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Chinese Science Bulletin 2005 Vol. 50 No. 7 707ü710 was mainly formed on the catalyst surface in the way of
Oads + NOadsėNO2, while O2 was formed through the
Mechanism of NO decompo- dissociation of NO2 species in the way of 2NO2(g) =
sition on perovskite (-like) 2NO(g) + O2(g).
The samples, LaSrNiO4 and La0.4Sr0.6Mn0.8Ni0.2O3,
catalysts were prepared by the conventional citric combustion
O2-TPD experiment was carried out on a homemade
ZHU Junjiang1, 2, XIAO Dehai1, LI Jing1,
apparatus equipped with a thermal conductivity detector
YANG Xiangguang1 & WU Yue1
(TCD). The samples (0.2 g) were first treated in O2 at
1. Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sci- 1073 K for 1 h and cooled to room temperature in the
ences, Changchun 130022, China; same atmosphere, then swept with pure He (or 0.5%
2. Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039,
China O2/He) at a rate of 11.8 mL/min until the base line on the
Correspondence should be addressed to Yang Xiangguang (email: xgy- recorder remained unchanged. Finally, the sample was heated at a rate of 20 K/min in He (or 0.5% O2/He) to re-
cord the TPD profile.
DOI: 10.1360/982004-326 Steady-state activities of catalysts were evaluated using
a single-pass flow micro-reactor made of quartz, with an
NOx emitting from industrial and mobile exhaust are internal diameter of 6 mm. The reactant gas (1% NO/He +
serious pollutant in air atmosphere, and the removal of 0%10% O2/He) was passed through 0.5 g (in the absence
them is an urgent task of today in environment-protection of oxygen) or 1.0 g (in the presence of oxygen) catalysts
field[1,2]. Although the present three-way-catalyst (TWC) at a rate of 25 or 40 mL/min (in all, to keep W/F = 1.2
can remove NOx from the mobile exhaust effectively, it g·s·cm3). The gas composition was analyzed before and
will be out of work as lean-burn strategies are used to in- after the reaction by an on-line gas chromatography, using
crease energy efficiency (for example, the diesel engine molecular sieve 5A column for separating NO, N2 and O2.
operated in the lean-burn condition), hence, the technol- N2O was not analyzed here because it was difficult to
ogy that can remove NOx in the presence of excess oxygen form between 773 and 1123 K as reported in ref. [9]. Be-
is desired[3]. In addition, because the capability of noble- fore the data were obtained, reactions were maintained for
metal catalyst for NOx removal is weak at high tempera- a period of ~2 h at each temperature to ensure the
tures (>873 K)[4], it is thus necessary to comprehend the steady-state conditions.
process of NOx decomposition, which would help to solve According to the literatures reported previously, the
the problem of NOx removal. possible reaction steps occurring in the process of NO
For NO decomposition reaction (2NO = N2 + O2), it is decomposition are summarized in Table 1.
generally accepted that N2 was formed through the de-
composition of N2O species, i.e. 2NOėN2O + Oads and Table 1 The possible reaction steps occurring in the process of NO
N2OadsėN2 + Oads[3,5ü7]. While the way of oxygen forma- decomposition
tion is still unclear at present[8]. According to the litera- (i) Adsorption steps
tures, there are two proposed ways for oxygen desorption, NO(g) œ NO(a) (1)
that is, i) the direct desorption of two vicinal oxygen, Oads (ii) Surface rearranged and desorption steps
+ OadsėO2[6]; and ii) the indirect desorption with NO as
NO(a)ėN(a)+O(a) (2) 2N(a)ėN2(g) (3)
an intermediate, NOads + Oads ėNO2, NO2 + OadsėNO3 ads,
2O(a) œ O2(g) (4) NO(a)+N(a)ėN2O(g) (5)
NO3 adsėNO + O2[3,9]. Accordingly, there are two ways for
NO(a)+O(a)œNO2(a) œNO2(g) (6) NO2+O(a)œNO3(a)ėNO(g)+O2(g) (7)
NO2 formation, that is, iii) reaction of gaseous NO and O2
occurring in the downstream, O2 + 2NOė2NO2; and iv) 2NO(a)ėN2(g)+2O(a) (8) 2NO(a)ėN2O(g)+O(a) (9)
reaction of adsorbed O atom and NO occurring on the (iii) Gas-phase reaction
catalyst surface, Oads + NOadsėNO2. Recently, Iglesia et 2NO(g)+O2(g) œ2NO2(g) (10) 2NO2(g)œ2NO(g)+O2(g) (11)
al.[3] suggested that the O2 formation over Cu-ZSM-5 (iv) N2O intermediate step (N2O was not observed in the present case)
mainly occurred through the decomposition of NO3(a) spe-
N2O(g)œN2O(a) (12) N2O(a)ėN2(g)+O(a) (13)
cies, but there is still no literature discussing the way of O2
and NO2 formation over perovskite (-like) oxides. In this
work, by discussing the possible reaction steps occurring From Table 1, it is known that there are two possible
in the process of NO decomposition, we proposed that the reaction routes, reactions (6) and (10), corresponding to
way of NO decomposition over perovskite (-like) mixed NO2 formation. In reaction (10), NO2 is formed by the
oxides occurred with NO2 as an intermediate, and NO2 reaction of gaseous NO and O2 in the cool region down-

