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6278 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.

2005, 44, 6278-6294

Hydrodynamics of Trickle-Bed Reactors: Experiments and CFD


Prashant R. Gunjal, Madhavanand N. Kashid, Vivek V. Ranade,* and

Raghunath V. Chaudhari

Industrial Flow Modeling Group, Homogeneous Catalysis Division, National Chemical Laboratory,
Pune 411008, India

Hydrodynamics of trickle-bed reactors involve complex interactions of gas and liquid phases
with packed solids. Such complex interactions manifest in different flow regimes occurring in
trickle-bed reactors. Knowledge of prevailing flow regime, pressure drop, and liquid holdup is
essential for design and performance evaluation of the reactor. Detailed knowledge of fluid
dynamics is essential for “a priory” predictions as well as for interpretation of available data. In
this study, we have used wall pressure fluctuation measurements to identify prevailing flow
regime in trickle beds. Experiments were carried out on two scales of columns (of diameter 10
cm and 20 cm) with two sets of particles (3 mm and 6 mm diameter spherical particles). Effects
of prewetted and unwetted bed conditions on pressure drop and liquid holdup were reported for
a range of operating conditions (VG ) 0.22-0.44 kg/m2s, VL ) 2-24 kg/m2s). A comprehensive
CFD model was developed to predict measured hydrodynamic parameters. The model was
evaluated by comparing predictions with the experimental data. The CFD model was then
extended to predict the fraction of liquid holdup suspended in the form of drops in the bed. At
the end, the CFD model was used to understand hydrodynamics of trickle beds with periodic
operation. The experimental data as well as computational models discussed here will have
significant implications for understanding and designing of trickle-bed reactors.

Introduction Physical Picture and Flow Regimes in Trickle-

Bed Reactors. When gas and liquid flow co-currently
Trickle-bed reactors (TBR) are widely used in chemi- downward through a packed bed of solid particles,
cal process industries because of their flexibility and several flow regimes were found to occur depending
simplicity in operation for low as well as high through- upon operating and design parameters. When gas and
puts. In trickle-bed reactors gas and liquid phases flow liquid flow rates are small, liquid flows down in the form
co-currently downward through a fixed bed of catalyst of a film over a solid surface. This regime is called a
particles. Under commonly used operating conditions, film flow [see Figure 1A(a)] in which both phases are
gas flows as a continuous media while liquid trickles continuous (or semicontinuous). In this regime, depend-
over solid particles. A trickle-bed reactor behaves close ing on the liquid flow rate, the solid surface may be
to plug flow for gas as well as for liquid phases and has completely or partially wetted. At low liquid flow rates,
smaller liquid holdup (higher solid holdup) compared if the gas flow increases, interaction of the gas phase
to the slurry and ebullating bed reactors. The typical with liquid film flowing over a solid surface increases.
applications of trickle-bed reactors include hydrocrack- Eventually, at certain gas velocity, gas starts entraining
ing, hydro-desulfurization, and hydro-denitrogenation part of the liquid. Thus, under such a condition, part of
of gas oil, catalytic dewaxing of gas oil and lube oils, the liquid flows down in the form of suspended droplets
oxidation and hydrogenation of organic compounds, and in the gas phase and part of the liquid flows down in
wastewater treatment. Accurate understanding of hy- the form of film over a solid surface [like in Figure
drodynamics of trickle-bed reactors and knowledge of 1A(b)]. This regime is called trickle flow regime. More
how it changes with key design (particle and reactor often than not, the film flow regime is also clubbed with
diameter, distributor, and so on) and operating param- the trickle flow regime. If the gas flow rate increases
eters (gas and liquid flow rates, periodic operation, and further, a stage may come when all the liquid flows
so on) are therefore essential. Several studies have been down in the form of suspended droplets. This regime is
carried out to understand and to quantify hydrodynam- called a spray flow regime [see Figure 1A(c)]. When the
ics of trickle-bed reactors. In this work, we report results liquid flow rate is increased at high gas velocity, two
of detailed investigation of hydrodynamics of trickle- distinct gas and liquid rich bands (pulses) flow down-
bed reactors using experimental as well as computa- ward through the packed bed. This regime is called a
tional tools. The physical picture of gas-liquid flow pulse flow regime. If the liquid flow rate is increased
through a trickle bed and review of previous studies are further, a stage comes when gas becomes a dispersed
briefly discussed in the following sections. phase [see Figure 1A(d)] and flows down in the form of
bubbles. This regime is called a bubbly flow regime.
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: A typical flow regime map for a trickle-bed reactor is shown in Figure 1B (taken from Sie and Krishna1). Out
10.1021/ie0491037 CCC: $30.25 © 2005 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 02/23/2005
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 44, No. 16, 2005 6279

Figure 1. Gas-liquid flow regimes in a packed-bed reactor.

of these flow regimes, most of the trickle-bed reactors because other transport processes such as heat- and
are operated in trickle and pulse flow regimes. Flow mass-transfer rates are dependent on flow regimes
characteristics in these regimes are extremely complex and extent of interaction among gas, liquid, and solid
and associated with the interaction of the fluids in the phases. Knowledge of how flow regimes and key hydro-
bed. For example, in a trickle flow regime, spreading of dynamic parameters are influenced by design and
liquid over the catalyst surface is controlled by the operating parameters is also essential for scale-down
nature of the solid surface and its dry or wetted (designing laboratory experimental setup and ex-
condition. In a pulse flow regime, pulse formation, pulse periments) and for scale-up (using laboratory experi-
frequency, and holdup affect the hydrodynamic char- mental data for designing industrial reactors). Previous
acteristics. Identification of different flow regimes and studies on these aspects are briefly reviewed in the
knowledge of their flow characteristics are essential following.
6280 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 44, No. 16, 2005

