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Asking for a raise is never easy, and the current state of the economy makes it even more

nerve-wracking. But asking for a raise that you know you deserve doesn’t have to be as
torturous as you might think — especially if the timing is right.

“If your performance and the quantifiable results from your initiatives have exceeded
expectations and have resulted in X increase in profits, Y cost savings, Z brand expansion
or customer base … then move forward,” says Marshal Backlar, president of Backlar
Consultants. “But remember, timing is important: Knowing your company’s culture and
climate, and your boss’s mood and confidence, will enable you to choose your time well.
Just as important, you must understand and respond to the ‘them’ part of the equation.”

So, assuming that you meet all the requirements of deserving a raise, and you don’t just
want one, when you choose to present your case is key. If you needed to borrow money
from your parents, for example, you wouldn’t want to ask them right after they’d just
shelled out $1,000 toward your tuition, would you? Probably not.

The same principle applies when asking your boss for more money. You can’t just waltz
into your boss’s office and say, “Hey, I think I deserve a raise.” You need to plan and
prepare for the discussion.

While the most logical time to discuss a raise is during your performance review, it could
be beneficial to talk with your supervisor about the issue before your next evaluation rolls
around. Especially if you’ve just had a major accomplishment that benefits the company
and your annual review is still nine months away. Whatever you do, make sure you tell
your boss you’d like to schedule a time to discuss your compensation. The last thing you
want to do is catch him or her by surprise, which can often result in defensiveness.

Here are a few opportune times to consider asking for a raise:

• The company just received good news. If the company just got good news, such
as landing a new client or signing a $500,000 deal, it might be a good time to
broach the topic of a raise — especially if you played a role in the news. If you
scored a new client or landed a big deal, you’ll be able to make a strong case
regarding your contribution to the company.
• You just completed a major project. If you’ve just successfully completed a
major project, it’s a great time to meet with your boss to talk salary. Again, your
case will be strengthened by your accomplishment. Just be sure to schedule the
meeting at a time when you know he or she won’t be overwhelmed with
• You’re given more responsibility or a new position. If you’re doing more in
terms of your job duties, it’s only fair that you would be compensated for it.
While that seems logical to you, it might not make sense to your boss, so it’s up to
you to bring it up if he or she doesn’t. The next time your boss gives you
additional responsibility, ask if you can also discuss more money to go along with
those duties. Just be sure to give reasons why you think those undertakings
deserve a higher compensation.
When not to ask for a raise:

• End of the fiscal year. This is probably one of the worst times to ask for a raise.
Why? Most managers are preparing their budgets for the next year or completing
finance reports — aka, figuring out how they spent their money — for the past
year. Asking for money during this time will stress your manager out and may
affect whether or not you get that raise.
• After mass layoffs. If your company recently laid off employees, there’s a pretty
good chance that it is struggling and looking for ways to cut cost. That means
you’re going to have trouble getting a raise.
• If your company has been hit hard by the economy. Be sensitive to things like
how the economy has affected your company or how your company is doing
financially. If your company is in the red (or fighting like heck to stay out of it),
it’s not likely you’ll get more money, no matter how good you are or how hard
you work.

Think you deserve a raise and your timing is right? Check out these articles for tips on
how to ask for one the right way:

5 Ways to Ask for a Raise

Can You Ask for a Raise in This Economy?
10 Pitfalls to Avoid When Asking for a Raise

Bing: Salary negotiation tips

Bing: Raises vs. perks


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32 Comment(s)
1. Melissa | Jan 12, 2010

Great post!

While the cost of living keeps going up, the timing of your ask shows that you are
in tune to what is happening with the company and that you are considering the
greater good of the organization. You will be seen as much more of a “team
player” if you take this approach and will get further with achieving your own
personal goals.


2. Brian | Jan 14, 2010

Great post, but I don’t think I agree about the end of the fiscal year thing. That
can be the right time to make sure your raise gets budgeted, rather than “Sorry, no
money this year, we’ll make sure we take care of you when we budget for next


3. Jessica | Mar 7, 2010

Great post! I definitely agree. Budgeting for the next fiscal year actually starts a
good six months before it begins, so somewhere toward the end of the 2nd quarter
would be an ideal time to ask for a raise, especially if the timing is right on the
other factors.


