

The importance of Communication, Elements of communication system, Types of electronics

communication, survey of communication applications, Electromagnetic spectrum,
Introduction to Fourier Series, Fourier Transform- DFT, IFT and properties of Fourier

Unit 2 : Modulation Techniques ( 7 Hrs)

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A

Principles of Amplitude Modulation, Modulation index and percentage of modulation, AM
power distribution, Single sideband communication, ISB modulation, AM transmitters and
Frequency modulation principles, Phase modulation, FM with binary signals, sideband and
modulation index, FM vs AM
Examples : TV signal, TV receiver
Receivers : Superheterodyne receiver, Frequency conversion, Intermediate frequency
selection and Images.

Unit 3 : Multiplexing and Telephony ( 7 Hrs)

Introduction, FDM , TDM, Pulse code modulation, Delta modulation, PAM, Sampling
Transmission lines
Telephone System, Fascimile, Cellular Telephone System, Paging System.

Unit 4 : Data Communication ( 7 Hrs)

Digital Communication concepts, Modems, Null modems, ASK, PSK, FSK

Error detection and correction: LRC, VRC, CRC, Hamming code, Checksum
Introduction to Computer Networks : OSI model, Spread Spectrum, Fibre Optic

A student well equipped with the required knowledge and fundamentals to understand and
gain insight into advanced computer network courses

Text Books :
1. Frenzel, Communication Electronics Principles and Applications, Tata McGraw Hill
Publication., Third Edition.
2. Kennedy, Principles of Communication Systems, McGraw Hill
3. Roddy Coolen, Electronic Communication

Reference Books :
1. Taub and Schilling, Principles of Communication
2. Behrouz Ferouzan, Data and Computer Communication

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A

Second Year Engineering

Second Semester


COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A

CS5162 : Data Structures And Algorithms - II

Prerequisites :
Data structures and algorithms – I

Aim :
This course addresses techniques for programming with collections of data, and the data
structures and algorithms that are needed to implement these collections. The course
emphasizes the practical application of techniques for writing and analyzing programs.

5. To study the representation, implementation & applications of data structures.
6. To compare alternative implementations of data structures.
7. To compare the benefits of static and dynamic data structures.
8. To choose the appropriate data structure for modeling a given problem.

List of Practicals

1. Write a C program to create a binary tree and traverse it in preorder, postorder and
inorder way, both by recursion and non-recursion.
2. Write a C program to create a binary search tree and perform insertion and deletion of
a node in it.
COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A
3. Write a C program to create a binary search tree and find height & number of leaf
nodes with and without recursion and print leaf nodes also.
4. Write a C program to create a binary search tree. Find its mirror image. Print original
and mirror image level wise.
5. Write a C program to create an inorder threaded binary tree and perform all three
6. Write a C program to implement Hufffman’s algorithm.
7. Write a C program to implement Heap Sort.
8. Write a C program to represent a given graph using adjacency list and perform DFS
and BFS.
9. Write a C program to represent a given graph using adjacency array and find the
shortest path using Dijkstra algorithms.
10. Write a C program to represent a given graph using adjacency list and generate a
minimum spanning tree using Kruskal’s algorithm.
11. Write a C program to represent a given graph using adjacency array and generate a
minimum spanning tree using Prim’s algorithms.
12. Write a C program to create a hash table and handle the collisions using linear
probing with or without replacement.
13. Write a C program to create a hash table and handle the collisions using chaining with
or without replacement.
14. Write a C program to create a text file, read it and compute frequency of vowels,
count words, characters, lines and white spaces and write these results into another
text file. Use command line arguments.
15. Write a C program for implementation of sequential file and perform insertion of
record, display, delete and modify, search operations on it.
16. Write a C program for implementation of simple index file and perform insertion of
record, display, delete and modify operations on it.
17. Write a C program for implementation of direct access file – Insertion and deletion of
a record from a direct access file chaining with or without replacement.
18. Mini project which will make use of different data structures learnt in this subject.

Upon completion of the course, the students will be able to:
6. Use principles for good program design, especially the uses of data abstraction and
modular program composition;
7. Use major techniques for implementing the fundamental data types (linked lists,
binary search trees, hashing, heaps, etc.)
8. Understand how the choice of data structures and algorithm design methods impacts
the performance of programs.
9. Implement specific data structures such as binary trees, heaps, binary search trees, and
10. Implement specific algorithm design methods such as the greedy method, divide and
conquer, dynamic programming, backtracking, and branch and bound.

Text Books:

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A

1. Y. Langsam, M.J.Augenstein, A.M.Tenenbaum, ‘Data structures using C and C++’,
Pearson Education, Second Edition, 2002.
2. E. Horwitz , S. Sahani, D. Mehta, ’fundamentals of Data Structures in C++’, Galgotia book
source, New Delhi, 1995.

Reference Books :
1. M. Weiss, ‘Data structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++’, Pearson Education, 2nd
Edition, 2002
2. J. Tremblay, P. soresan, ‘An Introduction to data Structures with applications’, TMH
Publication, 2nd Edition, 1984.
3. A. Drozdek, ‘Data Structures in C++’, 2nd Edition, Thomson Brookes / COLE Books,

CS5172: Microprocessor Interfacing Laboratory

Understanding of Digital Logic Circuits: Buffers, Flip-flops, Gates, Shifters.. Basic
Electronics Transistors Diodes, LED’s

To study programming model of 8086 and assembly language programming.

List of Practicals

Group A:- ( Any 6)

1. Study of 8086 Architecture and Execution of sample programs.

2. Write 8086 Assembly language program to access marks of 5 subjects stored in array and
find overall percentage and display grade according to it.
3. Write 8086 ALP to perform block transfer operation.(Don’t use string operations)
Data bytes in a block stored in one array transfer to another array..
Use debugger to show execution of program.
4 Write 8086 ALP to find and count negative number from the array of signed number stored
in memory.
COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A
5. Write 8086 Assembly language program (ALP) to arrange the numbers stored in the array
in ascending as well as descending order. Assume that the first location in the array holds
the number of elements in the array and successive memory location will have actual array
elements. Write a separate subroutine to arrange the numbers in ascending and descending
order. Accept a key from the user.
a. If user enters 0, Arrange in ascending
b. If user enters 1, Arrange in descending
6. Write 8086 Alp to convert 2_digit HEX number into equivalent BCD number.
7. Write 8086 ALP to convert 2_digit BCD number into equivalent HEX number.
8. Write 8086 Assembly language program (ALP) for following operations on the string
entered by the user.
a. Concatenation of two strings
b. Find number of words, characters

Group B:- (Any 6)

10. Write 8086 ALP to convert an analog signal in the range of 0V to 5V to its corresponding
digital signal using successive approximation ADC.
11. Write 8086 ALP to interface DAC & generate following waveforms on oscilloscope.
Comment on types of DAC’s and write detailed specifications of the DAC used
i) Square wave -- Variable Duty Cycle & frequency.
ii) Stair case wave
iii) Triangular wave
12. Write 8086 ALP to rotate a stepper motor for
a) one clockwise rotation
b) one anti clockwise rotation
Write routines to accelerate and de-accelerate the motor
Modify your program to rotate stepper motor for given angle and given direction.
13. Write 8086 ALP to program 8253 in Mode 0 . Generate a square wave with a pulse of 10
mS. .
14. Write 8086 ALP to initialize 8279 & to display characters in right entry mode. Provide
also the facility to display “SECOMP”.
1. Character in left entry mode
2. Rolling Display
3. Flashing Display

15. Perform an experiment to establish communication between two USART’s Initialize

USART-A in asynchronous transmitter mode and interface USART-B by initializing it in
asynchronous receiver mode.