Previous Work. Most of the experimental studies on dimensional CFD model including variation of bed
trickle-bed hydrodynamics were restricted to trickle and porosity. This model was able to capture some of the
pulse flow regimes. Several ways have been used to key features of hydrodynamics of trickle beds. Iliuta et
identify flow regime transition from trickle to pulse. al.24 and Souadnia and Latafi25 have used the CFD
Latifi et al.2,3 have used a microelectrode technique to model for predicting hydrodynamics characteristics over
determine the flow regime transition in trickle-bed a wide range of operating parameters. Gunjal et al.26
reactors. However, detailed information on frequency have used a similar CFD model for studying liquid-
distribution in a pulse flow regime has not been phase mixing and liquid distribution. However, both of
reported. In recent years, nonlinear time series analysis these studies were restricted to trickle flow regime.
has been extensively used to characterize flow regime None of the CFD models published so far were used to
transitions in bubble columns and fluidized-bed reactors simulate spray or pulse regimes or to simulate the
(see, for example, Drahos et al.,4 Letzel et al.,5 and Lin observed hysteresis on pressure drop.
et al.6). Relatively few attempts have been made to use Simulation of pulse flow regime requires a detailed
these techniques for identifying flow regime transitions understanding of complex interactions of liquid spread-
in trickle-bed reactors. Krieg et al.7 studied flow regimes ing on a solid surface, capillary forces, and gas flow.
in trickle beds with wall pressure fluctuations and Though underlying physics of such complex flows is not
power spectral density (PSD). Their study indicated that completely understood, computational models may shed
visual techniques are not able to capture regime transi- some light on such complex flows. Recently, Professor
tions accurately. They used variation in pressure fluc- Dudukovic and his group initiated CFD modeling of
tuations and conductance values to identify regime periodic operation of trickle beds (private communica-
transition. Horowitz et al.8 have used nonlinear time- tions). This approach may be extended to understanding
series analysis tools such as rescaled range analysis and differences and similarities between periodic operation
correlation dimension to find the flow regime transition. (liquid-rich-gas-rich feed) and pulse flow regime. For
Recently, Urseanu et al.9 have identified flow regime simulating spray flow regime, it is necessary to develop
transition based on standard deviation in pressure drop. ways of estimating the fraction of liquid suspended in
However, this technique could not give sharp boundary the gas phase. The observed pressure drop in trickle
at which transition occurs. It is essential to develop easy beds can be related to flow frictional pressure drop as
to use techniques to identify flow regime transitions in
trickle-bed reactors.
A large number of studies were carried out for
(dPL) ) (dPL)
F obs
+ FGgβG + FLgβLθL (1)
measurement of pressure drop and liquid holdup in
trickle beds (see, for example, Al-Dahhan et al.,10 Saez where βG and βL are the gas and liquid saturation,
and Carbonell,11 Herskowitz and Smith,12 and refer- respectively. θL is the fraction of liquid suspended in
ences therein). However, studies which addressed effect the gas phase in the form of droplets. Considering the
of prewetted and nonprewetted bed conditions on pres- small magnitude of gas density, the second term of the
sure drop/liquid holdup (and their hysteresis) are rather right-hand side is usually neglected. In trickle beds,
few. The hysteresis of pressure drop and liquid holdup depending upon operating regime, the fraction of liquid
in trickle beds was first observed by Kan and Green- suspended in the gas phase varies from 0 to 1. In the
field.13,14 They explained the phenomenon based on the film flow regime, all the liquid flows in the form of film
formation of liquid bridges and surface tension. Chris- and the fraction of liquid suspended in the gas phase is
tensen et al.15 and Levec et al.16,17 observed that the zero. In such a case, frictional pressure drop is the same
radial distribution of the liquid in the bed changes as that of the observed pressure drop. However, for
depending on whether the liquid flow rate increases or trickle and spray flow regime, estimation of the fraction
decreases and stated it as a cause for hysteresis. Rode of liquid suspended in the gas phase (θL) is not straight-
et al.18 have also reported multiple hydrodynamics forward. CFD-based models may be used to gain some
states in various flow regimes of trickle-bed reactors. insight into this.
Chu and Ng19 modeled the packed bed by arranging the In this study, we have investigated some of the
packing in a cubical structure and considered the lower aspects highlighted in this section using experimental
branch of hysteresis as filament flow with the upper and computational techniques. The experimental data
branch as film flow. Ravindra et al.20 reported experi- as well as computational models discussed here will be
mental data on hysteresis by reconciling the previous useful for understanding and designing of trickle-bed
results. Melli and Scriven21 studied hysteresis theoreti- reactors.
cally in a two-dimensional bed. It is however necessary
to obtain systematic experimental data to understand Experimental Setup and Operating Procedure
and to quantify hysteresis in trickle beds. Such a Trickle-bed reactors (perspex) of 0.114 and 0.194 m
systematic data set is also needed for evaluating com- diameter and 1 m height were set up for experimental
putational models of gas-liquid flow through trickle study. Stainless steel perforated (3 mm tringular pitch)
beds. was used for the top distributor and bottom support
In recent years, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) plate. Details of experimental setup and operating
based models are showing promising results for a procedure are given by Gunjal et al.26 and operating
variety of complex reactors. Several efforts are being parameters considered in the present study are listed
made to develop computational flow models for trickle- in Table 1. Wall pressure fluctuations were measured
bed reactors. Attou and Ferschneider22 have developed using a voltage output pressure transducer (having
a one-dimensional flow model for prediction of global working capacity (5 psi) (PCB Piezotronics Inc., USA,
hydrodynamic parameters. Because it is one-dimen- Model 106B50). These transducers were powered by ICP
sional, their model cannot take account of radial varia- Battery power units (PCB Piezotronics Inc., USA, Model
tion in bed porosity. Jiang et al.23 have developed a two- 480E06), which also act as amplifiers. The amplified
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 44, No. 16, 2005 6281

Table 1. Experimental Parameters and Operating Conditions in Present Study

column A column B
diameter, m 11.4 × 10-2 19.4 × 10-2
packing height, m 1 1
system air-water air-water
gas velocity, m/s 0.22-0.44 0.11-0.22
liquid mass flow rate, kg/m2s 0 - 10 0 - 10
packing spherical glass beads spherical glass beads
packing diameter (dp), m 3 × 10-3, 6 × 10-3 3 × 10-3, 6 × 10-3
porosity of bed, dimensionless
dp ) 3 × 10-3, m 0.36 0.36
dp ) 6 × 10-3, m 0.37 0.37

