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1. Online SMART training can be found here:
2.Tienet Laptops ʹ They will be Q1 refresh 2011. They will have an admin image. The help desk will disburse them,
name them and add them to the domain. The tech will have to add the wireless settings for the school if they will use it
wireless and also any printers needed. They will be named for the school and will end with Tienet designation. The old
tienet laptops will stay in the school until they die.

3. Another Excel class for techs - Friday - April 29, 2011, (First available morning in training room after testing and spring
break), 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM, Training Center - Board of Ed, ERO SRN # = 9206611003

4. From OIT - á 


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·. SRO͛s and VPN : All SRO͛s have either VPN on their desktop or MDC on guest network. Officer Davis is the technical
contact for the SRO͛s on this.

6. Server updates ʹ Updates were pushed to all schools servers last weekend. We were not told in advance that this
was happening. It broke the Copier Scans folder, access to shared drives and access to H drives for new student
accounts. We finished patches Wednesday night. There should be no issues at this point. If you have any problems, let
us know.

7. Testing - Have your principal͛s coordinate your schedule on testing days. Many schools are now doing MOD-MSA
(reading and math) online this year. For this live testing, remember the URL in testnav must end in MD. (For the MSA
Science practice the URL will end in MDTRNG.)TestNav knows which test to pull by the session that the student
Username and password is setup in. There are 3 scenaris for testing this year 1) TestNav training ʹ teachers many use
the generic XXXX-test account to log computers in before students enter the area. This is just a regular student account.
2) Kurzweil testing ʹ using Kurzweil testing CDs. Computers must be logged in as XXXX-SA account. After Kurzweil is
locked down for testing this weekend, Kurzweil will prompt the student for a username. Have the students type in their
Student ID. and 3) New this year ʹ some students will take the paper test but have the ͞accommodation͟ to type their
responses ʹ they need a ͞notetaker͟ program. For these students, the computer should be logged in as XXXX-SA
account. This will disable all that the state is asking us to disable. The student can then launch Kurzweil, type in their
responses and print them out. We suggest that the students using Kurzweil as the ͞notetaker͟ software be tested in a
separate area from any students actually testing using the Kurzweil testing CDs.

8. Principals ʹ spot check that principals are on the laptops as their primary machine. Email your specialist if your
principal is still using their desktop.

9. Laptops for Assistant Principals ʹ 1·1 will be delivered to Riva road. The AP will have to schedule a time to pick up
their laptop, docking station, monitor, keyboard and mouse. The laptops will not be configured for anything. The AP is
required to give up their desktop computer. Once the AP has picked up laptop, etc., the AP should then contact school
specialist to have laptop setup and data transferred over. The desktop (unless a R7 computer) must then be reimaged
and deployed to instruction to replace one of the R7 computers that is going out over the summer. The specialist will
collect any existing ͞old͟ laptops from AP͛s and turn them into the help desk.
10. Construction ʹ 43 elementary schools, 12 middle schools, and lots of projects in the high schools. Lots going on.

11. Refresh ʹ 6100ish computers will be refreshed, all purchased 7600͛s, 6220͛s and 6400͛s on the lists on Sharepoint
will be replaced.Naming convention ʹ ͞R1͟

12. There is a ͞Technology Suport Techs͟ team for Walking Works. All techs can join this group. To Registergoto For more details see the email from Benefits.

13. New remedy will be all web.

14. Inventory ʹ new format is not requirement at this point. Wendy will post the new format in April. We will have
class/quiet time to convert from existing spreadsheets to this new format later in the year. This is not a priority at this

1·. Priorities at this point for techs ʹ Outside of testing, refresh and MSDE inventories are priorities for techs.

1·. MSDE surveys ʹ Suggestion to update the electronic one once you submit the final this year so you have the
information for next year. You could then update it as things change during the school year in 2011-2012.

16. End of Year meeting is Thursday, May 12th.

17. If you have projector bulbs that are dying in less than 1000 hours, please log a call in remedy. Log it as Services (TST)
then Hardware problem, Projector ʹ blub replacement. Put the # of hours in count. Put the 1) name of the room,
teacher name or office location in the description with the 2) model of the projector and 3) Date bulb was last replaced.

18. UPS ʹ Dead 1000͛s need to be sent to the warehouse for disposal.

19. We are trying to arrange a spring clean up ʹ pick up to all schools to clean out the server rooms. We will get back to
you if we can arrange it.

20.Ricoh Copier Naming convention ʹ XXXX-<Location>-RICOH. The ͞Location͟ should be limited to 4 letters. The
model number will not be reflected ʹ this will prevent a port name change on all computers if the copier changes
models. The old drivers will work with the new copiers.

21. Filemaker Pro for STCs ʹ The person who is doing the scanning must be a local administrator on the computer or
Filemaker Pro won͛t work.

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