Chinese Science Bulletin Vol. 50 No. 7 April 2005 707

stream[5,6], while in reaction (6), NO2 is formed by the should occur through reaction (10).
reaction of adsorbed NO and O atom on catalyst surface.
In order to investigate which one is the main route of NO2
formation, a blank experiment was carried out. In this ex-
periment, the two gases (1%NO/He and 0.5%O2/He) were
mixed before feeding to the reactor, which was filled with
quartz instead of catalyst; the reaction tube was kept at
1073 K. The conversion of O2 was taken as the parameter
to determine the degree of reaction carried out. The O2
conversion measured in this experiment was only 25%,
which is far lower than that calculated in thermodynamics
(~100%). This indicates that the oxidation of NO to NO2
is not easy to occur at low concentration. However, when
catalyst was loaded in the reactor, the O2 conversion
reached 80%, which is far higher than 25% (similar result
was also obtained in ref. [9]). This indicates that NO2 is
mainly formed on the catalyst surface through reaction (6).
Otherwise, the existence of catalyst will have no much
impact on O2 conversion, and the O2 conversion measured
with catalyst loading should be less than that measured in
the blank experiment, namely, below 25%. Hence, it can Fig. 1. O2-TPD profiles plotted with and without oxygen in helium.
Catalyst: LaSrNiO4.
be concluded that reaction (6) is the main route of NO2
formation. However, we cannot detect this reaction di-
rectly at present due to the participation of the atomic
oxygen species (O(a)).
There are three possible reaction routes, reactions (4),
(7) and (11), corresponding to O2 formation. Reaction (4)
assumed that O2 formation occurred through the simple
desorption of two vicinal adsorbed oxygen atoms[11]; reac-
tion (7) assumed that O2 formation occurred through the
decomposition of NO3(a) species, which was derived from
adsorbed NO and O atom; while the O2 in reaction (11)
was supposed to be formed through the direct dissociation
of NO2 species. In order to clarify the main route of O2
formation, two experiments were performed. One is
O2-TPD experiment, which was performed with and
without O2 in He; the result is shown in Fig. 1. The small Fig. 2. Activity of NO decomposition as a function of O2 partial pres-
difference of the two desorption temperatures (ǻTmaxİ10 sure. Catalyst: LaSrNiO4.
K) and the nearly same magnitude of the two desorption
peak areas (Ab/Aa = 1.04) indicated that these two profiles While for the two other ways (reactions (7) and (11)), it
were almost the same, namely, the impact of gaseous is difficult to distinguish which one is the main route of O2
oxygen on oxygen desorption can be neglected. The other formation on the above basis, since both of them involved
is the activity of NO decomposition, which was performed the NO2 species. Therefore, other criteria must be consid-
in different oxygen partial pressure. The results in Fig. 2 ered. From the stability of NO3(a) species and thermody-
indicated that the gaseous oxygen has great impact on the namic equilibrium of NO2 dissociation reaction, it might
activity and the degree of impact mitigated with the in- be deduced that at low temperatures (T<767 K), reaction
crease of oxygen partial pressures. These two experiments (7) is the main route of O2 formation, since NO2 cannot be
suggested that O2 formation, in NO decomposition reac- dissociated spontaneously at low temperatures. This route
tion, did not occur through reaction (4). Otherwise, the is mainly performed on these catalysts, of which the activ-
gaseous oxygen, as that in O2-TPD, should have no or ity could be exhibited below 767 K, for example,
minor impact on the activity, since the gaseous oxygen has M-ZSM5 (M: Cu, Fe, Co, etc.)[3,12ü14]. While at high tem-
no influence on O2 desorption (see O2-TPD). In fact, ac- peratures (T>873 K), because NO2 direct dissociation re-
cording to the way of NO2 formation (reaction (6)), it can action can occur and NO3(a) species is unstable and diffi-
also be deduced that the oxygen desorption did not occurr cult to form[9,15], it is unnecessary for NO2 to convert into
through reaction (4), otherwise, the way of NO2 formation NO3(a) species before dissociating into NO and O2. That is