signal was transferred to a microcomputer via a junction where

box. The analogue output of the ICP battery is first con-
verted to a digital format using a 16-bit A/D PCMCIA 12.98
a ) 8.243 - for 2.61 e D/dp e 13.0
converter card (nCode Inc. UK) and then stored into the (D/dp - 3.156)
microcomputer using dAtagate software (nCode Inc.,
UK). Wall pressure fluctuations were measured using (2)
a pressure transducer mounted at the middle (0.5 m) a ) 7.383 - for 13.0 e D/dp
of the column (to minimize the end effects). (D/dp - 9.864)
Before the start of each experiment, air was passed
through the column at least for 5-6 h to ensure that 0.724
complete dry bed conditions are achieved. For a non-
b ) 0.304 -
wetted bed, the liquid flow rate was gradually increased
and pressure drop and dynamic liquid holdup and wall r* ) r/D and J0 is zeroth-order Bessel function
pressure fluctuations were measured. Dynamic liquid
holdup was measured by switching off the inlet air and
liquid flows and by collecting the drained liquid. Ac- The predicted radial variation of bed porosity for 11.4
quired data were analyzed to examine the influence of cm diameter is shown in Figure 2a.
sampling frequency, number of data points, and low Jiang27 has shown that porosity variation in the axial
pass filter frequency on the processed results. This direction (at any radial location) is close to Gaussian
analysis showed that the sampling frequency of 200 Hz distribution. The value of standard deviation of such
and 215 data points are adequate. Based on the prelimi- distribution decreases with an increase in the ratio of
nary analysis as well as results of Krieg et al.,6 the low column diameter to particle diameter and eventually
pass filter of 20 Hz was used for all the subsequent data approaches zero for very small (compared to column
processing. diameter) particles. The porosity distribution within the
randomly packed bed may thus be represented by
imposing random fluctuations (following the Gaussian
Computational Model and Boundary Conditions distribution) over the axially averaged porosity esti-
In trickle-bed reactors, catalyst pellets are usually mated by Mueller’s correlation. 2d-axisymmetric com-
packed randomly. The random packing of pellets of putational domain was considered (see details in Figure
specific shape leads to nonuniform porosity distribution 2b[A]). For generating such a distribution, the domain
within the bed. Jiang27 showed that appropriate repre- was divided into 25000 cells (50 in radial direction and
sentation of such a nonuniform porosity distribution in 500 in axial direction). For cells located at the same
a CFD model is essential for qualitatively and quanti- radial location along the axial direction, porosity values
tatively correct flow simulations. The details of imple- were assigned by drawing a random number from the
mentation of nonuniform porosity and model equations Gaussian distribution of specified standard deviation
are discussed below. around the value obtained from Mueller’s correlation.
Representing Nonuniform Porosity Distribu- Simulated porosity distribution for a two-dimensional
tion. Numerous studies on porosity distribution in bed with a typical experimental configuration used for
randomly packed beds are available (see, for example, trickle-bed studies is shown in Figure 2b[B].
Mantle et al.28 and Stephenson and Stewart29 for Model Equations. Several different approaches such
experimental study and Spedding and Spencer30 for as percolation theory approach (Crine et al.32), network
computational study). These experimental and compu- model (Thomson and Fogler33), Eulerian-Eulerian ap-
tational studies have shown that the porosity is higher proach with the multifluid models (Jiang,27 Yin et al.,34
near the vicinity of the wall and it fluctuates signifi- Attou and Ferschneider,35 and Grosser et al.36) and
cantly in the near wall region (of width of about 4 to 5 lattice Boltzmann-type models (Mantle et al.28) have
particle diameters). Mueller31 has proposed a correlation been applied to simulate gas-liquid flow in packed beds.
for radial variation of axially averaged porosity as a Grosser et al.36 and Attou and Ferschneider35 have used
function of column diameter, particle diameter, and a one-dimensional flow model with uniform porosity
average porosity. This correlation is fairly general and distribution in the bed. The Eulerian-Eulerian ap-
represents the available experimental data with reason- proach with the two-dimensional multifluid models with
able accuracy. In the present work, we used this spatial variation of the porosity appears to be most
correlation (reproduced below as eq 2) to represent suitable for reactor engineering applications (Kashiwa
radial variation of axially averaged bed porosity. et al.,37 Jiang et al.,24 and Ranade38) and was selected
for the present work. In this approach, continuum
approximation is applied for all the phases. Volume-
(r) ) B + (1 - B)Jo(ar*)e-br averaged mass and momentum balance equations for
6282 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 44, No. 16, 2005

Figure 2. (a) Variation of the porosity along radial direction using Mueller31 correlation for column diameter ) 11.4 cm. (b) Bed model
details and contours of simulated results (bed diameter 19.4 cm, dp ) 0.006 m, std dev ) 5%).

the kth fluid can be written as where k represents the volume fraction of each phase,
Fk is the density of the kth phase, Uk is the cell velocity
mass balance equation: of the kth phase, P is a mean pressure shared by all
the phases present in the system, and Fk,R is the
+ ∇‚kFkUk ) 0 (3) interphase momentum exchange terms. The left-hand
∂t side of eq 4 represents the rate of change of momentum
for the kth phase. The right-hand side represents
momentum balance equation: pressure forces, gravitational acceleration, average
∂(kFkUk) shear stresses, and interphase momentum exchange. In
+ ∇‚(kFkUkUk) ) -k∇Pk + ∇‚(kµ∇U) + the present work, the gas phase was treated as a
∂t primary phase and liquid-solid phases were treated as
kFkg + Fk,R(Uk - UR) (4) secondary phases. The solid phase was considered as
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 44, No. 16, 2005 6283

stationary and distribution of the solid volume fraction pressure affects the liquid distribution and may set up
was assigned at the beginning of the simulation, which gradients of liquid holdup within the packed bed.
remains invariant throughout the simulation. Several investigators have analyzed capillary forces
The pressure drop in the packed bed is usually (for example, Grosser et al.,36 Attou and Ferschneider,22
correlated using the Ergun equation or its variants Jiang et al.,23 and references therein). Grosser et al.36
(Al-Dahhan et al.,10 Holub et al.,39 and Saez and have studied the onset of pulsing in trickle beds using
Carbonell11). Interphase coupling terms may therefore linear stability analysis. Their analysis suggests that
be formulated based on similar equations. The presence the competition between the inertial and capillary forces
of liquid flow, however, leads to additional interphase leads to a situation in which steady-state flow is not
exchanges, which need to be formulated correctly. possible, implying the pulsing in trickle beds. In the
Different approaches, viz, relative permeability model present work, the pulsing regime was not considered
(Saez and Carbonell11 and Grosser et al.36), slit model and the scope was restricted to trickle and spray flow
(Holub et al.40), and two-fluid interaction model (Attou regimes. Grosser et al.36 have proposed the capillary
and Ferschneider22 and Attou and Ferschneider35) have pressure as an empirical function of the liquid satura-
been proposed to formulate interphase momentum tion:
exchange terms. We have used the model of Attou and
Ferschneider,35 which includes gas-liquid interaction SE10.5
force and has a more theoretically sound basis. The PL ) PG - σ [0.48 + 0.036 ln(1 - βL)/βL]
model of Attou and Ferschneider35 was developed for (1 - S)dp
the regime in which liquid flows in the form of film. In
this work, we have explored the possibility of using this The order of magnitude analysis indicates that the
model for simulating flow regimes in which part of the magnitude of the capillary forces is rather small com-
liquid may flow in the form of droplets. The interphase pared to the magnitudes of interphase drag forces. Attou
coupling terms Fk,R (given here by eqs 4-7) proposed and Ferschneider22 have obtained the following expres-
by Attou and Ferschneider22 are rewritten in terms of sion for the capillary pressure term based on geometric
interstitial velocities and phase volume fractions as estimates of d1 and d2 and with empirical factor F to
(instead of superficial velocities and saturation) account for high-pressure operations as
gas-liquid momentum exchange term:
( ) ( )( ) 5.416 FG