16. Consider 8086 based microprocessor system with following specifications:

1. Memory:16Kb Monitor program in ROM, 8Kb Scratch Pad RAM
2. Peripherals: 8255, 8253.
3. I/O Devices: six 7 Segment Displays and Hex Key Pad through 8279.
Draw the entire system block diagram showing the details of memory decoding, chip
selection logic, latches, buffers, system clock, power on RESET, address data and Control
COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A
18. Write TSR program in 8086 ALP to handle the “Divide by zero” interrupts. Test your
program with a small code, which causes the divide by zero interrupt.

19 Write TSR program in 8086 ALP to implement Real Time Clock (RTC). Read the Real
Time from CMOS chip by suitable INT & FUNCTION & display the RTC at the bottom
right corner on the screen. Access the video RAM directly in your routine.

Note: - Students should perform any 6 assignments from group A and any 6
assignments from group B

At the end of course, student should get well acquaint with assembly language programming
and concepts of TSR‘s.

Text books:
1 Douglas Hall,’Microprocessors and Interfacing’, McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition.
2 Ray Duncan, ‘Advanced MS DOS Programming’, Latest Edition.

Reference Books:
1 Peter Abel, “Assembly Language Programming”, Pearson Education, 5th Edition.
2 INTEL – Microprocessor and Peripheral Handbook VOL I

CS5182 : Object Oriented Programming And Computer


Aim :
The aim of this Syllabus is to teach students the basic concepts of Object Oriented
Programming (OOP) and also about fundamentals of Computer Graphics.

6. To understand basic concepts of Object Oriented Programming.
7. To understand inheritance, polymorphisms, templates, file handling.
8. To understand basic concepts of computer graphics.
9. To understand algorithms to draw various graphics primitives.
10. To understand 2-D and 3-D transformations.

List of Practicals
Group A

1. Write a program for implementation of constructors, destructors, new, delete operators.

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A
2. Write a program for implementing function overloading and function with default

3. Write a program to implement friend function, function overloading, function with default
arguments, constructors etc.

4. Write a program to create a database of any information system and provide the facilities
for Insertion, Deletion, Modification, Search and Display using multiple inheritance.

5. Write a program to implement hybrid inheritance.

6. Write a program to implement class for overloading ‘-(hyphen)’, ‘++’,’--‘, ‘+’, ‘-‘,
‘<<’,’=’,’==’ and ‘>>’ operators.

7. Write a program to implement virtual function.

8. Write a program to perform various operations by using Templates.

9. Declare class ‘STACK’ and ‘QUEUE’ and handle the run time anomalies .

10. Write a program to maintain the details of any system using files. Implement functions to
add, delete, modify, search and display records.

11. Write a program for file handling by using virtual function.

Group B

1. Write a program to draw any shape using Graphics Primitives such as Pixel, Line, Circle,
Ellipse, Polygons, and Line styles.

2. Write a program to draw any shape using DDA & Bresenham’s line algorithm.

3. Write a program to draw any shape using DDA,Bresenham’s & Mid point circle algorithm.

4. Write a program to implement algorithm for filling a polygon using

a) scan line method.
b) Flood fill
c) Edge fill
d) Boundary fill

5. Write a program to implement Line clipping using Cohen Sutherland algorithm.

6. Write a program to implement Polygon clipping using Sutherland Hodgman algorithm.

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A

7. Write a program to implement 2-D transformations such as translation, rotation, scaling

8. Write a program to implement 3-D transformations such as translation, rotation, scaling


Upon completion of the course, students should be able to successfully complete:

6. Correctly implement a class in the target language, including the appropriate use
of public and private methods and data.
7. Implement a subclass of the existing class in order to extend the functionality of
the base class in order to solve the stated problem.
8. Design and implement a reusable collection class (templates), creation and
manipulation of files.
9. Implementation of graphics primitives such as line drawing, polygon filling,
5. Implementation of 2D & 3D concepts in computer graphics

Text Books :
1.E. Balaguruswamy, "Object Oriented Programming with C++", Tata McGraw-Hill
Publishing Company Ltd, New Delhi ISBN 0 - 07 - 462038 - X.
2. S. Harrington, "Computer Graphics McGraw-Hill Publications, 2nd Edition, 1987, ISBN 0
– 07 -100472- 6,

Reference Books:
1. R. Lafore, "The Waite Group's Object oriented Programming in C++", Galgotia
3rd Edition ,2001, ISBN 81-7515-269-9.
2. B. Stroustrup, "C++ Programming Language", Pearson Education, , 3rd Edition.,1997,
ISBN 0 - 201 – 327554.
3. Herbert Schildt,” C++ Complete Reference”, TMH
4. D. Rogers, "Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics", Tata McGraw-Hill
2nd Edition ,2001, ISBN 0 - 07 - 047371 – 4,.
5. J. Foley, V. Dam, S. Feiner, J. Hughes, "Computer Graphics Principles and Practice",
Pearson Education, 2nd Edition.,2003, ISBN 81 - 7808 - 038 – 9.
6. F. Hill, "Computer Graphics: Using OpenGL", Pearson Education, 2nd Edition., 2003
81 - 297 – 0181 – 2,
7. D. Hearn, M. Baker, "Computer Graphics - C Version", Pearson Education, 2nd Edition’
,2002, ISBN 81 7808 - 794 – 4,

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A

8. D. Rogers, J. Adams, "Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics", Tata McGraw-
Publication, 2nd Edition.,2002, ISBN 0 - 07 - 048677 – 8.
9. Kanetkar,’ Let us C++

Department of Computer Engineering

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A

Professional Development Subjects

CS 775: Electronic Data Processing

Aim :
This course aim at develop student for professional handling of software applications.
Software application covered in this course includes Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A

Microsoft PowerPoint, Adobe Photoshop. Teaching methodology includes a combination of
lecture and hands-on instruction to facilitate active learning.


1. Cultivate a deeper understanding of advanced uses of Microsoft Excel for

complicated decision-making and information analysis scenarios.
2. To experience the basics of word processing concepts application and
practically learning ms-word and learn to obtain maximum benefit from it.
3. Demonstrate the use of fundamental concepts of various software packages
such as word processing, Build spreadsheets and charts with Excel ,Develop
and enhance presentations with PowerPoint
4. This training program includes the main features of Adobe Photoshop,
Photoshop is the defacto image-editing solution and its strength lies in the
ability to take images from a wide variety of sources and adjust or manipulate
these images at a pixel level to achieve desired results from simple tonal
adjustments through to complex image montages.