4. John | Mar 7, 2010

I enjoyed this article. I have been contemplating asking my boss for a raise for
some time now. I have been underpaid for quite a while, but have found it
difficult to approach the subject in this rough economy. I am underpaid enough
that I have started looking for a new job. I work very hard at what I do, and have
received very little credit for it, and the compensation is in the 10th percentile for
those of a similar position and experience.
So, as I have discussed the issue with my supervisor, the plan is to ask for a raise
right after I finish this huge project this month. I was glad to see that one of the
best times to ask for a raise is upon completion of project.


5. LegendaryFrost | Mar 7, 2010

My company promised me a raise after 2 years of work and after completing my

notary test. when I asked manager when the raise was gonna come he kept putting
it off. I set up a meeting with the CEO and had a chat with him about this issue.
he said “why should I give a shit?” To make a long story short I still have not
gotten my raise and my attitude toward my job can be summed up in his quote. I
am now indifferent to my customers and the bottom line is no longer my prime
directive. If anyone can give me a good reason why I should bust ass for
somebody who is not gonna reward me at all for my work, I would love to hear it.


o Barbie | Oct 26, 2010

Be thankful that you have a job. I’m in a state where unemployment is
Its sad that you have a dick for a boss….but hang in there anyways…good
things happen to those who deserve it. Thats called good Carma!


 Unbelievable | Oct 26, 2010

Who said this person wasn’t thankful, they just want what was
promised, it’s not about “manning up” it’s about respect and the
only way a company shows an employee respect is by how much
they pay them. Having a job is a good thing but if you live
miserably because of it, how good can it really be.


6. Mike | Mar 7, 2010

I was a team player and after 15 years with the company………goodbye.All my

performance reviews were top notch. I wasn’t the only one let go. It was obvious
us oldtimers cost the company. Wait until they see their production go down with
newbies whom it will take the years that we had to become as productive as we


7. Debi | Mar 7, 2010

You need a job before you can ask for a raise, don’t you?


8. Heather | Mar 7, 2010

So I assumed more responsibilities when another co-worker moved up, so I asked

for a raise after I had worked for 6 months with the added responsibilities. We had
performance reviews a few weeks ago and I exceeded expectations but they will
not give me any kind of raise stating I should just be happy that I have a job
(which I am, don’t get me wrong) but the thing is I am doing the job of 2.5 people
now as they did not fill the positions that opened up. Instead of seeing it as you
should be happy to have a job they should be seeing it as we are lucky to have
someone who is capable of doing multiple positions. How should someone
address this?


o Erica | Sep 17, 2010

@ Heather:

I am in the EXACT same position. A co-worker was fired in March of this

year, and I assumed ALL of her resposibilities in addition to my own
growing list of duties. I am already paid below average for this position,
so I am searching for information online on how to tactfully request a
much needed raise. As an added note, the CEO is only generous to the top-
tier (AKA management) employees.

Any suggestions?


o ginrum | Oct 26, 2010


your mgr is very aware of the extra duties you have assumed. your job
performance will speak for itself. most people don’t realize that mgmt do
close attention to their employees. i’m not sure exactly what you do on
job, but i will suggest that you approach him when you know the company
doing well. let him/her know you are requesting a raise because you have
saved the company money. especially since they haven’t hired someone to
replace positions that were vacated. i’m sure you will get what you
soon. just hang in there! don’t let others influence you negatively. your
boss will come thru for you sooner than you think.


9. todd | Mar 7, 2010

The best time to ask for a raise is when you feel you have the positional market
timing leverage over your employer because then when the tables are turned and
the day comes back around for them to give you a cut, they will do it, and then it
will be a wash. It’s all about corporate leveraging, timing, and momentum.


10. Kate | Mar 8, 2010

What if the company is just a d*ck? I’ve worked for a company for two years,
taken on multiple responsbilities, working a two-person job by myself and only
received a $3,000 from what I started at making at this company. I know the
economy sucks, but everyone who still has a job is working their butts off while
some people are on “funemployment.” I’m sick and tired of people who are fully
capable to work taking advantage of the welfare policies in place. Get off your
lazy butt and do something. Because those of us still working are paying for you.