PG - PL ) 2σ

[ ]
F (10)
E1µG(1 - G) 2
S 0.667 1 - G dp FL
FGL ) G +
G2dp2 (1 - G) where
E2FG(UG - UL)(1 - G)
[ ] ) ()
S 0.333
(5) FG FG FG
Gdp (1 - G) F ) 1 + 88.1 for < 0.025 (11)
gas-solid momentum exchange term:

Under typical operating conditions of trickle beds,
E1µG(1 - G)2
[ ]
S 0.667 quantitative comparison of the capillary pressures
FGS ) G + estimated from eq 9 and eq 10 are not very different
G2dp2 (1 - G) (within 10%). Considering the geometric basis used by

[ ] )
Attou and Ferschneider,22 eq 10 was incorporated into
E2FGUG(1 - G) S 0.333
the present CFD model.
Gdp (1 - G) The pressure drop required to maintain specified gas
and liquid throughputs is history dependent. Pressure
liquid-solid momentum exchange term: drop at any specific liquid velocity measured with

( )
increasing liquid velocity is more than that measured
E1µLS2 E2FLUGS with decreasing liquid velocity (see, for example, Szady
FLS ) L + (7) and Sundaresan41). Capillary phenomenon is one of the
L2dp2 Ldp
contributing factors of this observation. Jiang et al.23
have attempted to simulate this phenomenon by intro-
It must be noted that a pressure shared by all the ducing an empirical factor (f) related to the degree of
phases is used in the momentum balance equation (eq wetting in their capillary pressure formulation as
4). However, when two immiscible phases are in contact
with each other, interfacial tension causes the fluids to PG - PL ) (1 - f)Pc (12)
have different pressures. Such a pressure difference
(capillary pressure) for the gas and liquid phase may For a prewetted or fully wetted bed, f was set to 1,
be written as implying zero capillary pressure. For a nonwetted bed,

( )
f was set to zero (Jiang et al.23). For incorporating the
1 1
PG - PL ) 2σ - (8) capillary pressure in the CFD model, gradients of
d1 d2 capillary pressure must be formulated as

( ) (( )
∂PG ∂PL 2 5.416 S -2/3
where d1 and d2 are the maximum and minimum 1 ∂S
diameter of the sphere with liquid film formed by the - ) σ +
∂z ∂z 3 dp 1 - G 1 - G ∂z
flowing liquid. More details of relating d1 and d2 to
particle diameter, porosity, and the minimum equiva-
lent diameter of the area between three particles in
contact are given in Attou and Ferschneider.22 Capillary
( S
(1 - G)2 ∂z ) )( )
6284 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 44, No. 16, 2005

Figure 3. Wall pressure fluctuations in TBR at various liquid flow rates (VG ) 0.22 m/s).

Equation 13 was used to express the gradients of liquid for various liquid flow rates at constant gas velocity
pressure (PL) in the liquid-phase momentum equations (0.22 m/s). Typical wall pressure fluctuations data at
in terms of gradients of gas pressure (PG) to incorporate various liquid flow rates is shown (after low pass
the capillary pressure terms. filtering) in Figure 3. In a trickle flow regime, weak
Boundary Conditions and Numerical Solution. fluctuations in the pressure signal were observed (Fig-
A two-dimensional axis symmetric domain was con- ure 3a). Amplitude of pressure fluctuations increases
sidered (see Figure 2b[A]). The above set of model as one moves from trickle to pulse flow regime (Figure
equations was implemented in commercial software 3b). The pulsing was observed at a liquid flow rate above
FLUENT 6.1 (of Fluent. Inc., USA) using user-defined 11 kg/m2s (Figure 3b). The pulsing observed at this
routines. Porosity for each cell was assigned via A user- liquid flow rate was uniform in nature. The nature of
defined subroutine and the velocity of the solid phase pulsing remained relatively uniform up to the liquid
was set to zero. A flat velocity profile was implemented velocity of 15 kg/m2s (Figure 3c). Nonuniformity of
for gas and liquid phases as an inlet boundary condition. pulsing started with a further increase in liquid flow
To minimize the discontinuity at the inlet, we estimated rate (17.4 kg/m2s). Beyond this point, further increase
the overall liquid volume fraction, 〈L〉, using the avail- in liquid flow rate (20 kg/m2s), gas-liquid dispersed flow
able correlations and used it to specify inlet boundary was observed. In this operating regime, pressure signals
conditions as were highly nonuniform (Figure 3d).
Power spectra of acquired wall pressure fluctuations
(VL/FL) (VG/FG) data at different liquid flow rates are shown in Figure
ULin ) UGin ) (14) 4. For single-phase flow, the figure shows a dominant
〈L〉 1 - 〈L〉
peak at low frequency (<0.5), which is inherent in the
where VL and VG are the mass fluxes of liquid and gas, system. This frequency remained dominant at all liquid
respectively (kg/m2s), and FL and FG are the densities flow rates. In the trickle flow regime (up to 7 kg/m2s)
of liquid and gas, respectively. other frequencies were absent. For liquid flow rates
No slip boundary condition was used for all the higher than 7 kg/m2s, peaks at frequencies higher than
impermeable walls. Momentum exchange between the 1 Hz appear in the power spectrum. Between liquid flow
phases was set in the model using user-defined sub- rates of 9.4 and 11 kg/m2s, transition from trickle to
routines. Unsteady simulation was carried out with a pulse flow regime was observed and a distinct peak of
time step of 0.005 s. Preliminary numerical experiments frequency 1.85 Hz was observed at liquid flow rate 11
were carried out to identify the computational cells are kg/m2s (Figure 4b). At higher liquid flow rate (above 15
adequate to obtain grid independent results. These kg/m2s), more peaks appear in the power spectrum
numerical experiments indicated that the predicted (Figure 4c). Generally, the key characteristic fre-
values of overall pressure drop and liquid saturation quency was within the range of 1-2 Hz with some
become insensitive to further grid refinement (4 times smaller peaks around 3-4.0 Hz (Figure 4d). At higher
increase in the number of grid cells and use of higher liquid flow rates (dispersed bubble pulse flow regime,
order discretization scheme caused less than 5% change Figure 4d), the spectrum becomes wider, indicating a
in pressure drop and less than 0.75% change in liquid large number of temporal scales interacting with each
volume fraction). other.
There are a number of ways one can use to obtain
Results and Discussion information about key dynamic characteristics from the
acquired time series. Here we have characterized the
Dynamics of Gas-Liquid Flows and Regime dynamics of trickle beds using the Kolmogorov entropy.
Transition. Wall pressure fluctuations were measured The wall pressure fluctuations data were processed
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 44, No. 16, 2005 6285