Unit 1:Word Processing (4 Hrs)

MS Word : Introduction to Word Processing , Introduction to MS Word ,Editing a
Document ,Opening Multi document windows, Formatting Documents ,headers and footers,
multiple columns , Checking the grammar and spelling, Formatting via find and replace ,
Using the Thesaurus, Using Auto Correct, Auto Complete and Auto Text, auto summarize,,
word count, Hyphenating, hyperlink, bookmark, table of contents, Mail merge, mailing labels
Wizards and Templates, Handling Graphics, tables and charts, Converting a word document
into various formats like - Text, Rich Text Format, WordPerfect, HTML etc.
Presenting Information in Tables and Columns, Working with Graphics, Working with
Charts, Collaborating with Others, Working with Documents on the Web.

Unit 2: Spreadsheet (4 Hrs)

MS Excel , Worksheet basics and advance concepts, Creating worksheet, Toolbars and
Menus, keyboard shortcuts Working with single and multiple workbook ,Working with
formulas & cell referencing, Autosum , formula auditing, Formatting of worksheet,
conditional formatting , Page setting, page break, Graphs and charts- using wizards, various
charts type, Database - creation, sorting, query & filtering a database , Functions ,creating
and Using Macros, Multiple worksheets- concepts, pivot chart report, Using Scenario
Manager, what if analysis, goal seek.

Unit 3: Business Presentation (4 Hrs)

PowerPoint: Creating a Presentation, Working with a Presentation, Printing a Presentation,
Outlining Your Ideas, Adding and Modifying Slide Text, Applying and Modifying Design
Templates, Viewing and Changing Presentation Colours, custom animation,rehearse timing,
Inserting Information into PowerPoint, Setting Up and Delivering a Slide Show, Creating a
Multimedia Presentation, Creating a Web Presentation.

Unit 4:Photoshop (4 Hrs)

Basic Photo Corrections , Working with Selections , Layer Basics , Masks and Channels ,
Retouching and Repairing , Painting and Editing , Basic Pen Tool Techniques , Advanced

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A

Layer Techniques , Creating Special Effects, Optimizing Web Images and Image Maps ,
Preparing Images for Two-Color Printing , Creating Animated Images for the Web

Electronic Data Processing(Lab)

LIST OF PRACTICAL ASSIGNMENTS: (16 Sessions of 2 hours each)

1. Create business letters (circular ,note) using word.

2. Create invitation card using different styles and graphics using word.
3. Create documents using word standard wizard.
4. Create a document like news paper for printing any news.
5. Create a small magazine using word.
6. Student will submit one technical document from the following:
i. Project proposal
ii. Product brochure
iii. Literature survey on any one topic
iv. User manual
v. Technical help
2. Student will submit one business document from the following
i. A representative official correspondence
ii. Minutes of meeting
iii. Work progress report
3. Create timetable for your course using excel.
4. Create result analysis using formula, function.
5. Prepare charts (5 standard and 5 custom charts) of for sale of different cars
product wise in India and comparison of car features based on standard
6. Create report for result analysis of any course insert graph and worksheet in
word document.
7. Create database for list of equipment of your lab and apply database query and
sorting, autofilter.
8. Create a powepoint presentation about any historical place using custom
animation, graphics, setup show, with sound effects .
9. Prepare a short (8 -10 slides) presentation on a topic of your choice. Your
presentation will be graded on how well it follows the “do’s” of a good
presentation (e.g. Font type and size, color, white space, use of
bullets/numbers, use of graphics, and so on). Good presentations are those
that are interesting, hold your audiences attention, and can be easily read, use
bullet points, transitions, and animation where they apply to the topic).
10. Perform basic image manipulation using ,function and tools,photo
composition, templates and rules,photo composition, lighting.
11. Photo processing using photoshop.

Upon successfully completing this course the student will:
1. Be able to generate professional reports using word processing techniques.
2. Students are able to create spreadsheet and charts very effectively.
3. Students are able to prepare business presentation effectively.
COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A
4. Understand and be able to use Adobe Photoshop to scan, manipulate, and
output images for print, web, and other digital media.
5. adjust or manipulate these images at a pixel level to achieve desired results

Text Books :
1. Jain, S.K. (1999): Information Technology “O” level made simple, BPB Pub.
2. Jain, V.K. (2000): “O” Level Personal Computer Software, BPB Pub.
Reference Books:

1. Alexis Leon and Mathews Leon (1999):Fundamentals of information technology,

Leon Techworld Pub.
2. Microsoft Office 2007: Excel by Timothy J. O'Leary and Linda I. O'Leary
,McGraw Hill, 2008 ,ISBN: 0-07-329452-7

CS 776: Code Tuning Techniques

Aim :
To create high quality software code and to do your work more quickly and with fewer


COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A

1. To give insight into why a programmer has had problems in the past and to show how
to avoid problems in the future.

Unit 1: Laying the Foundation ( 9 Hrs )

Introduction, Upstream prerequisites, Key construction decisions, Design in Code

construction, working classes, high quality routines, defensive programming.

Unit 2: Variables (4 Hrs)

General issues in using variables, Power of Variable names, Analyzing various data types.

Unit 3 : Statements (7 Hrs)

Organizing Straight-Line code, Using Conditionals, Controlling Loops, Unusual control

Structures, Table Driven methods, General Control Issues.

Unit 4 : Code Improvements (7 Hrs)

Software Quality Landscape, Collaborative Construction, Developer Testing, Debugging,

Refactoring, Code Tuning Strategies, Code Tuning Techniques.

Unit 5 : System Considerations (7 Hrs)

How program size affects Construction, Managing Construction, Integration, Programming


Unit 6 : Software Craftmanship (7 Hrs)

Layout and Style, Self Documenting Code, Personal Character, Themes in Software

At the conclusion of the course student would be able to
Keep big projects under control and help maintain and modify software successfully as the
demands of the project change.

Note :

The laboratory work for this course will consist of viewing code written in other laboratories
and finding out the improvements possible from the view point of this course.

Text Books :

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A

1. Steve McConnell , “Code Complete”, Microsoft Press, 2006, 2nd Edition.

CS 777:Document Preparation System

Theory : 1Hour

Aim :
Should use & understand document preparation system.

1. Student should understand the importance of documentation.
2. Student should learn Latex.
COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A
3. Student should use latex for documentation.

Unit 1. Introduction to documentation (3 Hrs)

Need of the documentation, What is Documentation? Documentation Overview,
Components of Documentation (e.g. maps, graphs, table, pictures, etc.)
Application areas for documentation, Different tools available for documentation (MS-

Unit 2 : Introduction to Latex (3 Hrs)

What is Laex? Pros & Cons of Latex, Editors for Latex (e.g Texnic Center, TexMaker)
Using Texnic Center : - Starting a new project, Typing in the source code, Latexing &
viewing document. Commands, Environments, Working with special characters, Creating
new documents, Alternative output formats like dvi,ps,pdf.

Unit 3 : Commands Overview ( 4Hrs)

Simple Font changing commands, Class files & sectioning commands, Page formatting
commands, Basic mathematics, Arrays & delimiters, Multiline Formulae, Cross Referencing,
Citation, Defining new commands,

Unit 4 : Document formatting (4 Hrs)

Lists, Tabulated material, incorporating Images, Boxes & minipages, Figures &
tables, Creating slides, Counters, Conditionals, Writing packages & class files.