708 Chinese Science Bulletin Vol. 50 No. 7 April 2005

to say, reaction (11) becomes the main route of O2 forma- ther and the ratio of [O2]/[N2] keeps constant. The con-
tion at high temperature range. This route is mainly per- stant of [O2]/[N2] measured in our experiment was ~95%
formed on these catalysts, of which the activity is exhib- (1073 K), which was in compliance with the thermody-
ited at high temperatures (T > 873 K), for example, the namic calculation of the reaction NO2 = NO + 1/2O2
perovskite (-like) mixed oxides[7,9]. (1100 K, 96%). The so accordant values supported the fact
In all, it was suggested that in NO decomposition reac- that the formation of O2 occurred through the NO2 disso-
tion, the formation of N2 and O2 mainly occurred through ciation reaction.
the way of 4NOėN2 + 2NO2 and 2NO2ė2NO + O2, re- Similar to what is expatiated in refs. [69, 11], that the
spectively. Based on these routes, the decrease of NO de- oxygen vacancy is an important factor for NO decomposi-
composition activity in the presence of gaseous oxygen, tion reaction, in this work, it was also considered that the
then, is ascribed to the suppression of gaseous oxygen on active site of NO decomposition over perovskite (-like)
NO2 dissociation reaction (2NO2(g) œ 2NO(g) + O2(g)). mixed oxides was composed of the oxygen vacancy and
In order to check the fact that NO2 is an important in- the transition metal with lower oxidative state. Generally,
termediate in NO decomposition, an additional experiment in the structure of perovskite (-like) mixed oxides there
(ratio of [O2]/[N2] as a function of contact time (W/F)) existed a lot of oxygen vacancies, which offered the space
was performed, in which the sample was chosen to be a and facilitated the adsorption of NO. The adsorbed NO
highly active catalyst La0.4Sr0.6Mn0.8Ni0.2O3 and some of then received one electron from the transition metal with
results are discussed below. lower oxidative state and was activated to participate in
From Fig. 3, it is seen that the ratio of [O2]/[N2] in the reaction. However, it should be noted that the oxygen
creased with the increase of contact time (W/F) at the be- vacancies participating in the reaction must be in disorder
ginning, then kept constant (95%) at higher values (W/F status and is adjacent to the transition metal with low oxi-
ı4 g·s·cm3), this indicates that the amount of O2 pro- dative state; otherwise, they will have no contribution to
duced in NO decomposition is always lower than that of the reaction[16].
N2. The reason might be that there exists a thermodynamic Based on the above discussion for NO decomposition
equilibrium among O2, NO and NO2 (2NO2 = 2NO + O2) reaction, that the NO2 formation occurred on the catalyst
and NO2 cannot be dissociated into NO and O2 completely surface in the way of Oads + NOadsėNO2 and the O2 for-
due to the restriction of thermodynamics. At low contact mation occurred through the dissociation of NO2 species
time (or high flow rate), the time for NO2 staying on the in the way of 2NO2 (g)ė2NO (g) + O2 (g). It is therefore de-
catalyst is shorter and the recycle frequency of NO2 is less, duced that NO decomposition reaction over perovskite
and as a result, the amount of O2 produced is little, result- (-like) mixed oxides occurred through a recycle way, in
ing in the lower [O2]/[N2] ratio. With the increase of con- which NO2 is an intermediate and plays an important role
tact time, the recycle frequency of NO2 increased and in the reaction, as described in Fig. 4.
more amount of O2 was produced, consequently, the ratio
of [O2]/[N2] increased. When the recycle frequency of
NO2 reached a certain value that could make the NO2 dis-
sociation reaction reach the thermodynamic equilibrium
(here, W/Fı4 g·s·cm3), NO2 cannot be dissociated fur-

Fig. 4. The recycle mechanism of NO decomposition over the

perovskite(-like) mixed oxides.

Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Ministry of Sci-

ence and Technology of China (Grant No. 2001AA324060) and the
National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 20177022).

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