Figure 4. Power spectral density at various liquid flow rates (VG ) 0.22 m/s).

Figure 5. Trickle to pulse flow regime transition: Kolmgorov entropy and pressure drop hysteresis (D ) 0.114 m, dp ) 3 mm, and VG
) 0.22 m/s).

using AnTS (nonlinear Analysis of Time Series, see regime may not always be that sharp. At higher liquid
Ranade and Utikar42 for more details) with a low pass velocity (above 11 kg/m2s), in the pulse flow regime, the
frequency of 20 Hz. The Kolmogorov entropy represents Kolmogorov entropy increases with an increase in liquid
the rate of information loss of the system. Following flow. In a dispersed bubble pulse flow regime (above 20
Schouten et al.,43 the maximum likelihood estimate of kg/m2s), the Kolmogorov entropy remained more or less
Kolmogorov entropy was obtained using 215 data points constant. It can be seen that variation of Kolmogorov
(32768 data points sampled with a frequency of 200 Hz). entropy can be conveniently used to accurately identify
The cutoff length was set equal to the average absolute regime transition from trickle to pulse flow regimes.
deviation of the entire time series and the delay time Time-Averaged Pressure Drop and Liquid
was chosen equal to the sample interval time. The Holdup. Two-phase pressure drop per unit length and
entropy values were calculated with embedding dimen-
dynamic liquid holdup at different liquid flow rates for
sion set to the average number of points per cycle (see
prewetted and non-prewetted bed conditions were mea-
Ranade and Utikar,41 for a detailed discussion). The
sured. To estimate the total liquid holdup in the bed,
variation of the Kolmogorov entropy with liquid flow
the static liquid holdup was calculated from the cor-
rate is shown in Figure 5a. The value of Kolmogorov
entropy decreases continuously with liquid flow rate relation of Saez and Carbonell10 and was added to the
until it reaches a value of 11 kg/m2s (from 50 to 7 bits/ measured dynamic liquid holdup. Static holdup is a
s). The lowest value of the Kolmogorov entropy was function of Eotvos number (Ë), contact angle at the gas-
found to coincide with the transition from trickle to liquid contact line, and geometry of packing and was
pulse flow regime. It can be seen from Figure 5a that calculated as follows,
variation of Kolmogorov entropy indicates a sharp
transition from trickle to pulse flow regime. It should 1
SL ) (15)
be noted that the transition from trickle to pulse flow 20 + 0.9Ë
6286 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 44, No. 16, 2005

Figure 6. (a) Pressure drop and liquid hold-up hysteresis in TBR

at various operating conditions (data of D ) 7 cm from Wang et Figure 7. (a) Effect of column diameter on pressure drop
al.44). (b) Pressure drop and liquid hold-up hysteresis in TBR at hysteresis at VG ) 0.22 m/s. (b) Liquid holdup in different trickle-
various operating conditions for D ) 11.4 cm. bed reactors at VG ) 0.22 m/s.

disrupted at the flow transition point. When the liquid
2 2 flow rate was decreased, due to radial spreading and
Ë ) (16) vigorous mixing earlier, there is a larger amount of gas-
σL(1 - 2)2 liquid interfacial interaction, which results in higher
pressure drop along the upper branch. The pressure
where FL and σL is the density and surface tension of difference between the upper and lower branch may
the liquid phase. At all gas velocities static holdup for vary considerably depending on the extent of prewetting
3 mm and 6 mm particles was 0.049 and 0.048, and intermediate values can be obtained through vari-
respectively. ous inner loops. Similar trends of hysteresis were
Typical time-averaged pressure drop data at various observed for liquid holdup in the bed as well.
liquid velocities is shown in Figure 6b. It can be seen Influence of particle size on pressure drop hysteresis
that the pressure drop variation with liquid flow rate is shown in Figure 6a. It can be seen that the magnitude
shows two branches: the lower bench is for the non- of hysteresis decreases with an increase in particle
prewetted bed (increasing liquid flow rate mode) while diameter. Similar results were reported by Wang et al.44
the upper bench shows data for the pre-wetted bed whose data is also shown in Figure 6a. As the particle
(decreasing liquid flow rate mode). When the liquid flow diameter increases, characteristic dimension of inter-
rate was slowly increased from zero in a dry bed, the stitial space also increases. Therefore, capillary pressure
lower branch was obtained. The bed becomes completely becomes less dominant. Overall pressure drop also
wet just before transition to a pulse flow regime occurs. decreases with increase in particle diameter. Therefore,
When the liquid flow rate was decreased slowly back to magnitude of pressure drop hysteresis decreases with
zero from the higher liquid velocity, pressure drop increase in particle size. The effect of gas velocity on
variation showed hysteresis and followed an upper hysteresis loop is shown in Figure 6b. It can be seen
branch. For a dry bed, the capillary pressure acting on that the magnitude of hysteresis in pressure drop is not
the solid-liquid contact line is dominant, which restricts very sensitive to the gas velocity. At higher gas velocity,
the spreading within the bed. Thus the liquid flows transition of the pulse flow regime occurs at lower liquid
through the confined region of the bed. This pattern gets velocity.
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 44, No. 16, 2005 6287