List of Practical
1. Create a MS-word document which includes image, graph, chart, etc.
2. Study of different latex softwares e. g Texnic, Texmaker)
3. Installation of any latex software (e. g Texnic, Texmaker)
4. Study of different document file formats like .doc, .ps, .pdf, .dvi, .rtf, etc
5. Create a simple official/formal letter using any documentation software. Is it
necessary to use Latex for creating the letter ? Justify .
6. Create a pdf file which contains different mathematical oprations.
7. Create a pdf which generates List of Tables (At least 3 tables in different
format are expected)
8. Create a pdf which generates List of Figures (At least 3 figures in different
format are expected-.png,.jpeg,etc)
9. Study of GnuPLot.
10. Create a pdf which contains a Graph using GnuPlot.
11. Create a pdf which contains a slide show (al least for 10 slides)
12. Create your resume using pdf file format.
13. Create a .pdf/ .ps file for IEEE Paper presentation
14. Write any seminar report using .pdf file format.
15. Create your own class file & use it in a document.

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A

CS 778: Linux Operating System

Prerequisites: Familiarity with Computer Operations

Aim: To enhance the value of computer users by gaining an additional set of skill and
qualification in the fastest growing Linux Operating System in the world.

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A
1. Teaches the fundamentals of Linux operating system.
2. Prepares the student for Linux administration.

Unit 1: Introduction to Linux ( 2 Hrs )

Introduction and Installation: Unix and Linux History, Why Linux?, Licensing, FSF/GNU
and Opensource ,Different Linux distributions ,Linux Installation
Unix Architecture: Kernel, Shell and Applications -Role of Kernel ,Role of Shell,
Different types of shells ,File System / Directory Structure ,Multitasking and Multi-user
system ,Important concepts in a Linux environment –Login, Login scripts and Profiles, X
window system, the GUI under Linux

Unit 2 : Basic and Advanced commands ( 4 Hrs )

Basic commands: Command Structure ,man, cat, cal, date, passwd, less, more, wc, bc
,uname, who, tty, clear, script

File & Directory manipulation under Linux: File Concepts,Create, copy, rename, delete and
move file,ls, comm., diff, cmp ,tar, cat, cal, date, passwd, less, wc, bc uname, who,etc.
Archiving utilities, tar, gzip/gunzip., Create, remove, copy, listing, changing & printing

Working with Linux Permissions and process: Understanding Permissions ,Changing File
and Directory Permissions ,Changing Ownership and Group,Process Basics,Process related
commands: ps, top, nice, jobs, fg, bg, kill, at, batch

Unit 3 :Filter & Vi Editor ( 3 Hrs )

Filter and Redirection:Concepts,head, tail, cut, paste, sort, uniq, pr, tee, grep, Pipe and i/o
Creating and Viewing Files :Using the vi Editor ,Using Other Editors

Unit 4 : Shell-Scripting ( 2 Hrs )

Introduction to shell scripts,Variables,Control structures: if, for, while ,case,Positional

Parameters,Writing different shell scripts

Unit 5 : AWK programming & Programming in Linux ( 3 Hrs )

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A
Getting Started with awk ,Variables,Control Statements in Actions,BEGIN and END
block,Writing simple AWK Program,C programming,Java programming

Unit 6 : Basic System Administration ( 2 Hrs )

root: The System Administration login,The Administration Privileges,Managing Users and

Groups: using command like adduser, userdel, groupadd, groupdel ,Basic Network Setup:
Setting hostname, IP address of the machine,Setting a dialup connection,Installing and
removing packages:Using the RPM, source package installation,Managing Partitions
understanding the /etc/fstab ,Mounting and Unmounting File System,Boot loader
management: Understanding the lilo and grub boot loader and its configuration files

Linux Operating System LAB

List of Practicals
1. Installation of Linux

2. Execution of basic Linux commands.

3. Execution of advanced Linux commands.

4. Execution of advanced Linux commands.

5. Working on vi editor

6. a. Shell Program to check file permissions

b. Shell Program to print number in reverse order

7. Shell Program to check string is palindrome or not.

8. a. Shell program to display System date wise messages.

b. Shell Program to perform arithmetic operations using case statement

9. Shell Program for bubble sort

10. Generate a student report using AWK programming

11. Generate a employee report using AWK programming

12. Managing Users and Groups and Basic Network Setup

13. Installation and setup of Linux-java package and Java & C program execution.
COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A
Outcomes: After attending the course, students will gain user level knowledge and hands on
experience in the Linux operating system.

Text Books:
1. Das Sumitabha, “Unix Concepts and Applications”, Tata McGraw Hill, 3rd
Edition, 2003.
2. Yashavant Kanetkar, “Unix Shell Programming”, BPB Publications, 1st

Reference Books:
1. Forouzan B A, Gilberg R F, “Unix And Shell Programming”, Australia.
Brooks cole, 1st edition, 2003.
2. Rachel Morgan, Henry McGilton, “Introducing Unix System V”,international
edition,1st edition,1987.



1. Understand Unix and Windows file systems.

2. Manage user accounts.
3. Install and configure system software.
4. Manage a TCP/IP Ethernet network.
5. Configure and manage DNS, FTP, X, Mail, Telnet and WWW servers.
COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A
6. Create and Maintain Secure Systems.


• Installing Windows 2000/2003 Server Operating System

• Managing Network Services

FTP, WWW, DNS, DHCP, WINS, Telnet, e mail - POP, IMAP, other

• Windows Active Directory, Workgroups and Domains

Configuring the Domain Controller

• Setting Up User Accounts

Introduction to User Accounts,Requirements for New User Accounts,Creating a Domain

User Account ,Setting Password Requirements,Setting Properties for User Accounts
Using Groups to Organize User Accounts

Introduction to Groups,Implementing Group Strategies,Implementing Groups

Implementing Local Groups,Implementing Built-in Groups

• Networking Intermediate

Domain Name Registration ,Using a virtual host to maintain a website ,Automatic IP

assignment - DHCP and Bootp ,Configuring and Managing DNS ,Configuring and
Managing Windows Active Directory and Domains ,Configuring and Managing email
,Configuring and Managing Print Services

• System and Network Security

FireWalls ,Physical Security ,Privileges ,Patches ,Cryptography, Encryption, PGP,

Public Key, Kerberos, Certificates, Authenticity,Viruses, Trojan Horses, Worms,
Denial of Service (DOS), Buffer Overflows

Implementing a LAN with Client and Server installation


System Architectural Overview ,Installing Linux - the basics ,Privileged Users - Root,
Administrator, + ,Booting Up and Shutting Down

Creating a small network

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A

I. Processes/ Daemons
A. Definition
B. Types of Processes System
C. Monitoring Processes
D. Managing Processes


After completing this module, students will be able to:

Identify the purpose of backing up and restoring data and the permissions required for these

Prepare for backing up data by identifying the folders to back up and the backup type and
backup media to use.

Back up data at a computer and over a network.

Restore entire volumes or a single file of data.