11. Matt | Mar 8, 2010

I don’t agree with the idea that it is a “good” idea to ask for a “raise” when you
are given new responsibilities. To me, that implies a promotion. At that point you
are not given a raise as much as you are given a salary adjustment. With more
responsibilities comes more money. Simple as that.


12. Jim | Mar 8, 2010

My wise father once told me “if you have to ask for a raise, you either aren’t
doing the job. or you’re working for the wrong guy”. As an employee, I never
asked for a raise. As an employer, I never gave a raise to anybody that asked for
one. When they did ask, I simply told them that they should rather ask what can I
do to improve my performance. I always gave them improvement ideas. If they
followed the advice, a raise soon followed. It is important to understand that you
must pay good people as much as you can afford—not as little.


13. Melissa | Mar 8, 2010

Jim- that is honeslty one of the worst pieces of advice I have ever heard. What
you are implying is that if you just work hard everything will work out and you
will get what you deserve. In theory, that sounds great…but in life that rarely
actually happens. You can read statistic after statistic stating that even today in the
work force women earn significantly less money than their male counterparts
because they don’t ask for what they deserve! I myself negotiated a significant
pay raise and recieved it. Should I have just kept quiet and waited for them to do
the right thing by me? I don’t think so… If you want something bad enough, work
hard and go out and get it.


14. TC | Mar 8, 2010

I lost a management job after 15 yrs with a company and called an acquaintance
and inquired about his company. They had a position but told me it was an entry
level position, they did however recognize the mang’t experience and told me if I
did well it would open other doors. So far all my reviews have been of the highest
grade, and they know I literally am working for half what I used to make and I’m
driving twice as far for it. I have been told nothing but excuses and now seemed
destined for a lifetime of 1 – 2% COLAS, which will take me about 12 yrs to get
back to my old level.


15. Bob | Mar 8, 2010

Kate, it sounds like you arer p***d off at your company and everyone who is on
the unemployment rolls is to blame. Your quote “I’m sick and tired of people who
are fully capable to work taking advantage of the welfare policies in place. Get off
your lazy butt and do something. Because those of us still working are paying for
you.” is ridiculous!~ You should look at who you are working for and if you have
a problem address them. Don’t take it out on the unfortunate who cannot find a
job unless they are willing to work for $10.00/hour. Try paying for a master’s
degree on that!


o CeCe | Oct 26, 2010

I’m not sure where you are living but $10.00/hr is not bad pay where I’m
at; however, I must agree that we that are fortunate to have jobs are having
to take on more responsibilities without due pay because employers are
lingering over our heads “there are 10 more that could fill your spot”. The
cost of daily living is growing and growing and there are capable people
sitting out there taking advantage of the goverment. I was unemployed for
the first time since high school last year. I went a total of two weeks
without a job. I took a job that paid a third of what I was making. Talk
about a broken pride, but I have bills to pay, a family to feed, and children
to be an example to.Some need to step up and do whatever they can. You
can’t tell me they are making enough from the unemployment line to make
ends meet.


16. Tony | Mar 8, 2010

In this sad time of unemployment this artical insults evreyone who is needing help
and assitance in the most fundemental way. Pls remove it ASAP!


17. sam | Mar 8, 2010

I agree with Jim completely. My father said pretty much the same thing.


18. Elizabeth | Mar 8, 2010

Last year my performance review was over the top! Best one I’ve ever had, but
worst raise ever, a lousy .12 cents per hour. Plus, I didn’t even get my annual
bonus. When I questioned the amount of the performance increase being so small,
my boss told me there was a limited pool of money due to the economy. Well I
accepted that and then questioned why no bonus, as it should have been at least
$3,000.00. I was told that I would be given a “spot” bonus in lieu of the regular
annual performance bonus, but would have to wait until June 09 to get it. Now, at
the time my review exceeded expectations in all fields and I took on addtional
responsibilities, covered other persons shifts, etc. I waited, and am still waiting for
my spot bonus and it is now March 2010! We are now going through another
round of performance reviews and I just found out that the new person they hired
is paid more per hour than I am, and I am that person’s boss! What should I do
now? I have been with this company for 8 1/2 years and am now feeling like I
shouldn’t even bother to show up for work as keeping myself on the straight and
narrow, giving our customers the best service they can get, and only taking sick
time when I am really sick (only 2 eight hours days this past year), while
watching others get bonuses and raises much larger than my own. BTW, did I
mention that for my particular position I am also grossly underpaid acccording to
the standard for our area, even lower than the lowest paid person in this area. How
would you handle it?


