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DIGITAL FRACTURES Signs & Symptoms: Acute pain, edema about heel, pain w/
Distal Phalangeal – crush injury w/ subungual hematoma (tx compression/palpation, pain w/ STJ motion, fx blisters on
as an open fx) skin, plantar medial&lateral ecchymosis (mondur’s sign)
Middle and Proximal Phalangeal – Usually spiral oblique Bohler’s Angle: Measures sagittal plane relationship of talus
and calcaneus – compare to contralateral side.
SESAMOID FRACTURES Normal = 25 -40 degrees; fx lowers or reduces this angle
Tibial sesamoid most commonly fx, result from direct trauma. Critial Angle of Gissane: Measure of calcaneal strut that
May be a simple fx or “stellate” (sesamoidal comminuted – supports the lateral talar process.
high potential for AVN.) Differentiate from bipartite: Normal = 130 degrees; intraarticular fx will decrease
Bipartite Sesamoid – combined size is larger than a single Broden View: Lateral oblique projection to visualize the
sesamoid, division is clear, regular, and following a cardinal posterior facet and a medial oblique to view the sinus tarsi.
body plane. Isherwood View: Lateral oblique axial to visualize posterior
Fractured Sesamoid – Combined size equal to single facet, medial oblique axial to visualize middle articular facet,
sesamoid, division is irregular, indistinct, and oblique. and lateral oblique to visualize anterior process.


Type I – Hallux/sesamoid dislocation, no disruption of Type Ia – plantar calcaneal tuberosity fx,
sesamoid apparatus, irreducible to closed reduction. secondary to eversion force (medial
Type IIa – closed reduction possible, disrupted tuberosity) or inversion (lateral tuberosity.)
intersesamoidal ligament View w/ axial calcaneal, lateral foot.
Type IIb – closed reduction possible, transverse fx of Type Ib – shearing fx of
sesamoids the sustentaculum tali,
secondary to inverted
Type I – “Jones Fracture,” transverse fx of diaphyseal / axial calcaneal.
metaphyseal junction. Healing potential is poor. Type Ic – anterior process fx, may appear
Type II – Intraarticular avulsion fx similar to os
Type III – Extraarticular avulsion fx calcaneum
Type IV – Intraarticular comminuted fx secundum.
Type V – (peds) Extraarticular fx through epiphysis Occurs as a bifurcate ligament
avulsion, secondary to adduction
and plantarflexion. View w/
lateral, lat oblique isherwood.
Type IIa – “beak fracture,” meaning a lift-off of the posterior
superior surface of the calcaneus; some cortex still intact.
Occurs when heel strikes ground
w/ knee extended and foot
dorsiflexed. View w/ lateral foot
Type I Type II Type III Type IV Type V


Type I – Avulsion fx off tuberosity by PT tendon
Type II – Dorsal lip fx, may look like os supranaviculare
Type III – fx through main body of the navicular

Difficult to see – occur due to a “nutcracker” motion


Type A – either homolateral (metatarsals displaced laterally)
or homomedial (metatarsals displaced medially.)
Type B – Partial incongruity; not all metatarsals are displaced
in the same direction.
Type C – Divergent; 1st metatarsal is medially dislocated, 2-5
are either partially or completely laterally dislocated.
Type IIb – avulsion fx of the tendo Achilles, same as a IIa but Type IIc – comminuted STJ fx.
with complete dislocation.
Type IIIa – simple fx, oblique through calcaneal body not
involving the STJ. Occurs secondary to a fall, landing on both
heels w/ the feet inverted or everted. View w/ lateral foot,
axial calcaneal.
Type IIIb – same as IIIa, but comminuted.

Not involving the STJ
Type IVa&b – same as type III, but w/ STJ involvement. Type A – vertical fracture of tuberosity
Type B – horizontal fracture of tuberosity
Type C – fracture of sustentaculum tali
Type D – fracture of the anterior process
Involving the STJ
Type A – undisplaced fracture through body
Type B – displaced fracture through body
Type C – fracture w/ comminution and displacement of STJ
(Note: This classification is crappy. Don’t actually use it.)

(Note: this classification system is based on posterior facet
Type Va – intraarticular STJ fx w/ comminution and
depression of the articular segment.
Type Vb – intraarticular fx of the calcaneo-cuboid joint.

fractures and is designed for a particular type of ORIF kit.

Classification has to be visualized w/ coronal CT scan.)
Type I (A, B, and C) – nondisplaced articular fx.

Type Ia – tuberosity fx; beak/medial avulsion fx,
vertical/horizontal body fx. (Rowe types I and II)
Type Ib – calcaneo-cuboid joint involvement
Type IIa – undisplaced STJ fx, secondary fx line exits
posteriorly through calcaneus.
Type IIb – displaced STJ fx, secondary fx line exits dorsally
through calcaneus and a fragment dislocates.
Type II (A, B, and C) – two part fx of posterior facet.
Type III (AB, AC, and BC) – three part fx w/ central
depressed segment.
These fxs occur due to torsional injuries.
Stage I – small area of compression in subchondral bone.
Prognosis good.
Stage II – partially detached osteochondral fragment.
Prognosis good.
Stage III – completely detached osteochondral fragment, in
crater. Prognosis good.
Stage IV – complete osteochondral fx, out of crater.
Type IV – comminuted fx of posterior facet. Prognosis bad.

DIAL a PIMP denotes the location of talar dome lesions –

dorsiflexion internal rotation = anterior lateral lesion,
plantarflexion inversion = medial posterior lesion.
Medial Lesions: (PIMP, 56% chance) Deep, cup shaped, less
likely to displace.
Lateral Lesions: (DIAL, 44% chance) Thin, wafer shaped,
easily displaces.