• Set up a small network of 3 to 4 computers and Hub/Switch. Use Lan Card, UTP
Cables and Connectors. Install LAN Cards and Crimp the connectors. Assign unique
IP addresses and share C drive on each machine. Test the network by using PING
command. Use protocol analyzer Software
• Installation of Windows 2000/2003/2007 Server
• Configuring FTP, WWW, DNS, DHCP, WINS, Telnet, e mail - POP, IMAP services.
• Windows Active Directory, Workgroups and Domains

Creating users, policies, permissions using active directory

• Installation of Linux Server Operating System

• Configuring FTP, WWW, DNS, DHCP, WINS, Telnet, e mail - POP, IMAP services
in Linux.
• Creating users, policies, permissions in Linux
• Installing and configuring firewall in Windows and Linux
• Network Monitoring and analyzing traffic using Wireshark

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A

CS780: PCB designing and circuit Building
Aim: To get introduced to electronic components power supply requirements
to build small electronic circuits

Objectives: To study regulator or circuits using IC555, which the students

would be able to use in robotics as a PD course

Unit 1: Introduction of electronics components

Introduction to Passive Devices: Registers, Capacitors and Inductors. Introduction to Active
Devices: Diodes, Transistors, FET and Relays. Introduction to Logical Gates and Integrated,
Display devices: LED (Light Emitting Diode), LCD (Liquid Crystal Display), BCD To seven
segment display, IC 555.
Unit 2: Power supply
COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A
Transformer, Rectifiers (Half wave Rectifier, Full wave Rectifier, Bridge wave Rectifier,
Smoothing circuits, Regulators (Zener diode regulator, series, shunt regulators),
Uninterruptible Power supply (UPS), SMPS, Adapters, Inverters. IC 78XX,
Unit 3: Active circuits
RC Filters – Low Pass, High Pass design, Op-Amps, Filter Design: Low pass, High Pass.
Unity, Gain, Difference amplifiers. Adder, Subtractor ckt.
Unit 4: Printed Circuits Board (PCB)
Preparing a useful Schematic Diagram, Techniques for designing PCB Artwork, Drawing
the PCB Artwork, Preparing for image transfer, Transferring the Artwork, Etching, Drilling,
Soldering Different methods of PCB Techniques (Conventional, Surface mount technology
(SMT), Double sided laminated, Multi Layer, Gold plated, Flexible PCB, Chip on Board)
Introduction to PCB Design Softwares.

At the end of the course students will:
i) Study basic electronics components
ii) Get introduced to power supply
iii) Study applications using Op amps
iv) Study PCB design and implement circuits using simulator
Text Books
1) Boylestad R & Nashelsky L: Electronic Devices And Circuits. Prentice Hall
Of India, New De, 1991.
2) Ramakant Gaikwad, OP-AMP and Integrated Circuits PHI.

Reference Books

i) Power Electronics, Circuits, Devices and Applications, 3rd ed.,NJ: Pearson

education,2003 Rashid, Muhammad H
ii) Millman J & Halkias C C: Electronic Devices And Circuits. New York..
Mcgraw Hill Book Co., 1976. 0-07-Y85505-6 Rs. 243.10 --(621.3815 MIL
iii) Handbook on passive components CLR: Author Fagerholt
iv) Complete PCB Design Using Orcad Capture and Layout
by Kraig Mitzner


Aim: To get introduced to electronic components, power supply requirements

and build small electronic circuits

Objectives: To build regulator or circuits using IC555, which the students

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A
would be able to use in robotics as a PD course

List of Practicals

1 .CRO, Multimeter, IC Tester, Logical Probe

2.Testing of components registers, diode, transistors, relays, LED,
Seven segment displays
3.Introduction of Simulator
4. Introduction of Simulator
5.Introduction to digital trainer kit, bread board
6. Preparing Schematic Diagram
7. Layout
8. Artwork
9. Etching
10. Drilling
10. Component placement
12. Soldering
13 Testing of PCB

Outcomes: At the end of the course students will:

i) Get introduced to working principle of various display and testing instruments
ii) Implement basic circuits using simulator
iii) Build circuit on bread Board
iv) Design PCB and build circuits and test the same
v) Implement a hobby circuit as part of project.

Text Books
1) Boylestad R & Nashelsky L: Electronic Devices And Circuits. Prentice Hall
Of India, New De, 1991.
2) Ramakant Gaikwad, OP-AMP and Integrated Circuits PHI.
Reference Books
i) Power Electronics, Circuits, Devices and Applications, 3rd ed.,NJ: Pearson
education,2003 Rashid, Muhammad H
ii) Hand book on CRO
iii) Millman J & Halkias C C: Electronic Devices And Circuits. New York..
Mcgraw Hill Book Co., 1976. 0-07-Y85505-6 Rs. 243.10 --(621.3815 MIL
iv) Handbook on passive components CLR: Author Fagerholt
v) Complete PCB Design Using Orcad Capture and Layout
by Kraig Mitzner

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A

CS781: Principle Centered Leadership

Aim :
Restoring balance and harnessing emotions for long enduring success


1. To bring balance between personal and professional life, work and entertainment.
2. How to achieve peace of mind to focus on duties properly.
3. Unique techniques to eliminate stress and negativity.
4. Learning team playing, celebrating diversity, overcoming inferiority etc
COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A
5. Managing emotions for long enduring success
6. Overcoming reactive behaviour and learning proactive behaviour
7. Simple tips to resolve inner conflicts and improve physical and mental health.
8. Changing attitude and outlook to life for converting distress to eustress.

Unit 1: Stress, Time and Self Management (9 Hours)

1. Stress Management
• How do I know whether I am under Stress?
• Symptoms, Causes, effects of Stress
• How is Stress triggered? – The Mechanism
• Type I and Type II managers : check your type
• Learning to distinguish the Threat from Threat percept
• Power of Thoughts, effect of Mind on Body and managing the Mind
• A 4-lane approach to tackling Stress – The Body, Intellect, Mind and spirituality
• Changing attitude and outlook to life for converting distress to eustress
• A Meditation technique to go beyond depression and avoid hypertension
• Secret of Happiness and improving performance

2. Time Management
• Understanding the basic elements of managing Time
• Introduction and exercises
• Three generations of Time management
• Product vs. Product capability balance, P/PC
• Three kinds of assets
• The Time Management Matrix
• Practical application of Time management techniques
• Avoiding Time wasters
• Focusing on Quadrant II, `Not urgent but important’
• Center and Alternative centers
• Becoming a Self Manager

3. Art of Self Management

• What is Self Management?
• The Need of Self Management in everyday life as well as for a Leader
• Management with hands, heads and hearts
- a comparison of Taylorist and Kaizen approach
• How to make people self-motivated, committed and responsible?
• Work style and behavior
• Learning new self-managing skills
• Self awareness through introspection
• Bringing about a change in thinking, attitude and behavior
• Learning to motivate and inspire people through self management
• Provide individuals with techniques of meditation to manage one self
• Realign and adjust with the changing environment with new attitudes

Unit 2 : Power Of Habits, Secret of Memory and Managing the Mind ( 9 Hrs)

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A

1. Power of Habits and role of Character in life
• What are Habits? How are Habits Addictive?
• What are the effects of Bad habits?
• Why bad habits are bad, although they feel good?
• Understanding the Conscious & Subconscious Mind
• How to say ‘NO’ to Bad Habits
• Power of Good Habits
• A simple Meditation technique to conquer bad habits
• Character building

2. Secret of Memory and Concentration

• What is memory? How can we develop memory power?
• Obstacles to the creating of a good memory
• Practical methods for developing memory
• What makes concentration possible?
• Role of will power in boosting memory and concentration
• Developing will power through mantra meditation