Figure 8. (a) Effect of liquid inlet distributor on pressure drop

hysteresis (VG ) 0.22 m/s, dp ) 6 mm, D ) 0.194). (b) Liquid
holdup for different distributors (VG ) 0.22 m/s, dp ) 6 mm, D ) Figure 9. (a) Comparison of simulated results of pressure drop
0.194 m). for prewetted and non-prewetted beds (VG ) 0.22 m/s, std dev )
5%, D ) 0.114 m, dp ) 3 mm). (b) Comparison of simulated results
of liquid holdup for prewetted and non-prewetted beds (VG ) 0.22
m/s, std dev ) 5%, D ) 0.114 m, dp ) 3 mm).
With increase in column diameter, the observed
pressure drop was found to increase slightly (see Figure
7). The variation of total liquid holdup as a function of Comparison of Model Predictions with Experi-
liquid velocity for two column diameters is shown in mental Data. Predictions of the CFD model discussed
Figure 7b. It can be seen that there is no significant in the previous section were first compared with our
change in the observed liquid holdup with bed diameter. experimental data in a trickle flow regime for 0.114 m
Since hysteresis behavior depends on initial flow dis- and 0.194 m column diameter (see details in Table 1).
tribution in the bed, experiments were carried out with Effect of prewetted and non-prewetted bed conditions
two types of liquid distributors (spray and a perforated was considered in the model. The validated model was
plate). The magnitude of pressure drop hysteresis then used to simulate some of the published experi-
observed with the spray distributor was smaller than mental data covering a wide range of operating condi-
that for the perforated plate distributor (Figure 8a). tions (see Table 2). For this purpose three different data
Visual inspection also confirmed that the spray dis- sets (from Szady and Sundaresan,41 Rao et al.,45 and
tributor was able to realize better liquid distribution Spacchia and Baldi46) were selected. The CFD model
within the bed. Similar results were also observed for was then used to estimate the extent of suspended liquid
the hysteresis in liquid holdup (Figure 8b). The data in a trickle flow regime and to simulate periodic opera-
collected in this work will be useful for evaluating tion of trickle beds to obtain insight into a pulse flow
computational models. regime.

Table 2. Details of Bed Characteristics and Operation Conditions Used in Simulations

Ergun’s constant
bed used for simulations
case data source D/dp characteristics VG, (m/s) VL × 103 (m/s) E 1 & E2
1 Szady and Sunderesan41 55 3 mm spherical 0.22 0.2-0.8 215 & 1.75
eB ) 0.37
2 Specchia and Baldi46 29.6 2.7 mm spherical 0.2-0.8 2.8 500 & 3
eB ) 0.38
3 Rao et. al45 15.4 3 mm spherical 1.5-5.5 1.0 215 & 3.4
eB ) 0.37
6288 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 44, No. 16, 2005

Figure 10. (a) Simulated contours of liquid holdup for prewetted and non-prewetted beds (VL ) 6 kg/m2s, VG ) 0.22 m/s, std dev ) 5%,
D ) 0.114 m, dp ) 3 mm). (b) Histogram of simulated results of liquid velocity and holdup (VL ) 6 kg/m2s, VG ) 0.22 m/s, std dev ) 5%,
D ) 0.114 m, dp ) 3 mm).

Observed hysteresis in pressure drop is associated observed in the experiments. For the dry bed (lower
with the capillary pressure. Accurate representation of branch as well as the initial part of the upper branch),
capillary terms in the CFD model is difficult. In this experimental data showed nonlinear variation of pres-
work, we have used the capillary pressure model sure drop with liquid velocity. However, simulated
developed by Attou and Ferschneider.22 The simulations results showed almost a linear variation. The inad-
were carried out by setting the value of “f” to 1 for equate representation of capillary forces is the most
prewetted beds and to zero for a dry bed and results likely cause of this discrepancy. Nonlinearity appears
were compared with the experimental data in Figures even in the upper branch mainly because when liquid
9a and 9b. As observed in the experiments, simulated velocity is reduced, partial dry-out may occur in the bed,
results showed lower pressure drop for the dry bed making it similar to the non-prewetted bed. Simulated
compared to the prewetted bed. The predicted magni- contours of liquid holdup for a prewetted bed and non-
tude of the hysteresis is however lower than that prewetted bed are shown in Figure 10a. Liquid distribu-
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 44, No. 16, 2005 6289

Figure 12. (a) Comparison of CFD results with experimental data

(D ) 0.114 m, VG ) 0.22 m/s). (b) Comparison of CFD results with
Figure 11. (a) Comparison of CFD results with experimental data experimental data (D ) 0.194 m, VG ) 0.22 m/s).
for D ) 0.114 m (filled symbols: VG ) 0.44 m/s; unfilled symbols:
VG ) 0.22 m/s). (b) Comparison of CFD results with experimental
data with dp ) 3 mm (filled symbols: VG ) 0.44 m/s; unfilled uncertainty associated with the axial variation of poros-
symbols: VG ) 0.22 m/s). ity (dependence of variance on particle size). The
disagreement at low liquid velocity for VG ) 0.44 m/s
tion in a prewetted bed is relatively uniform as com- may be due to a dry-out phenomenon at high gas flow
pared to the non-prewetted bed conditions (Figure rate. Influence of column diameter on agreement be-
10a(A)). It can be seen from Figure 10b that velocity tween simulated and experimental data is shown in
and hold-up distributions within the bed for the liquid Figure 11b. Simulated results show reasonably good
phase for pre- and non-prewetted beds are substantially qualitative as well as quantitative agreement with
different. Distributions for the prewetted bed are wider experimental data for 0.114 m and 0.194 m columns (see
than those for a non-prewetted bed. Figures 12a and 12b).
For a prewetted bed, simulated results of pressure Extending CFD Models To Estimate the Frac-
drop for the 0.114 m diameter of a column are compared tion of Suspended Liquid. To cover the wider range
with the experimental data (Figure 11a) for gas veloci- of operating conditions, three independent experimental
ties 0.22 m/s and 0.44 m/s. Simulated results overpredict data sets were selected for evaluating the computational
pressure drop for a 3 mm particle (E1 ) 215, E2 ) 1.8) model. Details of bed characteristics and operation
at low gas velocity (0.22 m/s) and underpredict for high conditions used in these three cases are summarized in
gas velocity (VG ) 0.44 m/s). However, for 6 mm Table 2. In Case 1, the column to particle diameter (D/
particles (E1 ) 500, E2 ) 2.4), simulated results show dp) ratio was much higher compared to that of the other
reasonable agreement with the experimental data. two cases. In Case 1 variation of pressure drop and
While interpreting the observed differences in the liquid saturation was studied with change in liquid
predicted and experimental results for two particle sizes, mass flow rate, while the effect of change in the gas
it should be noted that magnitude of hysteresis is much mass flow rate on hydrodynamic parameters was stud-
larger for the smaller particle. In such a case, the exact ied in the other two cases. Gas mass flow rate in Case
locations of upper and lower branch (of pressure drop 3 was much higher than the other two cases.
versus liquid velocity) depend on the degree of wetting. Simulated results were compared with the experi-
Such sensitivity to the degree of wetting may be one of mental data of Szady and Sundaresan41 for pressure
the reasons for the observed discrepancy. For the larger drop and total liquid saturation in Figures 13a (only
particle, where magnitude of hysteresis is lower, influ- upper branch of pressure drop curve is shown here). The
ence of such sensitivity is much less. Another possible values of Ergun’s (E1 and E2) constants used in the
reason behind the observed discrepancies might be closure models represent the bed-packing characteris-
6290 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 44, No. 16, 2005