The standard of care for calcaneal classification currently is Type I – Transchondral Dome Fracture (use Berndt-Hardy)
the Rowe system. For Rowe class IV and V (intraarticular – Type II – Shear Fracture – 50% AVN, requires ORIF
75% chance) then a coronal CT scan is indicated, and the Type III – Posterior Tubercle Fracture – Shepherd’s Fx
Sanders system is typically used to classify. Type IV – Lateral Process Fracture (Use Fjeldborg)
TALAR NECK FRACTURES – HAWKIN’S CLASSIFICATION Type V – Crush injury – highly comminuted
These fxs are usually seen in MVAs or short-height falls
Type I – minimal displacement, 7-15% chance of AVN FRACTURES OF THE LATERAL PROCESS OF THE TALUS -
Type II – STJ subluxation, 35-50% chance of AVN FJELDBORG
Type III – ankle dislocation, 85% chance of AVN Type I – Incomplete fx (no ORIF necessary)
Type IV – STJ/ankle/TNJ dislocation, 100% chance of AVN Type II – Fx w/ displacement (ORIF)
Hawkin’s Sign – subchondral lucency of the body of the talus Type III – Fracture w/ STJ dislocation (ORIF)
following fx; appears 6-8 weeks post fx and indicates
revascularization of the talar body. (Good thing) EPIPHYSEAL FRACTURES – SALTER-HARRIS CLASSIFICATION
Type I – shearing force, separation of epiphysis from
metaphysic w/o fx, seen at birth and in young children.
Type II – fx line extends through physis and exits metaphysis.
Shearing or avulsion force, + Thurston Holland sign.
Thurston Holland Sign – triangle shaped metaphyseal fx.
Type III – fx line extends through physis and exits epiphysis
(intraarticular). Due to shearing force.
Type IV – intraarticular fx through epiphysis, physis, and
metaphysis. Prognosis is poor.
Type V – compression fx, compacted germinal cells of physis
die and cause premature closure. Poor prognosis.
Type VI (Rang) - contusion of perichondral ring of physis,
acts like type V if a bony bridge develops – prognosis good.
Type VII (Ogden) – epiphyseal fx not affecting physis
Type VIII (Ogden) – partial fx of metaphysis, growth lines
Type IX (Ogden) – degloving loss of periosteum on diaphysis


Types I to III – same as salter-harris I to III
Type IV – fx through entire physis w/ epiphyseal fx as well

Pott’s Fracture – bimalleolar fx through tibia & fibula
Cotton’s Fracture – trimalleolar fx; medial/lateral malleoli +
posterior or anterior distal tibia.
Maisonneuve Fracture – proximal fibular fx (near head) as a
result of torsional stress.
Bosworth Fracture – mid-fibular fracture that is displaced ANKLE ARTHROGRAPHY
posteriorly. Single contrast used for acute deltoid or anterior talofibular
Shepherd’s Fracture – fx of lateral tubercle of posterior talar ligament tears. Only visible 24-48h post injury.
process. Dx w/ hallux push-up test. Bohler’s triangle will be Double contrast used for chronic ligamentous tears and talar
obliterated on lateral x-ray. dome lesions.


Lauge-Hansen is the first classification system to make sense Nuclear scanning is sensitive for ankle injuries but not
– the class is named after the etiology. The first word in the specific.
classification denotes the position of the foot at time of injury, CT scanning is used primarily for pre-surgical assessment,
and the second word denotes the position of the leg. Closed particularly in the case of comminuted fractures.
reduction is then possible by mimicking and then minimizing MRI is used to evaluate surrounding soft tissues, but does not
the force that caused the fracture originally. accurately visualize bone fragments.
The numerical classification w/in each class occur each in
chronological order (if at all) and determine the severity of the
fracture given that type of trauma.

Supination – Adduction (Danis Weber A)

I – transverse fx of the lateral malleolus
II – vertical fx of the medial malleolus

Pronation – Abduction (Danis Weber C)

I – Rupture of deltoid ligament/medial malleolar fx
II – Rupture of ant inferior tibio-fibular ligament
III – Bending fx of fibula 1cm proximal to plafond

Pronation – Dorsiflexion
I – Fx of medial malleolus
II – Large anterior lip fx of tibia
III – Fracture of superior lateral malleolus
IV – Fracture of third malleolus (posterior tibia)

Supination – External Rotation (SER) – (Danis Weber B)

I – Rupture of ant inferior tibio-fibular ligament
II – Spiral oblique fx of lateral malleolus (extending
anterior inferior to posterior superior.)
III – Rupture of post inferior tibio-fibular ligament
IV – Deltoid rupture/fx of medial malleolus
Note: this is the most common ankle fx. It can look a lot like
pronation-abduction, except SER has a spiral fibular fx.

Pronation – External Rotation (PER) (Danis Weber C)

I – Rupture of deltoid ligament/medial malleolar fx
II – Rupture of ant inferior tibio-fibular ligament,
Intra-osseous ligament, intra-osseous membrane
III – Spiral fx above syndesmosis (high fibular fx)
IV – Rupture of post inferior tibio-fibular ligament
This injury typically causes diastasis – separation of the tibio-
fibular syndesmosis. The high fibular fx (III) may be missed
on plain ankle films.


Eversion Stress View – abduct foot while imaging. Use to
assess medial ankle ligament instability (positive if 10° greater
than contralateral side.)
Inversion Stress View – adduct foot while imaging. Use to
assess lateral ankle ligament injuries (positive if 10° greater
than contralateral side.)
Anterior Drawer Sign – pull talus forward on the tibia while
imaging. Use to assess isolated anterior talofibular tears
(positive if 3-8mm anterior displacement from normal.)

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