3. Managing the raging mind

• Problems of modern age and the cause
• How does your mind influence you?
• The mechanism of body-mind-intelligence co-ordination
• The tug-of-war between mind and intelligence
• Uncontrolled mind : what it can do to you?
• Can mind be our friend?
• Mind management through a practical meditation technique
• Practical tips for mind management

Unit 3 : Positive Attitude, Team playing, Inferiority and Superiority Complexes

(9 Hrs)

1. Positive mental attitude

• Understanding our Personality – personal SWOT analysis
• Personality ethic and Character ethic
• Factors that influence development of a Personality
• Types of thoughts and Power of thoughts
• Effect of Mind on Physical body
• Conscious Mind and how we degrade to Negative thinking
• Subconscious Mind
• Practical tips to Boosting Will Power to excel

2. Team playing and winning trust of others

• Principles behind making a successful team
• Stanford university research on American and Japanese companies
• Difference between Group and Team
• The Five types of leaders
• Learning team playing from geese
• The three pillars of trustworthy behaviour – integrity, maturity, nonenvy
• Need of a caring leader
COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A
3. Overcoming Inferiority and superiority complex
• Dependence, Independence and Interdependence
• Healthy and unhealthy comparison
• Identifying your unique potential
• Right and wrong definitions of Success
• Converting weaknesses into strengths
• Situational leadership
• Superiority complex and its ill effects
• Difference between self esteem and unnecessary false pride
• Difference between humility and inferiority complex

Unit 4 : Constructive criticism and Conflict Resolution (6 Hrs)

1. Constructive criticism – How to give it or take it?

• Types of negative behaviour – moody, irritable, critical etc
• Constructive criticism – how to give it ?
• Constructive criticism – how to take it ?

2. Conflict Resolution
• Six paradigms of human interaction – win/win, win/lose etc
• First seek to understand, then to be understood
• A five step solution to handling conflicts

Unit 5 : Qualities of a Leader and Managing Anger ( 7 Hrs)

1. Eight Qualities of an Effective Leader

• Leader vs. Manager
- What makes a leader different from a manager?
- Efficient management and effective leadership
- Three types of power
- Dependence, independence and interdependence
- All things are created twice
• The Eight attitudes that enhance the effectiveness of a Leader

2. Managing our Anger

• Personal anger and interpersonal anger
• What is your anger style – Lock it up, turn it lose, manage it?
• Passive, assertive and aggressive behaviour
• Capturing the constructiveness of anger

Unit 6 Proactive Leadership (6 Hrs)

• How to build a team effectively by overcoming obstacles in team cohesion

• How to better manage the inner organization as a means for effective leadership of external
• Role of IQ, EQ and SQ in the life of a Modern Manager
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• How to motivate and inspire people based on a holistic self-managing approach
• Provide individuals with techniques of meditation to manage oneself
• Realign and adjust with the changing environment with new attitudes, work style and
• Learning Proactive behavior rather than reactive behaviour for calm, clear and creative
thinking by studying the psychophysical natures of different people
• To take more personal responsibility for your ‘state of mind’ and emotions and stop
blaming others or circumstances.
• To learn how to communicate better with people

At the end of the course the student will learn:

1. To Develop calm, clear and creative thinking.

2. Imbibe the Secret of Happiness and improving performance.

Note :
The laboratory for this course will consist of group discussion based on the topics covered in
theory and doing group exercises as given by the staff in-charge based on the above topics.

Text and Reference Books :

1. Seven Habits of Highly effective people by Stephen Covey
2. Leadership by Peter Burwash
3. Leadership for an age of Higher consciousness, 1 and 2 by B.T.Swami
4. EQ and Emotional Intelligence by Robert Cooper and Daniel Goleman
5. Mind Control by M.K.Gupta, Pustak mahal publications
6. Stress Management by Manoj, Pustak mahal publications
7. Fifty qualities of a ideal leader by Peter Burwash
8. You can win by Shiv Kaira
9. Discover Your Self by Radheshyam das, IIT Powai
10. Essence of Bhagavad gita by Radheshyam das, IIT Powai

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CS 782: Core Java

Aim :
To enable the students to understand the core principles of the Java Language and use visual
tools to produce well designed, effective applications and applets.

1. To understand the concept of Interfaces, Packages.
2. To understand the concept of Exception Handling and Multithreading
3. To understand the concept of Applets and AWT.

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A

Unit 1 : Introduction to Java (4 Hrs)
Object Oriented concepts with respect to Java-Data abstraction, encapsulation, Class and
Object, inheritance, polymorphism,
Java Programming – Data types, variables, operators, control statements, Arrays
Programs based on class, methods, constructor, inheritance, Interfaces, Packages

Unit 2 : Exception Handling and Multithreading (5 Hrs)

Exception Handling – Exception types, try, catch, throw, throws, finally, creating own
Multithreading - Multithreading concepts, Thread Life cycle, Creating multithreaded
application, Thread priorities, Thread synchronization

Unit 3 : Java Applet , Java IO (3 Hrs)

Applets specific methods & Related HTML references, Creating an Applet, Displaying it
using Web Browser with appletwiewer.exe, Advantages and Disadvantages of Applet Vs
Java Input Output - Java IO package, Byte/Character Stream, Buffered reader / writer, File
reader / writer, Print writer, File Sequential / Random

Unit 4: AWT and Swing (4

Abstract Windows Toolkit- Components and Graphics, Containers, Frames and Panels
Layout Managers- Border layout, Flow layout, Grid layout, Card layout
AWT all components, Event delegation Model - Event source and handler, Event categories,
Listeners, Interfaces, Anonymous classes
Swing Libraries - Model view Controller design pattern, Different layout, menus dialog
boxes , text input, Swing controls

Core Java lab

1. Print prime numbers in between 1 to 500.

2. Display area and volume of different shapes( Use class, object, constructor,
3. Display bank account information( Use interface and inheritance)
4. Display student marksheet ( Use package)
5. Write a program to illustrate following exceptions
a) ArithmeticException b) ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
b) NullPointerException d) IllegalAccessException
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2. Write a java program for matrix multiplication.
3. Write a program in java to explain use of abstract class.
4. Built Producer consumer problem using thread synchronization
5. Write a java program to handle deadlock using multithreading.
6. Write a program to create animation in java using multithreading.
7. Read content of one file and write it into other file
8. Write a program in java to perform following string operations:
a) append one string to another
b) check whether string is palindrome or not
c) Count number of vowels in string.
9. Write a program to create calculator.(use applet)
10. Create one form to read student information( Use applet, layout managers and all
possible controls)
11. Write a program to illustrate grid and border layout.
12. Write a program to illustrate card layout manager.
13. Write a program to create GUI for joining form using frame in applet.
14. Write a program to create singly linked list in java.

Upon completion of this course students will be able to develop the Interactive GUI based

Text Books

1. Patric Naughton, Herbert Schildt , Java 2 Complete Reference

2. Ivor Horton ,Beginning Java 2, SDK 1.4 Edition, wrox books March 2002

Reference Books
1. Cay S Horstmann, Fary Cornell, Core Java 2 Volume - I

2. Cay S Horstmann, Fary Cornell , Core Java 2 Volume - II

3. E.Balguruswami , Programming with Java, A Primer

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A

CS 783: Advanced Java

Aim : To enable the students to understand the advanced principles of the Java Language and
distributed applications.