Figure 13. Comparison of simulated pressure drop and liquid saturation with literature data.

tics. In this case, E1 ) 215 and E2 ) 1.75 were used for gas phase increases with liquid velocity. The results
carrying out the simulations. At low liquid velocities, shown in Figures 13b and 13c indicate that the fraction
the model showed good agreement with the experimen- of supported liquid saturation increases with gas veloc-
tal data. At higher liquid velocities (∼8 kg/m2s), the ity though the increase in gas velocity decreases the
model underpredicted the pressure drop values. This total liquid holdup or saturation. At very high gas
may be because of the possible transition from trickle velocity (see Figure 13c) almost all the liquid holdup is
flow to pulse flow regime. Model predictions for pressure supported by the gas phase, indicating the spray flow
drop and liquid saturation for experimental data of regime. Thus the procedure discussed in the Appendix
Spacchio and Baldi46 is shown in Figure 13b. In this can be used to estimate the fraction of liquid supported
case, higher values of Ergun’s constants (E1 ) 500 and by the gas phase and to identify possible transition to
E2 ) 3) were used in the model. These values are close a spray regime.
to the values suggested by Holub et al.40 In this case, CFD Simulations of Periodic Flow. In many
model predictions showed good agreement with the industrial practices, liquid-induced periodic operations
experimental data of pressure drop and liquid satura- are preferable because reactor operation with natural
tion. A third set of data from Rao et al.,45 which was pulsing is difficult for large reactors. It is worthwhile
obtained for very high gas velocities compared to earlier to apply present CFD model to simulate periodic opera-
data sets (1-8 kg/m2s) was also used for evaluating the tion of a trickle bed. This will also help to gain an insight
model predictions. As the velocity of the gas phase into features of the pulse flow regime. In natural pulse
increases (>1.5 kg/m2s), the trickle flow regime may flow regime, liquid-enriched pulses form after some
change to a spray flow regime. It can be seen from distance from the inlet and they accelerate while moving
Figure 13c that the model predictions showed good downward. Formation of pulses is associated with
agreement with the experimental data for the high gas complex interactions among capillary forces, wall adhe-
velocity cases as well (with E1 ) 215 and E2 ) 3.4). sion, and the convective forces. If the model equations
Though the value of E2 looks rather high, it is well adequately represent this underlying physics and nu-
within the range of values used by previous investiga- merical solution does not add any artificial diffusivity,
tors (see a review given by Holub et al.39). the simulated results should be able to capture the
Encouraged by such agreement, the CFD model transition from trickle to pulse flow regime. However,
developed here was used to estimate frictional pressure the current understanding of physics of pulse formation
drop and supported liquid saturation. For this purpose, and its implementation in the CFD model is not
simulations were carried out for two values of gravita- adequate for this purpose. An alternative way to gain
tional acceleration. The detailed procedure for calcula- some insight into pulse-like flow in trickle beds is to
tion of frictional pressure drop and supported liquid simulate periodic operation of trickle beds with induced
holdup is discussed in the Appendix. Following this pulses by manipulating inlet liquid velocity. Boelhouwer
procedure, frictional pressure drop and liquid saturation et al.47 have compared the key features of natural
supported by the gas phase were calculated. The pre- pulsing and induced pulsing trickle beds. Their results
dicted values of supported liquid saturation are shown showed that the variation between natural pulsing and
by a dotted line in Figure 13a-13c. It can be seen from induced pulsing is within 25%. Following this, we have
Figure 13a that the fraction of liquid supported by the simulated flow in trickle beds operated with liquid-
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 44, No. 16, 2005 6291

Figure 14. Uniform and nonuniform pulse signals at different liquid velocities and at VG ) 0.22 m/s.

Table 3. Frequencies of Different Pulses Obtained from input parameter for a liquid-induced periodic flow
PSD at VG ) 0.22 m/s model. The simulations for periodic operation were
liquid flow rate carried out using interphase drag coupling terms similar
kg/m2s a, s-1 b, s-1 c, s-1 to those used for a trickle flow regime. For this case,
11.0 1.562 the predicted pressure drop was within 20% of the
12.2 1.367 3.7 observed pressure drop. Predicted liquid holdup varia-
15 2.73 3.9 tion with time along the length of the column is shown
17.5 0.78 2.92 4.1 in Figure 14C. At higher liquid flow rates (with non-
20 0.97 2.92 4.49 uniform pulsing) the predicted pressure drop was lower
24 1.36 3.125 4.68
than the observed pressure drop. The predicted liquid
induced pulsing, maintaining the same average flow holdup contours for uniform and nonuniform periodic
rates. The frequency of liquid-induced pulsing was set flows are shown in Figure 14D. To examine the possible
from the experimental measurements of natural puls- influence of induced pulsing frequency, simulations were
ing. carried out at two different frequencies, i.e., 0.97 and
As discussed earlier, at low liquid flow rates (∼11- 2.92 Hz at VL ) 20 kg/m2s. Contours of simulated liquid
12 kg/m2s), pulse frequencies are quite uniform (see holdup at these two pulsing frequencies are shown in
pressure signal in Figure 3 and a single peak in PSD Figures 14C and 14D, respectively. Interestingly the
at 1.56 Hz shown in Figure 4). At higher liquid flow predicted pressure drop for these two frequencies was
rates (VL > 12.2 kg/m2s), nonuniform pulsing was within 1%. Thus, hydrodynamics of periodic operation
observed (see Figure 14A). Pressure signals indicate of trickle beds was not found to be sensitive to the exact
that, at high liquid flow rates, one big pulse is associated value of induced pulsing frequency.
with secondary small pulses. Up to VL ) 15 kg/m2s, from The approach, models, and results discussed here can
PSD one primary and one secondary dominant fre- provide a useful basis for further work on extending
quency was observed and above VL ) 15 kg/m2s (see CFD models for simulating trickle-bed reactors.
Figure 14B). Characteristic frequencies of such pulses
at different liquid flow rates are reported in Table 3. Conclusions
This information of natural pulse flow was used to
specify appropriate inlet boundary conditions for the In this study, we have experimentally and computa-
CFD model. The simulations of liquid-induced periodic tionally investigated hydrodynamics of trickle beds.
operation were carried out for different liquid flow rates Experiments were carried out to study the effect of
(VL ) 11-24 kg/m2s) at a gas flow rate of VG ) 0.22 column and particle diameter on hydrodynamics for
m/s. prewetted and non-prewetted bed conditions for a range
At lower liquid flow rate of VL ) 11 kg/m2s, observed of operating conditions (VG ) 0.22-0.44 kg/m2s, VL )
natural pulse frequency of 1.56 Hz was specified as an 2-24 kg/m2s).
6292 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 44, No. 16, 2005