o David | Oct 26, 2010

Emily when I was a HealthCare Security Officer for a city hospital
Colorado I myself noticed that we were getting a dollar less than others in
the same area geographical location the rockies to be specific. So what I
did was a lot of research and made sure I showed my sources of
information and compared wages and salary.

I mentioned this to my supervisor and he was really surprised. So to make

a long story short my research was presented to the hospital board by the
head of the Security Department. And as a result everbody got a one dollar
pay increase including the supervisors also.


o David | Oct 26, 2010

Sorry I meant to say Elizabeth


19. rick | May 6, 2010


I have been working at this company for almost and have not received a
raise what so ever. There has been layoffs due to the economy, and this past
monday 3 people where laid off and one person received a % pay cut. But now I
have been asked to help out with other duties, since they laid off the person who
was doing them, and that are not related to my job position I was set to do when I
started. Should I ask for a raise?? I really feel like I should receive one since I
havent in the past 4yrs. and now they want me to do the work of 2 ppl.

What should I do?


20. Gordon, the Pay Raise Maniac | Jul 29, 2010

I agree, that timing is soo essential when asking for a raise. Not considering the
right moment is a huge mistake.
Here are another two “moments”, when not to ask for a raise:

1. Before you take a holiday: “Hi, boss. Next week I am going on a vacation.
Besides, I could use a pay raise, what do you think?”

2. Not “On the fly” Imagine the following scenario: your boss jumps out of his
car, runs to his office, he is clearly in a big hurry. In moments like this the only
think you might ask him is whether he needs your help or not, don’t even think of
asking for a raise. He obviously has bigger problems on his mind then to listen to
your arguments supporting the raise that you requested.


21. sue | Oct 26, 2010

What’s sad is that you have to ask for the raise; let alone that you are being told to
justify your position.


22. ginrum | Oct 26, 2010

i will tell you this…..most companies now doesn’t necessarily look at more
responsibilities comes more money. before you apply for a position, it is noted
on the job posting the specific duties and responsibilities of that job.then there is
that magic phrase that appears…..and other duties as needed. the way you deserve
a raise is based on your job performance. for example: how you made the
company profit….etc. you can go the extra mile until you turn blue
in the face, it doesn’t matter if it isn’t something the company doesn’t profit from.


23. maggie | Oct 26, 2010

I think perhaps I should get a raise!? I try really hard to do what I am asked by
someone of GREAT importance. I REALLY care a lot for those I help! I am
hoping this qualifies me. I really don’t want a large increase in fiancial gain. My
thinking is in terms of benefits.


24. bob | Oct 26, 2010

It can be frustrating in this economy asking for a raise. I see the mind games
companies play when the economy is in the midst of a severe recession like this
one. I work 12 hour shifts, work every holiday and even on days off get called in
to work a minimum of 12 hours. Come review time they call performances “poor”
and give out minimal raises. Companies know the economy is bad and have a
“you don’t like it here go find something else.” attitude. They have us where they
want us and love it.

25. Katy | Oct 26, 2010

Anyone who has a job is working hard for the same pay or less. The article was
good and may have worked prior to the end of 2008. I’ve tried every tactic
possible, and the bottom line is companies are holding off because of various
economic reasons but more because they are waiting to see what the government
does after the Nov. elections. 90% of job posts you see are not real jobs, or are
posted by companies to meet government rules to publish available jobs, which
really aren’t available or are being filled in-house. Forget about any increases in
salary. It’s just not happening. Keep your nose clean and look busy at work. Hold
onto your job. Don’t threaten to leave your job because of no raise because you
will not have a new job to go to. You may see lots of posts, most of which will
not even get you a response, call, or interview.


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