1. To understand Database connectivity in java.
2. To understand Networking features of java.
3. To understand Client side and Server side programming.
4. To understand Distributed applications.

Unit 1: Networking with Java (4 Hrs.)

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A
Networking basics - Sockets, port, Proxy servers, Internet addressing, URL – networking classes and interfaces, Implementing TCP/IP based Server and Client
Datagrams – Datagram packet, Datagram server and client, URL connections

Unit 2: RMI and CORBA (2 Hrs.)

RMI - Introduction & Architecture of RMI, Java.rmi classes and interfaces, Writing simple
RMI application, Parameter passing in remote methods (marshalling and unmarshalling)
,Introduction to CORBA

Unit 3: JDBC (4 Hrs.)

Java database connectivity, Types of JDBC drivers, Writing first JDBC applications, Types
of statement objects( Statement, PreparedStatement and CallableStatement), Types of
resultset , ResultSetMetadata, Inserting and updating records, JDBC and AWT, Connection

Unit 4: Servlets, JSP and Struts (6 Hrs.)

Servlets - Introduction , Servlet Vs CGI, Servlet API Overview, Writing and running Simple
Servlet. Servlet Life cycle, Generic Servlet, HTTPServlet, ServletConfig, ServletContest,
Writing Servlet to handle Get and Post methods, Reading user request Data, Wrting
threadsafe servlet, Session tracking in servlets, Servlet and JDBC
JSP – Life cycle of JSP, Creating static content, Creating dynamic content, JSP scripting
elements, JSP directives, Examples of JSP.
Introduction to struts.

Upon completion of this course students will able to develop Web application in Java

Text Books:
1) Jim Keogh ,’Complete Reference- J2EE’.
2) Patric Naughton, Herbert Schildt ,’Complete Reference’.


1. E.Balguruswami ,’Programming with Java, A Primer ‘

2. Dustine R Callway ,’Inside Servlets’
COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A
3. James Goodwill ‘,Developing Java Servlets ‘.
4. Chad Darby, John Griffin & others ,’Beginning Java Networking’
5. Ben ‘Beginning Jsp 2.0: Build Web Applications Using Jsp, Java, and Struts’
wrox book

Advanced Java lab

1. Create chatting application using TCP.

2. Create chatting application using UDP.
3. Create RMI application to add, subtract, multiply and divide two numbers.
4. Write a program to read file of server machine from client side using RMI.
5. Write a java program to implant CORBA.
6. Create one form to add, update, modify, delete and display student records use JDBC.
7. Create servlet to access student information from database from client side.
8. Write a program for online joining report of student using JSP and servlet.
9. Implement MVC architecture using struts. (Take appropriate example)
10. Mini- project based on advance java technology. Student will be assessed on the basis
of presentation and demonstration.

Upon completion of this course students will able to develop Web application in Java

Text Books:
3) Jim Keogh ,’Complete Reference- J2EE’.
4) Patric Naughton, Herbert Schildt ,’Complete Reference’.


1. E.Balguruswami ,’Programming with Java, A Primer ‘

2. Dustine R Callway ,’Inside Servlets’
3. James Goodwill ‘,Developing Java Servlets ‘.
4. Chad Darby, John Griffin & others ,’Beginning Java Networking’
5. Ben ‘Beginning Jsp 2.0: Build Web Applications Using Jsp, Java, and Struts’
wrox book

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A

CS784: Visual Basic 6.0

Prerequisite: Awareness of computer programming

Aim :
To learn application development with Visual Basic 6.0

The user should be able to
Use the Visual Basic development environment to create an application.

Unit 1 : Introduction (4 Hrs)

Introduction to VB: What is Visual Basic?
The Visual Basic IDE: Using the menu bar and toolbar, Using the Form window, Supplying
Controls with the toolbox, Using the Properties window, The Project Explorer window,
Placing forms with the Layout window
COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A
Building VB Applications
VB Applications and Projects, The VB Design Cycle, Writing VB code, Naming objects,
Setting Properties, controls and code,datatypes,literals and variables, Storing & Calculating
Data, Data Arrays

Unit 2: VB Programming Language (4 Hrs)

Working with Control Structures If Statement Do loops: Do…While, Do…Until, While
loop, For loops
Customizing Functions & Procedures: Calling Procedures, Coding Subroutines & Functions,
Coding Arguments
Built-in Functions: Built-in Functions, Data & Formatting Functions, Message & Input Boxes

Unit 3: Working with more advanced controls (4 Hrs)

Creating Menus, Filling in the menus, Pictures & Images, Toolbars, Line & Shape Control
Date picker, ImagelistBox, PicturelistBox, Animation Control, Common Dialog Control

Unit 4: Woking with database (4 Hrs)

Managing Files: File Concepts, File Handling, Opening File from an application, Different
operations on files
Introduction to Database Processing, Introduction to Data control, Using Data Control

By the end of the course, it is expected that the students will:
1. Understand basic application development technology.
2. Be able to develop database handling.

Text Books :
1. Greg Perry,’ Visual Basic 6 in 21 Days’, Techmedia,1st edition,1998

Reference Books :
1. Steven Holzner,’ Visual Basic 6 Black Book’, Coriolis Group Books
2. Evangelos Petroutsos,’ Mastering Visual Basic 6’, Sybex

List of Practicals
1. Design a simple registration form (e.g. student).Make use maximum controls

and set different properties e.g. backcolor, maxlength, font etc.

2. Design an application to perform simple mathematical operations.( with the help

of command button, textbox and labels).

3. Design an application to add and delete items from combo box / list box

4. Design an application to sort entered data.(use arrays, control structures)

5. For assignment no 2 write functions / subroutines to perform operations

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A
6. With the help of built in function perform data validation of registration form

designed in assignment no1.

7. Design an application to accept student name and percentage with the help of

input box and display his grade with message box.(use case)

8. Design a menu editor of notepad.

9. Design a simple clock to display system time.(use timer control)

10. Design a math calculator.(use control array)

11. Design a simple graphics application using line and shape control.

12. Design a MS-word toolbar with the help of toolbar and imagelistbox /

Picturelistbox control.

13. Design an application to perform file operations

14. Design an application to perform database operations with the help of Data

Control. (Use MS-Access Database).

Lectures : 1 Hrs/week

Basics of Computer Programming Language.

To learn simple application development with VB.NET, ASP.NET

Unit 1: Introduction to VB.NET (4 Hrs)

.NET Framework, .NETNET as better Programming Platform, Architecture, The Just-In-
Time Compiler ,MSIL, NET Framework class library , introduction
Building ProjectsCreating Applications , Running VB.NETUsing simple components, 

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A

Unit 2: VB.NET Language Fundamentals (2 Hrs)

Data types in VB.Net, variables, different kinds of operators, Control statements

If...Then...Else, looping structures, arrays.

Unit 3: Windows Applications & Web Application (4 Hrs)

TextWindows Forms. Controls: Boxes, Buttons, Labels, Check Boxes, and Radio Buttons.
List Boxes, Combo Boxes. Picture , Toolbars, Status Bar and Menus, Built-in DialogsBoxes,
Scrollbars, Progress bars.