Wall pressure fluctuations were measured and ana- relate the observed pressure drop and frictional pressure
lyzed for accurate identification of transition from trickle drop for the gas phase

( ) ( )
to pulse flow regime and information on pulse frequency
distribution. A comprehensive CFD model was devel- ∆P ∆Pf
oped to predict measured hydrodynamic parameters. ) - (FLφLg)φL e βL (A.1)
The model was evaluated by comparing with the ex-
perimental data. A new method is proposed to predict where βL is the total liquid saturation and φL is the
frictional pressure drop and fraction of liquid holdup liquid saturation supported by the gas phase. Contribu-
suspended in the form of drops using the developed CFD tion of the gas-phase density in the static head compo-
model. The CFD model was then extended to under- nent is neglected in eq A.1. If none of the liquid is
stand hydrodynamics predictions of trickle beds with supported by the gas phase, the value of φL becomes
periodic operation. The key findings of this study are zero. Most of the authors have used such a formulation
as follows: and have equated observed pressure drop with frictional
a. Kolmovgorov entropy calculated based on wall pressure drop for the gas phase. In the other extreme,
pressure fluctuations can accurately identify transition some authors have assumed that all of the liquid is
from trickle to pulse flow regime. The technique is supported by the gas phase and equated the value of
nonintrusive and is applicable over a wide range of φL to βL (for example, Turpin and Huntington48). Both
operating conditions. of these models allow calculation of frictional pressure
b. Analysis of time series data provides valuable drop from the experimentally measured values of overall
information about characteristic pulse frequencies. At pressure drop and total liquid saturation. The behavior
low liquid flow rates (VL ) 11-12.2 kg/m2s), a single of trickle-bed reactors is more likely to be between these
dominant frequency indicating a uniform pulse rate was two representations. That means the packed bed would
observed. At higher liquid flow rates (VL > 12.2 kg/m2s), support part of the liquid and part of the liquid may
two or three different frequencies of pulses were ob- contribute to the static head. However, this intermedi-
served. ate behavior leads to two unknowns (frictional pressure
c. Time-averaged pressure drop and liquid holdup drop and φL) in eq A.1.
showed hysteresis with respect to liquid velocity. Ob- To estimate these two unknown variables of interest,
served hysteresis in pressure drop and liquid holdup for measurement of net pressure drop across the bed is not
the 3 mm particles was larger compared to the 6 mm sufficient and it is necessary to devise alternative ways.
particle. The most obvious way to obtain these two unknowns is
d. The spray distributor was found to perform better to carry out experimental measurements at two values
than the plate distributor and showed lower hysteresis. of gravitational acceleration (say, g1 and g2). If these
e. The computational model developed in this work two values of gravitational acceleration are not very
showed reasonable agreement with the experimental different, the overall pressure drop, frictional pressure
data for the prewetted beds. The model was also able drop, and liquid saturation may be assumed to be the
to capture the trends observed in hysteresis correctly. same for these two sets of experiments. In such a case,
However, quantitative predictions of hysteresis were the desired two unknown variables may be obtained as
lower than experimentally observed values. This high- ∆P ∆P

( ) ( ) ( )
lights the need for further research on development of ∆Pf g1 - g2
L 2 L 1
better capillary models. ) (A.2)
f. The proposed method of simulating trickle-bed L g 1 - g2
performance at two values of gravitational acceleration
∆P ∆P
was able to estimate liquid holdup supported by gas.
The approach can be used to identify existence and to
φL )
( L)
-( )
L 2 1
quantify extent of spray regime in trickle beds. FL(g1 - g2)
g. Simulations with induced periodic flow indicated
that predicted pressure drop is insensitive to the exact It is, however, rather difficult to carry out pressure drop
value of induced pulsing (within the range investigated measurements in a trickle-bed reactor under different
in this work). Simulations of periodic flow through values of gravitational acceleration. If an appropriate
trickle beds can be used to understand some of the key computational model is available to simulate gas-liquid
features of natural pulse flow regime. The approach will flow through a packed bed, it is easier to carry out
also be useful to evaluate capillary models. numerical experiments for two different values of
gravitational acceleration. In this work, we have devel-
Acknowledgment oped a comprehensive CFD model and have simulated
gas-liquid flows in trickle-bed reactors at two values
One of the authors (P.R.G.) is grateful to the Council of gravitational acceleration (9.7 and 9.9 m/s2) under
of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), India, for different operating conditions. Since the difference in
providing a senior research fellowship and to Prof V. these two values of gravitational acceleration is small,
G. Rao of IIT Bombay, for his valuable guidance. the overall pressure drop, frictional pressure drop, and
Authors wish to acknowledge financial support by the liquid saturation is not expected to vary significantly
Department of Science and Technology Grant (No. DST/ and, therefore, eqs A.2 and A.3 were used to estimate
SF/40/99). the frictional pressure drop, overall, and supported
liquid saturation in trickle-bed reactors.
Appendix: Methodology for Calculating Static
Head on the Gas Phase Nomenclature
For gas-liquid co-current down flow in trickle-bed a, b ) constants defined in eq 2
reactors, we propose to use the following equation to d1, d2 ) diameter of liquid film flowing over sphere, m
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