Unit 4: Object Oriented Programming in VB .NET (6 Hrs)

Properties,Class and Object, Method overloadingConstructors and Destructors, methods and
events, Access modifiers : Public, Private, Protected, Friend.Inheritance, ,
Overloading and Overriding Polymorphism.Interfaces ..

By the end of the course, it is expected that the students will:
1. Understand basic application development technology VB.NET.
2. Be able to develop windows and web application.
3. Becoming aware of the need of object oriented approach for application

Text Books :
1. Steven Holzner, Dreamtech Press , “Visual Basic .Net Black Book” ,2006
2. “Asp.Net Black Book”, Dreamtech Press,2006
Reference Books :
1. Francesco Balena , “Programming Microsoft Visual Basic.Net ” ,Microsoft press ,
2. Jefrey R. Shapiro , “The Complete Reference -Visual Basic .Net ”, McGraw hill

Lab Assignments

1. Design a simple application for displaying “HELLO”

2. Design a simple application for string operations (e.g. String
concatenation, substring, string comparison, etc.)
3. Design a simple application for finding the class of a student for the given
4. Design a simple application for addition deletion & sorting items in
combo box / list box.
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5. Design a simple application for converting the given temperature into
6. Design a simple application for Font Dialog Box using different windows
7. Design a simple application for an admission form.
8. Design a simple application for notepad using menu editor.
9. Design a simple application for arithmetic operations.
10. Design a simple web application using

CS786: Web Designing

1. To provide students with a deep, critical and systematic understanding of the
most significant technologies for developing web applications.
2. To demonstrate how these technologies may be used on today's websites.
3. To provide knowledge of the characteristics of good web site design


1. To impart knowledge of available Web technologies to the students.

2. To make students familiar with scripting languages.
3. To enable students to design interactive web pages.
4. To make students familiar with server side scripting.
5. To learn and apply techniques that enhances a user’s web experience.

Unit 1: HTML [3 Hrs]

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A
Common HTML tags, text formatting tags, color related tags, images, lists
(ordered and unordered), tables, linking documents (externally and internally),
frames, form and form elements.

1. CSS [2 Hrs]
Introduction, types of style sheets, style sheet properties (font, color,
background and text), Classes, use of <div.> and <span>

2. JavaScript [3 Hrs]

Identifiers, operators, control and Loop structure, Arrays, Document Object

Model (DOM), user defined and predefined functions, event handling,
validation on forms.

3. VBScript [3 Hrs]
Variables, data types, control and loop structures, procedures and functions,
event handling, Document Object Model (DOM), validation on forms

4. MS FrontPage [2 Hrs]
Introduction, working with images, tables, frames and styles, MS FrontPage

5. ASP [3 Hrs]
Working with ASP page, Request and Response object, Application, Session,
Server objects. Database handling, Connection, Recordset, Command object.

At the end of the course students should be able to:

1 Have an understanding of the range of programming techniques and languages available

to design web based applications and be able to choose an appropriate architecture for a
web application.
2 Been able to demonstrate abilities to design and implement maintainable web sites.
be able to make informed and critical decisions regarding client development using
HTML and JavaScript.
3 Been able to design and implement reasonably sophisticated server-side applications using
one or more suitable technologies.
4 Gain knowledge to critically analyze and evaluate web applications.

Text Books :
1. Thomas A. Powell ,’Complete reference HTML’, 3rd edition
2. Ivan Bayross, Web Enabled Commercial Applications Development using... HTML,
DHTML, Javascript, Perl CGI
3. Ivan Bayross ,Programming ASP.
Reference Books:
1. Danny Goodman, Machael Morrison ,JavaScript Bible , 3rd edition
COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A
2. VBScript Programmers reference, Wrox Press
3. VBScript in Nutshell
4. Hofstetter fred Internet Technology at work
5. Beginning XML Wrox Press
6. Deitel & Deitel ,XML how to program.
7. Robert W. Sebesta ,Programming the World Wide Web
8. Beginning ASP 3.0 Wrox press
9. John Wiley & Sons C. Bates, Web Programming: Building Internet Applications,
2000, ISBN 0-471-49669-3.
10. C. Cosentino, Essential PHP for Web Professionals, Prentice Hall, 2000, ISBN 0-
: Web Designing

4. To provide students with a deep, critical and systematic understanding of the
most significant technologies for developing web applications.
5. To demonstrate how these technologies may be used on today's websites.
6. To provide knowledge of the characteristics of good web site design


1. To impart knowledge of available Web technologies to the students.

2. To make students familiar with scripting languages.
3. To enable students to design interactive web pages.
4. To make students familiar with server side scripting.
5. To learn and apply techniques that enhances a user’s web experience.

List of Practicals [32 Hrs]

1. Create a home page using HTML. The page should contain images, tables, ordered
and unordered lists, internal and external links and other text formatting elements.
2. Create an online student registration form using HTML.
3. Create a webpage showing the usage of frames in HTML.
4. Create web page/s showing the working of three different types of CSS.
5. Create a web page using the class and properties of CSS.
6. Create a web page with dynamic text effects. The text and image must change color,
size and background on mouse events.
7. Write a program using JavaScript to create a Digital Clock.
8. Create a user data validation form using JavaScript.
9. Write a program in JavaScript to process a form containing check boxes.
10. Create a user data validation form using VBScript.
11. Write a program using VBScript to create a calculator.
12. Write a program in VBScript to process a form containing selection box(drop down
13. Design the home page of an organization using MS FrontPage.
14. Write an ASP script to create a user login form.
COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A
15. Write an ASP script to insert and delete records in Employee database.
16. Create a webpage to search for a given record in the database.

At the end of the course students should be able to:

1 Have an understanding of the range of programming techniques and languages available

to design web based applications and be able to choose an appropriate architecture for a
web application.
2 Been able to demonstrate abilities to design and implement maintainable web sites.
be able to make informed and critical decisions regarding client development using
HTML and JavaScript.
3 Been able to design and implement reasonably sophisticated server-side applications using
one or more suitable technologies.
4 Gain knowledge to critically analyze and evaluate web applications.

Text Books :
1. Thomas A. Powell ,’Complete reference HTML’, 3rd edition
2. Ivan Bayross, Web Enabled Commercial Applications Development using... HTML,
DHTML, Javascript, Perl CGI
3. Ivan Bayross ,Programming ASP.
Reference Books:
1. Danny Goodman, Machael Morrison ,JavaScript Bible , 3rd edition
2. VBScript Programmers reference, Wrox Press
3. VBScript in Nutshell
4. Hofstetter fred Internet Technology at work
5. Beginning XML Wrox Press
6. Deitel & Deitel ,XML how to program.
7. Robert W. Sebesta ,Programming the World Wide Web
8. Beginning ASP 3.0 Wrox press
9. John Wiley & Sons C. Bates, Web Programming: Building Internet Applications,
2000, ISBN 0-471-49669-3.
10. C. Cosentino, Essential PHP for Web Professionals, Prentice Hall, 2000, ISBN 0-

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A

COMPUTER ENGINEERING Second Year Academic Year - 2009-10 Pattern - A

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